I Tested Fast Food Commercials VS Real Life!

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you ever see a pizza Commercial and it just looks so perfect well what if I told you that the cheese pole is actually just blue today I'm going to be recreating fast food commercials in real life if you didn't already know food company's hire stylists whose job is to do whatever it takes to make their product look as good as possible which means using items that aren't even edible so in this video I hired a food stylist to see if he can recreate these commercial Quality Foods all right judges you guys ready yes sir yes we are so I hired Chef Josh here a professional food stylist and he's going to be recreating some of the best foods from commercials you have to find the food that you think Josh created now if you guys get five out of seven right you get my boy $1,000 you're playing for Chef Josh here okay all right don't worry Josh I'm with you alongside I'm going to be helping you a ghf bro get out we're going to start with the first moood judges get out of here don't cheat all right guys we are going to start with fluffy pancakes That's a classic right there exactly last night Chef Josh sent me everything I need to know so I can be prepared for today so I'm going to be helping him what you need to make commercial pancakes is motor oil as the syrup I was shocked when I saw that and we have cardboard because that's going to help us stack the pancakes and make them look tall right correct and of course we got our beautiful pancakes right here do you think we Tred two pieces of cardboard I think two I think we're going to see a major difference with two oh yeah that's the one right there we got one more pancake so stack we should be good to go can I try a circle I want to say that I was able to participate in this you know I created my own shape this isn't a circle this is a shkel okay this is way better that's a let's see if we can make this look good what do you think keep in mind the judges are only going to see one side so we should always focus on the one side to make it perfect it looks good yeah this looks good I'm excited to actually decorate it right now we're going to compare the sizes right now with the pancakes with cardboard and without cardboard you could definitely see a clear winner right here and just so you guys know we're going to have a bunch of other decoys around the commercial one trying to trick them but ultimately hopefully they get it right okay so we got our decoy pancakes surrounding our commercial one yes we do and I'm not going to lie it's going to be pretty tough because they all look commercial like they all look so good what exactly is the point of the oil the point of pen oil oil is so that the actual oil itself doesn't absorb in the pancake okay so I'm going to pour this and let's see how it looks ooh wait that actually looks good it's pretty light okay wait I drowned it bro so we are throwing off the judges but like we also don't want to throw them off too much because we want you to win bro we want them to figure this out right but then we can't make it too easy we got to make it a challenge in a pH rug video Everything has to be a challenge exactly all right out of the five let's see if they can guess that this is the commercial one all right guys so the judges are about to walk in there's one problem the one that's supposed to look the most commercial like doesn't look commercial like I feel like the oil didn't do what it said it's supposed to do should we add some oil right now just to like make it stand out right before they walk in just a little bit a dash I think I ruined it I'll be honest like that looks normal I went crazy judges come on in it's going to be so freaking easy I'll be honest Anthony is pretty good at challenges so you got someone good on that side I do want to say that I've worked in the commercial industry before and I've seen this in my own eyes so let's see if I could get it so guys just so you know the three judges have to work together to get one answer they can't have different answers so they might be aru aring throughout the video oh my gosh this is crazy okay look so you're going with four I think so I think that's how they're throwing us off look first of all one and four are more than three pancakes the other three are three pancakes I will say something stick to your gut then we'll go with five who's who's it's got to be two just look at the butter on two okay I'm going with one no we have to agree on the same oneart 3 2 one two two two is your final answer yeah I'm going to start with something that you guys were going to guess which was one or four if I'm able to take a bite from number four that means it's not the commercial food I don't want to do this H okay good good good all right all right all right one here good good good good good guys it's number two yes good job you know what's crazy we thought before this that number two like the least commercial food I know because there has to be something under the top pancake right yep cardboard cardboard to make it look stacked and you want to know what was the syrup what motor oil what that's why it was shining so much exactly you caught it oil the shine see how no no no no motor oil wait so you're tell me this is real yes uh-huh round number one you got it right but it's only going to get harder and harder get out of here go all right hurry next round we have my all-time favorite food cereal yes I grew up on cereal every single morning and I used to watch the cereal commercials but I did not know what went into it behind the scenes so what we have right here is our base which is jello then we have blue here to represent as our milk Shredded Wheat of course this beautiful grap syum raspberries for Aesthetics of course mhm this right here is that glue too that's all glue what that is crazy this time I'm not going to touch this I mean they did get the first one right but I want to let the stylist do his thing not too crazy what is this piece bro Hold Up Hold I got you I got you there we go you kind of like neatly place it or place it around after you get a good amount yeah then we add a couple raspberries in there you guys question do we need the spoon yes now you have to shank it in there a little bit right here goes into ooh just like that too guys now I want to create the decoy ones cuz you know I used to pour up cereal back in the day all right we're going to get the milk in first there we go we don't tell me you pour your milk before your cereal wait that's not normal no does anyone else pour the milk before the cereal hopefully so I don't look dump we got to stack it up that looks great and now we'll add The Raspberries I think this one's tough guys so obviously this one is the commercial one and then we got number two and three they still look pretty good I really hope the guys get this one ah my fellow judges y'all thought it was going to be easy going forward from now on you guys have to pick a disadvantage from this hat to make it harder to find the commercial food we actually almost lost the last one I don't know why do we need a disadvantage cuz it's like more fun for them to watch right you should already know this is a phase rug video like I kind of already had an inkling that this was going to happen what's an inkling what Dad Define inkling inkling yeah I'm an inkling person okay you pick Anthony pick something good is it supposed to be good don't look brother they're folded bro upside down goggles that's good yo Brian that's that's forked up of you bro I'll get you guys your goggles and we'll get to round two okay hold hands everyone hold hands PUK guys it's not that bad all you're seeing is upside down it's not that bad okay oh wo now I'm going to show you guys what they see right now hi guys hello oh my God all right guys so for round number two we have three cereals one of them is obviously commercial which one Ron which one four four number four there's number four I don't see number four there's no number four two it's two it's number one and we're only saying the ones in front of us cuz that's yeah wait hold on you guys are each saying what's right in front of you guys guys look at number one I just can't look at it I'm going to give you guys a hint what makes it fake is that there is glue as the milk wo get a good look do me I said number three here here run run come look come look here okay yeah number one you can't even see the milk in number three oh my God wait look at their eyes bro bro I'm sorry but that's terrifying yo I got it 5 4 3 2 1 take off your goggles oh my God oh my God you guys can't change your answer you guys pick number one I want you guys get a good look yeah one for sure it's because it looks so much more delicious it's not messy you want lift up the spoon yeah yeah yes yes okay that was my first option yeah it right can I try so there's Jello-O and glue what the two for two got a two for two Let's Go Gang let's go let's go all right next round we got French fries for this we're going to be using some McDonald's fries what we're going to do right now is take the styrofoam right here cut it specifically to where it could fit within the Box apply toothpicks to the styrofoam and then apply french fries onto the topick to make it look like a perfect image this is going to be super satisfying watch this WOW next is the fun part so now we're going to apply two pcks to start from right here Perfect all right we got our Contraption here now I think this is the fun part we actually pick the best looking fries and make them stand up and voila let's get this one in all right I feel like we should finish this up and show you guys the result all right we got our fries right here now we have to actually prop it up in there okay ooh wait that just already looks great I know right look at that that looks perfect we have some sitting in here to make it look full commercial french fries let's go hello judges oh are you a magic eightball don't pick goggle do you guys think you're actually going seven for seven yes we are we're the smartest people on the planet we've been doing really good look Let's Make a Deal no matter what we pick we win okay just pick something good can I read it you guys have to stand far away oh no yeah from me and for French fries you really want to get a good look at french fries we going to make the different from far away between the french fries which one fake first of all let me say that in English how are we going to all right get out here guys you're going to stand at the end of this carpet to make things a little harder we're giving you guys one minute I think it's two I guess number two why are you guys going for number two they look really straight you guys are thinking number two but I'm thinking number one Burger King straight fries wait wait look at three three is like all the same exact color oh they might have can you pull one out of three please I can't I can't touch any of them ask a question which one did you you guys make okay you think number one is the fries sticking like no ask him a question time's up answer now oh one one one one oh okay that's real so you guys are still safe and I'll be honest four and five are real okay okay so it's between one and two if it's two there's going to be a big problem in this group guys I said number two I said number two wait wait wait what what the huh it's edible it's just on toothpicks what in the contraption two out of three remember you need five right for the chef to acquire $1,000 come on we got you brother all right let's move on to the next round let's do it let's do it all right guys so for this round it's going to be a little bit different we're actually going to have three commercial foods and only one real one and they're going to have to spot the real from the fake yes we got some fruit for this round so we got some grapes strawberries blueberries and watermelon I think the real one that they're going to have to choose will be blueberries so for the grapes we're going to apply hairspray to give it that nice shiny look for the actual strawberries here we'll actually be applying lip gloss my lip gloss is cool his lip gloss is poin yeah and then we have the watermelon we're going to be cutting the watermelon slices and applying a red spray paint to give it more shiner red to the actual color of the fruit itself that's going to be the three commercial Foods blueberry is going to be the one they have to get all right we're going to start with the watermelon I feel like this one's going to be obviously fake like it's going to look super red we want them to know that this is the commercial one ooh there you go TR watermelon down let's get the others grapes see like I'm a little bit Hands-On today because I did my research yesterday I I studied from what he sent me but you got to let the pro do what he does best oh they're shining bro yeah give it like a little wet look you know can I spray some more yes you if you want to no problem I just want to feel like I did something yes okay okay okay this is the fun part guys we get to choose which one's what yo guys real quick while you're watching this right now I need you to comment your favorite food of all time in the comment section down below looks so much better and what we do is just hit a lot of like dark or light areas to make it blend more oh yeah here we go cool we're going to finish up the rest of the strawberries and get the judges back in here all right the final touch the strawberries so Chef I'm going to go give them their disadvantage but guys we're looking for that one all right guys you know the deal yeah oh my gosh oh dark sunglasses I feel like you need to see color for this round this is actually crazy that we bought this it's good it's bad you're telling me I can't wear it like this bro you're not wearing them why not bro all right you guys know your spots so for this round three of these are commercial food but only one of them is real you have to spot the real one now oh you going to switch up on us like that got to switch it up look I got a crazy plan here okay where do we live San Diego the state of California how many commercials have you seen that use blueberries none I have an idea there's three of them that aren't real so how we each pick one the watermelon is fake bro it looks like it's like painted on like that's so fake that's how about this 10 seconds no come on watermelon fake strawberry so fake look at the strawberries bro it's dark on the top they're all the same color grap is too shiny grapes are not that shiny number one how could you even two one number one one wait you guys really thought the watermelon space get out of here we spray painted it strawberries though why do you think this is they look plump they look too fruity this has lip gloss all on it okay what's wrong with these grapes you yeah what do you think about the grapes they're too shiny bro you guys got it you guys got it number one yep no Ron relax they still put motor oil in it guys you got three out of four congratulations go we got guys good St good St all right next up we got coffee coffee come on something that a lot of people need to just get them up in the morning get to work grind it's always coffee so how do they do it in commercials we actually use soy sauce I mean it does look like coffee and I do see some dish soap so we have to dawn for the actual like bubbles and foam to give that good authentic coffee look right why soy sauce like I get it has the same color so the reason for the soy sauce here is just so we can get like a better richer look when it comes to the display of the actual coffee that's good okay all right we mix it up that chemical oh there we go look at that insta bubbles m i see where this is going you just kind of squeeze it out yeah squeeze the bubbles up right there to this bowl perfect there you go this one was a lot easier to do it was right now I want to see how it looks when you actually pour coffee into a glass and see how long the bubbles last so we got the commercial coffee right there and the bubbles are looking great but here we have some more coffee that I'm going to pour into another cup to see how long the bubbles last correct here they are so let's see how long it takes for those to pop almost half the bubbles are gone and aosd Perfect Look those bubbles are pretty much all gone now we're just going to pour the last one now that's a lot of bubbles I think to throw off the judges we should add creamer to one of them you know what that's a perfect idea my friend see the bubbles are all gone I don't know if this is too much but adding whipped cream to the top I love the idea of whipped cream honestly mhm now that's something I'd order now we have to hurry up before this melts yes we do let's go let's go you guys know the deal come on yes chef I know Anthony's short but he's wearing his 4in Crocs I get it are yes Sour Patch eye patch wait wait they have to be wearing an eye patch for this round that's not bad yeah can I say something do I have to be back there with them every time why your dad farted so hard he started holding his back after that no if you fart that hard Dad you need to go see a doctor I was pushing so hard okay okay okay guys we have coffee one two or three one of them is commercial coffee the other two is just any ordinary coffee number three is so obvious obvious right but that that could be the reason no I know that's weird so one of them has to be Coke I think I think number one number one what it's fake I kind of agree Chef J yes which one did you make again with this question St wait I got a real question how come the bubbles on number one are not like popping when I pour a coffee it Bubbles and then it stops maybe three I three three is so that's shaving cream yep three wait wait I just got this that's not that's not wh cream that's shav Clint shut up we vote number three are you guys collectively agreeing shaving cream shaving cream yes a shaving cream I need to shave after that you guys are locked in on number three okay I want you guys to come up here I'm not going to lie this was really bad I want you guys to smell number one it's a new coffee that I like to form it's called soy sauce and dish soap that was the commercial coffee we didn't put any effort into this it's whipped cream like legit it's legit whipped cream this looks nothing like whipped cream wait that actually does look does look like shaving cream can I shave with the OV no stop I can't shave three I no it's actually Tom and Jerry papar rug is Tom Sherman's Jerry now we're moving on to round number six with you guys having three out of five right are they getting harder they are so now Chef I hate to break the news to you and to you guys the pressure is on because you have to get the last two right in order for Chef Josh to get the Thousand you say number one my dad did say number one in the beginning number one till the end though Hey Ron from now on I'm going listen to you we've all seen the burger commercials I mean you know how many times I've gotten out of my house because I've seen a hamburger commercial so many times it looks so good and we're about to find out how they do it and how good it actually looks first things first we want to always have our Bri buns here all right so after we do the Buns you guys we apply the cheese to the bottom BN first so you're going to let it kind of like go over from what I saw from the video you take a heat gun and you kind of melt the sides so the cheese folds over good Perfect all right next you guys we want to apply the actual Patty nice Patty all right all right we have our Burger lettuce over here you guys and we're going to be using some toothpicks to hold it in place exactly as well I think maybe I could even have it this way we move on to the next thing which is tomatoes oh yeah too should be perfect we're going to use the toothpick from the lettuce right perfect add up his cheese right here from what I saw you need a makeup sponge to hold up the bun to give it the layers that wo that actually looks really good now feel the fin touch you want to make sure that this pad looks ni nice and fresh so we're going to apply some vegetable oil to the actual Patty there we go just like that apply it to there perfect we got the finished product right here how you feeling about number four I think four would be a perfect spot but this bun here need to be a replaced you want to make it harder huh just a little bit okay place with Brios right there I think this is our best creation yet if they don't spot this I've lost faith in the judges for sure fellas you got to get this one right big good one sadly there are no good ones there are some easier than harder hey speed round speed round this is a good one how long do we have 15 seconds wait wait wait no 15 seconds 20 seconds only you Pap fine for 20 seconds but if you lose you get 10 seconds if he loses rock paper scissors they get 10 seconds if he wins they get 20 it's fair ready Rock Paper Scissors Shoot 20 seconds okay okay back it up when do we stop there we go ,000 for Josh on three 1 2 3 ,000 for all right listen this is how it's going to work when I say turn around you're all going to turn around at the same time 20 seconds on the clock and you turn back around and then you guys all come up with your answer in 3 2 1 let's go all right it's begun it's begun the highest stack was four four four the lettuce looks different wait two looks so good two looks so good seconds two and three are good five is good four turn around turn around turn around four is the highest stack I'm telling you I agree even the Le is not green no I agree I agree wait hey no he didn't he didn't why would you risk that he didn't he didn't I swear iwear if Chef Josh wasn't here I would have ended the whole video what's your final answer I think we're going to go with four four is a commercial so you guys said number four yeah oh what the heck is that you got it right got it right what is that it's a makeup sponge to hold up and like stack the burger it's time for the last round get out of here we're ending off the video with a bang we got ice cream come on yes we do to make commercial ice cream technically we don't use ice cream at all we actually use instant mashed potatoes with a little bit of food coloring add a little bit Aesthetics for like decoration and then boom you have your ice cream so right now I'm going to show you guys step by step how we make the ice cream we'll take our instant Mash I mean this is still something that I can eat after you know like this is one of the edible commercial foods which one do you think we should put the fake one in a waffle bowl or a jumbo cup I recommend the jumbo cup for the a fake one and Waffle bow just so when the ice cream actually melt it it collect the ice cream true one two three four two St like that and then we're going to add a little bit of food color this we have to blend with water I'm thinking green mint mint okay okay yeah three drops one two three mix this in here that's already looking like a bowl of ice cream yes right just like that chocolate chips you got to add the chocolate chips man mix it in ooh now we're going toss this to the refrigerator for like 30 minutes cool off real quick you guys then once 30 minutes pass we can bring it back out and we can finish our process it's been about 30 minutes it's about 30 minutes my brother check on the mashed potatoes oh my gosh yo okay that looks like mint chocolate chip ice cream that's it crazy Slide the first one down like that all right guys so we grabbed another ice cream scooper cuz the first one didn't work as well yeah this one's hard shake this up a little bit yeah maybe just get dirty that actually looks better the thing they have to consider too is like this isn't going to melt so if they're going to be looking closely at other ones like they see some melting they're going to easily know that's real exactly we're going to get some sprinkles on there oh so we learned something new here you can't put sprinkles on cold mashed potatoes well we have an alternative here we have cherries nice oh my gosh dude last round guys come on mixing it up smoke machine that's impossible are you going to like put smoke on everything yes I will tell you just so you guys know the last item is ice cream yeah oh one of them is not going to be melted smart smart all right guys so we're going to create the other ice cream now so it doesn't melt exactly so hard to get that perfect scoop I don't have the best ice cream scoopers here when you're scooping the trick is to have hot water so it doesn't stick as much oh wait that looks great maybe we actually could put sprinkles sprinkles on yes Bo there we go and here we have our ice cream all right guys this is it do not peek guys just want to throw this out there I'm better at Counter Strike than Sherman okay bro relax no no stop relax you don't even have gloves all right guys we've made it this far you guys are four for six you need this we've eliminated two options there's only three to choose from all right we're trying to make it easy but this is a hard round I'm going to get the fog going and then when I say turn around you turn around and of course there has to be a time limit for the fog so 30 seconds all right guys it's going to get foggy in here you ready yes oh I hear it all right guys final round turn around now o Cherry looks like it's melting on the three look at three it looks like it's like kind of getting in I don't know or one one one 10 seconds I think two might be the real one I think two might be the real one no no no three three turn around turn around turn around time see three just looked like I thought it was melting into three at first but then three didn't have a shine think two is the fake one no no no Anthony three didn't have a shine I'm thinking about it now it's I'm going to does ice cream have shine why would you make mint ice cream bro so last time you guys trusted Anthony he failed yeah just that I'm going to thr I'll give you a quick 5 Seconds to turn around okay ready go 1 2 3 four five oh my God final answer three really look I'm going to go with three only because when I turn back around everything looked the same but three just looked different turn around guys three is your final answer all right so this is still edible with what we used so why you eating it if it's edible okay one of these is mashed potatoes oh you guys said three and the final answer is three we get one let's go let's go Chef let's go let's go let's go got congratulations that almost made me not believe it the way it was melting there oh my brain does not compute with that that's crazy take a bite take a bite come on potatoes chocolate chip edible mashed potatoes ew wash it down if it wasn't for the judges not only the judges but your skills your skills in making the food look like commercial food you would not be walking away with this but here you go well deserved you guys that let's go make sure you guys drop a like on the video hit that subscribe button we'll see you all with the next video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 4,323,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: 1GzWNXiThzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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