I Survived Hardcore Modded Minecraft For 600 Days using the largest modpack possible

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you know the drill 100,000 likes for 700 days what is up guys my name is Sascha warm welcome to 600 days hardcore and the largest Mon peg possible a video inspired by Luke - notable this 100 days we focus a lot about base building and insane modded creations if you are new here I suggest to watch the previous 500 days that way this video makes a lot more sense also make sure to subscribe we're so close to 1 million I'll make a deal with you guys if you guys leave a lot of support on this video I'll get 700 days done in about 2 and a half weeks anyways sit back relax and enjoy the video it is day 500 and it is time to do some major changes to our base and maybe we will actually do something with this dinosaur the first thing that I want to work on is actually the underground with all the farms and everything because right now it's an absolute mess I don't know what designed to go for it so I sort of just winged it I also made the decision to take out this giant industrial smelter because it didn't fit down here with all the farms and everything once cleared I extended the fish farms that way everything matched the next day I finished up placing up all the blocks and boom the first floor already looks like how I envisioned it I didn't like that I could only see the first floor so I heated that place open and now we can see all three floors from the front I attempted to fill it with glass but honestly it didn't look good nope I don't want any blocks here and when I said I don't want any blocks I decided to remove all the blocks including all the floors between the levels mining was a bit slow so I decided to craft a peg called the cheetah pad that actually gives me haste to say 502 and look at this haste to go man how satisfying is that and since I cleared out so much room so fast I decided to add farms on the other levels with all the farms in place all I had to do was add red pipes to give them energy when all the red pipes come together it looks pretty cool I used a lot of materials really fast but luckily I had this obsidian furnace that's melted everything in like 10 seconds I continued the next day by placing pipes making pipes and then placing in the last pipe and boom you hear that the power is now connected to all the farms everything seemed to be working except for this tree growing I thought they had plenty of room I ended up taking out the Dinah's walkway and that definitely seemed to do the trick everything seems to be in order except I didn't have enough red pipes to be on the other side of the farm so I had to go mine for some redstone take five oh five just mining all day but it's much easier with instant mine on top of that I can just send all the materials through my end or pouch that goes into my store system now I add the material I could start filling out the other side of the farm and even place in the red pipes I'm also gonna try to see if I can actually grow these and/or lilies in these automatic farms but I highly doubt it and boom all the red pipes are connected to all the farms so that means they all have power the only thing left was connecting all the farms with green pipes which are the pipes that take out all the items de 5:07 everything was doing good in the farming district so now it's time to focus on mining the only problem is that mining takes a lot more power than the actual farm work so I had to connect my farming energy source to my mining one especially when I had eight more mining stations that's a lot of mining and I have to connect each of these mining stations with power and the green pipe so they actually get that items taken out of them the next day I need to figure out some sort of storage solution for all these mining stations because they were gonna be pumping out thousands and thousands of cobblestones and that wouldn't fit in in my current storage system the solution I found we are actually upgradable chests that could be upgraded to all the way to diamond so I had time in chess pretty unbelievable right so I just linked up all these mining stations into this chest so now I won't have house tours problems look at these babies go that's pretty satisfying right there like yum yum yum they're eating up all the sand and look at all that space and what is chests room I knew I was going to have a problem soon and that was gonna be energy but I already had a solution that solution being harnessing energy from the black hole I had beneath my base it was day 5:10 and after doing some research I was ready to start building some sort of contraption that would harness energy from that tiny little thingy there was only several problems is that I had to clear out all these blocks while being pulled in by the black hole and I don't even know what happens when you touch it if you die instantly or what on top of that the black hole can grow bigger if you feed it blocks and I don't know how many blocks it needs because right now all these blocks I'm braking goes straight into the black hole an edit video about this was recorded with bandicam and had those bass boosted int roads like don don don don like those ali-a intros you know what I'm talking about but after a while I was finally able to create some sort of an invisible structure that should label where I'm supposed to place in the blocks and the next day we came across a problem because the material that I needed I had none of the material I needed was called tritanium and it looked like this and I did it a lot of it and it was hard because there was hundreds of different types of wars out there and that's what I did the day after as well I also need a city but that was not a problem because I had 20,000 nether portals all outside my old base and then just back to mining day 513 I had a lot of new ores and even worse coming from all my mining station so I decided to make a super smelter but with modded obsidian furnaces also look at this tiny chest look how adorable that is anyway my goal was to make the mumbo jumbo super smelter but he was gonna be modded and it was done the colchester on the left and the input chest on the right the next day it was time to test it out so I took ores from all my mining chests and whoa look at all that mining the mining stations have done and the super smelter was working with ridiculous speed look at that it was also a Blood Moon tonight so I just had to float above my base for the entire night and look at these giant red eyeball things I've never seen them before they're kind of weird day 515 after the Blood Moon I decided that I wanted to extend my storage system it felt pretty small and cramped so I just wanted to make it bigger like my ex-girlfriend told me bigger is better I also moved my Emmy store system so it's right next to my regular storage system that way I could easily switch between the two the next day I filled in my extra room with these chests that were only for special items for example everything space-themed would go into this chest because I didn't want to put it in my giant storage system I did this with a few other things like the inventory pets the ME system and even for the black hole generator downstairs because I wasn't finished with it yet day 517 I had no need for all these extra chests all around my base so I just put them all back in my storage system or the extra chests I was getting a lot of cobblestone from all these mining stations that I had outside so it's time to actually start smelting them first stone for my giant wall I finished outlining my new wall and I'm starting to feel like Trump as you can see from a sky view the walls gonna go around the coast but then on the land it's just gonna be a straight pattern it was day 518 I finally had enough tritanium to start building some sort of machine for the black hole the only problem is that I was kind of winging it because the tutorials were so bad that I had no idea what I was doing after placing all the blocks the machine said invalid parts so yeah I did something wrong I was depressed so I went in a call with my friends and we sent memes likes and socks for one the next day I wanted to get more mining stations in order to get more tritanium because I wasted all in the wrong parts so this means I needed a lot more energy so I added a more generators together and when I mean a lot more mining stations I mean a lot more mining stations I put them all in front of my base there was one problem though there was just water here and the sponges don't work look this is a normal sponge it's to suck up all the water right and that's why we download mods guys look at this sponge pad it's insane with just one click I sucked up like a huge part of the ocean and also I can walk on water so yes you could basically compare me to God Dave 5:20 I try to use the sponge pad on oil and sadly it does not work I also have to move all these red pipes and green pipes from the back of my base to the front of my base but it was definitely worth it look at this army of stations we have I spent the next three days fixing this all up because I had to let make a lot more storage which means a lot more of those green pipes and yes I actually did have these stations wrapping up all around my base now I added about 10 more gold chests but honestly that wasn't gonna hold long would you have 30 mining stations on top of it since my black hole generator wasn't done I had to make more of these coal generators and in order to do that I had to do some fancy transmutation thingies if you were confused basically I've been using generators I had somewhere in my storage system but I ran out of those and now that I actually have to crack them this is how you do it it's some weird energy thingy it was worth it though because I added in two more generators plus I knew actually how to make them so I can make more and once all connected look it's already mining look at a go it's going so fast and so many of them today 524 I kind of wanted afk near my base to see how much the mining could do so I decided to make some cool weapons I didn't know what to make so I just chose one that looked interesting called the gravity gun it was pretty cheap but I don't actually know what it does it doesn't seem to do anything well here's an ostrich let's just use the left leg butts in it oh no it's chopped up an ostrich now and turns out if you right-click you can actually hold and eat blocks look at that block go shake jate night so mister water dragon you've been bullying me for all these days would you like a little little rollercoaster ride long live the king bye bye oh no oh no nope maybe yes oh just what I did the next day two more cool things I made this thing called a century turret and hey it looks pretty good but I don't know how good it is I ended up making three of them and two of them turned evil looking and I don't know why I started attacking them and then they started shooting back so I guess that's pretty funny for the next five days I decided to make a big-boy weapon because these centuries do no damage this wasn't particularly interesting because there was a lot of crafting I wasn't making any sort of turret I was making a tier 5 whatever was the best I could make at this time remember those block shooting turrets that I used to have in my old base and sometimes even in this base well this turret was called the railgun turret and he was the highest level turret in that mod also this is a non sped up version of actually how fast my chests were filling up for all the mining stations back to the turret it wasn't necessarily expensive but he was so much converting through like the alloy smelters and all this fancy modded stuff that it took a long time I also have to go to the nether a lot to get some glowstone but it was a lot easier when you could fly and after full 5 minecraft days I finally finished the turret base and the turret railgun day 532 here's the railgun in his glory it wasn't that big but according to the wiki a packs quite a punch I didn't know where to put it so I just decided to put it in the corner of my base because that would be the best spot to kill any mobs that would attack me while I was trying to craft something in the crafting area I just had to hook it up to one of my generators in the back and then I actually has to wait for it to charge up because it needs 200,000 RF to fire just one shot and if you don't know what that means it's a lot Huawei did I just hunted down tritanium because I really need to finish that black hole generator especially if I want to make more of these rail gun turrets I found this really weird area that had almost like infinite XP I don't know how this happened maybe if mobs were just falling off from the cliff this was after a full 5 minutes I should make this like some sort of XP form a 533 it was time to start movin my tinker smeltery upstairs where it belonged if it perfectly in this area on top of that it's very convenient to have next to all my crafting and other smelting stuff but then it actually happened the railgun fired its bullets and I'm not going to lower the volume to show you actually how loud this thing is so in about three seconds your ears are about to be destroyed and this hat while I was minding my own business it was so loud that I literally cried on top of that my minecraft volume is that 10% and then it happened again and I screamed again but don't worry I won't let you guys suffer the same pain I did I finished on my tinker smelter a at least a which is really good because this gives you more ore than what you have originally put in the next day I was gonna put my tinker's furnace to good use because I haven't been smelting any my tritanium because I wanted to put him in this big furnace that way I would get actually more ores in return I burned myself China but lava in here as usual but then I dumped in all this titanium and I was ready for all those blocks to be formed and then something very sad happened nothing was coming out of the smeltery the blocks from above looked fine but when I went inside I guess it got really glitchy but I don't know if that's normal I thought the smeltery was broken but I tested it with gold real quick and that did work day 535 while letting my mind to think to figure out a solution about the tritanium I had to add a lot more chests for all the mining stuff eventually I came to a solution where I would pour in the stuff as a liquid and then hopefully I would be able to turn it into an ingot from there sadly this is not work either so I had no idea what to do with this liquid tritanium on top of that I had no idea how to put the tritanium back into the normal or form so I think I lost everything today 536 I thought it would be a good idea to get my mind off losing about 300 ingots of titanium I built this other turd that was really cheap but for some reason it didn't work but I just simply had to right-click and whoa look at that little meeting socks Ron don't you already have the railgun turret well I'd rather have a turret that doesn't blast off my ears every time it fired I placed these bad boys all over my base because they're quiet they do quite a lot of damage and they can hide into the block when they want to the next day was a big day because I finally finished my black hole generator it was a fairly easy fix I was just missing a piece that fixes this ring that goes around the black hole on top of that it looked like he was already ready to make some energy so I just connected to all my farms above and if I understand this correctly I simply have to put blocks into this generator and it transfers those blocks into energy and even increase this energy output from 200 RF into 10,000 if I actually feed the black hole blocks directly but if I were to do that there would be a chance that black hole blowing up and then destroy my entire base including me so I'm just gonna leave it for now I don't show the time or how much research I actually have to do in order to figure out these things but I probably put in more time researching than I actually do playing the reason I'm saying this is because I reach or something called a builder's one that will allow me to build really really fast the only problem is that this warrant it requires a unstable ingot and I need to do some sacrifice in order to make it and the sacrifice has to be done at midnight exactly so it's pretty spooky luckily I do have a couple small eggs from when I went to the anti mention or something I felt a lot of pressure at this moment because I had to get exactly know that ostrich ran Oh what is happening different mobs kept on spawning out of it and some of them I couldn't even attack it's a ritual over I don't know I can't even see some of these mobs make me go blind I noticed that my red ritual thing was glowing so I must be a complete right I mean now we can just go and try to craft it before I went inside turns out there's actually clouds that you can mine today 539 it was the moment of truth we were gonna make this builders want out of an unstable ingot the scariest part is that you only have 10 seconds to craft the unstable ingate where it will explode and when I mean explode it will actually kill you I screenshot the recipes and I had them up on my other monitor and I made sure that I would do it I never crafted so fast in my life man and just like that now we have a builder's one but now I have no idea how to use this thing after some research the first step was actually to get a lot of blocks of whatever block that you're gonna build out of the next step was to actually hover over the blocks that you want to build out of in whoa-ho you can build 10 blocks or eight blocks at a time that's crazy this is so satisfying thank God I did some research now it's gonna be ten times easier to build anything this is the exact reason why modded minecraft is 10 times better than vanilla also I don't know what mob does this or if it's some block but it's pretty creepy and it looks like I'm gonna die or something the next day I had a plan a was to build this wall a hole around the coastline and all around my base the first step was actually build out an outline that way I could use the builders tool later and the day after since I finished the outline I just started building up the Great Wall I finished all of this in just two days and the best part is that I was gonna run out of cobblestone or stone anytime soon because I had chest on chest day 542 I just finished up the wall there's a sped-up version of me building it's extremely sad as am i right and voila the great wall of socks for one is finished I mean the first layer but you gotta admit that looks pretty cool the next day I messed around with the builders wand a little more and it turns out it's a really good way to get rid of all the oil because then I can just dump sand all over it the next step is that my mining stasis basically mined out everything that they could in their section but what if I can actually upgrade the range and I can the upgrade made the range of the mining station about four times bigger this means I can mine everything in between the walls and now that the mining stations are gonna be mining in a lot larger area that means I'm gonna have to add a lot more chests because they're gonna be overflowing everything I continued this the next day by getting a lot more upgrades and then actually upgrading all the quarries and then I spent the whole night just flying around because it was a Blood Moon and this is the exact reason why I need a base defense today 545 I decided that I was gonna make a lot of red pipes because I actually wanted to have these quarries all around inside my base my goal was to have a multi-level amazing castle that has everything defended inside these great walls when all the blocks are cleared out that just gives me infinite room to build on and it's a much better way to get building blocks and ores so I don't have to go mining and I did this for one more day because it's actually kind of hard and in cries a lot of materials to connect all the quarries when they're all spread around your pace another thing to do was actually have a way so I could dump out hundreds and thousands of items into the black hole that way you could keep on making power it was pretty simple I just had to connect a green pipe to like a chest or a hopper that way I could just dump out all the items and it just transported say all to the generator I even disconnected all my old generators because technically they're irrelevant at this stage it was day five under 47 it was time for another project and this being I wanted to finish my underground farm areas I just have to clean it up and make it look nice and what are those why are they running why are you running what are you small green little things whoa they're making me nauseous anyway the place can look really pretty it just needs to be fixed up a bit while I was doing that I was also dumping all the cobblestone from these chests into the furnaces because I needed tons and tons of stone breaks in order to finish my great wall the next day it was time to get to work we were gonna make this place look good everything was going really good but then I realized if I really wanted to make this place good that means I'm gonna have to take out the dinosaur cage because some reason there's no dinosaur living in it it's probably because I didn't feed him I spend the entire day of 549 just destroying this class because it's as tough as obsidian I'm not only removing this because they would make the underground look better but I'm also removing it because I don't think it was a good dinosaur cage it was just too small we got to make some sort of park like outside where they can roam free and then we can hunt down mobs with them or something and boom all the glasses out and the rest was really easy because I could just turbo might hit the next couple days I do a lot of clearing because I have a plan to build these giant walls surrounding all the farms a lot of clearing but then it was time for epic building we were gonna have these cool walls surrounding the farms that way it shows how big it is and boom just like that the place looks 10 times better I mean it needs lighting and these different blocks but you know the whole room just feels better today 553 I actually had a worry that that black hole would explode because it started making some weird noises I've been feeding the black hole a lot of block because I needed the energy but I didn't have any stabilizers so I threw in about six of these stabilizing thingies and they would just like zapped this black hole so it wouldn't explode on top of that it looks really cool like it's actually stabilizing the black hole the next day I didn't want to go back working underground I wanted to make a cool entrance for this beginning of my base I made something called the door factory that it would allow me to actually create any sort of door that I wanted and that seemed pretty cool you literally just choose the blocks that you want to make it out of and the animation and it's gonna create the door you want I didn't know which one I wanted so I just made one of each animation and then I compared them but honestly they all looked really cool but then I realized all these doors have something in common that they're only two by one and I'm looking for a door that's thirty by ten I didn't know what door to go with but I knew I need to make an entrance first I had no idea what to do yet so I decided that I just need to make my wall taller I needed to have a path so I did exactly there I spent the next five days actually making a path where I can walk around on my giant wall this was actually extremely difficult because I couldn't use the builders won for this I had to place all the blocks manually I mean only the parts with the curves because when it's just straight I could just use the wand this was just a long and boring process but I knew he was gonna look amazing when we were finished and so many possibilities we can do with it once it's done and boom day 561 and the entire path around the walls were complete right now it's only stone bricks but we can add so many things like turrets walls extra spikes epic cool stuff you know the possibilities are endless I've spent the rest of the day feeding the black hole blocks and look the power is actually increasing it started at 200 the next day I finally had an idea what to do for the gate and I was like why not just stick to the basics I wanted the cool iron gate but massive who's gonna need a lot of extra detail and cool stuff but the actual gate can't get better than this then I realized was there actually a limit on how big this gate could be because on the description it doesn't have a limit I thought here was the moment of truth this was a 3,000 maybe 4,000 block wide gate and it actually works this and it opens it actually opens I mean it takes like 13 years but it actually works here's the gate opening up in a times 50 Manor and it's still so slow but so cool well I definitely didn't want my gate this big but this definitely some cool ideas we could do with it in the future day 563 I definitely felt like I needed to go on an adventure I built a lot of extra chests and made sure my quarries would be fine while I'm gone and it looks like we were ready to go I turned on the Davie channel and I was ready to explore Japan he's a beautiful country I've been there many times right off the bat I found this underwater base if that wasn't cool enough it was also pretty big I tried to use the gravity gun to like shoot down the door like epically but that didn't work this place is insane and I need to have a base here I'm serious I marked down the coordinates and this is something definitely we can do for the next hundred days and when I went upstairs there was some sort of scientist on steroids that was attacking me and he actually survived a hit from my ultimate sword the name was like mitko her I don't know I ended up eliminating him getting an achievement and taking his cool star projector thing I kept traveling on day 564 and I try to use the gravity gun on mafia bees but sadly it doesn't work on creatures that fly I came across this epic looking bunker looking thing I have never seen this before it was actually a bunker so that could only mean one thing there was definitely gonna be weapons inside I ended up finding this epic sniper here and I couldn't wait to test this on some mobs the Minecraft gods must have heard me because it turns out it was gonna be a Blood Moon I also got these cool grenade things and I mean their grenades what more could you want Jayde's I guess traveling has just been a lot easier when you couldn't fly because I found this insanely cool tower sadly there was nothing inside but definitely a cool place to have a base also for some reason these villagers thought it was a good idea to build their base next to a volcano I mean it looks really cool but aren't they all just gonna die today five hundred sixty-five was even more interesting when I came across some sort of battleship and it looked cool I had some sort of modded blocks that gave it like a battleship textured there were a lot of guards inside but I used their force against them like this pump-action shotgun there was also some sort of SWAT team that tried to attack me I don't even know man I had no chance looting up their chest from the front because of the knock back it was insane so I snuck through the back and steeled all their loot I was gonna spend only two more days traveling around because I was starting to feel homesick there was this cool nether tower out in the open the only thing in it though was the zombie spawner but I was hoping it would be something bigger I came across a station that was actually made of completely tritanium blocks which was perfect because I need this for my black hole generator I mean the generator was finished but it's always good to have extra and I can already tell I've been exploring her a lot because the world was having trouble loading chunks before I left I thought this was really weird it was like a tar that made the slimes black and then they attacked my head and I started screaming I didn't know what to do hey 568 I made it back to my base and I placed down all these cool modded panels then I got where I could write down anything I was gonna put this forever but then I realized it wasn't gonna be family-friendly I wanted to start working on my entrance again but I wanted to use a block that was different something that was Manan and I came across this cool stone called lava stone definitely look good but I still wanted to try different possibilities using the chisel the chisel allowed me to turn the lava blocks into all these different types of blocks and they all looked crazy but the original lava block still looked the best so I'm probably gonna make a lot of those the next thing I wanted to try one more different type of block but it required a lot of clay like a lot like I spent the entire day just getting clay I turned that clay into bricks and I made these white colored bricks that looked cool but the lava bricks still looked better day 5:17 we're gonna start building the grey path we definitely made a good choice this lava stone looks good and it's gonna look even better once we complete a tunnel going all the way to our castle I had to spend another day on this because I had to get a lot of lava and I had this mess up a lot of cobblestones and then back to building day 572 the great path is complete I mean the first stage of it at least the walls in fact will be made out of black stone bricks that way you will create like this scary atmosphere as you're entering the castle and we got to make it high to make it dramatic to scare any person that comes inside the only problem is that black stone breaks require a lot of black dye which requires me to get a lot of squids I ended up killing so many squids I got this cool squid row fee so hey I guess that's pretty cool and I even worked on this hallway during a Blood Moon because why not you know what's funny during a Blood Moon this lake actually turns purple so it looks like Thanos is Lake I continue the next day by eliminating a lot of squids petting a roof over the tunnel and even making the two main towers more tower like because right and how they look pretty funny you can see where I'm going with this I really want a cool entrance that goes into this amazing hallway day 574 this wouldn't be an epic castle if I didn't have good security I decided to make a nice scanner from security craft that will let off a redstone signal if it senses my face the whole point is me walking up to my door and then it opens up when it senses my face which brings us to our next day because I have no idea what door to use I put this giant garage door and honestly I don't like this either I feel like if the door will look good it will just instantly look good and right now everything's not working for me on day 576 I did some research on a door that's literally just magic I was like hold up wait a minute this actually looks really good but then again you would see what's on the other side and I didn't want that on top of that you actually even needed is green controller to open and close it and I wasn't gonna hold this wherever I was going the next day I just changed things back to basics I was also thinking do I actually want the door right in front would I want it more inside the castle nonetheless I came to a conclusion that these iron bars look cooler than anything else I also had to add like 40 more iron chess to my Quarry collection because they filled up all of the previous ones say 578 I thought it was a good idea to put the drawbridge in front of the iron gate but for some reason it wasn't working I actually took me all day to figure out why it wasn't working but eventually it did and it looked epic I really do need like 500 turrets in my base or this happens I spend the next two days developing a security room before you actually enter the main hallway the point of this room is that you would have to put some sort of security code or some extra security thing you know I don't know more doors are cooler I decided to make the garage door for the inside one because you can't actually see what's on the other side and you can make it as big as you want and the main idea was done I would go up to the eye scanner it would scan me and then the door would actually open I try to spice it up with some different modded blocks but honestly I think I just made it look 10 times worse a 581 I wanted a cool modded liquid that would be dripping down from my hallway but it couldn't be lava it has to be something extra I came across something called pyro the--some I don't even know what it's called it's basically lava on steroids and drugs ice melted it all up in the tinkers smeltery and this is exactly what I was looking for it looked like batter lava and brighter I spent the next three days finding a way to implement this new substance in our hallway but for some reason it didn't work like lava or water also everything it touches it lights on fire so that's not actually that good but when I got it to worked hey it looks really good oh no no no I forgot to odd and block it out no oh my oil all my oil is on fire and it's just gonna keep spreading you gotta be kidding me oh no on the brighter side I made this orange stone break that will make some really cool arches for the lava to go down on honestly I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm just trying to make it symmetrical and have like cool shapes and all whoa that item she looks pretty good oh I forgot it lights everything on fire and actually that needs some work day 585 while thinking of stuff to do for the hallway and end I decided that I wanted to make my epic throne room bigger let me rephrase that actually spend the next 4 days doing that because I actually have to spread the lava all the way across the room with everything getting bigger my basis is another thing that just needs to grow with it because it would just look ten times better when it's more open the only part that took a long time was actually getting all the lava buckets in there to fill the entire floor and boom the lava floors done the next step was to have a cool design where like nature would merge into this lava slash trophy room the funny part is that how would I actually do this and I was this close by accidentally running water all over these lava sources blocks that would have turned everything into obsidian I ended up with something like this would look pretty good but then when I started putting in the glass it started to lose his feel day 589 I had no idea what to do with that throne room so I came back to the hall where where I learned you can make any slab out of any block and when I say any slab I also mean vertical slabs and you can put them together to make stairs that's crazy I also finished putting the rest of the super hot lava fire stuff I put these slabs all over the arches not only because it makes it look better it also prevents this pyro stuff from lighting the original blocks on fire because you can't actually light slabs on fire and Wow you got to admit this room really came together and it's only getting started right and of course that oil fire seemed to spread to the rest of the base talking about the oil fire I spend the next five days trying to remove all the oil using buckets this wasn't a very practical way to in order to remove all the oil plus it was all on fire looking back at it now it would probably been easier if I research some sort of oil pump or something that would just suck all the liquid up don't get me wrong I tried to use the sponge bed but no that only worked with water I ended up taking up so much oil that it started creating these cool like fire pit holes but that's about it after spending five whole days there just transferring oil I filled up three whole oil drums that means I've put over a thousand buckets if not more of oil into these drums I'm not very smart am i but I did take about good 20 layers of oil I mean is there an achievement for that and I decided for the final five days I needed to have a cool and epic entrance that I was sort of proud of I started building up these towers to show a more menacing and intimidating look I also brought out too many hours that give the castle more of a castle look and yeah I also wanted a better way to immerse the outside to the inside tunnels so I made this cool black triangle thing that kind of merges them together I also wanted to brought in the hallway a lot because I want it to be reach any part of the base from here and what do you mean by that socks for one well the reason why I wanted everything to be digged out around is because I wanted to have every mod to have its own giant room and this hallway will be the giant connection between all of them I have to make a lot more lava blocks but honestly it was pretty satisfying to make when I have this crafting station I created these open areas that way I could have more hallways connecting into other rooms or other areas of the base I ended up doubling the size of the hallway and it already looks better I ended up doing the garage door for the main door because when it's really big it looks good and just look how it opens that's pretty funky all it needed was a surrounding trim and voila we actually have some sort of presentable entrance well thank you guys so much for watching this 100 day 700 days will be out very very soon this is because I already recorded 130 fix if you have any ideas on how to improve this base or you just have a cool idea please let me know in the comment section I'll be sure to add it anyway until next time [Music]
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 4,907,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, minecraft hardcore, I Survived Hardcore Modded Minecraft For 600 Days using the largest modpack possible, 100 days minecraft hardcore modded, modded minecraft, minecraft but i downloaded every single mod, minecraft modded lets play, minecraft 500 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 600 days hardcore, minecraft but I surived 600 days modded minecraft, no cursing, no swearing
Id: TbzCC4QY-yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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