40 Watt Laser Blaster!

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hey guys backyard scientist here and today I'm going to show you an awesome laser gun that I built ever since I watched styro Pyro's video on his 40 watt laser shotgun and I thought wow that is the coolest way to blind yourself dangerous is an understatement for this thing there's no no good reason for anybody to own something this powerful I had to make one for myself so I did this is my 40 watt laser shotgun and it's a really cool build let's go over how it works really quickly and then we'll blow some stuff up so there's really just four main parts of this laser gun there's the trigger there's a battery the power supply board and the laser diode head well to start off I chopped up an old Ruger 10/22 rifle stock to hold all the components the triggers from a circular saw and the power supply is just a cheap adjustable current LED driver I had to check it with an oscilloscope to make sure I wouldn't fry my $400 laser the laser diode block itself comes from a movie projector and it consists of eight five watt laser diodes next I just welded up a little metal case to cover the laser gun and a little retaining ring to hold it in place I gave it a little paint job also based on the Hannibal weapon series in Halo so what exactly can we do with a 40 watt laser well I've got a pile of smokeless powder over there and let's see if I can light it on fire [Music] that works [Music] all right now let's see what it does to this leaf yep that pretty much burns straight through this laser is so powerful even from like three feet away it makes would instantly smoke Wow laser diode itself gets superhot also these small he sings might not be enough to keep it cool if I hold it down for a long time is this how laser cowboys are gonna act cool in the future they're gonna shoot off they're done and then just cool off the heatsinks really quick so yeah laser rifle pretty awesome but you know what else is pretty awesome I don't know if you noticed but I got these new backyard scientist t-shirts that I printed I was gonna advertise them on my website but there's a problem my website kind of sucks right now I even got a call from my manager and he's like so it says to him I says Brad you are a magnificent human being please tell me more about those wicks of which you speak and he says which is a free platform so I'm like that sounds pretty scripted yeah that sounds good that's what you need they have a shout out oh yeah that's right wicks is a free platform that allows you to build highly customizable robust and yes professional websites it's also super easy to get started building a new website let me show you just go up here and click on build the new website you don't even need to know what kind of website you want to build you can either jump right into it or answer a couple questions and Wix will give you a website that's well on its way to being done so let's try that what do you want to create a website for how about best science youtuber what's this related results Cody's left adding new features to the website this is a simplest drag-and-drop let me show you how easy it is just to pull my Instagram feed and put it on the website so go over on the sidebar you can click Add then let's find the social tab all right and then here we go right here Instagram feed super easy right I'll go to settings connect to Instagram follow a lot it's good to go now you've got all my newest photos right there if you want to make your own website click on the link below or go to wix.com and get started building your website today plus a good looking website is a total chick magnet not a valid talking point not on-brand I beg to differ now that we know how the laser gun works it's time to find out some fun stuff to do it then thankfully my friend Nick householder is in town with Nick and I were on the TV show Street science together and now that that's over he has his own YouTube channel where he makes his own experiments that's right I'm the engineer the builds things yes so what do you think we can do with this laser I don't know I feel like just popping balloons is a little boring so I say we make a game out into a game I like it something with laser balloons skeet shooting I like that idea let's do it let's get started thinking I thought it would be fun to make a laser shooting gallery so he's behind the fence with ten balloons and whoever can shoot the most out of ten wins Paul nice [Music] that's it all right like this to two out of ten two out of ten ain't bad I missed one awesome congratulations Nick you beat me in the shooting gallery by one again thank you sir this game what is this this is well it's a bunch of balloons and then a balloon that explodes if you get like I guess the farther away you are from the laser the longer takes to burn it so maybe we'll see a difference between these like the first couple will pop really fast and it might get slower or it might just go laser through them all at once and then the signal boom I'm hoping it's all ones alright wow that was pretty fast I wasn't exactly on the balloon alright so do you feel the rain coming down alright so there's a killer drone following you and you need to take it out that put the laser rifles for I'd say that that work [Music] [Music] now just because I'm curious it works a works it still flies except for the propellers a little bit molten I think hold on everybody wash your shins all right right now nick said a hill about a mile away and then he's gonna shine this laser over here so we can see what it looks like coming through the sky at nighttime definitely don't do it a little more to your right a little bit more a little bit whoa yeah that's right at us let me see if I can see it on the kickdown the camera screen nice this is insane I'm shining the laser from a mile away and Kevin can see it now shining like straight up in the air and now come straight down towards us slowly why waste hold on I'm gonna move over a little bit that was my phone it just felt alright do you see the light I see you you want me to come down on you lit up the marsh behind you all right Wow dude you're lighting up the whole place behind me this is really cool you can see the beams all the way to Canada hold on let me turn the camera around so they can see the marsh [Music] that was insane over a mile away heaven can see that laser beam and it's bright enough that he needs to wear protective eyewear if you were gonna shining this in a plane and probably complain comment that was awesome yes I know you really liked the drone it was so so nice that was such a big fireball and I now feel more prepared in the event of Apocalypse yeah that drone survived also so maybe not too prepared maybe not as prepared as I yeah and I can't believe you beat me at my own laser game well if you want to see a rematch I built a remote controlled laser turret and another laser balloon-popping game over on my channel it's really cool check it out I'll put the link down below in the description and you can check out the card at the end of the video this laser turrets a lot of fun and yeah I mean the best man went the laser turret game alright see there canopy there
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 1,798,674
Rating: 4.8644347 out of 5
Keywords: laser, 40w laser, blue laser, laser balloon, fire with laser, burning laser, laser pointer, most powerfull laser, thebackyard scientist, backyard scientist, big laser, i like big lasers and i can not lie, running ot of laser tags, 445nm laser, nichia laser, nichia nubm06, nubm06, most powerful laser, experiment, laser beam
Id: JMFep9n0izQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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