I Made This Much Editing Undercover in 24 Hours

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I went undercover for 24 hours to try and make as much money as possible just by editing I created fake profiles on the most popular websites for finding editing jobs all in an attempt to prove that anyone no matter who you are can make money editing how much though I'll let you find out yeah damn dude I just got paid I just yeah [Music] look time to go let's do this first thing I'm going to do is start up a new account on Discord Discord is one of the platforms that we're going to be using a lot of cuz I know that there are a lot of editing servers that offer jobs so let's make an account on Discord this meant logging out of my finzar account and beginning the brainstorming process for a new username I wanted to go for something that was unique enough to catch an eye but also generic enough to seem trustworthy which is a tough balance to create with just a name now I thought about many names but only one stood out to me one that was still boring but kept catching my eye Darren now all I had to do was create his last name Winkle Boer no no it's got to be professional Darren Darren what's like a cool job what's like a cool job that like a blacksmith Darren Smith Smith Darren Smith with Darren Smith as my new Alias I now had to Brand this new metahuman and give him a face and believe me ladies and Fin in the early stages of selling Daren as an editor a lot of the success will come down to the way I do this branding so I went into Photoshop where I then Ed the new generative Phil AI feature to create a face for Darren Smith look at this guy citizen this is a really important step we need to make it look like he's a real person and not like a stock image I don't know man like who is that oh oh that is that is up oh no I can't say that and after a couple minutes skimming through options I finally found him that is Darren Smith and with Darren Smith created I then went on to make him a Discord profile he needed some meat on his skinny little bones and what better way to do that than to make him a show real something to show off his editing skills and catch the attention of some clients looking pretty good for time I jumped into premere Pro and began making the show real using my animation preset pack baby they come with these PNG images which I'm going to animate quickly I'm just going to literally just use my preset pack this whole pack is actually dedicated to animating pngs like this doing this kind of thing is actually very desirable on YouTube and I'm hoping that someone will see this and think I want that done I've been looking for someone to do this for my videos for ages so I think it's pretty desirable and after only 15 minutes of editing I had finished the animations that I wanted to put in the showreel and this is what they look like what what there is a reason that I'm going to spend a while doing this and it's because this really matters when it comes to showcasing your work and getting a job people want to see that you can do audio well people want to see that you can do their transitions well it's all about making people feel like they can just totally trust you in what you're doing and after 1 hour and 40 minutes of editing I had completed the animations transitions subtitles and audio design and it was looking good using my nice transitions pack it's pretty cool man that did not look good oh and I did use voiceover for this showreel which I feel gives it some more personality and trustworthiness and thank you to my cameraman for doing that even if he sounded a little bit like a robot hi guys my name is Darren Smith and this is my show real these are some of the transitions that I could do for you with the showreel complete and with 2 hours eaten away it was time to upload my material and begin spreading myself around like the Bubonic plague that's right baby I was going low to the far depths of low the lowest I'd ever gone I was dming every single person posting jobs that I could see not only that but copy and pasting the same message to every single one no wonder this happened I want to look for more jobs but the thing is Discord is limiting me from applying to jobs because I have haven't had an account for over a day so it's slowing down every single DM I send so with my spamming on Discord I had been stopped in my tracks I also set up a quick Twitter account search for jobs but also ended up hitting the same obstacle there it turned out that being too Keen of an editor on the first day was a bad thing so all I could do now was wait for something to come back to me and at 5:25 3 hours and 25 minutes into my time doing this challenge I received the first promising message of the day yo yo to say I was excited would be an hello beautiful editing it's nice to meet you I know I mean no no no no oh my God hey thanks so much nice to meet you play cool play cool play cool we might have a job we might have a job maybe this is actually quite exciting my morale morale bump it up I myself edit as well I just can't really find much motivational time to do it and since I'm distracted and supposed to be editing right now I'm on Discord and after even that little bit of chat I was suddenly skeptical what where's this going maybe they just want a little chitchat so instead of wasting time I asked for work and while I waited for a response I checked out the channel to see what I might be up against let's uh let's watch one of his videos whatever color I spin we void whoever touches a forbidden color which the videos on his channel were roughly 15 to 20 minutes each with moderate editing including subtitles zooms memes meme sound effects and slide transitions now all that for me is actually fine as an experienced editor I know that the most grueling part of editing is cutting up and pacing the video which takes the longest to do and requires the most motivation this kid wants me to finish all that and so feeling like a 20-minute video with all of that editing might be a bit too much of a task to take on with only 20 hours left I decided to look around some more and see my other options and whilst I was looking I received quite a few more messages from this guy aie and at this point it just kind of seemed like maybe he wanted to chat he's just having a chat and Darren being the gruff editor that he is has no time to waste so admidst the chitchat I ask him how much he'll pay his answer is first a bit confusing but promising nonetheless he's willing to pay $3 to $35 per hour of work now to me that's a really good deal but there is that part in my brain which actually thinks that he's willing to pay that much per hour of footage which if it's a 20-minute video would only give me $10 and that's not good enough it's nearly 6:00 which means that we've been editing for almost 4 hours straight so now I'm just going to let this breathe for a minute because I've been applying for a lot of jobs hopefully we're going to get at least one response whilst we're away and then prepare for another 20 hours of this all right so while Finn searches for a job I'm going to go get us some pizza and I guess I'm paying for it because Finn can't afford anything right now cuz he's still hasn't made any money what on yes thanks cameraman let's hope that Discord has got some treats for us when we get back we got nothing we um we didn't get a we didn't get any messages back and so it begins I accepted the job with ay and downloaded the files immediately first job on the DL download time was 7:17 and Darren was roughly 5 hours into his editing challenge Orie has sent his footage and I finally had something to dig my editing teeth into having received a few notes from ay and a snippet of the editing style he wanted I got on with cutting up the raw footage now as I kind of pre-warned you earlier I know that the most grueling part of editing is cutting up and pacing the video cutting up that raw footage is the most boring part of the whole process and the most timec consuming so let me make this a little bit more fun for you to watch and summarize the next 14 hours for you nice and quick with a list of the major things that happened 753 I receive an exciting message request hey Darren I've come across some of your work and thought it was really good definitely do with your skill set on team let me know thank you which then turned out to be a complete dud 8:36 ay requests to see progress Clips 8:40 give me some chocolate cameraman fed me chocolate 9:18 ay prods me again for Clips 9:27 I went for a quick walk 10:15 Darren gets his first subscriber on YouTube and we made the mistake of looking at the subscribers [Music] Channel 10:31 aie asks again for Clips so I send him one 11:08 I do get a a little bit heated with all the messaging if I'm being completely honest guys I'm being rushed a bit by this guy listen I know when you have Darren editing your work you want to you want to see it done but you got to give Darren time okay 11:38 and I you not a has asked for another preview yep I I think I'm going to ignore this one 11:48 Master Chief steps in what do I do chief vinar you are editing really well do not give up but also your ass stinks wait what your butt it stinks what do you mean you need to hurry up and edit you need to do it faster that's what I'm doing I'm getting bored edit faster Finn but how fine put me on your head and he'll show you okay all right but I don't know if I'm going to be able to see that well out of just shut up and put me on already he he's a little bit rude but here we go 12:28 I finished cutting up the project and start adding zooms so I finished cutting up the project now I'm going to add Zooms for the whole 15 minutes 12:30 my cameraman goes to bed good night cameraman you go to bed you go sleep well okay and I'm all alone I'll be okay for the next 2 hours I edited non-stop until the zooms were done and I was happy with the pacing and at 2:30 I stopped for the night it's 2:38 it's time for me to retire I'm tired look at that yeah I got to go to sleep now and um actually save myself so that I can work well tomorrow all right good night for 5 hours I slept as good as humanly possible a blessing really but also a curse I think I might have ever slept yep indeed I did so I hurried myself up and got straight back into the office no breakfast no shower nothing pretty Grim stuff guys my cameraman arose too and within 10 minutes of waking up I was off again I hate to be this guy man I hate I hate to be that guy bu a cough go I got what I'm making the money here your coffee I began with sound effects which was as simple as doing all of the transitions with whoes highlighting funny character moments with cartoon sound effects and a few too many Bru bruh I don't know why I just thought it was hilarious 10:30 by this point I've been roughly editing for 14 hours straight minus sleep and breaks the thought thought of seeing the Finish Line at this point felt extremely motivational to me but even still with over 3 hours left I was struggling I had to channel the inner editing beast and Power on got to keep going there is absolutely no way that I'm coming out of this with no cash even if it's less than I hop for I have to finish this project 11:38 I started the subtitles luckily I wouldn't have to do much as the intro has already been edited by ory which is where the main bulk of subtitles would be needed all I had to do was cover up the bits that were unintelligible and where it's was comedic you have to get get for the next 2 hours I polished scrubbed wiped and cleaned up that timeline like never before it was like that Disney movie Soul Darren had completely taken over me and I was in the zone as the time came to an end I managed to finish the video within half an hour of the time limit okay video is finished and we got half an hour left I got to actually start rendering otherwise I might miss it I slapped it on render as soon as I could and now all I could do was wait rendered but the video rendered quickly I uploaded it onto Google drive to send to aie look at the time limit we got 32 minutes left you can't make that up you cannot make that up all right I think by this standard we're going to we're going to hit it just in time and with the video uploading just with enough time to make it ay finally gave me a solid answer on how much he was going to pay me he wants to pay me $33 this challenge isn't over just yet I think he means per hour of footage which is annoying essentially Ori had planned to pay me for every hour of footage that he sent me he sent me about 50 minutes worth of footage so in his eyes it was worth $30 but Darren isn't going to give up that easy I pushed for a better price and I got $50 for the whole thing it wasn't much of a bump but it was something $50 for 9 hours of work 9 1/2 50 divid 9.5 about $6 an hour it's not as good as $30 an hour but but it's something this is just the reality of editing when you start up on the first day I mean you can't I wasn't expecting to find a $500 job it's just how it be if I was Darren Smith and I hadn't started a YouTube channel I hadn't done anything I had zero experience and I just got $50 for like 9 hours of work I still yeah I mean I would it's not great I don't know man it's $50 I can't be unhappy with $50 it pays for the pizza pays for the pizza and the Discord membership and we got like a little bit of spending money left over the tiniest bit and with that wrapped up the upload to drive had finished time to send it to aie and by 2:00 exactly I'd completed the challenge the timing really was Immaculate and we managed to just about squeeze everything into the 24 hours but what's even stranger is that I got paid exactly at 2:00 $51 from ay I just got paid at 2:00 honestly I don't think you could get a better ending than that damn dude I just got paid are you going to time your Fins Up yeah we got paid let's go spend this money I don't know what I'm want though will he a buy another Pizza B buy a medieval foam sword or C match the money that you made on this Challenge and donate that to [Music] [Applause] charity get out of here go away now bye Shake just a little bit F no comptition Shake just a little bit faster
Channel: finzar
Views: 721,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finzar, comedy sketch, fun, funny, comedy, happy, hilarious, satire, satirical, editing, premiere pro, skit, how to, funny tutorials, editing challenge, 24 hour challenge, how much money editing, make money editing, money challenge, editing jobs, video editing, YouTube editing, getting an editing job, job hunting, money making, mr beast, funny challenge, how to edit, editing work, YouTube money, Undercover, undercover challenge, money
Id: IqjUS5miiOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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