What $100 buys at the World's Most Expensive GROCERY STORE

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I'm here at the world's most expensive grocery store to arawan in LA and I'm gonna see how far a hundred dollars goes for groceries if you live in LA then you've probably heard of arawan America's most expensive luxury grocery store where a bottle of vinegar sells for fifty dollars and a bottle of hyper oxygenated water for 13. it's where you can also buy unique Health items such as CMOS and CBD lemonade making it a no-brainer that it's a grocery store of choice for celebrities but what about other people that shop there are they wealthy Health nuts that like the status symbol or average people investing in their health because it's truly worth it this is the only grocery store that has a valet right in front Wild so my grocery list is pretty basic I just wanted to see how far I could stretch a hundred dollars for my weekly grocery shop so I wanted to get some milk bread some tortillas stuff like that and keep watching to see what I end up making with all of these ingredients that I bought all right so far I'm looking at the prices and the price for Meats in comparison to Whole Foods is almost double so everything is really healthy it's 100 grass-fed organic beef this right here for one pound of filet fees fifty dollars that'll take up my whole half a budget the ribeye is a little bit cheaper at 27.99 and since I do want to make dinner with it I'm probably gonna try to get some kind of protein I don't know how much this is gonna feed but I'm gonna have to be really creative so top sirloin which is generally the cheapest cut this goes for thirty dollars a hundred percent wagyu beef top sirloin that's not organic is also thirty dollars so I saw on Tick Tock she says if you know you know I don't know peanut butter at arowana is supposed to be really good in a jar like this it comes in a glass jar for 11 ounces is 7.75 and honestly that's not too terrible it's double the price for what I can get at Trader Joe's but I am curious if you know what you know I don't know so I want to try it their spices are all beautifully organized since I'm thinking I'm gonna be making like a taco bowl I want to get some seasoning that I've never seen before this would be good to marinate the wagyu top sirloin so I can't go to arawan without checking out their tonics elixirs and Bone Brock what they're really known for and there's a whole wall of it over here this jar of chicken bone broth that's super gelatinous and bulky which you know they spent a lot time boiling Down the Bones is 21 I am so tempted to buy this but I definitely want to try one of their limited edition smoothies so I'm gonna put this in the cart and see how far we can get [Music] spinach tortillas do you want to try this one [Music] you can find things like help noodle salad ponzu salmon noodle salad this place makes me want to eat healthier like these actually sound so good foreign 's favorite salad [Music] so because their produce is so expensive it's almost cheaper to buy it already made I was going to make pickled cabbage to go with the meat for our Taco but I think I'm gonna get this instead and bread three dollars for carrots [Music] the Lions made mushroom that's 23 dollars a pound I'm not really sure what people do with this organic honey crisps is six dollars a pound I think at this rate I can probably just afford one honestly I don't even have enough ingredients for my dinner and I think we're already at a hundred dollars can I try the kinsicle yeah foreign so I definitely went over budget by ten dollars plus the smoothie that was 20 but this is more of an experience and a treat anyways this is the famous Bella Hadid creamsicle smoothie that is very good it's very turmeric way more than Orange sicoli it's very good and the coconut yogurt comes through at the end this is definitely a treat like feel very healthy maybe I should try to make this at home foreign [Music] let's see what kind of damage was done I did end up getting that wagyu beef sirloin just because I didn't have many options for meat that were cheap we also got eggs pasteurized organic they only had one brand there and this is all you can get we have our fermented cabbage carrots cilantro you guys are going to be a little surprised like I didn't get very much I didn't get very far with this shot three little zucchinis all organic some taco seasoning for our meat the bone broth so I love how gelatinous this is in order to get your bones this gelatinous you would have to boil for almost a full day and that also takes like Gas and energy and to buy the bones and all that so I thought maybe this was a little bit worth it but I'm not really sure I'm still on the fence about that because it's kind of expensive but we're gonna taste this to see if it was any good the bread bread some tortillas and I also have that six dollars a pound Apple wait a minute this is the exact same brand that I could get at Whole Foods or at any and even at Costco this was six dollars a pound finally my last item that peanut butter could this grocery shop last a week for a family of four no the way my kids and my husband eat I barely think that it'll last a day this much would probably last a single person all right so looking at all the stuff that I bought aside from the deli and the wagyu beef and the bone broth I could probably buy everything else at Whole Foods or like a Ralph's or a neighborhood Grocers for way less I almost feel like the produce was probably the most in line with a normal grocer but still on the high end side I thought I did the math correctly and I did go over the allotted amount but one thing I did not realize when we went to checkout was that there were additional bottle deposits for these glass jars so this was two dollars extra and this was three dollars extra so bad math on my part but let's go ahead and give these a try shall we foreign between the peanut butter and show you guys how I like serving my peanut butter so this is a whole wheat organic bread like a country loaf that's already sliced so while the bread toast I did want to see what the hype was and if there was a difference between the peanut butter these are both organic dry roasted peanut butter I can get a two pack of these for ten dollars at Costco obviously it's not like fresh roasted and in a fancy jar but let's see the texture this one is kind of like in between crunchy and smooth the oil has not separated so I feel like probably a little fresher than the Costco one but for what you can get at Costco like it can't be beat okay let's give it a quick taste test to Warrant this ten dollar jar of peanut butter hmm very good it tastes so fresh almost like honey roasted peanuts there's like a sweetness to it and it tastes like it was made that day which I know it's probably not but it's so good probably the best peanut butter I've ever had and then this one [Music] it pales in comparison to this one right here and I don't know what they put in here but that was really good how I would serve peanut butter jelly and now I don't even know if I want to do that because this is so good I don't want to like ruin it with other stuff on top so I'll just spread a little bit of peanut butter and then I add some honey on top but like I said it's already has like its own natural Sweetness in there like I looked at the top and it says the only ingredients was 100 organic dry roasted peanuts so I wonder where the sweetness comes from and then I like to put in just like a dash of cinnamon and that is how I like my peanut butter but you know what would go really well with this is this Honeycrisp apple overpriced Honeycrisp apple and this is the perfect post-workout or breakfast fuel add a hard-boiled egg on top and protein filled delicious yummy breakfast thank you the bread is just so so I don't like the chewy exterior the chewy crust but this is the best peanut butter honey cinnamon I've ever had and I've eaten a lot in my time for this ten dollars jar of peanut butter I give it 10 out of 10. as for the apples I'd say skip it go to a different store to buy your fruits and veggies [Applause] [Music] what I'm gonna do with this is a delicious Mexican Korean burrito wrap so first I'm going to use that taco seasoning to season the meat oh right off the bat without even trying to eat it this meat is so tender just the feel of it is so different from typical meat that I have cooked with it sounds really weird to say but I've cooked a lot of meat and usually like as top sirloin is soft it doesn't feel tender like this this should be interesting I feel terrible for seasoning this meat with this taco seasoning because this is such a good cut of meat and so expensive that I am covering it up with taco seasoning but for what we're trying to achieve for the flavors of the wrap just trust me now in the meantime I'm gonna make like a gochujang Mayo for the spread I have homemade QP Mayo if you guys want the recipe and tutorial follow me on Instagram at honeysuckle because I have all that there just spicy enough so we have some gochujang you could also add Sriracha if you don't have gochujang which is just fermented hot pepper paste some sesame oil a touch of honey just for balance and then a splash of soy sauce give it a little bit of a saltiness and we just give it a mix mix mix okay so I got this fermented cabbage I'm gonna give it a quick try here's what it looks like super vibrant five dollars it's not bad it's really good it's probably something that I could make at home to be honest with you the Cabbage was two dollars a pound and they were all really big and heavy I didn't want to end up spending like ten dollars on the red cabbage and what I do have to say about arawan is that I feel like almost cheaper to buy from their hot bar and their prepared foods than it is to make something like this yourself for example that Bella Hadid smoothie it was twenty dollars but if you look at the ingredient list you see what's in there there's like dates there's aloe vera juice there's like some random stuff that I would never buy like the yogurt they use alone the jar is like eleven dollars get our Grill nice and hot I'm gonna sear the meat real quick probably gonna do like a medium medium rare just because it's such high quality meat I don't want to overcook it because I want to get the flavor in there I also already made some brown rice here I usually usually always have rice in the pantry so this was free so because this is a pretty lean cut of meat it's having trouble releasing from the pan so I'm just gonna slightly grease it on top all right our meat is done I'm gonna let it rest real quick and I'm gonna heat up the tortillas in the same pan this is a grain free version and it honestly feels kind of plasticky okay but first before I assemble our wrap I do want to heat up this bone broth okay we have our sauce perfectly cooked I do want thin slices so they're easier to chew let's try this 30 meat I guess I'm not a meat connoisseur it's tender is it the best meat I've ever had not really I don't know if that wagyu warrants thirty dollars some cilantro some carrots it's like pickled cabbage and onions which I love and then I think just another last drizzle of our sauce foreign and then my wrap burrito connoisseur thinks I should Grill it a little bit more [Music] and this is our wagyu Mexican Korean inspired wrap paired with a bone broth [Music] hmm [Music] it's quite good let's see the liquid gold oh my God it's like drinking a blended roasted chicken like all the flavors and Aromas that you get from a roasted chicken it's in liquid form right here this is the thickest bone broth that I've ever had in my life so I understand why people are obsessed with this store would I shop there on a weekly basis absolutely not was not worth it so if I went back with a hundred dollar budget since this was my first time shopping there there's a learning curve I would go back for just their specialty items because I think something like this the bone broth is absolutely worth it the peanut butter was so worth it the hot bar items they actually sold pizzas a giant slice for seven dollars which to me was very worth it my mom got one and it tastes like one from a restaurant probably not normal grocery items that you can get at like Whole Foods which is whole paycheck arawan is Like Home Mortgage so if you guys live in LA or visiting La it's more of like a spectacle to go see what the hype is about if you guys want to see another video of just me trying the foods from the hot bar comment below and let me know otherwise it was an interesting trip if you guys like experiential food videos like this make sure to like And subscribe thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Honeysuckle
Views: 923,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erewhon, shopping, los angeles, honeysuckle
Id: 4ob0HIAJJk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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