Trolling With The DOUGH MOVESET.. (Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds)

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I spent 5 hours unlocking the do Luffy move set so that I could 1 V one my girlfriend with it only to find that once I had unlocked the move set she was in a server with another guy so I decided to go undercover is the do weakest dummy and troll them with this move set and you guys aren't going to believe what happens in this video so guys I finally got the D move set and Anna has been making fun of me all day for not having it so I'm going to join the server and show it to her wait hold up why is there some random gear five Luffy in my private server with her bro is she seriously cheating on me with some random guy because she thought I couldn't get the move set hold up I'm going to join and see what's up bro I was literally just about to show her that I unlocked the move set and I was going to show all of the moves to her and stuff because she's been begging me to unlock the move set all day and she's been mad that I couldn't get it CU this is a very difficult move set to unlock like I literally just spent the past 5 hours unlocking this wolf set and during that 5 hours she just found another guy who like cosplays is Luffy that has the move set and now she is probably cheating got me with it bro this guy is literally just like a full Luffy C player I'm going to go walk up to her and confront her bro I'm going to go walk up to her and confront her bro what am I looking at bro what am I looking at I'm going to see how long it is before she sees me she just said oooo to him bro Anna just said to him wow that move set is so hot I'm sitting right here does she not see me mango can't even get the Bove set he's been trying to get it for the past 5 hours I literally have the Bove set on my account now I was literally about to equip it and show it to her because the D move set is like crazy and Luffy said yeah I know it's such a cool move set he wait to do what okay this boob set is based off of like do fruit from Vlogs fruits and if you guys have never seen do fruit before it is very sus like bro do fruit is very sus bro it is very weird is Hest just not going to notice me I'm standing right here oh she just turned and notice me hi yo what's up bro she was spamming bet in the chat after the guy said he can't wait to D all okay and she just punched me across the B now she's just spamming for Luffy to leave the server Luffy please leave right now bro I already saw everything I have it on screen recording too she's just spamming for for him to leave and he's not leaving and he finally left she just said few like I didn't notice what just happened who the hell was that and she said what do you mean no one was here I think you need help Bango bro it's in the chat don't try to Gaslight me when the chat logs are right here anyways did you finally unlock the secret D move set I need you to Bro yes I unlocked the move set I was about to join and show you it but then I see another guy in the server hold up guys I think I have an idea what if I dress up like the weakest of me and then sne into the server once Luffy is in here again just to spy on them and see what kind of things they're typing in the chat and then I'm going to pull out the D move set as the weest sty and just start trolling them bro that would be so funny she's just sitting still not saying anything like Anna who was that guy in the server with the D move set who is that and she just said what do you mean I don't see anyone else here in the server it's just me and you yeah the only two people on the server list now are me and you but I have a screen recording of there being another guy here he's on the server list he's still in the the chat his name is Luffy on a subop trk to guys like me I literally saw everything happen you were in here with another guy and she said I think you're blind there is no one else here it's just me and you Anna actually stop it for real and Anna just typed in the chat mango I really don't appreciate you trying to G like me you know I would never talk to another guy or cheat on you behind your back bro there was just another guy in the server 5 seconds ago and you're try to put this on me cuz watch this the second I leave the server I guarantee you that the Luffy guy is going to be back in here again I literally just spent 5 hours unlocking the D move set by the way and this is like an actual D move set with d moves like it's not one of those custom build mode move sets that have a bunch of random moves that look like Luffy like these are actual Luffy moves from the D move set we're basically going to be able to use D fruit from blogs fruits inside of the strongest Battlegrounds with this but you can't equip it on the characters right here there's a special thing you have to do in order to get it so it would be really funny if I start spying on them as the weakest of me and then I just whip out the D move set okay that sounded kind of s but I think that's my plan I'm going to leave the server wait for this Luffy guy to rejoin and then we're going to spy on them and use the move set so uh before I leave I'm just going to type in the chat Anna I literally just unlocked the move set and I was about to show it to you and she just said cap where is proof bro you're going to see proof in a second whenever I dress up like the weakest of me and use this but since you want to go behind my back and talk to other guys I'm just going to go play with th way and use the move set now I'm just going to leave the game what no bro I actually needed to stop leaking my search history so I just created this account called mango pool D and my homie stud was able to get me the move set on this account like immediately so now all that I have to do is dress up like a dough Luffy weakest dummy pretty much but really quickly I want to check if that Luffy guy from earlier ended up joining the server yet so I have the private server right here let me just refresh and hold up bro not only is Luffy back in there but there is now somebody dressed up like Drake bro Drake she's over 18 bro I what is this bro what is this I'm 100% siding with Kendrick after this now why is Drake in a server with my girlfriend bro no bro I'm removing push-ups from my Spotify playlist okay yeah I need to get into that server bro like I need to get into there so really quickly let me just become like a Luffy D version of the weakest tummy I guess the first thing I need to do is change this account to the dough dummy and Roblox made it where you can finally put spaces in your display name so we are going to look exactly like the weakest of me I also need to buy some roblo on this account so that I can dress up my avatar edor please don't leak my credit card again bro please and we now have 400 Robo so we can dress up like the dough dummy I genuinely cannot wait to use this move set Bro like it is probably one of the coolest Battlegrounds move sets you guys have ever seen and yeah the first thing I'm going to buy is like a health bar bro there are so many different health bars in the catalog okay this probably the cheapest one so I'm going to add that to my cart the next thing we need to replace is like the fifth gear Luffy hair so we're going to replace this Goku hair with some fifth gear Luffy hair and we are going to be looking exactly like the fifth gear Luffy dummy bro why is Roblox trying to get me to buy a low taper fade yeah we're just going to search fifth gear Luffy and there are so many different Luffy hairs I think this one probably looks the best so I'm going to add this to the cart okay the next thing we need is like a Luffy face we're going to replace the angry weakest stummy face with the Luffy one I think we just got to go over to accessories face and then we are going to search up Luffy and bro there are so many different Luffy faces I'm not even sure which one I should buy bro this one just looks like Luffy's constipated and he's trying to take a so you know what I think I'm going to buy this one chat the next thing we need to buy is like a Luffy themed suit the current one that the weakest of me is rocking is just like some ripped up suit I think bro probably got into a fight he took one too many punches let's see are we able to find like a Luffy suit okay I couldn't find one that looked exactly like Luffy but I found this white suit that'll match with everything that we've bought so I'm going to add these to my cart and then as you guys know the weakest Dy now does like some Goku animation whenever he spawns in so we're going to try to replace that with some gear five Luffy effects I'm just going to search up do and gear five Luffy and we'll see what pops up and okay I found these D arms honestly these look pretty cool I also found this Luffy aura that looks pretty siba so I'm going to buy all of these items for 200 Robux and now we are going to equip everything and we're going to see how drippy we look all right I have finally equipped all of the items I had to swap a few of them out because the original one ended up looking very goofy but CH I'm pretty happy with this result bro I'm not even going to lie this is looking the pretty lit if I stand next to the weakest ofy this looks exactly like like what he would look like if he were Luffy so now I'm going to sneak into the private server I'm going to take the weakest dumy spot and then I'm going to troll them with this move set everyone is still in the server so I'm going to have to be really quiet whenever I'm replacing the weakest I'm just going to load into the server and I really hope I don't spawn in the middle of the map where they're all fighting because that would just give this away immediately okay I spawned right here and I think Drake is over there fighting Anna okay I need to figure out how to get them away from the middle of the map let me just stand over here and plot this out really quickly I cannot wait to troll them with the D move set though this is going to be so funny bro this is going to be so sick but okay okay I think I have an idea I'm going to use one of these fake admin messages if you guys don't know what I'm talking about pay attention to what I'm about to do because this is like the best way you contr controll your friends so you're going to open up the Roblox chat and you're going to flood the entire first row with just a bunch of hashtags and then after that you're going to put a space you're going to write system in Brackets and then after that you can just type whatever you want and it's going to look like an actual admin message so I'm going to type the strongest Battlegrounds is about to update please leave the game right now or else you will risk all of your data being deleted and then this looks like there was an actual like Global announcement that was sent to all of the servers bro it looks too real I don't know why Roblox hasn't patched this yet but now let's just wait for all of them to see the message and oh wait Anna said everyone leave so did Drake and okay all of them left the game perfect perfect perfect I probably only have a few minutes out to get rid of the weakest of me before they're back so I'm going to have to do this really carefully I'm just going to do three punches and then hit him once so that he takes the knock back because once he starts taking enough damage he's going to immediately respawn if I punch him one too many times and I'm just going to have to push him like this which is going to take an entire year we don't want to do that so yeah I'm just going to carefully escort the weakest of me all the way over to the end of the map win Bonk bam pow I canot wait to trolling with this move set I think I can do a normal punch once oh no one of them just loaded in like right now okay I need to be quick bro I need to be quick with this cuz not only do I have to push the weakest zombie behind the tree but I also have to get all the way to the middle of the map he just said thank God I did not lose my kills in the chat oh no he's probably like about to reinvite everyone else in oh no bro the weakest Z he's at 6% health I need to push him so quick I'm going to call Anna now to join back oh no okay this isn't good this isn't good boys my entire plan to troll them with the D move set might be ruined if I can't do this quick enough bro oh no he just typed in this chat where is the dummy H oh no okay they're definitely going to be really suspicious I'm trying to walk back over but he's literally in the middle of the map right there where the weakest on is and now Anna just loaded back in oh no oh no they're both right there if I walk back over to the middle of the map then they're going to notice hopefully they do not notice the weakest of you right there I think I have an idea I think I can just reset over and over again until I get into the middle of the map but if I spawn where they're at over there I'm screwed okay I didn't spawn next to them let me just keep resetting oh come on bro come on this is so risky this is so risky right now what is Drake typing to Anna in the chat come on I just want to show him with the D Boop set come on bro come on and mins was like 10 years Drake shut up please I've reset like 20 times uh what is he typing in the chat again okay w Wait we finally spawned right here on the base plate I'm just going to walk a few steps forward okay boys I think we completed the mission successfully I don't know what they're doing over there and I don't want to know either bro that was genuinely like one of the most nerve-wracking things I've ever done in a video I don't know how I pulled that up but yeah I cannot wait to troll them with this move set Bro it is going to be so funny right now though it's just Anna and Drake the Luffy guy from earlier hasn't loaded back in okay as I was saying that he just loaded into the server and what is going on over there hold up I'm going to go and free C and spy on them really quickly bro Drake just asked to her who is better mango or us and Luffy said aren't you glad you picked us over mango oh no bro I'm recording all of this and I'm going to call Anna and just show her all of this footage and ask her what's up bro but before I confront her I still want to do a little bit of trolling with the dough mov set you know what I'm saying but no like I genuinely cannot believe this bro whenever I was in the server earlier she was trying to Gaslight me and she was trying to act like nothing was up but now I have all of this on screen recording like whenever I show her the screen recording later if she tries to say it wasn't her that's her account right here this is her Roblox name that is her main account that I have added they're in my private server right now there's no way this can't be heard so I'm just going to stay over here and I'm going to wait for them to walk up to me a few minutes later okay it's literally been 10 minutes and they're still all over there just like talking and being goobers so I'm going to do another Global message this one's going to be really funny let me just FL the first row of the chat with hashtags and then I'm going to type system in Brackets once again one special private server has had a gear five Do dummy added to it first player to defeat this dummy will win a special prize and then we're just going to type this in the chat and it looks like a real system message bro it it looks so real Anna just said what so did Drake and Drake just typed in the chat I wonder if it's in our server the Dummy Never originally spawned so there's a chance okay I'm just going to wait for them to walk up to me you guys are probably wondering why I typed that there is going to be a special prize for whoever beats the dummy first well that's because the prize is going to be rigged by me I'm going to rig The Challenge and make it where Anna wins no matter what and then I'm going to have her join my special server with the Dome move set I'm going to troll her with all of the moves and make her rage a little bit afterwards I will reveal to her that it was me the entire time I'm going to show her all of the evidence too bro it is going to be so funny but okay they're all starting to walk up to me and Luffy just said no way it's here Anna said OMG hold up they're all attacking me so I said wait guys before you attack you only have one chance to complete the challenge if you mess this up there will be no other chances to reattempt and the Mystery of the prize will forever unknown and they all just stopped attacking me Hest typing bet in the chat and now they're freaking out because the weakest D can talk also why does Drake shirt say iHeart Kendrick okay this Drake guy is weird it must be programmed yeah bro it's perfectly programmed I cannot wait to troll them with the D move set this is going to be so funny now I'm just going to ask him if they want some hints on how to properly complete the challenge and Luffy said yes please a said bet why did Dr just walk up to me and he's hping sniffs yo get this guy in jail bro this guy's weird yo I'm going to mess with with them for a little bit so you guys don't want any hints on how to win and Luffy just said no we said yes give us hits Please we said yes bro what is this robot it sucks and he just dabbed on me okay I need to rig this to where only Anna can win because I can only get one person in my server with the D move set and after I troll her with it I want to confront her so I'm going to type in the chat only one person can do 100% of the damage on me otherwise the kill will not count you will also have a total of 45 seconds to defeat me so please pick my opponent wisely and they're all walking up to Anna and telling her to fight me yeah both of these people have zero kills and Anna has 200 and they're just typing go because she only has 45 seconds okay I'm actually glad they picked Anna because if one of these two goobers were picked to fight me then it would be over my plan would not work they're telling Anna to go fast and she's just standing still hold up I'm going to type in the chat the 45 seconds starts now and they're just telling her to go and okay wa wait she just started attacking me bro she's actually kind of comboing me okay I'm just going to let her beat me I'm not even going to fight back at all and bro did she just pop her ultimate how did she even get ultimate okay um yeah I think I'm actually going to die now boys I think it is over for me she just use that final ultimate move this ultimate move looks so sick I don't know how they could even top this with the for Tatu yeah boys it's over for me GG's Ono one she is now going to see the D move set in its full action yeah bro Drake is just freaking out the OT W now I'm just going to type OT you have successfully completed my test you will now be able to join the do Arena where I will use my move set and then just to make this look even more legit I'm going to resets and then now that I'm super far away from them I'm going to hide behind this tree and it looks like I just disappeared from the server poofy just typed in the chat he's gone poofy saying we should check if you got it okay watch this so I just typed out another Global message and I'm just going to put Global announcement the D dummy has been defeated the winner can now claim their prize and they're saying om she you got it Anna you can claim it okay now I'm going to troll her with these moves and I'm going to reveal to her that it was me the entire time and I saw everything and boys we have now switched to the server with the D move set moves we have our do strike dough barrage the vine Lance steaming D and we also have an insane ultimate the server word is called unlimited Battlegrounds you guys should definitely check it out but let's test out this first move of do strike on Anna oh that looks sick we can do the m1's as well Bo Bon bam po we can hit her with a do strike and bro she's just saying OMG those moves are so hot no I can't wait to reveal to her that it was me the entire time we still have some more moves though let me hit her with this one and oh this one's like a whole Callo oh that was sick there's like a do Spike from the ground as well now let's head with steaming D boink oh that one was sick hold up hold up let's try out the finishers as well before I get my ultimate let me try out the finisher move for steaming D okay that was cool this is what the do strike finisher looks like as you guys can see we are so close to our ultimate but yeah I'm just trying to beat her up over and over again to get the ultimate come on we are so close boys we are so close all right we finally have it let's pop the ultimate okay let's hit her with the first move which is called do Devastator okay this one's crazy bro let's hit her with the second one bunk okay what what is this oh bro this one's crazy we also have like an aura around our Avatar I'm going to hit her with this Bo and bro let's do the final ultimate okay bro but uh guys it is time to reveal to her that it was me on the account the entire time she just said what dot dot a that was me the whole time and she just said what do and she's running away like And subscribe if you guys want part two
Channel: MangoPool
Views: 703,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one punch man, saitama battlegrounds, saitama battle grounds, gojo, saitama, how strong is saitama, roblox, genos, genos cyborg, saitama roblox, gojo new moveset, stud, roblox gojo avatar, gojo avatar, saitama battle grounds trolling, saitama battlegrounds toxic, saitama battlegrounds genos, saitama battleground genos, saitama battleground combo, best combos in saitama battlegrounds, roblox saitama battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds trolling, strongest battlegrounds trolling
Id: Achw-0XUvdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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