100 Days of Minecraft as a Vault Hunter...

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my journey through the multiverse is one that i've had very little control over the obelisks keep pulling me from one reality to the next to the next to the next and it's time for me to learn how to fight back escalad5 created the vault hunter's mod pack where you go and get a bunch of resources and then create a little pocket reality and run through it searching for loot and i thought being able to control reality that seems like a great idea so let's give this a shot a hundred days in the vault hunters modpack trying to run as many vaults as i can unlock as much knowledge as i possibly can and get a coveted piece of vault gear this video is a ton of fun and it takes about 200 hours to make one of these hundred days when you're actually doing them legitimately so do me a favor leave a like and leave a comment something about how amazing the loot was on day 31 or how awful i was for killing that stone golem don't worry that'll make sense later alright let's get started with a hundred days as of all time [Music] so we loaded up a brand new world and spawned in day one now there's a couple extra things on my screen don't worry about them just yet first we have to minecraft before we can even worry about vault hunting i spawned in a prairies shrubland kind of biome with these kind of weird looking trees all of the terrain is fully modded so it's completely new stuff i spent some time taking down a tree the entire tree tanisha you know as a proper minecrafter does before making some rudimentary tools with a sword and a pickaxe and then checking out my skills the things that i could potentially unlock before i'm going to spend any of those points though i need to take care of the base necessities going through and you know eliminating a few of the local cow population grabbing some coal from underground building a furnace making some steak killing some sheep for food and a bed and sleeping in you know you want to start well rested going into day two where i found a desert temple and these really huge trees off in the distance i hit up the temple first breaking all the tnt so i don't explode right away and hitting up the chests the golden apples are huge finds as well as some early books and gear i found a village that had a meteor that had absolutely destroyed half of the town this is the kind of terrain we're looking at before looting a few of the chests and finding the most satisfying thing in minecraft but as i walked back and i looked over the meteor i thought you know what i've never lived by a meteor before maybe there's radiation that will give me superpowers this is probably a wonderful idea so i sit down a few chests and my bed and called it a night going into day three you can pick up villagers you can pick them up and hold them like a totem easy villagers is the best mod ever so i carried my friend timmy here around just keeping them down in the corner they're going to hang with me for a little while grabbing iron and other resources from the impact site of the meteor i can't actually mine the meteor itself yet so it's all of the glowy oars and other things from around the village that are pretty interesting and i don't know i felt as the whole time while i was working on my base this little guy was just judging me down in the corner just hurrying away while i made myself an iron chest plate to better protect myself day four i checked in the crater again to see if there's anything else left over and then checked on my mini map trying to find other potential points of interest i saw what looked like a desert temple just off the edge of the mini map render distance ran over to there went downstairs and found a diamond as well as some other golden apples which are huge in this mod pack you'll see why later i jumped down into a cave and found a mine shaft because of course i did as well as a few endermen that quickly dropped a pearl my friend got out of my pocket quickly but nope you get back in there while i go to mine more iron it was late however deep into the night as i was running back towards the base to just try to get some sleep stopping in the village because i was completely out of food day five it's time to spend some skill points i have five of them to use so i plan to unlock five unique skills just to give myself the biggest selection i spent one in dash so i can jump around the map a little bit faster twerker so that i can crouch near crops and they'll grow near instantaneously don't think about that one too hard it'll hurt your brain i picked up vein miners so i'd be able to mine resources faster i'm loving the hammers over on dominion it gives me kind of the same thing as well as experience which gives me a flat 50 buff on all experience gains which is huge especially this early it took a little while to figure out how to make these things actually work because the controls there is so much in this pack so i spent the rest of the day just harvesting acacia wood tearing down more of the village and marking potential waypoints for lava and villages once the light was available and visible on my mini-map on day six i started heading over towards the lava pool because to really get started in this mod pack i need to beat the game the vanilla game as quickly as possible and since we're doing quick things i'm gonna do the speed runner strat and try to make a speed run nether portal and uh well it didn't go exactly as planned i set both myself and timmy on fire at least once but i did eventually make a valid portal frame except i didn't have a flint and steel to light it with i went down to the caves grabbing some iron searching around and smelting that while looking for gravel to eventually get a piece of flint very late in the night having to fight zombies because well it was night and killing a few more sheep and then a child their sacrifice is giving me a bed where i could eventually sleep going into day seven i made a flint and steel upset of iron armor fully upgrading and went off to the nether i spawned into basalt delta which is the worst biome ever i used the mini map to mark where my portals coordinates actually were and then headed off in a direction that i could see on the map off to netherrack which was more easily traversable piglens hate me in this reality i'm not only their champion on dominion and i very quickly found another fortress on the map and then in the world diving through the tunnels just trying to search around and look for the blaze spawner i didn't find the spawner but there were so many stray blazes and i don't have fire resistance and i am super squishy iron armor is basically nothing in this mod so i hate to do it but i actually had to eat one of the golden apples really early on just to stay alive i grabbed all of the netherworth that i could find and found a few diamonds and some bombs in a chest there's just explosives sitting around here okay on day eight i was digging a tunnel back over towards the waypoint so i could head back to the overworld brew up some fire resistance potions when this piglen just jump scared me in the tunnel absolutely terrified me and would have killed me if they were hostile i did a little bit of training trying to get a fire res potion and also just trying to get them out of the way using all of the stone and all of the iron i had to make multiple picks as i was mining to the waypoint which was at the wrong height i started digging down to get to where the portal actually was supposed to be and my pick broke and i had to walk all the way back all the way back over to the fortress run all the way back over through open nether which included being attacked by a fire dog apparently the new pokemon are already here making my way back through the basalt delta fighting off magma cubes from basically every direction who were just constantly bipping me heading back to the overworld and sleeping to end day eight there the next day i needed to bank the resources because my inventory was very very full and i wanted to look what it would take to make a vault altar and it turns out i need to beat the game to do it oh boy here we go i fully looted the village grabbed all of them and shoved them in my pockets right with their workstations and just hit all of the different fields harvesting all of the wheat which took literally all day going into day 10 where i started setting up a rudimentary trading hall you can also cycle trades with just a button press which is extremely useful so i got a couple farmers that wanted wheat and i can just crouch and hold down right click with a hoe to harvest infinite wheat but there is so many particles this looks ridiculous it does generate emeralds and seeds lots of seeds at a pretty decent rate day 11 i'm realizing that i need to get some bookcases going so i can actually do some enchanting and or get some librarians going and i need to get a closer portal which means i need to get a diamond pickaxe so i lured a few cows over towards the base and started breeding them including a sheep that was just stuck there i also grabbed sugarcane and cactus just as i saw some laying around but unfortunately you can't pick up cows like you can villagers meaning regular mobs are now harder to move than villagers what kind of backwards reality is this but right as the sun started to set the first cow was born in captivity and i was started on a lather farm day 12 i planted the cactus and did a little bit of potion brewing so i can make some fire resistance potions so i can more easily tackle blazes in the nether i also have some safety if i happen to fall to my death i made a bunch of obsidian and then forgot i didn't have a diamond pickaxe i left the diamonds at home so i couldn't harvest any of it but i set my spawn point went through the portal and then was back in the nether heading back over towards the fortress throughout the rest of that day and into day 13 i was basically doing fortress navigation and being very very careful iron armor is only four armor bars in this bounce pack it is paper thin i did eventually find a blaze spawner and started mining out the blocks to make a little bit of a scuff form thankfully it was enclosed so i didn't need to worry about anything else fighting me while i was fighting the blazes in between blaze cycles i checked all the other tunnels see if there was any loot remaining and fought with their skeletons hoping to get a skull even though there's no way i would take on the wither anytime soon but as it started getting to about midday i went back to the nether portal and then returned back to my village and i'm really banking on the cleric here i traded in all of my gold and then a bunch of emeralds for glowstone blocks just because they were the best trades were potentially leveling up and i'm really hoping for a pearl trade here and thankfully i got one this means i can very easily prepare for end game and craft ender pearls instead of having to worry about killing endermen and drop rates and the potential for death that means more particles and more trading of wheat for emeralds and then emeralds for pearls which we would craft into eyes at the end of the day day 14 clad in only iron armor with very little food to my name yeah why don't we go kill a dragon it'll be fine i threw my first eye and headed off in the direction boating out to the ocean and then running over land i'm really hoping for ocean exposed right here but unfortunately the pearl turns and goes back the way that i originally came i found a sunken ship that had a treasure map in it pointing me off towards some loot that was actually relatively close and had some decent things inside but i had spent almost the whole day trekking right now early game travel is so time consuming going into day 15 i finally found the chunk that the eye pointed down into and made my way into the stronghold the first room i encountered was the library reminding me that i had no reason to set up a leather farm i could just harvest everything here if i wanted to after killing the dragon there were some amazing books in here things that could push me past the normal vanilla enchants they will come in very handy later but anybody who's watched my scuff boy speedrun or me in the hardcore world knows that i am absolutely trash when it comes to stronghold navigation and finding that portal well it turns out i turned the exact wrong direction and went through everything else in the entire stronghold going through day 15 into day 16 where i eventually gave up returned back to the starting stairway turned the other direction and the portal was right there unfortunately as is tradition i was a few eyes short having accidentally right-clicked them all right through a wall at one point in time in the stronghold thankfully i had a few spare pearls unthankfully it still wasn't enough gee this is a roller coaster i have gluted the remainder of the chests and rooms and i started hearing lava at one point mining out i dug into a huge lava-filled ravine finding some diamonds and other ores just sitting there and being able to craft a new portal with buckets making a fast travel between one point and another through the nether if only it wasn't through basalt delta which is the slowest fast travel that you could possibly have in minecraft i ended up back at my original portal which is still a bit of a hike from the base so by the time i got back and slept on day 17 i was doing a little bit more gearing up just getting the last few things i need a diamond pickaxe so i could grab all of the obsidian i needed to make a portal all the way back at the base running back over towards the stronghold slotting in the final two eyes and jumping in the board and yeah on day 17 we're gonna kill a dragon i could do my really dramatic voice over for the dragon fight but this is really the beginning of this mod pack this is twice now that i would have speeded on the dragon in these hundred days so i can get to the point where i can fly and travel quickly so i can focus on the exploration the building and the journey and you've seen me do this maybe two dozen times at this point now so arrows to the crystals arrows to the dragon stabbing to the dragon's throat get heated once or twice and save with a quick water bucket clutch the problem i had here was the dragon was refusing to perch and i'm out of arrows going into day 18 and i can only do damage then then she throws me up as high as she can and i don't have feather falling so i use a pearl so i only take the pearl damage and i'm forced to eat another golden apple which is just such a huge loss in this back she perched down again for what i thought would be the final time and as i'm swinging my axe she just flies away and i had to wait an additional two or three minutes before she decided to perch again just standing there waiting i quickly bopped her in the face went through the end portal and thankfully had freed the end unfortunately my spawn was right here because i had reset my spawn for some point forgetting that i probably would have wanted to return to my base so i mined up to the surface and just off the coast i saw a mushroom island which this is huge having this here a safe spot where i can grab a bunch of steak from mushrooms i basically saved my life plus i saw this pretty amazing looking tropical island out here with these rainbow eucalyptus trees i'm going to make a note of that i might want to make a base there all right day 19. i have a bunch of steak in my hot bar i'm feeling a little more confident like i can actually you know survive at least one fight with an enderman or something like that so i went back to the end pillared up towards the end gateway through a pearl cranked chunks up to 64 and started looking on the minimap for clues as i'm going through the outer end islands there's these huge blue spires which really don't do anything but provide some really easy to get blocks for pillaring with vein mining they break near instantly so i'm using those to go from end island to end island i occasionally find a city it's a really tiny one but it has some of the stuff that i need including my first shulker box which i had to kill with a pickaxe because i forgot to bring a weapon thankfully for me there's some really good stuff in the chest at the top of the city which helps me fast track my way through and not have to spend resources unfortunately however it didn't have a ship and i didn't have enough food so i ran all the way back when and bridged my way over on day 20 i'm eating only coors fruit as well i bridged my way up went through the gateway back to the end then i broke my bed went through the gateway again to return back to the world spawn which would get me closer towards the village which i slept in to go to day 21. from there i banked all of the unrelated resources and just kind of tried to take stock on what i had i bred up all the sheep did a little bit of harvesting to trade some more i quickly took a new profile picture for raise works just so you know help them out before crafting up all the books and getting an enchanting setup set up that i would actually never use i started mining down to be able to go searching for diamonds finding a huge cave with a ton of mobs in it and i was just getting pummeled from all sides i went back up to the surface and on day 22 i need to invest some time and attention into getting proper enchantments i spent literally all day all of day 23 just jamming on that c button and refreshing enchants i did it for the entire day until i eventually just had to give up and settle for protection 3 instead of protection 4. it'll at least keep me alive day 23 i went mining in a game called minecraft really unexpected right the mine shaft being here in the ravine and down at diamond level is really convenient i spent some time clearing out the poison spider spawner just so they wouldn't be dropping on me all the time grabbing all of the ores and searching around for diamonds and other things that i desperately need i used a little bit of iron to repair my gear because it's not in the best shape and i don't have enough diamonds yet using vane miner to harvest as much as i could from everywhere around the ravine i use the end to basically fast travel back to my home base banging all of the resources and getting jump scared by my golem can you imagine if they hit me this would have been the end of the video on day 24 i made a diamond pickaxe and finally completed another portal here at the base using that and the combination of the portal for the stronghold to get back over and head towards the end i farmed a few ender pearls just very quickly and then back out to the outer end islands i go bridging over all of the void holding that shift key down as hard as i possibly can searching around for a full two days before i found my way to an actually decent sized entity on day 25. i pillared up to the ship and started looting from the top down grabbing my elytra looting the chests at the very top of the end city and shooting any shulkers just trying to get a few extra shulker shells i flew back towards the gateway pillared up jumped through back through the portal and finally i'm feeling good and i'm able to explore the overworld with dash and elytra i don't need rockets so i'll be able to quickly travel from village to village acquiring additional friends that i'm just storing in my pocket as well as hay bales and other job blocks and materials and just useful resources from all around my local area that includes searching nether portals for gold blocks because the golden apples are far more expensive to craft in this variant and way more useful continuing my search into the night where i found another desert temple that had a bunch of golden apples each of these saving me nine blocks worth of material in crafting on day 27 i'm continuing that exploration of the local area and being able to fly and cover distance is just so satisfying i'm hitting up all of the villages for additional workers as well as additional job blocks to be able to get more of an economy going hitting up portals and desert temples in order to get more golden apples and high tier resources i stopped by a pillager tower there was a couple things up at the top grabbing all of the golden apples i could find from portals i thought that was the best it was gonna get before i saw just a little bit of obsidian sticking out of a coast and unfortunately i didn't have my mic on but let me give you an idea oh yeah i was happy i marked that location because it's worth saving before heading back to my camp and organizing my inventory storing off all of the villagers as well as all of the high value gear that i had looted from around the town 828 i need to go mining i started digging down directly underneath my base finding another abandoned mine shaft because of course i did and searching around for diamonds i grabbed a couple extra ones which gives me the diamond block worth of materials that i need so i can actually craft a vault altar and combined all of those to unlock the core mechanic of vault hunters now all i actually need is a vault rock to stick into this thing to be given a recipe to be able to actually open the vault before going and doing that though i did a little bit more trading locking in a protection for villager finally and the economy continued into day 29 where i got both infinity and unbreaking three desperately needed when everything is so tight on resources now on day 30 more trading is required i got fortune three so i have a better chance of getting fault rocks as well as additional diamonds in future mining sessions as well as silk touch for only seven emeralds which was a steal i still need sharpness looting punch and power but at least now on the resource end of things i'm pretty much solvent my new fortune pickaxe in hand i went back down to the mines and hit all of the diamond ore that i could find to just grab a whole bunch of them but i'm really also searching for vault rocks they look almost identical to normal stone aside from a little bit of a glow they give off and a very distinct sound when you mine them i got three rocks from that ore which is three runs through the vault if i can complete the required recipes and that gets a little complicated we'll talk about that in a second but i grabbed all of my resources went back up to the overworld slept on on day 32. it's time to show you why i need golden apples you need them to brew healing potions and each of them costs nine blocks worth of gold now you see why those temple runs were so important i built a blackstone portal which i'm going to need to actually get into the vault i did a little bit of extra trading just to get sharpness 5 which i quickly enchanted onto my sword so i'd actually be able to do damage in the vault and then slotted in a vault rock and looked at the recipe now here's how this works you get four random resources of what you need to give increasingly large amounts of to the vault just throwing them at it and it'll mark that certain category as complete three of these were super trivial for me i had everything the fourth was the rare item which i had to go over to the nether into a solstin valley to punch a bunch of goats to get some soul beads which i was able to come back and pop those into the altar and then yeah i completed my first vault rock that little ding is very satisfying on day 33 it's time to enter the vault the thing that this whole modpack is actually based around i popped the crystal in the portal and jumped in luckily there were no modifiers and i'll explain what those mean later but it's really a game of looting what you can surviving any mobs and doing the best you can in a limited amount of time there is no natural healing in the vault so health potions are extremely important and mobs hit way harder than they do out in the overworld everything scales and it's roguelike so each room and each vault run is completely random i'm looting all the chests getting basically vanilla resources things like diamonds slime leather that i hadn't been able to find anywhere else but also compressed blocks so i have tons of resources on hand any point in time and i'm just fighting off all of the zombies that are constantly attacking me there's a village room here with a large statue asking for three hearts with one potion that's easily healable and inside the chest was a trident as well as a few other things also underneath one of the village houses was a stronghold which had quite a bit of really nice chests inside but my pockets were starting to get full i'm running around getting all of the oars looting all of the gilded chests which have better things in them and the stronghold is actually just pretty awesome for a first run i'm using pillars to avoid the zombies doesn't always help with spiders while organizing and i am completely full pockets absolutely bursting accidentally triggered a large tnt trap don't touch any tnt in the vault it's all unstable and explodes immediately but after a witch got the jump on me and poisoned me since i didn't have any really healing left over i ran back to the portal and bailed taking some time to store so much stuff and even after a vault run i'm pretty diamond poor with only nine to my name organizing everything took a little bit of time and then i opened up all of the loot boxes which gave me a set of pretty godly diamond boots so maybe my need for diamonds is a little bit lower than i thought but on top of that i cleared out the shulker boxes i smelted up all of the gold ore that i had collected i opened up all the packs and got a relic piece right away which is huge repaired my pickaxe with the experience bottles had a quick snack and took a quick nap so i got a lot of diamonds in those loot boxes and just one day later i'm no longer diamond poor as i upgraded all of my armor to diamond and started working on enchanting it i took the cleanse ability letting me quickly clear poison effects whenever i'm in the vault which is going to make a big difference when i can't heal naturally i also upgraded twerker so now it works on melons so i'm able to just sit here and silk touch melons and get a heck of a lot of emeralds a lot more efficiently and with fewer seeds in my pocket but from there it was time to complete another vault rock about three quarters of it was super straightforward i had the resources on hand it's that rare item phantom membrane that really messed with me for that i wouldn't be able to sleep for three days and if i can't sleep i might as well get some major building done so i upgraded all my armor compressed all of my resources into block form everything into shulkers that i could burned all of the seeds and flew off heading off to that island that i had found a while back dropping all the shulkers down and thinking yeah this can make for a good forever home or at least the next base in line that night again i can't sleep but i also don't want to be harassed by mobs so i went down to the ground level and just started torching up everything and thankfully mobs hit a little less hard over here in the overwater that took over a full stack of torches and i'm barely done going into day 36 it's time to actually start planning out what i want this place to look like i built a new blackstone portal planted some bamboo around and looked at what the different blocks can actually give me mahogany and rainbow eucalyptus all look really cool together so i built a new villager trading hall to store all of my potential money makers in their you know holding cells as well as a 3x3 grid just to get more seeds and more wheat as is tradition i'm using some of those blue blocks to get a nice wall i think they're called moria as well as displaying the dragon egg prominently with a nice little floor pattern around it it's also chest organization time and having all sorts of different chests from the end from acacia from oak just makes it look a lot more colorful and alive i kind of like it i also thought you know what this little portal right here this isn't gonna do so i put down a lot of soapstone and other materials that look similar to blackstone and into day 38 i started building a platform to actually have as my upper tree house the place where i'll keep my bed and my most important resources i stacked all the shulkers on the wall just so everything would be safe and tucked away and moderately organized realizing that it takes two dashes to get up there is something that i don't think i ever fix in this entire hundred days i went back down to the surface though fighting off zombies and wouldn't you know what one of them happened to get towards all of my villagers that's kind of a bummer because they don't want to waste the golden apples on them but finally late in the night on night 38 phantoms actually spawned i took some time to bow down a few of them so i'd have multiple phantom membrane in my pocket so i wouldn't have to worry about not sleeping again for some time but once i had the resources that i needed i called it a night and on the morning of day 39 i got a new farmer set up with trapdoors in front of them so no zombies could actually get to them which would be important later and went over to the nether to get a little bit more blackstone so i can make a larger vault portal i want this thing to look impressive from there i did a little bit of mining for netherrack just to complete the last item on the vault altar and found a random piece of ancient debris which was kind of nice no complaints there i went back to the overworld threw in the netherrack completing my second vault rock there i made the portal a little bit bigger and doing a little bit more battle with more phantoms to get another phantom membrane on day 40 i'm prepping for another vault run which means i need a lot more food to make sure i don't you know take hunger damage it won't exactly heal me so i flew over to the mushroom biome and in preparing for my future steaks one of them came out as a baby brown cow it's so adorable it's the only one i left alive from there i had a home to cook my new food i made a vending machine to shove a person inside these will trade different vault resources for other vault resources it's a great way to get certain things pretty usefully i made a quick little infinity bow and on day 41 it was time to go and i got safe zone and easy which is huge that means there's no trapped chests and all the mobs will be easier to fight i made a quick waypoint to find my way out of the vault if time was going to get short and then started looting through rooms since it's easy i can tank most mob hits directly to the face and take next to no damage and since it's safe zone i want to hit every chest i possibly can because there's no traps which means ultimate loot now this is where the lagundo lux started to really kick in because shortly into the run i found a wild west room and that's really hard to say but inside is a ton of both regular and gilded chests meaning i was getting a ton of loot and since none were trapped all of them were paying up i just need to make sure i don't punch the tnt and i'm gonna do well and then immediately following that the very next room was a village room which has some chests again but if you go down into the stronghold underground it has an opportunity to potentially have an end portal and instead of taking you to the end it makes 12 gilded chests and i had an under eye that's all it requires which meant i was able to loot absolutely everything from all of these chests and get geared up super quickly i am no longer diamond poor i'm no longer anything poor i have everything i could want but with three entirely full shulker boxes as well as not a single empty inventory slot in my pocket i quickly made my way back towards the spawn grabbed a few blocks just for decoration dropping some of the less valuable things and bailed out of the portal it took all of day 42 just to organize i just paused for a second to relax but from there i started building some columns using those to make the area right in front of my portal look a little bit more grand dropping some bamboo and then going to actually organizing things all of the blocks went to the lower level all of the packs got opened all of the boxes got opened for more vanilla resources that i just kind of threw into storage sorry if you hate unorganized messages i then drop down all the chests and put down the statues now these will generate a specific resource at a very slow passive rate and you know i had to represent my dominion friends over here mongo's giving me prismarine tanisha giving me some snow and i also made a few netherite ingots which i was able to use to upgrade my gear first my chest plate so i'm going to be a little bit easier survival all the valuables were organized in barrels up inside the tree house and things are looking good i used the experience bottles to repair all of my pickaxe and then use my skill points to make those experience bottles pay up even more later from there i filled up a shulker box stashed my elytra and i'm ready to go again day 43 i returned to the vault this one had no modifiers which was both a good and a bad thing you'll see why later the first couple rooms were relatively uninteresting i found a few chests with some moderate bits of loot i'm actually starting to get a little selective just because of inventory space there was this cave that had a ton of spider webs which was fine but the big thing was this bird cage room the bird itself is supposedly full of wars i only learned that after finishing this whole video but the chests downstairs had a bunch of diamonds loot boxes and other things that were really useful i'm no longer diamond poor i found a small mini cave full of chests that had some decent results inside but then the city room this was a big win there are tons of chests in here scattered throughout multiple buildings and it took a good while to loot then you go down into the sewers and things get even better that is as long as the chests aren't trapped and trapped in ways that explode okay i got the hint i left the city went to the small town country just to relax finding the stronghold underneath the village and this one didn't have a portal room but there were a few gilded chests that had a bit of what i need but i was starting to run short on time with only a minute 30 remaining i was able to make it back to the portal room and thought i can steal a few note blocks before leaving dropping out of the vault on day 44 which was all organization all of the time i crafted all of my items down into their block form ate the vault cookies to level up open the loot boxes for more random assortment of goodies and then upgraded my speed giving myself some nice fancy shoes so i'd be just moving a little bit quicker with a base level of a speed enchantment at all times day 45 i'm out of vault rocks so we're gonna need a new mine i started digging a two by one tunnel all the way down to the bedrock level where the vault rocks could actually be and then just used excavation to carve out a huge swath right through grabbing a few right off the bat i made my way back up secured it with a water platform so i wouldn't go cursed flat if i ever tried to come down to the vines and did a little bit more mining heading up to slot in the vault rock and find out i'm gonna need honeycomb for this one that's gonna be complicated cobblestone emeralds and the ink stacks are easy the rare item is the one that always gets me i slept and the next day it's time to go out searching for beehives i traveled generally north because bees are north i guess i don't know i don't have a reason i just picked a random direction but being able to dash and fly over was pretty nice i'm flying through all of this different modded terrain and grabbing a ton of villagers to take back to my base and i had a new timmy down in the corner hanging out with me as i was flying they look so happy to be here can't you tell finding more villages and more new friends but unfortunately it took two full days to find a beehive i made a small little hut to contain the bees inside thankfully i got here at night so that would be easy and a bunch of flowers so they would pollinate quickly hopefully quickly and spent the next day looting around random points of interest while trying to keep the bees loaded so they'd make honey i found a portal which didn't really have a lot made a way into the actual beehive and checked it was on honey level zero i was going to be waiting here a while i made a quick campfire and just sat here and watched bees dry this was really exhilarating stuff i swear i did eventually get to the point where it was full i grabbed shears and grabbed a few honeycomb and then started flying back towards the house landing back on the treehouse banking all of the things that i had collected including my new friends into a box this is kind of problematic if you think about it too hard before heading over to some nearby squids to grab the squid ink as the last ingredient to complete this crystal i slotted the next one and oh boy there was honeycomb again of course there was so i flew all the way back to the beehive this time with the silk touch axe and grabbed it and collected it all bringing it back to the island on day 48 i also needed ice so while i was still out that far i just kept flying around in random direction i eventually found a patch of ice on top of a mountain and thankfully with silk touch and an axe and vane miner i was able to collect it all relatively quickly from there i flew back towards the base biting my nails as my lightroom was just about to give out as i landed on the platform that one was very very close i threw the ice in repaired my elytra and then started building a little glass beehive with a bunch of happy little flowers for happy little beavs to give me honeycomb so i never have to worry about a vault crystal again and as i went to sleep the person in the vending machine was very happy to be watching me creepy day 49 it's time to reset the economy since i lost all of my villagers to zombification and then an unfortunate unforeseen end it's time to get new ones so i could actually get the books and emeralds and other things that i need i set up three farmers as generators for emeralds using both carrots and potatoes as trades and then started working on librarians naming them so that way i'd know which one they are i was able to get loyalty three so i could use my trident unbreaking so all my gear would last a little bit longer and in between this i was harvesting the honeycomb from the beehive to complete vault crystal number five popped in number six and it also required honeycomb three for three but i was prepared this time all of the other resources were really quick and that one was able to pop in having three volt runs in my pocket felt pretty good i spent some time upstairs in the loft brewing healing potions making them splash potions so i could apply them faster to myself and potentially damage any zombies who are around me before putting mending on those amazing diamond boots that i had gotten from a loot box before so they'd last a little longer going into day 50 it's time for another vault this time again no modifiers which is both good and bad there are positive and negative ones i was standing over a lot of lava grabbing chests that were hanging from the ceiling which honestly wasn't worth the time i'm punching obelisks as i go just trying to potentially be ready to fight off a boss grabbing a few honeycomb blocks thinking i could craft them back but that doesn't actually work loot was kind of middling in this one there wasn't a lot in one way or another until i got to another wild west room and that's where things started to take a turn to the positive i found a protection bow in a train this seems like the weirdest enchantment i wonder if this would actually work finding my way into an end room that had a ton of ores inside of some glowy semi-translucent blocks down on the bottom level i ended up in a dojo room that had a lot of chests up high as well as many more inside of a basement that you had to dig your way into luckily i had watched one of iskael's videos and knew that this place was here but his time was starting to get a little short there were only three obelisks for this one and i entered a room that everything was basically flat there'd be nowhere for a boss to escape and i felt pretty well equipped so it's time to try taking on a boss as i summon the vault robot i was able to bow it down to do some damage but the power bar here is what really made things work it gives you an insane strength boost for about 30 seconds way better than the strength potion and since i had a sharpness five sword already and i'm trading on every hit because i'm good at minecraft i was able to eventually take it down that was terrifying but i picked up the huge crate and returned back to the overworld of victor at this halfway point in the journey and inside the vault crate was some decent stuff there's a few really good things in here but the biggest thing is the crate itself it's double the size of a shulker box and just as easy to move i spent some time organizing all of the loot collecting all of the relevant things together throwing more people into the vending machine and finding mystery boxes as a potential option opening all of those getting some yeah okay stuff eating the cookies getting myself up to level six unlocking a new skill point and had to compress all of my items down to blocks getting a new statue which i turned into looney because we gotta keep the deceit representation going hard i made a new netherrite ingot upgrading my helmet and unlocking the cover me and debris advancement bringing up some new health potions because i'm about to go back into the vault the next day and that's what i did this vault run was with unlucky and plentiful meaning chests were dangerous but there would be a lot more vault oars around the map the very first room was a village room and even though chests are dangerous i am going to be opening as many as i can because it's really useful to you know get more stuff i went down into the stronghold and there wasn't a portal but again ores are all vault ores so i was able to get some rare oars and collect them as well as some diamonds and other things from chests the name of the game here is mining i'm bopping obelisks just in case i want to fight another boss and go two for two i came across another ultra chest that asked for a minute of my time in the vault and since it was an unlucky one went ahead and gave that in having a ton of zombies around my ankles as i was organizing my shulker boxes and despite it being plentiful i wasn't getting a lot of vaulters there's the occasional jam here and there but the big thing that i was getting was a lot of compressed blocks and these resources are huge for future vault recipes because they take maybe 900 andesite at one point in time that might be something that i exactly found once but overall i went through a few more mediocre rooms before heading back to the village not remembering that i had some rocket errors in my pocket so any bow shot just decimated half of the town i'm the worst thing to ever happen to these villagers before jumping into the portal and returning home there i banged all of the loot took all of the compressed blocks and stored them downstairs because that's where i'm gonna want to keep them therefore the altars before doing a little bit of additional enchanting putting some more books and increasing the sharpness level on my sword to sharpness six the next one is strong but hungry so i hit really hard but i'm always craving a snack and that's a problem because i only have 20 golden carrots with me the first few rooms were barren as far as chests barely anything that i could find and not a lot of oars that was until i got into the wild west room and once again this is pretty much a decent payoff immediately following that one was another village room and heading down into the stronghold we had another portal this is why i always keep an eye of ender in my pocket whenever i go into the vault chests here were pretty nice except for some of them being trapped so there's a lot of mobs to worry about and deal with in all honesty this one was starting to cause me a lot of trouble but all honesty i was out of food i had three bits of hunger left to my name no food to eat so with five minutes still on the clock i bailed and just got out of there while i could a54 i'm going through the loot and there was a bit from this even if it was somewhat underwhelming not my best run by any means ate up a little bit of raw potatoes just so i could get my hunger back up finding some steak in one of the boxes that i had left behind at some point i opened a bunch of loot boxes got some pearls some more books and looked to see what it would take to make a knowledge star to be able to unlock one of the mods that's hidden behind this gate in the mod pack and it takes a whole lot of larimar and an entire block of vault diamonds for which i had four vaulted diamonds overall oh boy this is gonna take a hot minute day 55 it's time for some more economic takeover mainly harvesting carrots because it's always carrots especially on my community smp fading those into villagers for emeralds and then converting some of those emeralds into more books that i could find really useful flame was the next thing that i wanted to purchase giving my bow a little bit more staying power with damage over time but my villagers are just refusing to refresh i sat here for over half the day nobody's refreshing nobody's restocking i don't know what's wrong with them so i thought you know what let me go out and get some new villagers and maybe they'll be better i flew over to one of the nearby villages that i had gotten some of these villagers from broke the work blocks that were there in case somehow they were still bound to those or something was overloaded in some way and wouldn't you know it i found a pink sheep the objective immediately changes whenever you find one of those and it immediately becomes protect the asset rip the asset so we got the pink sheep into a fence collected some new villagers to work in their new remote destination getaway slept and the next day started looking at what it would take to transport this pink sheet back to the base easily i can make a poke ball basically with the industrial with the industrial ford i make a pokeball basically with this mod here but it costs 20 knowledge stars that's 20 blocks of vault diamond and i don't even have one so instead i just sailed around the sheep would be safe where it is i collected a few more villagers from around keeping them in my pockets finding a desert temple and inside you won't believe me the glory of the pink sheep shines brightly on me for i am blessed i collected all of the resources returned home put all my new villagers inside the box and go figure the ones in the training hall just suddenly want it to work again i guess they don't want to go back in the box i got a few books that i desperately needed repaired everything with some enchanting bottles and went to sleep day day 57 it's time to spend some of those skill points first thing i picked up was haste so i'd mine everything a lot faster followed by a level of unbreaking so all of my gear would last a lot longer and this goes on top of unbreaking three so basically everyone breaking four upgraded haste again so i have haste two always this is gonna make building really easily when i tried to trade with my villagers and they're stuck again and this just this just can't slide frustrated with them i went down to the mines in search for more vault rocks and you really only get one vault rock ore per chunk so i really need to mine out in a pretty wide swath if i want to potentially find any more i grabbed another vault rock ore and got three rocks from it meaning i can do a bunch more vault runs doing a little bit more trading with my villagers just trying to find ones who will actively refresh and trade i don't know what's wrong with all of them in today 58 it's time to check what those recipes are first one required saddles which was good for me that i'm a hoarder who collects everything from desert temples but i had all the saddles bones and gunpowder that i needed to make that work most complicated thing for this was oak logs just because i hadn't harvested a lot of logs because i hadn't needed any so i went over just vein mined a few trees and found a pillager raid where i captured their captain in a boat if i ever want to do a raid now i can just come back here and you know pop them quick vault rock one complete i slotted the next one in and i needed a heart of diamond this is something i've never heard of before coal was easy basalt was easy enough immediately following that with some quick mining in the nether and i spent the rest of the day for day 58 searching around trying to find sunflowers i sailed around and saw a desert temple but i had already raided that one then finding a glowing forest as the night came to a close which was beautiful the next morning however just as the sun was starting to come up i saw a peak of yellow off on the coast in one of the plains biomes and grabbed a few sunflowers a full stack of bone meal worth plus a little bit more sailing back over large mountains towards the base from there i had to actually look it up and see how you get a heart of a diamond and it turns out you need to kill a stone golem which really the best place for it is immediately underneath a mushroom biome and lucky for me i have one right next door i found a spot and just started mining down and then started excavating out a huge area this went into day 60 as this took a large area to actually make the proper spawning conditions for them we're getting a lot of these tortoises that are also spawning these gemstone ones that are chilling out and this little golem look at them they're so adorable they brought me a golden apple and then i stabbed them in the face it's about a one in three chance that they actually dropped their heart though so so i needed to do it again and oh did i feel guilty about that one that actually is the first time i feel bad for killing a mob in minecraft but i had what i needed so i towered back up went back to the vault altar threw the heart in and completed another rock day 61 i need some cakes for the third of those rocks so i went all the way back to the old base to grab the sugar cane some wheat and some sugar some other things that i knew i had left behind because they weren't immediately relevant i harvested up a few of the cows grabbed all the sugar cane i could find between my base and my new base and just wanted to make progress and then the next day made a few bottles so i could make some honey which i didn't actually get i don't think i started making a little quick chicken spawner i thought those eggs would do more considering they had 60 charges quote unquote but i was able to quickly spawn two chickens inside which would give me a very slow but rudimentary eggplant ditto for cows i have two of them there just so i can get milk so i can bake a couple cakes i planted all of the sugar cane around everywhere that i could find and late in the night while i was flying around for more sugarcane i found another beehive which i was able to grab and bring back doubling the capacity of my honey farm i actually found a third but i don't know where that clip is in the edits yeah i was able to triple the capacity which is kind of nice honey bottles can also be crafted to sugar so this is another easy way to get a lot more also there is a pride bee in one of those which is adorable look at them they're so awesome i also needed some end stone so i flew over towards where the end portal is did a quick little bit of excavation and then bopped back through the overworld gateway to return back and dropped that in immediately and there's all cakes which is all i really need to make so i spent some time organizing my inventory doing some brewing getting more health potions ready to go because i wanted to go into the vault on day 64. and oh boy this vault was a doozy strong crowded and plentiful so double the oars double the mobs and double the damage i could do to those mobs this one's gonna be interesting i found some decent resources in a few of the chests but it's starting to get a little bit underwhelming knowing some of the loot that is just over the horizon when i get to a higher level i had to do an altar that sacrificed half of my hit points but i had extra potions so i thought that was a worthwhile trade grabbing some of the rarer oars before falling into lava thankfully i had a health potion and a cobalt apple in my back pocket so i would no longer take fire damage finally i found my way into a city room and i thought plentiful was only for vault wars but there was a block of netherrite just sitting there and you know i was taking that after the city though it was kind of underwhelming the last room that i was in was just a mob spawner underneath a forest and there was maybe one or two vault doors but nothing else i got poisoned so i was booking it back towards the portal and i exited in under a minute to go day 65 and now i'm in the vending machine look at me i'm the vendor now i spent some time organizing the resources took a quick nap used experience to repair all of my gear and then had to keep organizing into date and then had to keep organizing into day66 using the lower levels to drop off all of the items and eating cookies to get myself up to level 12. halfway towards my overall goal i wanted to look into catalysts as a way to manipulate vault crystals to add predetermined modifiers onto them as well as making a few more netherite ingots to upgrade my sword and pick they desperately needed it i started experimenting with what the catalyst would do to a few of my vault crystals before going over and baking a few cakes really quickly throwing them in and completing my next vault gem this one would give me gilded but faster meaning chests would be better but i'd had less time to loot them maybe if i could find another modifier to put on top of that it could work my next vault rock required a nautilus shell and that one was gonna be complicated i hadn't seen any of that so far and on day 67 while that recipe is still waiting i was going to do another vault run on this one i was weakened which meant i would be doing a lot less damage but i could still move pretty quickly i dropped in a quick minute in the first room grabbing some compressed blocks and some packs from chests to be able to potentially complete another relic set i had to give 24 levels to this altar to unlock its chest 22 of which i had right away the other two i had to grab from killing mobs inside the vault and the loot was i'm not sure if that's worth 24 levels there was another altar really close by that just required some good old-fashioned murdering so i got straight to that and in that altar was a totem of undying which is huge absolutely huge there's no way i'm running a raid in vault hunters so getting this means i am infinitely better prepared but with only a few minutes left i found another forest room that really was conducive for a boss fight there's not a lot of places where the boss can teleport to and be unexpected so i went down to power bar it was a party apple so it would have a lot more health and took on another vault robot and despite being weakened the power bar does pretty good as long as you don't forget to damage the boss so that they don't just constantly heal themselves after i recovered from the damage i lost fire was a big player in here kept the boss from healing they teleported into my final arrow so i was able to take them out grab the vault crate one final chest and head to the overworld here i dropped down my crates one of which was the loot that i had harvested and the other was the loot that i had earned from killing the boss there's some okay stuff in here but my chests were better the cookies which got me up to level 14 opened up all of the packs which got me a few random items and dropped in a few more statues representing the rest of the dominion smp which is an amazing server and you should go watch everybody who's plays on it we're all giving me some fun items that i can use for building or some of them are vanilla which means they might show up in the altar from here you know the drill more potion brewing and we're ready for another run on day 60 nice i got both strong and weak so i think they canceled themselves out and it's technically a normal vault ah but now we're level 14 and now the zombies have swords so that's a new twist on things to make it interesting first couple rooms really boring loot room number three also kind of a boring loot and then i get into the mine room and oh my goodness first i get an epic murdering altar which had so much good stuff in it that was already a great start then there was just so many ores in this space and i'm talking so many gems available i spent over half the run in just this one place to the point where i'm starting to run out of time so i down a power bar thinking i gotta fight the boss i gotta fight the boss and this was and this is the thing that i had already activated so yeah with less than a minute to go i just needed myself through the portal day 70 i'm going through the loot and there is so much in here like i said so many gems from that one mine shaft room which was basically the entire run but on top of that i had more boxes more experience so i compressed everything down brood up new potions checked in on all of my friends and shadow is dressed as fix it should i be concerned here is time to unlock some skills i unlocked the finesse specialization for my vein miner as well as a new level and dash a new level and experienced a new level in twerker and another new level and experience and then finally reach plus one so i can reach a little bit further and open chests more out of reach but it keeps me safer from traps on day 71 i made a new catalyst fragment and i had to get another shell and some ice so i went searching around trying to find some drowned that i could stab for shells i found a portal that had a gold block in it which is nice and then i found the space where i'd collected the ice which had no ice in it i also forgot my silk touch pickaxe so that was that on the way back however i found a bunch of glaciers which is a way better way to get ice so i was able to grab a bunch of those fighting a few drowned mainly with the trident but none of them dropped a nautilus shell they were all empty-handed except for the ones that have tridents that they were throwing at me that continued into day 72 where drowned spawns slowed to an absolute trickle i didn't look and see what it would take to craft a nadal shell and while expensive it does save me a little bit of time because we're kind of getting late in the game here i don't want to get blocked on running another vault so i invested a few beniotites a little bit of quartz and some rotten flesh into completing my next crystal with that catalyst on i would get healing crowded and slowed so it would be harder for me to move but i would have natural healing inside the vault and that's kind of nice i was potentially considering combining it with another one for just all of the modifiers but i'm not sure i'm ready for that yet for my next vault crystal wheat iron and the soul bead were actually super easy jungle wood was something that i didn't know where to find i'd seen a bunch of different biomes but none of them actually had jungle wood inside so i went sailing off in a random direction finding sunken ships and amazing mossy cliffs and then this city which is supposedly a jungle city with all sorts of temples i'm absolutely gonna build something like this in the hardcore world but it was in the mahogany forest and then there was these massive cliffs right here going into day 73 where i'm just searching and sailing and searching and sailing and then i saw what looked like some jungle trees somewhere on my mini-map so i flew over in that direction and wouldn't you know it there was some jungle wood just waiting for me i really need to check this thing and sometimes vein mining down the tree which makes it super satisfying completing my next vault rock and then checked the catalysts and both of them seemed really rough not gonna lie but i ended up with speedy and faster just so we can do one quick run maybe that was entirely focused on a boss kill and that's what we did for vault run number 10 and this one would come down to the wire i was looting chests right away finding some decent loot in the first couple and finally remembering that i had the cleanse ability so whenever i got poisoned i could just turn it off i got that thing on like day 12 and i didn't really use it until day 60. room number one was a bunch of chests that i was able to quickly get out of it and then immediately off into a wild west room where i would get so many more chests and a lot of pops plus i kind of accidentally blew up half of the map since this is a speedy vault i thought sacrificing a little bit more time would probably be fine right so i popped a minute in and i got not a minute's worth of stuff back out running around and finding another altar in a village that required half my health and that was too risky i didn't even bother going to the stronghold because i saw this room off in the distance and this this is massive this is a puzzle room and if you can get all of the required blocks most of whom you can find in the chest in this room you get 25 gilded chests so i spent the time invested it going through each chest meticulously one after the other and while i found a bunch of puzzle blocks and some other loot that was honestly pretty good i the time started getting away from me and then i realized i had under a minute left i'm downing power bars a full room and a half away i dove across a gap just barely missing a one by one hole that would have trapped me and ended me and hit the portal with one second remaining i had a pause because that that was way too close my trophies for that near-death experience a globe which was cool and i kept all the puzzle blocks inside of a crate inside of my vault kit which is just ever increasing in size just in case i happen to find another puzzle room i also got some more statues and since all of dominion is represented it was time to rep the mods as well going into day 76 i had healing crowded and slowed meaning i would have to use less healing potions with natural regeneration but there would be far more mobs spawning around me which would test that regeneration and being slow just meant vault navigation was going to be even trickier the first two rooms both had obelisks and it was only three to some of the boss in this one so that would be a quick way out if necessary if i was really deep in and candy bars are a great way to counteract the slowness even though it's kind of expensive just spending them over and over i found another village room which is at this point my favorite room to potentially find i know there's cooler ones at higher levels but right now this is the best i can get i went down into the stronghold and i don't remember silverfish hitting this hard or being this full then i remembered that it was crowded so there was so many more of them i was able to get to a few of the gilded chests one of which had a spare netherite helmet as well as another vault diamond which was a huge find one step closer to a knowledge star now i still had 10 minutes on the clock and i wasn't planning on doing this but i accidentally hit the obelisk when i went to eat my candy bar summoning the soul blaze now with 10 minutes left i thought is it worth it but i don't want this boss just following me around so i took the time invested and just stabbed the boss in the face a lot and then we're back in the loop restock compress brew new potions and prepare to go back into the vault this thing is pretty addictive but on day 77 i had one more statue and one more mod to represent mod squad is now all here i ate the cookies to get myself up to level 17 and then level 18 going to my villagers i noticed half of them gone which was weird i spawned a few new in and had to get them leveled up again this is something i'm repeating before making another catalyst fragment to try tinkering with vaults a little bit further but i'm out of vault rocks which means i need to go mining and if i'm gonna do that i might as well go mining over in the mushroom biome where i know a i won't be attacked and b i'll make more spawn space for those little friends of mine that could bring me all sorts of fancy nice items and i could kill for their hearts i'm mine for what felt like an entire day but when i came up and checked it had barely been half of the time going and slotting another vault rock and finding shells again what is this with the back to back on things i don't have terracotta was easy i just went and obliterated a nearby mini mesa and then i went back over to where i knew the drowned were spawning just trying to find one who had a seashell on their hand and a wish for death in their pocket i found one that had both a shell and a trident unfortunately it only gave me one of those two things and killed just a few extra on the way while completing that and getting all but one of the rotten flesh that i needed i went over bipped zombie went back to the base and completed the crystal day 79 my next crystal was something that i was actually pretty well equipped for i had everything i needed except a little bit of charcoal which was fast enough to smelt up all the andesite came from compressed blocks all of the seeds came from my many many many many seeds and i just stood and waited a little bit for one furnace to get me the nine charcoal that i needed to complete my next gem i immediately slotted one and here's where things started to get expensive four diamonds that's okay i have spares cobwebs is actually tricky because i've always been breaking them for string which i also needed for this alter so it's a lot of kind of duplication to some degree but the big thing was oak logs dark oak logs that was 277 of them string was easy damage to cc dark oak and cobwebs not so much i navigated over to a dark oak force using some vein miner to excavate a lot and i know i'm using a pickaxe i forgot my axe okay i went to where i remembered finding that mine shaft very early on and with a pair of shears grabbed just a few cobwebs just enough to get me complete then i saw a spawner and since i have so many spawn eggs i can turn that spawner into one of basically any type i'll save this location for later i pillared out flew home dropped in the logs which was not enough about a stack short and all of the cobwebs which was more than enough so one thing completed the next day back over i remembered my axe this time so i was able to get a few extra and complete my next gem i slotted the next one after that and this one i actually had everything for right away thanks to some foresight and getting some extra phantom membrane earlier when the last time i needed some four gems in i started playing around with some different catalysts and saw one with super healing daycare and hunger that could be fun i made that one to save for a later date and then jumped into one with random modifiers getting trapped unlucky weakened and healing oh this was gonna be a tough one plus it had seven obelisks so finding and killing the boss on this one was gonna be basically impossible so i thought let me get as much as i can mainly focusing on compressed blocks which i know won't kill me and grabbing a few chests from a village before heading down finding a stronghold with a portal room and so many silverfish lots and lots of silverfish silverfish that just caused the lava to spew everywhere instead i threw the iron and trapped really reared its ugly head here with the first two of the gilded chests that i opened being trapped right off the bat the rest had some decent loot inside mainly cookies shulker shells the occasional pack or golden apple but from there i was off to a graveyard finding more gilded chests buried inside and mobs sneaking up right behind me the next couple rooms are relatively not worth mentioning with the exception of i fell in lava again this time the cobalt apple was on my hot bar so i took even less damage before finding my way into a second village room with a second portal room down in its stronghold thankfully these were less traps and i only got exploded at the end instead of at the beginning of the whole process unthankfully i only had four minutes left so i had to absolutely book it back to the spawn getting there in just over a minute with three crates i can transfer a lot of loot to the point where every time i'm unloading is taking even more time and that was day 81 opening all of the packs and getting a mystery box eating all of the cookies to get me up to level 20 which is my next major milestone and then opening all of the boxes to get a bunch of random items including a whole bunch of statues now shadow's dressed as me i'm even more concerned but with these old dead statues we can actually make something bigger if we combine them all together so i invested seven netherite ingots into a statue cauldron where with some water you can throw statues in here to build up towards an omega statue which can give you a ton of resources permanently it's a forever statue but with everything i threw in i'm only at twenty percent yikes d82 it's time for another vault run and i got slowed and plentiful more ores but gonna take me longer to get there i went for candy bars right away and there was a village right out front of the door which is a pretty good start there's some decent oars in these as well but the chests are what i'm primarily looking for and the silverfish are hitting hard at level 20. all of the mobs were a lot more painful some of the zombies are armored they all have swords now some had fire aspect which was a whole new thing i had to deal with i found my way into the upper branches of this large tree and there's several small spots of chests dotted around since i'm slowed candy bars are priority i should really see if i could craft these grabbing star essence and gems i made my way into a second village with a second stronghold with so many more silverfish that's the closest i came to death it might not look like it but they had me on the ropes no portal on that one though so i continued working my way around hitting all of the obelisks and checking from room to room to room navigation in this one was a little bit harder i kept doubling back and ending up in rooms that i had been in before i was going more of a grid pattern instead of actually progressing in one direction and that loss in navigation hurt me quite a bit despite looting quite a few chests i was under two minutes and then under one minute before i could even realize 30 seconds out i was still over two rooms away from the entrance so i chugged a candy bar and started booking it just barely dodging my way past all of the mobs and getting over the last wall and into the portal with only a few seconds to remain on day 83 it was time to sort all of that loot using the boxes to get random items and the packs to get more boxes and the cookies to get up to level 21 always progressing i organized my inventory brewed up new potions and i'm addicted to running this vault it feels silly that i'm just kind of repeating myself whenever we prepare to go into one of these things i grabbed the unmodified crystal threw it into the portal and was ready to go again and this is another one where it seems like it's gonna start badly and the first few rooms have barely any chests in it and if i go mining for ores it's all regular vanilla oars and then i get to a wild west room and there are so many chests and so much loot everything i could ever want is in here and i'm getting basically all of it until i open one chest that goes badly that that was ridiculously close and honestly would have been a cheap way to die not gonna lie followed immediately by a poison was just insult to injury now i had a bunch of stuff in my pockets but i wasn't about to be disrespected like that so i got out of here with well over two minutes on the clock just no no no no thank you i'm finished for the day i got back way late in the day in day 84 so literally all i did in the overworld was grab my elytra out of the chest dash my way back up to my tree house and slept in my upstairs bed on day 85 i was organizing a lot of the resources and these barrels are starting to get pretty full and the statues are doing their job in generating resources that i could use in further builds or in vault recipes i made myself a new bow to repair mine since it was almost broken eating the ball cookies i ended up just a pixel short of level 22. i went back down into the mines and most of day 85 was just excavating searching for more vault rock ore which i eventually found one very light mining for a couple of vault rocks in my pocket grabbing a little bit of deep slate just to round things out and then heading back up to the surface on day 86 i realized that in my last run i had gotten the last vault diamond that i needed to craft a star core and conversely a knowledge star this unlocks my first knowledge point and allows me to research new mods unlocking all of their potential but i couldn't decide what i wanted so i was gonna focus on making progress i had six rocks that i needed to convert into charged gems the version required a wither skeleton skull as its rare item and that i had in spades a little bit of oak wood from across the valley and bam gem one complete gem two i had everything basically on my person or in chests within 30 blocks of me as soon as the recipe came up and that was a quick one to bang out on day 87 i'm focusing on more cobblestone was really easy to put in i needed mushrooms if only i knew where to find mushrooms somewhere close to here completing that gem and immediately slotting another soul beads was the one that i needed for this gold was relatively easy the hard thing of this one was actually netherrack and i used basically all of my compressed resources from there it was just a little bit of time hitting gravel with a fortune shovel to eventually convert it all to flint i wish you could just craft this it would be so much easier but another rock was done look at this cobwebs potatoes jungle wood i know where all of these things are i've controlled this world enough and i've completed another vault rock day 88 actually had me stumped there was a bell in the recipe and i could have sworn that i had grabbed one at one point in time as well as a lot of rotten flesh more than i was carrying around i had actually been throwing that out thinking it was trash turns out no nothing is trashed in vault hunters so i need to go zombie hunting and well i know a place that's going to have a bell and some other things that i'm going to want to preserve as well as potentially some rotten flesh if i let the zombie spot i flew over to the village that my pink sheep was at leaded them and started leading them through the forest making sure to not see any wolves in any direction once i got to open water i was feeling pretty safe sailing past the mushroom biome and just parking them in the bay right next to my base i don't actually make a spot for them but it's good to have them here boat cheap it is with the bell turned in it's down to rotten flesh and the easiest place i can think of to get that is actually going and killing drowned this way i could also potentially get another nodless shell but just killing drowned and any zombies that happened to be on any of the small islands nearby was a great way to just passively farm up over a stack and a half of rotten flesh throughout the evening i did a little bit of combat with a trident drown on day 89 as it rolled over and dropped just under a stack into the altar while taking a look at some other utility items that i could make a vault magnet would be very useful allowing me to pull items to me pretty quickly so i made one of those and threw it in my pocket then i thought i'd hop over to the nether for some quick resources but there's an assassination of attacks made on me turns out there's a creeper right here and a wandering traitor i'm beginning to think they were conspiring i sail back over to another portal that closely connects to the stronghold which is the next closest one to my actual base portal killing a few husks and skeletons to get enough rotten flesh to complete this gem and turn it into a win instead of going to sleep i spent the night down in the ground harvesting until i found another piece of altor and four more vault rocks which i would immediately take to the altar and start carving in on day 89 i want to complete as many as i can i need to go collect a few ink sacks from local squids their donations being greatly appreciated soul beads and everything else that i had meant one more rock was complete and as i slotted the next one in three out of four i already had iron nether wart honeycomb easy diorite well that took a quick little bit i went over to the mushroom biome found a patch of diorite vein mined it out and everything i needed dropped in quickly well gem number nine complete and with the next one it was just a ton of netherac another bell some string and some iron most of which i had on hand i was about a half a stack of netherrack short and in searching around i could have just gone to the nether easily but i was searching around for another bell i found a ruined nether portal that had just enough netherrack sitting around it that i was able to just mine that out dropping both of those into the altar to completing gem number 10. all right and with that we're in the end game now and let me tell you what i'm gonna do running each individual vault at this point feels comfortable it's something that i've done several times already 14 times already in this video but we're gonna up the challenge for the remainder of these hundred days i'm running vaults back to back to back to back to back and i'm not gonna be able to re-up on potions too much between i'll allow myself one brewing between each session to be able to just re-up on the few that i use so this is a game of attrition i'm also going to store all of the loot and go through it all together at the very end with the exception of vault cookies which i'll be eating just to continue leveling up so each vault is harder than the previous and if i get a piece of vault gear you know i'm gonna bring that in with me alright now let's get started vault number one of the run is unlucky meaning it's unlucky i'm gonna have a lot more trapped chests and not as much good loot that's unfortunate and i'll be honest with you i was feeling unlucky with this the very first chest that i touched was a poison trap there were no chests in the next two rooms and very few vaulters only some basic vanilla ones of which i had way too many and there's nothing in the dojo room except for a singular obelisk i activated the third obelisk and continued searching around found my way back to the start room and then heading off in another direction where i actually started finding some chests there was a village room there i went down into the stronghold to find silverfish and only silverfish having to burn through a healing potion just from those little buggers not what i like with only a few minutes left on the clock and very little loot in my pockets actually i summed the box here in the forest and was able to just constantly bow and beat them down they did sneak away for a brief second but lucky for me it was okay the boss loot was okay tons of emeralds nice and the enchanted netherride axe i can't really say no to that it's useful i the cookies to level up and i'm very close to my goal cleaning up a few of the dead statues and throwing all the other resources into the first chest of my runs next one up healing and hunger this is a weird combination but i think i'll be able to make it work i should have made sure that i was full on food before entering though i got a wild west room right off of the bat and had quite a decent bit of luck with some of the chests in here but as i'm starting to get up in level the mob density is really starting to increase and these are becoming a little bit more tense i have skill points that can make me harder to hit or give me more health and i think they're going to be essential coming up soon the next room only had a few chests and an obelisk and an altar that required two minutes of my vault time now this was a risky play but it was relatively early on it was only four obelisks for this one i figured it was worth a shot in the very next room was obelisk number three but also a baby zombie with a fire aspect sword so i'm getting fills it inside the vaults now as time is ticking down that's always on my mind as i ran into the city room finding a lot more gilded chests and one of those trap chests that you know goes kablam in your face thankfully though there's quite a decent bit of loot even though half of it's trying to kill you i ended up doing a complete loop back into the wild west room and organized my inventory heading off in the one direction i hadn't taken yet as time is starting to run down the second room that i accessed had an obelisk on an island with just water around everything was accessible bosses don't teleport into water this is a good boss fight location i downed a power bar and it was a soul blaze and being in water meant i couldn't be set on fire which was fantastic i ran around and did the whole bunch of jump crit stab that you know whenever you're fighting a big mob in minecraft and was able to take it down only when i returned to the overworld did i realize i didn't end up with the vault crate i'm guessing my inventory was full and i just didn't pick it up so that's a huge loss on potential loot but i took everything from my chest to banked it in and ate the cookies to hit up to level 25. now these cookies are worthless to me it's all about burgers which with only seven days left i don't think i crafted one level 25 also indicates the next big jump in difficulty adding two new classes of mobs to those that attack you skeletons will now spawn more frequently and other players are in here to take you out the graveyard room was good but i found my way into another village room getting down to a portal which i was able to complete and loot all of the chests for a big come up vault diamonds are becoming a little bit more common and i'm very glad to have them the first vault fighter that tried to kill me was me and i think there's a metaphor hidden in that somewhere as i went into a wild west room grabbing a few more of the chests and fighting off more players and tons of zombies i'm going through all of the chests using some of the hanging ones as well just to catch a breather and yeah it's weird seeing other players in here with swords and weapons i summoned a soul blaze inside the wild west room using everything i had at my disposal the problem here is i'm on fire which is doing pretty significant damage as i ran around though to collect the boss crate i'm assuming it must have fallen into the flames because it wasn't there despite making sure i had an open inventory slot for it that is a huge loss on potential resources i realized that when i was doing my looting the next day and depositing everything off into the chests there's quite a bit here but less than what i had expected given how successful that run went i used my singular brewing to make three additional splash potions took a quick nap so phantoms wouldn't be harassing me and on day 96 i did a little bit of gearing up and then straight back into the vault this one is difficult like literally the modifier is difficult which means there's a lot more players and a lot more mobs i found my way into another mine room hoping for a ton of different vaulters but unfortunately no loot just cobwebs sitting in these carts it was also a five obelisk temple and i was not having luck finding it with only two at the halfway point found a quick cake hidden in a wall which was delicious running around and fighting players including those riding on chickens ended up in a treasure room this could be massive underneath that x is either a ton of loot or an empty room and well you guessed which one i found i was thankfully able to find the fifth obelisk however summoning yet another soul blaze and being able to stand in the water and fight this thing yeah it makes it pretty easy my bow does decent damage but my sword is my main weapon and this time i made sure to grab the crate and i'm coming out my vault idle leveled up giving me a withering one cloud meaning i could wither things that i attacked that is pretty useful i banked all of the resources added another catalyst that is gonna make this last one really interesting and jumped into the vault for potentially my final run gilded difficult and slowed so it's gonna be harder to get to all of these chests there's a lot more of them this immediately started paying off in the graveyard room where every chest has a gilded chest hidden inside however difficult was doing a lot of damage to me and i just spent so much time fighting off mobs just trying to hold my own in the next room i had a murder chest which was easy enough to do and i got another vault idol in the loot there i'll have to identify it later i'm starting to think the wild west is my new personal favorite the village was good but this is far more consistent and knowing where some of the chests are i'm able to maintain a good path throughout this one grabbing everything that i can finding gilded chest just sitting out in the open is a definite bonus every room becomes a valuable one i went over to an end room where there was far too many fighters down on the lower level for me to even think about it in the hallway i actually collaborated with telbo it's probably the only time you'll see us in a video together as i was walking into the dojo room seeing more gilda chests around i forgot traps exist and that explosion messed with me mentally i was still looting any chest that i could potentially find but now i was very nervous with every single one as time was starting to tick down there was no way i was finding two obelisks and doing a boss fight in this time so i ran back towards the portal and bailed from here i shoved all the loot in the chest and identified the vault idle getting one with cool down reduction now that could be useful i also found pandora's box and opened it getting a piece of coral i'm not sure that that means what i think it means it did die immediately though so maybe it does mean what i think it means i unlocked a level in strength and three new hearts making myself a little bit more durable some of those fights were getting a little close i also sent i also spent a skill point to unlock furniture because after a hundred days in this world of course i was gonna decorate it better as i'm looking over all of the loot it's a pretty good haul if i ever was gonna return to this world there would still be quite a lot more for me to do maybe we'll do that one day but as i organized everything together on the morning of day 100 i crafted a second knowledge star and quickly researched rf tools storage so we'd be able to do a lot more in organizing these chests one day from there i grabbed all of the different trader cores and shoved more people into my vending machine so they could watch me rest once this challenge is over using my furniture mod i made myself a quick little trampoline so i could bounce to celebrate my 100 days this felt like an awesome accomplishment and the first in a mod pack that i didn't make myself i made myself a little couch so i can sit and look at my dragon egg and relax as the night came to a close the next morning as it hit day 101 i thought you know what let's do one more vault run for posterity as i grabbed the last crystal out of the chest they arrived i hope you all enjoyed the video the names you see on screen are my patrons they're amazing people who help support the channel and give me stability to be able to do different videos and different projects if you want to join them go join my patreon page link is in the description and if you want to talk more about decem or anything else from the 100 days multiverse series come join my community discord server link to that is in the description as well that's it for me everybody take care of yourselves be good to each other bye
Channel: Legundo
Views: 1,402,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days hardcore, 100 days, 100 days of minecraft, minecraft 100 days, legundo hardcore, legundo minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft hardcore mode, i survived 100 days, 100 days modded, 100 days hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days in minecraft, vault hunters, 100 days vault hunters, iskall85 vault hunters, iskall vault hunters, 100 days random, 1000 days, 2000 days, legundo 100 days
Id: 6iiG-pvsj5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 34sec (5014 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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