I Tested Viral Celebrity Recipes

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celebrities are a big part of culture and they have the power to influence millions of people with not only their words but they cooking which is why today I'm going to be making and tasting the most popular celebrity recipes out there to determine which of these are actually worth making using the classic internet tier list first off I understand you're not professionals I'm going to go easy I'm going to be gentle that doesn't mean I'm going to be nice and when we rank these it is on a very simple list that the bottom is an F you ever received an F on some homework not good an S being god tier this is the highest it can I don't know that there will be many if any s's there's only one way to find out Snoop doll I think he has a few viral recipes but this one comes from his cookbook first of all I love Snoop Dog second of all the statements in this book are slightly confusing basically he says this is for when you on some real player and ain't got time for that regular swine I have no idea what that means wire rack on a she tray over either parchment or aluminum foil bacon sliced ideally thick But first you got to make a little rub brown sugar light black pepper and red pepper flakes we're just going to toss that together lightly I mean that's really it smells delightful obviously we're making essentially caramel on this so you want to make sure it does not stick this bacon is nice shout out to the pig our sugar mixture goes over the bacon who doesn't love a rub down you know I don't know what this has to do with being a billionaire cuz I don't see anything in here about like you know leveraging assets taking loans out against your assets instead of having physical cash cuz physical cash is obviously taxable but if you have Holdings of something into the oven 400° F and we're going to bake for 25 to 30 minutes see you then billionaire time let's go caramelized sugar on bacon that's it that's the tweet all right we're going to let this cool see if it gets crisp then we'll taste I mean it's pretty good Snoop Dog did not invent this technique but it is delicious and when I eat it it's kind of like you're eating little gemstones crispy crust on the outside it's sweet it's a little spicy the experience of this is at an S level but I have to give it an a because the other side does not have it if the other side was equally caramelized this would be an S I do want to clarify this specifically did not state to put it on the other side step three lay the bacon slices on the rack spread the brown sugar mixture evenly over the bacon and then on to step four Place baking sheet in the oven it doesn't say spread half the brown sugar evenly over the bacon flip and spread on the other side I would have personally so it's a strong a for me good work Snoop Dogg moving on Kylie Jenner we're making your Ramen but kloe also has a Ramen this is going to turn into a Khloe versus Kylie Ramen battle starting with Kylie so we have boiling water we have our ramen this is a saporo Ichiban Japanese style noodles and chicken flavored Ramen into the boiling water cook our noodles according to package directions here I have a beaten egg some garlic powder and but and of course my flavor packet she says she takes out half of the water put it back on the stove then you add in garlic powder seasoning packet whatever comes with your Ramen stir that in smells a little extra garlicky I can like that then you're going to drizzle in while working your noodles one beaten egg I don't know how this is going to go but we're going to do it it immediately curdles which I think is very gross then you add a nice knob of butter cut off the heat and stir your butter in now we're going to plate and taste price that looks I went and double checked this recipe and it does look similar here we go here's my take it does taste good I like the addition of the garlic it's a little extra garlicky honestly just the addition of the garlic and butter is enough I'm not sure that the eggs added anything to it for me texturally I'm not even really picking up the eggs when I'm eating this visually I do not like it but flavor-wise texture wise actually kind of nice I don't know if these will be an S tier but I'm going to give them a solid B tier I would only change one small thing welcome to the new cooking breakdown for everything that graded b or lower we are going to give you the tidbits tips and cooking tricks SL techniques to bring it to a place where it could be an A or even an S so what you should do is remove 3/4 of the water first off you want that water to cook down to almost nothing you should just have basically a thick slurry Left Behind once the noodles are cooked through then you emulsify in the egg yolk toss toss toss mify in the butter toss toss toss it really is the same process that Kylie was going for it's just slightly different technique so that the eggs don't curdle and turn into scrambled eggs and instead it turns more into a carbonara it's not an ingredient Choice thing it's just technique Kylie was really close on this one moving on to the next it's Chloe's turn I like that this one's like a full-fledged recipe let's see how it does large pot vegetable oil heat on once the oil's hot onion goes in get those coated in the oil and she wants these cooked until Brown I like that so I'm not not going to add salt yet if you add salt now they'll sweat more it'll be harder for them to Brown now once your onions are browned they get a little bit of char we're going in with ginger garlic let that saute and then immediately follow that with chicken stock a lot of chicken stock like an enormous amount of chicken stock I feel like if I needed this much broth I would have doubled the amount of aliam Ginger I'm going to bring this up to a boil so once this comes to a boil you reduce this to a simmer and she says to let it simmer for 30 minutes you're not going to get much more flavor out of the aromatics in 30 minutes but maybe it's a reduction tactic so once your broth is done you're going to add a little bit of vegetable oil olive oil whatever to a pan you're going to add sliced mushrooms to that pan you're going to sauté that over medium heat all right once your mushrooms are cooked then you're going to add a shitload of cooked chicken mix it together followed by all of your broth which you've simmered for 30 minutes then you're just going to season this bad boy with a little bit of soy sauce a little bit of sesame oil to assemble this you have cooked straight ramen noodles she's suggesting that you use proper ramen noodles going to go in and you're going to Ladle in your broth little softw egg some green onion little chili oil and that is Chloe Kardashian homemade Ramen it smells good now we try it broth test it's nice it doesn't taste a ton like Ramen but it's a nice sort of clean salty maybe close to a shio or a shoyou style broth it tastes clean it's flavorful it's Soul healing would I make this again yes is this Ramen yes and no but it does have a Ramen feel if you know what you're doing it's going to be incredible I think the technique could be improved a little bit but we came to a product that I think is worthy of a solid a tier it's delicious it's a real recipe so that means that kloe Kardashian wins the ramen battle congratulations Chloe moving on Gigi hadid's pasta It's a vodka pasta I am very particular about how vodka pastas are made she used oret is it orete or orette let me know which one I was right water coming up to a boil you're going to season aggressively with salt almost as salty as the ocean next what I have another pan olive oil goes in sets of medium heat let that come up we don't want this to be too hot because I'm actually sweating this right you're sort of letting it steam in its own juices it's cooking lightly no color so we have garlic we have shallot little bit of salt just going to stir it let that come up technically this is supposedly the most viral recipe out of all of them you better get a minimum of an a all right our water's almost at boil veg is softened I'm going with my tomato paste what we want to do is cook it as much as possible basically until it's darkened I'm going to drop my or whatever it is into the boiling water let that cook through while that's going I'm ready to add my vodka but wait Gigi does not add vodka cuz supposedly she didn't have it when she was making it but she suggests to add it so we will add it goes in going to let that cook out I want all the Vodka gone okay our vodka is cooked out there's no liquid remaining which means we're going to go in with our heavy cream immediately stir that in I do like how this looks I'm going to add my red pepper flakes get that nice and spicy and to touch more salt little bit of fresh cracked black pepper our pasta is done take it out pop it into our sauce I'm letting that pasta water drip drop driz Sizzle some butter it looks very nice add a little bit of Parmesan Rano bit more salt you put it on a plate I don't care serve it however you want as much or as little as you like a little bit of fresh parmesano regano on top we're just going to serve it how she did and now we will rank it GG this better be your recipe cuz it's really good matter of fact this one of the better VOD kastas I've had in a while I would like this to be a touch spice here it's got the depth that I want in it this is a strong powerful a tier I don't know I can give this an S but it's almost an S powerful a moving on lizo apparently she has a vegan cheese Tako okay so you're going to start with a Japanese sweet potato peel it cut that bad boy into quarters which means you start in half then in half again and then cut across those halves at about half2 in intervals and then we boil this bibity Bobby boiling water little salt and your Japanese sweet potato once they are boiled and soft take them out you can either use a spider or you can strain this liquid I'm using a spider to reserve some of the water in case I need to adjust the consistency while I'm blending which is what we'll do now so into the blender goes your cooked Japanese sweet potato then we have some extra firm tofu vegan cheese raw onion garlic I think this is called cashew cheese nutritional yeast some sort of a habanero hot sauce and we use a little splash of our liquid to help loosen then we let her rip little salt to taste all right okay it's done Bowl Takis takis are great and if you've never had them before you should they're fantastic now she kind of like pours it all over I'm going to use a spoon instead maybe I can kind of like make it look a little nicer yeah that just doesn't look good all right time to taste yeah I'm so excited um I've always really not liked any vegan cheese ever we'll try this sauce by itself the nacho cheese isn't necessarily bad the flavor doesn't make sense to me first off tastes nothing like nacho cheese but even if I take nacho cheese out of the equation it's like a series of flavors I don't think I've ever tasted before and I can't say that I love it that said maybe it makes sense with the Taki the Taki makes it good which presents a problem and I'll describe what that problem is number one the Taki completely overwhelms the flavor whatever flavor was in this is absolutely nuked the second that you chew on this Taki immediately all you taste this Taki what I do like is sort of like the creamy light sweetness you get from the sauce but again it wouldn't be good at all if it wasn't for the Takis takis are 95% of the experience maybe 90 the nacho cheese the actual recipe is 10% of the experience the takis are in yes the sauce is like a d but when combined it becomes a c better than expected for a vegan cheese I feel like if you're vegan this might be for you now if we wanted this to be an all-around s what would I do to make it better well literally just make nacho cheese with like Vita it's not vegan anymore I don't give a my goal is to make things taste good and it didn't taste good uh moving on Betty Whit's wings wings in here and then in here brown sugar I already like where this is going melted butter a bit unusual but I'm not against it you know chicken and butter that goes well together a little bit of mustard powder soy sauce whisk all that together till it's relatively combined and that's going to go over your chicken this marinade looks atrocious because all the butter just solidified but it's fine it'll melt in the oven whatever massage that into the wings nicely these get marinated overnight in the fridge wow it's really been overnight this hasn't been movie Magic foil your marinated Wings a baking dish which she specified we get our foil line said baking dish I kind of like it though cuz now I don't have to clean the baking dish line the baking sheet with the wings it doesn't say to Pat them dry it doesn't say to do any of that so I'm guessing These Wings Are not going to be crisp whatsoever maybe that's not the goal maybe that's why they're good maybe they're Sticky Boys I'm going to create a little bit of space just so they don't boil in there and then it says spoon over enough sauce to dampen the wings well I have no clue what that means so we'll just do that which is all of it this goes into an oven at 375 F or 190 C for 1 hour I'm trusting you Betty I believe you now we wait it has been an hour These Wings have been cracking they look nice these aren't really like the type of wings I was expecting you know I think I was expecting like a crispy Wing this seems more like a slow cooked Wing they're caramelized they're brown you see a little bone jetting out it might be really tender who knows I'm going let these cool and they're going to try them I'm really torn with this first off if I was presented These Wings I would eat them and I would like them they are good that said they do feel like they're missing a little bit of something the problem with this amount of cook time is I bet the flats really benefit from it right they're nice and fatty and gelatinous they don't get dry but the drets they get pretty dry they're tender and the skin is nice and sticky so that kind of helps combat them so if you were going to do this I would probably do it with just Flats just cuz they're cooking so long but that said these are good they're moist they melt in your mouth the brown sugar the soy sauce and the butter are definitely present and it tastes good unfortunately I'm going to give these a b tier respect and love to Betty White these are tasty this could be a great Baseline to potentially an S tier recipe so here's how I think you could make them better the first thing I would look at is the marinade I would just add more you know more depth of flavor add some spiciness like a chili oil or a chili paste maybe some alium garlic onion something just to diversify the flavor and make it a little more interesting for me personally and the second thing I would do is turn the oven temperature down and treat this more of like a slow cook that seems to be what she was going for with this but I think a lower temperature would treat the wings a little bit more gently they would be a little less dry a little more moist then when it's done finish with a little bit of fresh lemon zest maybe some juice as well for some additional acidity to help balance the flavor moving on Elvis Presley we all know this one the peanut butter bacon banana sandwich wrong as usual the internet is wrong believe it or not I don't think there was ever any bacon matter of fact in his family cookbook there is no bacon his bodyguard said there was no bacon he had a personal cook who also said there was no bacon so we will be basing this recipe off of how his personal cook made it this is kind of a weird recipe I'm not going to lie but you toast the bread first while this is toasting yourself a bowl yourself a banana then it goes into your bowl Masher you're just going to mash that banana you're essentially making like a banana paste I'm not against it should be good once your bread is nice and toasted you're going to spread peanut butter on both sides you're then going to take your banana puree add that to one slice nicely top it off we're putting extra butter in the pan borderline of shallow fry we let this melt medium heat keep it even keep it nice keep it tight I find it a bit strange that we toasted it in a toaster before then toasting it in a pan with butter I can't tell you why we did that we got butter in a pan melted and we got our toasty boy I'm being ever so gentle not to press it too much goes into the hot butter we're just going to let this toast couple minutes in a couple minutes we're ready to flip it does look nice it's softened up the toast a little bit soaked up a little of that butter Butter's Browning looking nice now we're going to get this other side and we're going to toast it equally then we will serve and taste according to his cook he ate this with a fork and knife so I will as well I mean it looks good maybe there is something to this double toasting method it is good the outside is a shattering perfectly crispy melt in your mouth exterior it's crunchy it's moist it's buttery it's toasty and then the inside you know how like when you eat a peanut butter bana sandwich it kind of like sticks to the roof of your mouth and it's kind of nice until it's not it gets a little bit annoying at some point this prevents that by mashing the banana it's actually nice and moist it's not dry as much as I love Elvis Presley this one for me is honestly a c tier you know toasted bread bananas peanut butter that's it it's good but it's not like remarkable so if you wanted to get this to an S tier here's what I would do this sandwich was pretty good but I felt like it needed a little bit more sweetness maybe the copycat versions that aren't correct or slightly better I would caramelize the bananas first off then mash them put that on the bread and at that point if you want more depth honestly I think Snoop Dog's billionaire Bon would be really good in there it's two musicians in one I can't complain about that they're both Legends and then last of all toasting the bread I don't know how I feel about the dry toast followed by the toasting in butter I'm not sure I saw a significant benefit there it made the bread more dry so I would just toast it in the butter and call it a day softer squishier more textural for me personally but that's just my personal preference now moving on Rihanna we all love Rihanna this was D Ed out in an Esquire magazine basically the story is that she was cooking mac and cheese power went out she had to do some things to make life good again so we're making it boiling water okay you're going to season your water generously got elbow macaroni going in cook to the package directions alente okay now once this pasta is done you'll cut off the heat reserve some of that pasta water drain that bad boy pasta goes back into the pot you're going to add grated onion red bell pepper and some green onion give that a little mix together okay at this stage you're going to add ketchup mustard and a scotch bonnet hot sauce give that a little mix so it says 2 lb of cheese grated a little bit of a time we're going to add our cheese mix it in I'm going to use a little pasta water to help me out here all right we're still incorporating the cheese that is as good as that's going to get all right let's play it up guys who's hungry this supposedly originates from a Barbados dish that's supposed to be baked I think there's a few other steps that might have been skipped in the making of this due to the power going out so we're going to give it a try granted this is is not the proper representation of that dish this is a totally different dish at this point it's legitimately actually not that bad I was like really expecting this to be horrible the onion and like vegetables sort of get cooked so you're not getting that raw spicy onion flavor which I thought I would but they did get cooked from the hot pasta so that helps you taste the cheese it's just not a cohesive flavor the problem is because this isn't MiFi I imagine You' probably put a rue in the traditional version there's like cheese over here and noodle over here when you kind of want them to be together like in a mac and cheese that said it's not bad honestly it's not the end of the world like what I want to eat this again probably not due to the execution and the lack of emulsification a c but it could be capable of potentially upwards of an a with good technique so how would you do that so first thing I would do is make a rue and then make a rue based cheese sauce then separately I would take all the vegetables cut them much smaller sauté them until very soft and puree and fold them into that cheese sauce so it becomes one smooth synchronous thing fold in your macaroni maybe either omit or severely reduce the amount of mustard ketchup those kinds of things did really add a ton of noticeable flavor for me personally but if you want to put them in you totally can at that stage and that would kind of be it it's essentially a rot based cheese sauce mac and cheese it was pretty good it would just be a lot better if it was one then at that stage whatever else you want to add you can add hot sauce whatever it's basically mac and cheese now on to the next one haly Bieber pizza toast I saw this one not too long ago so anyway you're going to take some sour dough you're going to slice a nice thick hearty slice supposedly Mrs Bieber came up with this under the influence we've all been there she wanted to make a pizza she had the ingredient but wait she didn't have any dough she got some of this nice thick piece right there bada bing bada boom little bit of butter on this bad boy spread nicely then on the other side same thing you know I don't know a lot of pizzas that start with butter I will say I don't mind it I'm not Italian I don't give a and then for some godforsaken reason I get it this is a very La thing a little bit of truffle oil truffle oil is not really truffle most of the time it's a flavoring it's not actually what truffle should be my two cents but we're going to try it we're going to go onto a griddle on medium heat and let that toast nicely come back to your cutting board on top of that some Bata DEA nice little ball tear that bad boy open two nice thick slices of tomato right on top you're going to dress these Tomatoes too I do like the way she's thinking a little bit of salt okay always salt your Tomatoes Haley are you watching a little bit of olive oil and some lemon juice and into the oven at 375 F once the tomatoes are slightly wilted she puts more truffle oil on it this stuff is really strong so I I would advise going very very very light with this of Parmesan reano on top and then it goes back in the oven it's done I don't know that I like the way it looks but the funny thing is there's almost a little bit of a story line here she said she did it under the influence and I believe it you can kind of see her decision-making process here and I respect it I got to say it's kind of like a I don't have any dough but I got pizza ingredients and then she's like oh I got this sourdough bread I could probably just make a pizza on that she put the BR on there and she's like oh needs Tomatoes I I forgot the tomato sauce oh I have tomatoes okay I'll put the this is cool and I can put it in the oven and and melt the cheese and then I'll take it out and the cheese is melted I was like oh forgot the parm okay I put the parm on and then it's pizza oh man wait I forgot marinara you heat up some marinara put it on the pizza hit it with a little bit more parm some oregano some red pepper flakes and that is what Haley Bieber would call pizza toast I actually like this one so I'm going to slice plate and we'll taste give a little bite okay I got to say I wish the barata was a little more cheese pulley I think it's very dependent on the barata brand you use the flavor and the texture is really nice it kind of tastes like pizza and it kind of doesn't it's really its own thing I would just be happy calling this some sort of just a toast without the truffle oil it would be even better I'm not a huge fan of truffle oil but if you are you'll probably love this the fresh tomato on top gets hot it's like juicy it bursts in your mouth with flavor it's sweet it's a little acidic from the lemon juice it's getting some salt action this is delicious I'm going to give this a solid A+ I don't know that I would give this an S because this is not revolutionizing anything to me but this is a powerful a great job haly be wonderful toast I love it moving on Abraham Lincoln his wife was a baker and he had quite the Sweet Tooth Big Bowl sifter shinoa whatever flour and baking powder so you sift that into a big old Bowl separate Bowl we're going to get creamed up I got a bigger bowl it's easier to Cream in a big bowl they did not have electric beers back then but we do but softened I should clarify start creaming it up in there once that gets a little creamy going to add granulated sugar a little bit at a time and cream that into your butter third third Bowl now we're going to whip some egg whites I don't know why we didn't put the sugar in here but whatever egg whites go in stiff peek it up all right we got stiff peaks going on that's stiff now we're going to add some milky boys to our butter little bit at a time low speed we're going to add our flour a little bit at a time help that incorporate our flour mixture is in they request very finely chopped almonds essentially into a meal that's going to go in and then this all gets folded together the batter is going to be supposedly very thick that's looking good now our EG whites go in this is not how I would do this it is coming together now last of all for some godforsaken reason we're adding our vanilla extract at this stage and there is no salt in the recipe that will not go over well batter's done we have a buttered floured bunt cake pan your batter goes in spread it out this goes into the oven for 1 hour it's been an hour it's done baking we popped it out of the cake mold and here it is it smells actually very good The Finisher to this is a little bit of powdered sugar dusted on top make it look pretty make Make It Rain make it snow feels very christmy almost and now we taste we're going to slice this bun cake nicely it looks kind of like a pound cake it also looks horrendously dry I want to get a little bit of the caramelized exterior as well as the soft interior so I'm going to cut myself the perfect little piece pretty good wow I have one very good thing to say and one very bad thing to say here's the good thing texture is wonderful it's surprisingly moist it's not dry it's got a great chew the flavor there is super simple but it's nice it's buttery it's light the exterior is a little caramelized chewy yet soft and yet the flavor is missing 50% of what it could be which puts what could have been an a to a c so what could have made this an S just add salt that's it I thought it was a great recipe just put salt in it Taylor Swift she is a cookie recipe and I'm actually very excited to try it now this recipe actually originates from Joy the baker but T Swift took this recipe modified it added Shai I have a feeling this is going to be good because Joy the baker is fire it begins with a stand mixer paddle attachment soften butter in rip it you're going to beat it up really creamy it now this part I don't quite understand but you add vegetable oil which may or may not incorporate granulated sugar beat that in and powdered sugar followed by several spices I like this we got things like ginger cinnamon cardamon black pepper nutmeg all spice all your spices go in then you're going to add one egg vanilla smells nice smells good lower the speed nice and low and flour let that Bead It Up all right that's pretty Incorporated so I'm going to take this off of here so once this comes out of the stand mixer I'm just going to give it one more little mix with my spat make sure everything's nice and Incorporated sometimes the stand mixer doesn't go all the way to the bottom so once that's together rest this in the freezer 15 minutes I got my refrigerated cookie dough right here sheet tray I like to spray the sheet tray then add the parchment why cuz it adheres nothing's going to lift up and fold over it when it's baking then it says to scoop one tbspoon sized bad boy balls and 1 2 three four five and six you could probably do a little more but I'm being a little a little conservative here cuz I don't know how much they're going to spread we're not done here cinnamon sugar it's kind of like a sugar cookie Vibe you going to take these give them a little roll in cinnamon sugar and place back repeat with all of them you're going to press these out to a/4 in thick cookies are pressed out now into the oven at 350 F while that's baking we're going to make a quick little glaze powdered sugar goes in a bowl little sprinkle freshly grated nutmeg not too much we're going to reserve a little bit Mi together and then just a touch of milk a little bit at a time just so we can get the consistency right now this will go onto the cookies we have our cooled cookies we're going to ice them she puts a little dollop in the center so that's what I'll do if it were me icing these I'd probably do like a little drizzle but we're going to do it Tes Swift way another way you could make this look good would be to use a Piping Bag you just take a Piping Bag and go you'll end up with perfect circles and it look great let's taste they're pretty good actually I do have a problem with them I think this comes down to the debate chewy or crispy cookie now I'm questioning if we overcook these but we did follow the cooking time exactly if these were a little more underbaked they'd be chewier a little gooier they're more of a crispy crumbly cookie the flavors there the salts there I like the addition of the icing from a textural standpoint and a sweetening standpoint it's a good cookie I'm going to give this a solid a tier if these were a little more underbaked and then maybe a bit more chewy I might give them an S tier maybe but for a general like sort of Snicker doodle inspired cookie a tier is really high for me so Taylor Swift good work moving on the rock you know him you love him I certainly love him this is one of the more known ones for me personally it says cheat meal recovery day pancakes coconut banana I've never been a fan of coconut anything but you know if the rock likes it maybe I'll like it too you start with one of these I thought this was interesting so they want the banana dice I guess the goal with the dice is like if you put it in the batter you'll get little chunks as opposed to a puree which might be nice get ourselves a big boy Bowl to this bowl we're going to add flour baking powder very basic pancake ingredients I'm going to add sugar salt that's Rock can sugar all right I think the rock would be a little healthy about this shredded coconut big whisk for a big man now separate Bowl got two little eggy boys wh together and to that you're going to add coconut milk coconut water regular milk vanilla extract coconut oil melted and melted butter I like this I like where this is going there's a lot of stuff going on here we got our flour mixture liquid goes into the dry that seems like way too much liquid I'm not going to lie but I have been wrong before and last but not least your diced banana from earlier gently folded in you want chunks of banana but you don't want puree banana kind of thickening a little from the coconut I like this let's pull out the griddle all right we got a hot griddle little bit of oil Luber up we got a one cup Ladle I'm doing a big boy Ladle right here now we wait 2 to 3 minutes they should be ready to flip really should be done with a proper spatula but I ain't going to do it I don't need a regular spatula I never did these are finishing up cooking I'm going to keep going I want this to be stacked nice and tall as if we were serving him right in front of our eyes so to kick this off we have peanut butter going on top a thick shmear I love that he does this ever since I was a little kid actually my older brother would put peanut butter on his pancakes and I was always like what the why did nobody tell me about this this is awesome peanut butter and maple syrup Were Meant To Go Together finishes with a sprinkling of brown sugar we have the rock pancakes these look stunning so let's try this the weight on this plate is insane it's got to be a solid three pounder holy there are many times I ask myself the question is the hype real this right here the flavor out of this world the texture quite literal Perfection the inside is so unbelievably moist not too sweet not too salty but a nice balance of salt in the actual batter everything melt together with the toasty peanut butter the maple syrup you can put other things on this I think this is the greatest pancake I've ever made in my entire life this is an S tier with a big fat juicy ass crown that says the rock holy out of all the celebrity recipes that I had today this is by far the greatest despite its Simplicity and it all came down to the technique of the pancake batter Mr Dwayne Johnson whoever made this recipe I will be making this again and again in the future out of any recipe you should make here this is that recipe by far and it shockingly is the easiest how beautiful is that you're welcome subscribe goodbye kiss somebody you love [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,164,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, viral recipes, testing viral celebrity recipes, tiktok recipes, testing celebrity recipes, celebrity recipes, celebrity food recipes, recipes, best viral tiktok recipes, viral tiktok recipes, celebrity food, instagram viral recipes, viral tik tok recipes, tik tok recipes, best tiktok recipes, testing crazy celebrity recipes, testing recipes, testing popular celebrity recipes, celebrity pasta recipes, elvis sandwich, the rock, taylor swift
Id: WUiinOuFLkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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