I Survived 100 Days As WHITEBEARD in Roblox (Blox Fruits)

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ladies and gentlemen today I woke up and I had an idea now y'all love to be coming video so much what if I made another version of it welcome one and all to my new series Whitebeard first anime now you see the last time I was white period I started off on my journey by becoming him obtaining his weapons getting his fruit and becoming the ultimate white but what if I relive this life exactly how I went in the end or at least have a try that will be going for white beards all the way to his death and to do this I need to start at the beginning all the way from the beginning hello my name is Whitebeard and I'm trash before my journey to become a pirate begin I must get rid of my food and start from scratch welcome to the story of Edward new game 15 000 likes hey y'all tell me whose story you want to see next but for now we go back to where it all starts ah good morning world today's the day I kill everyone I mean become a pirate yeah what the heck is this I don't want this trash where is my captain I was told today I get my fruit so I could truly One Day become his right hand man oh and I'm excited okay how do I get through this damn door I ain't gonna lie bro I'm tired of being trash it's my time to be the greatest pirate to ever who the heck is that all right Goku what the hell is the wrong anime what our captain wants to meet with you oh Captain rocks for real follow me I'll bet hey Google why the hell are you so fast like Sonic the Hedgehog I'm excited Captain Rock said he got something for me and soon I will be the greatest he said it's important can you be like fighting people for no reason it's not rocks oh shoot Captain how the hell you get up there Captain the hell you are free Hallelujah okay um bro what do you want respectfully how do you want I'm here to give you a fruit oh finally oh my day has come by the house meet he on the Rocks Pirates yeah me why the hell you want the Rock You know what no way I get my fruit today is the day today is the please drop fruit top with this you will cause chaos above the seas oh see see for C's dad fruit bro thank you senior rocks uh Captain rocks I'll come sit at my table oh a table okay Beth it's time to make our way to his table I hope nothing happens to be at that table bro I will not give you my energy ah this is it this must be rox's table where the hell Goofy Goober what is wrong with this crew the whole circus oh it's wrong Captain yes yes you are trading me the fruit I need Quake one million wait I'm broke hey someone died and I found this on the ground I think oh no he got it how about I give you this one that fruit belongs to someone that was three two one after all my time grinding on the Rocks Pirates my day has finally come become a strong pirate yes Captain I shall now kick me he off the crew why the hell is he here the hell's wrong with this guy eat it okay okay Dad see see Captain look he tried to kill you okay it is tough Edward new game in the building drip upgraded but it did Prime white beard hold on I need a hat one second crab white beard in the building yo now what's my newfound Quake power I must learn though but I also I feel like I'm missing something a weapon something to destroy everyone I'm not giving you my energy does he have fun being in the wrong anime do you want a bar of metal that hits hard uh yes I do how to get oh oh this weapon looks so cool bro Captain rocks what is that sword do you want the sword that could emit your devil fruit abilities as you use them yes I do give me the damn sword bro imma go crazy if you obtained this sword first you must kill five people for me and raise your Bounty okay I do want that sword look how nice that thing looks that's the Goku Goku oh just wait till I'm trying wait till I'm strong I need that Soul Rock says I must kill five Pirates they're five Pirates I will kill one moment I must earn my sword so I wonder how strong this fruit is bro I have not used it before what if I go boom boom boom boom boom boom bro can you die boom pow what felt good oh you dab cat the hat why'd you dabness where'd he go did I hit him oh shoot oh shoot he cheat Stupid Cats Stupid now if you guys don't know white beard was the strongest pirate on the sea I'm gonna need to earn my title I need a trading Arc of bodies foreign [Music] it's fine I need something finally I'm faster oh gosh where is everyone oh it looks like there's a lot going on right here that's perfect for me who the hell has my fruit yeah yeah where you going where y'all going I'm running hold on I'm gonna get some kills I gotta I got this guy come here yes sir Dad one more who the hell is this no bro what's up that's three kills already I just need two more to prove myself to rock I saw somebody right here right here come here look out here bro come down and accept your fate Bulls did you kill them come here he's one shot bruh he's one shot yes this is so oh my gosh this is destructive this is what the Quake is like I wonder what that weapon could do damn Cat in the Hat Hi how are you the how do you walk I think I think he messed with the wrong cat well I'm guessing my last kill eh where you going bro yes sir 12 000 bounties oh damn white beard in the building e z Now where's my sword I need it oh it's me me he wears my sword oh Captain rocks why is the captain why is the cat how's the progress of the task going Captain I've done it I killed five Pirates very well I could sense you've got a stronger well yes I have even my bounty going up yes sir take your sword yes yes yes [Music] oh my gosh why is that relax ladies and gentlemen I have officially become Prime Whitebeard I got the drip I got the fruit I even got my bicental there is nothing that could ruin my day a cat I need to go celebrate with my crew I need to celebrate with my captain Oh this is great bro let's go I finally a strong pirate and I heard it's celebration style of the boys on the crew hold on let me pull up yes sir oh we got Captain Rock's driving we got gabo goofy goober yeah today is my day man nothing can ruin this how's everyone doing y'all good are y'all strongest pirate on the sea like me good huh me too so I think it's a good time go drink some sake enjoy is that a marine boat who the heck is even that I know Marine's gonna mess with us rocks Pirates odd top the hell are y'all gonna what the whoa wait wait what the attackers wait wait wait who's that is that who I think it is me who was that the hell y'all waving it okay okay uh uh rocks I think we gotta get out of here bro I think we gotta yeah okay got that over with how the hell did me he get on our boat hi I thought you were one of us what the hell is the way yeah what is that supposed to be gold D Roger no the hell you got sabo's hat on what what's going on here hey are you rocks by Eddie chance you know who he is you're just on our crew what what are you doing what's Goldie Roger here been heard of you Pirates some DVDs lately DVDs like the things that go with those cassette tapes don't play dumb Lackey hmm kind of confused what's going on here wait hey get out of my back we gonna need to take care of you you dare challenge we wait yeah I agree wait they're about to fight us yeah they fight us Captain Rock stop the boat do you all know who we are me he traitor go Roger does it matter it matters to me boom wait what's happening what the hell is happening wait where's Captain rocks wait Goofy Goober Goofy Goober go did he just die wait no what's going on here wait no no this can't be they're not about to kill Captain rocks what the heck what's going on Captain is that you I see you I see my captain I need to help him I need to oh oh I blacked out what happened what wait my whole crew's here wait where's Captain rocks what are we driving over here it's going Oh Captain cap dare betray me hey what's going on here this don't look good it's for the best might have to finish the job now I'll show you what happens when you betray me Captain no oh no oh no our captain the strongest pirate on the sea but I don't know if he's taken down gold Roger with the help of Garth yeah I gotta help him but I can't even see if he's almost dead [Music] oh no Captain I gotta fight back no no I'm not gonna help I'm not strong enough I'm [Music] he was strong I gotta admit but know so much he killed our captain do you want to give it a try too Captain rocks Captain rocks no I'm not strong enough yet I gotta live to find another day oh oh the Rocks Pirates will live on no we gotta Escape we gotta Escape no Captain Rock no [Music] fellow rocks Pirates it's been three months since our captain has died a sad three months we still here though indeed of course you'd be happy Goku go fight someone but I think it's time I take my leave boys I'm sad so am I but I want to make a crew stronger than the Rock's Pirates now back to my training regiment that guy makes me sick Bro well I'm surprised he even came out you will thanks for your support boys I wish you luck and started your own Cruise it's a bit of Honor above me ah the heck was that I don't play it I said you know what you did but me I'm off to see farewell Prime Whitebeard set off on his journey to avenge his captain and become the strongest pirate of the sea but first i'm gonna have to form myself a crew time skip time skip white beard and the ability damn I got old where the hell my hair go I don't even have a beard how my white beard I still don't ladies and gentlemen it's been 50 years since my captain died I made my own crew that they are right here allow me to introduce you as my shipmate we have gobble to my right we have Goofy Goober we have Diamond hand Frost and for my first Commander we have what the heck is even that how is that Marco how would Marco Mark is that bro bootleg fighter been a long and tough journey I made a lot of good memories along the way I actually became the strongest pirate on the sea why bear that is me yes sir but now I just feel like I'm missing something around me as you can tell I have some old members from my crew but I just need some young energy what did he say I need another Commander someone who one day could take my place where can I find such a person well I found this I live here maybe a boat who the hell is traveling around by themselves and why is this bow shaped like a Marco did you just stick his boat well it's gone well he can't leave now so he may as well join the crew I wonder where he is where's them the hell was that was that fire no it was you look strong he looks promising he looked he's also a magician where the hell did he go oh there how the hell you have my logo on your back okay relax relaxed who was you strong pirate my name again I'm Straw Hat Ace Straw Hat Ace the hell's a straw hat no you are now white beard Ace uh yeah because you can't leave oh my God y'all brother what is wrong with this guy old man the hell you call it old man listen here race join my crew I mean you have no other option we kind of sank your boat so um I don't know how you expect to get off here with the devil fruit but you can't beat me you want to know my strike are you sure yes crew back up I don't watch y'all Young Bucks to get hurt ah not again he is not an old man hey guys back up before I kill y'all too now I'm not gonna kill you but let me teach you a valuable lesson about an old man you think that fire Gonna Hurt Me Oh that he got voted oh damn sure about this Ace Ace I'll give you one more chance before I had this once and for all Ace I hope you learned your lesson five I'll join the old man Pirates you is now my son okay because that's what Whitebeard does I just claim random people as my son even though I just met you you are now by biological son okay I birth you do you understand don't kiss me that was weird as hell what the heck is go I gotta go I gotta go meet me what the hell you doing in this anime [Music] hi you my son too joy and who the hell destroyed our boat why is our boat almost your own fault I don't even oh wait wasn't my fault oh Dad well as you can see we put together the white beard Pirates what the hell was that just hear our voice everybody tell me come here Ace I followed you like an omelette bro oh I swear I was telling a white beard what to do is that red hair Shacks listen here buggy the shanks clown looking saber little boy you my son too oh shoot you just attacked my crew why don't you Clash swords with me boom boom boom Oh that way what are you doing after the corner oh damn his cheeks his cheeks I should probably do something buddy hey guys not my problem bro across you good unless they hear shakes damn you ugly what kind of Shanks is even that you know what let me just let me just oh let me teach you a valuable lesson about who the strongest powered on to see you dab he died quick dabble fight back definitely destroyed our boat for real I didn't destroy our boat Marco ain't no way I destroyed our boat ah see look what the hell is this pineapple had to talk about you don't even know your head from a fruit get on the boat ah such a beautiful family I made I've come a really long way it's time we set sail into the sunset of happiness never shall I lose my family again wrong how does that say old man can we talk Ace sure son where do you want to talk the Coliseum right over here my dearest son probably told me he wants to be the captain of our crew yeah I'm so happy bro I could cry hey old man what is it I want to get revenge on me are you talking about years ago when he killed everyone yes wait Ace no I do not allow it you aren't strong enough for that I'm stronger now no hey no no don't get it twisted that bad folded everybody everyone okay I got 42. I passed out wow nice don't go I can beat him now you're too young let me prove it to you no hey stop no Ace Ace I don't know where the hell he went his boat's over there how did he go how do you mix anyway I hope we fight where Ace oh no bruh he definitely did a leave because wait is that hip at the dock hey hey no no Ace Ace literally the white beard no that wasn't the last time he was gonna see Ace but the next time wasn't gonna be any good everybody tune in to see the second commander of the white beard Pirates Parish this just said pork is the Ace commander of the white bear powers has been captured and his execution is scheduled for one week from now come tune in for the celebration and watch this young mad parent what the hell did I just watch and how are you doing the newscast and you're right beside me not even makes sense what we gotta save Ace why be a pirates we can't let this happen yes Captain what did he do what what we must rescue Ace yes I'm still sick of you it's time to go savings we are off to Marine full the day has come now we saving Ace see I got the white beer Pirates here ladies and Gentlemen let's go secure my second coming actually where the hell is Marine for I don't even know where I'm going oh oh there it is okay bet I'm a body submarines okay ghetto Marco you got this I wonder if it's still alive he can't be his execution isn't scheduled for another day but if we go now they ain't gonna stop us hell no who is gonna stop us he needs to be no one exactly Goofy Goober style lava oh it tastes both I see it because he has his ball wait but where's Ace oh no somebody's standing on top of that rock right here akaido Aku is that a kaidu akaido come down here Ace will be executed no matter what you filthy pirate are you sure about it do you not see you are surrounded are you underestimating my Powers what the hell you think you gonna do toss oh [ __ ] wait the war started well he did a lot of damage if I backed but oh go wait wait hold on I need to find Ace the war started but where is Ace where is he now he's got to be locked in here gotta be locked in here Ace no Al-Qaeda where is Ace she'll be him face wait wait wait he is on the execution platform getting ready nice thanks we will save you everybody regroup we need a game plan boys what the hell was that bro we kind of got folded why is he so strong it's just one guy I was one guy taking all that even makes sense I love power though effective why the hell you got love power oh shoot it's already lava okay we wait for Luffy Luffy that little Straw Hat kid and he's not gonna do nothing or is he is that that's the sunny oh shoot I'm here to save you Ace this is Luffy this man got a whole robot leg and a kid I'm gonna defeat you a kaidu I'd save my brother oh Straw Hat boy I don't think you're ready I guess it's the best we got oh I'm a problem yeah how do you turn pink okay get him sure yeah I don't know you could turn pink go ahead what's that something like gum gum power oh oh wait wait he's on our team yeah relax bro the enemy's over there okay good yeah uh yeah up there get up what their Pirates ghetto I can't go out like this I can't go out like this where is he [Music] Luffy free Ace oh my gosh the war is going Luffy's gonna go for Ace and we go get out of here that's all we need to do it's Ace wait wait why is he find it wait why is he fighting no what the hell just happened is that him that's him oh no oh no Ace please Ace please they still do this he's about to die Ace Ace hey hey snow hey no no filthy Pirates don't underestimate the power of a fleet you asked for it you have asked this is the final straw nice charged oh how does he do so much damage I white beard wait I'm white beard crew no no no pop no old man why am I dead [Music]
Channel: imFiji
Views: 429,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imFiji, roblox, im fiji, one piece, one piece roblox, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, one piece game, anime roblox, update 17 part 3, dragon, blox fruits trailer, blox fruits codes, 24 hours, i became shanks, blox fruits shanks, red hair shanks, one piece red, becoming whitebeard, doflamingo, doflamingo rap, blox fruits quake, blox fruits rap, becoming luffy, becoming sanji in blox fruits, gear 5 luffy, gear 5, noob with magma, whitebeard vs anime, blox fruits vs anime
Id: UYzT8Mw0srI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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