this update fixed a LOT of issues... but created a new one.

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I'm 12 hours late I know I'm sorry or I guess now it's like almost 14 hours late we've only had one weird update time and that was like 3:00 a.m. on a Monday I thought that was like a one-off thing but no there just had to be an update at 5:30 in the morning why you know developers when you're thinking of times to release updates you consider the Eastern Standard time zone first because we are the superior time zone all of the other time zones are inferior and that should be well established at this point but anyways this update is kind of great because it fixes a lot of problems people have had but first let's just look at the new move I have not seen this yet oh what the owner proclaimed that seismic fist was going to be getting remade or revamped or something because nobody liked it when it first came out not a soul I thought it was okay but it just I I know it felt lackluster so we get this new move psychic Ricochet but we also get to keep seismic fist first I want to see if seismic fist actually changed or if it's just the same okay it's the same this new move is very important it has a lot of expectations because people aren't very impressed with the usability of tatsumaki's ultimate they complain about it not being very easy to catch people which is understandable because you kind of have to go up to them sort of like goo but that's fine because everyone's been fine with goo for the whole year he's been in the game but the player base has evolved and people want different things but I got to stop yapping now what is this what does this do okay what I need a camera mode shot of that hold on so we got like a rock ritual that's like a lowprofile version of omnidirectional punch instead of you going up there and bouncing off the Rocks you abuse this guy with your psychic powers and honestly I kind of like it it's actually kind of cool although I wish the Rocks were a little bit bigger cuz like they're kind of like pebbles like look at this like come on they could be a little bit bigger they could be a tad bigger I've made a crucial mistake I forgot to see how much damage this does hold on okay wait a minute why does it do 41% why can't it just be 40% why 41% is there some combo that makes this required you just had to make it 41% you just had to Bartholomew over here does not like the uh the odd number neither do I great minds think alike hold on is is is tatsumaki a little bit more green than usual ual yep definitely what the hell happened look at this why is it so green compare this to the old one it's completely different oh man that looks awful uh I would like this to be reverted this is disgusting that is absolutely putrid but what I'm most interested in here today is the passive the new passive tatami finally got a passive this happened in a really weird way it first started out as an announcement from flowers the owner he was looking for suggestions for the wild psychic passive and then he pings basically the entire server help come up with passives in suggestions so we had plenty of people suggesting decent abilities very op stupid abilities skibby toilet Sigma abilities and more and I think my suggestion personally was very good passive abilities in this game need to stay safe they need to stay simple upon finisher you get a small green outline Aura thingy and instead of walking you levitate SL hover and you get a significant walk speed boost faster than ultimate and look the ultimate speed boost purely exists to prevent running that's the only reason it exists I remember all the way back when it got added to goo cuz everyone was running away from the goo ultimate people do not understand how trash the goo ultimate was all the way back when it was added it was so bad that they had to make ultimates faster and at the time it was only goo it saitama didn't even get the speed boost until shortly after but I think this would be better because that's just it It just fits the character like tatsumaki she flies she hovers and if you look at project smash they have a character called hero and the walking animation the Running Animation is just hovering what I thought is that it would be something like that except you get a little mini Aura and you go a lot faster than usual and only for a limited amount of time and a lot of people clearly agreed with that skibby toilet next character I agree now this here this is prime admin abuse so the chat is locked because everyone was going insane and what do you know this is the perfect opportunity so the admin is like hey guys this is my awesome suggestion and because nobody can chat hundreds of people looking at this Channel and they just want to read something they want to interact cuz they're hyper crazy like that so they click on this 1,380 Stars this is a world record for this channel the suggestions channel has never seen a suggestion with this many stars it's Prime admin abuse and I think this guy should be demoted honestly and you should probably promote me because if I had mod this chat would be kept under control anyways all of this culminated to this added to passive refuses to elaborate further so now we have to go figure it out for ourselves what the hell do I do do I do a finisher like what oh that's it okay so you do a finisher and you get like a neat little Shield also this is not going away why is this not going away how long does this last can it block 360 eh so you you get the shield does that and then if they hit you from behind it does 10% damage and it knocks them back this is not what I had in mind but hey look it's not my game it's the owner's game so regularly it would just do this it just goes through because you can't block behind you so is that its only purpose how would I find out otherwise I got to get my ALT in here I'll block on this account and go over to this account and I guess I just uh try it let's see if if I do that again it'll just be normal this probably works against like every every base move in the game I'm kind of curious I want to try it against Jos so it's a 360° block with a knockback and protection against basically every base move in the game after a finisher of course so what if I hit it from like ranged does that just like wait a minute what happened there does it get like one deflection of a projectile and then it just doesn't do it anymore okay I get it now it'll deflect once and then okay uh okay so it deflects once and then the second projectile will break it and then after that vulnerable again okay that makes perfect sense I will test your limits there is no way you survive this there's no shot thought so thought so so it doesn't make you immortal that's good can only assume that it applies to to all of the ultimate moves so if I try like flame wave Cannon yep it'll just go right through it speed Blitz no chance I'll try Thunder Kick for good measure since you can counter this attack with a regular counter like price Peril so maybe just maybe it's a little bit weaker yeah it is see I okay look I can't test all the moves but just if you take things that are already in the game and sort of guess how powerful they are like thunder KCK is a weaker ultimate move because it has two stages so it makes sense that the first hit is going to be weak and it'll just break the shield but then the second hit is supposed to actually hit the person and do the most of the damage I'm sure somebody else is already making a video like testing all the attacks against the Shield so go watch that instead of waiting for me to do it so now the big question is this passive good I have no idea I need more time this stuff takes time another issue everyone had with some of the previous updates were the game passes and specifically the emote search bar the emote search bar is this thing it's a search bar it's uh it's a search bar and they charged 100 Roo for this thing as a Game Pass I think it's obvious that nobody liked it at all I did not see one person advocating for IT maybe besides myself but I still didn't like it that much either I would have been fine if it was like 25 Roo or something but 100 100 is insane the owner actually listened to this criticism and revamped the game pass completely to something completely different if you press B and open up the emote menu now you see this little swirly thing in the middle this is called emote Pages now instead of one emote wheel you get two this is pretty cool this is like the perfect solution to this problem so what happened was the emote search bar got changed to emote Pages honestly I could not think of a better solution and then there was another game pass added this one is kind of funny Awakening outfit upon Awakening your avatar will change to one of your saved outfits you can pick by opening settings and clicking customize Awakening outfit there it is you know I feel like this would have been a cool addition to the VIP Game Pass I don't think this needs to be its own thing but it's cool nonetheless the strongest Battlegrounds would like to access your Avatar's items oh oh it's exposing me so you go to Avatar and then if you click characters you can go to Creations you can create new characters and you get all these saved avatars so maybe instead of going with the Fedora and the black shirt I want to go with the white shirt uh click panat there shows up there apply and then now every time I awaken it will not work okay let's try this one more time it's not working let me just look I clicked apply like a billion times there we go I wonder if it's like synced up with all of the other Awakening animations let me check okay look so when when it hits when it does the down slam it should switch yep that's perfect I have to try Atomic Samurai and switch oh man that's clean that's actually so cool this is a good game pass so when it ends it just goes back to your regular outfit I didn't think of that I I didn't think of waiting for that I was about to leave and rejoin they gave everyone this one specific free emote dual request so teamers third parters and all those types of players are no longer a threat and they are no longer important cuz now you can just use this emote if I go to my account over here it says friendly duel and it does that by teleporting you to the ranked Arena uh I don't know what happened there uh it seems like it's not fully ironed out yet so basically all of the problems that we've had for the past couple weeks are now fixed which is sick uh thank you owner
Channel: theholygrail75
Views: 522,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the strongest battlegrounds kj, the strongest battlegrounds, the strongest battlegrounds update, the strongest battlegrounds the hunt, the strongest battlegrounds combos, the strongest battlegrounds tatsumaki, the strongest battlegrounds garou combo, the strongest battlegrounds admin character, the strongest battlegrounds black flash, the strongest battlegrounds kill sound ids, the strongest battlegrounds kyoto combo, the strongest battlegrounds atomic samurai
Id: JXy6gChnnaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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