I thought I overpaid on this, but DEFINITELY NOT! So much cool stuff it's blowing my mind

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yes six by eight Locker not too big it's pretty good here oh oh look at this oh my goodness snap on islands are light so it's hard to tell if it's in here or not oh it's something's in there what we got here hello Darth Vader I feel pretty Italian Stallion what the heck that's from Rocky keep out I don't think so sorry but we're going in all right this might get embarrassing you ready hahaha oh Pokemon oh man I thought I was a nerd but these guys may have out nerded me oh oh yes I'm liking this box good morning Locker nuts all right I bought a unit yesterday you may have seen it at the end of the last video if you watched that uh security Public Storage here we are okay let's get to it all right paid a thousand and ten dollars for this not a big unit six by eight saw some interesting stuff in there but really I bought it mainly because it's close to my house I say that so many times lately I love buying lockers that are close to home for me how does this work oops wrong wrong area so it doesn't matter whoops nope that's not it either okay let's go find it definitely felt like I overspent on this yeah yeah that's a tough corner right there there we go 11 24. and let's get this open and then we'll go back for our cart maybe we need a smaller cart so yeah I definitely feel like I overspent on this uh I mean we'll find out if there's some good stuff but from what I saw a little bit much okay I'm excited here we go that's what it looks like on the outside let's see what it looks like on the inside yeah yeah all right six by eight Locker not too big but yes yes yes yes yes oh I don't remember seeing the Star Wars I had to have seen it though I just don't remember that it's all the TVs this right here they said was a violin all right that was in the description violin it did not say violin case it said violin which is a little suspect but my ass hope it's in there see that camouflage bag back there that's kind of interesting and this right here says Polo Global so I don't know what that is but uh we got a fair amount of boxes here we love our boxes boxes of opportunity right there the TVs it looks like a little air conditioning unit there I don't know but this right here this fridge is kind of interesting and it's not like real interesting but glands is the brand I did not know what that was so I looked it up you can buy it on Amazon I'll put a cop on the screen I think it's like I think it's like 600 or 800 bucks brand new it's like a retro series you see it is kind of small it's nice for a little apartment or something if somebody wants a little funky Vibe you want a red Retro fridge I wonder how heavy that is because I got the van today so I'm gonna be lifting that on my own let me down here oh oh look at this oh my goodness snap on oh what the heck right out the gate I was like oh that's good I got some tools but didn't snap on really really good this is kind of interesting that's empty but um this right here guys this could be a hundred bucks it could be definitely looks like it's used it's a air gun right I don't see a model number on there but I definitely have to do some research on that that that's a good start Snap-on is always good I barely ever find Snap-on surprisingly you don't really buy tool units okay wasn't expecting that good start Good Start um this is nice looking little lamp here lamps don't really sell these floor lamps don't really sell that well let's see who this is right that's not a good sign feels like it could have something in here okay whatever's in this pocket's kind of heavy let's look there first oh oh okay it's a little bit of photos but look at this digital camera an old cell phone and all the iPhone that looks like a very old iPhone like maybe an original iphone and another flip phone Sprint very well used oh geez she's getting excited I'm getting excited I don't think that's cool please be wrong there is something in there May the force be with you what it's funny A Little Star Wars I doubt that's gold probably just uh costume stuff here's another oh wow look at this guys so funny they got all these phones in here that's another iPhone right here looks like it's got like a battery yeah Power case oh it's even got a charge still what the heck how long it's been in here so that's an iPhone in this one I don't know if that is some sort of Android probably Android phone okay decent little start right there but if we have a violin in here that's gonna be a much better start much better start let's see islands are light so it's hard to tell if it's in here or not oh it's something's in there okay that is not a violin interesting that's a ukulele Lanikai Lanikai ukulele Hawaii model number lu-21 CE slash BK oh this is a powered ukulele what the heck you put it oh my goodness that is cool that sounds good too I wonder how long this stuff's been in here because it's still in tune the battery's still charged with this is actually better than no it's not better than a violin never mind my girls might actually keep that Grace placed the the ukulele a little bit the fact that it's an acoustic electric I guess is what you call it that makes it a little bit more interesting because she doesn't have one of those that's good fine guys snap-on electric ukulele in a handful of decent Electronics this is a good little start right here but a thousand dollars oh we got we got to get a lot more I think this is uh yearbook yes 2006. all right oh yeah let's not forget about the Star Wars the child the Mandalorian cereal huh 2021 that's a little past the prime I don't think we'll be lack of food challenging that okay but I did want to look on the photos well you know what I'll let you guys look at the photos I'll throw it on the screen of what the unit looked like I can't remember that being there so you gotta be careful when you open these units up because um you want to make sure that what what's inside matches the uh photos because if they don't then someone's been in it and uh yeah we don't want to see that I just noticed this actual big tub right here is Husky stackable storage bins that's pretty cool be nice if we had like five or six of those oh look at this Star Wars pop head what we got here a little Darth Vader lights and sounds looks like it's been opened before very dusty the dust is actually good it means it's probably been here a while so all right guys what do you think I think this is gonna be a fun Locker we got Funko Pop Star Wars which I didn't bid on we got a violin case which has a not a violin right so hmm all right let me get that cart in here we'll keep digging okay I just realized they got some smaller carts so I grabbed a big one the small one navigated just fine so I went out I got my bins I brought a few of these black and yellows along with me so I can start sorting out the better stuff put that in there to bring home the one thing I forgot though I forgot a table and I forgot a garbage can so that's not one thing two things I forgot I'm actually a little bit Rusty so right now this is early wow what's today February 10th I think February 10th I haven't bought a unit in two months so I am a little bit Rusty this is my first unit of 2023 so very excited about that I really wanted to start dealing with their good ones so here's the hope and I've been bidding on a few but they've been going really really high uh so even this one went really high but yeah anyway so let's get in it okay back to this thing since it's in front all right chemical guys it's empty but that's a good product a couple gloves and I don't they feel almost like costume it's decent right here Blue Point blue point y-a-4050b I think that's for an oil filter and look at this 31 foot-pounds uh looks like the Brand's wore off on this this is this is a heavy duty right there it's very greasy though and what the heck is this what is what is that what the what what I don't know I don't know Craftsman right here that's decent yeah a few good tools there really good but this is probably the only one I'm gonna put aside and this I'll put aside and this I'll put aside I just found one more thing in that violin case uh a Nintendo wallet definitely very used but kind of cool let's just make sure there's no money or anything there no it's neat if I was new that would have been a keeper but yeah whatever okay what else we got going on over here I see some Batman over there I like that okay there's some wigs actually these look pretty oh Jesus no no Locker nuts don't find that stuff that you know what's gonna have to happen now oh these look like nice wigs too dang that's like real wigs like not costume not Spirit Halloween store wigs oh boy oh boy here we go all right what do you think I feel pretty okay uh or one of these more my color maybe maybe pink I'm feeling it I'm feeling it it doesn't feel like it's on right but maybe it is how's that one look sorry enough of that back to work almost everything I'm finding I'm keeping like there's the cell box there's personal stuff to get back with I don't have to do better than that we need to find more cell stuff all right DVC is a junior college not far from here what's this oh Tom and Jerry size medium tank top that's kind of neat it's not old it's meant to look old I think now that's a little bit neater though okay I got those floor lamps out those those actually aren't bad yeah floor lamps are a tough sale at the market but this one especially looks very modern once you get that straightened out oh where's the light oh I don't think those have bulbs those are LEDs that's that's kind of neat I really like this tub right here it's a cool piece so that we're gonna go the rest of this go through it real quick oh what's this oh I think that's a Funko Pop maybe not it's bobble head I think that's a Funko Pop that's uh what's that guy's name Insidious no not Insidious I forget another Star Wars guy cool oh that's cool you put the little Instax camera in there it's a little snow globe it's cracked it's got a big crack there forget it Old Navy that's neat oh Batman did we not find one of these already like in that Locker not too long ago I know we found like a belt that had the seat belt on it found a lot of Batman stuff maybe I'm tripping but I'm Gonna Keep it not keep it but put it aside there's a Dickies belt right here wow that actually looks like it's in brand new condition this is just one little scuff on it okay killing it very punny that's an Under Armor inside what we got here first oh a little costume jewelry what is this Ellum and Paul it's very clean very clean like it was not used much messed up the sun and the costume jewelry here it's pretty I think it's costume I'm nearly positive that's just costume but we put that aside too trademark lucasfilm limited Funko this is the stand for the other guy okay it's funny it's a little headband for like uh 20s costume Flappers I think so all that can just go to the market that can too oh okay nice little garbage can there and I think we're just going to use that for garbage but it's got bottles in there right now recyclable look at that lock they cut that lock there's a dead Cricket or something there's just some personal paperwork there nothing important that's a nice clip book right there notepad to clipboard hat Kleenex so there's an Adidas hat a little better I don't know this is Imperial Stormtrooper this is a bag this is cool it's heavy too oh there we go got some Red Bull yeah baby see when the expiration is 24 2024 that's that's that's good I'll put that aside I got my Starbucks right here but just in case I run out and get a get low in energy there we go South Beach Rings what's this oh some kind of new nutrition stuff Muscle Recovery endurance hydration uh so this is a cooler bag this is pretty cool get it a little Star Wars cooler bag let's even got the Star Wars tag okay nice actually that's that's really cool I'm gonna put that aside I'm gonna put that oh it's neat I get a PR and press kind of easy kind of easy you guys know that there's a jacket it just looks like a nope I was gonna say a regular jacket it is not some kind of Star Wars thing that's like Rogue leader but it looks like they took the tag off stinky team you can see they sweated out I'm just gonna let that go at the market it had the tag in it I would definitely put it aside that would probably be something to wash and resell you know for the Star Wars this this bag kind of stinks ring I put some dirty clothes in here it's stinky Old Navy These are nice I feel like they could be Nike or something I'm gonna go through the clothes of course I'm looking for any kind of like Levi's I'm looking for t-shirts especially older shirts anything vintage I'm gonna do that right now off camera there we go at the bottom of that a little bit of t-shirts sort of they're tops anyways but this is Comfort colors ocean sunfish I don't know is that something I'll put it aside there's a Victoria's Secret we'll put that aside there's pink another Victoria's Secret put that aside divided I think that's decent stuff right here Italian oh this is wait a second Italian Stallion what the heck that's from Rocky guys this is cool so cool look okay is reprinted in 2010 not quite a vintage what is going on with that I don't know that's a kind of a cool shirt it's definitely been worn a lot that wear right there is comes from washing a million times it is a double Stitch I still think I can get 10 bucks for that at a better flea market so put that aside now this is neat too that is okay that was a decent a few good things there the rest of it will go to the flea market oh this one's Nike good thing I checked that Nike stuff's been selling really well so put that Nike aside all right this office chair this is kind of decent that actually looks pretty decent it's very dusty I mean look at that can you see in there this I'll just show you look at that dust oh look at that guy didn't even see it oh two skateboards two skateboards but this one especially check it out oh Atlas Truck Company oh my goodness this looks like an expensive board DB longboards 169 bucks wow okay all right oh that is really really cool DB uh that's got to be something decent whoa lockerness does not belong on a skateboard those days are done for me great fine great find if I had seen that in the photos I would definitely bought this one I did buy this one but you know what I mean those are a little worn out right here look at those Wheels somebody was doing something really hard on that not as impressed with this I don't think Venture is the trucks on adventure that is it look at this it's been ground down see that like it doesn't even have the Sheep anymore they've been grinding that down so many times that I think I'll let go at the flea market okay I might be wrong on that but I think I can let that go let's get in here Igloo Sportsman that's a decent little cooler bag also it's a little dirty on the inside definitely needs to be cleaned up um Hunter Sportsman though I think that might be a few bucks I don't know five ten bucks yeah I was I could really use the table right now that's a good little Lantern right here oh my goodness and it still works whoa fantastic blazen 500 let's look that up and see if we can get a value on that see if there's any a little bit of value I think there probably is and there's my makeshift table that'll work get me off my knees the handles are broke on this it's too bad whoa they went to Qatar jeez we took Qatar airlines anyways but hmm what you need the locker provides oh my goodness look even the metal is breaking off the soup oh my goodness it really is all breaking apart what a cheap suitcase this is Polo Global that cannot be Polo raffle around it's literally disintegrating what the heck okay lots of clothes okay we're just gonna dump it on the ground and once it's empty we'll put it all back in we have to take everything out we've got to see we gotta find any the little oh there's Dragon Ball Z socks that's funny there's a sock monkey hat that's funny yeah I do not recommend doing it this way guys on the ground but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do Ipsy all right let me go through this I'll pull everything out and make sure we don't miss anything like oh see right here look at that Adidas pants very cool that's definitely going home um that kind of stuff we're gonna pull out sports bra right there super natural all right yeah I'll pull out the good stuff and I'll do that off camera okay okay it didn't really find very much good stuff but there's a pink sports bra pink stuff sells a little better there's a SpongeBob sports bra it's pretty funny looks like it's a little overstretched right there but that's a cool piece I I really don't know that this pink again I think maybe a few bucks on those nothing significant this is Ru and it is a Nike piece Nike four of no I don't know if that's Nike something different isn't it I don't know what that is uh on this piece right here I just thought was kind of cool it's got like a retro look to it so I put that aside and then just a few like yoga pants are in that one I just pulled out one pair of yoga pants these ones right here energy fitwear definitely seems a little bit nicer a few pieces that we're gonna put aside figure out what to do with later whether it goes to like De Anza flea market or goes into a live auction that we do um I don't know we'll decide later but a little better stuff this and then I found a garbage bag in there so um I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start going through more clothes and then I'm going to create a jungle Lance there hey this is a heavy backpack right here oh this is a nice backpack I like it is it school work or is it something cooler [Applause] see well there's a brand new card right there happy birthday to you we like finding those they'll sell also we get enough of them we can sell them and what is this what this stuff is okay all right guys it looks like this is personal stuff there's a diploma right there personal paperwork so I think we'll just get all this back to the office so they can return it to him well there's a him and or her involved here I don't know which one on the locker so we'll just get all this back to the office and let them contact him there's some kind of exercise mat Amazon basics [Music] it's a little tennis racket it's okay come on see what's in here this is the other shoe these are Nikes that are pretty dirty but still might sell oh come on jewelry what we got here it's a little makeup more makeup that's nice USBC cord another USBC to USB a I think it is cord anyways a couple good chords Tampa one is no maxi pads see mango pineapple vodka it actually sounds pretty good is that SEALS or what yep it was hmm gloves and then we got here Japanese nishiyama it's kind of spicy nuts I need Locker nuts we found some Locker nuts I don't see the expiration so that must mean there is none all right Locker nut challenge anyone I'm feeling it I'm feeling it would you guys eat something that you found in the bin that looked like that all right here it goes inconclusive I need to try another one feels a little crunchier than it should be not bad it's all right we have some down here vodka Locker challenge anyone oh that's good it's got that mingled pineapple mango pineapple oh yeah it's got a little kick though all right that's it for that but I might finish those later okay next backpack see what we got this another nice one steel series by Targus that's cool nothing in it though what's this some gloves gamer gloves oh oh this must be like touch screen uh fingertips or something so you know it works with electronic devices this is a nicer backpack oh I'm liking what I'm seeing here that's a very nice HDMI cord super thick high quality Amazon Basics it's that's a nice cord this steel series backpack seems nice too what else we're gonna find in here keep out I don't think so sorry but we're going in there's a Star Wars game okay LucasArts that's looks like a PC yeah PC game okay we'll put that aside Diablo Reaper of Souls game Matt mouse mouse pad keep out gamer app play battling enemies defeating in bosses smashing cars mastering moves blowing stuff up Do Not Disturb leave food drinks at the door and affect your own risk that's brand new shrink wrap sealed it's kind of neat please do not disturb I'm sleeping and even if I'm awake I probably don't want to see you okay this such stuff doing teenage boys put on the wall Star Wars Galaxies another one Star Wars Galaxy it's another one oh maybe that goes with that okay Fast Track it's a newer Fast Track that's for our car pullings okay we've got one more zipper here what's this notebook with the little baby Yoda there in a Star Wars Galaxy's official game guide that's kind of neat right here little uh TV tray that goes on your lap you put your laptop on there maybe stand your phone up right there that's kind of cool actually hmm I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it let's put it over here okay oh this is cool look at this I found these from time to time Everlast boxing gloves so you got the MMA ones here and you got the pro style training gloves here I think I've sold these on eBay before these look pretty good honestly they don't even look like they were used so that's a good we probably will put those up on eBay or something I don't know we gotta look at what the prices MMA ones are interesting okay these ones got wait do they have wear I think these ones have been worn a bit so I don't know what to do with that just yet oh this is good guys I had a feeling about this locker and I'm finding some decent stuff Star Wars razor Kraken gaming headset there they are yes those are nice hmm okay for gamers by gamers that's awesome oh that's a good that's a good 7.1 surround sound that's neat all right we'll put that over here because there's no room in there next backpack and this one's all tore up unfortunately because it is a Nike but rough shape what's that what is that for [Music] hmm and uh screen Electronics cleaner glow bracelets oh my goodness look at that there's tons of them in there a hundred of them here's more glow bracelets and here's some Red Cups yeah these look at use what's up with that it's red funky stuff in there it's a half drink Fuji water it's an iPhone cord good oh Cards Against Humanity this is good we found these before these actually sell for a decent amount of money still I've never played that game but I heard that it is a lot of fun and uh there's actually some value there Cards Against Humanity second expansion this says this will make a nice slot all those cards that'll make a nice slot in our um okay Star Wars cards and a nice tin right here yep that's what they are Star Wars nice little tin just plain cards regular not like a card game like that you know there's some dice nice oh here we go ping pong balls that's what the cups are for beer pong yep yep yep oh whoopee cushion oh whoopee cushion wait that is huge place on someone's seat for a loud flatulent fun we're gonna have to do it guys okay that took a lot of air that took like five or six lung Falls to fill that up this is not a normal size and the funny thing is I think someone's down the hall I heard the elevator right around the corner but I don't hear anybody all right this might get embarrassing you ready that wasn't very good that was a little disappointing to be honest I flattened it out pretty good though still gonna take it home oh look at this this is funny put that on the table and drink let me put a shot glass on it or something it's funny bar buzzo okay guys I see something right here that's a very good sign right there do you see that fragile Pops I think those might be Funko Pops please let those be Funko Pops so this is kitchens what does that say that says card I did not see that in the photos I did not see that maybe someone else did maybe that's why they bid so much but oh please be Funko Pops the Funko Pops could be a really fun item to to sell we love finding those decent little desk lamp for now let's keep working on this area here oh it's a spilling okay what have we got I saw some Star Wars guys in there okay ibuprofen more the in dust screen and electronic cleaner I kept the other one I can definitely use that tied nice detergent these are like apparently anything in them oh these will keep yeah so we're gonna keep right there calling dibs on it should probably keep this stuff too what we got here nice look at this Lucas Films but probably Hallmark ornaments Christmas ornaments yeah that's cool and a bunch of Med it looks like they've emptied the medicine cabin out into here let's get this thing take a look ironic manuals and personal paperwork envelopes of cash does not appear to be all right we'll get we'll get all that back to the owner I mean to the office rather you guys hear me say that you know get it back to the owner I always mean I'll get it back to the office all right the office will be in charge of getting in touch with them and seeing if they want to retrieve it it's free of course they don't charge them for that even if they're back if they owe money they won't have to pay anything to retrieve that oh what's this okay this is a nice monitor all that um liquid uh it's this stuff dang it this one appears to be leaking maybe I don't know what's up with that leaked out leaked out that's what we see in here LED monitor doesn't look like it's too big a 24 inch okay I don't know that's cool I could use another one of those at the house for our setups all right so we'll take that home get it out of the box because the box is a mess now the backpack right here now I see some lightsabers here cool oh cool but look at the uh liquid detergent that is like created like one of those stalagmites or stalactites I don't know but that's unfortunate oh it's on here too that's also unfortunate because that's a nice backpack Swiss Gear heck yeah it's a nice backpack well that can be cleaned up a little hot water oh wait what is this it says razor on it but uh there's some kind of controller for something for what is that for like a switch or is that to make your phone into a game I don't know there's the other side razor I liked video games and man we might find some more video games in here these are these are nice okay it's just made in China polarized uh Panama Jack they seem a little bit nicer though really they feel good I'll put those side I'm gonna put those in my pocket all right surge protectors here that looks like a nice one right here grounded protected that's decent pop socket those are those things you stick on the back your phone so another nice one right here too I like this one because it's got that really long cord you know that's kind of a neat thing I'm gonna put that aside and this USBC okay some good cords this one maybe we'll let that go we got enough okay oh what's this guys oh come on laptop please please please no power bank what is this power bank I think you set your laptop on top of this oh look at that I think you put your laptop on top of this and you run the cords through here I think I think I think it's got some USB ports right here oh it's got a battery built in what the heck okay I'm putting that aside I don't know if we're going to use that oh look at this here we go after glue some kind of uh video game remote uh this PlayStation that's the PlayStation buttons it feels decent quality too there's a little HDMI uh converter there you know a cable converter adapter I should say adapter whoa my charge that is a huge battery backup huge I've got two of them actually three of them in my bag right there for charging my GoPro none of them are anywhere near that size that is a huge one huge cell phone covers oh man this is it's a fun unit here Razer another video game thing the other battery back up that one's fully charged what the heck and then there's a charger for a USBC this is good guys what's this oh this for a Fitbit Fitbit band I saw FitBit charger with whoops didn't didn't mean to throw that what's this okay it's a wallet no money maybe some gift cards I'll go through that off camera we don't want to show any of this personal stuff that's that's thrash though all right once again this is a nice backpack right here uh with the exception of the funk right here foreign Darth Vader pin it's cool well this is a stylus shaped like a pencil okay those will get put aside all right that's cool okay in that wallet that's what we found in that in that stack I said maybe find some gift cards and we did that's for the movie theaters Regal and we have those in town and then three Starbucks cards so I'll have to check to see if those got any any money on them nice fine okay more clothes more another bag of clothes oh that's good Nike medium sized medium Nike very nice I'm gonna put that right there Snuggie that's a snuggie it's a stormtrooper Snuggie that's kind of funny ModCloth I don't know it seems kind of nice but not nice enough it's not making the cut Under Armor Arizona State right there that's kind of cool put that aside I don't know all right guys I'll go through the rest of this and uh pull out the good stuff that's what I always say oh there's a pink love pink it's cool okay guys just a few three pieces that I pulled out which I think are good this right here that's I believe a Lululemon yeah this LuLuLemon logo no brand on the inside there but a nice little pair of shorts so definitely going to put that aside and then check this out got a pair of Columbia jackets this one right here is a puffer and uh man the Columbia makes some nice stuff and it is pricey so that's a size medium right there on that puffer that's a good piece and then this piece right here more like the rain jacket shell type Columbia classic and that's a size small these are some uh nice jackets right here this is probably a couple hundred bucks in the store right I mean at least a 125 or 150 and up for those jackets it's good stuff more bathroom stuff there's another cooler bag very nice A little lighted mirror for the bathroom maybe we can find some jewelry from the bathroom that'd be nice they're really nice some nice Solutions here watermelon lemonade yeah it smells good shea butter vitamin E body lotion hibiscus Paradise snowy Peach Berry Pure Wonder Bath and Body Works fragrant misk mist foreign [Music] new stuff here Tattoo Studio hide and eek what's that CC plus I don't know me and I might just bring these home and have my girls go through this stuff see if there's anything really really good in there that's nice little first aid kit there's not much left to it but the case itself is kind of cool let me down here a little manicure set another manicure set or that mist I think my girls use that kind of stuff antibacterial hand gel I could probably use a little bit of that right now yeah yeah there we go okay so a couple TVs here Samsung good good good good model number is un-39 which means it's probably a 39 inch it's got the HDMI there FH 5000 fxz4 my um guess is that it's not a 4K or anything but it's probably a 1080. this is kind of interesting it's on this Mount right here this is much thinner okay TCL it's a good brand Roku TV okay I think that's what I have in my garage actually I was hoping maybe it was like a computer monitor but it's just a nice LCD TV it's a very nice one actually it's smart TV I don't think that's 4K either um the only reason I mentioned that because 4K is going to be worth a bit more if we were to sell it which I probably won't because not all my TVs are 4K at home so we'll be upgrading before we sell those but still it's a Honeywell fan right here in tower fan it's decent it's a little dirty but that's decent this is better this is a Frigidaire right here I think this is a mobile air conditioning unit either that or it's a swamp cooler okay this is good right here look at all those Wheels oh you know what I think that's got to be for it's got to be before going downstairs I think I think that's what it's for or going upstairs that's what it's forced for going upstairs that little funky three-wheel thing that is interesting I've never seen that before I like it oh that's a lot it needs to be cleaned up a bit but it does have a humidity thing on there it could be a swamp cooler I don't think so though because I don't know a swamp cooler usually has an area to put the uh the water in I'm not seeing that okay next bag here we're gonna transfer right in here with all the straight to the market stuff here's some Batman Shoney's right there it's funny I think this is a kid's shirt right here but it does see Avengers Marvel I don't know soul look at that Infinity by her universe that's a little different all right guys once again I'll go through this off camera and we'll find the good stuff and show it to you okay a few pieces that are a little more interesting but this bag was stinky that was like the dirty clothes so unfortunately we'll have to wash these probably if we're gonna sell them anywhere they get decent amount all right and I said nice suit Vader I bet it cost you an arm and a leg oh my goodness that's hilarious what size is this that might be a keeper for Mr Locker nuts yeah I think I could wear that I'm gonna keep that okay this Harry Potter size medium right Hogwarts correct Acres there patch it's a nice piece we've been selling the Harry Potter stuff really well this I don't know if I'm gonna keep this I'm keeping me put aside it is another Victoria's Secret pink piece sports bra I thought I'll put it aside um but I don't know if there's really that much value in those at the market they go like that first thing in the morning because we're charging a dollar or maybe two there's another Lululemon piece right there another yoga pants Lululemon is also a very expensive brand and it's just super popular all right so found this it's a poster you get the Stormtrooper right there so I'm kind of curious what this is we got a bunch of posters here Justice League it says yep there's a Justice League so but you know what guys I don't think I'm gonna do this right here I see some Star Wars here I don't really have a nice flat working surface here so I don't think I'm going to open these posters here I don't think so let's see what this one is I think that's the guy that owns the locker owned the locker the Revenge of the Sith I think that's uh yeah it's a corny corny thing we'll go ahead and let that go all right you don't pay your bill you don't get that poster back I think he'll be all right I think in the grander scheme of life he'll be okay all right once again that is a really disappointing turn of events here that spilled fluid because it got on the lightsabers boo all right well at least it's soap it could be worse stuff than soap right but it does make a mess nevertheless I'll try to find a plastic bag to stick those in someone's gonna want to clean them up they're still cool okay this right here I thought it was a bed frame this is some sort of a futon cot or something I'm not sure another Star Wars thing these guys love their Star Wars yeah and that's kind of neat Blaney falcon okay that'll definitely sell out the market for sure I've never seen one of those they really really did sell out the Star Wars brand though didn't they oh look at this that's cool little baby Yoda what's his name again I forget he got a little scratched up okay this big boy I was coming down okay another exercise mat here I think that'll sell this is interesting so here we've got a spalding ball in the box with some signatures on it but it looks like maybe this the kids team I would guess they're all like little kid writing still a new ball it's that'll sell at the market what we got here a little mailbox minions some stuff anything good no number one teacher okay someone was a teacher that's neat yo-yo some cards oh what's this what's this oh what's this what is this it's got to be a PlayStation right I don't know what that is no Windows 8 this is Dell is this a computer it looks like a game system there's hdmis USBS power cord what is this guys it's a computer I think Windows 8 doesn't I don't think that's a newer one definitely worth putting aside oh Pokemon oh that was nice I did I really wasn't expecting that I probably should have been what do we got here okay there's some kind of foil card there [Music] oh it says first edition right here first edition oh that's a Yu-Gi-Oh card those are a little bit harder shape 2019 not super old can't see the date on that but I'm gonna flip through these some of you guys know in the Pokemon you're gonna know right away it's a lot of foil stuff there's a Charmander is that good I just oh it's so many foil ones ooh that looks good what do I know though okay that was a nice find definitely a surprise cool case too all right we're having fun guys we're having fun I hope you're having fun because I'm definitely having fun goes in the garbage teacher stuff hmm birthday card was cool for about three seconds oh what's this guys what's this could that be a laptop come on it says HP I just I don't know I guess I feel like I'm getting clickbaited right now don't click beat me Locker oh maybe not no click bait no click bait oh that is a laptop guys what Lucas fill in a laptop is it that's a uh star okay I thought that was just a Star Wars case that's a Star Wars computer what the heck a Razer four Gamers by Gamers that's like the little controllers we found razors is this like a game computer this is a good find it's got Nvidia GeForce in there Intel Core i7 I don't know if that's good or not I don't know lucasfilm computer there's the locker nuts first right there that's a good find a thousand bucks guys thousand bucks on this Locker right now I'm I'm feeling good I'm feeling good oh what's this I think that might be Dragon Ball Z or something huh okay photo album okay we'll get this back to them wait wait we're not getting this back to him check this out sorry guys if that's not going with you that's a Charizard right there 2019. I think these are worth some money oh that's good I went testing a photo album how strange now I gotta go through everything Star Wars I wonder if they had a Star Wars wedding it sure looks like it laughs man I thought I was a nerd but those guys may have out nerded me That's a hardcore nerd play right there Star Wars wedding props props props I've been out nerded guys I've been out nerd today yeah that's cool though nice Star Wars print yeah I like it I do I do I do I think that's a Dragon Ball Z pillowcase I think it is I might just send that to jeebus you probably already got one but I might send it to him anyways I'll just surprise him okay nice comforter right here and I do look for tags on comforters guys some of the bedding can be very expensive yeah but I can't say I'm gonna look for too long but I am I do check it it's a decent comforter right here that'll definitely sell at the market probably get I don't know five bucks 10 bucks somewhere in between what is this Chewbacca uh Sleeping Bag wait no just a blanket Chewie is my co-pilot that is really funny it's really corny but I like it next bag oh my goodness more Star Wars stuff that I think is Chewbacca robe it's kind of dirty though so cool I like it might be a snuggie actually oh there's the rebel uh logo on there too oh yeah funny that's supposed to be the lightsaber on your side Star Wars loungewear made cool I only toil because I'm like should I bring it to the market or should I put it aside I'm gonna put aside I guess I don't know I don't know what I'm doing here's another cool one another Star Wars loungewear that looks like a Wookie suit right that's a heavy heavy robe yeah which is another one these guys were so funny so funny I mean they had like more Star Wars goofy stuff than they had like real clothes almost I'm not I'm not knocking them I dig it there's another Star Wars what is that that is a that's a onesie chewy oh my goodness that's so cool that is so cool okay well maybe I'll put that aside okay and some Stormtrooper pajama bottoms Star Wars brand of course oh okay guys that's we've done pretty good got all the loose sloppy stuff out I mean it's a lot of it's just pushed over there but um now we got into the boxes we're getting into the boxes what'd I say that we've gotten into the box that's terrible English okay uh let's look at this actually let's get this out first thank you [Applause] okay come on box soon not not a good start well better start really good start okay I saw a pillow and I'm like nope and then I saw Star Wars stuff and even the pillow Star Wars and that is actually a really nice pillow so cool I loving it I'm loving it um surf house we'll let that one go Darth Vader mask yeah tips thank you thank you very much that's nice actually I might put that aside I don't know I don't know if I should let's see what this is this is I think some kind of a light no popcorn maker what is this I don't know what that is it's brand new whatever it is I think it might actually be a popcorn maker uh that's cool oh this is actually much cooler Star Wars lucasfilm this is heavier I think this is I think this is Die Cast oh it's a note card look at that or recipe holder or something right there that's neat I like it and Millennium Falcon what's the purpose of this it must do something what does that do I don't know maybe it's just for looks oh Star Wars pen uh Pez in a collectible gift tin Rogue one that is well it looks like it's sealed it's taped I don't know if they retaped it though that's cool that's a costume probably a rogue a rebel leader or something a couple more lightsabers these are some cheaper ones space World it says those are really cheap uh let's bring those to the market I don't know what that stands for but this Pokemon hat it's good a little last but definitely not least we have a marshmallow Raider pump action marshmallow gun I've never owned one of these I've never found one of these I think it just pops them out yeah we'll bring it home oh I'll let the girls play with you okay oh wow this is a big squishy unicorn marshmallow I guess ripped up right here squish malos squishmallows it is it is surprisingly soft and I know that's what these guys are known for the hole is unfortunate the dirtiness is unfortunate but I know it could be cleaned up that could be spot clean um and I think did I see another one in here no I'm tripping never mind oh it was out up there and it fell down I don't know uh but anyways let's get in here okay that's full of water unfortunately do you see that that's not good so they put it in here actually Frozen and let it thaw hmm yeah actually it doesn't smell too bad they I think they cleaned it before they put it in here so good on them for that it's a nice little fridge it's very small um what I need to do is find some towels I had some towels before I don't think I found anything in a while wait wait wait wait wait wait nope no towels in there right now but I have a feeling we'll probably find a box of towels or something I'll put in there and soak it up what's this back here big boxes so probably furniture I kind of want to save that for a little bit later guys I want to prolong it I like to uh you know go through our stuff even in slow okay next box yeah we got clothes maybe got towels let's see uh this could be good though I see a lot of shirts Hawaii surf Hawaii Fruit of the Loom look at the pizza I think I'll let that one go I usually keep the t-shirts all right guys you know how I do it I'm gonna go through this and I'll show you what the good stuff is in just a second oh but first this is uh this is a single stitch right here isn't it element it's got a really soft feel so just double Stitch down here but I think the single stitch up here this feels like an older shirt but no tag so I don't know for sure but I'm going to put that aside that's cool that's the kind of thing that we are looking for so let's try to find some more right now I don't see any towels in here just yet but these this is a old Fruit of the Loom shirt right here with the stained pits and uh we've got quite a few of those so I think I'm going to use those and I'll just go ahead and just set that right in there let it soak let it do its job even if I need to find a plastic bag that I can place them in afterwards here's another one not a lot of value in these but they can serve a purpose right now soak up that water so I don't make a mess when I move that all right not super good oh I just noticed the pits that's the pits all right okay Hollister brand which is okay I just I like the collar right there I think it looks cool I think it's intended to look vintage but the pits are the pits okay so this right here bass good brand right um Maine USA so is that I was mean Bangladesh okay but the company's new USA so who cares it's made in Bangladesh still which is decent right but um it's got little Chili Peppers on there I don't know if that's something to put aside or not but bass is a good brand I believe it's the maker of the very nice shoes there's a nice O'Neill shirt not a single stitch but it looks a little bit older oh look at the pit on that one it's all tore out but I like that shirt that is a cool looking shirt we'll still bring it to the Vintage Market this one says LOL vintage I think they're trying to be vintage and they got it it does look vintage cool print the yin and yang I like it extra large I think it's a women's shirt because the the wide neck this is a Hawaiian shirt compared to the Hawaiian shirts that we found in that recent Locker this is not impressive Palm wave Palm wave right there the tag I think is why I'm not very impressed but a nice print nice little shirt uh it's decent but whatever this is probably the best thing we found right here and it's not that amazing but it is a Kevin Durant Warriors jersey right Durant loved it loved it when he played on the Warriors I like Kevin Durant so I just think he's a Class Act there's a size small and uh length plus two inches so it is you know the small makes it harder to sell which is why I said it's not like super actually it's an Adidas though so maybe that is a decent fine but if there's an extra large or something be a lot better of a fine a few few decent items there but um still not what we're totally looking for what's that say Hannah I really do wish I had my table I messed up on that hug fun oh that's brand new tagged big old teddy bear two nerd from Geek that's funny it's 20 bucks on that originally oh oh oh yes I'm liking this box this is a nice box oh that's so cool there's a Build-A-Bear and that's a Boba Fett and that's dope so dope okay here's the Build-A-Bear Workshop certificate Lego Star Wars stuff here VIP books I don't know that's some of the paperwork we will keep okay there's uh Emperor claptrap oh that's from border uh Borderlands yeah Borderlands I love that game I don't play that much video games but that's one game that I really did enjoy boxes kind of dented up and the guy's missing obviously um but and here's another one oh the Hulk nice Thor Ragnarok Hulk it's cool I mean it's only cool if we find him but I do see a Chewbacca right here that's a Funko Pop right there yeah that's a neat looking Chewbacca soft Slugger I think we can let that one go oh here's a Hulk oh we got lots of Funko Pops in here there's a Batman and a Hulk yes Ewok another Build-A-Bear thing 15 bucks so a little Transformer guy looks like a Happy Meal toy probably okay here's the Darth Vader costume I think for a Build-A-Bear yeah yeah okay there's a sealed tin lollipops with the Darth Vader okay the tin is cool lollipops probably aren't all that great oh look at these guys um this is for oh the Infinity game that's a video game so um that's neat all right the Star Wars guys it's cool I love the design on that that is like a Star Wars animated movie Luke there's Darth Maul same thing so this is Yu-Gi-Oh packs right here try me push the button it's cool some kind of candy dispenser most of this box is going to go right back in this box most of these items most of this stuff looks like keeper it's a little notebook Darth Vader and he wrote it down only a couple pages of writing okay this guy's got a broken arm two broken arms unfortunately it's a Lego bottom on here it's a Minotaur or something I love my coffee Star Wars Miracle Bubbles okay oh there's an arm for one one of the guy's arms there is oh that's clap drop right there nice oh this is cool guys you see this box right here but it is Oh I thought it was empty it's not empty all right first of all there's another little backpack thing for the wookie there we go I put them back in the Box Emperor claptrap so box is still a little a little messed up but uh great find okay this right here also empty but I see him right there Super Saiyan Goku Dragon Ball Z I wonder if we found him before found a bunch of Dragon Ball Z stuff and uh I'll get him back into there's a Darth Vader Infinity figurine he's probably one of the coolest ones we've seen yeah and then here's some Disney plush Ben Kenobi robe on him Disney Parks nice okay Santa hat that's we can let that go is it Darth Vader Pez what are these things body wash C3 field body wash okay and there's some more nice Miracle bubble right there look at this that's the Smurfs I think yeah it must be like a McDonald's toy or something got some little Smurfs in there oh he's got a bunch of these more of the body wash little mouse what's in this I want more uh Christmas ornaments this is Darth Vader this is great stuff guys I really like selling this kind of stuff I think it's fun USB flash drive see if you can find that oh Dragon Ball Z fig pin oh that is neat I bet you this is worth a few bucks fig pin super cyan Goku number 29. sewing set there let that go this is neat look at this Funko Pop buttons Star Wars and I think this is the USB drive right here yep neat now oh I've got two things in here all right first of all Star Wars chess I thought it was empty but they just put the board in last I don't think it's supposed to be that way now if these guys are in there that's gonna be a few bucks that's a few bucks and then this Star Wars Monopoly and there's the pieces right there yeah guys this is a this is a great box right here that was a really really really good box what's this the button why would anybody want that friendshipauto.com we're dealing okay next box okay yeah okay this doesn't sound as good Evan boy clothes maybe they had a kid I don't know thank you that's pretty that's pretty worn it's pretty awesome sweatshirt there Sasquatch hoodie that's a really cool one but like I was showing that is pretty thrash on that I don't know if that's able to be cleaned up that's a nice sweatshirt though that'll sell at the market it'll it'll do good Express jeans what's this little Robin costume funny better better Dragon Ball Z yeah that's kind of stuff that we're definitely are trying to find hoping to find hoping to find Dragon Ball Z size small cool all right guys I'm gonna go oh these are hanging too that's good I'm gonna go through these and see what we're going to pull out and uh save right not save but you know sell in a better manner than just blowing out the flea market all right it's Calvin Klein jeans right there it's decent okay guys I went through this stuff I pulled out some a little bit better stuff here's a necklace shirt Jack Nicholas golf shirt okay that's just a little bit nicer this one right here JF it seems nicer it's got some nice buttons it's a slim fit um now we get into the fun stuff look at that that's so awesome Star Wars size medium tank top that's so dope I love this it just looks 70s looks period for when that came out Coca-Cola shirt not not too impressive but somebody's gonna want it Batman all right nice nice Nike good here's another Hawaiian shirt love the graphic the shirts me sslr it's it's okay there's Mandalorian always fun always good this is neat look at that Darth Vader I like that uh these Captain America ones I've I actually have had that same shirt it's from Target it's not too impressive you could tell he washed one of them a lot of times the other one's fresher this is neat look at this Avengers it's got a comic book cover but what's interest thing is look at this it's like torn covers to make up like the whole team but in like one figure right that's cool I like it and this one Aloha oh Aloha you oh okay Aloha University strum brada strum this is okay beats and Rhymes I don't know whatever I like the Star Wars ones the best this Dragon Ball Z is good all right guys so you liking this locker I just took another load out to the car I'm going kind of slow uh I got Grace's soccer game starting in just a little bit and oh man tomorrow we're doing another big what not auction I'm looking at this stuff and I'm like man I'd love to put the stuff in a what not auction because um even though we do our live auctions on YouTube a lot of this stuff like the Funko pops and stuff we could sell individually and whatnot and it goes quick um and it's just kind of the kind of stuff they love their own what not fun stuff I'm liking this Locker are you guys liking this so far um comment in the vid in down below or wherever the comments are comment and let me know if you like in this Locker so far it's actually better than I expected um of course it could be way better than that I mean it could be like jewelry boxes and stuff of course of course of course but it's fun I like these kinds of lockers and I've been hitting some good ones it's funny because I brought those black and yellow toads from that black and yellow tote Locker I bought recently that one was fun they have lots of Disney stuff and that was unexpected this time so much Star Wars stuff unexpected but of course I don't know when I seen stuff like the fridge I thought was cool you see a couple things you think are cool there's a chance that they're gonna have more stuff that you think is cool so maybe it's not that like it's that much of a stretch to believe but um the Star Wars the Funko Pops Dragon Ball Z I'm not a huge Dragon Ball Z fan but I just like finding that stuff skateboards yeah it's fun right okay but anyways let me get back to it you know get through this stuff here I might have to wait till tomorrow on this I don't know uh depends if I want to miss my daughter's soccer game or not that's that's the real question hahaha I said it many times before when I buy a locker like this money is obviously an investment whoa whoa wait a second guys look at this forget okay I'll go back to what I've seen a second ago look at this hiding in the back corner I think there's gonna be some more ukuleles I think this is some ukuleles oh no way guys no way it definitely says cards holy smokes Pokemon Yu-Gi-Oh
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 384,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, making money, storagetreasures.com, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, jewelry, found treasure, star wars, darth vader, nightmare before christmas, disney, pokemon, yugioh, yu-gi-oh!, video games, chewbacca
Id: ahqGWrb9wZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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