I Survived 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft in the ICE AGE... This is What Happened

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minecraft hardcore is a challenge in on its own but what if we took that to the extreme what if the lands of minecraftia plunged into an eternal ice age would we be able to survive follow me on my journey as we survive the elements and battle new and dangerous foes in i survived 100 days hardcore minecraft but in an ice age and don't forget to like or i'm gonna steal your curly fries i'm not joking and so on day one i spawned into my new ice age adventure and boy was it cold not only did i have hunger but i also had first energy and a temperature to deal with so my first priority was to get somewhere warm to bunker in for the night so i chopped myself some wood and did a little bit of exploring before i found myself an igloo right next to what seemed like a woolly mammoth so i very very carefully entered finding a secret hatch that led down to some villages i cured them and gathered what resources i could to help me make it through the night i did find a cave full of frozen zombies and a lot of creepers and of course i found some well needed coal and iron but at least i had a place to bunker in for the night and keep relatively warm and tomorrow's priorities would be to get some wool armor to keep me warm and possibly find a water source so i could stay hydrated this was already turning out to be a very very unforgiving let's play on day two i headed back up to the surface to find myself some sheep and some water i needed protection from the harsh environments outside so wall armor would be my best defense so i sheared as many sheep as i could and made myself the clothing and already i could see that it was making a difference as i could easily travel around through the snow without any consequences or hypothermia there were various beasts along the way like deer and elk and i made sure to keep my distance just in case they charged and after a little bit of exploring though i came across a herd of cows and killed them for their leather making myself a water canteen and just before dark though i made myself a few buckets and purified some water in a furnace to make it drinkable i didn't want to be giving myself an infection and definitely not in an ice age once done i had clean drinking water and my thirst was now quenched and as tiredness began to set in i settled down to sleep for the night on day three i began to make a move out of the damp dark and dingy igloo basement that i had called home for the past two days it was about time i built my own house so i gathered what things i could and headed on up the snows were still falling and i had to be quick about it if i was going to build a base without getting hypothermia i found a nice quiet little spot that was flat enough to build and got to chopping some trees for the house and once i was satisfied of the amount i collected i got to building starting with the frame and the roof once the house was looking good to go darkness began to fall and just before i went to bed the snow stopped and i caught a glimpse of the aurora borealis and it was absolutely stunning on day four i set out to collect more wood and supplies since i'd used it all in the house also since my first was increasing i needed to head out and refill my water canteen i made a few quick changes to the house like adding the floor and ladders to the second level and set off but as i did i was ambushed by some frozen zombies and creepers which made me realize that i needed a better defense around the house and you guys know it wouldn't be a savvy video without some kind of wall or protection again the snows began to fall and the cold set in and once i'd refilled my water canteen i headed back to the house and i had plans to go on a small mining trip over the next few days to get some resources and of course i needed to be ready so from days five to eight i went on a small mining trip one of many to come for sure i wanted to gather a good amount of resources so i'd be ready for a diamond mining trip later on down the line so i made sure i was ready and set off making a little mine near my house and it didn't take me long before i'd find a cave with some nasty surprises but also some very well needed resources while in the cave i encountered a mine shaft which on its own was awesome but what i found inside was even better a skeleton dungeon i kept my distance and waited for them to all fight and then made my move killing them all and disabling the spawner the loot wasn't exciting but this was a very possible skeleton xp farm and not long after i found myself an abandoned portal with some more decent loot and then of course a ravine with some very very loud rushing water although i didn't really want to explore that just yet as i had spent long enough down in the mines and my food and water was becoming quite low so i thought it would be best if i called it a day and headed back up three days well spent gathering stacks and stacks of iron coal and some epic discoveries along the way now i just needed more food which meant my very first hunt from days 10 to 11 i went out on my first hunting trip specifically for reindeer since they were the most abundant i crafted myself a bow and refilled my water canteen and headed out i wanted to follow the river as i suspected that's where most of them would be grazing and it didn't take me long before i found a few near the riverbank i took aim and killed them collecting their meat and surprisingly their heads while traveling along the river i encountered various pieces of frozen treasure stuck in the ice in the forms of maps armor weapons and even diamonds and emeralds and before night could even set i killed a few more deer being careful not to get too close and headed back home bounty in hand my first hunting trip had gone very very well and next on my agenda was to start on a small wall going around the house just for that bit of protection against the mobs on day 12 i headed into the mines briefly to get some cobblestone for the wall as i stated before i didn't really want to make it big just four or five blocks tall and with complete protection i didn't want any saber-toothed tigers to come and kill me while i slept i also wanted it big enough to fit a farm inside as i needed an alternative source of food just in case something went wrong so i mined until i was satisfied and then got back to smelting a cobblestone into stone bricks from days 14 to 17 i began work on a small wall to encircle my base i started by choosing where i wanted it and added a sort of frame and then got to work using a mixture of stairs and slabs the key difference between this wall and my previous walls is that this had a solid back with no gaps so not even baby zombies or spiders could fit through the same sort of design but a lot safer and what made this even better is that when the snow fell it stuck to the slabs and stairs giving it a really cool wintry look i did occasionally have to go and collect more wood but after a few days it was complete and it would offer me some basic protection over the outside frets and had the added bonus of looking pretty cool now all i needed to do was add some interior buildings and make the base feel more well base like on day 18 i did a little bit of preparation ready for another big mining trip i wanted to get a decent amount of diamonds ready for some nether exploration as well as general productivity speed i wanted to be able to chop wood mine and kill faster and more efficiently this would all be in preparation for my nether travels and finding fortresses and bastions so from days 19 to 25 i went on my first lengthy mining trip and in search of some diamonds i wanted to at least find a dozen so i could make some better tools and also collect enough obsidian for a nether portal and enchanting room so while in the caves i come to find a lot more diamonds than i originally planned to find i traveled through the mine shaft collecting various oars and then came across my first instance of overheating as i found some diamond in a ravine so going near lava was a no-go i started taking damage and thought i was actually going to die until i eventually cooled off while going towards the top of the ravine over the next few days i'd come to find more and more diamonds and while collecting some obsidian which by the way was a pain because of overheating i found some more diamonds but because of how close it was to the lava collecting them became too much of a challenge and i had to abandon it last minute so with enough diamonds collected and a near-death experience with a creeper i started to head home after many days of mining and i'd say it was a mining trip well spent but next i think i needed a farm for a more reliable source of food on day 26 i went out in search of seeds and various other crops to start a farm i wanted at least to have a cow and a wheat farm in the base so i had a reliable source of food if hunting didn't go well this is the ice age we're in so food was precious and crops grow a lot slower so i'd have to make sure that the farms are constantly looked after to ensure a steady supply of food i also smelted some of the iron i collected just before the sunset so i could turn it into hoppers for the farms on day 27 i planned out an area to make the wheat farm i chose a corner of the bay so it would be out of the way and got to planting making sure that the area surrounding it was warm enough for the crops to grow i used some of the bones i got from the skeletons earlier and began to bone meal at all all ready for the cow breeding then i added some hoppers where i could just throw in spare wheat seeds and they could get automatically stored from days 28 to 30 i worked on getting some animals for more of my farms ideally cows and pigs so i went searching for any signs of life after a while i happened upon a village while on my travels i had a little look around and found myself some carrots and potatoes and of course some pigs now all i had to do was get them back which was a pain but once back though i slept as my energy levels were getting pretty low and during the next day i worked on making them pens and breeding them i also managed to find myself some cows thankfully enough were right next to the base and once i brought those back i was pretty much guaranteed a permanent food source and was ready to start going on some serious long adventures so from days 31 to 33 i finally decided to make myself a nether portal and see how lucky i'd get with the spawn so i built the portal made sure i was all geared up and headed on inside and was surprised to see that the spawn was rather tame snug in the middle of a walked forest so not bad at all i did some exploring and found some never quartz that was too easy to ignore as the xp would be useful for enchanting later on down the line i did have to come back to the overboard every so often to sleep because of my tiredness but it was all worth it i killed the gas got myself some glowstone and continued a little more and just decided to mine some quartz for a while just for future builds once happy though i headed back home to recuperate on day 34 i did some farming and went on my first little fishing trip only for the rest of the day as i didn't really want to be getting too tired or cold while out i caught some pretty decent amounts of fish as well as a blast protection free book but during the evening though just as the sun set i caught sight of the aurora borealis again and geez it looked really good with the sunset colours you'll have to let me know what you think in the comments but i honestly think that the skies in this mod pack are absolutely stunning from days 35 to 40 i went on my first decent trip into the nether to find another fortress and i can't tell you how much of a pain this journey was because of two major factors the first being heat since i was in danger of overheating and the never is well literally full of lava traversing certain biomes like deltas became a chore and the second problem i faced i just couldn't find a fortress it took me well over an hour of back and forth travel to keep my tiredness away before i finally found one and even then it was very very dark and very small navigating it was almost impossible so i had to be very very careful i stayed there for a bit to collect some blade rods and that's about it and on my way back i killed a few magma cubes for the magma cream and got out of there they never turned into an even bigger challenge and all because of overheating on day 41 i took a bit of a rest from the nether and started making a little area to brew potions since i had all of the ingredients to make some fire resistance i made a dozen of those for future use but for the next few days i wanted to focus more on building like finishing the outer layers of the wall and making a sort of smithing and storage area so i had my hands pretty much full on days 42-46 i continued work on the outer walls adding a design to make it look more appealing from the outside i started by chopping some wood and gathering some basic materials to continue it and got to work the pattern was sort of similar to the one on the inside except it used a lot less slabs and stairs making it less time consuming but even still it took a good hour to get it finished let me know what you think of it down in the comments below from days 47 to 50 i built myself a small blacksmith and did the dangerous task of getting some lava i was planning to use a mostly cobblestone build for this as well as lava for a bit of decoration so i delved deep into the ravines i found earlier in the video and got myself around five buckets worth just in case then i travelled up to build it i started always with a wooden frame and made a simple spruce there and slab roof next i decided where i wanted the forge to be and started building with a variety of cobblestone blocks then the lava i added a single bucket behind the furnace and made sure to clear any wood around it to stop it from burning and then i was done i added a few cosmetic things like an anvil and a cauldron and honestly it didn't really look too bad from days 51 to 55 i traveled out to explore the surrounding volumes and possibly even further than that i knew that the entire world would be covered in snow but it only really traveled through my spawn and that being the snowy plains so i traveled down to far and on my travels i'd come across some very interesting things and it didn't take me long before i found my first point of interest a desert temple so just as night began to fall i headed on inside only to be faced with near certain death and a battle between four skeletons once dealt with i went in and collected the loot and very very scarily a bat hovered right over the pressure pad with the tnt the loot wasn't the best but the temple would offer some protection for the night and so i slept not too far away from the temple the next day a strange almost player-like character was visible in the distance and to my dismay a desert bandit laid attack to me he was very very tanky and took a long time to kill and i nearly died to him and upon going to inspect where his friends were they had all vanished so i continued my travels killing more bandits and making my way through the savannah and as night began to fall once again i thought i found a village but it turns out it was completely despawned leaving behind a weird trail of paths and so i quickly escaped finding some coal near a mountainside and settling down for the night in the savannah right next to some zebras a crazy adventure for sure and as my first began to become more serious i began to head back home the next morning from days 56 to 60 i travel back into the nether once again to hunt for enderman as always this is a very very tedious task as endermen don't always drop pearls and knowing my look i'd be in there for absolutely ages which i was luckily though i did spawn in a warped forest so i didn't really need to look for one and all i had to really do was look for the end of it i wanted about 20 pearls in total 12 for the portal and the rest were actually gelling to the stronghold and making a few ender chests so i killed as many enemies i could and once finished i headed back home to prepare for a little bastion hunt on days 61 to 62 i prepared myself for the upcoming bastion hunt and surprisingly the only bastian hunt of this video so i wanted to make this one count i started by making myself some diamond armor and placed a deer head just above my door because well i thought it looked cool then i set off spending a good 20 minutes searching for deer and mammoth to hunt the mammoth didn't really have good hitboxes so hitting them with arrows was a bit tough but to add to the problems i was getting hypothermia from the diamond armor and the cold so i headed back and while home i cooked myself some mammoth brain i collected and made myself some fire resistance potions as i need them for this upcoming bastion hunt so from days 63 to 70 i went on my first bastion hunt of the video and the last and i honestly have mixed feelings about this entire hunt it was brilliant for adventure as always it took me a good two hours to find loot and raid all of the bastions but the mod i was using basically didn't care about fire resistance so regardless if i had it or not i was in for a bad time i found my first few bastions in the same big crimson bind and they were relatively easy to raid with the exception of some hoglings attacking me and burning up i had to make a few trips back to the ear wall though to sleep as i didn't really want to be fighting with tiredness and i was kind of running out of food but i continued searching after that and the third and final bastine i arrived at which happened to be a treasure bastion was the most painful to raid as you'll soon find out i entered the bastion and dropped down to where the loot was but as i dropped down to the furthest level a group of brutes attacked me and forced me to do some very very risque parkour which i narrowly survived to make matters worse when i tried to loot the bastion itself i started to burn so i quickly gathered the gold and bridged up and still it took a long time for the effect to wear off so i thought i was going to die by this point i was pretty tired and i'd begun to head back to the portal it was very late when i recorded it and i just wanted to sleep but i had spent a good seven days searching looting and killing piglets just what i was good at on days 71 to 72 i did a bit of organization and traded with some piglets i felt like that i really really needed to organize my chests and it was about time i did it so i made a little area outside of the house to store my stuff and began the long tedious task of moving everything there [Music] once that was done i headed back into the nether to trade with some piglets using the gold i just found i didn't really expect to get anything good but it was worth a shot some soul speed would have been really awesome but after some really lengthy bad deals i headed back to the overworld because i think it was about time i visited the stronghold from day 73 to 76 i traveled in search of the stronghold and little did i know how far it would actually be i made myself my vendors and got everything prepared and left for the adventure i travel through plains forests deserts and mountains and in total two thousand blocks before i came to the biome that housed a stronghold and you'll never guess what it was yes in the distance as i approached a jungle came into view one of the rarest biomes in the game housing the stronghold how epic was that i entered and boy was it beautiful i'd never actually seen a snowy jungle until now so after a few minutes i found the stronghold and let me just tell you that this stronghold went straight down to business literally because i only had to explore for about two minutes before i found both the portal and the libraries i added all of the eyes except for one and got myself a few neat enchanted books and of course some books for the enchanting table and my job was pretty much done i made my way back out of the old fortress and in the direction of home as i wanted to have one last day of preparation before the end the dragon fight on day 77 i prepared for the end of dragon fight by brewing some potions and doing some enchanting now that i had the books i could finally make a small area where i could enchant some gear and try and get some good enchantments to protect me i enchanted all of my armor my bow and my sword and got some pretty decent enchantments [Music] and once geared up i slept ready for the big adventure and this was going to be very very big and very tedious and so here we are day 78 to 88 the days where i'd kill the ender dragon and search for cities and honestly it couldn't have gone any smoother i made sure i was all ready and set off traveling back to the stronghold and once i was there i placed the last eye of ender and i entered the end there was no going back now and immediately as i entered i got to work the ambience in the end had changed due to the mod and actually sounded really creepy which added to the intensity of the fight i started by taking down as many of the crystals as i could with my bow and occasionally taking shots at the dragon herself and within a few minutes they were all taken down surprisingly i didn't actually get flown up into the air then i focused all of my power and might on the dragon herself sniping her while she flew and drinking strength pots when she came down to the portal the fight went really smoothly and within 10 or so minutes i dealt the final blow with my bow connor rhymes as i was fighting an enemy and so it was dirt once again on day 83 or so i had killed the dragon i collected the egg and made my way to the end gate now other than the weird spawn i had actually spawned quite far away from the main islands so i had to build over and begin my search now since tiredness existed i needed to head back to the overworld relatively soon so after i found a few end cities one containing a ship i decided it would be best if i flew back to the overworld to get some sleep before coming back in and while at home i dropped off a few things cleared my infantry and made myself some fireworks this way i could get to the portal much faster and perhaps find some more elytra winks once back in the end i continued my search and managed to find myself another pair of elytra wings and many many pieces of time and armor and loot and that's where the adventure came to an end my lighter wings needed unbreaking and i needed sleep so i headed back home loot in hand with a job well done days 89 to 91 were a change of scenery i needed more sugarcane and gunpowder if i was going to get fireworks for faster travel so i went on a little hunt for at least a stack or two of sugarcane so i could start my own farm so i stayed up during the long cold nights and fired the creepers killing as many as i could for their bounty and as day 100 loomed thoughts of killing the wither plagued my mind i think it was about time for one final boss fight before the end of the video from days 92 to 95 i travel back into the nether for the last time i needed with a skeleton skulls if i was going to fight the wither so i made haste for the fortress and began slaying with the skeletons left right and center i always hated doing this bit as it usually takes an absolute age but once i had all three skulls i was ready to summon him but first i needed more potions as i felt a little unprepared and by the way if you made it this far into the video i congratulate you type hashtag oogabooga with a smells like cheesecake in the comments if you did and well done on day 97 i prepared for the with a fight by brewing some last minute potions and making sure i had the right equipment for the job which meant plenty of strength and arrows i didn't want to die on the last few days so i wanted to be extra careful but tomorrow would be the last of the exciting days as we finally come to the last boss fight of the video on day 98 the fight was here and this time i decided to do it in the overworld to try and get myself a few wither roses so i spawned him in drinking my regeneration and strength potions now little did i know i had accidentally left my elytra wings on so when he spawned he was doing a lot of damage i shot him with my birth and quickly put on my chest plate when i noticed it i did have to eat my god apple as well but it kept me going and i fought and i fought until i thought i was going to die then he got into his second phase and in a last-ditch effort to survive i tanked him until he was defeated i had one and in the process i got myself the never star and a few wither roses and with that the final boss fight of the ice age had been defeated and i felt great what a way to end it off and so here we are the day before the big 100 and look at what we've achieved and all in an ice age we've achieved so much in 100 days let alone in an ice age but it is still so much more to do we haven't even built ourselves an xp farm yet let alone even thought about the skeleton dungeon we found at the beginning of the video so if you guys want to see a 200 days make sure that you drop a like on this video it shows that you enjoyed it and without any further ado let's just get straight on into day 100 and look at that aurora borealis it's so pretty oh my god [Applause] that is what i love to see 100 juicy days have a drink on me everyone we did it we survived wait there was there was an enderman on top of get off my kick we survived 100 days in an ice age can you believe it if that doesn't deserve your subscription i don't know what does fairly well everyone and i hope you enjoyed take care
Channel: Sahvi
Views: 379,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft survival, I Survived 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft in the ICE AGE and this is What Happened, Ice Age, 100 days snow world, 100 days ice world, I survived, Sahvi, Hardcore Minecraft, 100 days hardcore, 100 days hardcore challenge, I survived 100 days, 100 days minecraft modded, 100 days modded hardcore, 100 days with mods, I survived 100 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days, Minecraft
Id: M9YvuWS0hdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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