I Survived 100 Days as a MECHA WARDEN in Minecraft

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the warden is the strongest monster in all of Minecraft and I wanted to make it even stronger introducing the Mecha Warden a modded robotic Warden who can shoot lasers missiles and well uh I'll stop spoiling my video but trust me it's strong and now I'm going to have to try and survive 100 days as a mecha warden in Minecraft which really doesn't sound that hard however I've also added three of my friends into the game to try and Hunt me down before I can reach day 100 oh and uh my friends also get modded weapons specifically designed to kill a mecha Warden so uh wish me luck on day one I spawned in as a baby Mecha Warden and look how cool he looks he's got little tire Treads little smoke coming out of his engine but uh as you can see I only have five hearts of HP so uh I can die super easy and that's a problem cuz my three friends are right down there and they're going to do everything in their power to make sure I can't survive but luckily for me I can get more HP and other Mecha Warden Powers by simply using my Mecha Warden upgrade menu where I can literally become the Mecha King play skulky mines and even use something called the deep dark destroyer what whatever that is but our first goal is simple we just got to get away from these guys and work to unlock our first ability Mecha board this ability is going to allow me to fly around and we'll make escaping my friends super easy so the second I leave this building they're going to attack me so we're going to go for it the second we leave this building okay here we go I don't take fall damage so I can just leap off the back here we go we're going to go for that Forest 3 2 1 go get the Mecha Warden get that baby after him go little robot go okay we need to get to this forest and we need to start getting some wood and stuff like that oh my God they're shooting at me are they oh my God there's bullets everywhere get in the forest get in the forest get the oh my God we fit in one high gaps they don't we can use that to our advantage okay let's get in a one high Gap let's find one over here there's got to be a good one over here right here's one here's one here's one start breaking this log you can't escape this mea baby oh they're on me where'd he go two log they don't see me where'd he go Turtle oh he's right here oh they're on me I found him go run I see him I see him get that robot run run run run run okay we need to go this way through the forest we need to go this way through the forest okay so for the Mecha board I need one Shield two Redstone repeaters and 12 powered rails I can definitely do that I can definitely do that let's just grab a few more logs down here real quick he's on the be on the oh God got to go got to go got to go okay we got to find the Iron Golem in this Village and we got to kill him for his iron egots come on go go go go go let's actually turn these wood into a crafting table there we go crafting table crafting table down make yourself some sticks now we have a wooden sword there we go we got a wooden sword we're good we just got to find this thing now where's the iron column there he is there he is there he is oh he's in the village oh they see me one two three punch him come on I see him oh they're shooting they're shooting they're shooting oh I got hit I got hit oh that's not good we got five iron niggs though grab a couple hay bales I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea okay they're coming in they're coming in they're coming in go this way I'm going to get you Warden go cross the water dive make another crafting table there we go put it down on the ground turn the hay bales into wheat and make ourselves bread so we can keep sprinting now we should be able to Sprint them they want to food we will you can't keep running forever Mecha Warden okay we're still near spawn let's go this way quick quick quick quick quick oh he me it's worth oh we're down here we don't take fall damage though it's okay oh jump out jump out jump out we got our sword go go this way I'm about to Sprint that gives me an idea that gives me an idea grab one log grab one loog the trees by the trees I got a log I got a log I got a log quick I need to get under the water their bullet shouldn't be able to get me under water dive under the water make a log okay we got the crafting table swim up swim down he's swimming okay now we swim down place this now we take the log okay we don't have enough logs yet we don't have enough logs we need more wood I have an idea though I have an idea let's just grab this wood on this island grab the wood on the island we don't need much we don't need much okay that should be enough quick make ourselves a crafting table again this the third crafting table I've had to make already then we can make ourselves a shield boom We Got The Shield we got the shield we got the first item done for our Mecha board now we need powered rails and Redstone repeaters let's see where they are oh yeah they're still in the water over there they're in the water they don't see me up here though let's C back this way and let's see if we can make some Redstone repeaters real quick they're on the island oh please don't see me you can't escape all three of us mea Warden they see me okay yep just keep going we've got a good lead though okay this way this way this way now very quickly planks crafting table crafting table down we're good and boom we have ourselves an iron pickaxe okay keep going keep going keep going with this iron pickaxe we can now get everything we need literally everything I see them oh they're shooting they're shooting they're shooting get ready to dive dive down to the water and surface there we go we need to find a little cave here we go here we go here we go here's a cave here's a cave here's a cave one we got some coal too we can fit in the look at we can get these one high gaps they can't go this way go this way into the wall of course I got spit out into another cave and not what I wanted it's fine I don't see them let's actually go down here let's dig into this wall okay so to finish up the board we just need two Redstone repeaters which we can make simply like this now we don't have any of this material right now but if we get down to a cave we can get it if I go this way this looks like it's getting deeper this getting deeper we want to go down here for sure okay let's just grab some coal to smelt with we're going to need a little bit of this okay put the crafting table down let's go and let's make ourselves a furnace put that down now let's use that furnace to start smelting ourselves some Stone now I'm going to need two Redstone repeaters to unlock this which means I still need some Redstone so let's go find some real quick boom I found some Redstone come on get a little higher get a little higher there we go there we go how much was that five that's not quite enough need a little bit more okay let's grab this Redstone here this should definitely be enough okay cool we have everything we need so let's just go and make some more sticks real fast and now we just need to go ahead and make four Redstone torches and now we take the stone we stick it at the bottom like this we take the two torches we split them up like that we take the Redstone put in the middle we get two Redstone repeaters and now to get our Mecha board we just have to get 12 powered rails and we'll be able to fly like we're on an actual hoverboard like the one from back in the future exactly like that the powered rails are crafted with a bunch of gold sticks and Redstone so since I already have the sticks and Redstone all I really need is 12 gold and we're good to go okay I think that should be enough gold okay let's grab these gold ingots real quick from the furnaces and now we simply put the gold in like this the stick like this and the Redstone like this and we get ourselves 12 powered rails meaning we now have everything to unlock our Mecha board so with the click of a button we now have the ability to fly look at this I'm literally flying on top of a little floating board right now and the best part about this board is that as my Mecha Warden gets stronger so does this board anyway let's just grab our stuff back real quick and now let's head to the surface because with our new hover board there's no way anyone's catching us okay I got to be careful coming out here cuz I don't know where I see a name oh oh right next to me go we been waiting for you all night y there it is oh go go go go fly away fly away fly away why is he so fast go go oh my god look how fast I am there's literally no way they can catch me on this hoverboard okay the hoverboard was the right move we're definitely going to be able to escape with this thing that was close let's just get out of here after escaping on our hoverboard I simply hovered around looking for a spot to build our first Mecha warden base okay so welcome to our first Mecha Warden base now if we just go down into this little hole right here and follow it down into this cave you're going to see a little lava waterfall down here but if we look just past there you're going to see a tiny door and then we get to the Mecha warden base now our first Mecha warden base is actually really really cool well it might look extremely basic with just some chest furnaces in a bed it's actually got two hidden secrets you don't even know about the first one is if I go down this ladder right here you're going to see this little hallway I can follow that will lead me into a secret back room where I can keep some extra items safe in case my base gets raided but that's not the only Secret in this base because we also have a secret way to escape which is throw our infinite water source right here where we just dive on in swim down this little bitty side tunnel and then we're out of here and right back into the cave where we just came from so yeah we got plenty of places to hide and escape from meaning I feel pretty safe in this space but safety isn't everything cuz we're still really really weak I mean literally we still got five hearts and the only ability we have is the Mecha board which don't get me wrong is really really cool that I can hover around and fly around but it's really not that useful since I can only go three blocks high so let's work on getting our next Mecha Warden upgrade which has got to be the Rockets now to unlock these Rockets I just have to get Dolphins Grace trade with a villager and kill my friends twice so let's start with the easiest part of that which is just trading with a villager to a village okay now let's just find some villagers we can trade with usually the farmers are the easiest to trade with so let's start with this guy right here who will trade me 26 potatoes for an emerald or 15 beetroots for an emerald let's just Rob him of his entire farm and then we can just trade it right back to him okay there we go do we have enough to trade for this guy uh no we we don't we don't have enough to do a trade there what about you any can we trade with you no we can't okay was there anyone else in this Village we can trade with like you 24 paper for one Emerald now that is a deal okay let's just go get a bunch of sugarcane real quick and turn it into paper okay we got the sugar can we need now let's just go back to the Village let's just grab a log from this house right here and let's turn that into a crafting table and now we're going to take all this sugarcane and turn into paper which we can bring to four eyes over here who should trade us an emerald and now we've officially traded with a villager and it's still daytime outside so let's see if we can find a dolphin real quick and get some Dolphins Grace as well so let's just make ourselves a boat and let's set sail looking for a dolphin oh my God I just love how I sit in the boat I put my little wheels to the side okay so I found one of these underwater Monument things but I still have not seen a single dolphin which is really unfortunate but I guess cuz it's really easy to see the bottom of the water at night we'll just literally dolphin right in front of no way I was talking about I just couldn't find you and now I found you and now we have dolphin's Grace and we're done with this Quest that was great dolphin you did your job thank you and now we can go on home okay so to unlock our Warden wrist Rockets there's only one more Quest we have to complete and that is killing two Warden Hunters now look right now I only have five hearts of HP which I don't think is enough to beat them see is my only attack is literally my hoverboard I need something stronger and that plan is to go get some diamond armor now currently we have one Diamond up at the base so we're going to need like 23 diamonds to get the diamond armor and then additional two just for the sword oh that should have killed me but it didn't we're alive okay so let's just go down here and grab this diamond careful do I not take fall damage I must not take fall damage okay I got to test this once and for all I just yeated off a cliff and took no fall damage do I officially take no fall damage I guess not okay and there we go we have all 26 diamonds we need so now we can just craft ourselves some armor and then go battle our friends so after getting the diamonds I went around the world looking for where my friends the warden Hunters could be hiding and I couldn't find them but it turns out that's because I had the totally wrong idea about where their base was going to be you'll see what I mean in a sec I definitely just saw a name see no I definitely just saw a name their base is here it's in this cave let's jump down here Hide right here watch this if any of them come out we can get a sneak attack on them we just have to get two kills and we can unlock the wrist Rockets here we go come on they're right there let's go let's go let's go in let's go in one's dead oh oh dude it's a warden oh he got me he got me got got oh he's crawling in got to go Shield he's backing off he's backing off one's right here one's right here we got him comboed oh my God I don't have a shield to Wombo Combo we got him let's unlock our new ability the mounted wrist Rockets okay here we go ready boom okay we hit him with it oh what was that he's oh that must have done a lot he's running okay we're low we're low we low we low low I have an idea I have an idea this way climb this spikes ready there we go we're climb climbing okay go this way fire some missiles there we go keep them at Bay okay here we go they're coming up to me wa there we go knocked him out of his own water use that to swim up we're out we're out we're out we're out let's get him with these wrist Rockets come on yes okay that did a ton we're going to get you robot there we go go this way through the woods that's one down one more to go these Rockets are op I hear them oh God boom we got him go and we are out of here here go go go go go go go and let us get out of here with our new wrist rockets in hand okay that was a bit too close maybe I'm a bit too cocky and need to calm down a bit so I'm going to do that let's just focus on upgrading some more and getting ourselves some extra Hearts as a mecha te all we need are three bone blocks one enchanted golden item and one Sentry armor smithing template God that's a pain to say but since we need some bone blocks that means we got to go to the nether which means we need a nether portal and to make a nether portal we're going to need a diamond pickaxe and right now we only have an iron one so we need three more diamonds okay that's three diamonds now let's just craft ourselves a diamond pickaxe and now we go back down to the mines for obsidian okay let's just put some water right here that should make a bunch of obsidian then let's grab it back now let's clear out the mobs okay they're dead now just grab a bunch of this obsidian okay there we go that's 10 obsidian now let's just make that nether portal and and it's done okay so now let just go in and let's go get some bone blocks okay now bone blocks are super easy to get okay now bone blocks are kind of easy to find we just got to find the right biome which is literally right in front of us that is so perfect look at this okay now let's just grab our bone blocks I just realized my game glitched by the way what you didn't see ERS our server crashed and at some point it rolled back my mounted wrist Rockets which I unlocked after our previous fight it basically took them away I have them again that's it continuing on after that I lost my train of thought how many bone blocks do I need just three and now that we're done with that all we need to do is get an enchanted golden item or a Sentry armor trim smithing template so we're going to start with the easier part which is getting an enchanted golden item which is actually pretty easy to do in the nether all we got to do is find a Bastion which nope that's another Fortress okay we're at a Bastion we just have to actually get up the oh hold on we just have to actually get into into the Bastion start checking out some of the chests okay let's get up here got a couple chests tons of arrows nothing really that we needed golden wise maybe in this double chest we'll get some gold blocks ooh we got a smithing template not the one we needed we also got some netherite scraps we did get some golden boots and a golden helmet which we luckily can enchant because we also got a soul speed two book which means I officially have everything I need from the nether so let's just go back to our portal and head on home okay so let's grab our iron from our chest real quick and then let's make ourselves two more blocks of iron and then if we take four iron ingots and stick those three blocks on top we get our our El an anvil and if we put that Anvil right over here and stick the golden boots and the Soul speed in it we get Soul speed to golden boots which gives us the enchanted golden item we needed to finish up mectin and now there's only one thing left to get and that's that stupid armor trim smithing template which apparently I can only get from Pillager Outpost so uh that's what we're going to do I haven't seen any yet so far and these things are super duper rare so we're just going to have to look around really hard till we find one and so I went off looking for a Pillager Outpost and it turns out those things are really really not easy to find but luckily on day 21 I happen to see one oh we found one oh let's go we found one we just got open as the template inside okay let's start going in let's start going in let's go right here go to the top oh it has it right here it's literally right here and we got a goat horn and a bunch of extra logs let's go we got it and with that we can actually get on out of here where we now can finally say goodbye to our tiny two- wheel robot friend and hello to our next Mecha Warden the Mecha team who honestly just kind of looks like a mecha Warden but he's different trust me he's a lot smaller than a real Mecha Warden and when iwit my hand my sword gets really buggy that's how you know he's different okay so as you can see our new meca Warden barely fits in our base it's kind of goofy looking but now that we do have him unlocked there's only two more tier 2 upgrades to go the Mecha Warden laser and skulky snack yeah the laser sounds a lot cooler so let's work to unlock that next now as you can see in the upper leftand corner I need to get voluntary Exile kill bats with a bow and then kill my friends with my wrist Rockets but before we go and do those quests there's actually something really cool I got to show you and it's not the obvious thing that our mectin has 10 HP or that he now has jump boost too and strength one but it's actually that our hoverboard has now gotten even stronger so you know what before I could only go three blocks above the ground well now I can go five blocks above the ground which might not sound like a whole lot different but it actually makes a world of difference at five blocks above the ground I'm actually going to be hard to hit but anyway let's go work on that Laser Now luckily for me that first Quest that requires me to get voluntary Exile is easily gotten over at a Pillager Outpost the place we just were so let's just quickly head back over there real quick and now let's go see if we can find a Pillager that happens to have a banner on his head like that guy literally right there now when we kill him we should just get voluntary Exile which we did meaning we've already completed quest one and can get on out of here now quest number two is not going to be as simple as quest number one because I have to shoot five bats with a bow and I don't know if you've ever tried to actually aim at a bat with a bow but it's not easy let's just go run around the cave and look for some bats okay I found a bat here we go come on dang it dang it oh my goodness oh my gosh it's so hard to hit these bats yo we got him yes that's one oh we got him yes oh I see more bats up here here I see more bats up here oh we got it yes yes we got him okay we just need to get this bat this is the last bat right here come on come here you dumb bat oh we got him yes and there we go we've officially killed all five bats that took way too long though and now we just need three kills with our wrist rockets on a bunch of our friends and we'll be able to unlock the Mecha Warden laser so let's start heading to their base now so that way we get there by morning okay let's get out of here oh wait never mind there's literally a hunter right outside the base he 100% just saw me come out of the cave oh I see him I see him I see him oh dude he's out I'm going into his base no shot and I'm imped I can't fly anymore netherite netherite netherite sword netherite sword I got to be careful I got to be careful I got to be super careful we got to get him with this explosion we got to get him with this explosion I need to get kills with this with with this uh wrist rocket this is going to take us the whole Bas okay I killed one I killed one oh no he's going to die nice that's two need a third kill with my wrist rocket oh yeah okay we got all three kills we got all three kills nice now we can unlock our Mecha Warden laser and they should be dead no they're not they're not dead they're back this could definitely be the end of the base hold on let's get out of here let's get out of here let's get out of here o go go go go oh he got rid of my missile no oh no we're in trouble we're in trouble oh I'm in trouble he TT we got to go out it out with those netherite swords I got to get out of here okay so our base was found and I had to get out of there I mean how did they even get netherite that quickly either way I decided to just abandon my first base and just go build a new one somewhere else okay I just finished up the brand new base and I'm not going to lie it's a little ugly but that's okay trust me when you see it you'll understand why cuz my goal for this base was really just to hide the base in a super hidden spot not to make it look good so let me show you where this thing is if you swim right here where this big red mushroom is next to This Little River and you follow the river back here you're going to notice that this River starts going down into a cave that we can also go down into and if we keep following this water path it leads right to my base where it also turns into an automatic fish farm now let's go ahead and go inside and welcome to the brand new Mecha warden base we've got all our furnaces located on the ground our chests right here all of our normal crafting and enchanting stuff we got our nether portal and then my personal favorite I moved The dripstone Cauldron area out here mostly cuz I couldn't find room for it in the base but with that done with we really got to keep working on these Warden up upgrades cuz I'm still extremely weak I mean I only have 10 hearts of HP and I'm living on tropical fish so let's keep getting stronger and since there's only one more tier to upgrade to go let's get it now to unlock skulky snack all we need to do is get 10 glowberries two fermented spider eyes and 12 skull veins and since I can get glowberries literally right in my base let's start by getting the two fermented spider eyes which we can craft by just getting a brown mushroom a spider eye and some sugar and literally right on the other side of this forest and luckily none of that stuff is too hard in fact the mushrooms are literally just right over here see there's a brown mushroom literally right here so we just take our axe to it and there we go we got the brown mushroom now we just need two sugar and two spider eyes and uh two sugar cane right here that's easy and now two spider eyes well we can get that in a cave get over here spider and there we go that's two so now just make those two fermented spider eyes real quick and now we just need either 10 glowberries or 12 skull veins and since glowberries are super easy to get let's get to work I'm not going to grab any of the ones in my base cuz they're pretty so let's just go into this cave right here and we'll steal it from in here and there we go 10an glowberries done which means there's only one thing left to do and that's to get 12 skull veins which means we got to go find an ancient city and get silk touch on our pickaxe so let's see if we can get some silk touch and then make our way to an ancient city and there's silk touched finally and now that we have that Enchanted let's go collect ourselves some skull veins it took a few days of searching but eventually we went under the right Hill to find an ancient city okay welcome your faces to the ancient city all we got to do is collect a bunch of those skull veins with our silk touch pickaxe which should be pretty straight forward yep it is okay that's one oh we just set off another one it's worth it it's worth it we got all 12 now let's just sneak around the ancient city and try not to summon one of the real versions of me you know a regular Warden let's just focus on getting some chests and seeing if we can get some extra good loot cuz the second a real Warden spawns I'm out there we go protection for mending leggings that's what I'm talking about oh God Apple let's go and the best music disc other side hit it no God [Music] no ooh a warden armor trim I've never found one of those oh that may summon a warden there that could be our that could be our qu to go oh this will definitely summon a warden worth it let's check it couple XP bottles yep there it goes that's a warden getting summoned we're out we're leaving yep there he is okay we're going this way okay let's just build our way back up here there we go and we are out of here okay we got away it can unlock our new ability the skulky snack an infinite skull snack I can eat and you're noce it gives me regeneration resistance and every time I eat it basically making it a golden apple so while the ability may not seem like it does much it is extremely extremely Broken Oh and even better yet we're done with our tier 2 upgrades so uh time to move on to tier three but uh I'm not going to lie our hearts are still super low and we could be killed by the hunters super easily and I'm truly not about to risk that so let's officially become a full grown Mecha Warden with 20 hearts of HP by simply getting three golden apples and three of any Pottery shards It also says I need an enchanted diamond item but uh I I have one right here so that counts okay so let's start by grabbing those golden apples by cutting down a bunch of oak trees and having them drop their apples okay there we go we got three apples in our inventory so now we just got to surround them in a bunch of gold so that way we can make golden apples and the fastest place to get gold the nether in we go okay now we just need to make our way over to a Bastion oh that was clutch that was so clutch we slowed our speed down to clutch that oh that worked out okay here's a bathroom right here let's see what type it is cuz I haven't gone to this one yet okay let's just dig through and see cuz I can't really find a good entrance oh yeah it's a bridge look at all that gold okay we got to be careful cuz pigin brutes are strong okay there's one right in front of us okay let's get down there okay let's get down there make a tower here we go we're down there oh oh we're in trouble oh we're burning okay why can't I place blocks there we go there we go okay we're good go this guy okay he's gone now let's go over here let's break the spawner now let's grab the gold check the chest oh my God 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight gold blocks in the chest I don't think I've ever seen that many before Oh my God and six diamonds okay let's just grab the rest of this gold okay that should definitely be all the gold we need so don't mind me I'm just going to go ahead and start building on out of here and now I'm simply going to head on home and craft some golden apples okay so let's take our gold blocks and let's turn them into gold in then put our apples in the middle and then surround those apples with a bunch of gold giving us our three golden apples so with our golden apples in hand there's literally only one more thing we need which is three of any Pottery Shard and to get those we need to craft a brush so we'll just quickly throw a lava bucket inside this blast furnace and smell a singular raw copper and then if we combine that raw copper with a stick and a feather we get ourselves a brush which we can now go start brushing things looking for some pottery shards but uh this might take a bit because finding Pottery shards through brushing isn't really that fast Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters no no no no see me I atat some food hold on they're coming in they're coming in let's see if we can lock on oh it didn't lock on go move they thought they were going to shoot me it didn't work keep moving the lock On's not working go back in the boat oh no no no no no no we're in trouble oh there's some land Straight Ahead there's some land straight ahead I missed uh nope he dodged it with his boat okay we're going have to get to the coast here get ready for battle here we go up here up here here use the hoverboard get up top oh we just killed two of them with the laser we can get this one with the laser back off back off back off if he comes in we got him ready watch and boom let's go that laser is broken and here I was calling it weak this whole time well I'm taking the pink boat it's time to go back to brushing sand okay and there we go we officially have all three Pottery shards we need which means we can finally get more Hearts so let's upgrade and make sure we still fit in our base and then I'll show you what our new Mecha Warden can do so first things first let's go ahead and click the Mecha Warden to unlock him and you'll notice that we turned red we know have red lights on our head and we're slightly bigger but that's not the best part the best part is I have 20 hearts of HP with jump four and string too but like I told you each and every upgrade my hoverboard gets better and better as well so now I can fly seven blocks above the ground so high up in fact I can't even reach it and I fly at a speed of 10 blocks per second look how fast I'm flying and this is going to make navigating a million times easier that's it I hear you saying well trust me I know I might seem still pretty weak right now but that's because my Mecha Warden abilities really don't get strong till tier five where I get powers like the deep dark destroyer and the mechamorph which trust me me is my strongest ability ever but before we can get those I got to start by unlocking Mecha mines our tier three combat ability that's going to let me send my friends fly then to actually get these mines I need to earn the zombie doctor advancement mine two spawners in the Nether and kill four of my friends with my laser seems easy enough so let's go fly our way back down to the base let's head into The Nether and let's go find some mob spawners we can break okay there's a spawner right there we got to get to okay here we go let's destroy this thing there we go that's one spawner down now we just got to find a different one we got to find a different one oh is this a spawner right here literally a spawner right here we're good okay let's break this one and boom two spawners broken while in the nether okay and now that we're done with that we need to get zombie doctor and if you saw our last video you already know how to get zombie doctor it's really not difficult at all as all we literally have to do is find an igloo with a secret underground room and we can automatically get the advancement I'm not going to lie I have not seen a single Igloo yet this video or even an ice biome for that matter so we're going to just start doing some exploring to see if we can even get zombie doctor so let's just fly around on our hoverboard and let's see what we can find okay let's check out this Igloo I okay this one may or may not have it let's just go in and check okay we have it does it's got it it has the secret room we're good we just need to dig down to it now here we go let's just start breaking down here they are let's get zombie doctor so inside of this chest we're going to get ourselves a golden apple and over here we're going to get ourselves a potion of weakness now we're going to go ahead and break this little cage next to this zombie here we're going to splash him with the potion of weakness and then right click him with the golden apple and our dude's going to start shivering until he transforms back into a regular villager and there we go we got zombie doctor cuz he's now a human which means I can simply just climb this ladder and uh start getting out of here and now there's only one thing left to do get four kills with our laser I just got a kill with the laser wait how did that count does it count anything can I do mobs is that what that is okay let's just laser this zombie and yep it counted but I feel like that's kind of cheating cuz it's not what the ability says to do so I'm going to let you guys in on a secret that we added to the mod in case this happened by simply typing in the command you see on screen I've now deleted that Quest and we got to restart cuz cheating is not cool now but for real let's go blow up my friends with my laser now with their base abandoned I knew they could not have moved very far and I was spoton their new base was not only easy to find but it also was going to be super easy to destroy oh that's not hdden at all that's their base look it is their base it is their base look at this this is silly oh come on let's just break through oh I found their water elevator how do I get in though oh my God oh my God it's huge look at this right up here I need to get kills with my laser so I need to bait them outside here let me just blow up their front door and get their attention real quick oh oh my God okay that's one kill with our laser now let's keep moving we're being shot at fire okay I hit the window okay that hurts we got to be careful of that because when we get H by that EMP we can't fly and we can't use our laser okay let's see if we can kind of use our board to navigate up this tree here you missed you missed okay he didn't miss anymore another one's coming up let's get ready to laser him ready dead again oh my God what is that two dead oh we got the other one too oh go oh God oh God going to kill me we just need one more kill with the laser one more kill climb up here get him with the laser boom boom that's all the kills we needed and now we can unlock the skulky Mecha mines which we're going to use to help us Escape okay first things first they're they're starting to build up so I'm going to place a mine down okay we I detonated it made it look like it was an accident oh put down the mine oh oh yeah we got to be careful we got to be careful he's not going to fall for that he's not going to fall for that he's not dumb let's blow him up let's blow him up oh he he jumped he jumped he jumped let's jump down here there we go walkon Bine oh he almost stepped on it you almost stepped on yeah see you stepped okay oh God everything's sked I think he should be blind now get him with the laser okay he's gone he's gone he's gone Oh by EMP he's still dead he's still dead oh and the EMP glitched my laser it won't stop oh my God they glitched it I can't stop okay it stopped I ran out of energy okay I activated the cool down it's good it's finally it's finally done we need to get out of here though they're chasing they're chasing let's keep putting down mines behind us let's fly across let's fly across let's get over here I don't think there's any way they can catch us on this hoverboard so this is actually a good way to fight them nice we got one let's get get him with the laser get him with the laser one dead we ran out of ammo we ran out of ammo you're dead oh he's not dead he's not dead oh okay we'll fight him we'll fight him oh we got him yes okay I don't know where the other ones are not really going to worry about it let's just get on our hoverboard and let's get out of here after I beat the hunters they decided to say something in chat that I won't lie made me a bit nervous we are getting backup so ignoring that weird thing they said at the end it's now time for us to get our Fusion Reactor Core which is our tier three utility ability that apparently lets me launch mini nuclear bombs and I want explosion so I'm going to get them and luckily unlocking it isn't too difficult we just have to get a recovery Compass a respawn anchor and eight TNT and since I haven't seen any TNT yet let's start there now I could just go to a desert temple to get this which is probably what I'm going to do since I haven't really explored any of the deserts in this world yet too heavily I'm betting I can find at least one Temple come on there's got to be a desert temple somewhere there we go there's one in the open so now just break inside real quick okay break that pressure plate and now we just grab all the TNT below the floor which is nine which is more than what we needed and then the chests are just bonus and now we are out of here okay so what's next on our Quest menu well according to this I either need a recovery Compass or a respawn anchor uh which honestly means I need to find a fresh ancient city cuz every ancient city I found I've already looted and I do not have enough Echo shards to make a recovery Compass so let's go find a new one so I did exactly that spent the next couple of days just searching for a fresh ancient city okay we found a fresh ancient city and this chest is safe so let's just start looting the safe chests okay nothing good here oh we set it off okay we got two God apples though we got feather falling too oh I don't like this one look at all this shriek dude we have to set them off we just got to be quick ready and go Echo shards zero wait what there's no sensors around oh my God it doesn't Set It Off oh my God another safe double chest area this is great but still nothing for the recovery Compass there we go two Echo shards there we go three more yeah let's check that oh we got three more we have enough and now that we can make that all we got to do is make a respawn anchor and then we can do the upgrade and show it off however I just have one question how do you make a respawn anchor six crying obsidian and three glow stone do I have that okay so I don't have any crying obsidian at all but whatever it's not a big deal we're going to go into our nether portal we're going to get crying obsidian okay so I was looking for a fresh Bastion and I saw this over here and this does have crying obsidian on it so this might work let's just start mining some that's it for crying obsidian let's grab this gold block though so right now we have four crying obsidian obviously we needed six we just need to go get two more and I can honestly trade with any sort of piglin I see with the gold we have there's literally one right here let's just test our luck with these guys up here oh my God he did it he actually gave us the crying obsidian no shot well that worked out great we have all the crying obsidian we now need now it's just go up here real quick and grab some glow stone okay we have all the glowstone dust we should need so now let just go home and craft everything together okay so first things first in the crafting table we take six of our crying obsidian we put it in just like this we take the three glowstone put it in the middle like a sandwich and we get ourselves a respawn anchor now we take this compass and completely surround it with Echo shards to get us a recovery compass and now we have everything we need to do the upgrade so let's just go and let's click on the upgrade to unlock it and now we're going outside to try it out okay I'm going super far away from the base just so we don't leave any super revealing craters or anything so apparently if I hit my key this should just oh it's shot in the air it's right there I see it is it going to blow up oh I go blind if I use it I'm literally blind for 30 seconds I can't even see what my explosion did okay so I'd say yeah that definitely nuked the ground didn't it the only downside is I go blind if I use that ability so uh I got to use that pretty carefully now that we're done to that we're honestly on to tier four upgrades and for the first time all video I'm feeling pretty okay with only having 20 hp so let's just keep getting as strong as possible and the strongest upgrade we can unlock is called mechamorph now apparently this ability is so strong my team Ops me make these mods warned me about this ability telling me it could literally break the whole server I don't fully understand how but uh I believe them now to unlock this ability we just have to get the sound of music advancement what is that advancement I actually don't know okay you literally just play music in a metal then I just need to kill 10 piglin brutes and break 500 blocks with my mines so if I just put down a few mines right here and then if this were to detonate it would count but as you can see nothing can set off this bomb not even things like pigs will set it off watch let me just push this pig on it okay I was wrong pigs do set them off this whole time I thought it was players only well that's technically cheating it's seem have been a good boy in having cheated at all this video like normal I'm going to stick to that and I'm going to get the rest of those Mind Block break Quest whatever you call it I'm going to finish that legitimately but regardless we got three quests in front of us let's start getting to work on them and I kind of want to get that advancement out of the way so to do that we're going to need a jukebox which is just some wood and a diamond 1 minute 37 seconds later throw the diamond in the middle and we get ourselves a jukebox now we just need to grab a music disc like this one right here in your face editors I'm going to have an excuse to play other side the best music disc wrong okay so now we just got to get out of this cave real quick and we need to start making our way to a meadow biome okay I'm pretty sure this is a meadow biome let's put down the Jukebox let's see if we get the achievement here we go boom we did it The Sound of Music and the best song in the game that we're all enjoying right now okay now that we got that achievement done with let's go back to the base and kill 10 piglin brutes which we can find it any Bastion and I know just the one to go to there's literally a Bastion right up here now we just need to kill 10 brutes okay there we go we've killed 10 piglin brutes and now we need to blow up a bunch of blocks after finishing that last Quest I started looking around for where the hunters could be hiding and it turns out they weren't hiding at all they were right near spawn with a brand new camp set up and this time instead of three Hunters there was eight what is that oh my God I think I found them oh no there's more than three players they definitely recruited people they weren't kidding there's a back in front of us guys oh my God they're shooting let the battle begin look at them all there's eight hunters chasing me right now this is insane okay we need to destroy blocks oh one of them got me one of them got me let's put a mine down boom okay we destroyed some blocks watch out for the explosion there we go oh yes we got him that's all 500 blocks we needed now let's fly over here real quick let's unlock our next combat ability the mechamorph oh my goodness this is going to be busted we're going to have to take out some of these guys let's go ahead and use our wrist Rockets let's try our new mechamorph ability apparently I should be able to turn into a turret oh yeah look at me I'm a turret oh he's a turret turet oh it's really slow right now I'm going to need to upgrade this okay let's un more okay we're back to our Mecha W let's get everyone around let's get a big laser going okay there we go we got a bunch of okay we need to get our energy back let's eat some food okay one's blown up let's drop the nuke here we go we're going to drop it right here boom We shot it watch this now fight around here keep them around here they're all so dead boom Oh my gosh we just took out five of them I don't even know if there's any left I can't see anything okay yep they're all dead and uh I got them all with that little mini new which is perfect timing because we have our new ability mechamorph which lets us turn into a turret that fires bullets uh kind of slowly but don't worry over time this turret upgrades with me and it will shoot faster and faster on top of that I also have this new block morph button where I can select a block like this sand and then if I right click I turn into sand which is going to allow me to disguise myself and make a lot of cool sneak attacks on the hunters okay everything is now officially changed it went from a 3v one to an 8 V1 look I'll do what I can to survive but this is absolutely crazy we still have two tier four upgrades to go and I have to do it while dealing with eight different enemies so let's get to work quick before they actually find this base because with eight of them I'm sure it's only a matter of time till they discover it so let's work on our next ability called mechol location now this ability is really cool and isn't too hard to unlock first things first we need to craft an upgraded map then we need a load Stone and 10 daylight sensors and daylight sensors really aren't that hard to make but a load stone is because we need a netherite Ingot in the dead center and cuz I don't want to deal with getting netherite let's make some daylight sensors okay so the first thing we're going to need to make a bunch of daylight sensors is a bunch of quarts so let's just get mining quartz until we have enough there we go that's 30 nether quartz and now if we can mine the wooden planks the glass along with our nether quartz we can make ourselves 10 daylight sensors and now to learn to make an upgraded map cuz I have no idea okay so apparently if I replace this compass with a map and just keep surrounding with paper the map will just keep getting bigger and bigger that's what we're going to do so we're going to get a bunch of sugarcane and start making this thing okay let's just grab some of this okay so now if we take all the sugarcane and turn it into paper we get a stack and a half of paper which I think is enough so now let's just throw it together with a compass really quick and let's make ourselves an empty map and now we need to generate that map so let's right click it now let's put it back in the crafting table and Surround it with some more paper but as we can see see it's still not big enough it has to be a 4x4 map so we got to get even bigger than this is this what it wants oh it is a 4x4 upgrade map so instead of spending the rest of the day you know finishing the upgrade I'm just going to fly around and uh fill out this map okay that was a little harder than I thought I literally only got this much of the map finished and it's the next day so we got to get back to work upgrading the last item we need is a load Stone where we just need a bunch of chel stone brick which is easy to make and a netherite Ingot which is not so easy to make tools work on getting that nether I didn't get first which if I thought about I can actually get inside of a Bastion so uh back to the nether okay this one's fresh I've me to this one yet and now to do what we really came here for which is look for netherite okay just go through all the chests wow that's a lot of crying obsidian and a netherite upgrade but no actual netherite might as well grab the gold blocks now cuz we'll need those later okay now let's go Lo the upper chests up here we got netherite Ingot and we got an ancient debris okay now we can easily make a load Stone let's just head on home okay so let's just throw the rest of that stone make it chiseled stone brick now we're going to bring it over to the crafting table stick it in a big circle like this with the netherite inot in the middle and we get a load Stone if you know what a load Stone does let me know in the comments down below cuz I honestly have no idea and we're about to get rid of it to unlock Meco location now this ability is going to allow me to track down the hunters so if I were to use it right now and there was a hunter within 50 blocks of me they'd start glowing through the wall and if they're over 50 block which they probably are it'll do this the nearest Hunter is 3,077 blocks away to the South so now I know if I had self and had 3,000 blocks I'll be able to find their base okay so with Mecha location unlocked there's one tier four upgrade to go and once we finish this I say we move cuz we were definitely spotted nearby so I think it's only a matter of time till this base is pretty much toast so now let's work on unlocking the Mecha King who of course is going to give us more HP but more importantly on this upgrade my hoverboard is going to be able to fly infinite height and not you know break like that just did oh and it's doubly as fast so that's cool too so let's unlock that pretty quick cuz I think against eight people I'm going to need to be able to move to unlock it all we need is a god Apple I need two bells and one totem of undying okay so let's quickly head back to the desert and start grabbing some more sugar canane okay we all the sugar can we have on us and all the paper we have on us that's all the sugar can we need and now we just need a bunch of sand which uh would normally be difficult to get but I have a shortcut it's called nuking the sand okay here we go yeah look at all that sand that's great now let's just hoverboard our way home and let's get that totem of undying okay so now we just have to go into this Village and start trading with a cartographer to get ourselves everything no I forgot I had bad Omen I can get a totem from this can I oh this actually may work out one raid later there we go I think we won the raid yes we finished this raid we are the hero of the village and we got a totem of undying which is exactly what we needed for Mecha King I was going to go to a woodland mansion and raid that you know what I probably should with eight different players I'm going to need some totems of undying extra so we're still going to go to the Woodland Mansion let's just go and start doing the trades yes cartographer perfect so we'll start by trading him a bunch of paper for emeralds to begin now we'll trade them all of our glass panes to level them up again and now we can simply get the Woodland Explorer map which we can follow all the way to the Woodland Mansion which is literally in this direction right here here I come Woodland Mansion little did I know while I was doing the raid on the village one of the hunters spotted me and reported me to their team okay the Woodland mansion's literally straight ahead it's generating right now oh oh my God oh my God look at them all oh my God there's a mecha outside look at all the hunters is this their new base wait what I used Mecha location and they're all through the wall we're going to get him ready he doesn't even know I see him I see you we need to see if there's any more totems in here with this many people though I don't think there's going to be any totems left eat some food eat some food oh we got to go oh we're in trouble there's so many of them I got an idea we're going to we're going to try and disguise ourselves as a block just to blend in oh my God look at all these little red dots running around looking for me they're looking everywhere I reset we're back into the morph oh we fell in oh he went down he went down now we're inside the Mansion let's use Meco location again yeah here they all come here they all come okay there we go with the infinite respawns they can just keep getting me we need to get out of here oh we're in trouble we're in trouble we need to fly we need to fly we need to fly okay we're in normal we can blow up this window here we go oh they would get me with the EMP right there down here we can go at the front door oh my God there's so many how am I supposed to fight this okay we killed one we killed one BR I'm not even going to fight this I I literally don't stand a chance we have one totem of undying which is all we really needed so we're just going to use the one totem we have and get out of here I'm not even going to worry about the Woodland Mansion this is getting insane like I literally can't can't do anything without being hunted anymore and now if I go outside I seem to almost always run into somebody or someone is watching me I know it's only a matter of time until they get to this base in fact they may already know where it is but we need to keep upgrading so let's just quickly head to a couple Villages and grab some bells and then we just need to get an enchanted golden apple no way the first Village I went to actually had two bells that weren't looted so we don't even need to go to a second village this one just counts and now that we have those we might as well just go get the enchanted golden apple by going to one of the ancient cities we've B to that we haven't fully looted and we're just going to hope we can find one there okay let's check out this chest no God Apple okay's check out these two nothing in this one there it is there it is we got it we got the golden apple okay so we removed the totem of undying from our inventory we literally have everything we need to turn into the Mecha King who looks the exact same from the front but if we look at his back you're going to see he now is a giant jetpack and now I can go infinite blocks high in the sky and fly around way faster I mean look how quick I'm going through this ancient city and now that we're the Mecha King let's head on home and we can start working on our last three abilities right we're back at the base no no no no I see names oh my god oh wait there's there some up above oh there's a lot oh God there's so many one's dead oh that hurts me okay we got another one dead we got another one dead no thank you no thank you oh I do not want to have to Nuke this base I ow oh gosh let's turn into the turret ready you're going to see we're now a bigger turret oh he totem popped okay let's un more this is not working there's so many of them I could nuke but then if I don't get them all I could die I got an idea I got an idea okay we killed two we killed two nice he's gone he's gone oh gosh I'm dead nice another one gone ah oh no nice we got another one and last but not least got him okay we took out all eight Hunters okay let's go check out the base and see if they took everything I'm guessing they did oh my God yeah they took literally almost everything there's some stuff left but they took almost everything well we'll take what's left of our base but it's time to go to a new one after dealing with that I simply built a new base super far away cuz I have to be careful with there being eight players now so this challenge just got insanely difficult not only do they have all that Manpower but they also know certain things like the fact that I'll be going to the end later to upgrade I'm in real trouble right now okay No More Mr Nice meca Warden if I'm having to take on eight different players I'm doing it in the best way possible which is in a massive underground base where I can see everything outside and inside so there's no more sneak attacks and on top of that my Warden was getting pretty big so uh this base just does better anyway but it's nothing special so I'm not even going to show it off we're just going to get right into upgrading some more we have three upgrades left to go we have the meca skulk the portable Tesla coil and the deep dark destroyer and all these quests require stuff from the end which is exactly why I'm walking backwards slowly into my nether portal because that's where we got to go so let's just head over to this Bastion real quick right here and grab all these Gold Blocks okay there we go we got all that gold okay now we need to build an area where we can start doing some trading okay let's get everyone in let's get all our gold ingots throw them on the ground do some trading oh they're done trading okay let's see how many end pearls we got I see some on the ground right there that gives us 23 ender pearls which is way more than we needed but that's fine with me let's just hop on our hoverboard and now let's go get some blaze rods over at another Fortress all right here we go here's some blazes let's just start killing them them okay that's 10 blaze rods that is definitely enough and I don't want to keep dying to these guys so uh we're just going to go right here and we're just going to fly on out of here and now we have everything we need to go to the end wait what dude there's a hunter literally right there man this nether is brutal dude what are you doing bye-bye oh I see the warden I see the warden I'm not even going to fight him we're just going to go back to the portal for now do you think he realizes I'm trying to go to the end I hope not okay let's get ready to go to the end we don't really need too much because we have a lot of good Warden Powers but let's just open up some of our inventory cuz we got a lot of junk on us at the minute and now let's turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and let's combine that blaze powder along with our ender pearls to get 16 Eye of Ender and now let's just follow these Eye of Ender all the way to the Ender Dragon oh no it's literally in the ocean it's right below us somewhere in this ocean oh it went down we're here we're here we're here we're here stone brick we're literally there yes we're in we got to be quick before anyone shows up they're going to start to see my achievements in the end they'll definitely be here after that silverfish spawner yes spawner we got the spawner here we go we got our eyes let's put them in and to the end without dealing with the hunters I hope okay let's start by going over here let's grab these torches that way we can get the dragon egg pretty easy now let's just go ahead and let's start destroying all the towers okay we got one Tower here oh God Ice by they're all getting ice by we need to go we need to go I just need to blow up one more one more one more nice they're gone they're gone they're gone now we just have to kill the dragon okay I killed one oh no I didn't even see him they're trying to steal my dragon egg they're going to have to run okay we blew up one no nice we killed another one we killed another one there's still five left one died to fall damage nice let's see if we can get him with the missile ready BK let's take a location we now know where there are there's only three left no no one died one died one died nice we got one it's perching I can't let them get this kill okay let's get the kill on the dragon nice we got it nice we killed one come on come on yes we killed them both okay we go over here break the block yes we got it we got it we got it we got it yes okay grab the XP we're going to the outer end we have everything we need from this Dragon bye-bye over the next couple of days I simply killed all of the shulkers that I needed and then flew around until I found an end City that contained elytra there's something glowing up here it's another little portal thing oh elytra ship finally got one okay now we'll go down here and there's the elytra we need now we can grab these diamonds and all these emeralds and Booyah now we got elytra okay we're done in the end we can go home now and now that we're done in the end there's really only a couple things left that we got to do we need a heart of the sea a nautilus shell a Wither Skull we need to do 200 damage with our mechamorph we need to get to bring home the beacon advancement we need to enchant a netherite item and we need the eye armor smithing template that's tiring now that armor template can actually be found inside of a stronghold I actually just didn't look for it but if there was a library there it 100% was there so let's just quickly head back to the stronghold real fast and make sure that we didn't miss that see good thing we checked cuz there's one literally right here in the library like I said okay we got the eye armor trim now let's get the rest of the stuff okay now that we're done with that let's just go grab a heart of the sea because we need a heart of the sea to get the deep dark destroyer which apparently will give us a shoulder blasted laser of some kind but I don't really understand what it means yet so I just want to unlock it so I'm starting by getting the heart of the sea which uh I haven't looted the ship yet so there could be just a map in here we can loot let's just take a peek here if I just missile out the back check this chest that's a bunch of ores that's that's always good cuz there should be like a secondary chest yep there it is and boom buried treasure map now if we follow this this will lead to a heart of the sea I don't have to go far at all it's literally right here literally right behind this block boom there it is and there's the heart of the sea that was so easy and now that we have the heart of the sea let's just start flying around the ocean still and seeing if we can find ourselves a nautilus shell with our nautilus shell in hand we're officially done in the ocean and now it's time to make our way to the nether to start battling a Wither cuz to finish a bunch of these quests require me to battle one and get a beacon so uh let's get to work okay there we go we got all three Wither Skeleton skulls so let's just grab these helmets real quick and now we just need to grab some Soul Sand and now we can battle a Wither let's go back in the portal okay we're home oh there's one in my base he's trying to run oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh he's here oh my God he was going through my stuff they already found my third base oh God we're in trouble and there's still over 10 days left okay that's really really bad but we don't have time to worry about it let's just get up here and let's battle that with her they know where my base is I don't have to hide it we just need to be quick okay here we go put the Soul Sand down right here there we go put the three skulls down that's the Wither now we just got to fight it he's already going down he's already going down he's done gone Wither's dead there's the star oh he actually almost killed me he got my health kind of low but either way we got the nether star that's what we needed and now with that nether star we can make ourselves a beacon which is three obsidian and five glass so let's quickly do that okay put down the obsidian put down the glass and then we get ourselves a beacon but just having a beacon is not enough okay so if I place a beacon down right now you're going to notice that I don't actually get anything from it it doesn't do anything and that's because we need to actually power this thing up okay so let's just fly out of our base real quick with our Beacon and then if we put our Gold Blocks like this on the ground we put our beacon on top it should start glowing there we go and boom we got bring home the beacon that's the achievement we needed okay perfect now we can grab this back and with that completed we are almost a full strength Warden to unlock our last combat ability we just have to do 200 damage to the hunters while we're turned into a turret to finish up deep dark destroyer we just have to get one more wither skeleton skull cuz I just realized they needed four and then to finish up the Mecha skull we just need an enchanted netherite item now I don't have netherite nor do I have that skull so let's quickly go back to the nether get that skull and then get a netherite Ingot so we can finish that Quest as well now I never looted the chests inside this Bastion so there very well could be like a netherite Ingot somewhere in here we got a double check chest here check that one okay nothing really useful no netherite check this double chest no netherite ingots in this one either let's just go to the other Bastion that I think was over this way oh no lav is generating it must have been the other way must have been this way I lied it's this way okay here it is right here let's go it has it it has another load Stone as well there we go now we can get out of here we have a netherite upgrade at home so we're good now let's just fly our way back to our portal real quick now if we take our diamond sword this upgraded netherite Ingot we get ourselves a netherite sword okay now we just need to enchant this thing now it should be good enough to become a mecha skull it is let's click it oh my God we got huge oh my God look at me I'm a giant meca robot oh but I don't fit outside my base anymore um we're going to have to just uh there we go that works oh my God look at us Just Surf over the whole world this is crazy and we're still not even full strength we still need to get another wither skeleton skull and we need to do damage with our turret I'm just going to go grab that wither skeleton skull no one showed up at all until Day 94 so I simply spent that time Gathering the last wither skeleton skull I needed and then waited as a turret for the hunters to make their move I saw one okay get ready turret I forgot to point out my turret is now huge now that we're in tier five oh my God there's a lot we have to do a lot of damage with this thing here we go I'm just going to start firing they're coming up like crazy if I just keep holding I can shoot through it oh we're in trouble we're in trouble okay we need to keep shooting keep shooting he fell oh we're in the hole we're in the hole un more fly giant robot fly look at all the bullets they're shooting and I got a plan as they come up here let's transform into a turret oh I see him I see him nice we're getting some hits in we're getting some hits in okay come on come on just keep hitting them keep hitting them keep hitting them okay there's a little too many on us this is not good this is not good we're going have to come out oh he's getting damage dude I got IDE actually hold on we got to drop the new boom Oh my gosh he blew us all up oh they're coming back they're coming back as long as they stay Flo in the air they can't get me here just keep getting them they literally have me trapped as a turret I can't unmorph I need to get out of here I need to move I need to move yes we moved we moved we moved we literally just need 10 more shots yes we finished it Fly Away robot fly away I think you might have gotten the turret kills he needed and now unlock our last ability the portable Tesla coil we got to try this thing out I haven't been able to test the Tesla coil yet let's see what this does when they get near me they automatically get electrocuted look at this okay I need to get rid of them let's nuke them we need to go though we need to fly away cuz we're going to go blind in a sec oh my gosh he blew us all up okay we got a bunch we blew up five now we got to wait for our reactor to refill and then we'll be I'm blind did any live yeah yeah one lived we got one right here okay he's gone anyone else yep one right here in the water okay he's gone as well I think they're gone and now we are fully upgraded as a tier five Mecha skull with our portable Tesla coil and we've unlocked deep dark destroyer now here's the thing we got to test out that Tesla coil and you saw it zapping people but I didn't really get to show off this ability our deep dark destroyer which apparently when I right click it creates a black hole that eats the entire world and then explodes if the hunters come back before day 100 I'm definitely using that on them and after that initial battle I simply flew around the map to try and stay alive but it turns out I didn't even need to do that because instead of hunting me down the hunters decided to all get fully geared up with netherite armor some with elytra and Bows you get the idea basically I'm in a lot of trouble again look at them all oh my God they have a temporary base set up here I'm chasing him oh my goodness and they're flying okay let's shoot some missiles down let the war begin they all have netherite armor oh I'm actually in trouble let's thr on our big bomb that should suck some of them in look oh God oh God oh God it's sucking me in yeah they're getting sucked in look they got rid of my my flight that's okay we killed one oh my armor broke ooh was that my chest plate it was not okay we're good we're going to have to destroy all these beds in this Village aren't we let's get this bed here in this building there there we go now let's missile through there that's going to get rid of one bed what it's the one thing that survived that's ridiculous okay we're slowly eating all the buildings away there we go we destroyed that one I don't see any beds we're good destroy through here there we go no beds we're good I see a blue bed in there in fact that's a custom bed it's destroyed oh no you don't uh-oh he's SP another black hole there let him come in this is a trick now I'm going to be able to kill them and see where they spawn nice one's dead let's fly over where are they spawning right there got it he's done oh no he spotted the bed he's spot the bed I'm done for real oh he's almost done yes another one gone get over here bro he's on me and I'm dead I think there's only three Hunters left there's one down here actually let's see if we can get him with the laser nice gone you're killing all my friends you stupid robot the flying one's going to be pretty difficult actually I got an idea watch Bo what she died oh wait someone spawned over there there's a small base I found it they're going to try and place another bed nice they're gone they're gone not not happening they don't even know what's coming ready goodbye my friend and they're gone uh and I can't see anything but I'm pretty sure that's all of them oh my God yeah they're all gone this whole place is destroyed and there's not a single person left we give up you give up dude even with eight players you can't beat the warden I knew it this Warden is so broken you guys couldn't even win with cheating players in I'm making you say it say it right now Mecha Warden wins and and Hunters lose yeah you know what I'll take it thanks for watching oh one last thing if you want to be in a video just like the hunters were in this video well all you got to do is join our Discord link down in the description below and then simply wait for an announcement that we're recording and you can join
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,800,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, EDIT ME, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: pEoDfpjjIM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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