I Tested the World's MOST VIEWED TikTok Recipes 👀

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today I'm testing the 10 most viewed Tik Tok recipes ever some even got half a billion views but are they actually good coming in at 10th place at 38.7 million views we have bubble gum made from scratch by none other than Nara Smith one of the comments said during all of my years on Earth I have never seen someone make homemade bubblegum you are one of a kind girl she starts by laying down two pieces of wax paper and then she adds some powdered sugar to each one and now we're going to make a little well in the middle this is our gum base like it looks like Wax pellets and then to that I'm going to add this packet of corn syrup I bet she got the same kit honestly gum base is really hard to find and then we're supposed to microwave it for about 5 to 10 seconds and then once it's loose we're supposed to mix it up until it's nice and Incorporated I probably could heat this up a little bit more okay this looks good it's kind of melting into each other now perfect now she pours it into the well I'm going to do half here oh it gets hard really fast super sticky too okay she adds cinnamon to one of them and she says it tastes like a dut and then this one is a green apple flavor I'm not sure how much to add and then some green food coloring oh it smells so good and then she mixes it up I wonder if this is going to end up tasting like Altoids okay and then after it comes together she just Kneads it with her hands it feels kind of like Play-Doh a little bit it's not sticking to my fingers because of all the powdered sugar okay and then she rolls it out into a long strand like this except her nails looks perfect and mine looks like this oh she does a stretch my gum looks Atomic green I'm going to cut them in bite-sized pieces sticky so sticky and then we roll it into a ball little gumball so cute same with the other one oh I forgot to wear a dress for this segment and look all decked out like a model coat it into more powdered sugar that's actually so cute what my kids were in the mood for some bubble gum and since we didn't have any at home I mean based on the comments you are the definition of we have food at home I'm curious about the cinnamon sugar to see if it really tastes like donuts it's pretty soft it also has like this weird syntheti taste to it too this was actually a really fun project and I'm going to give Nara Smith's bubble gum recipe a 9 out of 10 but keep watching because the view counts only get insanely higher coming in at number nine we have 41.7 million views does this a pancake or a cinnamon roll most of the comments here seem like they're coming from from some space video am I the only one who didn't come from the space video all right so she starts off with her wet ingredients so we're going to add one egg some milk oil mix it up and then you add the flour she doesn't give measurements for the flour so one of the most liked comments is how much flour how much flour how much flour I don't know I guesstimate that it's going to be 1 cup so here it goes then we have baking soda and some sugar now whisk until there's no clumps but she also said not to overdo it cuz it'll make it chewy the batter looks a little thin to me and then we're going to make our cinnamon sugar mixture which is basically just some softened butter sugar and then cinnamon then she mixes it up and then she does something interesting she adds in a little bit of her batter because she says it makes it stick to the pancakes better I think I could use a little bit more cuz it doesn't look quite like hers let's add it to a Piping Bag she heats up the pan on like low heat and then adds the butter once it starts to Bubble we're going to add our batter they're thin and they're spretty and then she swirls on her cinnamon mixture not smooth zong not smooth it's getting all melty she doesn't flip it she takes a cover and steams it waited too long I can already tell my first batch is a super dud what an epic fail gosh okay well these are going to go at the bottom the batter looks really thin I'm going to add another 1/4 cup in here to thicken it up and hopefully then it'll grip the cinnamon sugar a little better let's try this again it's already keeping its shape so much better see I'm having the same problem with the cinnamon sugars falling off and then it's starting to burn around the edges at least it looks better than the first round mine doesn't look anywhere near as fluffy or as jiggly as hers now I'm going to add the glaze I made my own cream cheese glaze I'm going to have to agree with one of the comments where they recommend flipping them it tastes really good but the texture is a little off I think I just need to perfect the technique and the process I'm going to give a recipe it's 7 out of 10 now we're on number eight with 52.8 million views this is supposed supposed to be the best grilled cheese ever and then she says who's ready for the recipe except everyone in the comments says but where's the recipe but I went digging and found a different video where she gives the recipes so here it is she uses a whole stick of butter and then she adds garlic powder and shredded cheese she spreads the butter mixture on the outside of her sliced sourdough I feel like this is so much butter for the outside of the bread but with the shredded cheese it should give it a nice little cheese crust so that'll be good then she adds alone and kby Jack and then she makes like this cream cheese Mayo mixture that has like Italian seasoning red pepper flakes garlic powder and then she spreads that right on top of the cheese is that really necessary I feel like they should have just gone on the inside of the bread and just in case you guys didn't think that was enough cheese we're going to add another layer of havari cheese she's crying in lactose intolerance okay finally we're going to close it up and then let's Grill it up and you guessed it more butter and we basically just Grill it on each side until it's nice and meled and golden brown I lost 15 years off my lifespan after watching this and I'm about to lose at least 20 by tasting this you guys ever noticed anything that goes Super viral uses like a ton of cheese and butter like this it's never ending oh my gosh holy crap and then before she ate it she dipped it in tomato soup it definitely wasn't a troll recipe because she ended up doing it for an Our Place Selena Gomez paid sponsored post it was just like a big pile of greasy goop in my mouth so I'm going to give this this recipe 5 out of 10 now coming in at number seven we have a breakfast air fryer hack that has 61.7 million views one of the comments said this has been the most important Tik Tok I've seen all week and hopefully this is the most important YouTube video you've seen all week but all she does is add a slice of bread directly into her air fryer presses it down with a spoon cracks open an egg directly in there oh my gosh I'm so scared the egg is just going to like fall and slip out and then she barricades the egg with some bacon salt and pepper now she puts it in at 360° for 12 minutes the comment section was so torn between how she cooked her eggs so let's see how it turns out this could be kind of greasy ooh extra crispy actually I don't mind it it's a little crooked doesn't sit straight but I feel like this is how a breakfast toast should look pretty much looking like hers let's cut it up and see what the yolk looks like ooh it's not totally cooked no it's pretty much a fully cooked egg but I don't mind it I like eggs like this more than runny eggs that bread probably tasted mad oily with the bacon grease I mean I definitely got it nice and toasty and I can feel the grease imagine a toast instead of with butter you have Bacon Fat it actually tastes really good but if you guys want a runnier yolk just go get for 8 minutes I'm going to give this air fryer breakfast hat 9 out of 10 coming in at number six we have creamy crunchy bubble potato pillows with 102.9 million views they basically look like fried and Yi but someone said that they thought they were a nuggets okay so she starts off with two rusted potatoes Cuts around the skin in a circle then boils them for 30 minutes and then once they're done she dunks them into a bowl of ice water to cool them down I hope it's cooked all the way so once it's cool enough to handle she basically peels the potato like this it just slides right off oh my gosh I'm going to give that hack 10 out of 10 okay but that peeling trick I'm so upset I was never taught this wash my hands in this bowl I'm going to dump the iced water and then into the same Bowl she Rices her potato the garlic press I'm going to be here all day get potato spaghetti so baby girl let me introduce you to a potato ricer and does the same thing ricing it gives a potato that fluffy pillowy texture she then adds 2 tbspoon of glutenous rice 1 tbspoon of corn starch salt and pepper and then she Kneads it with her hand until it comes into like this nice dough ball it's kind of warm still so just be careful if you guys are doing it it's kind of like playing with Cloud dough slime now she opens it up ooh wow and then we roll it into a long strand long is Strand and we cut it and now she takes a fork and just flattens it just like that if you're pressed for time get some frozen yolk in you probably could achieve the same thing so she first deep fries them in medium heat for about 5 minutes oh man I don't really know what's happening but some of my potato pillows have burst and they're more like floating hash browns okay I'm just going to turn up the heat and let them finish before I mess them up even more it could be my technique but I almost feel like this really needed like a binding agent like an egg I'm going to dust them with some chili powder so someone commented I asked my mom to make this for like 2 years have her try and tell me how it worked for you because this did not work that well for me I mean I'm going to be honest I've never met a potato that I didn't like and even though it's not perfect freaking good I'll have to play around with my technique or the ingredients to make sure it doesn't burst next time but I'm going to give these an 8 out of 10 we're halfway there and getting closer to the highest one with half a billion views but coming in at number five with 106 million views this is a bazooka sushi roll this lady basically uses this Sushi Gadget adds it with rice all of her favorite Sushi filling cuts it up to make what looks like a pretty delicious lunch some of the comments were super pressed a professional sushi man watching this dead with the Emoji okay so I like to actually just peel my avocado like this it comes out way easier and then we'll just do it in little arches oh perfect oh nearly sliced off my finger there some cucumbers and sashimig grade salmon so let's load our bazooka we're going to start by adding some rice into this chamber right here I'm actually trying not to put too much rice and then she uses this to press it down to create room for the filling then we add the avocado she used a chopstick and the Sashimi now we add the stick Lock and Load and I think this kind of like presses it in to smooth it and now we're going to shoot this out bazooka style oh no my rice is coming apart I got to keep it low once you kind of get the hang of like pushing it out it comes it just like Glides out and then the top part becomes a lot more Compact and now we just roll it into the Nori and then she seals it with water and massages it to keep it in place okay now let's sice it and the end piece is a little bit challenging I basically ruined the last two and I have soy sauce and Sriracha mayo it looks like she made it in a few different combination and one of the comments said did you really just make a sushi roll with only rice that's a lot of rice but most of the comments here are asking about where she got this from so I actually found it and linked mine in the description box below let's try this out this one looks pretty perfect not too much rice you can barely even see the seam missing some pickled G Ginger I'm not a professional sushi maker but I'm pretty impressed this makes making sushi at home so much easier and this recipe was really simple so I'm going to give bazooka sushi at home 10 out of 10 coming in at number four with 118 million views we have an easy dinner for a busy week night that looks to be kind of like a baked tortillini situation with meat sauce and it uses not one but two blocks of cheese and I don't think it's a troll recipe either because she shows herself eating eating it at the end and really enjoying it but one comment said that it looks like Hamburger Helper style slop but she basically starts off by cooking a pound of ground beef she adds in her seasoning Italian salt a little bit of chili flakes so while the meets cooking we're going to shred the mozzarella cheese and she's even using the same Gadget this is so satisfying and then she tilt her pan then uses a paper towel to basically sop up this pool of Grease right here people are so impressed by what she just did I came to the comments just to see who else went 29 years without knowing about the paper towel trick that paper towel move just changed my life I would just say make sure it doesn't touch the rest of your food then she adds a whole jar of marinara sauce mix it up then to give it a creamy sauce cream cheese I don't know what it is about these ticktockers that feel the need to add a whole block of cheese in literally everything they make we've seen a whole block of feta cheese Vita sharp cheddar and there's more cheese in the tortillini the sauce is like not even red anymore we're going to top it with the shredded mozzarella now she broils it in her oven until it's nice and bubbly and that's it it kind of looks like a pizza casserole a little bit she goes right for the middle piece I'm just going to twist it a little bit it's just really rich I normally eat this much cheese and I'm going to have to agree with the first comment where it does feel a little bit like a hamburger helper for slop it's just a lot for me so I'm going to give this recipe a 6 out of 10 now coming in at number three at 176.50 million views we have this roasted garlic shallot bread it's filmed super aesthetically one of the comments that was really funny said this video makes me want to be married and living in an apartment in a Northern City with cats and go on errands to the market to buy pretty flowers I like that so she starts off by roasting her garlic and shallot olive oil salt and pepper into a foil she says to bake this off at 350 for an hour and 20 minutes nice so in a bowl there is already softened butter then she squeezes in the shallot and garlic and then someone in the comments said I can't with the garlic comy squeeze because it looks like mango fly removal but it smells really good she adds miso paste she mixes everything together and then she slathers the butter mixture onto half a loaf of bread red am I going in a bad angle it looks pretty straight from where I'm at ooh that looks so good you get like chunks of garlic in there and it smells amazing too now we add the cheese I'm going to place it on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and then she says to bake it at 350 for 15 minutes o look at that oh my gosh and then she adds honey and some dried parsley on top cuts it up and let's try this this looks so good look the cheese is perfect perfectly browned and melted it's like cheesy honey butter I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about the honey cuz I normally don't like sweet garlic bread but this somehow is just so good this is amazing I can see why it got almost half a billion views I'm giving this roasted shallot garlic bread 10 out of 10 now coming in at number two with 458 million views is this dancing chocolate covered strawberry there's something about the song they use and the way that the strawberry bowl is just kind of like dancing with it it's so mesmerizing so I'm going to recreate this so I'm using a bar of milk chocolate I'm just going to chop it up real quick so somehow the internet kind of rallied together to make this the most like video on Tik Tok because they want to take down Bella porches which has 66 million likes and this one 50.6 million so it's still number two and all the comments are just checking in on the like counts so it's like a never- ending internet battle okay so I'm going to put it into a bowl and then we're just going to microwave it for like 30 seconds and now let's chop up some strawberries I just do like a V cut right here get the stems out a strawberry heart I'm just going to cut it into like quarters or chunks okay the chocolate's nice and melted let's drizzle it on I think that looks pretty good even Crocs you know like the shoe brand got in on the game and said go strawberries go all right that's enough let's try it actually get my video to 50.6 million like who doesn't like chocolate covered strawberries that is so good it's a 10 out of 10 baby finally on a top spot number one with 5682 million views it's Zach Troy making this fried chicken cutlet folding quesa Dia Panini situation finally a normal meal I mean I I would say this is anything but normal Zachary this is the best thing you've ever made so I'm really excited to try it so he stabs his chicken about 100 times to tenderize it then he cuts it in half I seasoned my flour with some salt and pepper and garlic powder dips it into flour egg Pinko okay so he's breading it then he quickly fries one cutlet we got to do the best part that's very satisfying now he takes a tortilla cuts a slit in the middle adds the chicken queso blanco I don't have some so I'm using Mayo avocado bacon and then on top tomatoes onion and then some what looks like American cheese we'll fold it up like that Viral hack and then Grill it on a panini press all right so everything kind of Spilled Out but that's okay let's cut it doesn't look quite like his but if you guys like this video make sure to watch where I tested the worst foods on Tik Tok cuz a lot of chewing I'm going to give this fried chicken tortilla wrap a n out of 10
Channel: Honeysuckle
Views: 677,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honeysuckle, Mukbang, tasty, bon appétit, yummy, food, how to, asmr eating, cooking, street food, what I eat in a day, how to make, recipe, recipes, easy recipes, healthy food, healthy recipes, how to cook
Id: xR3YaBeat4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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