I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Sky Odyssey

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welcome to our sky island vacation guys brought us all here everyone's happy right look at it look look we have nowhere to run oh nowhere to hide beautiful i love you guys as usual as far as things you know like that's not entirely my fault right like part of it was you just didn't even look where you were going you walked into his it's not even like a pool it is one block of lava i think it's lava's fault wow all right i'm gonna go ahead and progress this along here just looking at the different quests right we need oak wood and then we also need storage which i think that that is a a basic drawer that shouldn't be too bad to make so let's just go ahead and start crafting that up dropsy no steve you've been a very peaceful lad all right there we go guys i just found out vayne miner is on and if you don't calm down i'm vain mining this whole island and we're all dying i won't do it is he will do it he won't do it i can guarantee he won't do that you guys start collecting some seeds for the chimpkins all right you're being you're beating problems yeah yeah oh god the tree grew inside of give me the seeds all right i'm gonna put on the crusty table here i want to punch the chicken here's oh i threw them on a monkey oh my okay oh my steve steve was looking up at the leaves and just walked off good news guys i do have a basic drawer now so that means we completed one of the quests so if you hit e you can go on over to the quests and we can claim all the things like reward i got 300 bucks for that one and then more money and there's no way they just give you a transmutation table all right what is this mod pack all right well there we go put the saplings in there dude it literally works put the seeds in there like it works [Music] yeah if one of you guys has seeds i could definitely go with putting that in the uh the chest there uh well you're gonna have to wait a little bit so no one has seeds all right good all right let's conversation i think i think i put him in there i did accidentally hit a key uh i have one extra seed that you can have drew oh i just wanted to put in my transportation table yeah yeah yeah so how are we going to deal with the random logs and stuff up top you build up we don't yeah they're forever just leave them honestly i think that's the best idea dealt with uh did you kind of yes in in essence they're dealt with like you know good five percent oh wait guys have you looked at the shop menu yet that's we could spend all this money bro i'll go shop i could buy fishing ships for a hundred bucks that sounds like a deal honestly no that sounds like a deal that is a deal oh my gosh you can buy anything in here dude you can even buy dark matter stuff for 15 grand what what i could buy why burn armor for two and a half what are these prices i need this they need this dropsy don't do that don't do that let me get those wood blocks what wait wait what there's more blocks yeah don't like fully take down the tree please yeah oh i i didn't know where you were stand i was like what is he talking about how do you like get his speeds out i gotta get those blocks uh shift left click and you pull them all out ah cool cool cool cool yeah i would like to wait can you feed some of the chimpkins we should have trouble he's trying okay gotta set the mood you gotta set the moo oh my gosh see it worked it worked egg nothing okay oh oh okay what about chicken wait do i put seeds inside oh this might be a mod in here that makes it so you can't i put i put seeds inside of rooster and it's rooster bar fills maybe we will have chicken soon i never want to hear that sentence again yeah i don't either please right click the rooster you'll see i think i'm good actually but you know oh my god it says rooster stud muffin i gotta go oh hey more and more seeds guys i think i see an island out in the distance oh really way way out there [Music] so we should definitely really like straight down so i'm glad i didn't have anything on me and everything was in the stone emc table yeah well the good news is if there's ores underneath us we can duplicate a bunch of those because well we do also i have apples now so i got food for us oh nice oh delicious jeremy we gotta dig down right we do have to dig down eventually steve no steve dole oh my god kathy you gave birth so after all this time all we have is 11 stone essence which is enough to craft a it makes 32 cobble at a time that's cool and all but i feel like we need one of those infinite generators so i'm gonna go ahead guys and work on getting there we go some iron ingots some coal we got all the goodies there but uh you know dropsy you you seem like the smartest person here and by seam i mean like let's be real here uh so do you mind making us a cobblestone generator hmm uh we don't have any form of you said you were smart why do we need water okay no it's [Music] stop oh steve we're gonna sacrifice you and your god okay we're gonna do this a specific way the hard way the hard way no not the hard way i can help can we let's do like the medium rare way stop for god's sake i want to do this right the first time so we don't have to do all of this over again could you imagine all of you to assume the buddies won't be a problem all right and then this is lined up right yeah all right well dropsy's working on that i do want to go ahead and buy something important oh guys yeah i i've never seen a cobblestone gen done in this way dropsy well it's just the safest way i didn't want it to mess up but what if i burst this block right here on each side yeah pretty much yeah do it steve do it dude oh that's cool cappy picked it up but yeah oh yeah you're good steve yeah there was awesome just made one fishing at the bottom of this that wait dropsy i have a really really good idea i have a really good idea okay now steve can't ruin it forever anymore we have lava buckets what oh thank god oh you're right it's proficiency by making this one oh yeah yeah of course you did steve yeah totally i mean i mean he he did do that probably trying to mess it up but no no i literally said what would happen if i did this and then i did it and it worked i'm glad it worked there we go you roasted yourself nothing wrong with that steve why don't you all right so guys we do have a thing to do right so now we got that done we have a quest for the beast coin miner which will actually allow us to mine more of those coins that we got so we can use the shop however it needs to be powered by a coal gen so there's a couple steps but if you go to the shop here and type in beast coin miner i can actually afford one singular beast coin miner but it needs rf in order to power so you gotta work on that yeah it's not that bad though it's just some coal and iron casing which oh that's bad we need what's wrong i don't know how to get black quartz uh magic uh let me see if it's in the shop here black or black quartz or is 500 bucks does anyone still have 500 bucks on them i got 500 bucks can you buy me a black quartz ore uh yeah let's see where is it located what tab is it ore show chords or 500 you want that yes sir just one just one of you buy save your money with the other people all right go ahead uh do you watch another no no no no it's okay it didn't break it just didn't give me the order so i have to smelt it i guess oh god yes please there you go jerome okay there we go oh thanks steven i just made one but i'll just put mine away um maybe that will help i use my wood pickaxe to smelt this one yes oh it's not even that big of a deal i don't need anymore i have an iron pickaxe i'm way ahead of the game yeah you mind you mind tossing one of those so we can uh we can eat them yeah i'll put one ironing it in the chest for everybody so one ironing thank you uh all right now the coal generator i need that iron casing so that'll be some ironing it's in some sticks hold this all right guys the big moment is finally here so there's the iron casing and now for the coal gen i just need to pull out a little more cobble and then we'll be able to power our basically bitcoin miner that's what it does mine's corn all right you ready oh yeah is that cauldron attached and now we put the coal inside of there and at the moment unfortunately i mean coal is expensive for us but if we find a way to make emc like constantly we'll be in the goal it'll be cool whisper chickens not in the cage guys guys i've mined two bitcoin already what oh yes but it's totally exchange rate on that it's not very good so right now our current coin cost is 4 000 fe and i think that's about actually it's not terrible it's about each coal will get you probably about like 10ish maybe or something like that it's not okay the worst steve looking good on the mob farm buddy yeah buddy we're almost there yeah i i got some slabs i'll finish it up for you it's dark dark and spooky ooh wait i don't know where stead is do we lock him in there is dead no no no no stuck in a tree no we need a fire department is what we need steve hold on i guess i'm moisturized and thriving do you have this don't like that i don't listen don't worry guys i got this and all the leaves disappeared guys the mom's spawn already they're already spawning let's go everybody got their swords let's go poke at them be careful of creepers because that's going to be a problem if they like i don't know if they can well that is that i don't think they can because they can't see you directly that's skeleton wait how do we pick up the loot you're going to be the loot picker-upper okay so you just run in there he's a bit of a picker-upper oh i mean you didn't have to pick it up at this exact moment but thank you stead you're doing good work buddy you missed something in there could you go back in there real quick no no steve's gonna lock you instead don't do it don't listen to him don't have that much emc cap well you should have enough to get your stuff back great but the point it oh my goodness chop chop steve buddy [Laughter] [Music] it's like i shoulder checked him and he fell steve i'm not it's happening it's happening oh that's a lot more mobs let's get to clearing them out guys oh my god all right i'm gonna go um not doing that all right once this whole set of them is done then run in their stead okay okay i got you only when it's completed only one is completed so now not now there's a lot of mobs actually all right so that's all of them buddy run on it let's see what happens you got a loot crate cool we also got some brands also an infinity booster card i don't know if that well that helps your pokemon job like i think that oh it's 8 000 emc i'll take it amc right there there's uh your loot crates though there's some goodies thanks buddy and uh do you mind sharing like one of those bones with everyone oh yeah yeah yeah so yeah one of each of the things so that we can all answer there is a bone uh i will toss around the rust after i put it into my hem site you're good i'm gonna open up the loop uh cap you're not gonna believe what i just got from each one what well one of them's not really important it's raw chicken but i guess it means we can have cooked chicken so that is important gonna start cooking them too cat um the other thing i got though is of much more importance and i think you're gonna love this yes it's a great chicken egg oh it's like in norway you got a witch chicken color is that what that is a witch chicken no shoes i like that idea oh my boys are currently so busy hatching can i like ship ah yeah get out of your comfort nest your boys there we go oh great chicken yeah great i think he goes all right everyone take your time and bring out some cooked chicken from the uh furnace there do you see it we now have the best food source yeah so in order to build this pulverizer i'm gonna need to do a lot of advanced stuff i got some of it ready all already so first off we just need a coal generator which we have one of those already built from earlier i need the actual coal to power it because obviously the pulverizer is not going to work itself and the whole reason i want to do this is because once i build this guys i can actually duplicate emerald ore in a sense right i'm not literally duplicating it but you're duplicating the byproducts of it and it's super op and awesome and it seems like cheating but it's not cheating because it's the way that it is i believe in you in the meantime i'm going to be farming these mobs what are you doing over there an egg out of one of my nests and just smash it against the ground pepsi dropsy why would you you guys are you guys need help okay all right i'm going to finish up we're going to pulverizer so the machine frame is just the tin gear which i'll throw that in there and throw the copper gears in there there we go i hoped you were looking and i turned around and you're staring right at me okay so now i got the machine frame going and then i need a redstone reception coil luckily i only have to build these things a singular time uh which is nice so there we go got those and there's the redstone reception coil i'm making sure to put everything away and that way i don't ever have to rebuild those things again for a future machinery that i'm building and then i can do a i died oh well don't do that steve um yeah well there we go i'm trying to you know mob farm and everything oh okay well then do we do that so i was thinking about mob farming steve i did have six of these little loot crates here but it doesn't look like canola seeds might be valuable snowball oh a light blue chicken egg uh cap you want that yes absolutely the great chicken hatch by the way jerome oh nice dude well here you go that you guys don't smash this one all right sorry and now guys i've got the pulverizer and i've got the coal generator and now i'm gonna go over to the shop real quick and i need to buy myself an emerald ore it's a thousand dollars but once you buy one i should be able to yep it has an emc value so never have to do that again and then what i do is you take it out of the emc table right you put it into the pulverizer here and it should in theory make something that's worth 16 000 immediately become worth thirty two thousand dollars and you basically could just duplicate emc forever uh which is so cool and it'll make it so we never have to worry about emc ever again for the rest of our lives like there we go literally thirty two thousand dollars so now i could buy more emeralds and i literally just keep this going forever it's great i love cheating without all the cheating wait it's not germ open these up oh more loot crates thanks steve all right sure yeah uh cyan chimpkin egg uh quick silver drop that sounds important and peridot ore ooh [Music] okay i put the peridot down it needs a diamond pickaxe i never made one of those you could make that yeah i should be very easily able to make one of those especially with all these amber all days we're getting chicken on the loose chicken on the left cap water you didn't control them listen these chickens are wild bolt their chickens yeah plus me cab is literally on the loose and isn't that kind of like the definition of wild yeah free range yeah that's the good chicken all right got the diamond pink axe and there we go oh i put it down to mine it up only to find out that it literally i think it's a smell oh my gosh that was just brutal it's not even a smeltable eye shrimp don't know what to do with that peridot or steve but i appreciate you giving me that yeah exactly all right and i'll just go ahead and throw more emerald or in here and i'll just keep this going forever but yeah we're gonna get a lot of money guys i know that you probably don't trust me with nuclear energy but i'm gonna build an atomic reconstructor and i think well that's an opening no i don't trust you with that yeah who would that was a sentence and a half there's a whole lot about it dude where what's the where on this island did you get nuclear energy that's what i wanted an atomic reconstructor that i built in my spare time i trust you have too much can i join in on the festivities you want to join in on the festivities steve all right so pretty much i'm going to fire this and you just stand in front of it and what should happen is you'll you know you're going to hulk yeah your brain will get reconscramulated so just stan there you go oh so yeah basically you put that random things in front of it so you can put like a redstone ore and an ironing it for instance and that'll give me two different there we go two different things we got an estonia crystal and an ignorey crystal yeah steve did the laser do anything to me i feel a little different what happened to your mouth into the nose his mouth oh jesus don't work jerome you lasered my nose off you did that entirely yourself there pal uh you told me to stand in front of the nuclear device and you listened to that nuclear devices yeah it's kind of unused steve that's not you know you should know better by now guy knows you're on to something nuclear chicken nuclear yes stevie stood in front of a nuclear device who knows what could happen was that a nose joke since i lost it yeah i'm surprised you got it wow jeez monkey wow you know i thought we had a thing going monkey i thought we had a thing we didn't have anything out here you know we stopped our nuclear chicken from cocaine yeah you're not making a nuclear chicken why not okay so now that i got all this stuff down i could finally build the powered furnace in a second here i think do i oh i didn't get my cobblestone out oopsies all right let me grab a little bit of belief out of curiosity how far does that go well how far does one go the laser i think it just goes forever until it hits like a steven limit i know it's got a range it's a yeah about time blocks oh dang dang i didn't want to do that all right i got the powered furnace guys i did it that's a little bit of an issue what is what happened nothing don't worry don't worry about it i'm very worried about it but we got the powered furnace like we needed and now i'm going to pick up the atomic reconstructor before you guys get hurt there you go it's a little too late for that what do you think happened jerome i literally lost my nose yeah that's i mean did you need it yes i think we only need a big nose you know a sniffer that size is really important don't call it a sniffer drama i think it's a good thing he lost it now all right now last but not least i want to build a regular emc table instead of this really annoying bad one but in order to do that i need to get some obsidian which is going to take me a while to line up so let me just put that what's wrong with the stone one have fun i was wrong the stone one didn't you just say that you wanted to get rid of it and do a better one yeah and i'm saying like what do you mean what's wrong with it it's it's it's lame that's it's all i got for you i was i was literally just about to do that drama yeah i actually learned something new about minecraft there if you put down water first it don't work hold on monkey don't don't anymore she's the minecraft legend himself is that minecraft obama oh my gosh it's not minecraft obama again the one day he actually appeared just imagining the avatar the last airbender intro but when the world needed the most minecraft obama vanished oh my god all right guys i did it i got us a regular old transmutation table there we go look at that oh it's beautiful that's way nicer a lot better yeah it really is there we go oh man i hate this dust stuff every time i do like an alchemy table or something like that in project d but that's not that bad actually the recipe in this one could be way way worse all right so i need coal and cobble i think i need some glowstone in there somewhere cobble check and let's see okay it's hey why didn't that work oh specifically ask me charcoal bro okay i have cola oh you okay nice thank you i i was making it earlier we were still doing base uh you know what said actually could could you do anything yeah what do you need while i am distracting them by holding seeds could you use the seeds and get what is it with you and these chickens cappy he's on a mission pink chicken if you use seeds on it while i'm distracting them it'll grow more faster all right i will make us over there wow isn't it incredible taffy is doing important yeah whatever you're doing jerome pink chicken drops you just for you i want you all to know i'm going to lose something started to grow the pig chicken i'm immensely disappointed in all of you so here's the alchemy table look at that guys welcome wait we're making gold no i like meat tables you know that is what alchemy is but that's not what we're doing here so we're gonna do that's the only thing that matters in alchemy and skyrim okay guys well what we're gonna do is we're gonna slam some glowstone dust in there and it should turn it into blaze blaze powder you degenerate all right there we go spicy chicken and [Music] fried chicken fried chicken or spicy chicken spicy fried chicken spicy fried chicken okay i'm done all right it's not working so i'm gonna do a little bit of research here and figure this out all right science i figured it out guys so all i need to do is make a basic collector mark one which is a little bit annoying but i should be able to make this thing work so let me go and make a bunch of glowstone like that then we need the furnace and glass which we have and the last thing we need to make is some alterneous fuel um which that part's not difficult but it is just kind of annoying usually you take coal and a piece of philosopher's stone and then we go over here just a piece of the philosopher's stone hey just one piece steve what you would you want more than that you're being greedy out of this the whole philosopher's stone all of them nope there's moebius fuel what was that stead blew up the mobs apparently the mob area blew up even though apparently it blew up i said i love her when we made the move reapers were nowhere near me that's the thing all right i got the alternative block you guys can you like yeah be chill for more than five seconds all right so this is right here about chicken farming so the basic collector gives us four emc a second and so now if i put that next to the alchemy table it'll automatically feed into it and it should in theory yes it's working ever so slowly you can see it is totally working so now we wait like 30 million years and then blaze powder comes out well we might actually have a little bit of an idea i could take this right the basic collector mk1 and now call it a hunch but if i got a bunch more of these right and i just did them all the way around like so that should go theoretically faster i'm also curious can i put it next to my emc table and no it don't work like that that'd be so cool if it did but sadly it do not oh guys the first bar filled up and now it's doing a second bar i think we're about to get it i think we're about to get it oh my gosh and yes blaze powder it worked i'm a scientist time to murder the chickens jerome come here oh no i have something to show you it's this torch right and i've been playing with it and first of all look at that what it sits there and it wiggles okay even but even when you put it higher up it just floats there oh just oh you turn it floating on the ground help me turn it faster well you guys are working on that i need to go and dig to the center of the island down here because i need to try and find for us something really really important it's the bedrock there should be a singular piece of it at the bottom of this island i'm pretty sure and i need to get to the bottom digging straight down is not a good idea mike no no no perfect idea i think you should join him all right i gotta find where the actual center of this is so let me put here with you buddy i see it right there all right perfect so we're actually almost there steve we're almost there okay let's do it yes i believe in you oh thanks steve i believe he was there for moral support that's that's what i do you guys can stay oh sorry what no it's all good there's a lot so now all i have to do is i put down this part is pretty cool okay it's really dark yeah guys i'm trying to show something here we're making a video okay so anyway uh right down here you put obsidian on top all right so now with the redstone down there you jump on top punch it and there you go you should have got a fluid dust right steve oh yeah i did get some here this is for you well that that's for you i didn't mean to take your loot thank you sir yeah we got flux perfect all right so now you bring the flux back up top we can make some really cool stuff so steve now that we actually got that flux i can basically make us a way to wirelessly transmit power over the internet isn't that crazy we have internet we got bitcoin miners now we got internet yeah dude we got everything we're living the good life over here so need under eyes but yeah this allows pretty much to wirelessly transmit electricity which is very important for late game stuff uh so let's go ahead and make some flux cores like so all right can you make me a flux capacitor uh no steve i can't because i don't know what that is uh okay so we need those flux blocks now i can make one of those and pull those out of there all right so i got all these and then let's go ahead are you making this a double decker chicken farm yeah would you guys stop with your music oh my gosh what do you want to do listen i was clearing out mobs and i managed to get a music disc i'm gonna use it i got the flux plugs now and then i'll need to make some flux points which just uses a little bit of redstone okay all right and now we should be good to hook this up so we just need a power source which i can go ahead and pull out of there one of those old generators that i had the coal generators we should work on a better power source soon but it'll work for now and we can set it up uh i guess we'll set it up over here towards our emerald uh generator thingies so let's go and put it like right here okay these torches are killing me there and then we put a flux controller down so i think we just kind of put it like right there yes okay that is so cool all right so now we put a flux plug on top of where stead is standing our mug is standing all right cool there we go so now the flux plug i believe we set up a network right so you right-click on here and we have to go and change up the network create new network journalists network uh oh it's got a password all right i need a password no one will ever guess no like there we go now i select this network here and it should be pushing all that into here all right and now we take these flux points and we should put them on top of the double crushers and i think from there it should start transmitting some of the electricity although it doesn't look like it's working right now so i did something wrong oh that's right i got to make sure that all these points are connected to my super private network there we go everyone's working yeah let's go like i said it's not receiving a lot of electricity right now because well it's only a coal generator but there you have it so now we have wireless electricity for our island and i guess a mere infinite amount of emc too all right i need to do something that i've weirdly enough i don't think i've ever done in minecraft before even though i know that this is like a very basic thing but i have never gone ahead and made concrete well does anyone have any gravel what really i think i emc'ed something emc a little bit i can't believe you've never made concrete i just yeah i'm not much of a creative builder that's a thing or a creative person oh there you go all right so now that i've got the black concrete powder i can go ahead and take this and make it into regular concrete by running some water over it there we go mine it up and perfect one part now we have a lot of crafting today because i'm gonna be building a void miner for us guys so it's uh yeah gonna be kind of complicated it's gonna be a very complicated day okay so we got the black concrete down pat next thing up that i need to make is something called an interconnect and for that i need a connector which is iron and redstone so we can just go right here redstone ironing it and i think we're gonna maybe need obsidian at some point too we need a lot of different things in order to make this work guys for a void or minor but it literally will let us mine as it says the void which basically means that like we'll just be mining from nothingness and it'll be generating ores for us that we could use at a later time which is uh really important really cool i've never heard of that yeah dude it's no joke it's like a really cool thing all right so interconnect is done so that's a big component of it uh is the interconnect you kind of use that for some of the more like difficult things and the next thing we need to make is something called lithorite crystals which we need green powder for lime flint and some diamonds so let me pull out diamonds oh we got plenty of diamonds right true true true um and then we got lime and last but not least a little bit of flint and that should allow us to make some lithoric crystals so let me just go on over to here this is the first time i've built one of these before so you know be nice to me guys i'm doing the best i can all right lithium right oh no guarantees structure yeah the unfair fair monk steve lava yeah don't worry about it okay mind your own business wow okay maybe i was a little cold all right got all that ready so structure frame now this part we're gonna need a lot of structure frames but luckily all this stuff is emceeable so that makes my life just that much easier so i'll pull out 64 of them like that because oh why not and then from here we get to do a little bit more work on structure panels so let's go over here now structure panel i believe is it's gold okay we need some of the laying out layer i haven't done much crafting with gold actually weirdly enough some of those can you like is there much to craft with gold besides in this mod pack it seems like a later on stuff there actually is a lot to use for gold um gold is a great conductor there's some structure panels that is true and we need paddles all right we've got all right so i got 64 panels 64 of those and now we need two of the laser cores now laser cores okay i just need a little bit of glass and i could build some of those the rest this should just kind of all start falling in line for me so there we go we got two of the laser cores then we need to what if it jumps in line instead of falling in line what if you didn't ask ridiculous questions anyway uh less i can't see my way out of here now the void or minor controller i didn't make one of these diodes here and then oh i need the full on lithorite like bricks okay so let's go and is that just the full oh it's literally the entire thing okay litha right perfect and then a solid block of diamond that's the last part of it okay i'm almost there guys believe it or not now the last thing that i need to build is called an assembler which i can get right there and now we're pretty much all ready guys so i'm gonna go out and put this over the void it needs to have access to the oh thank you dropsy for building that little thingy here oh is this the diving board no it is not a dinosaur it's the diving board so there we go we have the void controller there and i believe if i just right-click it with the assembler a bunch of times there are guys look at it look at it that's so cool yeah and it should be more or less done here i believe all right now let me go and put a flux point on it real quick all right so i got the flux points that should be able to power it and then i think the rest of it should be history kind of uh let me go and connect this up to the network here perfect uh and oh that's right we don't really have any good power generating going on so let me just go and do something approaching a while ago um let me get a flux plug so a bunch of these flux plugs i'll put a bunch of these away generators and coal i'm not gonna do 64 of them but what i will do is i'll put down like one two three and we will go and let me put enough of those in each just to get it powering actually what i could do is put a little bit of better fuel in there yeah let's do the alternate fuel that should last a slight bit longer and then from here i can put down the flux plug on each of these connect them all to the network and it should be able to siphon the energy off of that and power up our void or controller and it looks like it is definitely working but we need one last important thing we need to get a chest right next to it because otherwise it has nowhere to put all the ores that we're gonna be getting so let me get a little double chest going on here okay so we put down the chest we should put down right next to the controller like so and over time as it works it should be filling up and giving us ores but unfortunately our power's still a big problem it's not generating nearly quick enough to like make any substantial gains so we'll have to work on that guys the new mob farm is almost complete so all we gotta do is put down mob fans over here i'm gonna need some help steve you look like the destructive type if you have a pickaxe can you break apart all this and help me replace it with dirt uh sure however however why don't happy not be the destructive one why is capping out the destructive one captain blastum well today he's captain chickens so you know he's not uh monkey monkey yeah this way all right so there we go see how those mob phones are all oh i probably should have done that after you were done sorry steve look i'm gonna get those off how am i supposed to do this if i'm getting pushed around there we go all right steve i took them all out you're good you're good you're good buddy uh let me help you out with the rest of this don't uh don't stop shifting because i'm like mining behind you and you'll fall and die it'll be bad all right so we're gonna turn using drops of evil by the way steve we are going to turn all of these things into uh basically cursed land that has a higher spawn rate for things so oh that's awesome yeah dude it's gonna be super sick all right and that's the last one perfect and now what i can do is put a mob masher just like this and actually steve do you mind grabbing me a couple more of these real quick uh yeah thank you sir all right and now i'll go ahead and power up the fan now we have captain chickens and captain giggles over there all right so let me go ahead and do the uh drops of evil i gotta put those down too i forgot so let's go thank you steve oh dude look one of those did the whole area so fast whatever drops he gets mad and tries to turn bad can we call her drops of evil oh yeah accurate um okay wow steve that was not just a few that was a lot thank you this is smart yeah this is this is really cool too and and then when this is done guys why you're missing a corner when this is done our auto farm should be all completed so uh all right there we go put these underneath and now from there i believe i just put that on there and it should be dark enough that it spawns mobs sends them into the mob grinder yeah perfect and now all we need to do so steve that my friend is called an absorption hopper so we can put down two chests like this the absorption hopper on top and i believe that that should just go ahead and absorb everything from there although we have to kind of set up let's let's walk away because there's no mob spawning oh yeah while you do that oh it's not a big enough area i have to move it over actually okay so like right next to the mob drops pretty much yeah it's got a decent area but not like super duper far so what we could do instead is yeah i'll just put it down like right there and now this hitting show area that definitely goes yeah that definitely shows an area too yeah so oh i just need one last thing cappy so if i go ahead and get a singularity tank and i think i can hook that up to the absorption hopper as well get an xp tank now we should get our very own xp faucet so we should have a basically infinite amount of xp let's see all right so we got some of our first drops here so now we get to decide for down we want that to be items so items will go down from the absorption hopper and then we want xp to go east so let me do i guess fluid is what that would be and so now xp will be sent over this way and whenever we want we just go and right click the tap and xp will come out [Laughter] jerome while you're waiting for anything to spawn i want to show you something but they'll never splunk a stent stand right next to it okay so check out the check this out oh my god captain don't look in there go in go in now look to your left no no no no look at the side to your left there's a chest cap you're messed up man there it is look at the xp guys it's awesome that's crazy yeah look at that i took it the day is finally here everyone we're gonna be getting infinite emc this is automatically and passively given to us it's gonna be so cool so first thing we need to do is make ourselves some dark matter in order to do that it's a little bit easier than you think you just put a block of diamond in the middle alternate is fuel all around and boom we now have a little bit of the dark matter which is that easy to make dark matter it really is dude it's not bad at all and then a basic energy no no why would that be concerning instead okay that was not concerning the stead that he just i didn't mean to pick it up i didn't want to pick it up i don't know i mean it's not mine it's the chickens he's holding onto do you have chicken poop no no no it's not my fault it's just laying around i didn't have to be holding this chicken poop but it's the chicken's fault that they poop all right well while you guys figure that one out i should be able to make one of these basic energy links there then i need to work on a basic relay which is obsidian a fuel block and some glass so let's go and get some of this obsidian and glass i hope i have enough emc for this this is uh gonna be a very very expensive endeavor i'm not gonna lie uh okay so basic relay that there and this could be cool basically by the end of this we're gonna make a red matter power uh bonsai pot which is gonna be really cool uh and then we need a basic collector here which is glowstone another one of those good old fuel blocks okay glowstone here and a furnace all right and that should be good to craft one of these so now i'm gonna go ahead and make sure i learn all these because i'm gonna need them again in the future so those there the relay there the energy link here and now for the fun part where i can actually turn all these into level twos and then threes all you have to do is take a basic collector put a dark matter on at once now you have a level two and then you go ahead and put some red matter on it now you have a level three and you do the same thing with this as well and now we have both of those as level three all right so now i need to go ahead and take out a few of these and ooh i'm gonna need a lot more emc i think in order to make this work guys all right so i looted the emerald farms that we have and we should have more than enough emc now from this there we go so we need yeah we have quite a number more of these uh collectors so let's see how many oh that's way more than enough okay we need just 18 of them in order to compress them down and then i think for the relays you might only need one of those or no you need six let's see what this says it's six total okay one two three four five and six and we have the energy links so i can go and take these and we just need to compress these down the two of those and believe it or not that right there everyone is a red matter bonsai pot which does in fact have emc value uh it's 16 million per but it'll be making us about a thousand emc a second so wow yeah so if i was to find where's a good home for this we'll put it put it right here this thing drops has been building there we go and so if you see it makes us a thousand every second but because there are six of us it only ends up being 200 but it works whoa cap have you been breeding the chimpkins yes oh my gosh so this is how we get to like the crazier ones right they can start making like all sorts of like awesome things okay mostly i'm just making pretty colors but i eventually i think i will make good things yes something that could help us out is we got a bunch of loot crates and some of them are called where is it over here breedables i believe right is that what it's called yeah there they are readables or edibles edibles dudes slime seeds netherwort chicken tin chicken orange chicken light blue chicken uranium seeds that's scary and aluminum seeds cabbage seed here you go buddy all the chimpkins you could ever dream of my man all of them dude that's so cool yeah imagine how good a netherwar chicken tastes oh man it's gotta taste warty ew it is what it is though yeah but no one wants to hear you say that cap is there any way i'm just asking for a friend can you get us to ender pearl chicken by any chance it's that netherwar chicken i gave you and we need a diamond chicken which might take you a little while oh my i'm on it sir hey steve you want to watch me make something really cool yeah do it okay i'm watching well too bad because you're flying off a cliff you can't watch nothing come on goodbye all right you survived you can watch you can watch so i'm gonna go ahead and make for something called binding reagent now it's something you can actually eat and it's you shouldn't eat it i mean i don't know maybe you can eat it maybe not i don't know i mean we could try we could definitely try that's right i mean we did with blocks once before what is wrong with you people today what do you mean nothing nothing is wrong with us no never yeah all right so i just want to get a fifth one of these and that should be good five of those all right perfect and now i can use my arcane ashes so i think if you what are you doing here rk nash's and then the binding region oh i made a big thing that's that is a thing this is the law of equivalence exchange what uh is that actually no no no it's not right oh my god oh here take this where did you it actually does look cool i'm about to make living pants actually instead of waiting for each and everything why don't i just go around and just do this oh true all right i got the pants stole your pants steve i need the pants i'm gone oh my god i got the living pants they're mine steve i need the socks just like the socks what do you need the full set for what does this do it gives me bonuses that i need steve i need the full set whatever i want the bonuses monkey i think yeah oh there we go the bound blade what do you think guys you like what you see i think it looks more like a shovel right now all right let me go ahead and now by the way there's multiple different modes with the sword so there's like for instance the activated state or does nine attack damage oh it is a sword yeah isn't that cool hit monkey in the head don't hit oh my god instead it's it you just screamed and ran the other way what do you mean you didn't think it would work i didn't think it would work [Music] activated with redstone at that point so you were surprised by that you know no one ever talks about how difficult it is to make all these red matter things because first you have to build out every single dark matter thing and that becomes quite tedious and annoying to be honest with you uh but it's fine i'll get through it eventually oh i need diamonds too that's what i'm saying there's just so many little components of all these things okay so let's go start off first things first a dark matter sword so we'll go ahead and make sure to put one of those away actually i'll make two of them and that way i can put one away afterward there we go one red matter one dark matter uh sword good then i need the red matter axe so i pretty much have to do the exact same thing again with these and once i get through these though have you guys ever played around with these red matter items they are so overpowered it's crazy i love using that they're just such a hassle they're a hassle to make but it's so worth it wait cap why is there fire in the hole oh my god i thought you were about to ruin literally everything vacation can it just be me and you that'll be terrible steve [Laughter] literally dropping tnt i'm positive it's tiny tnt yeah taffy's dropping tnt because dropping his standards oh [Laughter] there's a red matter guitar and a morning star so the red matter guitar is really cool right so let me just go mess around my controls but wait till you see this so first thing you do is you charge things all the way up the red morning star does 25 attack damage it can break basically break apart an entire area of like a nine by nine and the red guitar can make trees bald really wait wait no yeah i can hey look at that well that one wasn't me but yeah the red morning star you could destroy stuff like first if i use it on dropsy's house right here no no no do it jerome do it such a nice house do it don't do it do it it took me so long all right i won't do it yay hey kevin what was somebody hit c on the oh wow oh my gosh it is for what it's worth cappy i feel limited remorse ah you guys are doing great work over there all right thanks bud you're really helping us out keep pushing guys keep pushing there you go man the laziest boss ever making us push him all the way through the nether that's right buddy just keep pushing i got uh more important things to do all right guys just keep on killing the wither skeletons and eventually we'll get that skull plus with the guitar we could literally just from a distance just press c and that bro i literally already got one literally already got one it is so easy with this guitar yes where are you absolutely i would love avoid chicken oh maybe you can avoid your killing ways uh oh gotta go pink man wait really dude cat behind everybody so i hear them guys i died it gave me all my stuff in the overworld wow that's nice sweet yeah so don't worry if you die it's okay it's acceptable if you do i thought if you die in the game you die for real well this isn't a game this is real life so it's not a gaming movie gabby i found another soul sand chimpkin oh i got an infinite bearing you know this this like really makes me feel good about all my chickens dying all right so i need to make an evil tear which luckily we do have some wither skeleton skulls from when we went to the nether i just need to make a singular one of these luckily and then after i'm done with the evil tear we should have pretty much everything we need believe it or not to go to the end already um so let's do a guest here we're going for that yeah we'll be able to i don't think we're going to the end today but we'll be able to make the portal for it all right so there we go now i now need to make an end rod so luckily enough you you okay there instead yeah throwing eggs into my chimney look i'm playing a game thank you very much oh my gosh it's not basketball all right i mean it it is though it says throwing chicken in this dropsy's chimney i don't know what you want that's not fast sponsored by hasbro throw a chicken in a chip so i got popped coarse fruit now and so the way you make this thing is actually super duper weird right so we're gonna be able to make a uh end rod first and then the portal frame looks so strange all right just gonna pull out some blaze rod like so and now we got way too many end rods and i think that that's good so i'm gonna start setting up the actual frame itself all right so the base of this thing we just do five and then you also do it five by five like so then you do another layer of obsidian right on top of that one so there it is three four five just like that then we break apart these ones underneath and i believe all we have to do from there is put an end rod there and if i was to right click with the evil tier it should make a portal okay show me uh oh what oh that's good oh that's cool oh it's that's awesome i do not recommend going anywhere near that because that's gonna send you to the end and we're not ready for that for you oh my god are you kidding me you seriously just could not help yourself all right well while monkey finds his way out of there i'm gonna go to the magma crucible here dump some blocks of redstone in there and that should make us some unstabilized redstone which is uh honestly a lot more dangerous than it sounds i hope what's with you you and nukes and atomic things and like unstable things today and like the last 100 days like great i've been waiting for this my entire life like are you feeling okay jerome like you're kind of building it out of nothing it seems fine yeah what do you mean i'm saying all right so i'm gonna take the destabilized redstone on out of here into a nice old bucket and i should be able to put that in with one of these silver as well as one of this gold to make fluxed electrum blend let's go combine that with sand and i think i should be able to get myself some good ol fluxed electrum ingots guys how awesome is that i mean we're doing some real science out here yeah did you say it worries you all right yes because the last time we did stuff like this you stole my nose i didn't i know you did that to yourself yeah i misplaced your head no no no jerome yeah you kind of let it happen yeah you kind of you clearly didn't want your nose that badly following directions i didn't know you're gonna blow my nose off well you should have known better then yeah honestly how do you think mine got so big i just steal others and attach it to my own oh that's what happens oh no don't worry about it hey ted why don't you come over here you shouldn't be giving away the secrets to your autobiography coming out in two years called got your nose oh my god you know when i finish up this flux infused bowl i'm gonna need a test dummy to take a few shots if that's all right looking at you stan all right so what did i do blaze pattern nothing stay calm you'll be fine i would panic if i were you but that's just my kind of ghost probably panic oh there we go obsidian rod is a check i could take the obsidian rod right here nice and now all i need to do from here is make it flux infuse which i can get flux crystals very easily i just go ahead and bring some diamonds over to one of my destabilized buckets over here so put one here there we go that's the two of them then you come over to here and boom we have a flux and fuse obsidian raw or bow all right then we pull out some string just like that and there it is a flux infused bow now we have to go ahead and charge it up using the energetic infuser which will take a lot of time but in the meantime it'll buy me some time to get some arrows together which luckily i did have a bunch as well those are oh my gosh there are this be cool convenient all right so it's not fully charged yet but it's only 200 per use and i have 14 000 on here so uh hey stead where are you hiding i'm hiding that's where i'm hiding you gotta find me first all right we know mission finds dead like the bar pops up above our head yeah objective survive i found him he was hiding inside dropped his house i was monkey yeah i was looking you know jerome's instead such a coward you can just shoot me wait i found him i found him he's in the tree it's in the trees he's in this tree not hiding in the tree i see you in there and yeah ow oh that did sixty percent of his health i don't think i can do the rest of it ow no no no you already killed my chickens and yeah wow you missed i was hitting drop seed i nailed her wait guys if i hit v i could change it now it does 800 rf per shot that's much more powerful oh my gosh that's impressive well i'm gonna put this on the charge overnight but uh i love it all right today's the day we're beating the ender dragon everyone ready to go yeah all right building blocks does someone have building blocks i have some you do yeah i've got plenty of birds get in there oh wow don't worry i got this man bye guys all right we made it i'm pretty sure with this flux infused bow we're probably going to be able to destroy the inner dragon pretty easily what are these plants i don't know those look like bender pearl plants they're ender lily plants all right i got water destroying the crystals oh i probably should have brought a water bucket ow i got another one with crystals i got this steve oh my god trust oh never mind guys i've got three of them already let's go i got one what are you oh my gosh instead uh the enderman i just looked in the air for two seconds and then they all swarmed wow there's a lot of damage don't do that i didn't look at any of them though that's the thing clearly they disagree instead apparently oh nice you broke down okay one of the caged ones i think there's only like one or two left then yeah yeah over here oh guys the aoe attack works on the enderman too nice that's so easy oh my gosh drops you need any help over there no i i got it it's just being lame is it just the caged one that's left i think that's i mean all right he landed i'm trying to come back out oh you can't use the aoe attack on him oh oh my gosh getting vaporized out here dude yeah i died so i'm on my way back this boat it's got really good range and hi yeah oh my gosh dude he's getting shredded man you guys got him all right you guys already did so much damage yeah we're tearing him apart he only landed once this might be his last time landing oh god yeah it's literally might be hit schmidt bite his toes just in time oh shoot him it's over it's all over got him nice let's go oh what's that yeah before we leave line up some of these shards by the way guys that looks good can we eat that what do you guys think time in a bottle tastes like uh 1973 okay that's a very specific time why why 1973 because that's when jim crow say wrote the not wrote the song time in a bottle what did jim crow say though what i just do you have a very blown away off the top of your head like that yeah it's a good song all right well i'm gonna go waste all the time in a bottle just because i'm lazy with the furnace there we go look at that it'll speed things up for us okay so i let it charge for 36 minutes now and let's just see like this coal generator here that's how slowly that burns but if we were to right click and just start using a bunch of our time on it i just used 16 minutes on it look at it go dude look how much quicker that is oh wow wow moving and grooving yes so that's able to generate electricity so much quicker for us that's so awesome wait what happens if i use one of my power flowers oh my gosh no way guys how much how much i'm getting over a hundred thousand emc a second dude i can't i'm out of time i'm out of time oh no no one can be out of time jerome i am though yeah you can i don't feel so good all right hope you guys are ready to face the wither so because of this little uh bedrock above him he should not be able to escape and i think he'll make for some pretty easy killings for us but we should still move quick just in case all right good luck uh monkey you got this all right yeah dude i figured you're going to argue about that i don't know i'm going to fist fight the wither oh wow oh mistakes were made yeah mistakes were made that hurt a lot damage though oh my gosh that worked so well that was easy did he drop anything he only gave me something i got another star and i got a withering soul you want some sulfur i'll trade you yes who did it oh yeah uh probably we did what this wasn't like this wasn't me so don't go that way oh wait guys i just realized no one ever grabbed the dragon egg the first time we were here so you should probably go grab that i'm going to kill whoever did that it was multiple morning star it wasn't me turn the other way it moved the egg probably where'd you move it to what it's down below the fountain does anyone have a torch to even do this with wait wait it's wiring down here i do have torches i have animated torches i don't know if they were oh my gosh no no no there's torches right i don't know we're gonna try oh that went into the well i'm out of there it worked yeah it worked please dead i didn't do this all right guys time to do a little bit of draconic evolution crafting which is something that i don't know a lot about but i'm gonna try my best here so first things first i know we're gonna need a lot of lapis to make some blocks i know we're going to need a lot of diamonds we're going to need to get ourselves one of those draconic ingots or a bunch of those draconic angles i should say and the rest of it i don't remember offhand so we're just going to kind of go from there so the fusion crafting core should be the actual solid lapis blocks like so we have the diamonds and now we need a draconic core which i think all we're missing is some gold ingots and luckily enough draconic a lot of this stuff is actually emc-able so for instance i could take this draconic core and now that part's done and i never have to make a draconia core again i can just pull them out of here and use my emc and then for the basic fusion injectors i'll need to do a iron ingots to make a block of iron i know i'm going to need another start some point in this process i'm going to pull one of those out for now and then otherwise i need smooth stone all right perfect so now if i take all those i should be able to craft one of these up yeah there we go and now i'm going to pull out a few of these because i think i need like literally nine of them but there are there's 64. that's a reasonable number of them right very reasonable yeah reasonable reasonable all right we've got a crafting core i bet if you use that fusion crafting core with dark magician and buster bladers yep why are you like so we got the wyvern core now and in order to upgrade this to a wyvern fusion crafting injector we need to bring a couple more diamonds a solid block of draconium okay i think i have everything i need except for the solid block of draconium which literally i can just do a little bit of that and perfect now it's just going to be all about setting this up and of course the flux points because we got to power this bad boy all right so we got most this set up so we put the crafting core in there then you put a basic fusion crafting injector in there and now we have to one by one place all these things around so you just go like this and then i need to put one more of those down and then i believe it was how many wyvern cores is one wyvern core and two of these draconic cores all right like this and whoopsies i accidentally took the diamonds away so we'll take that back and the draconian block so now that's all set up perfectly all that's left to do is set up the flux points on the back here so i just go ahead and attach all of these like so and i have to make sure each one is set to my home network all right i think if i go ahead and put that last one down there and there it is start and now it's charging oh it's already at three percent bro you told me this would bring my nose back right uh no steve i don't think that's supposed to do that it's it's too late i can't stop i can't move oh god he lost his abs i don't feel so good oh he's neat what did you do to steve what happened you're dehydrated i ate my steak so aggressively that i ate the draconian black there you go good job i should never trust you with it was aggressive staking all right i don't know what kind of energy this is but you shouldn't be trusted with it it's all over back on now i'm sad all right and that should be done wyvern fusion crafting injector complete at the end i hope it was worth it so all i need to make awakened draconian blocks is to play six of these all around here and then who shot me i was dead probably sad you're right looking at him yeah but i'm not looking anywhere near you can turn around and that landed right in your dome too drunk oh that's a good shot but does anyone have the uh the the heart the heart of a dragon from killing the dragon man you're not getting it anymore ow ow robert graham if i'm dead robert graves shooting me robber grave see i told you i can rob the grave you did a great thing will this bring my nose back yet jerome steve nothing will bring it back and there it is awakened draconian blocks gg and they have their own emc value as well which is super nice oh mr chicken master where are you i'm on the observation deck ah yes of course the chicken master the observation deck yeah what else would you call it not so much of a deck more of a hole but yeah oh you meant the one underneath i went all the way up to the very tippity top that's what i would take is now i'd say that's what i'm thinking out from under there hello cappy i require many different chimpkins ah yes well there are many different chimpkins up there is there a mini chest in the mini chest oh my goodness take the chicken wand and have at it very small chest all right so i can go and catch whatever chimp gets i want cap yeah go for it bud all right ender pearl chimkin and gas tier chimpkin oh my it's not getting hard sounds like a lot of chimpkin i actually killed all the land don't worry about it it's fine they'll eat they'll eat each other they'll eat each other the cannibals that's what cap are you sure there's ender pearl chickens here that was so dry not on this level [Music] i didn't know you did these levels wait wait drop donald duck's over here oh what are you donald ducks over there donald's ducks over here man oh my gosh that literally is donald duck okay try try the next level try today yeah i'm getting to the cap you don't have the chimpkins that i require these are all just colorful wait i see an enterprise can i do see one of those and i need one wait how many of those i think i might need more than one i'm gonna need two of those all right let's go and yeah i see a bunch of them in here all right got 100 pearl chicken two ender pearl chimpkins all right there we go three got him thanks ted all right three under pearl chimpkins that's probably more than enough and now i need a draconian one i'll do our guest here one to make a draconian one so i'll need some gas here crushing up the water i think i see i see a gas tube chicken here right here yeah right yep yeah is that him right here to the left back now right in my head all right so that's two of them uh oh drum drum over here i think i think i'm going with two of them for now so the ender pearl okay so i'm gonna need those from you if you don't mind and then i might need one more ender pearl chicken to be honest if anything let me go and pick that guy up might as well take an extra all right uh how do i get out of here cap how do i get out of here right over here jeremy let me oh i'll get his parkour get devoured by the chickens just jump over okay or that works yeah i'll just parkour all right buddy can i have much you want those chickens there's please there's two all right oh i also need an emerald and a cactus green for the xp chicken okay that's good yep let's go figure it out uh the emeralds are they on the first floor i don't know there's just so many oh my gosh cactus green and emerald just keep your eyes peeled for a cactus green and an emerald chicken uh weren't colorful ones all the way up jerome i thought emerald wait i found some emerald ones i think i got that one i got it through him is it an emerald no what is this yeah it's emerald all right i think that's a cactus green one i got a cactus green one perfect all right so steve i'm gonna need that emerald one all right now i should be good to craft these so starting off with a draconian one let me go over to the crusting table over here too all right so i got the draconian one done now i also need to build an extra one of those because i'm gonna lose one of those chimpkins when i go to make this awakened one so i can go and spawn him on the ground and wait a little bit more are you awake oh no i have to go and feed this one a bunch dead oh my gosh dead all right let me just go feed this one a bunch so that it grows quick that took them a while it took about a minute out there all right this draconian chimpkins gonna be all grown up in a second here there we go perfect and now i can go ahead and make one awakened one as well and then an xp chicken just like that and i now have all three of the chimpkins that i need all right cap now what do we do with this stuff okay so you take the roost you put a chicken inside it um take the moon okay which one i'll put an xp chimpkin in there oh wait i just realized we got to actually grow them up first cap because they're just an egg form right now so you put them down and then grow them up oh grow them up he came oh grown up couch nice okay awesome all right there you go cat why are they coming chicken that's a you chicken button science there we go cap i got two more said chickens okay cool give me just a second and i'll make some more roots for us all right thank you i'll put a draconium and then i'll put the awakened draconian there we go oh the draconium one is winning the race actually why is this one so much quicker wow there we go i got a draconian minget out of it nice nice very cool all right now that we've got a lot more xp coming our way thanks to our experience chimpkin uh i'm gonna go ahead and make us some dark steel ingots which i'll use to make an enchanter so we need to put this in there that in there and then i need edge yeah uh you want to look over here real quick sure i see what you did there oh my god why don't you turn your eye upon something i've gotten oh my gosh telling no one has [Music] jerome this is more important this is more illegal than anything what did you do what did you do no that's illegal cap no you broke it now it's more illegal you're not allowed to have circles and minecraft cap it's not a circle it's spirit theater yeah chap they're gonna send you to mojang jail all right dark steel we now have that completed oh it even has an emc value that makes things a lot easier nice amazing all right i can go ahead and make myself one of these enchanters perfect why are we making an enchanter when we could have just made an enchanting table it sounds like a whole lot easier no the enchanter is way better steve so uses xp to combine items in a book and quill to create enchanted books oh that's cool well it's very cool because what we can do is run over to here and then we might be able to oh it's even got recipes okay so like let's say hmm what's an enchantment someone would want i mean i'm sure someone out there would want protection for right maybe yeah yeah i'll take it all right so i need a lot of lapis and dark steel to make this happen but luckily enough we have so much emc it doesn't even matter anymore all right here we go and that should in theory be able to craft us up uh what we need hey guys i did it i used it to make one protection 4 book how sick is that can you get a sharpness no all right so in order to make the wyvern armor i think it's really only the helmet that's kind of oh no they're all kind of weird like that all right so i need wyvern cores wyvern energy cores draconium all right so let's let's get to work here uh so first things first let's grab our wyvern cores we're also going to need a lot of solid redstone blocks in order to make this work we're gonna need diamonds and diamond blocks things are just gonna be very difficult is pretty much what i'm getting at here and then we need draconian ingots as well all right draconian ingots thank you very much and then last but not least for the energy core i think we use take draconic core let me get some wyvern cores in there too just in case those end up coming around already had your i had to sorry i meant to get draconic course all right perfect now let's try and make this stuff work so i need to make one set of diamond armor okay cap i think the sheer amount of chickens you have is lagging my game tremendously right now my game is not happy well why don't you go kill him again don't kill all the chickens if you're don't kill please only kill you take them all out yeah this might be out of my control here buddy ouch i'm dead we can let them live for now they're gonna be our army to take over the world oh good this stuff is emc value so i don't even have to do this multiple times i can just give you guys the set after i'm done nice all right so we got the full set of wyvern which by the way looks so sick when you put it on uh i'm sure you guys have seen it by now but there that's the wyvern and now we need an energy infuser which i'm gonna have to get an encrusting table and a couple other things all right and channing table check and i already got the cores on me i got all that probably have all that i think all missing is blaze rods and then i think i can actually make this thing straight through which is pretty awesome all right so we go over to here and there's that that look at me learning science and stuff and there we go the energy infuser is completed yeah so now all we need to do is get enough power to actually energize this which i guess that's probably going to be more of the hard part you know than anything else but uh probably oh it's gonna get difficult it's gonna be very very difficult all right there we go i think i could just hook that up to it like that right that should accept some of the power and then i think they just kind of dump it in there yeah look at it go i mean it's going at a snail's pace but it's gonna work it is really cool the final piece of the puzzle the draconic sword all right i've got pretty much everything that i need in order to make this work i think the only thing i'm missing right now are these draconic energy cores which shouldn't be that bad to make all right so i just need wyvern cores vibrant energy cores and i think the rest of it kind of just falls in line oh let me pull out some more of these awakened draconian ingots thank you all right two of those and i think that's all that's needed in order to make this let's go make it happen all right let me put the last piece of the puzzle in right there then use the fusion crafting core put that down and now we can put the wyvern sword right in there and the rest of it is just i believe only two of actually let me see real quick just make sure let's just make positive here all right it's one of this one of this and two of these so one two three four and that should be the recipe that's needed oh jerome you put chicken poop in here why steve i did not put chicken poop in there all right there we go i don't know what to tell you it was there that's charging really quick oh my gosh all right crafting now this is gonna be so cool it's gonna give me my nose back the words are amazing the worst part is though is it loses i didn't lose all of its charge actually it still has four million but this sword now needs 16 million total oh so that's a lot of charge yeah it's uh it's a lot a lot well i'm just gonna do that with all the other armor i have all right so normally this is the end of this actual mod pack but unfortunately 100 days it's not enough time to complete everything but i want to show you all anyway so here it is everyone it's its own dimension let's hop on it i i tried to punch you in and it didn't work because of your armor
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 133,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 24sec (5364 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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