Becoming ROB LUCCI in 24 Hours (Blox Fruits)

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why no come on oh I'm getting God human there's only two things I look forward to when I wake up rip in your posting on Twitter that blocks route is about to be updated oh damn since when and destroying every filth that's ever stood in my way in this darn game now if you look right here I've been trading you see that that's your boy at 2.9 million pounds I am here but not yet and that is why we are here today you write the title so you know how we getting down Google yeah we definitely going for the white drip today the hell is that on his chin that's like an upside down McDonald's logo now usually we're not searching people I can find something this time it may not work unless I type in raw Bellucci what the heck is even that oh shoot oh that's hot yeah probably in the building of course you know I have to be a marine this time around right there okay to attention to detail and a couple of y'all keep telling me to take my hat off why don't you take your mom off my meat Mission today become Rob Luchi and unlock god I guess this boy don't use swords right unequipped but if I want God human where do I even start hey good think we got Google God human animal machine but what the god human here it is according to the wiki to obtain got you we must get 400 Master wheel on superhumans that's the shark man karate electric claw and dragon Talent you also need five million dollars five thousand fragments and access the third C what am I unlocking God oh wait I guess it's kind of in the title hey I hate this app hey rip watermelon you dead meat look at you be so filthy all they do is Click buttons to switch the portal real quick because the first thing I'm gonna have to do is see how much master I got on all the fighting stuff and number one is superhuman all right should be here oh Blossom that's so convenient if I'm not mistaken oh oh my lobsters are the most OG Rob Lucha you've ever seen bro where is this tunnel it's right there yes okay wait where's the trader I thought he was right here oh there's another door yeah I could be stupid sometimes martial arts master give me super human it's been a while since I had superhuman bro okay I've been using this since I first started let's see what I got 550 because we need 400 so superhuman check What's Next Step all you mean this guy right here see what I did there oh wait that's not even let's go there we go all right rad the pick here woman on that step we got 400 check which means that only leaves two more I was wrong there's three Electric Claw which I just had bro was I good talking about karate now I'm in the right place shark back karate give me that oh water Kong food wait this is a shark man karate so what's shark man karate it was here I learned I'm about to run into my first obstacle from Sharkboy karate is the upgraded version of water coming full I definitely don't have the obtainment it could be bought from Doc Rock the shark man after giving him a water key which you could attain by killing pod keeper and having water something for a Mastery 400 oh hell nah I got three let's take to the C I could already tell you this grad about to be one of the hardest ones I've ever done oh and don't worry your song's coming be patient water Kung Fu teacher dark step teacher oh and here's the SharkMan karate guy hello thanks for finding my keys but I can't teach you anything yet come back when you're preparedness I can't use leopard fruit to get God human I need to use fighting style so let the grind begin this will be my new home for the next very very long time should it be too hard right Journey Begins hey y'all don't bother me please don't make my life harder there has to be I already got these hackers look look I don't even get that [Music] the 325 puts me only 75 away but it only gonna get harder and I think after water Kung Fu I gotta get shark mad karate to 400 as well as Dragon talent I don't even got dragon breath I believe [Music] it's not like my journey wasn't hard enough as it is obviously I'm gonna be jumped and targeted by our chaos as you can see and as he dropped to death combo easy and with this 350 complete I've lost fruit Squad that could be leopards right there for something so good where is it over here bro if I want more flavor bro Ace you God bro accept it if you don't know God human is the best fighting style in the game as well as the hardest one to get in the game and explain much for our objective today is clear but it is a very hard one time skip to 400. 400. oh gosh I can't breathe police said oh who's water Kung Fu Master it's time to move forward portal sea castle right back to where we were give me the shark man would you like to learn SharkMan karate fighting style for two million five thousand fragments you won't even have that I always gotta sped Roblox daughter hey you yeah yeah yeah you look at that you can at least reply El Amigo ah yes Roblox please bro I'd do anything for Roblox you don't look like I'm getting anywhere you suck he said Leo Santo no tengo netball easy he said I'm sorry I don't have it but if I did I would try to give it to you oh really WV tours I gotta Adam he said c I hope we see Vitor again but for now I think I have enough no I don't buy 499 Robux I ride my Robux every day 4 500 fragments did you rock give me the SharkBite Lord there it is SharkMan karate and zero Mastery it's time to get to work I'm being chased I am that's fine I am Rob Lucci before I get a car back are you sure about this there he is I have Phil look at you look at this look at it was it worth it bro tell me tell me if it was worth it look at you was it yeah I blow games YT you suck you see I always like to start my day with a large mother because I need to upgrade shark with karate I'm trying to be a God God Lucci wow that I hope y'all don't mind if I cook what up mama it's Lucci and I'm big I have a big boy finisher finisher I love me so big mothers what'd that give me please For the Love of All That is gonna move that why you're still going okay just like that we almost halfway there oh my kid I don't have to get the 300 I have to get the four oh this is a fruit hold on now it should be around in here no way someone just fat what was it bro huh that sucks oh I am Rob Lucci you don't want to do this try me so you want to play a game don't go right now don't run now I'm trying to play a game like a jigsaw Black Ops jigsaw hey bro it just hits look at your house why did you do this to yourself it didn't have to be this way you gave me a fruit [Music] back to the mission at hand Master SharkMan karate so I could get God you continue oh and I'll need this ah cursed fruit how many fruits have I dropped in the water total it's been a lot of food it seems that every server I go with I've met with Unfortunate Events here's yet another hacker yeah somebody banned this man unlock their next move pressure Vortex less than 200 away [Music] that's what I got the 300 everything was going so good rad the dragon user from the top ropes who would have thought if there's also a fruit that just spot here 30 meters away they have no damage though I missed look at these weirdos [Music] to go then one more whole entire fighting style to unlock I may just have to become another character in the meantime but for now sorry bro I need Bounty I already got don't leave don't leave bro his name is Fresco as fed yo dad your mom loves you April fools you're ugly as hell look at your kneecaps and you serve no purpose thank you I know and you're not love all that to still be 97 Mastery away can I truly become Lucci no Phil try to kill me again see this bruh I'm already dead to adult film never ends oh I hate those so much man [Music] The Time Is Here sharkma karate 3.99. who the hell is this who is that it's got a box I just got a box I don't even know what these moves do this is uh this should be the last NPC come on no one more this is that boom complete revolution in the building all right you know what that means let's check the wicked superhuman 400 that's that 400 shark meant karate 400 we need electric claw and dragon Talent now I had electric law to start the video but if we do a quick little teleport come over here the previous hero and talk to him we should get Electric Claw just like that 398 I don't even have 400 on this oh are you serious right now this should be quick 3.99 let's make that even 400 with nikoff out of the f400 there's only one thing that remained Dragon talent but if you click Dragon Talent we can't even get it unless we have dragon oh no I'm gonna need a Time skip I think I should become somebody else in the meantime before that y'all hear that beat that's about that time it's time to cook [Music] it up it was so fast I ain't got no heart like me he too bad that you can't be be hit up with that Roku girls will like it the way that I talk move to the air like my day skywalks tp-09 boy at the top like the harder from the bottom now we're here Luffy what I never won that fight without his ears we're taking over like it's my hobby anyone a box of comments step up in my lobbyists take it right back to Japan I'd be like big mama real quick with that fingerprint [Music] I am not oh my gosh this took me so long but I'm not a rapper yes sir Rob Lucci at the building now to catch up to speed after I mastered every single other fighting style I had to get dragon Talent so I may becoming sober as you can see it's in my hand I took this grinded my life away got all the way up to mass 3 350 and now we're here with only 50 Mass railway from God human the time is now and I'm not a rocker let's finish dab you so strong I had a whole time Skip and you still so strong skeleton let's go 50 masks three left the last and final grind where is it big it's not gonna cut it I'm gonna have to pay to win who am I kidding I don't have Robux but I have rip guy that's not rip guy that's Cat in the Hat oh who the heck is this his name is XYZ cab and he's here to help us get it oh how's his boss dead already where I need my damage boom Oh my gosh oh my gosh Dragon town do a lot of damage Dragon time do a lot of damage boom boom let's go all right 46 Mastery away the ball we got oh that's the job Fiesta oh that's not looking good let me hop in here oh let me stop it the wrong part of town it's Rob Lucci next boss yep beautiful Pirates always here nobody fights this boss except for me do my damage though I would do my damage though this is the Louch Rob Lucha Libre I've been without God human for so long my whole life I've wanted this fighting style this is finally My Moment put her in the corner I mean him whoa pause watch My Moment of Truth enjoy this time skip one down next boss I'm out of bosses but it looks like I Unleashed my whole crew the circuses of circus Murphy rip guys not really at the circus but hey he here another me feed what that just means it's Cobb for Pay to Win let's go this is my moment that should be enough damage perfect bird in my flame 31 away the whole server is here definitely help me practice my aim boom 48 45 where did all these people come from what is this what is this damn I feel bad for boa I feel bad this is painful 22 away that pay to win only got me about 28 Mastery so 22 away oh I can save my buddy go here hold up I gave you one last three grind top 20 Mastery away 17. bro I'm telling you Angel is the best thing in the world for grinding it's so free just 12 more last and final ten got humid God human six five four three two the last home stretch they should put you at 3.99 it did one more round will they give me the last three bass three ID that's it that's it let's go 40400 let's go it is now time for a lot God human but where is it oh actually I think I know I think me he showed me I'm not mistaken it's in a tree somewhere somewhere in a tree maybe not oh wait actually look kind of thick that tree's so thick it's thicker than all the other trees oh this tree oh thick boy hold on gotta be this one right here what's this wait did they just go in yes oh it is it isn't a thick tree my time has come I've waited my whole life for this oh my gosh I've been through so much yeah do I have everything I must check the god human requirements five million dollars check five thousand fragments check all that's left is to talk to the ancient Monk and he's right here this is it the bulb in rip guy I take 30 mils Bounty I just have easy on his chest damn he got toxic okay all right my time has come bring me 20 fish tails 20 magma or 10 dragon scales and 10 Mystic drops there's ain't no way why would he asked for no no no what he fishtails 20 bags okay let's see what I got when I pull up my inventory when it comes to 20 fishtails it should be at the bottom right I have 17. okay 308 20 magma ore I'm 19. what away had Mystic droplets Mystic droplet I got 99 that's good head dragon scales and I have three let's get to work put it to the wiki fishtails obtained for Fishman Warrior Fishman Commando fish with Lord fisherman Raider fisherman Captain I think there's fish here actually these are fish right fisherman Raider fish recapped it so let's go okay I can get them here get to work I need one one fishtail I believe can this be it no how rare are they though oh God he would grind never ends just what I thought I've done it I have it Dragon Talent Mastery that's not a fish tank how do you think for a fishtail no got it bro are you sure you get it from these guys ain't no way it's gonna be this hard I must have gotten it from now right okay hold on let's take a look no I didn't even get one wow that's a grind comments again oh my gosh are you serious let me talk to my consulted rip guy what where's the best place to get fishtails first C all right Rob Lucci's dirty is not over let us go I'm here at Percy the wiki did say I can do the fisherman Warriors and I believe this is them right well yeah okay this is a lot easier give me your tail yeah I got one okay this is the place to be I need three that was one three two fishnail again oh my God this is so much better this is so much better I was like the same one that gave you the fishtail items go down we still I need one more just one just one more come on give me the tail of the fish nothing what are you what do you has given it to me every time don't let me down it was definitely not these ones never give up fish still let's go Scott makes 20 and we are to the next challenge according to the wiki next we need magma ore oh it's common this should be easy lava pirate magma ninja magma Admiral military free spy military Soldier that's for the Meg more I have 19 I didn't watch let's go any of these should do the trick military Soldier give me something Magmar bag more come over here that's 20. back to the wiki 20 fishtails what do you make my horse head dragon scales I have the Mystic droplets this is it I just need dragon skills how do you get that wait why is it is it all the way down here please let me all the way down here please don't be in the super rare cat a rare one out of four percent chance drop Dragon crew Warrior Dragon Archer what's a dragon crew Warrior they are the people what the dragon crew Warrior oh on Hydra in third C they are the people at Hydra now he finishes and set this okay let's go I need 10 so I need seven more oh wow let's do it and we are in where are they gotta be up top right gotta be some sort of weird place all the way up here I already know some weird place all the way up here okay I see something I see a cliff gotta be here here here here is this it Dragon crew Archer this is it right dragon scale you get them the dragon crew Warrior the dragon crew Archer these are the ones all right let's do it I need seven that gave me nothing this may be the hardest thing I've done oh did I mention this is like three weeks later by the way yeah that's how long it took me like a month and nothing on bruh these guys suck there's got to be something else because these guys are the stronger ones right what about this what if wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're gonna be some over here right Dragon crew Warrior these ones are easier let's go dude these ones you're gonna kill me it's always Gucci well it's Lucy whoa commands with hopes of getting a dragon scale in order to get his God human only one in real life month has gone by since he started but he was still optimistic that I wasn't gonna take two no foreign [Music] we have four out of ten all right we got this [Music] Cricket scale all right here we go we're up guys back the ball Bob away dragon scale why am I getting so happy right now bro I'm just getting literal in-game scales okay you know what we got this four remain oh my gosh wait that's a lot of way what's happening bro yo it's happening so fast it's happening so fast now three left three left come all we can do it switch fighting style so make it easier dragon scale oh there should only be two left and what I want I want I want I have one more dragon scale bro I don't know what that man was saying when he was up buddy but I want to scale away look we're nine this is it the only thing in my way from God human dragon scale that's it and stop let's go my Bluetooth real Gucci Lucci what the Gucci come all the thick tree I see the door I see it now it's clear to me I have fallen down the hole the abyss it's him the ancient bug have you checked the prerequisites we had the fishtail we have the backboard we have the dragon scale we have the Mystic droplet we have five billion dollars at 5 000 fragments God human you are would you like to learn God here with fighting style for five billion at five thousand this style allows you to annihilate your opponents with Godlike attacks and has four special skills Trap God human oh we're gonna be to give a speech all right go for a rip guy give speech here we go Fiji you shall unlock your full power thus letting you all the epic music I'm gonna cry but take it 30 Millions bounties with easy yes sir he got it on his chest I got it on my face I tell them to cope I could have said it better myself making the rage quit yes I just gotta use my moves 350 mastery so Fiji I ask you are you ready yeah Nicole did you subscribe oh my God
Channel: imFiji
Views: 707,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imFiji, roblox, im fiji, one piece, one piece roblox, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, one piece game, anime roblox, update 18, blox fruits codes, 24 hours, noob, leopard, god human, noob to pro leopard, rob lucci, rob lucci rap, god, becoming, becoming rob lucci in 24 hours
Id: 7JDgmDgulNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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