I Survived 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft on a JURASSIC Island And this is What Happened

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minecraft hardcore is a challenge in of its own with harder enemies one life and endless ways to die so i came up with a way to make this even harder by adding dinosaurs yes join me as we survive on a jurassic island and grow our own dinosaurs from ancient fossils found in the ground for this is i survived 100 days hardcore minecraft but on a jurassic island and don't forget to like and subscribe or i'm going to steal your nachos and cheese i'm not i'm not kidding and so we start off our adventure into the jurassic world in classic fashion this adventure was going to be crazy full of dinosaurs fossils and seasons and we start off in the summer day one was spent gathering some basic resources ready for the adventure ahead i had a beautiful spawn with a plains forest and a jungle nearby as well as a convenient cave full of goodies like cole and iron basically the ideal sport i got myself some more cobblestone wood and food ready for building and traveling and set off towards the jungle and there i'd find a village right next to spawn with some very interesting new npcs that sold stuff to do with archaeology i did a few trades to get myself some emeralds and got some basic workbenches that would soon help me to get dinosaurs but as the sun began to set i settled myself down in one of the villages houses ready for day two on day two of this adventure i discovered a small archaeology site outside the back of a villager's house containing some fossils preserved in the ground i gave them a mine and got myself a bio fossil now i could use these fossils in the analyzer to see if there are any possible fossils that could be eventually turned into dinosaurs via dna extraction but this was still quite a bit away yet as we needed various materials to actually grow the dinos so i found a good place to build a house and set down my workbenches and before i got to building i analyzed the biofossil i'd found and fortunately got no result but the relics on the other hand proved to be very useful as i got an ancient helm fragment and a few stone tablets that could be used for decoration so not too bad anyway i got to building the house and just before sundown i headed over to the villagers house to sleep as my house wasn't exactly mob safe at the moment on day three i continued work on the house and roof which by far took the longest time i needed a safe place to stay if i was going to survive the dinosaurs so getting a house up was my main priority now before i hatched any dinosaurs i wanted to make sure that i had the basic enclosures done first so i could safely farm them as well as safe incubating areas where the dinos could grow so a lot of work had to be done but once the main skeleton of the house was complete i moved my bed over and slept for the first time in my new place and i dubbed it plagiarism park now before i could go any further with the dinosaurs and start making them i needed a decent amount of resources like iron coal and possibly even diamond to help me build the enclosures faster so i gaveled up a few pickaxes and headed off into some caves to hunt for some iron and along the way i found various fossils which i mined to get the odd dinosaur relic i could then use these to create my very own dinosaurs later on so i collected enough iron to make a full set as well as some more tools and headed back to base the next few days would be spent building some enclosures and i had the perfect place to start building some of them on day seven to nine i worked on building some of the enclosures for my dinosaurs nothing too fancy to start off with just some basic pens that could hold one or two i decided to place it next to the jungle as this was jurassic park theme so it was only fitting i used jungle wood as well as i thought it really fit with the overall theme better and once done i had something of the beginnings of a dinosaur park with two basic pens now all i needed to do was focus my attention on actually growing these dinosaurs so a laboratory was definitely needed on day 10 i started works on a laboratory of some sort just for a safe area to conduct research and create dinosaurs i wanted it to be a small extension of my house with enough room for all the essential workbenches and some storage for fossils and items i create the time of making my first dinosaur was fast approaching so i needed to be as prepared as possible so the next task was to get some bio goo which i'd need to create some dino dna so some hunting was definitely in need on day 11 i went in search of some ingredients to make some biogu ready for creating dinosaurs i need some wheat milk eggs and some rotten flesh so the materials weren't too easy to come by but weren't that difficult once i thought i had enough i headed back to base to continue with the next part of the project from days 12 to 15 i headed out in search for some slime balls they were needed to make the incubators where i'd grow the dinosaurs and i'd need a good few of them too so i headed across the seas in search of a swamp and boy would it take me a while and after a day or so i finally found one and the colours of the leaves were magnificent autumn had truly descended and all of the leaves were beginning to fall i waited until dark for the slimes to spawn and i collected as much as i could as well as some sand for some glass then i began to head back and could finally begin my journey to making my mini jurassic park from day 16 to 19 i began the long and tedious process of creating my first dinosaur dna and incubating my first set of dinosaurs and plants this was it i began to create some objects called culture vats which would act as an incubator and then started to analyze all of the fossils i collected over the past few days this was quite a long process and once done i had a few samples of dna to work with nautilus zamites calamities megalograptus and the cenosaurus dna i had a bit of a fail as one of the capsules broke and spawned an abomination but i killed it and moved on once they had all finished after a long period of time i had my first sets of eggs and seeds and we all know what comes next the dinosaurs themselves from days 22 to 23 i began to bring back the fossilized plants and creatures starting with the calamity sapling if i was going to bring back the dinosaurs i needed a good reliable source of food for them and prehistoric plant life seemed perfect for the job so i grew myself a calamity tree and gosh it was huge and to get more saplings from it though i needed to cut it down and in the end i ended up getting over 20 in return i also planted some zamites and they appeared to be a third or bush of some kind used as food possibly for the dinosaurs once i was done of the plant life i made myself a dinopedia and headed up to the enclosures i made earlier to start hatching my first dino the dino pd will basically give me information about the prehistoric life and help me better understand it like knowing the dinosaurs diets likes and dislikes so i began to hatch my first dino for a xenosaurus or however you say it took me a bit to hatch him and i provided him with some warmth with some torches and several minutes later my first dinosaur was born and boy was he hungry [Music] next i wanted to start on a water enclosure of some kind but first i needed quite a few more fossils so a mining trip was in need from days 25 to 30 i went on my first fossil mining trip i wanted to gather as many different types as fossil as i could so i could make my dinosaur park as diverse as possible but not too much to manage while down in the caves i'd come to find some fossils in the form of bio and plant which i could analyze when i got back to base i did also stumble across a mine shaft while down there which surprisingly led to a cave with diamonds which were the first of the let's play now i could finally start thinking about getting some enchanted tools or even travel to the nether and once i was satisfied of the amount of fossils i found i headed back to the surface to begin work on analyzing from these 31 to 33 i started to analyse the fossils i had found and also began work on a chicken farm so i could have a steady supply of eggs for bayoku it also meant that i'd need to travel to the swamp again for slimes which i'd have to do pretty soon i started with the analyzing collecting various samples of dinosaur dna as well as many new variants of plant life i was beginning to grow my collection which would be perfect for the park after i collected a good amount of dna i stored it and got to making a small chicken farm for eggs i also checked up on our old friend dave yes i've called him that and he's actually grown by quite a lot so good on you dave the next few days would be spent slime hunting just for enough slimes to not make another visit anytime soon from days 34 to 36 i went back to the slime farm to get some more slime balls for biogu hopefully this would have been the last time i'd have to go there as i planned on getting over a stack just in case as night fell i got to killing slimes and after a few close calls of some creepers and a hefty amount of slime balls later i headed back to the base ready to start the incubation period this of course would take a long time from these 37 to 41 i began to incubate the dna i'd gain from the fossils this was a lengthy process and to pass the time as the dna was developing i decided to build a pond-like area for some water-based dinosaurs i used the valley towards the back of the house and cornered it off with dirt and began the long process of filling it all with water but once done it looked pretty awesome and big enough to hold some big big dino now it was time to add them on day 42 i added some more prehistoric creatures to my zoo a nautilus and a megalograptus these two aquatic creatures would be the first of many to swim about in the blue lagoon as i've come to calling it they started off pretty small but would soon grow to be nearly triple their original size and before the day could end i also started incubating some more saplings to add to the surroundings just to make it all feel a little bit more like a jurassic overworldly park days 43 to 45 winter had arrived and i went out to collect some more wood for building as well as some more food to keep me going i wanted to begin to spruce up the park a little adding walls here and there as well as an entranceway gate of sorts with a sign so i got to deforesting the jungle and killing pigs left right and center and once done i had a nice supply of pork and wood ready for some building and this park had only just begun with more enclosures yet to come on day 46 i worked on the entrance way to the park it wasn't going to be anything fancy just a nice gateway to let the non-existent visitors enter i used a combination of jungle logs stone bricks and fences to give off a jurassic park electric fence look the snows had also began to fall making visibility really poor for building so it was indeed a bit of a pain once done i added a few signs and literally could not understand a word they said but it was basically just welcoming people to plagiarism park from days 48 to 50 i worked on two more enclosures for some more dinosaurs my park was growing and i needed more space to be cleared in the jungle if i was ever going to add more prehistoric life so i cleared out an even large area next to where dave's pen was and got to work i did a similar design to the entrance way with fencing acting as a sort of electric fence i also added some more calamity trees and zamite into the enclosures to make sure to be happy although i knew i'd be getting some carnivores soon enough so i'd need some meat but as winter truly set in growing saplings became impossible and once the enclosures were done it was finally time to add the next four dinosaurs day 51 was the day i hatched four more dinosaurs into this world i'm not even going to bother pronouncing their names so instead i'll just put them on screen here i laid their eggs down kept them warm with torches and waited and one by one they all hatched and it appeared we had our first carnivore too but he didn't seem to be aggressive to the other dinosaurs in his pen now all i had to do was wait for them to grow up which alone would probably take the rest of this let's play but i felt like something was missing we needed a pterodactyl or some kind of flying dinosaur so a big bird cage was in need so from days 52 to 54 i worked on building my very own avian dinosaur enclosure would contain most of my bird-like creatures so i needed to make it cage-like so following the same theme as before i made a cage using jungle fences and added a solid plankaroo since i only had a pteranodon egg it would be the only flying dinosaur for now i let it hatch for a bit and added some stairs going up to the enclosure as well as a few ferns on the inside and before i knew it she had hatched and my zoo was one dinosaur bigger let me know what we should call her in the comments down below from days 56 to 61 i worked on getting to the nether and finding myself another fortress for potions and eventually the end i wanted wings before this let's play ended so the journey to the end was about to begin i started gathering some obsidian and chose where i want to put the portal once lit and ready i set off and began my long and tedious search for a fortress and since this was 1.12 there were no bastions or new biomes and fortresses were a lot harder to find but after about an hour of searching i came across what i was looking for a nether fortress i entered killing blaze and wither skeletons before i found my price wards i grabbed as much as i could and made my getaway traveling back to the portal i'd been gone for some time so it would be exciting to see how big my dinos were now from day 62 to 65 i worked on enderman hunting as well as making some potions ready for the stronghold and ender dragon fight i also wanted to go to the woodland mansion to get a totem of undying just in case i got killed by one of my own dinosaurs better safe than sorry so for three nights i hunted for enderman and surprisingly got pretty lucky getting around 14 pills as well as various other bits of mob loot and once ready i made the eye of enders and for the next few days i'd be stronghold hunting and so from day 66 to 70 i travel to the stronghold in search of books for an enchanting room as well as any other good bits of loot i could get my hands on the woodland mansion trip was right around the corner and i wanted to make sure that i was prepared enough to take it off and prepare for a very very long trip as wooden mansions are notorious for spawning tens of thousands of blocks away from spawn after nearly died in some mobs i located the stronghold and dug down and after a little exploration i found both libraries containing some pretty subpar loot i got the books located the portal room and added 11 eyes just leaving one for when i returned on days 71 and 72 i prepared myself for another huge exploration but this time to find the woodland mansion before i left though i wanted to analyze and incubate a few more dinosaurs for a few more enclosures and after waiting for a while i managed to get myself a tyrannosaurus rex dna which was absolutely amazing i had the most iconic dinosaur and just needed to make an enclosure for it but that could wait for after the mansion i also decided to finally fix some of these ancient helmets using some relic scraps and got myself a pretty cool looking piece of attire let me know what you think in the comments i rate my new hat 10 nicholas cages out of four tangerines and so here we are the big mansion hunt and this time i was going to find a decent amount of totem for multiple chances at life so before i left i made sure i had everything and headed over to the village to trade at the cartographer once i had the woodland explorer map i was ready to go but little did i know how much of a pain this would be after traveling for a few minutes i came across a pack of wolves and couldn't help myself i tamed them all creating an army of wolf followers and it would be together that we traveled to find the mansion through deserts and mountains until we came across a ruin a few days into our travels it wasn't like anything i'd seen before and seemed to be something of an abandoned ruin so we stayed there for the night until the next day also along our travels we found a mesa biome which i thought was pretty cool since there's such a rare buy-in and after about half an hour or so the dots started to move on the map and we finally came across the woodland mansion in the distance i made sure that my pack was well fed and we made our moves he ignored the first floors as there weren't any evokers down there and our focus was really on the top floor and so slowly but surely we moved our way upwards until we came across our first evokers which happened to nearly kill me i had some very close shaves but managed to survive collecting myself a whopping four totems of undying with some pretty epic bow shots and once all the loot was collected we headed out as fast as we headed in but not before i made a little farewell gift for the pillagers from days 85 to 86 i worked on hatching a few more eggs as well as seeing if i could ride a dinosaur specifically this big spiky boy over here and with one cruel whip later i was on the dinosaur's back he was insanely fast and can jump pretty high too and i wouldn't want this dude charging towards me anytime soon meanwhile while i was riding this dinosaur my t-rex egg hatched and boy did he look menacingly cute in a weird kind of way i really did want to make a part two to this episode and watch this dude grow up i'm sure he'll be fierce i spent a remainder of the day collecting some fish and meat for the dinos as i'd be out on yet another adventure and the final one the end the dragon on day 88 i worked on preparing for the fight by enchanting my gear finally since i didn't have any diamond armor pieces my iron would have to do i set up the enchanting area outside the house and got to it getting myself some protection as well as a few decent bow enchantments all to help me take out this dragon easier once this was all out of the way i'd finally be able to travel quickly across the world with some elijah wings and so the end the dragon fight was here days 89 to 96 were the ender dragon fight and finally the end of the vanilla stuff i wanted to get this out of the way as fast as possible so i could focus more on the dinosaurs in a possible part too but i still had to beat the ender dragon first so i made sure it was ready and i set off traveling the same route as before and once at the stronghold i placed down the last irender and jumped into the portal there was no going back now once inside i was greeted with the familiar sight and immediately got to work on shooting the towers my aim was a little rusty but with some practice i got better and managed to take out all of the towers i can't tell you how close to death i came on multiple occasions as i got flung up into the air so many times and luckily i had a water bucket and those totes from dying once the towers were destroyed i focus my firepower against the dragon herself and within a matter of minutes she was nearly defeated landed the last few shots and there we go she disintegrated into a pile of xp and once again i had destroyed the ender dragon and as usual i travel through the portal in search of end cities and look appeared to be on my side as after about 20 minutes of searching i found my first city which had a ship looting it was pretty straightforward i killed the shulker boosted my way up and got to the ship claiming my ultimate price the elytra wings now i could finally travel home with what i came from without death days 97 and 98 were final check days and just days where i spruced up the place a little with plant life that i hadn't really used much i wanted the park to stand out from a distance and look like a tropical aisle or an oasis in the middle of the jungle and it definitely worked the trees i had added as well as the path made it all look a lot more structured and before we head off i did add two more species of fish to the lake to see how they get on but it appeared that one of them was dying so at least i can say that i tried and so here we are day 98 what okay i'm sorry and we are zooming through the sky i cannot believe we've actually survived 100 days pretty much on a prehistoric world we brought dinosaurs back to life minecraft plus dinosaurs equals epic epic fun i've had so much fun in this smart is that a witch but we have loads of dinosaurs we have like 10 dinosaurs i'm pretty sure look at all these dudes here hello i'm gonna call you [Music] derek these two i swear these two are in love that they are literally like next to each other for the entire time and this guy down here is just the lonely he likes he likes to sit on the corner anyway guys i think we've been waiting long enough the moon is now out let's just get straight into day 100 and not crash oh my god that was not good oh god no this is not good at all this is no stay there stead i do not want a t-rex on the loose no i do not know what you know you could do you think you're so tough but do not really look oh i will fix this hole up when i start recording oh my god it's always at the end of the video isn't it so if you guys like this video and you want to see more don't forget to drop a like drop a sub you heard him drop that serb or he's gonna eat you he he is he is he's hungry you thought i wouldn't leave while riding spiky boy no we are running spikey boy on the outro thank you guys so much for watching take care i'll just see you all soon this guy is literally like speedy gonzalez oh my god how is he moving so fast i'll see you guys soon bye you
Channel: Sahvi
Views: 159,805
Rating: 4.9584103 out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft survival, 100 days dinosaur world, I survived, Sahvi, Hardcore Minecraft, 100 days hardcore, 100 days hardcore challenge, I survived 100 days, 100 days minecraft modded, I survived 100 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days, Minecraft, I Survived 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft on a JURASSIC Island And this is What Happened, Jurassic period minecraft, 100 days Jurassic park, Jurassic 100 days, minecraft dinosaurs mod, Dinosaur
Id: vIqi8JJbQkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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