How I Beat Minecrafts HARDEST Official Update

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every April fools Minecraft codes an impossible update the best of these by far has to be the 2020 infinite Dimensions update this allows you to type whatever you want to a book throw it into a portal and create your own Dimension now not all custom Dimensions actually help you progress in the game but there are rumored to be 43 hardcoded Dimensions that can allow you to go to the end and kill the Ender Dragon I start off by loading onto a regular world with the only goal of speedrunning a book and quill I started by killing a chicken for its feather eliminating a squid for the ink sack and finally using the leather from a cow and some sugar cane I collected to make a book I used this book to write Library the only hard-coded Dimension that makes this challenge remotely possible ah the library this never ending Dimension houses infinite books that take me to a random Dimension hopefully granting me gear to beat the game so to start my journey I grabbed a book from the wall and chucked it into the portal this was the first random place I was going and it certainly won't be my last this Dimension was full of wood kelp and diorite not the best start but I do have wood and food now so I grabbed some of each and was on my way the goal of this video is to be able to visit all 43 hardco dimensions and beat the game which requires me first getting books ink sacks feathers and a ton of obsidian 602 obsidian to be exact but that'll be for a later time my main focus at the moment is finding a dimension with iron so I can upgrade these crappy stone tools however the game threw me a massive curveball at the start by giving me Dimension after dimension of nothing nothing useful to my adventure whatsoever the only Ray of Hope it sprinkled in on the first day was glass tree biome with an N City ship Fleet flying above it yes that is the only description I can make of this dimension of course I had to build up to the n city fleet and check out the possible loot I could get the health pots were in their rightful place which gave me hope of finding real enity loot however after opening the chest it wasn't quite what I expected orders I'm to take orders now not exactly part of my plan so I left and continued my journey along the way I would Mark each Dimension I visit with a sign like this place there's lava burning down every single tree in sight so I labeled it forest fire Dimension this went on until I found a place that looked eerily similar to the Overworld just with a giant red moon and a blue tint to the world I noticed that Natural Mobs spawned here which means I could end up finding chickens so I searched for a little bit until I found one of my goals sitting right there in the open I chopped them up marking one of four items I need for all this to work but once again after a small victory the game threw me another curveball I went through dozens of Dimensions over the next few hours and just couldn't find anything no iron to upgrade the tools or even a dimension that helps me on my goal all until I was blessed with a dimension full of bookshelves infinite books oh oh it's all burning down okay great thanks game realizing this could be my only chance for books I started grabbing them up before the world burned down around me I left with only a stack which is still more than enough to get to each e egg Dimension thankfully from there the game kept toying with me remember how I'm still stuck on these stone tools well it sent me to a diamond block Dimension which doesn't help me one bit all I can do is depressingly stare at the diamond blocks I cannot pick up however this evil update Strikes Again by letting me netherite blocks that I once again can't do anything about I'm starting to think this world is out to get me along the way though some of the dimensions I found weren't that bad this Dimension happened to be the coolest looking Dimension I found the shading was weird sure and it didn't look like Minecraft but it had netherite stair blocks and a lot of color so overall 10 out of 10 I have spent so long searching these dimensions for iron I have to move into a different room I'm going insane all of the Dimension hopping started to get pretty boring and with no progress on the iron front Hope was draining all until I stumbled into the deadliest Dimension I had ever seen um well this one's scary huh TNT wait does it blow up I didn't blow up this can actually work no matter how scary this Dimension could be it houses the only block that acts like a pickaxe and since there's a block I can't mine right now I grabbed a ton of this stuff oh my word I actually made it out with so much TNT oh that's amazing okay I got to write this down right away the embodiment of luck and if you haven't guessed it already I was headed straight back for that diamond block Dimension okay which one had the diamond blocks ah here we go please just let this work I had made it to the promised land and put down the TNT wait I think one dropped please oh my word they actually dropped I have five diamond blocks no way no way no way no way yes it actually worked I have diamonds now I made some armor and continued to blow up the dimension for extra blocks after a few attempts I had 49 diamond blocks surely enough to keep me satisfied I've been doing this for like 5 hours at this point after getting diamonds I went straight for the upgrade enchanted diamond you thought I was going to say nether right didn't you I went and grabbed a ton of wood from a different dimension fought an illusioner which is a mob that's not even in the game by the way how how do you kill this thing then I crafted up a level 30 enchant table but without levels I actually did go for netherite swaggiest stairs ever you're kidding me well I guess we have the swaggiest block ever I found the block from before and got to work even as slow as they are to break I grabbed quite a few so I wouldn't have to come come back after Gathering all those materials ensuring that I can progress a lot further in the game I remembered I still don't have iron so I can't make a smithing table or even an anvil which means netherite is still somehow out of the question I can't turn anything to netherite without iron oh you've got to be kidding me all right well quartz or it is instead of Dimension hopping once again looking for iron I headed into the quartz Dimension which I found hours or almost days before as I said before I can at least upgrade my diamond armor to enchanted diamond not as cool but it gets the job done which meant mining up to level 42 I don't want to look at Quartz ever again once I was back at base I started to enchant the game gave me a little luck at first with a prop 4 Unbreaking 3 Thorns 2 chest plate then plagued me with the worst enchants I have ever seen fire prot on my legs only dep strier on the boots blast protection on my helmet and just Unbreaking on the pickaxe this sucks back to the quarts Dimension it was for me instead of showing the nightmare that is getting levels over and over and over again how about I just highlight my gear after so much time I was able to max out all the armor with protection three or four as well as getting a sharpness four sword and a max silk touch pickaxe everything here will help me survive all of the randomness discovered in these Dimensions but getting this efficiency for pickaxe is the main success see I still need over 600 obsidian to travel through each and every Easter Dimension that's like nine stacks of obsidian and I was about to mine it all so to do that I headed back to the n city fleet Dimension and started mining out the rows of obsidian in each ship for having to grab so much it truly wasn't that bad but still I had to put on some music and just zone out for a while after way too long I collected everything I need to Adventure all Easter egg Dimensions to find a way to beat this game but first I had to set up all 43 portals like way too many to set up and with that done now all I have to do is rename every single one of these book and quills huh all right well better get started ant sponge basic blacklight brand Bridges Bizzy checkerboard chess colors content credits custom Darkness Decay Fleet Gallery holes isolation Library llama message missing notes nothing origin patterns perfection pillars retro rooms shapes sky grid slime spiral terminal this is a very long phrase that hopefully is not in any dictionary tunnels walls zones blue green and finally red okay I am out of breath and never want to say that again now all I have to do is is rename every single portal so I don't get confused ant sponge Basic Black like brand Bridges busy checkerboard chest colors content credit custom Darkness Decay Fleet Gallery holes isolation Library llama message missing notes nothing origin patterns Perfection pillars retro rooms chapes sky grid slime SP spiral sponge terminal this is a very long phrase that will not go in any dictionary tunnels wall zones blue green and finally red that was a lot and now I have to throw in every single all right so much work I'm not doing that okay now technically not all these Dimensions will actually help me like this one an this desolate white and black Dimension has absolutely nothing to help me however it's at least a little cool another fun Dimension was basic even though it seems to be pretty plain as stated pretty basic when you spawn in you see um just blue but if you build to the top you can see some random maze design oh my word what is this am I in The Maze Runner why is this called basic again nothing to help me beat the game but that's kind of what all of these dimensions are there only a hope that I can actually beat the game nothing more and nothing less now when it came to actually visiting all of these Dimensions some of them weren't pretty so I'm going to just mention the good ones brand I think it's self-explanatory but I like The Branding Bridges and yeah this makes sense okay moving on busy now this place seemed like one of those terrible Dimensions I told you about earlier however the key difference is that I actually found iron blocks in it yes this is the first Iron I had seen the entire video so I took it home to finally make an anvil and a Smith table which means I can turn all of my gear into netherite which took me so long to do by the way then I combined some helmets to make a perfect prop four helmet which I couldn't do earlier because the game decided I wasn't deserving of iron but let's get back to the real reason we are here checkerboard this is a dimension I think my game's glitched but it's cool I'd probably still lose Checkers even on this board content this one was great okay OG Sky Block kind of the misshapen Island was not a big deal as it was a tribute to the best map ever created for Minecraft it also had a chest with some random items in it but no end portal frames which clearly is the only thing I need at this point so no matter how useless OG Sky Block was it was a great Dimension to see for sure Darkness what did you expect Fleet It's Like a Star Wars movie or something in here it's actually kind of scary gallery now this Dimension was actually pretty cool it has every single block inside of it or still I'm told so I figured my best bet was to check this place out for an End Portal Gateway or at the very least End Portal frames and after a bit of searching wandering around this Dimension using my fov as a zoom feature I didn't end up finding anything I did my due diligence and looked around this place but it still wouldn't help me which means llama this one's just a chill llama relax and enjoy oh my word dude I I love you although now I I do think this takes the cake as the best Di menion missing chocker man really good Dimension here shapes yep that is what those are I mean obviously these are kind of getting self-explanatory sky grid now this one was another epic Dimension okay you cannot tell me you do not love the design of this Dimension and plus it's a really good game mode that I used to play when I was like oh God how old was I 12 you know what that actually makes me feel old which means blue red green all of these are the exact same world just colored completely differently now at first glance it would look like like it's nothing special we've seen this design in a few other of past Dimensions however the key difference between blue red and green is that I think they're actually the Overworld and I'm going to test that but first I have to actually get Eyes of Ender somehow I have forgotten to collect those now having these eyes doesn't mean much if you can't throw them like here in the library or chilling with the Llama I have zero ability to throw one of these eyes meaning there's zero chance a stronghold is here however when I went to test out one of the blue red or green Dimensions blue being my favorite cuz I like the color blue The Eyes of Ender worked and that gave me hope however the issue with going into the uh blue Dimension is that I I can't see anything it is so incredibly dark you would not believe it but eventually I found the portal the entire goal of everything I had done it everything led up to this very moment I have traveled Dimension after Dimension killed squids for absolutely no reason and Reve visited old Minecraft just to beat the game okay this isn't the dragon I'm literally in the void no worries so this isn't where I'm supposed to be that's fine we still seem to be in the end of Highlands which is just an outer ring around the actual Dragon Island therefore all I had to do was build up and start traversing the highlands the game actually thought it could beat me so I found an end Gateway the only way that I'm going to safely get back to the Dragon Island finally I get to actually take on the biggest fight yet I threw in the ender pearl and waited to beat the game huh what what just happened you thought it was over I'm not [Music] done the Ace in the Hole this is the last hit but you're done yep and just like that you thought it was over but I came back for round two easy peasy two attempts later and I was able to beat the Easter egg update if you guys have any more challenges like this leave them down below in the comments but if you enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button down below and subscribe for more other than that thanks for watching I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: WelcominTV
Views: 223,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Update, Minecraft Easter Egg Update, Minecraft, Welcomintv, Minecraft Infinite Dimensions, Beating Minecrafts Hardest Easter Egg Update, New Minecraft Dimensions, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Challenge, Smallant, Rekrap2, Minecraft Infinite Dimensions Update, Beating Minecraft, Speedrunning Minecraft, Official Minecraft Update, Beating Minecrafts Weirdest Update, 100 Days in the INFINITE Dimensions Update, Minecrafts Craziest Update, how i beat, why I, Custom Dimensions
Id: Q-ld08YXIdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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