Exposing the TRUTH about McKamey Manor (with footage)

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thousands have signed a petition to shut down McCamey manner in the Kami manner and became you manner when I talk everything McCamey manner the full truth [Music] the terrifying truth of McCamey manner and the disgusting things that actually happen in this all too real haunted house experience what's up guys it's your girl auntie here and that stands for new tea welcome back to my channel where we like to discuss what actually happens behind the scenes where everything isn't always what it seems click before we get into it don't forget to subscribe and turn on the bell icon if you'd like to get that notification every single time I post I upload a new video every Monday and occasionally on Fridays if I feel like it today we will be exposing McCamey Manor a Tennessee haunted attraction gone viral for its apparent 40-page waiver that allegedly states death is possible for its participants famously known for being the most extreme haunted house that exists participant may very well leave became a man with unintentional emotional distress and psychological issues and the things that are actually taking place at this haunted house are disgusting and disturbing and I'm here to share the personal stories of those that have survived the experience when you search McCamey manner nothing too alarming comes up articles that describe this haunted house in tennessee as an extreme haunt or not for the faint of heart but nothing more than just an edgy experience for super Halloween fans that like to get scared I have to say after doing some surface level research I was kind of interested in going but it wasn't until I dug a little deeper that I saw the words 40-page waver requires participants to be medically cleared by a doctor inside a 40-page waiver which was a little alarming I'm pretty sure donating a kidney would be easier than that so I started reading a little more and come to find out there is a waiver but not only that you also have to go through a multitude of tests a mental health check a physical check a drug test and many others just as a part of the screening process to possibly be approved to go through this haunted house and if you think that's insane the owner of McCamey Manor will give you $20,000 $20,000 if you can make it all the way through from start to finish so after reading that bit of information I was put off to say the least but deep down inside me I still wanted to know more how scary could something really be that the owner is willing to give you 20 K if you make it what is going on behind those walls I needed to know and that my friends is where I found a load of [ __ ] basically you just sign yourself up to be tortured in my last video I talked about what happened in the haunted house and then a lot of it was just me trying to understand like what goes through someone's brain why they want to do this why do they want to put themselves through it what my gamey Manor does isn't entertainment and it's more than scary I think I know why we're all here today I'm going to talk about my full experience with Russ here is the guy that started it all his name is Russ McCamey Russ McCamey Russ McCamey is actually a psychopath also known as the owner and founder of McCamey Manor started his haunted attraction in San Diego over ten years ago I just like to entertain folks and I'm just I'm just Russ he then moved the attraction from California to Tennessee where it still takes place to this day I tried to find out why Russ McCamey moved everything to Tennessee I couldn't really find much on the topic other than a few suspicions that he actually got in trouble with the state of California now I can't say whether that's the truth or not but we have to admit it's very suspicious to move the entire attraction across the country Russ is just a good guy you know I'm not what you think get him up have I told you numerous times that you don't want to take this tour right do you understand that now the reason I mentioned Russ McCamey in this video this entire experience takes place on his property behind his house this is not a professional haunted house okay Russ's address is 12 Stephenson Road summertime's Tennessee type that down on Google Maps I want you to take a look at something I mean you might have to zoom in because it is a little blurry now you'll see where his trailers at and behind that you might see where some storage units are kind of in the form of a box and in the middle of that box of storage units you might see our rat maze and behind that storage units behind that you might see some hand dug out trench this is something that a random man decided to start doing not to mention he doesn't even charge people to go through the attraction Rus McCamey has stated on multiple accounts that all he charges for his attraction is a bag of dog food that cost practically nothing to enter McCamey manor of just a bag of dog food interesting choice I know so let me give it to you straight a random man that you don't know wants you to come onto his property after you signed a 40-page waiver so that him and his friends can basically beat the [ __ ] out of you through various methods of torture but don't forget to bring that dog food this guy is doing this for free I mean it might have been a different story if he was actually getting paid to beat my ass but he's not and if this just didn't seem weird enough this man also has children yes what do you guys think of the cameraman oh why do you think they do it well we see our dad watching videos on YouTube of it why do you think your dad likes it and he likes now that's not damaging at all on a child's psyche these poor kids but after doing all of this research on the owner it's just so unsettling that people are still going to his property to take part in something that is honestly disgusting only to be mentally and physically scarred for the rest of your life and some people aren't even that lucky [Music] they are just asking to have someone die or have a heart attack what happens if someone dies during their tour a waiver won't be anything we have had seven years ago we had a heart tell me you understand what I'm telling you no yes what tell me what I just told you Christina I remember thinking like you know I really don't even know these people I guess some guy I met on the Internet like what if he is legitimately gonna kill me a bunch of people have come forward about their personal experiences at the Manor and described it as something of their nightmares something that they will regret for the rest of their lives a lot of people were left with physical scars like teeth being pulled and women getting all of their hair cut off gives me two options that's either to cut Ali's hair but others described the experience as emotionally scarring so much so that they've developed mental disorders and have to go to therapy sessions and need to seek treatment because of what they experienced at the Manor allegedly once you apply to participate in the haunting experience you are contacted directly by the owner Russ who asks you what your worst fears are and adjust the haunted experience to you and I am not kidding you when I say people are leaving this experience with actual trauma now I know to a certain extent what can you do these people signed up for this they signed the waiver you can say they knew what they were getting into but I have to admit when I first did my research I thought it was something that sounded kind of fun on the surface level it seemed like a typical adrenaline junkies extreme experience not something that would actually scar you for life so at what point do you take responsibility as a participant do you think these people are responsible because they signed up for it and they filled out the waiver or do you think Russ should take some responsibility it's difficult to say but here's my opinion do I think these people know what they're signing up for when they go to the McCamey Manor no I think they're completely blindsided and they're coming out actually scarred do I think these people should take responsibility for not doing their own proper research yes there's an entire YouTube channel that shows people going through this experience and personally I think it is disgusting and difficult to watch but if you're someone that is considering doing this you should probably look up what's gonna happen but on the other side of things although they did sign the waiver and they are responsible for doing their own research I don't think these people are aware of what the true intentions are here the man that runs this attraction is exploiting them for me it's about making that special Kodak moment I am always thinking of it as a cinematic experience because I'm trying to get the shot I want the angle I want yours so there's 2,500 comments on this one here honestly that truly terrifies me that he is talking about how he wants to film them and get the perfect shot of people's faces while they are being abused I don't know if there's any way that that could be okay not to mention the way he talks to them why would you do this is a good idea probably not that's just disgusting like this man has a fetish this is something that is deeply personal to him that you are fulfilling by going through his house essentially it's been gross I don't know what more to say other than if you've seen the articles if you know about this place because it's gone somewhat viral this year think twice before you actually attend get a conversation going about why this should be shut down I know that there is already a petition that's taking place people want this place to be gone so there you guys have it that is the disturbing truth about McCamey Manor let me know down in the comments what your opinion is on this haunted attraction would you sign up to do it do you think you could make it through personally I think this place should be shut down if I can find the petition I will leave it down in the description if you'd like to sign it I don't really believe that anyone has a right to ask for trauma to come upon themselves it just seems messed up so let me know down in the comments what your thoughts are I will also leave a link down in the description for the McCamey youtube channel if you would like to do your own research I'm warning you this stuff is very graphic so please proceed with caution but I love you guys so much I thoroughly hope you enjoyed and I hope you never ever go to this terrible place or come across this terrible man but thank you for watching leave me suggestions down below on what you would like to see me make a tea video on next if there's someone that needs expose do you guys know I'm the one to do it and if you would like to watch more of my tea videos click this playlist right here to entertain yourself for hours but I love you guys so much I thoroughly hope you enjoyed and most of all I hope you have a wonderful spooky day god bless you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Natalia Taylor
Views: 2,229,155
Rating: 4.8730922 out of 5
Keywords: natalia taylor, exposingthetruthaboutmckameymanor, disturbingtruth, tea, exposed, mckamey, manor, hauntedhouse, russmckamey, spillingthetea, NT, Ntea, 40pagewaiver, 20k, prizemoney, ifyoucanmakeit, tennesee, sandiego, horror, scary
Id: FhVfJPmyOkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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