I Tested Viral TikTok Minecraft Hacks To See If They Work (Ep. 10)

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all right guys let's let her rip it up it looks good looks good looks good oh hey it works okay today we're testing viral minecraft tick tock hacks that you guys submitted I just leaked on my microphone we're gonna see if they work and they're weird like this first one here which is claiming that there's a brand new crafting recipe that no one's ever seen before four of them as a matter of fact so you can take dye right plus another course and supposedly that makes granite cobblestone and diuretic and a site and in cobble stone and quartz mingotts what am i stupid or if you guys never seen that before I've never seen any of those in my life maybe I'm just out of the loop but we're gonna go find out we're gonna test this right now oh my goodness it actually works I cannot believe that okay you can take cobblestone and die right and that creates andesite and it does I literally did not know these guys what the heck two of these and then two of these and it creates dye right well I don't know why you'd ever want to do that but the fact that it's possible is crazy but the last one is the craziest e pops chorus fruit in a blaze rod supposedly make an n rod tour I've never made an end rod I just always get in creation so I maybe there's like craft him and I just never knew and there you go that's how you do it I don't know a single one of those and I just wonder how many other secret crafting recipes are out there I mean does this tell you oh it okay alright until it does I had no idea so you're hanging on your bass you got yourself a nice little water elevator you're showing off to your friends you're like what do you think this water elevator you're like dude that's a boring water elevator it looks like everyone's but you can step it up by making your water elevator invisible okay so add dispensers as high as you want it I'll put empty buckets in the dispensers activate each dispenser from the top to the bottom put glass next to the dispensers and I don't know why you need that oh okay activate the Pistons which pushes glass into the Pistons he breaks it oh then he breaks it and then it just works and look at this look at this it's literally invisible there's like actually nothing there we're gonna make our super tall cuz like why not so y'all this is gonna be so hard to place them I'm gonna have to like tower up to do it this is stupid they don't show you the struggle of this in these videos that's high enough I got a good old height but like I'm kind of lazy okay up next soul sand boom this gives Europe some unknowns for upward movement it's about to get confusing so he says you put water in the top so one empty bucket in each of these bad boys takes him back to takes me back to my first job man did a repetitive movement like this all day and just was terrible we're gonna add in the redstone and supposedly adding the redstone is gonna make it go excuse me okay this doesn't appear to be working correctly already you did it like he did it pretty quick you want pretty speedy on there so boom boom boom boom boom boom boom no I did it wrong I'd order and buckets are falling when his buckets aren't my buckets [ __ ] something's wrong here so once this the next up put glass next to them and then push them with the piston I think this dude's trolling us I don't know because here comes the moment of truth it doesn't it doesn't even push the freaking glass man this is the misses most colossal tick tock hack fail I've ever seen in my life look at this this hideous there's just literally no redeeming quality about this build this is the worst thing I've ever made in my life I'm ashamed so a lot of people out there all around the world claim they have the best TNT cannon ever we've got four different people it's submitted TNT cannon hacks and I've never built one before we're gonna figure out which one of these actually works the best so this is this is one for Isaac here let's see what we got three Spencer's in a corner white block in the center a little bit of water and get nervous Marcin dispensers and water again guys I'm not gonna lie some roof action there's a lot here this is not easy you know what this might be good that is a repertoire of shooting that's probably borderline not the right word but felt correct let's watch them towards the villagers you know what a village is here for if not to launch TNT and destroy with giant nuclear bombs what dispenser triangle you boy puts water in the center and that's all our members I think he also put some things back here I think there was redstone on top of this and I also point out I find it weird that he use the ladder and not a sign when did we start using ladders am I am i boomer now now the tough part he puts down a slab and I can I say this is tough I literally have to place a slab and I'm like hmm a little bit too much for me okay that seems good three here and then he puts three redstone torches underneath and then it starts triggering it oh my what is this I guess now we'll pull up a TNT and see what happens here we go maybe we did it wrong not gonna lie to you okay so this is our on/off Leopard what I forgot to do apparently was put TNT in these yeah the other one that goes in there and explodes is that this in the water and that explodes and then that shoots these out and then these explode I think I got it guys this is a big brain moment I just want to say a couple of quick words here to our villagers that are sacrificed himself for our experimentation today I do have a pretty good villager voice alright guys I really mine just doesn't have that that's sideways force we want to do it destroy you oh okay there's the first one guys so this next one has way less likes no description of what it is at all and is also on bedrock condition which concerns me but it seems a lot easier and I like the obsidian fact that I can't blow it up so we'll see if we can get like maybe a six out of ten I think I'm pretty sure this one's easy I do like the oh I like I like what I'm seeing you it is it a one-time use it's a one-time use that's it okay all right here comes example number two now this one does have the ability to float which is a pretty big feature I feel like I'm pretty sure that's the entire build oh it does work so this one is like you know your single lock action you've got to slow down a little bit with it you can't just get out there and machine-gun it because you know what happens when your machine gun TNT this happens this one is for people who'd like to take it slow if you're if you're really quick about it you might even be able to get two of them look at this see this is a an organic shot and then it might even explode the other one see I'm a fan of it it runs me of what you'd see back in the 80s when people would give a play minecraft back then so I'm gonna give this one like a solid 5 what if I told you you could turn into any mob without using a mod without using a hacked client without cheating without using a slash disguise on my server you say why would you say that to me well I'm about to show you right now how it's done and then we're gonna see if it's even possible name yourself morph use this command I can have to name yourself more use another command block oh boy and then your boys turned into a cattle you might be a little [ __ ] very quick tutorial here but this could be this could be game-changing guys we're gonna name ourselves more you all right all done guys thinks we're done today go home that's it this is this is where things get a little bit confusing and I don't like this I don't know this is gonna work but I just altered the code after man has been enabled if you guys see this anonymous you guys see what I'm doing here you can recruit me but I probably won't join because I'm too good you know it's just anyway now I got to do another and this is on a repeat always active boom all right so step one I become invisible step two I'm gonna say always active probably repeat as well I don't actually know go what is it oh wait do I have to hold the weight lately lately wait I think I know guys I think he didn't show us something I think we got a name an animal we want to turn into morph so this might actually work didn't work because I got a I got a better I got a better solution to this all right first off command blocks talk but second off what if to turn into a mob instead of doing commands you just change your skin think about it guys I know it's I know it's a futuristic idea don't mess around with that it's totally crap into hardened I do welcome they have black suits this next one it looks like it's made by someone who's like 5 to 10 years older nah hey no hate against you men I love what you did very difficult to follow it's very manual think like a semi-auto like you could shoot it a little quicker a little bit more control it might be the best of both worlds we're gonna find out let's do it you put down some I don't know what I don't know I'm not sure what's going on here bailed a little thing out of tons of iron you put down a TNT shooter and you turn it on in the ghost it's just not an easy thing to follow I'm gonna try to make it this one is definitely getting the Iguchi board for most expensive I am very unconfident that this one's gonna work that that and in that like that's a weird I'm not gonna lie to you that's just uncomfortable to me I don't like what I did there then you take these out these must be like the launching apparatus the slingshot section of it oh no wait there hold up there's no water in here well it's still weird there is water here though okay so so far I've kind of feel like we're actually kind of doing it right which is kind of weird to me because it's really hard to follow so now we're actually changing it I think he messed up in the video so this is actually a dispenser and then there's actually dispenser in front of that dispenser this is this is a weird one in the back he puts a button down he puts a redstone torch on top we're creating some weird kind of abomination over here load your poi up as much cannon fuel as you want so this is a final build my work better because it might not blow itself up in that is what we're after today looks good looks good looks good oh hey it works so this guy's I said was semi-auto and improvement on the last one so let's just see how true that really is it is launching them it is their kind of baby launches I'm not gonna lie they're really not getting too far I don't know it's tough for me to rate this one I really don't like it to be honest with you I like the old-fashioned feel of this one more I'm gonna give this one a 2 it's my least favorite one so far right we've all we've all seen Sivir bases I even have a video where I had 100 chest we've seen thousands of ways to hide a base but this what's about to be shown you is a way to hide a base that you've never seen in your entire life this is possibly game breaking possibly never-before-seen and possibly included by knotch himself I'm just making this up it's actually pretty legit though check it out make your sands sink on top of these fences you put water in it and now there's water inside the sand fence and then you can literally swim through solid blocks like check this out so you're like okay cool but what's that useful for this is how it could be used that's pretty much it man um I have a 99.999999 99% certainty it's not gonna work for us but I want you to be too excited for this one all right just seems sketchy to me so step one open the gate step two who do you hate step three got him okay uh Santa you guys were onto a pretty decent start here American Hawaiian now when I close it does it how did he turn out he did this oh and it breaks and it doesn't seem to be working deep down inside I'm sad that this isn't working for me maybe I'm bedrock it does you guys can try this one yourself and see it because you might have the ultimate secret base if you do that's the half though for me now a lot of us out there we got those friends that just kind of steal all of our stuff they ignore us they don't talk to us they come into our base and take our diamonds and maybe you want to get a little wrench maybe you want to say hey I'm not ready to be messing around with anymore I'm not here to play anymore I'm here to take charge cuz this is my town this is my mind first off find new friends second off build this trap right here to trap them forever check this out my boy here builds a long tubular device and puts a single piece of diamond door at the end it says what could that be for some sticky pistons down there link them together and a pressure plate in the center you guys know where this is going that's right cannibalism you got to trap them in here you're gonna consume them because they will be stuck they will be unable to escape and you can make this even better and make it truly impossible then you'll eat their bodies and consume their flesh one bite at a time okay a little weird make sure you build this one on the surface guys as we're diamond naturally spawns now the end is build I'm gonna tell you exactly why you want to be using this one exactly why because I know you're thinking like you could just break the stone you could just get right through there and break it like I'll show you you just wait alright you just hang tight for Donner pistons connect the bad boys in the central unit line bring this across and then single pressure plate now let me go through boom we're trapped maybe a little farther away so you can't actually get the diamond but you're like oh my gosh dad it's so easy to get it all I gonna do is just break this black and then you drink it yes that is the case and there's a stupid hack and there's no way to fix it because you can't move any other hard blocks with it I don't see a way you can make this more usable unless you did this you're gonna have to be a little bit careful about it alright I'm not gonna lie to you you could hide a dispenser back there and perhaps put a little lava and it maybe even cover it with a painting you walk in trigger it and it spits lava it's just gives you a bucket of lava so what this man claims to have built is not only the strongest fastest biggest boom most grief of all disa guys make sure you don't use these on my server I shall make that clear it is a manual load up that could block the bullets in there and then you just trigger it once it all flows down and then just look at the distance on that sucker I mean that thing nothing watches not very fast I completely lied to you try to hype it up but the thing is this one really has that Civil War cannon feel to it it just feels good because natural I'm not gonna lie to you I feel like there's a high chance this one will blow itself up so let's give it a shot though you start at the bottom because that doesn't get the water source gone and you leave one at the top then a singular button up here at the top and if this works it should by my calculations use the water flow to flow the TNT down to the very bottom then where it will ignite the TNT this TNT will be ignite but I think these need to spread out to ignition target that house right there put on my TNT goggles let's let her rip it's moving very slowly oh oh my goodness folks we have maybe have found the best TNT cannon yet Paul is our first one is so good and now we're getting these baby launches even big boy launch I think it just really about that water flow you know that's really what the turbines that was even worse why is this thing losing power yeah this is just a reel of it this is a real unreliable cannon guys at the end of the day these things all suck but if I had to pick my favorite probably this one just accept it blew itself up I'm gonna up this score to a seven this one gets a six this one gets a negative five thousand billion million jillion gazillion four trillion I hate it this one this one's unique you can do a little song like this click that screen peace [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,891,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, minecraft, loverfeller, loverfella server, minecraft let's play, minecraft funny moments, minecraft life hacks, minecraft tik tok, tik tok hacks, tik tok let's play, tik tok funny moments, minecraft gameplay, minecraft how to, minecraft survival, minecraft how to play, mine, craft, games, gaming, ti, tok, tiktok, tik tok hac, tik tok minecraft hacks, tik tok loverfella, lover fella tik tok, lover fella tik tok reaction, reacts to tik tok, tik tok how to, tik tok gameaply
Id: 2U5xK-1mKI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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