I Survived McKamey Manor...| The REAL Truth

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[Music] do you ever just like want to squeeze an animal because they're so cute you also can't look at that face hi guys welcome back to my channel for those of you that do not know my name is gasps I love all things weird and creepy for those of you that do know you've probably been waiting about five years for this video I'm sure you can tell by the title of this video that I'm going to be talking about my experience with bikini manner but before we get started I just want to include a quick trigger warning for anyone that could be triggered or easily upset by conversation of violence this video is not for you I promise to make more content that's not as deep but please do not watch this video or research bikini manner I also do want to say anything that I talked about that doesn't have to do with me personally it's all alleged I only know what happened with myself and my own experiences I cannot speak for anybody else I also have my wonderful friend Amy here she is going to be asking me questions for this video because honestly there's just so much to my experience with bikini manner that it is easier just to answer questions we've talked a little bit about it so she's going to be asking me questions that she has about my experience and then she's also going to be as asking me questions that we got from Twitter with that being said let's get started with the video okay so my first question is how did you hear about it and what got you interested in it okay so you know that I like weird creepy stuff yes so scary movies for me like it wasn't cutting it so I like my idea of like a perfect time or a fun day was like going through a haunted house that was me living a scary movie because I couldn't watch them right so I was trying to find anything creepy I used to working on it house so like you know the tricks yeah you know the secrets I found the video of makini manor on YouTube and I was like oh this looks like a legit like scary haunted that's what how it was advertised it was like a boo hunt they could grab you they could get physical but it wasn't gonna be anything like crazy so the original video you saw was the one like that a news thing they down there the KTLA yeah and so it definitely wasn't because a lot of people on Twitter saying oh well you saw the video like you knew what you're gonna get into but you didn't see those videos like no you saw the one of people just go through mine I was like any other haunted house like in the world exactly out of it yeah so my partner and I were the first of what the haunted house became cuz when we were like the giddy like the torture on Hosmer exactly so I saw the videos on YouTube and like every other person I got sucked into like the black hole of wanting to know more and then I went to their web website ended up on the website and it said you needed to add yourself into this Facebook group and then address on Facebook I took both of those I was accepted into a private Facebook group I had like 17,000 people and then once you were in this group he would post like there's a spot opening tonight first ones to comment didn't do the tour that's how he would do it but for me I sent him a message on Facebook because I was like I wonder if I can like finesse the system and get in quick so I messaged him and I was like I'm trying to make scary movies I would love to do a tour this year he said it was like 2:30 in the morning he responded at 9 p.m. that night and said the girl dropped out for her tour tomorrow giving me a call if you want to do it and I was like ok I had like a family thing that I was supposed to go to and I told him that and he said that it was once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that there were 17,000 people on the list and that like if I don't do it now I probably will never do it so in my mind I was like oh crap this is like a big experience like I should just do it so I call him and he tells me all of the information where to meet him to bring dog food because you didn't pay it in you just broke donated dog food and for his dog or so they tell you why they yeah they did like they had a whole bunch of dogs they like fress queued and they would like donate the dog food so I'm thinking like these people on a Travel Channel they do this free thing or really did lay these doors right that's I'm thinking in my head like this is normal yeah this is legit so I was kind of sketched out because the place that we met him was at a park and I'm staying with the partner yes I was like I found we're supposed to be in a haunted house but the address he gave me was of a park and you're supposed to meet on the bleachers like cool so then like I right there get to the bleachers and that's kind of where everything started everything started everything started and that was the night that you actually did the physical like yes come on in house I got to the park at like 6:00 so what happened so when you go out to the park with you like I am rust and no no no this is what he gets creepy so like look at the cream like I start kids again I drove from England to San Diego so it was like a try yeah and I'm by myself and I'm I'm with this girl that I don't know you just decided you know what we're in this together if we die we're together yeah we're a little edge weights you're like can't really back out now so this is where it's weird so he tells us that a a worker one of the actors is gonna come get us and just lean there so we're just waiting on the bench but he said that when they get there not so just any use no he just told us this like your message cuz he was a mess home base so he wasn't near that end visit he was there but we hadn't met him at this point yeah oh okay yeah so everything's you like Facebook message right serious like I'm here yeah so then you have their messages yes I have no specific speed shot okay render it somewhere here but he was like when actor gets there like don't look at them just like look straight forward and we were like okay so the actor gets there and he like rocks and behind us he gives us this little packet that has like waver in it and we get like these little headphones that we have to put on and then a beanie that goes over the headphones wears like a full-face box but we had it as like a hat so yeah like solicited like play wait did it have like whole sphere ice it was like okay okay hi day so but my eyes are covered yet cuz I like filling out the waiver and thought you haven't seen the guy cuz you didn't turn we're not still Saturn and they like just put it in front of your headers yes we gave us everything he's like if you open up her behind like yeah he handed us like he's packets and he gave his headphones but he's like don't look at me were like okay you're not gonna look so I got my headphones got her headphones on we had it was their mentor what do you think so he was talking to us oh so Russ was in the van oh the band said it's a creepy better than a van and he was like talking to us talking to us through waiver and signed a waiver he's basically telling us everything that's about to happen they checked our IDs to make sure we were both adults and that we were who we said we were yeah ba ba ba just like all that's out of the way and that at this point tour starts a bit so we are told to put the thing over our eyes we can't see visually so you don't know like where you're tagging we were put into the back of the van yeah like pretty they're pretty rough like I'm sorry it's like once you grind it off flavor once we were in the back of that band you want to go for the week religion I want to know what the waiver said because I heard there was like way people saying that this is the waiver and you're like no I definitely look so the waiver that's online right now is something that I guess Russ put online but it's fake oh it has no $20,000 reward they don't inject you with drugs they can't push you the waiver the I sign basically said they could push me they could try me up they could cut my hair they could do stuff like that and if I died that it wasn't their fault like there's basically use of like but I feel like that I feel like that it's if you guys don't mind you're like that's kind of a general thing that's gonna really make me exactly to get your newsletter cause it's like things you have like animatronics - so flashing lights yeah I had a seizure or something it's not it was like a basically yeah so like the waiver that eyesight wasn't anything crease so there was no like yeah it's not like cuz I thought I was reading the one online it was like you'll be like stabbed with needles I think Michael bit your skin yeah absolutely no that's all the way to the side oh we're not that stupid if I would have seen that yeah I would like I'm gonna do this yeah yeah peace out so once the wave of a sign of though like you could have back out that was there and we'll get to that is yes and no there's so much so on so I on the back of the band like I'm just like I start I liked it I said a prayer I'm not even gonna lie I was like dear lord please let this actually be on and Allison please do not let me be died because I thought again we were gonna like go to a high house I don't think I was gonna get thrown into the back of the van you know like have no I went crying said no I know I would cry I cried during that not at this point but I'm gonna cry but for me I like told my mom like where the bleachers were like I gave her my address and then I'm thinking in my head they just took me away from the bleachers yeah like if anything happens to me I don't know where I'm at I'm in San Diego and my mom doesn't know where yeah so I'm already starting to like it's a new day I'll be like please really exciting I think I think that it was just like I'm I'm using this point but no I was definitely like trying to rationalize so I'm like it's real but like yeah the news like they wouldn't they wouldn't put on like challenge it was fake like that's what I was telling myself yeah I mean it does make sense I think it was literally just like a neighborhood park and that's where his house was I think that's where I was at so I don't think I've got like you didn't go pinion bar yeah because like you can probably feel how far the banjo yeah it didn't feel like anything crazy yeah I felt like you're a different hour exactly definitely didn't know where that which was scary so then when we get out of the van wherever we're at I'm Brad his house is yeah that's where it was I like was stepping out on the van and I just like pushed down like that's this is kind of where I was like getting like kind of real that this was gonna be like an extreme hot because they were like aggressive for an over yeah and like again I'm like chill that I'm like okay I did sign up for this like survive your own scary movie that you're like I did to it okay you're like this is what I'm here for and then I remember we're crawling digitally where certain things you gonna wear costume like Halloween costume oh so they were like a little a white tutu black leggings a black shirt I had this little clown when you're getting push to like the clump here what I really do your arms or like kind of bear and stuff I didn't be able to get Jack you know I didn't have the jacket yeah so yeah and the other we're all through like this little cage then I'm not even sure what I was crawling through because you probably realize the whole thing yeah yeah um so then like I don't know how much you want me to talk about this because at this point we get into the tour so I don't know if you have like any other questions and I can just answer your questions I want you talking about the tour and then all my questions are like I have questions write down and I just wanna like maybe you might answer maybe you might not and then I can I got some the question call yeah because there's so much yeah I don't like necessarily at this point I'm not sure the timeline of the events have happened yeah once we got out so Stuart I knew the first thing that happened was I met Russ he did made it so that yeah when we actually crawled through a cage we were in and you said I'm blind means the garage yeah because again he made this hot in his house like it was living his regular old house oh yeah okay and I'm in his garage there's like these tube things there's like a creepy clown guy took my mask off yeah we had our scenario so we could send it and this is where like the lights and the cameras come out so disclaimer before this even happened Russ was talking about in the huddle in Vegas so over Facebook message so they were I even showed up he was talking about how my tour was going to be live streamed to these people that were watching in Vegas and the people in Vegas could determine they could pay to like half things happened yeah so like some deep web like yeah weird type of situation yeah so keep that in mind he anytime you okay yeah job here's a Cayman I don't know what I'm doing I lit it back in this town like I couldn't die literally could've died I think you're I'm here but you're hearing that's that's what we're happy about is she's like what - that I'm not even I try not to look at you because I don't even want to know what oh yeah okay so there are like cameras or his camera and he had like this little little head they don't ask us for his feelings is this his showing us his himself he has like a little light on his head which he would wear cuz like he needs light for this to do yeah but like so he filmed though I well the actors were doing it tour he was also there filming so he was there right along with you at the whole time yeah okay so he's the cameras are out he's asking his question wasn't it to cleaning just like are we ready sort of like uh nice were we we did get a safe word and we got one up not a safe word we got one opportunity to get out if we wanted it so keep that in mind if you wanted out of the haunts you had one opportunity going with an opportunity it's like an hour in so if you say no or the one opportunity that's it Oh what if you wanted to get out before it was over or before the one hour then you can so you see exactly what so you want like one hour to make your decision if you want to go or not I don't even know that's basically whenever cuz he told me I don't even remember exactly what it was we had like one chance to get on you and ask you like if you want to go this is your chance but if you say no like there's no no well there's no other yeah so I ended up he ended up asking me that because we were like an hour in and I was inside of like a deep freezer like a big giant razor and he put me in there in the dark and then he like chained the top and then you try he told me you're trying to get out so when I push the top open I was like stuck in this freezing I couldn't get out of the freezer but there was like an opening that's like this big so I'm like okay I'm gonna try to like get the chain I'm done yeah it's like put my hand out of the freezer and the actor like slams the freezer down on my hand so like I'm trying to reach out to blend myself out and then I shut on my hand go trying to get out and one it out of the freezer because I'm afraid at the dark and I'm in this tiny little space yeah and then at this point again I'm thinking in my head like I've been in here for an hour I didn't think it was going to be this long and I'm like I'm in a freezer like I'm chained in this freezer like what if they don't actually let me out so I like started to have like a real-life panic attack so then he opens up the freeze of the freezer and like the look on his face was just like he was so satisfied that I was so terrified yeah like I've never like I don't even know how to explain how happy he looked to see me so scared mm-hmm and then he put the camera in my face he's like do you want to do you want to leave like this is your chance and I was like no I'm not yet they let me out I'm like okay so this is a haunted house like I'm out of the freezer and like I'm good I think I can you can handle so they like let you out and ask you the questions yeah and he asked me if I wanted to quit and was he like being nice about it I realize which was weird cuz you his cuz what's he being like encouraged I don't know how to describe it like was he being like encouraging of it or like like encouraging in the sense that he wants to make sure that you're okay or did he know the parent you take care of it no it was more just like here's your opportunity if you wanted even take it open and I said no but like can't didn't think I was gonna be doing this two word for like hours yeah I don't even I don't even know where to go from here because I went from a freezer to my decided oh yeah I want to be like said think of like hopin a water I don't even really and some of the things I don't even know I was blindfolded for a lot of it I know that at one point I was in a straitjacket I had chains around my neck I was in water and I and I had like this much air to breathe and then there there was also like such like a something on top of me like a clear I thought oh my god look you couldn't go I couldn't get up like I was trapped in the water so like I was lying flat on my back there was water and there was something on top of me so I couldn't get out of it well also in a straitjacket with chains on my neck and Lily you couldn't couldn't breathe you had really remembered I had to like lift my head up out of the water and if I laid down on the water was coming to like oh my god yeah either I lay back and I get water or I nose or like try to fight to stay up with these chains on my neck yeah in the water but again I have like this much space from the water to whatever is above me I don't really know where I was that I haven't watched my video because I'm just like I've never watched it I watched it like the first after he made it but it's just like not accurate with the video nor what do you mean it's not accurate like well because you said that the video online is only like an hour and you were there for like seven yeah and he did hide all of my video on youtube is non-extreme boot haunt I was tortured and pushed around for six hours and he severely edited my video which is like another thing because I get a lot of like people that tell me that I'm faking it yeah it's labeled as a non extreme harm and it's like no no and it wasn't even like leave your own scary movie it was just like unnecessarily rough stuff like I would be walking and all of a sudden I had my face slammed against the wall like I left there with a gash in my forehead I had a headache for days like I had left Bruce like I was being bruises my body hurt like from a haunted house and then it got worse after me like it just progressively got worse me and my partner were the guinea pigs I have a messages as we were his like science experimental project his and it's so like did you have forget like cuz I know there's videos right now people like actually getting like their teeth ripped out and like stuff like that and do you that didn't happen to you that didn't happen to me but I just also want everyone to know everyone's experience is very different he personalized the house okay so I saw some of the question about that like did they use your mini spirit against you so like he obviously would have to like give you a question there yeah I was afraid of spiders and I know that's might put the spider on my face like that was the biggest fear that he's so thing but I think that like after my haunt his thought process just became like how how close can I get to the line without actually crossing and you know as far as like what can I do the people before they start to have a real bad reaction people left with broken bones broken noses and these are like two Tories just directly after mine so right after my tour he was like getting even more aggressive with people yeah and I thought that what I went through was aggressive it took me like a lot to process again it took me five years until now to really grasp how messed up the situation was it was an audit house it was just like a weird way for us to have like control over people yeah like I'm fully convinced we're people actually paying for biggest sleeper people actually doing that I don't know okay so I've been told that it's fake I've been told that it's real the entire time I was in my tour rush was telling me the people from Vegas say hi say hi to the people from Vegas the people from Vegas want this to happen to you they were he was like basically me and my partner at one point he was like pinning us against each other you mind - he would ask like her like okay it's either you or we do this to you or we do this to Gaby like what do you choose and she would just like choose me keep asking her he would never ask me if I would choose what would he like sage like what like there was one like something involving like water I think I don't know it was like she could do it or I could do it and ya said I could do it so he took me away and it involved like me getting I don't even remember all of it I got drenched in water and then put somewhere with fans blowing on me oh you're like like industrial clean like I was freezing oh yeah and he just like had me sit there like I couldn't I was thinking I was tired maybe you don't have to feel like a chair yeah but he would always ask her because he didn't always yeah yeah I said like he would never ask okay is it gonna be you were her you never asked never asked because he was liking the fact that she just kept using me okay so how many people like how many do you know how many people have like actually done this or is it I don't think it's still the same process is it still like it's closed down now okay there is still Facebook group Russ just posted like a few weeks ago actually but he was closing it down you know indefinitely there was still a Facebook group I actually used to be it's so weird I used to be an admin on the Facebook group oh there used to be like so we're you and Astin or were you an admin after the fact yes okay so what page you still want to be like a lot like a like friendly or like help dimmer I don't know like I do you know try to say yeah you give if someone's about to be I would be like calling the police can I do I either day that the police are actually called after really yeah because the neighbors were kind of confused like what was happening like oh good happening next door but nobody gave me newer like I don't know like mentally I heard it gives me a hug I was really naive and I'm again I loved work so in my mind I didn't think that this was anything bad until I was like more involved like it took like months and months later and just kind of seeing the way that Russ talks and the way that Russ manipulates people and the way that he manipulated me I was running his okay so since you say that you helped him like render your the admin on the Facebook so why did you still want to be helpful to him and like help them out with his social medias or like whatever it was cause like I definitely wouldn't want to talk to this ever again if he did that to me I'll have someone to bet at the time I was naive and I just I don't think I fully because people were really upset about this mod announced and I could not understand why people thought that it was so bad I was like I did it and I alive yeah but I didn't again I didn't fully understand that this wasn't a haunted house like that's not why this will a thing you know it was Russ's way of having power and again I didn't understand that when I was younger yeah so I was like I want it like this guy that runs a super cool house that's doing something different like he wanted me to be involved he was very like friendly on Facebook creepy on Facebook I now realize it was creepy yeah and I say friendly again I didn't realize that he liked trying super hard to manipulate me um he would have me like he would send me screenshots of people that were like talking crap on McCamey man are you like could you go comment on this post and defend me I really yeah oh yeah he would he wanted me to monitors YouTube and delete all of the negative comments um he would literally blow my facebook message up like I could show I could just like let you look through the messages but it was like every single day like this Princeton's talking bad about me go go say something do that like go defend me it's like he was having me be like a little minion of his goodness with everybody so it wasn't just me everyone everyone in the group started to become like obsessed in like but there was like 17 yeah okay yeah maybe something that everyone was like an admin not adamant oh I was there as I was ahead you just choose you because you really in the first person or so he chose me because I I was so eager to help so yeah they're like such a cool thing but he also chose so look even after the fact so like I when was it when you realized it wasn't cool Oh like like last year Oh ya know it literally took me going back because it's not us again it's not the haunted house that's the issue yeah not like yeah that's not sure what he did and it's not a good haunted house and it was disgusting you know how manipulative he is and like I don't even know how to explain it all the only people that were mad and admins were like me his ex-partner Carol I've had conversations with and then like some other people that have done the haunt it's like we were the admins of the group and we were basically just told like screaming people before you let them in the group we don't want haters he called them haters nobody heaters in the group delete anyone that is saying anything bad block them you want to miss like block these people from our personal pages like oh this it became like a cult aspect of like McKinney NER vs. anyone that wasn't a part of it and it was again everybody like I don't even know how to explain what's the girl and you did the tour with was she and that like over that during the me so I think she realized that it was it's not a good yeah and I don't think again I don't think I did so I think for her it was like I just want to get as far away from this as I possibly done and I don't blame her for it yeah okay this is just a question I'm just like curious about what was it like when you were when it was over like like how did you how did you know it was over or like what was was he just like okay like I think we've tortured her enough didn't like we're done and no so the ending was kind of weird there were a few moments that were kind of weird actually throughout the entire house where I thought that it was over and it wasn't because they were in moments of like then not being scary oh and I don't know how like they were being friendly to you yeah like there was one point where we like they like made us eat gross food and they told us if we threw up we'd have to eat our vomit so I was like try not to throw up what were you eating I have no idea oh I don't know but after that happened like they offered it like Russ offered us like you guys want a slice of pizza it was like being like super normal and chill like yeah I mean like like at lettuce you piece of pizza but like after that it was like right back then I thought that that was the end so kind of like that he was just kind of I think he said well it's getting too late so I think the tour's gonna have to end here or something like that it was just something that's very just like well it's over yeah we're just kind of like and then how did you did they like take you back to your car back in the van dropped us back off with the bleachers and then so the other girl finished it - yeah you had a burger with where you were through it together most of the time they separated us look everyone once in a while to do like different agreements talking to each other or like at some of the time we would like to talk to each other but a lot of the time they were like yell at us if we talked like now talking so we were just like Billy when you didn't have the chance where you would you be like nobody's worried generally I don't know I would be panicking like conversation we're just be like very good like we were just checking with oh yeah cuz again you are panicking but like the entire it's not it's not what you think it would be because the entire time you're trying not to panic yes you're trying to tell yours cuz if you let your for me again that's why I had the panic attack like in the thing is because I started thinking about it too much and I was like you can't you just have to like stop thinking about it so much and you say this is the house purpose you're like choke you did right they're not gonna do something like that yeah okay no but like normal like the one that we did at the Queen Mary in the last one there was like creepy we were in there for a while yeah so imagine that feeling that you had like six hours yeah I just like never went away so the entire time you're trying to tell yourself this is just a haunted house this is just fake like you're gonna be like that's literally that was what I was telling myself man like this is fake you're fine don't freak out it's okay this is what's supposed to be happening yeah like that's just what I was trying to ya tell myself so it wasn't soon six hours I feel like they're either had to have been like a lot of things that happen to you or they all lasted a long time if that makes sense so like you told me that you're really eating grits dude so like did that just last for like a long time so was there just so many things I I can list every that I remember there's stuff like because I don't even know a lot because my eyes I didn't know I remember being in that chair of the fans me more than one thing involving being put in water moving like more than one situation involving cold water I really was not water like hurting you freezing cold water and then there was a casket that we put in that was probably like the least scary it's just like being laying in the casket yeah there was okay so you know like those little the ice cream sliding things at gas stations race like the time yeah so they had one of those and that's like the photo of me with that can't guys hands around my neck with the tranch Larry no no this yeah because like your face looks like really like bruised and stuff like was it or yeah no I was edited no my face I I got my head slammed against a wall you know like I love to do things like the picture look to really lie face is really swollen yeah I was also being like choked but so their little like the little thing in the background of that photo had water in it and there was like this much space to breathe in the water and he put me in there and the actor would shove my head down to the water and then let me back out but then he shut the top and again I had like this much space to breathe so Mike sitting in the space of that was up the part when you were to know I stopped this one so I know I was so there was more than one thing involving like the clicker I'm having like this much air okay yeah and so like this picture those are the chains I was in a straitjacket here and so like you or did you have like stuff in your mouth like the whole time oh is it not there is something over our mouth in our mouths I had thinkers in my mouth an actor grab the side to make sure you could rip my face over I had fingers down my throat I got they spit in my face like what is it do you know anything about the actors nope no my god you're probably wondering why I answer glasses on and it's because I think at this point we've kind of talked about everything we can't talk about without you just asking any more questions because there's just there's too much to it that I can't really yeah it's hard to learn like I ramble for like six hours you're not really going to get anywhere so Abby has questions and I like people have asked on Facebook and on Twitter and Abby's going to ask me the questions we'll just do a quick QA of things that people want to know okay someone else when did you go on your tour 2014 2014 so six years ago right yeah great Tigers so if someone else did you do the house ban or Tennessee one do you know anything about the fan and that is that that's the thing the house was what you saw so I guess mine is a combination of the house /ban because we got thrown into the band which one you started doing that was like the new thing okay so I got thrown into the band didn't taken to the house okay so and Tennessee is the woman I the one that just shuts down that's correct and then someone else were you drunk you said there was no form of drugging at all all sad my face looks someone wants to know if you've experienced any like emotional or psychological effect like from going through the house and maybe she's like what extent like I'm sure I'm probably still like freaks you out thinking about it but like yes yes no like nothing that affects my daily life but I do get I guess triggered for a lack of better word every October when this is again brought up yeah and it's not even like every single the two times that I've tried to talk out about it like even when it was positive and me say this was a good experience it was people just like so negative and telling me that I was like so dumb to do it so like the only I think psychological or any type of emotional things I do it or just that yeah both thinking that my story is not valid or that yeah I didn't do the real thing or I put myself in the situation so I observed it like okay okay yeah I mean um and then this one is his roster any of his flying monkeys threatening you and you speak out they used to oh that's the thing that's why no one spoke out is because flying monkeys like rest with cinge - just like attack - like where you didn't even want to say anything cuz you just like didn't want to deal with the drama so what would what would the gentleman consist of is like what would it be us late early harassment on Facebook Oh Mikey just like commenting like yeah like you would have people just like blow yours like stuff like your pictures commenting on your pictures commenting on your posts like reporting your post they just like any type of harassment they get you through Facebook Novak encourage okay so it's like mostly face basically goes like stakeout screening on Facebook yeah okay this is just like my personal question I feel like the actors happens to be as messed up as rust I because like why would you ever want to do something like that to someone I used to think that too and honestly I think it kind of is that way I don't know how it is anymore but like I also see how manipulative russ is so I also can't accept with one actor the winner I'm not gonna pass judgment on anybody just because the way he manipulated me to stick up for him like the fact that I I was so behind him and like running his YouTube page and managing the Facebook page and all the comments and you know he would like yeah it's just like wild how manipulative he could be yeah that they're confused why people are so upset because everyone knows they're going into me gonna be tortured I feel like I guess that just goes back to the video like yes if I were to see the videos from mine tour and the tours after me I would not sign up for this one yes it's not something that I would be like so what about people who are doing it now because they're on me would you say that they're putting themselves in that you I think they're putting themselves in a really bad situation being is that you think that it's like they know it's worth their dare well be too because like I feel like there's there's a reason that he likes to do this and he likes to feel film the entire thing yeah this question is just kind of saying I'm like people who decided that they didn't want to follow through with it they were like harassed and like people were just you know mad at them or whatever so if does that mean that like if they didn't follow through with the whole tour and they were let out like you said they would just get like so it wasn't that they went to the tour and they wanted out it was people that signed up to do the tour and then backed out last minute he would harass people like that okay so and it's funny that you asked the question because in our conversation I can put a screenshot somewhere over here Russ sent me like hey this girl backed out we need to figure out why she's not coming to the tour oh well bye he liked a roster so much that like a friend of hers contacted Russ and was like she was in a car accident like you need to leave her alone like she's not coming to your tour she's not like he was sending all the men that was I would say to that it was he ever like okay like I'll stop or did he just call everyone haters everyone that literally everyone was just to hate her people that didn't show up or haters okay I couldn't handle it didn't understand what he was doing let's say he wanted me to do interviews for him all the time like calling her radio shows and talk about how awesome my experience was and how awesome he is it's wild because I can't even imagine what the people after me experienced because I have such a hard time just articulating what I went through and I know that the people after me like 100 percent I know that it was worse I don't know exactly what they went through I know that their apartment bones I know that there are concussions I just know that it didn't though it was happen like within the 2000 or Yahoo is doing tours I don't even know when he stopped doing tours here but it was like after me there were like a few a few months of him just like cranking out tours after another because there was like and it was because the video I posted that kind of blew up it kind of went viral so a whole bunch of people were interested about it which is why I think he kind of kept me around because I had video that like kind of helped help yeah at that point with his new extreme hot house cuz in the video I was like it was so cool you should check it out and I filmed it like the day after I went through so again I didn't like leave in I'm kind of time to process what I just experienced so okay yeah so she's going to Twitter now about their more questions however you let out a slash when was enough is enough I know I asked a little bit like what was the bike when you ended but like yeah was it just like it was enough is enough to like I know that you said that it was late but like when do you have like wanted it to keep going or were you like I was exhausted but yeah I I was ready but it wasn't like enough is enough I think that's how it was for the tours after me yeah I didn't just when they literally physically could not like keep doing it yeah yeah literally like for me I was so physically and mentally exhausted because it was a lot and I didn't again I didn't realize how much it was until I grew up and like thought about it but I wouldn't have wanted to do it any longer I remember my drive home because I drove home that night yeah I got I don't know like 4 a.m. I was just like silent I didn't listen to music I like was just I remember just being like numb yeah I just kind of kind of like wait yeah I was just trying to figure out everything that literally just happened to me because I wasn't even sure I don't even know a lot of a lot of what happens this one says where there are a lot of cameras like live-streaming where you worried that your experience is on the dark web yes I feel like my head probably is which is the thing that is weird so your full experience your because that the short video is something another man that's just on YouTube yeah yeah I feel like the full video somewhere for sure yeah why else would you film that much if I keep wanting to get clips for trailers to like promote your business and like get clips for trailers so you don't need a film cuz he did it for everybody it wasn't just me he's filmed the entire thing yeah every single person and because the video is online bigoted they're severely edited so it's like why ain't gotta edit them so much no no no you don't want people to know the secrets but also like you're hiding a lot yeah and probably I think there was a livestream I heard that that was a rumor with the Vegas but yeah but even if we haven't even talked about it like I don't know I feel like it's definitely could have been legit yeah I know I feel like it it probably could be yeah um so this question is saying like oh like what made you no you said it but in here he says like some people said that they wanted to see how far their body could go that probably wouldn't really have been your mindset because you didn't really expect it either yeah that much yes stuff versus like people now who maybe you could feel like you know if they're like oh I want to see if I can get like my cheeks ripped fine that's kind of why all the dudes um the dude's that win and after me like the groups of guys they the actors were really rough on them because then it became like lip-synching laughs it was like okay I can beat the mayor that was like the mindset is I'm stronger than the manner which I think helped Russ even get work more Grammys it is like okay these people would literally hard yeah they're expecting not to make it through so I'm gonna make sure they don't was basically okay I'm sad but like I that was not me I just wanted to survive my own scary movie that's what I thought I was getting my stuff yeah um did they use your word spear against you yes by their spiders the tarantula on her face picture here that's your biggest fear um there was no safer and right like alcohol no I just had the one the one channel so let's say when you were like go I don't know like look - so to this day you still will tell you one forgot it or you don't regret it I do I mean I don't really I feel like everything happens for a reason yeah and I decided to go through it to this day I wouldn't do it again and I yeah it's not something I would sign up for knowing what I know now yeah so like I kind of regret the fact that I didn't that I went into it not knowing yeah I would I would have loved to have known like what was going to happen and bit more prepared but I just went in blind yeah this question would you do it again you just said no how do we do an extreme hard not yet hanging in there but okay yeah not not with Russ um what are you thoughts on rest makini after this experience well I have lots of thoughts on rescue me I feel like I feel like he's very manipulative and he lies and again I just feel like this is some sort of legal way that he is found to live off his like sick twisted communities this question are you trying to dialogue yeah looky looky probably what was your breaking point if you have one I don't think I mean is like one specific breaking point I think I just had like a realization a few hours in which sounds crazy to say a few hours into my haunted house yet you know I had a realization that I was just like really tired like like I was tired like not even just like I wanted to go to sleep but my body was tired my brain was tired like thinking was a lot like I just was physically emotionally in every way just exhausted yeah definitely and what was the scariest part for you I think just waiting at the bleachers not really knowing kind of what to expect or what's about to happen was the scariest part because the entire haunt was just like dude like scary most stuff but it would get kind of like it wasn't like yeah I wasn't like boo scary it was like just unnecessarily rough yeah a really aggressive and exhausting it wasn't like terrifying was more painful than it was scary yeah I just wanted to record into okay so the next question I have is about his family you know anything about his family I know he has kids he has an ex-wife um a few kids ex-girlfriends or posting about things that he would you do then like what's your cuz I know you kind of have like a different relationship with his ex-wife Carol yeah so I don't know anything about his kids um Carol and I do have like a a friendship I know Holly his ex girl his most recent ex-girlfriend has posted videos talking about her experience with him and her experience and Carol's experience or like very you have several similar things to say about her honest like that he's very manipulative that he's like not like the same normal person my breasts started to trust me and I started to form this relationship with Carol and we would message on Facebook and she was always really sweet and then my end is it mostly like a social media relationship like did you ever see him again so I never I never saw them again I never drove back down the San Diego general photo so everything that we did was very like through social media and like multiple Facebook groups were like Carol and like some others sir like survivors were in the Facebook groups it was like six six different groups there was like me Carolyn survivors me Carol Russ and that means there was like all these different notes got groups and all these different conversations happening and Carol just started to like confide in me about just different things like Russ was doing which like she's said in videos that she's like she's been interviewed recently and she's talked about it but he would like be like skyping women she would tell me which doesn't surprise me because like the conversations here having like he was trying to have with me and then he would say it's like if you got a wife you shouldn't be saying that I'm cute like you shouldn't be yeah and it's not anything that I like fed into but it was like something that just kind of always was like weird to me and the more like Carol talked to me about it the more it started to make sense and then all these different weird things started to happen that just kind of started to he still has a Facebook group with people in it that defend him like are you I'm not in that group okay he's since deleted me on Facebook I'm not oh him on Facebook anymore oh you're not no I still have all of our message conversations has he ever like but reached out to since you've like not been friends no he's not it's not going to go out to me since like I stopped because there was a point in time where I separated myself from even interacting and being at admin because there was so much drama and it was because there was so much hate and it was like the Facebook group he had versus the Facebook group that hated McCamey matter and there was like people trying to get into each group and like start drama and it was so crazy and so dramatic and I was like I was a part of this weird thing and I didn't understand why then looking back on it I'm like you're like whoa yeah literally a while to think that it became like this own little world yeah the heart okay what is your like what did you tell your mom that you were doing mom knew what I was doing oh she didn't agree with all the videos that I watched on YouTube okay I told her I was really excited something that I really wanted to do I was like through 17,000 people on the list and I got on like yeah and the lifetime experience like I have to do this into this day she's like I don't like it and so you don't really think that there was 17,000 people that wanted to do it they I think there were 17,000 people interested in knowing what it was and I feel like a lot of people didn't want to do it but I also I'm not sure honest yeah because I got in two days after I send him a message oh yeah sorry about hard time believing if there's a list of 17,000 people but you need to really say he's gonna be like oh this random girl like yeah she can they're so better it'll rise yeah right like I have a hard time believing that if that were real yeah like no but she knew exactly what I was doing she doesn't like to talk about it she doesn't like she doesn't want to know anything about it that's cool yeah I don't blame her actually don't I probably I was a mom I'd be like yeah I don't want to see my kid I'm gonna let Abby ask one more question but I personally still feel like I have so much more than I want to say and I know that Abby probably has so much more than she wants to ask so we will be filming a part two video either here we're gonna post it on YouTube or we will probably do Instagram live either way I'll link our instagrams down below so make sure you follow us if we do do Instagram live and also subscribe to this video in case we do put the part two on here but there's going to be a part two there has to be a part two there's just so much to talk about so what that means that I think I'll let Abby ask her last question okay so I guess my last question is so when I was watching the clip of your video on YouTube at the end it said like a non extreme foo mm-hmm what's your because I personally think it was extreme but what's your like thoughts behind that I'm personally offended that you considered my aunt a non extreme who wants only because I know that my tour wasn't as intense or like violent as the tour of people after me but like my tour was also like the first of the tours so just to say that it was like a non extreme haunt is like an offensive because we had conversations of how he wanted to up his game how I was going to be more extreme for me you know I said we promised we would go easy that conversation never happened there's the videos an hour-long barely and a lot of it is like clips of like just a text saying like this this list so like a lot of what happened to me and things that I experienced are not on the YouTube video like I watched other people's tours and their tours are like the entire tour my tour was not like that my video is very very very I didn't like I was in there for six hours and you're telling me that my one hour that you show on YouTube it's a non-extreme puan yeah and keep someone in a regular haunted house for six hours yeah like that's not it's not enough yeah so yeah I think I think that's all we can talk about right now in regards to Katie Manor we've literally been sitting here for hours filming this video and trying to figure out how to talk about it because I've heard it described on a video of them watch together this is like an onion and there's just so many layers to peel back had so much stuff involving before during and after so if we didn't answer any of your questions or if there's anything else you want to know because I'm sure you probably have more questions like a bee after just hearing you talk leave them in the comments below also don't forget to Like and subscribe to my channel Abby and I are going to be doing some more creepy videos I promised you guys years ago that I would start making more content and I have yet to do it but now I'm here in Los Angeles with my girl Abby and we're gonna get into some creepy stuff so if there's anything you want to see us do or anywhere you want to see us go we talked about Queen Mary we've talked about going to the old Zoo she's not been I want to take her there and we've even talked about going to a clown motel that is next to a cemetery and Nevada so how many other questions you want us to answer either any perchick video on here or on Instagram life leave them and comments below but with that being said I think that is the end of this video we will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Gabss
Views: 2,989,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McKameyManor, Scary, RussMcKamey, StoryTime, Gabss, HauntedHouse, TheTruth, Extreme Haunt, Horror
Id: uZF2a9bPO6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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