I Built an ENTIRE ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore! (#33)

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oh I'm tired let's sit down and relax [Music] in this video I turned the ocean into a tropical island a place where I can de-stress and be safe and away from all the dangerous stuff in Minecraft um yeah let's just ignore the giant volcano beside it anyways welcome to episode 33. grab a snack and I hope you guys enjoy in order to build this tropical island I'm gonna need a lot of sand jungle wood and jungle leaves and I have no idea where but I have no idea where the nearest jungle bomb is I remember the last one I found it was like 10 000 blocks away and being 600 pounds there's no way I can reach that but I just remembered I do have some jungle sapling so this will make my life a lot easier all I need is some bone meal let's plant a giant tree down and bow meal it oh yeah let's start Mining and I have no idea why I had the thought to build a tropical island right now maybe because in Canada it's like a winter wonderland outside there's so much snow everywhere and so cold and I love the summer so I think a tropical island would be an amazing build to remind me of it I don't even know why I live in Canada to be honest it's so cold over here all right let's collect all of these leaves though and I swear I have like commitment issues because I have three shears that are all like half durability I never finished them there's definitely something wrong with me and I'm sorry if I sound kind of weird I'm a little stuffy it's so cold outside and I think I'm catching a cold I have no idea but I'll see you guys when I have enough jungle wood and once I'm done collecting all of my leaves [Music] I'm just gonna stuff both of my nostrils with toilet paper or some tampons or something all right I got my materials for the trees and now I'm gonna need some sand let's hop into my boat yay now let's go to the desert to destroy more land wee you know the more often I do this the more I really want to get in a light truck because like my life would be so easy I could just fly all the way to the desert but like instead I'm on a peasant boat like bruh but that's the fun of Minecraft let's stick to the basics and just travel Everywhere by foot by boat or by mine cart I wonder who's gonna be here until episode 400 when I finally get an elytra say me in the comments if that's gonna be you but in the meantime I'll see you guys in like 10 minutes when I make it there by boat for you it'll be a quick jump cut all you gotta do is jump and I'm here I spent 100 days as a time traveler what a dumb idea if anybody makes that video they're terrible at making videos but let's start mining some sand now that I have my sand let's go all the way back it's painful not having an elytra I'll get one one day and that one day is gonna be like 20 25. I wanna make my life so difficult and I'm not really sure where I'm gonna build this tropical island I would build it right here beside my other Islands but there's not much room so maybe over here beside my volcano will be a good spot it's pretty empty and nothing has been built over here so let's get building and now for the hard part I need to make a dirt platform underneath the water so it can hold up the sand and this part might be the most tedious part of the build but now let's start shipping out the island [Music] all right I'm finally done the shape of the island and filled it all up with a sandwich took me over an hour it surprised me it took me that long but now let's add another bump here so let's make it a little bit further from the edge here because I feel like I made the shoreline a little too big I mean the middle part has basically no room to like have a mountain over it or something you know what I mean so this is gonna be a pretty flat Island Augie I think Tropical Islands are usually flat like my girlfriend but let's continue building yo there's some dolphins in the middle of my Island that's so sick they're playing with the Dead zombie right now they draw some names for these two dolphins looks like we have two more friends now two more I mean my two only my life is so sad [Music] oh I just ran out of sand Let's Go destroy more of the desert mining some sand destroying the Earth life is good I'm just kidding please don't destroy the Earth instead donate a dollar the team sees to save the ocean and while you're at it just click the Subscribe button we're so close to 2 million subscribers now that I have my sadness continue working on this island and this island looks pretty small but trust me this has been over one double chest and a half of just sand but nothing's gonna stop me from making a beautiful island for you guys maybe my nose though because my nose is hurting pretty bad I've been wiping it so much I use the entire roll of toilet paper already it's so dry but yeah my plant on this island is to build a lot of palm trees out of jungle wood and jungle leaves and also make some Like Straw Huts or something or some homes on this island so it looks like at least somebody was living here and I might make a pirate ship out in the ocean one day I think that would be pretty cool most of you guys wants this entire island is complete all right I need to put some grass at the very top here so there can be at least some Greenery but now I want to build a nice little dock right here with some houses in the middle so let's head back home and grab some resources for that if you guys are long time viewers you guys know I'm gonna use some Spruce to it like you guys probably guessed already let's also use some Birch planks I don't use this that often and let's do some acacia wood I think and I do have a lot of gloss panes here so let's put this to use and you guys might be wondering why am I picking such random pieces of wood you guys see that dolphin That's My Boy Albert why do I always use the name Albert but you guys will see why I picked this wood I have a unique design in my head hopefully it looks good first things first let's work on a little dock let's make it overhang the island a little bit and it's kind of high I won't make it go too far this way because I want to have a nice little beach over here all right now let's start building the house I was talking about it's gonna be a pretty simple design so let's build up two blocks here actually just one and I'm gonna go with three blocks this way up two and the same thing like that and right over here I'm gonna put some Cobblestone so it's like a little flood barrier you know to lift the house a little bit I don't know why I'm getting all technical I'm just building a Minecraft house and now let's build the first set of windows so it's built up three and I think something like this will look decent has some birch wood in a little square and a window right in the middle all right there we go that's pretty simple but maybe if I strip this to look even better oh yeah it always looks better stripped that sounds kinda kind of suss but now let's make it bulge out one layer so let's put another set of locks facing out and start the next set of Windows on top of this to add some detail let's put some Stone buttons on this lock here here and some stairs and some slabs Bam Bam Bam and also some fences and some lanterns for some extra lighting I said I wouldn't put a lot of detail into this and look what I did I added more detail but that's not looking too bad it's pretty simple and now we're just gonna build the big rooftop of it there and we should be good on the first house let's continue working now [Music] all right I got the house all built out and broke did Enderman put this here no wonder there's a missing grass block over here I was like I swear I didn't miss anything stupid henderman I got so distracted but now let's start working on the rooftop and I'm gonna use acacia wood actually yeah big surprise trust me I'm surprised too but I'm gonna have it overhang sorted like this and now let's shape out the design for the rooftop I want to make a pretty long and pointy all right let's see how this looks from the bottom ah did not just moan trust me it wasn't supposed to sound that sucks but there we go it kind of looks like a witch hat but I think I'm good with that design and now let's fill it in with acacia wood oh this is gonna look so weird why am I using acacia wood or whatever let's just see how it turns out and I'm finally complete the roof let's jump down here and all right that's oh no it's it's kind of growing on me but it's not the best it definitely could be better but uh yeah I don't know if that was Oak planks that would have looked way better but yeah if you guys want to know something about me I really hate building houses this is I hate it I'm so bad at building houses like when I built all these custom Village Homes yeah it was not a fun time I'm so bad at building houses so bear with me and the house is pretty much complete all I gotta do is add a railing right here Bam Bam and just like that we got ourselves a house that isn't finished on the inside but I'll never use it anyways just for decoration just for fun and it doesn't look too bad I think I actually kind of like it now I also added some divots in the rooftop to make it look a little better but there we go all we gotta do now is add a couple more houses here and maybe like a town hall looking one right in the middle let's get building [Music] and there we go the townhouse is complete it's not really a townhouse it looks like more of just a regular house that somebody lives in but all we gotta do now is add one more little Hut over here it's not gonna be a giant house it's just gonna be a house on the beach but before we do that I need to get some food because I'm starving they just see Spider-Man climbing my walls oh I was right Spider-Man you're far from home and please tell me there's food in here oh yeah I can eat for days but now let's add one final house over here on this section of the island this is just gonna be a little boy over here on this island just a little daddy boy what I say it like that I see some weird things bro let's continue building here and pretend I didn't say that thank you [Music] all right I said I was gonna make a small little straw hat and I built this oh I always outdo myself but actually really like it I knew I needed at a tower because I was building the house which was only going to be this size and then I'm like okay let me upgrade it to this to look even better and then I thought you know what let's upgrade it even more and then I came up with this oh boy but so far not too bad all three houses look pretty nice and once we asked some trees it's really gonna look like a tropical island before we do that I'm gonna strip all of these logs just to match with the homes because because the spruce locks they're way too dark the only problem is the floor is actually made out of spruce planks and I don't really like how it looks beside each other so so I might go through the trouble to change all of the spruce wood into Oak and I think it'll just give it a nice little contrast and I gotta get my stuff wet for this not like I'm always wet all right oh I'm so weird all right let's continue stripping all these Vlogs oh man hashtag cancel cookie 2022 oh hello this creeper literally just walked out of the house bruh you do not own that house please please Man please this is my house getting you in but while I do this let's take a quick break and let me tell you guys about the wall of leaves if you guys are new here I have something called the wall of leaves where I pick two random comments from YouTube or Twitter to shout you guys out and thank you guys for watching my videos shout out to all the atoms out there and Bun all you have to do is subscribe and comment anyways back to the video now let's start cleaning up this area it's pretty messy so let's make a little fencing off here like this and put some fences over here let's continue this and let's build a pathway over to this house over here and there we go a nice pathway into this house I kind of like this little thing over here I did it looks like a face like you know Scream the mask you wear on Halloween it kind of looks like that a little goofy looking but now with all the infrastructure complete let's start working on the trees finally and a bunch of little decorations around all right let's grab all my resources for these trees I got the jungle logs and the jungle leaves my palm trees also have Coconuts on the top some nice little balls so let's go grab some cocoa beans because that's the closest we could get and let's head home Oh Perfect Landing that is literally the definition of perfect not a single scratch to my boat and dang that volcano is Big my wrist still hurts from building this thing it's pretty insane but now let's go over here and collect some cocoa beans long snatch snatch snatch and let's also see how my villagers are doing bro did an Enderman really get in there and place the grasp um I'm sick of these Endermen where are they all coming from all right but we have three pieces of wheat I mean that's progress wow these villagers are really helpful these stupid villagers look at them look at them he doesn't know what he's doing but let's actually turn these jungle logs into the cool looking jungle logs the one with all four sides and this will make building the tree a lot nicer so now all we have to do is design some trees which which I'm not really good at but try my best I'm gonna put a tree right over here and I'm gonna make it pretty tall like and leaning a little bit like this way because I don't want to block the I can't speak okay calm down deep breaths because I don't want to block the view of my house that's the word I was looking for view views by Drake but let's make a fat stump down here for some support and let's build it up like this man this tree is better support than me in my life oh that's so sad okay let's build it really high like all the way up here and honestly I think this is a good place to start let's put some cocoa beans down since I'm already up here like a monkey and eventually these will grow nice and big and plump let's Branch out a palm tree a little bit and now for the jungle leaves and I could just place these anywhere and it should look good it basically needs to look like bed head like I just need to look into the mirror when I wake up and I just replicate that on this tree and that should be good wow that might be the ugliest thing ever it looks like I dropped my lollipop and like hair got stuck on it look at it look at it oh oh yeah the best building tip I could give is don't follow my building tips let's continue placing down some leaves oh man this is an embarrassment all right there we go I think I fixed it up honestly that looks a little better than my bed hair right now I think my first palm tree turned out pretty good but now all I gotta do is fill this entire island with different types of palm trees and we got ourselves a tropical island I'm pretty excited to see how it's gonna look at the end now let's throw another palm tree over here on this side of the island and this one I want to make it like kind of curvy like spirally that's not the right word but I want to make it like go up and down like a little roller coaster you know what I mean I'm sure nobody knows what I mean does it I don't think anybody ever knows what I mean when I talk I'll show you guys let's build it up one like this let's also bring it this way I think and now we just bring it back down kind of like that I hope and let's bring it back up like a roller coaster and there's my curvy palm tree I think it turned out pretty good now we have total of two but let's speed things up a little bit let's plant a bunch everywhere let's get to work cookie Army [Music] [Music] are you guys just watch me build like four different trees but you guys don't understand how difficult it is to build a tree in vanilla Minecraft it is a lot of work like placing these leaves there's so much effort I keep falling down and you gotta like keep breaking oh no it's just something I complained about it does turn out very nice when you do it right though like I feel like these trees turned out pretty good and I still have some plans to build some more around here and I also need to build a house on that island an actual straw Hut this time not a giant Tower of Pisa oh man speaking about Enderman what would you steal that grass block from come on bro oh my all right looks like you're my new pet you're staying there forever let's call him Hondo but I basically have everything set now let's just add some more details to this dock over here because it's pretty empty let's work on a Marketplace and some cargo or something all right guys whole bunch of materials and let's make a stack of logs over here and let's wrap it up with some rails so it looks like it's being held down I love this little trick let's also make a stack of barrels over here maybe some crafting tables and let's just last some signs on here just to make it look I don't know kind of cool let's put down some hay around and there we go the middle still looks pretty empty but I'm not sure what to add I'll just make it look too clutter so let's leave it like that and right on the beach over here let's add some chairs the sunbathed in even though I am pretty orange and I already look pretty sunburned like look at me I'm golden brown but you know would be a nice spot to relax and look out into the ocean into my giant wall of leaves over there let's add a Lamppost behind here and let's also make a colorful umbrella on top and let's build it right behind the middle to make it symmetrical let's bring it up like this maybe curve a little bit and let's put some trap doors here and let's take a block like so there's some trap doors and flip them open out so it looks like little support beams and let's add the nice and umbrella on top and let's make this one lime let's also put another set of chairs over on this side of the beach of the beach of the beach oh that does not sound appropriate oh yeah now there's some color on the beach every time I say that it sounds so wrong but now I got some bone meal and let's put some flowers all around this grass to make it look a little bit more colorful bro are you kidding me there's a random oh I hate Enderman so much they just throw all their litter all over the place and voila a whole bunch of color added to the island and I think I am basically done a tropical island is complete bruh I forgot about this island no we gotta do more work all right let's build another house over there just a little Straw Hat an actual little one now and put some palm trees and we should be good with that side bruh not you again why are you stealing my blood no no no no don't put it up there don't you think about putting that grass block up there put that down come on that's my grass block give me that back belongs to me but anyways that's enough distraction let's start building the beach hut it's gonna be the same materials as the other houses but I'm gonna try to mix some sand into this wall to try to add some texture or something you know now let's add a nice little Archway over the door just a simple one like that and continue the wall upwards with the sand hopefully the sand and the Birch combination looks decent and up here on the second floor let's build a window slap down oh slapped up some trap doors and the Glock oh that's not glass and the glass panes yeah how about we switch out the sand for some birch logs but strip them oh yeah that's the look I'm going for not the sand this looks way better it looks pretty nasty with it not being shred but once you right click your ax oh yeah that looks way better I never thought I'd be building with birch wood all right but let's continue working on this house all right the house is almost complete I'm just currently working on the Porsche or the little dock I think this would be a nice addition to ask so they could like look out into the ocean I'm not sure who they is I think they're my imaginary friends but uh it's just best not to ask you know let me leave my dream okay you want to be my friends let me know in the comments and finally the little Hut is what the heck daddy zombie over here trying to kill me back off but the island Hut is a lot bigger than I thought I planted to be a lot smaller but hey I just come in big packages so oh that's weird but now let's add the final touches with some palm trees and we should be good [Music] and there we go the second smaller island is complete that makes two full completed Tropical Islands and I thought long and hard on what else I should add because it feels pretty empty I mean I could add a little boat or a ship somewhere but that's another project for another video and I think there's one final touch I should add to this tropical island say it with me guys let's add some leaves let's go this will make it look a lot more tropically and like naturey I think let's slap it all around this island and call it a day and there we go and there we have it this is my tropical island and my hardcore world this was super fun to build and I hope you guys enjoyed anyways take care everybody see you guys later
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 2,924,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore series, minecraft hardcore ep 33, acookiegod, acookiegod ep 33, acookiegod series, i transformed the ocean into a tropical island in minecraft hardcore, i transformed the ocean into an island, i built a tropical island in minecraft hardcore, i built a deserted island in minecraft hardcore, i transformed the ocean into a deserted island, i turned the ocean into a tropical island, building a tropical island in minecraft hardcore
Id: K96Bt3eGTvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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