I Survived as SUKUNA in Jujutsu Infinite Roblox!

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we are going to be trying to survive at suca in Roblox jjk infinite we are going to have three main goals in mind number one unlock sua's Vessel number two unlock every single move suca has and get max level on his ability and number three unlock his domain expansion which is going to be really hard but we're going to keep grinding and try to do it all right so starting off from last video we're toi so we're going to have to go ahead and do another outfit change like last time okay we're going to do the the robbing technique if you guys don't know what that is you search up someone's name like Su I want to be like him right so someone here should be dressed exactly like sua hopefully okay I actually don't see anyone okay let's goad and dress as this guy I I kind of wrote the name wrong but yeah let's go right here he's basically in sua's final form with his four arms or I don't know if it's complete final but we're going to go aad and put this on cuz it looks pretty dope okay 56 Robux boom Oh my God guys look how we look right now okay let's see if this is going to work in game I don't know if the four arms are going to show up but let's go ahead and try to get it oh my God guys look how we look right now sua is crazy the only problem is we we still do not have his suut vessel so we're going to go ahead and spin and try to get it as fast as we could probably going to take 10 hours but I'll see you guys then all right go to to customize so as you can see we have only uh let's see what we have we have Limitless and we have ra okay I've never used ra yet what I'm going to do for another video but let's go ahead and keep spinning we're going to be here for a long time uh yeah go and spin that spin that all right I'll see you guys after 5,000 spins hopefully okay guys so I just spent 150 roblux to buy a game pass called skip so basically I should be able to spam it now let me try it out keep it up in my game okay it works guys we don't have to wait no more look no more animation I keep spamming it now guys bro there's no points for the bag then honestly bro if I can keep going like this guys we finally got Suk his vessel oh my God you don't know how long that took we we literally saved so much time right now we got 500 tries down and we got it or four 500 tries okay that's like that's actually 2,000 Robux or something like that but we have a lot of spins from all the videos we've done but let's go ahead and finally put it in our bag okay so now our only inates would be right here slot one suk's vessel we're going to go ah and start the video now okay we're going to have to go here to Heavenly restriction go ahead and disable it from our last video disabled okay go to inventory go to our um what's our weapon called Spear of Heaven whatever Spear of Heaven unequip that okay and as you can see from our skills this is the only thing we have no skills right now at all what we get is number one suk's vessel dismantle summons a wave of slasher near the user okay bypasses blocks and domain number two is a cleave move number or number two yeah number three is a flame Arrow which you guys see him use number four is switch so switch play for Su for 1 minute Buffs all your stats by 50% and the last thing is domain expansion his crazy thing where bro his domain in this game is insane I'll show you guys when we get there so the next thing we're going to have to do is go ahead and reset our points on our stats okay so we're going to go ahead and refund this okay so we have 1,56 stat points to put to this character okay I'm trying to balance it out perfectly cuz Suka his techniques are insane so we're going to have to max out technique Health he is going to be really strong so we're going to have to put that and I try to save as much as I could for strength cuz you know Yugi's fist does a lot of damage so we're saving 152 for that and energy we do not need honestly because I feel like really have enough energy just go ahead and use our moves so I don't think that's going to be a problem at all okay let's go ahead and purchase our first move right now so we're going to go to our skills and the first one on inat is going to be domain expansion dismantle purchase that zero bucks customized we're going to go to our inat put that on Z perfect let's go and add some taiu as well to our regular skills final black flash we're going to add regular black flash as well Stampede we're going to also add Divergent fists the things uh you used himself AKA Su okay let's go ahead and start with a grade one Mission because we only have one move okay so we're going to start with kill curse user motoi Toyota or to or I say Toyota to toyot I don't I'm not saying okay just let's get into it bro and last video everyone was telling me please click alt go and shift block I'm clicking alt for you guys okay boom we got it I'm scared now oh what the what what just happened come on what do this manle do that's bro you guys see that oh my goodness that dismantle move went crazy all right relax relax okay H H you got tell me click H after be oh wait Z look at that I'm might even OMG guys Su might be even more op than OG's build all right he he has like a he has a dummy now dude bro you told me that's on a white zetu bro from Naruto that is on I need to get the main guy okay wait just let's go it's still works oh my God that oh come on we almost got him all right so the move you guys are telling me H actually works really good and look at the Mastery already from level one we're starting on level Uno okay nothing we have nothing let's get out at all okay Su his vessel all right guys do you see this right now right we're we're about to get his domain already this is going to be insane but let's go and unlock these chests and see if we got some sua fingers one sua finger all right perfect let start off the video first mission Suk finger I we are Suk so we need to collect more all right let's get on to the next thing and see how much more stuff we got okay go to our skills we I think we unlocked the new move uh yes we unlocked the the cleave move okay a summons an aerial slash towards the user Target instantly cast in domain okay we're going to go ahead and buy it and then we're going to go and put it in our thing right here as X okay now we can go and start our next mission all right let's do our first special grade Mission which is defeat yoshim Mochi hide hero okay level 300 Special Gade Mission let's go into it okay let's try our new move out the cleave let's see how good this thing is I'm using it all right I think he canel it out all right hold up we're having technical difficulties here whoa this is not come on try CLE did that work I think I missed it bro come on keep going black flash maybe try final black no relax relax let's go our cleave move worked and we finally got him oh my God that was a close fight put Su his vessel already level 126 so let's go okay that came in clutch his move right there easily maybe we get another St in a finger too we're not we we're pushing out luck a little bit okay crash again all right guys we unlocked a new move in the skill shop sucus vessel flame Arrow okay we're going to try this out it is 24,700 summons a flaming arrow towards the target creating a large fiery explosion I'm very hyped to see how that looks in game cuz I have not seen that in game actually put that on all right let's get it let's try to verse our next opponent and see who we can verse actually kill a band of four cursy or kill a band of two H that's going to be very difficult I don't think we're going to win that but let's try it out anyways kill a band of two cury are the hardest mission we can do right now I'm kind of I think be kind of messed up piing this Mission but okay okay he's already doing something I don't like that oh he's calling to rec something I don't know what he's doing Arrow it didn't work it didn't work uh-oh come on come on use my move let's go 1,700 damage on him okay super moves okay hey kind of bad when you start ganging up on me hey C see come on oh my God he's doing this thing I can't get it my I got to get this guy use my BL flash I missed it I totally missed it oh my God I got my all that's why I wasn't working I got out of on accident come on let's go someone trying to chase me I hear him down there all right you're about to get cleav right now ready 1,700 I got him he's done we're going to final black flash this guy okay X click X on him he's dead X hit him let's go we got him sua and you oh my God tell me that wasn't the best finisher of the sent right now who's this guy bro okay we're going to go super this vessel all right new SK unlock sua vessel switch this is the main move I think that I go crazy and I get a 50% power buff for 1 minute cuz I switch out with sua so this going to be crazy to try out for our next thing but try and open all these crates and see what we get all right well that was about it let's go ahead and check out this new move okay this new move is going to be sua's vessel switch okay switch places with sua for 1 minute Buffs all your stats by 50% purchase that for 178 Grand that's going put a big dent but it's fine in8 go ahead and put that on V for vessel switch okay let's see what missions we got and we're going to have to verse some bosses later on too but I want to test some guys out first kand four curse user this is the hardest one it's actually harder than the last one let's go Ahad and try this out we're going to do vessel switch right away boys okay right away vessel switch come on wait what's happening he's like oh my God he's going Maniac oh my God that's crazy look at him oh look it's doing way more damage everything too do my arrow in the air oh my wait this is guys I swear to wait this man over here wait everyone's dead already I swear to God that was the most this is the most OP character Su is the most OP I played with guys I say this every video if you watch it I say this is better than I want to toi which is better than um you know and I I'm not I'm not even lying though this suin is literally op I swear to God it's like how am I destroying four I've never had like this much ease destroying the four curs usually the band of them is kind of hard and they gang up on you but this is really oh my God that's crazy the buff you get and if I get a s finger right now too it's going to be crazy huh oh my God I just called it I just called it if I get a Suk figure we're going to be crazy guys this is it I'm literally oh my God go back and see if we got another move maybe okay looks like we still got a ways to go cuz we need Mastery 200 to get his domain expansion we are on level 173 we're not that far away but let's go ahead and do more missions and try to get the last thing okay guys so boss has did spawn in we're going to go ahead and defeat the volcano deity and see how fast we can defeat this boss okay and then when we hopefully unlock our um domain expansion we're going to go with the rock Cardinal the most OP boss in this game right now okay guys volcano D is here and you guys already know what we have to do right off the start the most OP thing ever vessel switch for 1 minute come on too late buddy ready took the finger eating it guess what oh the laugh is so crazy that laugh giv me life I feel St listening to right now okay dismantle what pleas oh okay this volcano has like a okay let me use my arrow on him oh I missed dang it I missed that all right that's better 2,000 damage for black flash dude I couldn't hit him with the fin one it wasn't working Stampede okay okay it's fine I like a challenge see stamped him bro every Everything does more damage with him come on oh w w this guy's actually all right use my te on uhoh we're going in the Z domain don't worry I did a lot of damage on him I take a lot of damage off this is his domain it looks like uh joo's domain kind of right isn't it like a volcano one we got flame Arrow brother picked the wrong guy to mess with bro you know why got my flame Arrow oh I missed it bro I keep missing the flame Arrow got this dude it does not matter if you're in your domain dog it does not matter okay we're going to go and use our cleave move on him I'm not even going to vessel switch anymore I'm going to keep fighting him H come on okay we're going to I have BL wo wo wo W wo relax relax oh oh he's actually doing damage hey block Flash come on where's the final one at stamped him chck him to the ground got him for 4 damage left 400 health I mean just like that we got him this is actually kind of a little bit of a struggle cuz my moves I kind of have to hit it okay I didn't really know how to be accurate with the the little arrow but I do okay so I haven't hit that move yet but if I do I think it will do a lot of damage we going and put that Mastery okay we are almost there to get the final move okay we are almost there come on Su finger one two I got refund points bro come on all right a cursed alloy inot bro come on all right we got trash but let's go back and try to fight till we get our domain expansion okay let's do kill a band of five curse users hopefully this gives us our domain expansion and this is the most uses we fought I think we only on four but we're going to go vessel switch like always the most easiest thing to do okay doesn't switch too late too late Pi the finger I'm going dismantle right away oh my God so it feels so cool just being here bro let me go to the other curses and bring them all together so I can whoop all them at the same time you know what I'm saying come on my man it doesn't last that long guys come on that's it all right they're all not coming so I'm going to go ahead and do it 2,000 Arrow get one at least 3,000 oh my God this person's lit look how lit this person is oh my God he's already done he's already done okay I'm a block person 2000 I didn't want a final black FL you're waste of time throw you on the ground you're dead dead just like that I got a nail stuck in me but we're going to get the last person dismantle oh my goodness this is all right come on where you at final black flash bro you're not hitting purple on me dog okay then I'm going to go ahead and black flash oh he's blocking okay too bad got my black flash ready I'm going shoot my flame Arrow I missed it it's fine move I missed that's not missing though it is I missed everything okay doesn't matter okay the question is is this super boost going to make us get level 200 let's see level 200 if we unlock malver volent Shrine okay I I can't pronounce it right but I know what it is okay all right guys let's go on our inventory finally skills oh I do have it I just have to purchase it I was about to say so it's going to cost us a total of $1,274 1800 okay we have 2.4 million and we grinding this game for a long time so just going to wipe out half of our money boom just like that we're at 1.1 million now okay go to customize domain expansion we're going to put that on B okay ready we have hit final move the domain expansion and we're going to verse the rock Cardinal which which was funny is the rock C his domain expansion is actually suo so it's going to be funny and I'm going to try to fight him with my full power right now then afterwards I want to see if I can maybe Clash him with the domain expansion or how that works I'm going to put him my domain expansion right when I go ahead and once I vessel switch I'm going to go right into my domain extension oh actually I can't go right into it there a domain bar come on all right dismantle I have I'm punch keep punching this guy I get domain hit him with regular 200 hits come on all right H hitting me does damage or okay come on go I dodg that correctly almost there almost there all right you're done buddy y Pai you're done let's see what happens guys he has 15,840 let's see what this does come on what is this going to do he's getting hit he's getting hit every second right now look at his health I'm not even touching him we flame arrow on him what he get he using to move on me doesn't matter block block look yeah how much heal do you have now Oho look at him all right guys keep in mind this is apparently the final boss in this game and I just did that to him with max level sua okay go ahead and put that and apparently uh oh okay I'm here so I was about to say I thought I glitched under the map come on give me something good Su finger one Su finger guys we already got three Su fingers in like how long was that all right well let's go back we got trapped from all those loot okay guys I think I found someone he's going to W me where is he at all right this guy wants to start already he he's he's weird oh my God this guy is so weird let's do a fair fight dude come on I'm doing this bro it's all right bro come on E my thing eat my thing come on this guy has to be done now right he's waiting for me look look at him oh my God he grabbed me he's doing the to this thing does 6,000 damage bro it do so much damage oh my God come on he said I want to oop hold up bro oh my God bro he keeps doing his mov mov gosh darn it I want to use my freaking on a real person my my domain on a real person bro on hit me one time this has to work right come on please [Music] die [Music] yeah no no no I got him let's go one HP 200 health I got him oh my God hold on what he say he said I want to fight Joo GG I'm say GG man what do you mean Joo who the rock Cardinal oh my God okay that was actually an insane fight I didn't know I was going to win that bro 700 Health that was like a toi versus me cuz he was using all toi's moves and I used him last video and I know how op it is and oh my God that was very close but so that was the win right there defeat the rock Cardinal I'm going to go ahead and try to ver it with him I'm probably dead bro I just realized I just came here to the rock cardal with 200 or 28 maybe maybe I can use reverse C technique okay all right well hopefully you guys do enjoy that video we did get max level and defeat every boss and everything we actually tried cuz obviously the last time we just spawned in with one HP and died please leave a like subscribe and yeah comment what character you guys want to see next and peace out
Channel: Yalio
Views: 941,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, toji vs gojo, 100 days, 24 hours, jujutsu kaisen mod, roblox jujutsu kaisen, roblox sukuna, roblox gojo satoru, anime 100 days, koopekool, 24 hours sukuna, jujutsu kaisen 100 days, jujutsu kaisen 24 hours, jjk, jujutsu infinite roblox, gojo satoru, I Survived as SUKUNA in Jujutsu Infinite Roblox, 100 days sukuna ryomen, sukuna vs gojo, 100 days sukuna, sukuna, jujutsu kaisen roblox, roblox
Id: tSwiGAALky8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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