I Survived Under _MinecraftPr0s_ House for 14 Days & This Is What Happened

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well now sub it looks like pros gone and destroyed your base the nerve it's time to get some good old-fashioned revenge luckily I can talk you through several steps that can help you say I survived under Minecraft pros house for 14 days and this is what happened we'll need to be stealthy strategic and strong if we want to pull this off sub it's a good job you've got me to help you with these tactical operations let's get started day 1 sup 14 days is a long time I mean it's essentially a fortnight so you need to be careful and keep your wits about you Pro has a very nice house but today you're gonna infiltrate it who knows what kind of secrets he has hidden in there getting in unseen will be one of the trickiest parts but provided prologues off you have your way in just make sure to always watch out for him logging back on as you sneak inside ah you made it just in time sup now start carving out a bit of a small space under the floor nice first day and you're already living inside day 2 now that you have some space why not shell set up a crafting bench and furnace and some chests no one said you had to stop playing the game properly just because you are hiding in a house up currently you only have leather armor which is great but not it Pro finds you I guess you can spend the second day chillin sub maybe smelt some iron ore in your furnace as that doesn't make any noise and won't arouse any suspicion you just don't open the chest when pro is right above sub oh stop I said don't open the chest you're gonna need to be really quiet down here no opening things no walking around and jumping on the floor while pros here sub you need a sneak it's the only way to avoid getting busted day three morning sub I see you're still alive and it looks like pros taking a trip outside today he's done building his house and wants to go gather some more resources for you that only means one thing more free time to make your base foolproof without worrying about making noise or crouching you can start to expand and clear out some different rooms and compartments around your secret base try not to break any blocks at pro place himself but ensure that you always have enough room to keep cozy and comfortable you're gonna be here for a while remember sub o + Pro is back you're gonna need a stop for an Elsa but you've made good progress day 4 I can tell you're getting a bit more confident sub minecraft pro is completely oblivious he brought back lots of resources yesterday but it seems he's going out for more and I can hear your tummy rumbling from here sub rather than use today to expand more of your base why not consider taking a trip up to pros actual house be careful though don't touch or move anything that would be super obvious check his chest for stuff of course hopefully there will be some food items in there surely he won't have memorised the stack number for each food so taking a little bit shouldn't hurt now you don't have to worry about starving to death day 5 proce back and he didn't even notice the food going missing well that's good sup perhaps you should consider checking on pro every now and then so you need some updates of what he's doing just in case he tries starting to build a basement pros making an awful lot of noise giving you the perfect opportunity to create somewhat of a spy hole now you could see what pro's doing ah he's stuffing his face with food oh he he just farted sup don't laugh quickly go back downstairs never spend too long spying on pro day 6 Pro has been upgrading his house recently and now he even has a farm enchantment room and chest storage room you know the best thing you could do right now sub is try and create some tunnels to each of those areas with tiles you won't need to worry about being out in the open for Pro to return at any time using these tunnels you can access his crops as long as you replant them is enchantment table and even some of his chest items again make sure to not mess with anything too much sub you don't want him to be suspicious tomorrow marks 7 days you've stayed hidden so don't blow it now day 7 you almost blew it sup but luckily you were able to evade pros eyes just in time he's still working on putting out the fire but at least you have some potions and ingredients now with all the commotion I doubt Pro will realize he's lost so much stuff o sub what's that an invisibility potion hey nice find why not put it to good use wait until Pro is back inside then start scaring him by moving things around slam his door break his furniture you don't have to worry about being caught as you're invisible just keep moving so he doesn't hit you or see your particles day eight we had some fun yesterday sub but I think it's time for you to get serious Pro is running low on food so if you were to NAV anymore he definitely would notice for sure but one thing he definitely hasn't kept count off is his farm animals use one of your tunnels to reach the farm and rather than breed and kill a few like you've been doing ler some down into your base penned them in and now you have managed to siphon off your own set of farm animals perfect who knew this was possible hey if you love seeing sub troll and prank his friends and want to see more of that kind of stuff then make sure you don't forget to like this video a thumbs up show sub your support day 9 Pro is starting to expand a little more and I'm getting concerned some what if he finds you what would you do you still have five days left to go grab your pick and get mining you want to block up as many of your old rooms as possible and start building downward clearer space that is much further down so that when Pro tries to make a basement he won't find you day 10 now that you're out a pro's way again you should consider another day of spying to see what he's up to now that he's expanded climb up a little and again make sure to be quiet wait what's this nether I'd armor and Bill's enchantment books and even crossbows sup it looks like Pro is gearing up for war and the only other player online right now is well EU pro doesn't know where you are right now but he's seriously well-equipped and know something is wrong sub you're gonna need to be more careful now day 11 with the danger of Pro finding you lurking I suggest taking some of that redstone I mentioned earlier and putting it to good use create a few note blocks and wire them up to create an alarm this alarm should be triggered from the pressure plates all around your hidden base to ensure that it Pro finds you you can get up and escape quickly the bad thing is you can't test it to see if it actually works well not while pro is in the house at least so as soon as you can sub it's time for a drill day 12 with an alarm setup perhaps you should try disarming Pro you remember the old tunnels you dug to his chest room return or take some new ones to find his best gear and try to remove it when he isn't looking this is probably gonna take you a whole day sub day 13 now Pro has basically nothing and your alarm is setting Casey finds you and your complex oh well I can't even believe it's been two weeks then he still hasn't found you let's go take a look at what he's doing sup ah he's found out you've stolen everything oh sub I think he heard us I think you better run hey how long have you been able to hide below your friends base without being spotted let us know in the comments and give us ideas for what you want to see in the next video day 14 the jig is up sub you need a run as far down into your complex as you possibly can and find a good hiding spot if you can make it to sunset then you'll have completed the challenge he's finding all your tunnels and secret rooms he must be feeling pretty ridiculous having not realize this was all underneath them sorry Pro you got duped by the best well now pro may have figured out everything you had going on here sub but at the end of the day you at least had fun Pro on the other hand probably just got irritated and that's what matters right sup I'm sure Pro may be angry now but he got what's coming to him and I'm pretty sure he'll cool off eventually thanks for sharing all of these awesome tips with us today sub but I know new videos are on the horizon and you need to get back to them we'll catch you later sub see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sub's World
Views: 2,292,137
Rating: 4.9004197 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animation, funny, noob, pro, modern, house, fun, peminecraft, build, noob vs pro, ssundee, dantdm, WiederDude, DanOMG, GrianMC, Mumbo Jumbo, MagmaMusen, sub, I Survived Under _MinecraftPr0s_ House for 14 Days & This Is What Happened
Id: 90vP795k8Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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