I Survived 100 Days in ALASKA in Hardcore Minecraft!

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in this video I will be attempting to survive 100 days in Alaska in Hardcore Minecraft I'll have to watch out for extreme weather aggressive mobs and every 20 days a winter storm arrives turning this beautiful landscape into a snowy nightmare but with that being said let's get into the video I spawned in and took a look around okay let's see what we have to work with before getting some basic tools crafted I then got stung by this bush oh okay I kind of for forgot about those as embarrassing as that might be and decided on my plan of action I think it'd be good to explore the area around me cuz going to have 20 days until winter arrives after eating some sweet berries I was pleasantly surprised when I went to go and craft a boat oh look at that this thing looked really cool that's sick eventually I came across my first structure oh okay and a whale that seems to be beached but but I went towards the structure only to realize that it was a Pillager base however this base had wool and I really wanted to get a bed crafted as the sun was just now starting to set and so I got some wood and snuck up onto the base after stealing some wool I crafted my bed and went to sleep the next morning I woke to a little surprise what I then realized that I had to get some glass bottles crafted as I was getting thirsty after some smelting and drinking I decided to explore some more as I wanted to find a nice place to get a base started yet as I rode into the scenic Alaskan Waters something stung me what exactly was that after that strange experience I noticed that the climate around me was changing we are getting into colder colder waters for sure and I was worried that I wasn't equipped for the cold yet but I soon spotted a campfire and some seals after finding lots of food in this tent okay I put it on the fire to cook before tearing the tent apart and using the wool to craft some warm clothes this way I could stay warm even in the harsh cold that I knew I'd soon be facing and as my food cooked I said hi to the seals nearby hi the next day I set off to explore some more and got a pretty cool view of nature being nature oh wow look at that and that's when I realized just where I was Prince William sound is an incredible icy landscape in southern Alaska that contains well over 100 different glaciers people from around the world come here to see the mountainous terrain I see Waters in vibrant wildlife and I can see why why but I eventually decided to head out of the water and climb this nearby Mountain so that I could have a better view of the area okay got some more trees over there that's why I discovered this Forest which I promptly entered I spent the rest of the day traversing this dense and never- ending Forest luckily coming across a body of water just as the sun started to set bald eagle okay after bringing my canoe out I realized that this was a lake and this object in the middle of the lake was another albeit less cool canoe the next morning I woke up to the site of countless animals ooh Bears all of which I had been wanting to see I also decided to play a little game called poke the bear yeah that turned out well so that's something that you probably shouldn't do anyways as I looked around some more I realized I'd come across yet another one of a last as's natural landmarks Denali National Park this park is home to mount Denali formerly known as Mount McKinley and this isn't just a normal Mountain Denali is one of the Seven Summits of the world meaning it is the tallest mountain on the North American continent standing at just over 20,000 ft above sea level and the park around it just proves that Alaska has some of the most unique natural beauty [Music] and while I explored this scenery myself I also had some thoughts on climbing Denali so if I am to climb that mountain then I'd have two of the Seven Summits climbed I just have to get the other five won't I I then entered the forest again and that is where I spent the remainder of my day I didn't realize just how massive these forests were but luckily for me I spotted water before the day ended and more beached whales oh it's three beached whales why is this a thing oh and something actually interesting ooh okay there's a ship off in the distance the next day I woke to an interesting Wildlife display how do I assess this situation before then boarding the ship only to realize that there was no one on board the lower cabin here is completely flooded and so I got to looting and eventually I came across what must have been the treasure room but that's when I heard some company oh that is that's a Pillager okay however with my new dagger in hand I fought off a few of these pillagers okay yep I'm low okay before turning and running as I was on the brink of death one more shot and I would have been killed plus my shield that I had literally just crafted was already already at half its Health but I soon carried on and found yet another structure this one had occupants as well although not very scary ones the next morning I cleaned out my inventory before heading back into the woods this time I didn't come across water though however as it turns out water was the one thing I actually needed as I had completely run out of it and these berry bushes were quite literally killing me on day seven I was in a tough spot the berry bushes had almost completely ruined my armor and I desperately needed water as I was getting really low and then I had a stroke of bad [Music] luck eventually though I found a river and even though I spotted some bears I was hopeful I got myself healed and then placed my canoe down and rode along the river and no this was no ordinary River the mighty Yukon river is an incredible display of Nature's power coursing through almost 2,000 miles of land in both Alaska and Canada this river is home to tons of salmon and is famous for the historic kondik Gold Rush which occurred in the late 19th century but as I eyed the banks of the Yukon it wasn't gold that I discovered [Music] as I rode along the famed River I came up with a suiting name for my new friend I think I'll name you Gary the next morning I woke up and got back in my canoe only to be truly impressed with the scenery around me but cinematics aside I wanted to start my base and for that I would need to find a spot that fit my approval and so I ventured on hoping to eventually filter out into the ocean except this river is long eventually though I took a few turns and found myself at what seemed to be the Pacific Ocean with that in mind I also found a spot that I actually approved of and so I started building I did a decent amount of work and eventually began on the flooring on day nine I got back to work on my base and was quite surprised when I turned around as I collected wood I climbed this spruce tree only to see a nice view at the top and perform one of my famous risky jumps and the next morning I had a bit of some mob trouble but with that taken care of I had now finally built the frame of my house and I really liked it I was also pleasantly surprised to see that Gary hadn't gone far at all and after some more housework I had my first guest and I really couldn't have asked for a better guest with a lead now in hand I headed over to Gary and got him attached to this post on day 11 I found myself wanting to explore the snowy area near my base and so I did and what I found was surprising oh okay civilization this Village was cool but didn't have much useful loot oh this is nice all right SK really think I need those torch yeah then a storm of some kind swept over the Arctic landscape and this made it really hard for me to go any further so I turned around and headed home there we are okay next morning I realized I only had about 8 days until the winter storm would arrive and and so I got to work on making my house safe I finished all of the windows and eventually got to work on the roof and the next day I realized that my roof was slightly lopsided so uh yeah that was fun to notice but I did a lot more roof work and collected a lot of dark oak slabs however on day 14 I wanted to try another Arctic Expedition after all I was doing well on time and I was really curious to see what the Arctic was like so I crafted a chest and thought of a plan on how I would explore the Arctic without any warm clothes so I need to get the wool that is on the little buildings otherwise I'm going to freeze yet as I rode towards the site I started freezing almost immediately okay no no we're we're already freezing that's that's way too soon I headed back and got myself warmed up before deciding to explore the forest nearby instead and I'm very glad that I decided to do this oh wait a minute what is this this building was really strange but the contents inside it were even stranger not enough oh what is that should I touch one hi there you're probably not friendly right what's that I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't trust you I have to kill you yeah you do Dam you do damage you do damage all right you do damage after almost being killed by a bunny I got some dark oak wood and headed home the next day I finished the roof and might I say this little cabin is looking pretty good yeah that's that's pretty cool that's pretty cool and now I would finally be prepared for this winter storm even though I genuinely have have no idea what to expect but with that in mind on day 16 I decided to try again with my Arctic Expedition my plan was to wear cold clothes like this Leaf armor and hopefully confuse the temperature and yes that was actually my plan I am not even joking and more incredibly it worked I crafted myself some wool clo and then set off into the Arctic Circle [Music] while the United States is one of the eight countries to own land in the Arctic Circle Alaska's portion is truly special endless white expanses of snow and ice a large population of Native polar bears and Views unlike anywhere else in the world except maybe for the Antarctic but I wanted to see another thing the Arctic was famous for the northern lights and so I stayed up that night but I didn't have any luck I did however spot something off in the distance next morning I went to go and explore this structure and after digging through some ice I came across some creatures I'd much rather have not come across okay okay I'm I'm not I don't think I'm ready for this yet okay I I quickly got out of the submerged structure and resurfaced knowing that I'd have to explore it when I had better gear day 18 was spent finding my way home which I eventually did but night came right before I was able to complete the journey however the next day I made it back and started working on securing the house this is when I started to hear strange noises coming from the woods is there something out here which was definitely concerning but finally I came to day 20 the last day before the storm I did some fishing and as I did so signs of the storm were already appearing snow was falling and the lake was freezing over making me wonder just how bad this storm would be all right I think I'm ready for the storm I'm as ready as I can be and the next day the storm did in fact arrive I woke up to see a strong current of snow and wind blowing over the house and this is when I noticed that I had a lot lower visibility now and I couldn't even Sprint plus snow and ice were forming all around the house and over the lake nearby but this didn't stop me from venturing outside and towards the magician theater so that I could get some more dark oak wood when I arrived at the theater though there was no magician to be found but I did find these really cool playing cards throwing cards that's kind of cool okay anyways as I left to head home I kept hearing Eerie noises coming from the woods the next morning I woke up to see that there were lots of mobs outside my house but one of them was entirely new to me that's not annoy normal mob I wasn't sure what it was but I knew it couldn't be good and with snow building up all around my house staying inside was my best option and I'm glad I made that choice because not long after this happened okay okay [Music] okay um I really had no words to describe what I had just witnessed but I now knew that for the remainder of this storm I would be staying inside my house see the windo is a creature of native folklore said to be an evil spirit brought about by cannibalism and while it doesn't originate in Alaska its Origins can be traced back to the alonquin tribe who resided mostly in Canada either way I knew enough about it to want to stay far away from it Gary was not phased by that interaction Gary is truly just built different on day 23 I thought about what I could do in my house to better improve it and that's when I came up with the idea of making a water purifier which is something that would be really useful to me however as I started Gathering the items to craft it I realized that this would involve me going outside to get wood and so carefully I did I was then able to craft the purifier okay [Music] perfect and next next day I started purifying my water I wasn't sure how long this storm would last but I was trying to do helpful things while I waited inside and despite the large buildup of snow I at least hadn't seen the creature again and on day 25 just as suddenly as it arrived the storm vanished leaving behind snow ice and misplaced polar bears but I took this opportunity to set out for another Expedition this time not in the Arctic I eventually rode my way to the Pillager Tower which I decided to go ahead and loot but maybe this was a bad idea I ended up getting some all right Loot and breaking my shield okay and so the next day I cut my losses and continued further south that's when I ended up back in Prince William sound only this time I had some expected Wildlife joining me these are my favorite animals literally wow and as I progressed further into the sound I came across another settlement oh there's a little uh little settlement over here this one didn't have anything interesting but I stole some blocks to use for decoration in my house and then I looked across the water and realized that I was staying in front of one of Alaska's natural wonders menen Hall Glacier is a relic of a much smaller Ice Age that occurred from the 14th to 18th centuries bringing about a steady decline in temperature for the northern Atlantic region in fact it wasn't until the mid 18th century that this Glacier actually started to retreat as is still doing so to this day either way I was glad I stopped to take a look and if you find yourself in Alaska I recommend you do the same from here I headed Upstream where I eventually made camp and on day 27 I woke to a small jump scare oh you little I then crafted myself some new wool armor and saw a really rare sight oh that's a meteor okay but I couldn't find where it landed and so naturally I was forced to take in the incredible nature around me [Music] the next day I made my way further west into new Waters this area was more heavily wooded and had some really unique geography so much so that as it turns out I was actually in a national park the Kenai fjords National Park is an incredible stretch of land and sea in southern Alaska that celebrates one of the most Lively diverse ecosystems of any US Park and even though this might be Minecraft I could definitely see [Music] why the rest of the day was spent traveling up the scenic Coast as I actually made it pretty far and on day 29 I traveled even further up the coast this is when I eventually came across a river which I decided to take along the banks of this River though were a couple of grizzly bears and so I decide to show one a magic trick okay no oh oh oh I I didn't mean to throw them I wanted to get back in the boat they're fast on land aren't they they're they're very fast just got to and now we go that evening I found a break in the mountain range nearby and the next day I traversed the forest to get to it and as it turns out this break in the mountains acted as a Gateway into the Arctic a side of the Arctic that I hadn't visited yet and in the distance I saw another settlement this one was a lot larger than the ones I'd visited before and I quite liked it in terms of loot it didn't have much but I honestly wasn't looking for loot at this point I just wanted to explore okay and maybe find some decorations for my house and so I decided to stay the night in the village and the next morning for whatever reason I felt it necessary to climb these power lines this is a good idea yeah this is a good idea after that demonstration of natural selection I realized that I was actually in trouble as I didn't have any water and so I set off into the Arctic I came across some whalebones and also some polar bears is that a baby polar bear yeah that is okay okay yeah there are lots of polar bears over there okay and then after a long time of travel I came across something interesting Point Barrow is the northernmost part of the United States sitting at around 300 miles above the Arctic Circle but I couldn't enjoy this American Landmark as I had my sight set on getting water the next day I traversed the Arctic terrain basically all day I did stop and get some well bones to take home with me and finally at the end of the day I found a familiar site oh there's the well okay I kind of know where I am and so on day 33 I did even more Arctic travel it also didn't help that I had to stop and get water constantly but as I went further east I was met with a horizon of nothingness and while I cross the Arctic let's talk about Alaska's most important Arctic animal the polar bear these guys are known for being the deadliest type of bear that there is and that all comes from the fact that in the Arctic there's just not much to eat according to the WWF only around 2% of a polar bear's hunts will actually be successful this is because seals are their main source of food and seals are underwater water but that doesn't stop them from adapting to their Maritime needs as these bears are actually categorized as marine mammals having the ability to swim for days on end but with that being said I can now see just how hard it must be for polar bears to survive in this climate as it felt like I was barely making progress across this snowy Land There is absolutely nothing ahead of me but finally on day 34 I reached the settlement that I knew and then I got in my canoe and rode home I had officially completed my first expedition across Alaska hello home and it was more or less successful and so as I reached my home I placed down a few decorations and I was happy with the way my house was turning out however the next morning I realized that I wanted a lot more decorations in this home and I knew that there was a building nearby that might just have some cool decorations and so I crafted some iron armor and went towards the magician theater and this time he was back from vacation okay decorations wise this place is pretty topnotch well okay he's home he's home he's home he hit me a few times and even pulled an actual magic trick on me oh but when multiple rabbits started spawning and attacking me I decide I might as well leave after all I wasn't exactly prepared for this sort of fight yet and so the next day I ventured out to find a new structure that might just have some decorations for my base it was about time that I found a new structure anyways as I hadn't found many so far and so I went through the forest and eventually ended up back at the glacier oh I'm near the glacier yep there's the glacier okay next morning I came up with a good idea I started to climb the mountain range nearby thinking that from up here I could see if there were any structures below and while it was hard to walk along on this mountain range I did eventually spot something only it wasn't a structure this meteorite has some strange loot what's this but I kept it on me as I figured I might be able to craft something with it later on day 38 though I was beginning to feel frustrated with the lack of structures but I also knew that this was a map based on Alaska and structures wouldn't necessarily be everywhere and so I left the mountains and headed down into the forest and a little while later on day 39 I finally found a structure oh oh that yeah that was unexpected okay it looked like a firewatch tower and so I climbed inside I played that game firewatch it's a really good game and it had some decent Loot and decorations for me to use Arrow of poison okay from here I stayed the night and the next morning I started my walk home this was going to be a very long walk though as I was on the opposite side of the map from what I could tell in fact that day I only ended up making it back to Denali National Park and unfortunately I had forgotten something very important the storm had arrived I could barely see in front of me and ice and snow were flying all around me as I walked in the direction of my house however as I reached the woods I realized I might not even know where my house is if I can't see far in front of me and to make matters worse I was worried that the windigo would show up I ended up getting to a snowy area by the end of the day and on day 42 I found the shore from here I just followed the shoreline until I reached a familiar spot eventually I came across what I could only assume was the magician theater and so from there I docked my canoe and headed towards where my house should be finally I reached it but not before a moment of dreaded Terror the next morning I stayed in my house I got started on my fireplace and even made some fake cut cutting boards for my kitchen and while this was a modest cabin I was starting to like it after all it had to be pretty secure if the creature hadn't found a way in yet next day I did some more housework and made a canteen which stores a lot more water than the glass bottles I purified the canteen and then went to look outside oh and I really wish I hadn't wait yeah okay I see it and just like that the creature was gone yet again this made me equally happy and unhappy but just like the creature on day 45 the storm also disappeared this meant I can now leave my house again although I decided to stay nearby and get some resources I ended up visiting the magician's theater again and this time he wasn't there so I took this opportunity to steal some of the carpet and place it in my own house it's just a a bad carpet I also crafted this singular bookshelf I know incredible progress but the next day I decided that it was time for me to try and Summit Denali and so I gathered my equipment and set off for the mountain after a good bit of travel I only ended up making it to the glacier and after even more travel the next day I only ended up reaching the Denali National Park by Sunset but this meant that I would be able to Summit the mountain in the morning and so I placed my bed down and got ready to [Music] climb on day 48 I started climbing the mountain this involved me first going through the forest and eventually hiking up its steep side as I climbed I switched into my wool clothes to keep me warm and that's when I realized just how high up I was see while I might have climbed Mount kimar in the Africa video this mountain is about 1,000 ft taller and I could tell as as I actually climbed above the clouds this [Music] time but as I kept climbing the peak came into view and after just a bit more climbing I reached [Music] it the view was amazing amazing so amazing that I tried to turn my render distance up to 64 chunks which promptly crashed my computer but after rejoining on day 49 I was still able to get one last great view that morning and then it was time for my descent The Descent was definitely harder than kilamanjaro as it was a lot steeper however I eventually made it back to the glacier and even got to walk across it finally off the mountain I rejoined the water of Prince William sound and just looked around a bit and this is when I got sprayed by a skunk oh okay oh and I also found this weird unicorn creature these videos are only semi-realistic okay it's a it's a unicorn isn't it anyways next morning I realized it was already day 50 and so as I Road my way across the bottom of Alaska I want to give a quick thanks for watching this far into the video and if you like what you've seen maybe consider subscribing I also have a channel membership where you can see exclusive videos like me playing phasmophobia or me hunting the windo in Minecraft also big shout out to Dominic Rio for guessing where this video would take place if you want to be mentioned in the next video keep an eye out for my posts in the community tab but with that being said let's get back into the video on day 51 I decided to leave the water and go Inland and this was the best idea I've had so far I'd come across some sort of restaurant that not only had tons of villagers but also tons of decorations and loot and to be honest this place was giving me a lot of decoration ideas for my house this is the coolest little place that may or may not be the reason as to why I took apart this jukebox display anyways I stayed the night here and the next morning I took a few more things before noticing that there was another building next door and so I took the food that was in the building and figured it was about time for me to head home and on the way home I noticed the Watchtower off in the distance which gave me a decent understanding of where I was on day 53 I continued my travels and went by water that's when I saw this whale that looked like it had been beat up pretty bad that one's all beat up I headed up the Yukon and just kept rowing this really put into perspective how long this River was as I rode almost all day long but finally on day 54 I made it home and I immediately got to work on my decorations I built up the Jukebox and even got a library section going and while I was doing all this Gary was just sitting outside defending the house and you know what while I decorate I might as well talk talk about the mighty Alaskan moose see the Moose in Alaska can be found just about everywhere in the state in fact in some areas they outnumber the human population and every winter these large creatures end up shedding their entire set of antlers just for them to grow back in the spring they really are unique animals with that being said let's turn our attention to my house tour that I gave at the end of day 55 bannner right there when you enter yeah see it's fun got a little bookshelf area Leisure space juk boox kitchen and then I've combined the um Brewery room with my bedroom don't ask me why but it's it's the way it is and I like it after submitting my home on property brothers I was awoken by a rather irritating presence mhm but I quickly got over it as I had something I wanted to do I knew that the storm was due to arrive in 5 days and I wanted to test something with the windigo that accompanied it and so I set off for the large Arctic settlement I quickly arrived at settlement number one and made myself some new wo clothes from their tent I also saw another meteor fall from the atmosphere but there is no impact crater this time next morning I set off for the big settlement only it was on the complete opposite side of the Arctic stretch and that was made apparent to me when it took me all day to to walk across the Arctic and even then I still couldn't see it however I finally arrived at the settlement around noon the next day and I took some time to look around a bit more and steal a little quartz from my home finally though on day 59 I got to work on my plan for this genius idea though I would need an end Pearl and so I waited that night to see if any Enderman dared come close to me but sadly I didn't spot a single one and so the next day I had to make some plan adjustments but before I did that I went to go and get some water and fish from The Not So nearby body of water and that's when I saw something that could actually be useful to my plan so I went back to the settlement and did some preparation for the storm that would be arriving tomorrow and arrive it did as the storm surged on I climbed up the power lines and got ready I also found some iron blocks that I quickly mined but eventually I saw it and as soon as I had seen it the windigo vanished so I was stuck at the top of the power lines waiting to see it again but this time I didn't with no other option I slept on the power lines and the next morning morning I walked along the power lines until the windo showed up again except this time it was a bit closer I can't look directly at it I don't think if I look directly at it it it does its weird thing all right all right I wasn't sure if it was stuck in the car or if it just disappeared but I wasn't going to risk checking the villagers didn't seem to mind anyways no please go indoors you don't know what's going on please go indoors I'd finally decided to step down from the pole but I've done it only to get right back up and at this point I was in every meaning of the word stuck however on day 63 I stepped down off the pole and as I didn't hear any growling or noises of evil I went straight into one of the villagers homes but I wasn't exactly happy with the level of safety within either way I soon found myself distracted by something else you're in the toilet you're not supposed to be inside it you're supposed to all right let me show you it's done just kind of there you go like that your turn and with that out of the way I decided to do the New York Times whle next morning as the storm carried on I had a change of plans since my initial plan to harm the creature didn't work I figured it'd be best for me to head home but to test the creature one last time I left to head home today this was definitely a bold move as the visibility was terrible and after a few minutes of walking I was completely alone in the Arctic in other words this would be the perfect time for it to attack yet for whatever reason it didn't the storm ended the next day and in an act of Celebration I threw this snowball at a polar bear okay I thought snowballs were fun and while my efforts to attack the windigo had failed this didn't stop me from coming up with another plan for next time but as I was now in the middle of the Arctic I had to focus on getting home I was able to reach the small settlement by Sunset except I I had a bit of an issue when I went to sleep that night good night no what it's not funny stop taking my bed on day 66 I finally reached my home again and this time I had some more improvements to make I replaced my kitchen counters with quartz and I also cooked some fish and purified some water this is because I was planning to have a showdown with a magician around the corner the next day after all I had failed with the creature but who's to say I would fail with this strange magician and so the next day I set off to go and fight him and this was a very difficult [Music] fight from his projectile attacks to his evil rabbits that seemed straight out of Monty Python I had a lot of trouble even Landing hits on the magician but then I hit my [Music] stride [Music] okay no way no way okay that's second time I've been on half heart in this series needless to say this was probably not the best choice I've made in this series but hey I still survived didn't I next morning I decided to have a change of pace I want to do some more exploring and see what other wonders Alaska had to offer and so I set out again and as I reached the glacier area I decided to test the magician's projectiles on this Iron Golem I guess I just don't have the same finesse that he did then again he didn't have enough finesse to kill me so I guess we're even anyways as I rode further into the sound I caught another sight my favorite animal and what better time is there to talk about these amazing creatures orcas or killer whales are found in all of the world's oceans and are in fact the largest type of dolphin but this doesn't stop them from being some of the smartest animals in the ocean these aquatic Einstein are estimated to have a similar IQ level to that of a 15-year-old human in other words these creatures are essentially Animal Kingdom Geniuses and as I left Prince William sound one of them decided it wanted to come with me you're still following me yet the next day I traveled much further than the sound and eventually decide to head into the forest nearby and on Day 70 I recognized that as a good choice oh wait a minute what exactly okay great this mine had some interesting loots to say at least dirty water bottle Cobblestone armor but it also just looked really cool and while it did have some gold and other ores I didn't feel like I needed them at the moment s'mores and so I simply explored the next day I found another meteorite but this one was too hot for me to mine entirely I just ended up taking some of the ice off of it and leaving but as I progressed down the Yukon I got myself in a bit of a situ [Music] situation the bear hit a lot harder than I expected it to and for Alaska's Infamous grizzly bears that should have been no surprise while these salmon eating Predators might look cute at first glance they are known to be hostile towards those who threaten its space or its Cubs having the ability to run up to 30 mph however most of the time they can come off as being harmless or even playful so as a quick survival tip always treat Grizzlies with respect and my history of showing the magic tricks had certainly caught up to me anyways the next few days were relatively uneventful as I had focused my travels on getting to the Arctic but on day 75 I came across a Pillager Outpost and naturally I had to loot it these guys were not easy though as they got me really low and even broke my shield but eventually I broke their spawners and looted the structure and the loot was okay at best next day I was set on getting to the Arctic this was where my Showdown with the windigo would take place as I wanted a wide open area and instead of going around the mountain range this time I just went over it after a lot more travel I eventually found a spot that I liked and the next morning I got to work on my Contraption the first part of it would be a simple archery Tower where I could hurl projectiles at it as I didn't have any more arrows I also placed some lanterns so I could stay warm while I wore my iron armor on day 78 I awoke to a bit of a noise and this time no crater was left which was honestly fine by me as I had some work to do I strategically crafted a berryfield and thought of how I could possibly capture it without necessarily killing it after all if I could even just damage the creature I would count that as a win with that being said next day I did even more work this time I gathered as much snow and concrete powder as I could then I re-entered my Hideout knowing that once I did I wouldn't be leaving for a [Music] while finally day 80 rolled around and this is where I built the actual Contraption Four Walls of concrete powder carefully plac on top of snow the idea was to use my shovel and let gravity trap the windigo inside a concrete cage I left a small window open for myself to watch as well as a hole in the floor and that night I looked out into the Arctic waiting for its [Music] arrival the morning of day 81 I waited and stared out into the Arctic and eventually I saw a familiar [Music] figure only this time it was acting a bit differently it's not [Music] moving it's not moving at all oh we're getting snow in here after figuring out what game it was playing I was able to adapt I see what it's doing okay okay and even started throwing my projectiles at it and they eventually landed only they didn't seem to be doing much damage but I wasn't done yet I still had to trap it and so I took my shovel out and [Music] began somehow my plan had worked and the windigo was trapped yes yes I did this was quite an accomplishment that it didn't seem very happy about and after a few minutes my celebrating was [Music] over where did it go oh no oh yeah that's that's not good the next day there were no creature sightings instead I rebuilt some of The Hideout and prepared myself for another attack and on day 83 it decided to show up again okay there it is and so I played its game red light no wait green it's green light it's green no wait I I'm s i forgot I forgot okay wait he's actually he's back in there also the windigo wasn't the only visitor I had this [Music] day yeah oh there's a wanding traitor oh and in typical windo fashion it disappeared next day was yet another uneventful day but you know what I'll take my victory against the windo I know I didn't kill it but I ended up doing some damage and who else can trap a wind to go probably a lot of you viewing but still on day 85 the storm ended I descended from my structure and took a look at what the wandering Trader had to offer as it turns out it was selling a sapling of a tree I'd never heard of so out of curiosity I bought it and then it was time to cross the Arctic again but when I came back to the well I figured I might as well give it one last look inside I did a pretty risky jump this is a really dumb idea but I'm insane at that one Hypixel game in party games and then entered the cavern despite the angry eels I made my way into the large house and found some pretty nice loot I also spotted a new mob of some kind that seemed to be frozen over but I ended up sleeping here and the next morning I finished exploring the big house I also killed the undead Frozen creature and it transformed into some kind of orb but it was time for me to escape so I did time to go time it is time for me to get going and when I reached the surface I continued my travels across the Arctic that was a choice to explore that however that night I waited to see if the Northern Lights would appear and sadly they didn't on day 87 I managed to reach the small settlement and this is where I decided I'd be staying that night as I wanted to give the Northern Lights one last chance to show up and so I stayed and hung out with the Villagers who were really cool and fun yeah anyways that night I was pleasantly surprised [Music] the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights are an incredible phenomenon caused by the sun's heat creating a solar wind that travels and hits our atmosphere and that ends up creating this incredible effect the native Inuit people actually believe that these are these Souls of the dead and you know what I kind of like that [Music] explanation and like all good things my viewing experience soon came to an end okay how do you even pop up on someone's roof next morning I returned home only to be greeted by something other than Gary after that close encounter I did a few more Home Improvements before then adding some decorative trims to my armor and I thought it looked pretty cool but on day 89 it was time for me to get ready for one final trip I did some final home additions before planting my tree sapling that I just remembered and soon after the tree grew oh wait a minute and I really liked it that is a really cool tree yeah last thing I did was purify some more water and finally on day 90 I set off only this time I wanted to bring someone who had been with me from the very beginning that was of course Gary and so Gary and I started our journey and almost immediately I noticed that he had gotten a sort of haircut I showed Gary all of the places as we traveled and gave him some good advice for each spot we also crossed this River and that's when my cat Valentino decided to say something oh uh my cat just farted oh my gosh Valentino oh my gosh that's foul there's something actually physically wrong you should probably go to the to the vet with that aside I continued my travels with Gary only to be interrupted by some hungry seagulls okay that's fine on day 91 Gary and I made it to the glacier and the next day we hiked the mountains in fact the next few days were used up by our travels with nothing truly interesting happening only me and my moose traversing the Alaskan terrain but finally on day 96 we reached the destination I had in mind Denali National Park from here I knew that Gary would be happy with a new family of moose all right go be with your new family okay these guys will take you in and the next day I decided to Summit Denali one last time this resulted in another tough climb where I ended up staying the night in the side of the mountain finally the next morning I reached the summit for my second and final time torch number two and this time I decided to stay here not only that but I celebrated my series by shooting some arrows from the summit which was a really great idea well that could have been bad but that night my stalling on the summit was worth it the next morning I descended the mountain and as I did so I was ready to rate Alaska's difficulty see while Alaska might have been my favorite in terms of Wildlife and natural sits it was also the most difficult I've done hitting a solid 8 out of 10 in my difficulty ranking this is because I've never been reduced to have a heart so many times in one series that paired with the bloodthirsty windo made for a series that I wouldn't soon forget and as I completed my descent I spotted a raccoon well hello there and then I went and joined Gary one last time before witnessing bald eagles committing a crime what it's like dipping it in the water why is the eagle waterboarding the Sam that just it doesn't make sense it was finally day 100 the last day in the series I walked with Gary and said my goodbyes before thinking about how great the last 100 days [Music] [Music] were [Music] [Music] okay Gary it's that time with that being said I hope you all enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: SmittieKing
Views: 305,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, 100 days, forge labs, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft forge labs, minecraft mods, minecraft mod
Id: hbV8Sy3PXCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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