I Tested The World’s Most Expensive Editing Software

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right now I pay over £680 a year for adobe's Creative Cloud apps which seems pretty expensive when compared to D Vinci resolve which you can use for free and yet that price is basically nothing when compared to an editing software that most people have never heard of an editing software that's been used by Hollywood professionals on movies like Avatar and Inception let me introduce you ladies and gentlemen to Flame hi made by Autodesk flame special because you can do everything within just one piece of software in other words there's no need to link to after effects or blender which all sounds great but flame is a notoriously tricky software to master it's not consumer friendly at all but to me that sounds like a challenge how hard could something like flame be really just play where I want you to play after 3 days I made a green screen I literally don't know how I'm going to do [Music] this I'm not going to lie to you guys I've I've hit a wall yeah so I'm going to see what makes flame so special because there's got to be something under the hood that gives it that Hefty price tag oh because how much is flame I mean it can't be it can't be that much money right that's right £462 a month or there's the option to pay £ 3,78 a year or if you're so inclined £ 1,124 for 3 years so if I'm going to use the world's most expensive software then I've got to make something that's going to be remembered for years to come by my children by my children's children I'm going to have to make the greatest and best video in the whole world or at least a [Music] tribute that's right I'm going to make a tribute to Tribute by Tenacious D using all of the effects that flame has to offer so the first thing I did which required no editing software was record a parody version of the song this meant coming up with flame themed lyrics this is just a free try so I gave those recordings to my cameraman and let him make a beautiful song out of it so while my free 30-day trial downloads we're going to set up the green screen and film some epic footage for this music video feeling pretty happy with the footage that we got I was ready to crack on with flame and get the learning process going this is when we hit our first and pretty major hurdle oh what flame isn't for Windows it's for Mac ear hly yeah I guess I'll go to my MacBook Pro good job you have a Macbook now I consider myself lucky that my laptop is a Mac that's just about powerful enough to run the software why isn't it available on Windows Autodesk leave a reply um just let me know what's going on was it intentional do you not like Windows so I got that on download again and I went for a walk blissfully unaware that this was just the first stalling point in what would become the most challenging editing video I've ever made it's a new day and I'm back on flame I've got all of my footage on this hard drive here so everything that we filmed is running from here onto my laptop not ideal but hey flame is it's comprehensive I I don't really know how to describe it the only thing that I could say when I was asked how I was feeling was I'm using flame right now and I don't really know what I'm doing you know what I'm saying I don't really know what I'm doing and before I knew it I was already on YouTube looking up how to do the most basic things in flame like import footage and cut it up on the timeline or how to even create a timeline even that is complicated wa in premere it's just as simple as dragging a piece of footage into this empty space and then it creates a project at that frame rate and size in flame you have to manually create your sequence pull your footage in from the different reels oh and by the way there's no time code anywhere so don't rely on that and then when everything's cut up and you want to start adding a effects that's when you go into the batch effects tab but don't go in too early because you're going to lose some of the other tab options I I don't know why I don't know why stuff like this makes flame feel like I'm going through a maze I keep going further and further in and then I turn around why isn't that showing now and then suddenly nothing makes sense even when I got a hold of the basics like creating a timeline and importing the footage onto there I ran into so many performance issues it doesn't want to play anything smoothly and obviously when you're sinking up a song with footage of someone miming that song you need it to be in syn oh yeah so after a whole day of just burying myself in flame tutorials and trying to come out with something I'd only just managed to sync up the footage and that was it so I've spent the whole of today getting absolutely nothing done I've synced up the clips barely I don't even think they're synced properly because it's so slow I just want to I want to throw my laptop out the window right now anyway tomorrow's a new day going to feel nice and refreshed and get back on it a combination of both that's a straight forward ex stop watching flame please day three of flame I'm just going to do a test run I'm going to get a really easy piece of green screen footage like this guy's using in this tutorial I'm going to follow every single step and I'm going to key something out I just want to key something out anything now whilst green screening might seem like an incredibly easy thing to do especially coming from Premier Pro where it's as simple as just dragging and dropping one of my presets and then everything's done in flame it's node based now I only just touched on nodes the day before this and I had this to say about it this is all node based uh a lot of 3D softwares use nodes I know Maya uses nodes also nuke which is a really popular 3D software uses nodes I tried to learn how to use that once and failed miserably because I hate hate using nodes so this is going to suck so I've clearly established here that nodes are not my forte and this is probably the biggest problem in the whole challenge because if you want to do anything in flame you have to know how to use nodes not even just use them you have to love them you have to live and breathe nodes to be able to use this software and by God did I try this is the most I've ever struggled editing in my whole life not to be helped even slightly by the tutorial I was watching where the guy would just say do this so I'm going to do this and then not even explain what this is at one point in this day I even went to the big man upstairs hoping that he could help me out B watch some tutorial watch those tutorials think get out of here get out of here as the days went on and I used nodes more and more and I tried to get used to them I ended up making some node graphs which may as well be surrealist art I can imagine seeing this [ __ ] in museums one day I'm talking about some chaotic node graphs I had no idea what I was doing this was mainly because I didn't watch The Flame official tutorials now this isn't a problem with the software but more myself my brain finds it incredibly hard just to sit down and watch boring tutorials for hours on end this is why I created my editing tutorials and course the way that I have was to help people with brains like mine so for me this was like a form of torture but as a silver lining to this the guy Graham who runs the tutorials he actually explains everything incredibly well I have a lot of respect for that so good job Graham and thank you for your beautiful voice over those really long videos now when I said I just want to key something out anything well I did managed to key out this incredibly easy green screen footage so I'd call today a success kind of I did [Laughter] [Music] it oh boy now let's continue with the video now the best part about editing on a laptop is that you can take it anywhere and that's what I did so you press contrl M on the keyboard hello now just because I'm editing outside doesn't make it any less difficult I still faced problem after problem anytime I thought I was getting close to Green screening something as well as masking I get this preview unavailable window appear so I'd watch a tutorial again do it differently and then the same thing happens but not to worry because there's another technique which uses the render node which I didn't use last time I'm so silly but it still doesn't work why does it say that at this point I feel like I must be the problem here but for the life of me I cannot find the solution anywhere what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and trust me with the amount of tutorials that I watched I gave it a good [Music] [Applause] shot yep I think I ended up watching every single module on the flame Learning Channel for beginners and yet I still couldn't do the one thing that was was absolutely essential for this project green screen I'm not going to lie to you guys I've I've hit a wall yeah um I'm going to have to stop doing it this way I've decided that I don't think flame is going to be able to do everything that I'm asking it to do I don't think it's possible to do a mask with an ultra key if you can then I don't know how and I've been looking up how there is nothing online to tell you how trust me with that in mind I'm going to start the project in premere Pro I know I can hear you I can hear your disappointment but listen all I'm going to do is clean up those green screens so they don't have the edges around it of the actual room which I can't seem to get rid of in flame then I'm going to export those videos drag and drop them into flame and Carry On from where we left off call this my one call for Aid my one phoner friend moment in this challenge hopefully it's a turning point and hopefully I can have some fun now with the software because there's loads of effects in there and I just need to start using them so I vented once more into flame even though I felt absolutely hopeless and that I already knew that the final product would be terrible I used that footage that I created in premere thinking that this would be the one and so I put on that master key with confidence and yes even though it threw up more problems that I hadn't encountered before like this Alpha mask what what the what is that listen ignore it ignore it maybe I can say save it may maybe I just need to make something there's got to be something I can do and I did I tried so hard to make something happen and to make something look good but just overwhelmed by the amount of time that this took and all I had to show for it was this this is not the greatest software in the world so I made one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make in my editing career which was to cut my losses and stop okay I get all right this time I've I've given up I I don't know how to say this but I I've completely failed the challenge I couldn't do it I'm going to have to humbly accept my defeat here and just bow down to the flame Gods because I I've spent too long doing this I've spent like you know almost 2 weeks trying to just do a green screen just trying to do a green screen and I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time I'm going to need to to learn the other effects that are more complex than green screens you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I give up I give up I'm sorry I'm really sorry I know this is disappointing to you cuz you know I'm like the the world's the world's best editor so you know it kind of sucks but you know I don't want to I don't want to come out of this challenge empty-handed I did some fun footage I feel like we can make something out of it still so in 2 hours I'm going to do the whole thing on premere Pro I've got so much pent up editing energy that I just haven't been able to release I'm I'm just going to splurge it all on Premiere and that's exactly what I did in just over 2 hours I edited the whole thing using only Creative Cloud apps and it looked pretty cool for such a short amount of time flame is geared up for the Hollywood editor someone who can spend days weeks months maybe even years on just a couple of frames I mean this thing is a beast and it's going to take years to master just learning how to use nodes properly requires expert training and if you don't know how to uze Iz the effects then what's the point I mean it took me years to learn Premier Pro to the level that I'm at now it would be the same for flame maybe even more probably more definitely more the lesson here is that you need to spend a lot of time learning these kinds of softwares I mean that's why I created a course for Premier Pro for beginners cuz I know what it's like wanting to learn how to do something and just having no idea where to start you can go check out the link in the description if you want to know more about that so my flame Journey was a complete bust but it wasn't all a loss this experience is giv me a newfound respect for visual effects artists and Hollywood professionals and of course I have one of the greatest and most terrible music videos of all time and here it is roll the clip this is not the greatest sofware in the world no this is just a free trial I couldn't fall the greatest software in the world yeah no it was expensive oh I really wish the sof was good all right but it's really unable all right FL flame flame FL [Music] flame God I'm so good at singing yeah if I don't do a get out of here outro at the end then people get angry they leave a comment and they say get out of here where where get out of here so I got to tell them get out of here I get out of here get out of [Music] here you're right jack it would be more effective to tell them to go watch the next video [Music]
Channel: finzar
Views: 379,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finzar, funny moments, comedy sketch, highlights, best moments, role playing, fun, funny, comedy, happy, hilarious, satire, satirical, editing, premiere pro, skit, how to, mental health, funny tutorials, autodesk, autodesk flame, autodesk flame tutorial beginner, funny editing, editing challenge, most expensive editing software, best editing software, davinci resolve, sony vegas, capcut, editing video, autodesk maya
Id: bJeJdhzwSms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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