CAN YOU FIX A DEAD CAR BATTERY? - How to rebuild a car battery DIY Fix a Dead Battery

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[Music] hey guys today we're gonna see if we can't fix the battery in my 67 porsche it's three and a half years old and right now these batteries are like 175 bucks a piece and i'd rather put that change someplace else i'm going to see if i can restore this battery to at least near new condition for about five dollars so uh let's get into this project see if we can do it all right let's take a look what we got let's see what our voltage is for this battery all right so we're registering about 11.5 on this battery let's see we want to pull it out and see if we can't start the process to uh rejuvenate it alright guys so we have our battery out here's what we're gonna need we're gonna need some epsom salts about 16 ounces worth it's a buck two gallons of distilled water that's a dollar each and uh baking soda box of that 16 ounces or whatever about a dollar for that there's four bucks under five dollars let's see if we can't uh use these things to make this battery uh live another couple years all right guys uh first thing make sure you have uh protection on with this glass and finger protection go and just pop the caps off that battery real quick make them move them off the side right here so you can look down into those plates so we got going on here all right with those off and out of the way let's take a look and see what we have down inside here kind of a close-up here you're going to see that acid that water mixture down there in those plates and they're they're a little low but for the most part they've been doing their job for three and a half years so let's get this out and uh let's um have some fun remember gloves people wear gloves here we go just going to dump it out turn this upside down here and let it finish draining while uh we go take in a beverage or something maybe make yourself a sandwich or something all right let's give that a little bit of time we'll come back to it okay so we've drained this pretty good and give us a rag here kind of wipe it down next we need to mix up this solution here and this solution here is going to clean inside the battery there's some metal plates which you sort of can see down in there you may not but let's mix this up now all right let's go ahead and get open our box of uh baking soda here get this opened up real quick and i get our gallon of water let's open it up gives you a bucket to pour all this into that you can mix go and pour your water in get it over here much better we'll go ahead and empty this into the bucket uh just a gallon and most batteries will take a gallon or less so like our little battery here i'm actually gonna have a bunch left over and that small little porsche battery but if you have a full-size battery per se in your vehicle you'll probably use all of this one gallon next going to take your baking soda pour it in there whoa i have the cooler on it's a middle summer in phoenix arizona 111 degrees today so let's go ahead and let's get that baking soda in there and toss that out give you a stick or a stir and go to town mixing up that baking soda you want to make sure it's all dissolved into that water before we pour it back into the battery to clean those metal plates to give us the best opportunity we can to recharging this car battery all right next make sure we have one more little swirl get you a funnel grab one of those and we're just gonna fill it back up so we can pour it just a little bit easier out of this bucket back into our gallon container and here we go fill it back up all right take that off to the side and let's go ahead and just about a little bit there give yourself some room put the cap on and then clean up our work spot real quick okay we'll pull this battery over here in a minute and dry this off shake it up real good you want to make sure the solution of the distilled water and the baking soda is completely mixed together really well when you're going to pour it into the batter here shake it shake it shake it shake it good good good all right now take that funnel and we're just going to fill up each one of the holes to almost the very top of each hole it's going to just take your time give it a shake every now and then make sure it's all really well mixed together pop that again safety glasses and gloves guys when you're doing this and just take your time and start filling up each one of those holes all the way up top and if you do overfill it's okay go and clean it up it's not going to be that much trouble just take your time and make sure you fill up each and every one of those cells inside your battery get it in there and you're going to see it bubbling it is cleaning up those plates those lead plates inside your battery so make sure you're in a well ventilated area and you have plenty of work space and shop towels to clean up give it a shake every now and then just to kind of get it in there and dislodge any air bubbles make sure it's doing its job of cleaning out everything go ahead and refill if you need to and i usually uh come back you know about every 30 you know five minutes in a 30 minute window and just kind of shake it up and get it together so let's go and pour it out and see what we got here we go we're gonna pour out the cleaning solution of the baking soda and distilled water and we'll let that drain [Music] all right so in the kitchen get yourself a big pot enough that will hold that gallon of distilled water we'll go ahead and fill this pot up real quick here get it in [Music] make sure to do this when your wife's at work or out of the house trust me whenever a guy starts cooking the wife gets a little concerned all right fill this up you have been warned all right good good let's go ahead and get this boiling turn it all the way up here and uh now another beverage and um we'll let it wait and boil and it's boiling it's getting there not quite there yet but a little more all right here we go we got some boiling action going on it's a roiling rolling bubble as they say we're going to get our package of epsom salts and we're just going to go ahead and pour all that in real quick here and again just like before we want to make sure that all the epsom salt gets dissolved into our distilled water and by boiling we're going to help that process happen give it a stir and just let it keep boiling until you have completely dissolved all the epsom salt into the gallon of distilled water and then turn off the heat and let it cool down because again it's 212 plus degrees of boiling water let it cool down let it come to room temperature before we move on to our next step [Applause] all right guys before we pour this solution into the battery i kind of give you a close-up of what's down there if i can you can see all that black those are those iron lead plates that when you put in this epson salt solution and you charge it up it's going to hold the charge uh that we're doing so just going to give an idea if you've never had a chance to look in there that's what it is just in case if you decide not to do this step and just go out and buy a new battery this gives you an idea of what is down inside your car battery all right let's get to fill this thing back up with that epsom salt and distilled water solution just like before take your funnel go through and just start filling up each one of those holes and again you don't want to overflow but if you do you can clean that up with a rag and uh just clean things up as you go along this is when it's going to kind of messy and again wear gloves on this guys and eye protection you never know if a splash could possibly hit you in the face and you're going to start to see things bubble i usually keep the caps off the battery for about 24 hours and then put them back on so here we are all right it has been charging for about seven or eight hours you can see it's still doing its thing kind of get a look there at the uh we had some overflow some spillage every now you can see it bubble up let's uh take our gold meat and just kind of see where we're at right we're gonna put it on the 200 right there put this one on there then we'll put this black one on and 13.5 is what it's charging at right now so we let this charge overnight in the morning we'll check on it and we'll see where it's at and then we'll take the connectors off turn that off and we'll see how much it's going to hold all right guys we have taken it off the charger it sat on the charger for two days 48 hours of charging and so it says it's ready to go now i do want to make one little note um in the first part of the video i used one 16-ounce bag of epsom salt for an entire gallon of distilled water the first time i did it it would not work so i went back when i did a liter two liters basically and i put about eight to nine ounces of epsom salts per liter and then when i did that it seems work better at least it it you know seemed to go its charge and not give me a bad battery on the charger so with that being said let me hook up the leads and we're gonna see after sitting for a couple hours what the voltage is in the battery as of right now so hold tight three so put that on there about twelve five six it was flickering a little bit go so not quite the full 12.6 we need but maybe some more time on the charger it would uh eventually hold off so you know five bucks or so and a couple days work to save 150 bucks sure maybe um but you know we'll see i'm gonna put this in the car i'll do a uh update on this in a couple weeks or so and see if it's still working all right guys thank you so much for uh checking out this video if you liked it check out my other videos on diy car stuff and of course rebuilding of the porsche and the pontiac firebird thanks so much guys bye you
Channel: Arrowhead Garage
Views: 544,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to rebuild a car battery, rebuild car battery, can you fix a dead car battery, car battery, dead battery, how to, fix battery, how to fix dead car battery, how to refurbish a car battery, how to renew a battery, car battery dead, how to fix a car battery, automotive battery, battery hack, how to fix a dead car battery, interstate batteries, porsche 911, porsche 912, restore car battery, battery rebuild, car battery repair, dead battery hack, how to renew battery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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