I think we just offended everyone! 🤦‍♂️😂

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all right so then this one here is the uh the man engine it's a 12.4 liter engine made in germany i do believe uh there's its air filter and it draws its air from the top through here now on the new ones like this is a 20 model but i think on the 21 models on the gen 2 1050s you can get the hydraulic reversible fan which is weird because it's still a hydraulic fan i don't know why i couldn't get the reversible fan maybe i can i was told i couldn't but maybe there's nothing i can now that would really help with the dust let me tell you check the oil on this one you just kind of have to move the fender out of the way like this typically you would try and plan it so you would just crank your tire so it's easier access but you know i like to do everything the hard way and right there spin that thing off is it dipstick in it so you check your oil and this one here is the cap filter okay guys my hands are freezing i should talk about the triples a little bit too um we always check the triples we're always checking for any bolts breaking you're not gonna break anything you're gonna break anything with the bolts and it's not going to be these ones it's going to be the ones way inside so we're always checking those making sure nothing's broke nothing's missing um oh we don't have a lot of hardly any air in this outside tire that way it stays squatty like that so that way if you're going through a washout it will literally just squat right to the rim and come back putting is putting the least amount of strain on this axle bar as you can and then the air pressure goes up so the inside one is holding the most air which which needs to be mike how are you don't put triples on the front because you would never steer the freaking thing you can't hardly steer it right now uh because of this rock that's on here this isn't even an option anymore on the new ones at least that's what i'm told it comes with a 2200 kg rock not the 33 and the reason is is because you can't steer it too much weight at low speeds you're like strong army like like two mile an hour right so or maybe they'll slow down and sure if you were to air up your tires put a bunch of air in those tires and sears a lot better that kind of deferred the purpose so that's about as much squat on these front tires as you can get and steal st and still steer it well mike surely you're going to break the axle off on these things these triples on and so on so forth well this isn't the first time we ran triples you guys and if we keep the tractor it won't be the last so this is my third 1050 and this is the first time that this particular 1050s had triples um but we've run them before i'm not worried about that at all you just gotta be smart with it you gotta be careful with them and you got to watch them well mike shirley surely you don't need all that tire on the ground well you don't no that's true it will pull it with the duals it did last year uh until you start climbing a hill and get down into two mile an hour because you're running out of horsepower and eventually it is gonna come down the traction you will spin yourself with the duals with the extra weight in there you'll spin yourself into a hole that deep okay and you're gonna be stuck the triples will at least hopefully at two mile an hour or one mile an hour you'll hopefully get over the thing and get going again that's the goal now this year is excessively dry so i don't predict the 1050 is going to have a lot of trouble pulling any of the hills while the hills it still will but it's going to pull a whole heck of a lot easier because it's really dry out okay last year it was wet and muddy um what else well mike surely this thing doesn't steer like this thing cannot steer good you can't tell me that this 1050 steers with those triples on there actually it steers awesome not gonna lie this gear is awesome because it's a completely independent steering system and it gets completely independent just like a four wheel drive so uh when you turn this thing and they actually have uh fent actually has this uh the gearing sped up a little bit for the front tires so when you're steering it literally just cranks you right around like you don't even notice those triples to be honest the thing steer's awesome you could be you could literally be on a side hill ask me how i know digging yourself into a crazy hole you're like holy crap holy crap i'm not going to make it not going to make and turn that steering wheel with your finger like this and lugging that drill back there which in theory would make your your uh your steering where about that so i'm trying to call me um and you just crank it right off the side he'll no no big deal at all steer's awesome okay when it comes to the hood uh it's easy to lift this hood no problem at all you just it's sometimes it's a bearcat to get this key to work and push it in we've actually snapped keys off before um you got to really kind of pull down on it and just kind of work the key a little bit and pop it loose i'm not a big fan of the key system to be quite honest with you at least not around here i get it where you know in urban areas you need to have it locked up but around here it's kind of pointless but this hood lifts really easy and close is really easy the deer one uh you gotta go to iron man a few times to uh to lift that i'm pretty sure then to close it you just pull down on this look at that look how easy that is easy let's go for comparison i better put these keys in here first and to grab this one you just pull it down here it closes really easy it just lifts really hard so you got to undo this with one hand and then you try and grab under here i like to get my fingers under here or maybe lift back up on here but uh it lifts quite hard at least that's for me maybe i gotta go work out more that's probably true stop laughing at me going under here wrickles oh pretty good are you sure get a little full of grease though oh oh speaking of that i just got grease you know like i said you cannot you cannot grease a drill without having grease on you you just can't it can't be done and it automatically gets on you you probably shouldn't even put it on the tire because then you're gonna go lean up against it and you're gonna track it into your cap so you want to walk on the frame and what you're looking for is any broken hoses any anything that doesn't quite look right here here's a prime example look at this you guys see this let me uh there we go that hydraulic hose is getting worn because of this it's sitting on top of it uh there's really no other way you can root that so i'm just gonna tape that up so that way it can wear on the tape but not the hydraulic hose normally you would re-route it somewhere but there's really no good place you can remove it it has to go over that frame if you put it over the hose it's just going to wear on the bottom hey guys so we're back and i found a broken cracker oil here hey mike what you up to oh you did already changed wow there's always like rick doesn't like to be well once a day mike tries to go out of his way to surprise attack him once he only gets hugged one time he never has to worry about it for the rest of the day so that is good it only took me five minutes to get that off look at how fast i can put that on count it one two three struggling four five mississippi five it's backwards six seven seven five five six seven how fast the nascar guys do it i don't even know they go so i'm i gotta be close though five six seven oh crap six five five six seven eight nine ten ten ten oh ten ten that's turn on susie ten star pattern star pattern start where are we at 12 10 to let 11 12 4 4 5 6 7 8 i don't do it before 10 seconds so now that i i beat the record i actually think i did it in under 10 seconds i'm not joking and uh we got to fix this like i said the guys are out from underneath it i'm just going to bend this thing down we don't really have anything like oh my goodness actually we got a little bit of threads on the bottom wow okay so i'm going to take this off first fyi there could be pressure because it will push it up i did close the valves so we should be okay but if we're not you are going to get a facebook one i probably wouldn't feel it because my face is still not almost cut right through there oh zoom i don't know if they can see that or not they might yeah okay just maybe watch out here i just don't wanna i'll back man i can't believe it oh good so the valves worked that's that's awesome now we'll take this off there see just uh completely rounded off all the threads there so uh we're gonna put this back on i do have spares i do have spare so i don't pack if for some reason it was to die i got more where that came from [Music] it's kind of like a minus 15 windshield right now it's chilly i can't put oh oh is that leaking that is it actually worked through that might not last very long right there see that though you can see it's right down to the threads see it see how it comes out right there dang it well so [Music] luckily we carry spares luckily we carry spare hoses so i'm gonna put this on right now because it's still winter out here and uh it keeps the dirt and dust out of it and then when i come back to go seating i'm just gonna bring a spare line with me and just quickly take it off this end of this end there we go we didn't have it started i'll just bring a spare along with me you know what there's some other broken ones i might just take them off too like i'm in the like these little dirt shields i don't think those are the answers these all broke off here as well see it's a weak spot this is how it's supposed to be but when it breaks off it rides like this it rounds all this off and then hopefully a tire doesn't hook it and rip it right off right and then this one here same thing so normally i just take them right off hug them they're a waste they're just a waste of your time but since we got we did call this bob but that's actually my dad's name so maybe we should go with barry because otherwise people would be like why is dad out here and they will say it's barry i guess so i could just try and loosen this off try this side here that's actually not a that is not what i wanted to do oh so i just dropped everything here i'm gonna put this and i'm just gonna thread this back in here a little bit pull some of this out basically i just wanted to see if i couldn't slide it down a little bit barry you got a little bit too much power going on there okay and then to slide this back over here on the thicker part of course this clamp is kind of not working with me here okay you know what we're just gonna take it right out of there we can pull this clamp apart there we go apparently i can't work with my fingers here there just like this see what we're doing here see what we're doing yeah oh that's pretty solid it's a borgo it's made of real steel there we go where's barry all right thank you the thing with jig on it we got the thing with jiggy okay just like that yeah that's not perfect but so that's what i'm gonna do with these broken ones just so you know okay so we're taking a break uh this is hammy if you've never met hammy this is my mike cammy that's hammy okay um we're eating crackers well these are not crackers these are social biscuits these are like social biscuits he's from scotland or island or something australia australia he's from australia no okay maybe he's not i don't know england england that's basically that's france okay right no no it's not personal no not just uh anyway all of you from france we love you um we just have to we have to pick on some sort of a country normally let's go back here in canada if you didn't know that but and then there's rick rick where is your heritage from not your hair my hair where's your hair my heritage is from holland holland does that make you dutch yes so we got dutch partly dutch can you say anything in in dutchland [Laughter] well now that i'm on the spot can you say anything in uk ish um hello and then i i my great grandpa he came from scotland and i can't say anything in scotland's scotland scarlando scott skill scandalenian yeah you could try thank you i don't i don't think you're assault with the scottish i did i am scottish i am scottish i'm scottish does that work i don't know anyway hey the mitchell mitchell our badge are bad i don't know if you want to call it well it's your clown clan okay like we would we would take anything down aboard come on like seriously my buddy he's uh one of my good buddies his his last name's cochran and apparently that's scottish too and apparently that clan is a horse and he thinks he's so much better than me but he's not he's not so if you're listening to this ball you're not you're not better than me buddy we got a boar what do you got so we're trying to learn some words because you know we're actually so we apologize if we are insulting anybody because actually that's not what we're trying to do we're just we're cold we're eating crackers cookies cookies and uh we're trying to stay warm out there in the winter-ish and we're trying to learn stuff so speak duchess duchess well you said he found something what was it was it said i don't know how this is not okay yeah please forgive us please forget i'm pretty sure so good morning is good morgan but in german it's actually guten morgen guten morgen which guten tag good day i think guten not not good to not i don't know i hope i'm not so it sounds very similar we are sorry if we insulted your mother we are sorry if we insulted your father as well yes i suppose do we know anything else do you know anything i don't know how much to trust google anymore i don't trust google so i know a little bit of spanish like lo siento i'm sorry uh no no hablo no hablo uh no hablo espanol no hablo espanol los siento no hablo espanol i think i think i might just butchered something said that i had to go to the bathroom but i did i know i didn't say albanio so i think we're okay there and then uh does anybody know any french which is technically our second language i know zero french why do i know zero french because the second language i took was espanyol and i know very piquito biquito is a biquito petito piquito no not mojito a little a little bit i could take a mojito right now though i don't know what you just said can you speak any french no can you speak any french we that's it that's all we got we and uh i got nothing i'm trying to you know we're drawing our best here guys we're trying our best not just you know we are not professional speakers you know that's evident so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to try and sing a song and we're each going to try and throw a different word in there so who's going to who's going to start us off i think rick could you know the baritone he gets rick's going to do baritone yeah i don't know what those words mean mike's going to do soprano sure so we just like joking around we love to have fun you guys as you know and uh we're just trying to warm up so uh that's all we know it's terminal that's all we need does anyone know how to speak hammy okay so we got a bit of a song for you guys i think the cold weather is starting to play tricks on our brains uh with whatever little bit we have that haven't pros so uh please don't judge us too much or actually feel free to uh judge us or go fund us uh whatever i guess you know we're thinking about quitting our day jobs so you guys can be the judge of that i think i'm gonna go low no i'm gonna go high i'm gonna go low rick's gonna go high don't know what lee's gonna do here and just belt it out rickles gonna start us we're just gonna start ready so we gotta count down like one two and three or what yeah i think so here we go guys here we go belt it out subscribers
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 145,933
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Mike, Mike Mitchell, Fendt, John Deere, Fendt 1050, Maintenance, Bourgault 3320, Bourgault, Bourgault 71300, Saskatchewan, Canada, Plant 2021, Spring 2021, I think we just offended everyone, Singing gone wrong, Beach boys, We are sorry
Id: 1AYzf6CxhWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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