12 Ways to SCARE Your Friends in Minecraft!

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looking to the future can be scary but perhaps you can save some noobs some stress today sub and take their minds off things with 12 ways to scare your friends in minecraft giving them a scaring game should distract them from the pressures of upcoming life and it's always good fun to see some of your imaginative and creative pranks in action so let's get to it number one threat of destruction time to get building yourself a base you need somewhere to scare all of your friends after all either create your own house and invite friends round or seek them out in theirs looks like Steve's taken notice of your house I think this would be a great opportunity for a prank wire up a special button and hide it behind a wall use the lever and piston to cover it up and wait until Steve comes inside if he tries any funny business then reveal the button and claim that it's a special self-destruct trigger that's linked to TNT he'll think twice about stealing your items and will probably wet his pants as he flees little does Steve know that you didn't actually link the button up to TMZ whatsoever did you some very clever number two wake-up call Steve is tired and wants to get a good night's rest but you're not gonna let that happen are you sub I didn't think so Steve's got a big day of being pranked so he needs to wake up as early as possible hey sub you think you can build some sort of alarm clock grab yourself some observers trapdoors and redstone you can grab some other items that make noise if you need and then visit Steve's house all the trap doors will constantly open and close all that's left is to wait for Steve to get deep into his dreams and then flick that lever and watch him freak out it'll take him forever to find where that noise is coming from number three Halloween fright hey sub we've caught you binge watching horror movies haven't we have you been up all night you can find a lot of inspiration for scary pranks from horror movies why not change up your skin and use one that is much scarier find a really iconic or recognizable figure or beast and prepare to jump out at Steve when he least expects it you can hide in the trees within cave entrances can't sleep why not watch a few more videos here on subs world make sure to subscribe and stay awhile number four the mob surprised when in doubt head on out and explore the Minecraft world for some of the scariest and fiercest mobs in the game if you want to scare Steve you may as well just let the mobs do it for you you can lean mobs across the world at various ways trick them into walking into a boat use a fishing rod or just go into creative and grab some spawn eggs locate Steve's beloved house where inside he's enjoying a lovely warm night with all of his pets by the fire such a great time but that's about to change whatever mobs you brought towards him will not only wake him up but also give him quite a scare number 5 chess theft Steve has a lot of chests some more conveniently placed in others you're not looking to steal his diamonds today right sub great if we're just scaring him no we don't need to worry about moving a chest too far we just need to make him think that his chest is about to be stolen visit Steve's house sometime and take a look at where his chests are locate one with valuables that he frequently goes to and make sure it's by a wall tell Steve you're leaving to go mine and secretly sneaked round and break through the wall create a piston circuit and when Steve walks around and grab some items he'll trigger the system and think his chest has been yanked right out from underneath him number 6 redstone blood and bones your friends care about your well-being seeing you in danger is gonna get them all worked up so seeing you die might be even more effective find one of your closest friends if you don't have one make one quick and spend some time getting to know them when you know they'll be upset if you die fill your inventory with redstone red dye blood at a skeleton head wait until you're with them and then purposely kill yourself spreading guts and gore everywhere number seven I dream of nethers Steve wants to lay down arms and go on a nice little adventure with you sub you guys can be the best of friends it looks like Steve wants to go to the nether perhaps being in a different dimension has triggered your mean streak but I have a feeling you're not gonna go for much of an adventure that's a bed you're holding stuff they don't work in the nether I mean they do but they're rather explosive ah I see you already knew this but Steve doesn't just wait until he's nearby and then place one down and either ask him to sleep or just do it yourself either way the explosion will be enough to scare Steve for sure number eight the cave noise scare running around mining all day can be hard work but it's made worse when you get spooked by some really creepy cave noises though sinister low-pitched bellows and high-pitched squeals really get your spine tingling Steve doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to downloading mods so you can do it for him except as well as downloading whatever mod he wants also edit the sound files so that almost every sound is a scary cave noise watch at each turn as Steve freaks out to a chorus of fear [Music] [Applause] number nine the player haunting Steve wanted you to build him a house that looks awesome but I have a feeling something a bit scarier as inside Oh nice interior but the redstone torches make it a little dim and mysterious try doing this yourself at home build your friend a house but fill it with various traps and triggers place pressure plates at the top of a ladder and have them activate dispensers hidden under carpets as the arrow hits Steve he'll freak out and think the house is haunted try spawning some skeletons or even drop an anvil or two to really get him riled up he'll be back out of the doors in no time [Music] number 10 the snowball scare tell Steve you want to have a one block tower race to the sky limit now go and tell him to get materials and you do the same except you can also collect some snowballs race all the way up let him win and then equip your snowball to really scare him and bring that hype all the way down number 11 is a collapsing tomb falling sand is always the worst getting trapped by it can be really annoying and if it happens when you least expect it can be a dreaded moment as you rush to escape but let's think out of the box though because we know players fear falling sand let's create a building that drops in across the whole room when triggered leaving only one block untouched and reminding the player to never venture into random tombs again which you wonder into a random tomb if you came across it in the desert let us know in the comments below number 12 - lava chaser as usual your builds know no bounds this one is really something and I think Steve agrees perhaps take this chance while he's admiring your bill to create a secret trap basement time to scoop up a few buckets prepare yourself an underground parkour course with various tripwire triggers lava jumps and redstone set up another tripwire on the staircase and hook it up to a set of Pistons which hold the lava back this will trigger a flow of lava so that Steve will not be able to leave once down there time to put it to the test just let Steve know you've added a new room to your house just down there go check it out Steve it's awesome and then watches the lava cascades down the stairs and Steve is forced to jump across the treacherous course to escape but we all know that there is no escape bye-bye Steve if any Steve had hiccups today they won't anymore you've scared the skeletons out of everyone and taught us all a new set of ways to give other players a fright thank you so much sub if you think you're up to the task of setting up an elaborate scare prank for your friends too make sure to follow some of these guides or try and combine a few for a maximum effect [Music]
Channel: Sub's World
Views: 1,935,184
Rating: 4.8808775 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animation, funny, noob, pro, modern, house, fun, peminecraft, build, noob vs pro, ssundee, dantdm, WiederDude, DanOMG, GrianMC, Mumbo Jumbo, MagmaMusen, sub, 12 Ways to SCARE Your Friends in Minecraft!, ways to scare your friends in minecraft, minecraft 12 ways to scare your friends, minecraft scaring friends, minecraft how to scare friends
Id: Al3qaiLJYE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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