How Long Can I Live In Someone's Base, Live?

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what's up guys sorry i didn't know we were alive i was still testing it how's it going i guess it we're live i guess we did it yeah okay all right okay now chat's popping off let's go oh my gosh oh my goodness i'm sorry i got to take a picture of this this is wild guys look at this oh my goodness what's up guys how we doing how we doing how we doing welcome welcome this is crazy got some cool stuff planned for us today folks but look at that oh my goodness that is a lot of people guys welcome um let's talk about today's live stream hopefully you guys can hear me let's uh make sure you guys are good can you hear me everything you can see the video make sure we're popping here today folks and i'll move that over there so i can see um you know what i need a pop-out chat here it's a little bit hard to see let's pop that out move that here see if she updates for us but guys what we got today is uh there it is a pretty incredible idea for a uh live stream so i'm about to show you guys something really cool but i'm just going to give people a second to join in hopefully more people come and uh enjoy what we're about to do but how you guys doing thank you bieb guys doing good doing good what's up guys it's awesome to see so many people here honestly so happy that you guys can come out today let's talk about today's live stream and why we are live streaming also i need to mute those notifications give me a second because it's kind of annoying um when i hear a screen lick let's do what is that new donation oh i will leave it we'll leave it all right we'll leave it we'll get rid of new follower i don't need that but i have some crazy news to draw for you guys today um outside of the merch don't need a new follower it's just insane um get rid of that all right that should clean up the stream a little bit all right so here's the big news that i've been hyping you guys up for thank you guys for the super chats thank you thank you thank you here is what is going on today as you guys know for the last oh what is it the last six months me and my team have worked on making brand new merch it's finally here i'm super proud to have it it's just it's taken so much work for us to get this out and i'm wearing it right now it looks incredible i love it but i want to do even more for you guys today which is why we're doing this awesome live stream so here's how it works there's a link in the description of this live stream all right each time you guys buy merch i literally get a notification on my phone with whatever message you put without merch so if you say hey what's up i get a message says hey what's up whatever you put i get a message and then later as i've said i'll send you guys a custom video message thanking you for getting the merch like literally custom one-on-one so here is the idea today the idea is that when you get merch whatever com that you leave inside of the order i have to do in my home invasion because we're about to home invade one of my staff live today i'm in spectator so she can't see me and i'm sorry but i've got a mute or at least turned down the super chats they're so loud i love it but it's too loud um how do i reduce the volume here opacity background outline is the way i can just silence stop donating to me people it's too loud give me a minute because you're all too loud here alright too loud for me i want your name to pop up but i don't want to hear a licking noise every five seconds but thank you so we're going to do a home invasion if you get merch leave a comment on the order it's going to give you i got to disable this guys it's too much i'm taking off the stream things that maybe not maybe maybe i'll leave it i just i'm just gonna take it off i can't i can't do that um let's just uh delete a few of them so guys you're not gonna see your name pop up on screen i apologize but i need extreme focus today for the home invasion so hopefully you guys understand what we're about to go through today and i think that did it we both see your chat though still on the side okay we're good we're good here we go so as we're saying home invaders you guys get to pick what happens based on your donations anyone have any questions like i'm running this like i do a normal event except now it's an event where you guys are actually participating by watching this is how they go anyone uh i mean you guys are a part of this event so that's it questions anyone probably not probably not hopefully we're good thank you guys for all the super chats and today we will be invading evie so guys we'll be invading evie one i feel like i thought i disabled and they're still licking why why are you still licking who's doing this is it the chat box i'm getting rid of that about to get get rid of this the whole live stream has become nothing at this point because you all keep licking me with the liquid yes it's gone it's gone we did it it's gone it's officially gone you guys can't lick anymore on my live stream now we're getting started as i said um and then again i'll get notifications if you order merch any purchase you can put a comment on and decide what we do it so before a good home invasion guys i like to view the outside of the base what is this evie whoa wow that's kind of sick dude look at that evie you're out here building a little star zone huh that's cool that's cute that's cool um what else she got pool tables uh some tick tock hacks uh weird little tortured device thing over here more pool tables i mean she do be having a big base though quite big quite oh look at this some unreleased gear perhaps in here little secret items uh okay and if you guys want to play the server link is you're welcome to join um just don't tell evie please that we're doing this she probably won't notice though her chat's usually off no zack it literally says no zack okay that's messed up okay okay um so pretty large bass to be honest with you um so we've got a little scope out as we always do in home invasions and guys this is gonna be the first time we're doing it live so make sure you leave a comment as to what we need to do in the merchandise orders if you were to get one at the website where the merch is what is this a pumpkin mountain never even seen that biome in my life um let's see let's see let's see we really don't have a great starting spot evie because you live in the middle of the ocean but i think this will do all right so i'm going in survival mode we're actually just straight up getting started right here right now clear inventory clear inventory i will unvanish so i'm not invisible and then i'm going to join team no tag this is a team check this out hides my name tag right that's how you do the home invaders right there folks that's how i do it right there um so yeah i don't know what this is but this is our starting spot so i'll be stealing your items evie thank you so much let's go ahead and get to work come on oh gotta claim bye oh this isn't even eva's base well hey so evie's neighbor we're starting in your base evie's neighbor and guys thank you for coming out 2 700 people right now it's a new record on a live stream crazy to see we got our first order right now coming in it says you're doing great well thank you emily thank you not the challenge we're looking for but i will excuse me i took to my spit i'll accept it i'll accept that um so here we go this is how home invaders start guys normally this stuff's cut out but today we're going in we're going big let's get a little bit over here maybe a little a little wood action up top guys you know what i'm saying um we don't need any more than that though that's plenty i don't even know how i took the crafting table if i'm gonna be breaking it let's zoom in here all right maximum focus i don't know where she is probably good probably good now av is not exactly what we'd call a quote skilled player all right on the server she's not exactly good at minecraft so we should be good i hope she's no she's not watching she would know um but yeah guys uh this is really the basic gist of it honestly i'd be pretty pretty stoked if i get a little bit of stone here but uh i think for our purposes we're just going to take a little uh navy seal swan dive in here and see what we can do right now folks we're going in now we're going to go as long as we can with your challenges from the merch orders and um as i said leave a comment and whatever it is we will do they will come to my cellular device it's a good little sip right there folks make their base smaller when they're not looking that's not bad okay wait entering boys please no all right so this is officially evie's base right here and i like to scope the perimeter now i watch it i'm not gonna lie to you guys this is true true story i watched a lot of videos from actual thieves on how to break into people's bases i do this often so the best way to do it is a bathroom window so i don't know what that means in minecraft but what i do know is these torches are going to give us away i'll always break the torches guys it's just uh it's just gonna give you away people have that light on you they're gonna see you let's see there see let's see all right let's go down here why do you have that many signs evie are you good what is this are these are these infested no these aren't why do you have cracked what is this why would you have this in your base it's so laggy too in here like i'm gonna turn my render distance down to like three chunks just to survive in her base right now we do have a second challenge coming in here from an order thank you andres hopefully i said that right the challenge would be to to dig a hole above your bait we don't really have a base to dig a hole above we'll just do right here right here give away our position right here we'll leave it there's our hole actually we'll make a big hole for you i'll make a big one so we're gonna pop in a little something spectacular right there guys and uh let's see what we can do 3000 people are watching this by the way that's uh it's more than it's more than i have as friends i guess anyway let's move on so there is a theory on our server that evie is in love with my brother ben this definitely would confirm that theory i'm not gonna lie to you she calls him daddy soap we are in uncomfortable territory that is my brother um not sure i like what i'm seeing is she even here i don't see her this is a this is weird honestly okay so these are when our staff members were here isaac was here chop check okay danish was here twitch okay so all of our mods were here boop the snoop if i boop it i'll kill it so i'm not trying to give my position away here let's move on over 3200 people it's crazy and we got our first steal today let's go with a savory bow we also have a challenge we'll check in a second from a new merch order each order comes to the channel oh my atlanta evie you are loading us up right now with some gear oh my goodness um some baked potatoes obviously water bucket take that wood sticks i mean it's kind of weak to be honest with you uh she's got a bunch of another challenge here we've got oh just says i love your vids well thank you much appreciated i mean oh hold up oh who do we have here catzilla that is not even the person we're invading and we are not in exactly a good position here um all right guys i'm not going to be reading chat here we're going to be putting it on serious focus mode here i'm not done in here i need more take your chickens um yeah i mean honestly you have some crap to be honest this is a junk literally nothing useful i don't know why i have some your own head so many times we're gonna move on and why she have stitches guarding the entrance like what what's going on through this girl's head hey there she is we've got evie and catzilla our builder and a mod living together so it's getting a little bit legit here guys and also super chats thank you all sorry i'm not reading them but this is focus time you all think dream speedrunners intense this is more intense wow what is this you really do oh my god oh my gosh that is the power of not having a name tag when you don't know what you're looking for you don't see it once live stream is about to end right there i'm actually like tearing up from that one folks um okay recollect yourself here guys that happens more than you guys would expect in uh home invaders actually and what wow that's a lot right there coming in hot um do i have any more challenges yeah we do no more challenge oh oh someone just donated three bucks instead of even buying merch well thank you appreciate the donation there buddy okay all right someone for previously their their request was to drop a random item in your hotbor as their merch order request so we're gonna kill our hotbar randomly drop we got another one coming in let's see okay orange concrete that's pretty legit we got another one zach i'm a huge fan uh oh oh turn on name tags be like eli eli turn on name how am i supposed to do this with nine tags on bro all right team leave ld no tag i mean team leave how do i how do i do this how do i leave team remove ldl name all right it's gone team ld no name is literally not a team my name tag is back i don't think we can see it because it's i'm pretty sure it's gone i mean the team doesn't exist so it has to be gone but i don't know if we don't i don't know do you see your own name tags anyone know the answer anyway that was a little bit much here buddy thank you for that challenge choco is here interesting one of our developers let's continue on folks this nice little spiral tower here makes you wonder what's at the top makes you wonder what our weird eevee is collecting she's got she's got a lot of soap heads which still is weird that's my brother all right so if my name tag is gone i don't really know the best way to climb this i mean i guess i gotta break it and pill her up right i mean right like i have to our lag is increasing we're approaching oh ready cat she's online interesting so we found her her little secret bedroom here i might even have a vantage point up top that's an important thing about thievery you want to get up top and you want to see the lay of the land and i'm gonna be honest with you i feel like her bait oh there it is that's what we're looking for that's what we're looking for so this is a little underground thing i don't know if that's the base but it seems like it leads to the base we do have one other challenge coming in guys keep them coming keep them coming make it hard for us isaac's camping by the way my brother so hopefully he's having fun everyone go isaac and chat but um swan dive here we go that's where we need to be right here come on baby come on baby break why are you taking i'm going to drown break holy crap i mean i have a gold nap why is this not breaking at all this invincible glass what okay hold up hold up hold up why is it looking out i found a new way in there apparently i ain't breaking no glass um is glass impossible to break or mine idiot there we go get on down in there flooding out your base please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me i don't know if i plugged it okay okay okay just gonna go on this way folks just gonna take a look take a peep we're good guys now sometimes you might get you might get visualized there they might have laid eyes upon us but no worries we continue on as long as they don't all right we're good we're good we're good we're good all right that was a little close i'll be honest with you that was uncomfortably close to me i don't like three pairs i thought that was another name tag and i was like here we go again taking a sip folks of some coffee enjoy the asmr fourth almost can we get 4 000 viewers can we do that for me today would be that'd be a juicy feeling guys i would love it i want to see it please um also i don't know like these are cool like these are keys like these are kind of pretty um i gotta stay crouched the whole game though can someone buy merch and tell me i can put my nametag thing back on please anyone buy a hat it's like not that much please look at these items um i mean i don't know i'm probably gonna steal one but i can't steal them that was just a picture i can't steal them all but i can steal one um i'm gonna do i like that b i like that b uh oh how do i pick oh man oh i'm gonna take the b i'm gonna take the b come here oh oh crap it's oh no that was gone forever now this is actually a pretty rare item to get so um it appears as a helmet on me but everyone else can see the beat and here we go that's what we're looking for baby that's what the doctor ordered hey there's my merch folks in game we give it away if you buy it in game which is cool four thousand we did it thank you guys let's freaking go five years ago i had 100 viewers um so these are all really powerful pickaxes i'm gonna take this one my server's so weird um these are some powerful swords i'm gonna take what do you guys think any requests here i like the fish bone a lot um i'm gonna take the fish bone i'm going for a little fish fish theme today nice little sword to add to the repertoire um bow action honestly this ain't even released yet i like this kind of sweet take that one just i'm literally in her museum taking her best gear so oh a nice future axe oh snap store saw two shark let's go baby let's go babe okay i feel good enough that i can stand up first thing and get a breather here 4 350 viewers y'all crazy right now honestly that's a lot of people can we get five can we get five does anyone buy merch good we got one more we'll check in a second um so let's see we got a bunch of new items down here to work with and these are all custom items if you're like what is this my server we like custom model gear so like look at that look at that that's a very good shark i'm pretty sure you can even turn into a shark if i turn on the cat or something is that uh maybe not i don't really know how it works i think i'm pretty sure you can turn into it i really don't know exactly um but anyway what is this is it a pickaxe how's this work oh yeah okay that's pretty good that's pretty that's pretty decent sorry about that um this is a skeleton sword see what we got here see just give a little experimentation not bad not bad not bad um sting punk bow i don't have any arrows though we'll skip it oh we got one here we go so they don't play on your server because being an adult and working sucks i wanted to say thanks for the great content y'all didn't even put a challenge in there jacob you're watching this live stream right now buddy 4 500 viewers let's move on we've been in here too long um i do want a player of armor though dang oh freaking pigeon parrot thing what should i kill it i'm not i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it king king king what is this king merch crate oh this is merch crate this isn't even out yet oh that's cool um what do i want none of this looks that cool honestly uh liquor that's pretty good thank you evie for the donation to your boy on this live stream today great geez took a long time to get to here we go two challenges just now um huge fan i gotta plush could i help on your stream my username is obvious can you help on my stream um you can help by submitting challenges that's how you can help okay now we got really good gear honestly we'll keep the b on that b looks legit on us um let's get rid of do i even need this i don't even need this bow i'm gonna put it in the chest for her because like we'll be it will be kind of nice you know we're stealing everything let's give her a little present almost 5 000 viewers folks just leave it up i mean even if you hate me leave it up let's do it um one thing that's important when uh stealing though is to make sure you're always respectful of these people guys and these are all of our new items i don't even know i should probably even shouldn't even show those oh i don't like that invitation should i read the invitation should i read this private note to evie should i read this private to evie message i will do it i will do it right i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna take it you guys seem to want it i'm gonna take it in here we go private message eevee still not in here thank god here we go kurt d lama is inviting you to his birthday party september 12th september it already happened oh man well i'm gonna put that back in there i thought it'd be a little more juicy than that but i'll take it oh look at this creepers creeper spawning creeper spawning ain't no staff shulker box now those are my creepers spawning um don't really need a lytra here's some beautiful paintings wow nice all right let's get back into the base we've been in here too long we pretty much geared up wait you know i think that would be a secret base it was upside down turns out it wasn't four thousand seven hundred viewers coming get to five we do have another challenge coming in here folks right now on the phone from someone who bought merch available for 10 days only and the challenge is kind of disgusting they've asked me to flood myself out in here why i mean do you want to in here you didn't specify in here or in here and i feel like i'm gonna do this tunnel i'm gonna just i'm gonna just use my instinct and do the tunnel all right so we're gonna do the tunnel right here we go what's considered is that considered flood i mean what's considered flooding one two three four five we don't know where she is this makes a lot of noise it's gonna give our spot away adds a layer of difficulty i was not prepared to face today ladies oh there's three there's three that's good that's lovely that's why you guys need to look at your surroundings all right come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on okay navy seal time let's go guys let's stay focused that must be where her real base is so we need to get under there to start building hours we've got really good gear that was our starting platform and we oh what is this did i just break in her elevator don't really want to be in there to be honest with you she's going to find so many random holes that's gonna give us away also what is this this is an axe oh here hello who's this catzilla craze fox all right so we've got a whole squad of devs down here all right folks um what we're gonna do is break in here what is this okay we've been here then we're gonna start going down i think this is the move taking it downtown uh another challenge coming in we'll use it once we get downstairs thank you for the order my [Music] oh they're all down here no no no no no no no no no no no no all right let's just go ahead over here guys this not a home invasion if you don't almost get caught every 30 seconds i'll tell you that right now just lay low for it why are they everywhere all right there's someone there isn't there okay sweating a little bit now i feel like i'm actually sweating from the high quality of this shirt do i hear someone no oh that's that is that a cat okay i'm looking at i don't know what that is what is that why is that cat so loud lady jazz all right it's a named cat so we got to take care of it all right here we go folks going back down hopefully they all left to go to our water thing they'll be distracted for a minute see what we got oh look look look here we go here we go here we go come on come on there we go get the parrot dancing gotta move over here she's got a chest shot but the thing is i'm an admin so i can open it okay okay okay here we go here we go boom and to make sure we're secure just a little bit of extra defense here folks i like to do the old stonewall block off just to make sure all right just make sure there's less chance of them finding us um what is this frankie is here for her safety the dogs are bold we just got an order folks um no challenge and a challenge an order without a challenge but i hope you enjoyed this shirt guys free messages to everyone who gets it um wow that's a very organized chest room um i think i'll just get a couple basic building blocks and i'll get to town um i do like wood so we'll come evie thank you uh take a little dark take a little birch a little bit of that a little bit of that it's just a smorgasbord in here okay get rid of that because we didn't mean to do that okay guys here we go time to move into the actual base location 5 000 viewers we just hit it that's a literal insane number i got to take a picture right now this is crazy this guy says your name tag off again and maybe like oh let me home invade eric you wanna be home you wanna home invade your challenge is a home invade with me i mean okay all right buddy you got to join though no you just said home invade with i can't believe that that was your ch hey man i'm not going to judge that was pretty good creative idea to get in here all right creative where are they i'd like to know where they are before i continue on um okay well let's see let's see let's see what we want to build turtle's there i think because all the items are there that's a good spot but i also like the risk of building oh this is cool it's cute look at that look at that locating crafting table that's actually pretty nice that's pretty good it's pretty good evie that's pretty good like what you did i like that i like what you okay let's go not enough being weird um actually no that's not she won't notice probably she's not i probably shouldn't do that i'll be honest i just had an idea the best way to hold up i'm sorry guys i'm losing my train of thought so much because oh my gosh look at this qr code scan me rock noob goop all right guys hold up i can't continue on until i scan this so give me give me a moment i will be scanning this with my it's a rickroll [Music] okay um reasons one and two was why benjamin is a monster interesting seems like he killed her birds we've got some custom runes over here and i don't know it just keeps going why is your base so big evie you're one girl why would you need this holy crap honestly there's like 15 chests has anyone noticed there's like 15 chest rooms in here guys crazy excuse me for that one i apologize profusely sometimes you got to do what you got to do got another challenge in here and the guy wants me to drop everything in my inventory okay i'm gonna be i'm gonna be nice and not drop it i'm gonna put it in the chest for her which she will later redeem right next to this one again really weird stuff um so there goes everything that i just stole so i'm going to not consider this mine this is not considered inventory that's considered hot bar there's a difference folks all right don't even what oh these are friendship tokens very cool um and then there's even more so absolutely massive guys and we'll read all the super chats at the end of this stream don't you worry about that we'll get to them all um but because you made me delete everything that i owned i now have to go resupply with some new item she's looking at the ground that's not a good sign okay great and there's no items down here um we're going to go in this wall it's a pretty good pickaxe okay okay okay they're there all right yeah um that's the thing when you don't expect someone to invade you you literally can't why are so many people damning me i just realized i'ma let it slide i guess actually do i be breaking do i be breaking right now or do i not be breaking and of course my man just gave me a another order here that's one of those orders you just wish you don't read one of those orders you just wish you didn't see one of those orders you got to take a deep breath for take a sip and just calm for a second literally just said wherever you're standing i want you to dig straight up okay here we go okay keep going said dig straight up right next straight up buddy we're just gonna keep going it's fine oh lovely hey actually hold up hold up my boy predicted it my boy called it my boy just gave us an entrance into our basement escape route how about that hey maybe you knew something i didn't thank you so much friend that's actually legit like as long as uh let's see let's see all right we're probably gonna drown ourselves here which i'm not liking um let's just plug that up yeah no okay here's what we'll do hole here right here right here right here guys this is home invading one oh no no no no no no no no no too low i'm gonna flooded her basement um okay we're good almost six thousand viewers holy moses that's a lot of people why you guys watching me why you guys it makes me so embarrassed to have so many people we'll continue on but also i am sweating in this bad boy such nice merch the quality's off the charts let's continue on um did my boy who who wanted to uh paid to home invade with the merch his idea um eric eric was this i i don't know if this is you eric i don't know this is you or not there's it could be could not be i'm gonna need another way to contact me but let's get our base coin real quick let's not do it that way let's continue not doing it that way let's go up here okay guys all focus keep the dms and chat serious right now is that her is that iron golem i can't even tell if they're saying anything in chats i can't even read it but they're right above us so look at it right there as well this [Music] i don't feel comfortable right now i'm just gonna make a couple of incisions here honestly i'm just going to go nuclear for a second with this thing i hope they don't hear this but i'm just just going to use this thing to its full potential here i'm just going to clear us out hopefully hopefully it's not too loud this way we're good we're good maybe not i really don't know we're going here today folks i'm just trying to survive as long as i can without you all getting me caught in trouble all right i'm doing my best let's get a little bit of breakage over here a little bit of breakery see what we can do here honestly i'm starting to sweat so bad because i'm getting so nervous we made it this far we got the foundation of the base started if we can just successfully get the base built then we're going to be set for life um a bunch of junk here let's head on up let's go ahead and take a risky play here let's get our bones sword honestly i wonder okay so here's my vision i want to kill them without them knowing that i killed them so let's do let's see if i dig let's see i need to get them to fall so i need to get them out there okay okay okay okay got it no no no no no there's a roof under me that kind of ruins my play here folks oh that's such a big roof it could be a good floor though i mean we'll clean it up but i'm like if i can get a big enough hole for them to like get into they're gonna fall in right let's stay focused here let's stay focused let's stay vigilant that's a good start right there and we're gonna head back on maybe excuse me water allow me to swim there's another why are they all here don't you guys moderate the server why are you all in the same base and i can't reach chat oh eric is right oh eric is right all right eric you uh bought merch and your challenge was that you will be joining me so um yeah this will be interesting eric you're not gonna be able to break anything i wanna make that clear you're going to be able to break nothing literally because it's i can't give you permission to break things so you're just here for the ride but you are here young man welcome nice nice bow there that's a good little feature okay so i need lava can i go to the shop and buy some um 64 buckets oh look at that guys i did 64 buckets of lava what are you gonna do now guys make me drop it you can't cause it's in a chest all my stuff i needs in this chest you won't make me get rid of it we are set for life um we'll take two we'll take two they'll take four four lava buckets let's get upstairs we're in here too long trying to make a play here we go it's now or never time to send it don't see him we got cat and evie right there that's our targets well there's also another one there crouching which i didn't notice oh let's go this way real quick i just saw a super chat someone said i'm on my mom's account because i saw a mom face and i was like that's got to be a mom anyway that none of you really care about that but i wanted to point it out we are almost at 6 000 people can we get to 6 000 people all right if i go up and successfully let's see if i can successfully juke them out up here and get some new gear we get to 6k all right if i can do it we get to six okay here she is here she is all right where's my boy oh eric's trapped in there if he can't break is she doing anything how do i easily view her i'm going to just creep up can i oh no that's too bright all right third person okay um no they're petting the dog here we go this is honestly a better spot for a base than my last one i won't lie to you is that a person what is that eric eric get down the hole eric you get back in i don't even know how you got out of that kick eric you get back out of the hole right now what's he doing there it is caught buddy okay under the staircase now i like the vibe down here i actually could work with this we'll put a little back wall on here a little bit something nice spruce up the back and let's back up into here let's see let's do a little something like this i saw i saw someone ask how you can control who watches i can't they could watch this right now like they could literally see this right now but it's kind of hard to watch a stream while playing so i have a feeling they won't be in this one okay quick sip of the drink okay good let's flow on here folks let's get a little break over here a little fish skeleton sword i want to have you want to have guys this is a pro tip for you all right if you're watching this and you're thinking i would love to hoe invade like zach i would love don't do it in real life first soft disclaimer um have your escape ready all right always have a backup room ready so we've got this nice little room here it's got a nice homey feel to it even our uh back corner crafting table but if you don't have a backup escape route you're gonna get caught so what i liked oh okay well that's between dye what is this what is this that's actually a pretty legit escape room and what is that oh trash can very nice very nice challenge coming in here folks we got six thousand viewers this one says what iphone you're not gonna let me read this bro i'm trying to i got six thousand people waiting for me to read this guys it's being very rude but your name talk off again and maybe you let me home oh wait no that was eric again thank you eric you're already here buddy um let's even it out okay and let's make a door because the hope is guys i don't know about you but when you have a base this disgustingly big and you don't need it this big you're not gonna recognize every single door in your face eric young man hey hey eric eric get in here eric eric eric get in here in here under the stairs let's go buddy come on come on come on come on come on where'd you go i don't know where you went guys i don't even know eric is eric i do but i don't get in here oh geez eric went downstairs eric i don't man you're on your own buddy i don't know what to say good luck there's a random loose man out here here we go challenge set your mouse sensitivity to the lowest possible and change your wasd to [Music] c cdfg f g c what okay you have wow okay guys we'll just do that real quick all right let's get to the back corner um mouse sensitivity down wow that's awful oh my gosh i gotta clean off my entire desk to move my mouse now um okay thank you sir for that there we go let me just do a whole body workout to move and then oh look at this this is horrible controls w-a-s-d to to what now to to to c-v-b-f or something c-x-v this is horrible ew walk forward as d walk backwards is it c x v none of these keys work dude this is um i don't like that i really don't like that at all i is there a way around this can i not do that can i there's got to be another option man there's got to be some how about walk forwards how about s x the problem is these are all used by other keys we'll just do it anyway see what happens yeah this is great this is fun good lovely now oh good now i can't even i can't move i don't know what i did i literally can't even walk now man you just did oh geez we're going to try this again guys um this might controls did it did that challenge totally did it i'm definitely not faking this one yeah oh that's hard definitely gonna continue on doing it thank you for that challenge man that's very good definitely gonna do that now mouse sensitivity low i'm used to i play [Music] i feel very uncomfortable um yeah okay all right okay that was not a great interaction to have right there folks i'm not gonna lie to you it's possible we've been seen it's possible either we've been seen by these people or my moderators will never catch you doing anything i got an idea i got a really good idea hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up watch this watch this got an idea watch this watch this okay i made this wall now we're gonna take away the wall because what if tell me if i'm crazy all right tell me if i'm crazy i could be um hold on burp calming excuse me i apologize another one hey zacky your challenge is to date me in real life oh boy um we'll see i don't know i don't know that's my that's my favorite challenge thank you um i want to live in this glass cage i literally want to attempt i'm going to go to the shop to buy some items we'd have like a shop here my son stephanie's killing me by the way um i'm going to attempt to build a habitat in here and actually live with the freaking bunny rabbit and see if we can't manage to live in plain sight this is a little it's a little guys i'm gonna teach you a little something special today all right you ready to put your thinking caps on i hate when teachers say that by the way i'm not going to lie to you it's literally the most annoying thing like what's your thinking what does that even mean thinking cap anyone else to do anyway um i lost track what i was going to say inattentional blindness guys it's a look it up inattentional blindness it means you can't see what's right in front of you i'm literally sweating anyway there's no point in my story i'm just going on a tangent let's get this base on the show road on the road show let's just go i'm here to disrespect my admins what am i hearing oh hey thumper what you doing little buddy come on nobody you're my little best friend frankie oh little frank you'll be a little frankie i'm gonna teach i'm gonna treat you right frankie i'm gonna treat you right in this home invasion base all right step two i don't know if trees are the natural environment here for um frankie frankie frankie oh gosh evie's gonna actually murder me if i lost frankie frankie did you frankie should i let frankie out actually it'd be kind of funny i'm a lot i'ma let him out frankie you're free to go young man you go you go right here you go here you hop right through that door that's a frankie door buddy that's what we call a zack door in this channel here he goes oh there he goes my frankie guys we're here saving the animals all right frankie you go do your thing all right i'm gonna get back to it all right um another challenge oh no not a challenge just a person saying i love your videos thank you um okay well now that we've accidentally released frankie um why is everyone saying i don't know what i did but it's concerning me anyway let's get this thing cleaned up i want a nice cave feel to our base do we see them do we see them do we see the enemies now we good a little nice cave feel nice and natural i want a more crisp cave you know nothing i wanted to feel organic how are caves formed in nature guys you ever ask yourself that this crazy man with a shark that looks like a pickaxe that's how um get a little clean clean up in aisle three over here pop a little right there a little bit right there and i feel like that's satisfactory for me just gotta get a couple more dead trees up in here nice one right there okay these are these are cave trees you'll see these frequently throughout the caves in minecraft in my biomes and finally um i don't know i just feel like i got to go get a quick murder on just i'm hungry for flesh hungry for just a quick quick murder so before we finish that i just gotta go find a quick murder to take care of and what do we have speaking of uh speaking of murder what happened to that bunny frankie frankie frankie oh oh boy hold up guys this is a pause here on the video where's frankie frankie frankie frankie frankie frankie frankie from where'd he go and where'd that dude go that tp'd here earlier where's he at he's on the cage right he escaped yo dude all right yeah he's definitely not in okay i'm i'm i'm in like concern mode now we've lost possibly frankie are you downstairs i don't think he would have got this far buddy right where'd you go where'd you go buddy come on i would presume that that's her most important animal if it was in a glass cage that large um yeah okay all right frankie yo rando dude who tp'ed here guys we're not in there not a good spot right now we really need to find that bunny because my life is on the line right now i will i can confidently tell you it'll be over if i can't how could he get that far it was just a freaking rabbit where would it have gone oh my gosh i thought it might have got here and swim out of the hole we made earlier but seriously it's literally missing this is not a joke guys this i'm not actually kidding like this is frankie did it drown there's so many random caves in the space i literally don't know what to do right now should i just i mean there's video proof that i lost it so i don't know how i can get out of this does anyone have any advice those of you that have lost a prized rabbit what is this is this going to take i mean what is this honestly oh little stall that's cool okay all right well this isn't where we want to be these are both oh this one's down okay we're good all right well guys i'm giving up frankie's gone ain't nothing we can do about it now that's uh i'll just blame you guys for that just say hey yo it's my viewers so they're out here they out here doing that to frankie ain't nothing i can do um oh i finally need food after an hour okay let's get a little a little nummy inside my belly here literally y'all just saying steal diamonds all right i'm gonna go steal some diamonds don't you worry but i gotta see where these uh these players went real quick welcome to the display under construction where'd they go here we go challenge coming in your challenge is to try and hit evie without her noticing ps love the merch thank you so much deanna i think i said that right um all right evie oh evie we got a challenge here folks coming in from the store when you buy merch you can drop a challenge to me and we will do it in this live stream live on the live stream but for oh there she is okay hit her there's like four of them there i got an idea ah he's coming this way now my mouse sensitivity sucks um actually you know what they might not notice on the ground like that's not it's not as noticeable as it was before if i'm able to s wait oh oh that's my boy i saw eric you're still alive buddy you made it how you made it so far how are you still here eric honestly here come here come on come here eric eric eric eric literally thought you were one of them and i thought it was over how are you still alive dude you literally can't break it where did you even come from oh look at that look at this we got a little they're just vibing dude tonight oh look at she's got my headphones on do you see that that's nice they're just out here vibing so you want me to hit evie is the challenge she's right there all right we gotta get an aerial look i have a plan for how we're gonna hit her gotta go quick though because she might move at any moment let's get through here here we go here we go oops is this important what is that an important what is this what is this and is it important oh that was important oh i almost broke your sign all right eric here we go another challenge coming in it says can you please shout out my brothers on youtube joshi t joshi t let's go thank you for the merch here we go don't you move evie no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get back to where you were come on see you guys this actually shows home invading's a lot easier than you think when i do these videos sometimes we get caught really fast but a lot of times people just like aren't paying attention like why would you ever look for someone in your base but she's over here now why she have so many dogs evie you're a dog crazy where is she come here i'm looking for the green name green name green name green name there she is there she is all right let's walk right on top of it gotta get that zoom in key that's clutch can i do this let's see here we go buddy eric eric eric i got a plan hop on in all right i'm gonna dig down for you can you place that lava bucket are you capable of placing it that's negative you can't you're not able to okay you can throw all right that's fine it'll work here we go what is this what do we have here oh look look at a little lovable secretary down here okay where'd she go evie she leave again where is she she was right below us was she not how am i supposed to hit her when i can't even find her evie there's no there's a maniac man in your base with zero mouse sensitivity right now trying to find you you keep disappearing on well uh here eric you go first if it's clear give me a head nod all right you go ahead you told me this clear give me a head nod yep oh you can't hear me right you can't hear me because there's a stream delay in a moment that will happen so we will wait for a moment for him to go eric there's a are you even watching the stream eric hey you're not you're not okay maybe maybe you're not all right well let's just go sorry we'll just do this find out the right move i'll be honest well a lot of mistakes here at home invaders but that's what it's all about guys no one ever invaded perfectly all right no one who broke into your house did it perfect the first time we're all we're all learning that's great love the sand i'll tell you this right now sand is the ultimate home invader defense you put your base in stand i won't even try here we go here we go here we go i'm feeling i feel like i'm getting more bold with each passing second i literally cannot get to her guys i promise we're gonna do it just stick with me we're going to get there focus any challenges good i'm just going to have to i'm just going to send it hold on um anyone selling invis potion on age okay i'm going to try to buy an invisibility potion off the auction house and that's the thing if you don't know where people can sell items you can just buy things but i don't see any for sale come on guys put one up the individual trying to pay someone's face give me this there it is my inventory's full someone's gonna buy that before i can get it i'm gonna be so mad there it is 250 thousand dollars piece of coin trying to no oh i got it all right buddy gotta take off the armor for this one obviously so i'm gonna have to clear out the old inventory here let's get focused yeah that'd probably be all right invisibility is the secret weapon of home invasions guys you may not know this got too much crap in here all right all right toss that out toss that out really don't need the furnaces the doors this random arrow thing i don't know what that is um we got plenty of lava i'm not gonna lie to you two invisibility potions all right guys here we go are you ready young man eric here we go did i miss nope we're good okay here we go there's one of them i'll get the assassination on this one what okay well i think he's i don't know i don't know let's just move on need to get a clear inventory slot evie evie evie where is she we only got three minutes we only got three minutes where could she be stay focused here mister stay vigilant stay focused we got another challenge again i haven't finished the last one and it says hannah please in order thank you hannah but where is evie and why she keep leaving come on eve here we go i'm just hunting for you in the darkness completely invisible you can never see what's going on i don't know where she is i'm trying guys i literally will not stop until i find her and destroy her in real life this is a real life challenge after this i'm going to hunt her down in real life and literally i'm saying just kidding eve if you're if you're watching this which you might be i hope not this base is so big she could literally be so many different places guys we're trying so far um i just don't know where else to look oh should i just go down no it's not down there uh let's see should i cheat am i about to cheat to do this i don't want to cheat i'm not gonna cheat i'm gonna hold it back i'm gonna hold back my cheating requirement she could be up on the land i mean there is let's go yeah let's go out she could be outside let's go outside take a look i'm getting desperate so my visibility potion wise off i can't even speak it weighs off in one minute where could she be right now guys i'm trying we're gonna get it i promise remember let's see how many more we're going to do we're going to do we are at what are what am i looking for yeah we're going to do uh two more challenges guys after this one buy merch put a challenge in two more after this see if we can survive without getting caught if i can i don't know where she is i'm gonna be honest with you i just wanna go kill something so these tropical fish are gonna die for now until we can find our next time that challenge is on hold all right let me be honest with you there it is there it is that's a good little squish i needed that she could be in the nether she could be in her base she could be practicing parkour is she in here probably not i feel bad breaking everything but like at the end of the day as a home invader that's what you got to do you got to get in the bases you got to put some damage down you got to lay down the law let's see here we go is if you're new here is anyone else disturbed by this that she calls my brother daddy soap is anyone is does that tr is that weird anyone she's in the tower someone just said a chat is that real in the tower i don't see your name tag i mean oh wait i can do slash near she's not even near me i can do slash near and i can see what players are near me you could see it in chat let's go down lower because there's her friend are we still visible i don't think we're we are oh my gosh you can just see a floating shark that's fine i can deal with that oh my gosh i got like one second invisibility going down is it over is my building how much do i have left hold up wow question that was there but how much is left i had 15 seconds left of invisibility okay but i still haven't found her slash near just eric eric why are you in here eric i don't see you eric all right let's focus here let's get back we're gonna do a little damage folks let's get on up here eric i'm gonna give us another splash if we come down we're gonna go at least kill one of them but we can't go evie we'll kill one of them for you i promise i don't know where you are i'm just gonna splash here i hope that hits you i have literally no idea take out that fish skeleton sword this thing does some good damage there they are because hey there she is okay here we go here we go folks here we go actually i just think this will be a good move here she will just not move i just need to focus focus focus focus focus focus focus okay here we go here we go oh oh she probably just thinks this is her friends she probably just thinks it's her friends we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good get back in there get back in there actually hold up hold up i got a better idea here we go she's she's like paranoid right now she's like sprinting around i need how much time i have two minutes left for invisibility to get this play to work my plan is once she stops sprinting around like a maniac dig her down to a hole and then put lava on her if i can do that she just needs to stand still for a second there's literally no one here evie stop freeze all right here we go here we go okay i gotta make this a pretty quick play we gotta get the dig we gotta get the dig dig dig stop moving what's wrong there oh all right i think i was gonna pour lava on this point good great she she has lava turned off on her base is she invincible she's invisible she has god mode on all right she has the guys i can't i can't do it dude she's got it she's not all right i'm just gonna kill this dude all right how's that feel fox trying to trying to put on a god mode while i'm here trying to invade someone huh trying to do that to me she just said in chat your house is possessed this is not except i don't want to kill that dog i got one of them that's fine i really don't kill this dog i'm gonna put it right here let's see what happens see what happens i'm done your dog's gonna die yeah oh fake out all right i'm gonna do it again you die i'm doing i'm doing again i'm doing the guess i'm gonna take it i'm gonna take it this is ridiculous i need eric what you doing my dude welcome you're completely not visible you're literally not invisible at all here buddy oh thank you appreciate that one more this is our last one this is our last invisibility potion guys okay i thought it didn't work she said if my pets die i swear i will kill you so she's definitely mad definitely probably knows we're here but we still haven't got the kill that we want i think is it possible to buy obsidian that was a disgusting laugh i apologize here we go here we go i'm invisible right yeah i know she can't really see me she can see i'm holding items how can i easily hold up hold up can i buy cobwebs how can i easily trap her cobwebs would be good i just need oh and there it is folks guys this is it this is it i didn't know i could buy those okay here we go there we go there we go got her in the cobweb now for the big play big finale guys here we go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no she's got the story she's got the store she got the store she got the sword dang it didn't think she had a sword on her come on come on come on come on cobweb obsidian is the ultimate play the fact that she had a sword kind of screwed me up now i'm stuck in the cobweb i thought we were about to make the play the century folks you can't say i didn't go for it now i'm trapped i need to get that sword off of her i don't know if that's impossible i think we're just gonna need to do a lot more make it a little bit more overwhelming here we go here we go a little more overwhelming guys with a spiderweb trust me trust me this is a good play shout out shout out to come you know what it is okay here we go here we go here we go nice and easy nice and easy come on come on give me the play give me the play give me play get in there get in there come on come on come on come on come on come on come on please oh how much time do i have i have one more minute left you can just see this that's literally all she can see she's actually not fighting back okay all right all right okay all right okay this is not good where's my secret room where is it down here i don't know where it is okay well guys i'm trying to try drowning her okay oh we got oh geez another challenge i'm sweating guys my challenge is also for me to join your home invasion i have a few invisibility potions says priscilla all right um i don't know what your inking name is priscilla i only got two health left if i can trap any one of single one of these people 15 i got a minute left if i can trap any one of them in bedrock i'm going to call that a dog what's happening why am i poisoned what what's that what what just happened why are we all taking why am i poisoned can anyone explain what just happened why am i being poisoned they throw a poison potion they almost do they kill their dog they're killing look at this look at this they're killing their dog oh they're spamming poison potions trying to find us oh there's your health those are health they almost killed their dog and they're pursuing oh my gosh they killed their own dog all right guys i got a new idea because it seems like i'm not able to get the kill on her because she's uh a little bit stronger than us we're running out of time here but home invasions don't always have to be about killing people guys let me i'm gonna tell you in a very important story right now when you're home invading your goal needs to be to not only invade but also leave your mark and that's why they call me the obsidian bandit bandit bam bam because you come in you buy your obsidian you leave the obsidian for that player to then have to dig through manually by hand and it does uh it's just detrimental psychological damage to them they're really not gonna be able to break out of it so we're gonna put the uh just put a little sitting in here put a little damage going on and i'll show you guys a little trick right after we get this solved for any of my future home invaders out there literally all i see in chat is abs too but let's get this knocked out stay focused so we got a little bit left here we go here we go here we go great wall of obsidian i also do wonders anyone like dm turner said like yo it's not something right now like has any of you given this away i don't know the answer to that um let's keep going while i'm here i'm doing this you guys want more live streams maybe i'll do a friday live stream oh who are you eric is that you eric i think it is eric i don't know how to keep getting i don't know where you keep coming from buddy i don't know how you keep getting in here i don't know how to keep coming around i don't have to get caught yet honestly i don't know how this whole thing has gone down but that's a pretty good way to do it folks with that obsidian right there we ain't messing around here i can't believe there we go now did i just see they're trying to get through all right eric let's go time for the great escape follow me through the hole focus focus got the swim distance buddy we don't want to get caught we want this to be revealed until the video's out here we go come on buddy i don't know where you are we're both invisible but just keep coming with me trust me this is the great escape you've never seen anything like this before just gotta get out of the claim there's there's no do i have a boat can i get a boat so i need i need a boat you know i know what what what what oh what am i doing i'm an idiot i'm trying to craft it grab the table quick boat here guys hopefully i remember how to make a boat if you don't remember i moderately struggle with this to be honest with you not my specialty let's do this i think it's like this right thank god i remember i'm giving you a boat too buddy one for each of us let's go take it what what you must be at least a guest to place boats here can you place boats in our claim i literally have to leave this green dotted line and place our escape boat there it is buddy hop in let's go into the sunset vamanos amigo and that my friends is how you invade your admins home thank you to everyone who bought some merch today and sent in a challenge and even if you didn't send one in and got merch or you're going to in the future thank you this merch is how we're going to fund a bunch of future videos and it honestly means so much that some of you guys would get it so thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for that and for joining us in this live stream today and now i'm going to read through the super chat so if you guys want to hang out and listen to some super chats or hear those feel free so let's go to how do i do that is there is there a way um stream health viewer activity ah here we go viewer activity holy moses that's a lot of super chats here we go thank you i'm going to read the people that wrote stuff thank you bieb for good luck i did you um yt contra vidcon 69 love the name thank you turtleneck guy i said you promised to come to my base and leave a surprise not yet but soon we've got daniel not going to read that oh no no no that's a bad name not even going to do you buddy can't i'm not going to say you you're trying to do that to me you're really trying all right um emily thank you for the 20 noke no knock what's the knock anyone know what knock is i don't know what that is thank you to wyfon mr noob your boy harry look at what i can do for the donations dark flame echo look again ingrid for the super chat how's it going sticker very nice thank you um x melo for the vip call i'll check that so many of you guys ryan echo dede luke dios long brother said my mic was muted i don't know was it um thank you to it's gv for the 20 bucks super chat thank you to the lifestyle sydney who says you're on my mom's account okay that's funny um thank you thank you thank you thank you all right we got most you guys ninja hip ninja fortnite electro hipster that's it guys thanks for coming to the stream today as a reminder go to for the next 10 days only thank you guys for coming out hang out with me today on this friday live stream and if you guys like it maybe we'll make this a more regular thing i don't know but what i do know is you guys are awesome look that screen see you guys tomorrow peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 193,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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