Supersonic Rubberband Whip - Easy Fun DIY

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hey guys backyard scientist here I just got back from a trip to Maker Faire in New York City I met a bunch of really cool people there saw some of my favorite youtubers and there's all kinds of awesome experiments there everything from this giant hydraulic hand that could crush cars to Kermit the Frog on a tricycle matter hackers threw a party on top of the hotel roof and Sandra and I got to spend a day in the city I also spoke at a panel it was called learn-by-doing and I got a bunch of really cool suggestions on new videos to make but in the meantime I want to share something really fun and unique with you all you need is some rubber bands and a piece of string just pull it back and super sonic rubber band width check it out I was talking to the guy that discovered this and Maker Faire he said he was trying to make a toy for his cat and he might have accidentally added a few too many rubber bands and then the unmistakable sound of the supersonic whip cracking it really is that simple just double chained together five rubber bands and tie a string on the end about four feet long it's a pretty foolproof design no matter what you do it's gonna work I've tried it with different types of string different sizes of rubber bands and it always works but if you want to know what I did I just double chain together the thick rubber bands and the string is about this log there is some technique required in getting a good snap of the whip and it's all about how you hold it first you need to grab the string right here where you typed it on to the rubber bands then you need to put your thumb and your index finger like this and grab it on the first knot of the first rubber band this prevents the rubber bands from smacking into your hand most of the time my younger viewers may want to tie a stick to the end of the rubber band so they can really stretch it out the full length also I usually don't mention this but you might want to think about wearing some safety glasses for this one because sometimes the string comes back and hits you in the face I've never had it hit me hard enough to be dangerous but it might be who knows better safe than sorry right anyway now that you've made your whip what fun things can you do with it besides scaring your dogs I invited my brother over so we can find out all right so we've got our whips made and we're gonna try to knock down this water blue and see if we can bust it open the whips my turn first all right all right let's try it now I've had a little bit of practice at it so I'm feeling pretty confident oh oh here we go Wow four shots even at 1500 frames per second it's still hard to see exactly how fast that what is going but still not only does it pop the balloon but it completely explodes the water on the inside of the balloon also I try to get at 5,000 frames per second and it's pretty cool how the whip actually broke the balloon on this one instead of just snapping it right in the middle it kind of wound up on the outside of the balloon that broke it that way okay oh okay hold on your turn your turn right below right below it so satisfying yeah you really smacked that one great shot by my brother Riley he really nailed that balloon I mean he only picked up that whip about five minutes ago and it's surprisingly accurate you know it's easy to aim and it's easy to hit your targets with okay so now we're going to try a flaming whip because we saw online somebody had a giant bullwhip and they soaked in gasoline or something and it was really impressive so we're gonna try soaking it in carburetor cleaner yeah that was pretty cool he didn't swing off the end of the whip and explode like I thought it would no it didn't quite explode but I still think that was a pretty cool slow motion you can kind of tell that the explosion happens when I first my goggle with instead of one - whip snaps forward and you can see my fingers on fire also but I got to say the whip snapping on your fingers hurts a lot more than the split second a fire watching this video I'm sure that there's some of you who doubt that this is actually going supersonic I mean just a couple of rubber bands making a string break the speed of sound sounds pretty crazy right the part of the web actually breaking the speed of sound is the very tip at the end right here it's what it's kind of going forward and it whips around really fast that little whip right at the end there that's the part that breaks the speed of sound if you remember watching my nerf dart video when I use - Lear and imaging to show the nerf start breaking the speed of sound you can do the same thing with this whip I don't have that setup anymore but here's a clip of a whip breaking the sound barrier and you can clearly see the shockwaves forming something else you might notice is every time you shoot the whip a little bit of fluff appears at the end of the whip and that's because of when the whip goes supersonic and turns around really fast some of that con just flies off the end of breaks off so eventually your whip will get shorter and shorter and you'll have to put a new string on it now we're going to be trying to hit this soda can with the whip and trying to open it I don't think it's strong enough to go through the can but maybe if we hit it right on the seam it'll open up the drink and we can open it that way oh yeah I did it it's hurting Wow look at that that was a perfect hit so I was pretty surprised I actually managed to crack open the can just by hitting it right on that little seam there to open it but I wouldn't really call that opening a can so I've made this bigger whip right here with a made out of paracord and this latex bungee and this should just snap the counter right open if it doesn't snap my hand off it's pretty powerful you can't even I can't even tell oh it's okay whoops I kind of missed my target there I meant to hit the front of the can but hey I opened it anyway let's get back to the action where were we again I don't think I should put this in the video so I know you're all probably wondering this I'm gonna let my brother Riley put me on the back with this thing in slow motion to see how much it hurts oh that's that stings first ones like a lie the first time you whipped it really good and then the second time it kind of just all piled up onto my back when I was at Maker Faire I got a lot of requests and they'd like to see me do experiments with rubrics so ask and ye shall receive we have a big container of like and I'm gonna show you how to put them in balloons because a lot of people also ask me how the heck do you get duplic in a balloon it's not easy but there is a trick to it I'll show you yet so you're gonna need a empty two-liter bottle and a bottle that you cut the top off of or some kind of funnel it's awesome which is also okay yeah alright so I guess you can pour it in here this is the first step we got to pour all of this into here it doesn't go in easily so start the time lapse now here's here's another secret to doing this is you need to ball up the balloon but anyway the trick is you need to blow up the balloon first or else it's pretty much impossible to get the cornstarch to go into the balloon and now let's start another time-lapse can the rubberband popped the Oobleck balloon or is it tougher than a regular water balloon oh [Music] I hit it let's see what that looked like the balloon did manage to deflect a direct hit from the whip but maybe that's just cause it's a thicker balloon well maybe we need to do some more tests oh it's leaking yeah it's pretty tough I don't think I can see I can break it oh I did it finally managed to crack open that new black balloon it was a lot harder than a normal water balloon but you know that's probably because it was filled with blue black or maybe because the balloon was a little bit thicker either way sliced right through the side of that balloon made it all fall out well that's the end of this video thanks for hanging around and thank you chuck for showing me how to make this cool toy and I hope you guys enjoy making it too just try not to shoot your eyes out see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 2,576,135
Rating: 4.9208589 out of 5
Keywords: Whip, Supersonic whip, Crack whip, Fire whip, DIY whip, how to make a whip, rubber band, rubberband, rubber band whip, whip crack, The Backyard Scientist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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"hey guys ba-"

*exits "nope"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Patrickc909 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

does thread for sewing things work?

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