I Mastered EVERY Sword & Gun in Blox Fruits

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there are 50 weapons total in Blox roof and I decided to put all of them on a wheel to see if I can Master every single one now for the past 365 days I attempted to get every weapon in the game but it was only this week I learned to master them you also have to upgrade them me the blacksmith when you kill an NPC they will drop material from a wing to a scale and even things that are a lot more rare to get and you need thousands of them to upgrade each weapon spin the wheel looks like we started with the soulc now all these materials have different drop rates let's see if I have enough to upgrade the first weapon blacksmith I there I can upgrade your weapon let's take a look sword we need five radioactive material and 20 leather I got it craft upgraded weapon to grade one and if we look at my items the weapon should have something on it let's see boom you see that star one down but I ain't going to lie I'm not going to stay this lucky come on spin shoe sweet oh no I know for a fact I don't have the material to upgrade this shoe site takes 10 leather and eight Mystic droplets if we click on the Mystic droplet we can see how to get them defeat SE soldiers fighter tiek keeper who's this sea Soldier all they in the second sea at Skull Island let's go portal skull okay here's the sea and there's the soldier nope and I need nine of these oh jeez let's make this easier give me the droplet sing sing sing sing as you can see this is going to be pretty difficult cuz some of these drops are a lot harder to get than others what we need is the Mystic drop that has a 2.5% chance drop oh come on Mystic droplet and we still need seven more time skipping 3 2 1 yes sir there a blacksmith and secondy as well let's talk to him upgrade your weapon sword uhhuh I got 90 craft Max upgrade applied another weapon down and I've been playing this game for a year so I may have more material than I think spin dark blade yo this is the one I wanted the most yes give me the dark blade let's go okay so I a going to lie I trained for this one I heard to get the dark blade you need a 15 scales a dark fragment 10 magma ores I grinded I grinded for scales I grinded for magma ores yeah I'm going to make you watch all that and I got my dark blade right here my sword yes this is the what I wanted I got eight fragments I got my way to 90 scales woo this took 3 days 99 hours and if we look at the dark blade it gives you a 10% damage boost upgrade complete I can't wait to use this now the max you can get for material is 99 let's just say there is a lot more than 99 of certain materials I need spin the wheel so let's see how far we can get and so I thought I got this and sad okay another one of Zoro swords and yo it ranks the weapons from strongest did y'all know that okay guess I got to upgrade cuz my inventory looking messed up now okay I just found for Shu oh shoot oh I should be able to upgrade sword yep Mystic droplets I got them all leather craft 15% plus damage that is good I may have to use this oh we should test the damage boost sword dads not bad and next we got oh my old favorite weapon the Coco not going to lie I used to like this sword a lot during my live video Woo but I want to see something slash without upgrade 2,662 write that down electric stab 4,000 injection shot 4,374 well this upgrade need let's see upgrade sword wait what is this a tooth oh no the farming is about to continue again when I look at Material what is that which one mini I don't think that's the mini Tusk there's like a different tus this vampire fang I don't even have one where do you get this from oh my God I need 28 oh my gosh no I need 49 bro from what it's not even telling me where to get it wait Vinnie 24 YT says I got 1 and 30 minutes they really have to increase the drop rate wa CD says skill issue bro where do you even get it from you need to kill around 30 to 50 vampires for one where would the vampires be we go to haunted now mind you this weapon was given to me in second seed by the law boss so I assume there's only one NPC I I know in a cave and it must be these are these the vampires wait I farmed these so much I've never gotten one oh my gosh I'm scared give me one oh that's how this is going to go oh my gosh I farm the whole cave and haven't got one I'm going to need a Time skip boys I shall return my first Fang this only took me about 10 minutes 10 minutes and I need what like 56 I squared up ladies and gentlemen 45 vampire fangs I also found a barrier fruit I just need one more come on block fruit just one just one and if you guys haven't notice I've been doing this so long I got my God H with Mastery 600 vampire let's go blacksmith sword give me upgrade my boy 46 is what I need for possibly all of them got it craft all right now I Ain going to lie there is so many materials like do I need all of these and what' I get Cannon what do you need for a cannon guns if I remember somebody told me that it was like crazy oh no we good five fish tails magma leather I definitely should have that that's if I even have the Canon I don't uh-oh to get the cannon you buy it from Advanced weapon dealer for 100,000 this guy's located Marine Fortress hidden behind the house what got to go to First SE okay I'm at the Marine Fortress hidden behind a house which house do they speak of oh which house oh I see some ah Advanced weapon dealer all right let's talk to him what we got oh I definitely don't have any of these let me just get them all buy the cannon purchase buy the flint lock purchase give me the slingshot all right I got all the guns equipped oh my gosh I need Mastery no this can't be real oh I found another weapon dealer I got the musket flint lock I don't I already have these am I just getting robbed oh I swear to I'm at thir C first let's see if I can even upgrade it without the Mastery blacksmith gun wait I can upgrade it hold on Craft oh it worked oh should I get the Mastery anyway spin the wheel I'm in third C now I'm going to wait for the bosses to spawn and as soon as they do I'll upgrade but for now whole second four I just be came Nami the other day do I have a pull I do and I don't have the moves e oh wow you can't make this up hold on now if I go Buddha this shouldn't be too bad I only need four Mastery that's one that's two that's three that's four let's go oh hold on I can do the Canon right now too sing s s s s all right check out my Strat if I go V4 my Cannon should be maxed now right so if I go big and gather everybody together oh no I killed him come on come together watch if I use my Cannon now shoot I have this thing weak shoot again yeah my Canon Mastery goes up when I kill him with V4 let's go okay again again again I just need 100 I need seven more Mastery woo they're killing me can y'all die oh I got to move yes sir Cannon mastered all right Cannon good pole V2 good the pole V2 to upgrade needs fish tails Mystic droplets and scraps and look at how much I farm I definitely got them all give me the upgrade what wait you at the blacksmith oh there he is sword craft plus 8% damage wait we forgot to test the Coco sword I still got the damage here spin all right Coco all right I had 2,662 slash damage now I have 3,35 not bad electric stab was 4,372 electric stab 4,900 okay okay so another plus what 400 500 and injection shot 4,374 almost 5,000 all right that's like a 600 damage increase not bad my wheel finished spinning and we got toshida yida should be a Zoro sword I should have it maxed already yep cuz I became Zoro y'all remember that so if I check what I need to upgrade sword yep I need 20 tusks and six leather 8% damage bro I hope I don't run out of material I know it's coming soon remove spin true triple Katana oh no I already know this about to be bad I definitely believe the rare weapons especially mythics probably cost a lot five dragon scales 20 Mystic droplets 50 leather oh but you could only hold 99 my leather may be gone after this no you need leather for so much though yo please please blacksmith don't don't take all my leather sword I don't have enough I have 48 okay where do you get leather bro bro look at all the things that need leather 50 is crazy I don't even know obtainable by various enemies but what does that even mean the interesting thing about leather is that it can be obtained by defeating various enemies in the game this implies that you will need to test yourselves in battles to accumulate this material what does that I'm going to first C all right so I feel like pirate Village is where I got the leather from last time I'm going to try it out here I don't know okay leather plus one okay so you get it from here all right give me a moment oh scrap metal I got my second leather so I'm going head straight to the blacksmith why because these Bandits give more than just leather they give scrap craft plus 50% damage is crazy if I'm going to farm them I may as well have my inventory open to get both I'm going to need all the material I can get and next is one though oh yeah we definitely need leather oh yeah items W let's take a look I already know upgrade 10 leather there we go three things back to back and upgrade all right all Zero's weapons should be out the way now and so far we're at 10 out of 50 weapons dual headed blade what I was about to say make it 11 but I don't even know what that is dual headed blade right here now the question is do I have that oh right here I do oh what go ahead and upgrade that I do need Mastery hold on and pipe I know I got that these next ones should be a lot easier okay I got it but I'm still going to have to get the Mastery and next is the midnight blade I definitely don't have that one but that shouldn't be too bad I just got to beat the boss right the midnight boss at the haunted SHP in second C bro I got this y attempt number one give me the blade wait where's the blade okay hard all right attempt number two give me this blade bro bro why am I not getting the blade bro I could swear midnight blade you get it from the boss right this sword can be bought from L admin who located on C ship leave me my bot oh my you need 100 Ecto plasms ew what the heck it's a giant man with the Nerf wall get out of my back me Nerf wall the man who won't raise his kids look at him back up oh I still need 13 more ectoplasms oh shoot got to go a second see now apparently he's somewhere over but where is he oh my is this him alaro would you like to trade 50 Ecto Plaza for a ghoul mask that's not him all right detective Fiji sees like a library shelf right here which means a library okay that's like a bed maybe the basement nobody wants to read books in front of people they'll get made fun of yo where is this guy the boss room bro there's got to be shelves in here has to be empty bro I swear I checked every wait there's six rooms wait did I go in this one oh there he is talk sorry you need 100 ectoplasm okay I can probably get my Mastery up this way too what you doing Sunny ah he's raising his kids oh you finally talking to your kids good for you stroller boy cuz me I know you get the Ecto plasmas from this guy I know know you do ectoplasms and I'm pretty sure you get them quick woo got the first move let's do this quick another ectoplasm mastered the blade I got assassinate I got raging wind and that was the one time I didn't get ectoplasm the one no I'm there we go 100 perfect let's go midnight blade you are M yes sir bro I've always wondered how to get this weapon the D 325 m three are you kidding me I need 40 ectoplasms to upgrade anyways let's run it up just like that 40 now I managed to get the Mastery 180 so I will have to finish that up oh shoot but for now we upgrade sword ectoplasms 50% damage is so nice and look how my inventory is looking now I just got a bunch of Swords up here then more swords down here Spin and on to the Twin Hooks now I know I used those for a death video I remember that yep yep got the master three please don't do it to me upgrade leather oh I knew I needed leather all right back to First C 99 leather oh my gosh Twin Hooks fully upgraded now true triple Katana is probably the worst but believe me there's still weapons I haven't even got yet and I think this is one of them Kucha what is that if we go to guns is it in the first SE no it's probably in the second SE Kucha no don't tell me don't tell me it takes 50 leather I just restocked you can obtain it from the strongest god on usab island with 1,500 frags do I have it of course I don't off the second C now I'm pretty sure you just have to go to this island called remote I know I've seen Usopp here many times that's supposed to be Usopp e talk sir would you take my slingshot yeah I will pause cuz in my last dark dagger video I fought inra like 19 times look how many frags I got bro trade I'll take it unlock the kabuta oh and it's 250 Maser on gun oh my gosh bro what's up with these weapons head to the blacksmith gun oh there goes all my leather craft and kabuta is gone but don't forget I still need the Mastery I believe on kabuta and midnight blade and the next weapon is Ren Goku and maybe even that too wait do I not have the red Goku sword yo there's no way how much weapons you got left to upgrade small one who you talking to considering we did 15 already 35 more now I'm pretty sure you get Ren Goku from the ice castle let's be sure Ren Goku how do I not have this in second C players can obtain a hidden key with a 1 to 5% chance wait a second I've got that key with a castle hold on wait don't I just have to buy it is this the guy no that's not the guy a hidden key where the player can then enter a secret room hidden under stairs below the awakened ice Admiral by entering the right side there's a door under the stairs no way oh you need a key for this okay Bet this should be pretty easy considering I'm a sweat now oh shoot I got the library key okay is this the hidden key bro I don't think this is the key it don't fit fit you key you got the key it's this one it's a gray key says hidden what how do you get that it's rare though I stole your luck for some reason you just got it oh are you serious I'm doing it shop respawn bosses I need this I admo you can't I have one me no you can't didn't work let me pull out my dark blade we going kill him even quicker wait you got two keys hey sit back for a sec stop taking my luck 50 more roblo come on come on hidden key you found a library key times two time two what are need two of these for last 50 Roo three three Library Keys you know what this is fine I could be using my midnight blade for this feel like a whole gambling addict when I do this Library key Rel I got to hit her bro Library key bro I have five Library Keys is this possible is this possible oh my gosh I think the library Keys guaranteed the one that's not is the hidden key Library key once more I'm going to give it one last try I even get the library time to save my Roo and get the server hopping five keys at a dream how many hidden you got only one I guess it is that rare let's see n for just said he got both keys at the same time say goodbye to the nine Library Keys let's go oh my gosh bro look at my Mastery 291 I swear I was like at zero or something I fought this boss y I don't even care open up obtained red Goku oh it just gave it to you okay item here it is got the red Goku 350 Mastery all right I'm May save this for when Demon Slayer comes back Ren Goku Black Beard spawn this may be my chance oh my gosh I about the die yo relax don't mind if I do all right so the whole server here yo y see oh you punching I want to get my last hit in with my midnight blade see if I can get some master three okay I think I did it I think I did it let me get out of here any Mastery nothing just a dark fragment bro o I'm going to destroy everybody get at the blacksmith red Goku upgrade yet another sword in the books and we still about halfway but this next sword oh no the hollow Scythe this next one is a mythical the mythicals are scary bro this going to take everything from me sword you need eight 800 bones you know what this works perfect I can get all my Mastery up let's get the third seat we have haunted ground time progress report midnight blade fully mastered also 488 bones 13 demonic whisk now I looked it up it says I also need them for curs to Catana 18 total that's a lot of whisps and they pretty rare let's replace the midnight Blade with Ren Goku and let's get the 350 boys this is the home stretch I only need six more bones one more [Music] bone there we go teleport on to the blacksmith and we should be good for the hollow Scythe upgrade craft there it is 10% plus damage you know my inventory is slowly starting to go back to normal still some weapons down here that shouldn't be no matter Ren Goku is now already at 255 and our next weapon iron mace oh bad that should be an easy one I know I have that let's go and I got the Mastery perfect sword oh I hate that it takes leather craft next and woo I thought I was going to say Trident you know how hard Trident is to get but Ward and sword oh I do have it yep is it mastered no oh I haven't third C this should be easy you get leather from these guys too ain't no way Ain no way oh that's what it meant I got both abilities anyways let's get this trash sword out of here upgrade I'll take my leather sure Warden God if you look at our list still need Kucha and rang Goku upgraded but the amount of weapons it's getting smaller musket oh a gun oh two guns okay I know I just got this one refined musket 200 Mastery 200 Master for a gun for a gun but what am I going to do with this add it to the list go ahead and give it an upgrade long sword do I have it I do 200 Mastery are you serious now this this has been going smooth so far can I get the upgrade for the Boost sword yep yo these toxic graphic whatever this is this was one of the hardest things to get oh we're going to go ahead and upgrade this long sword quick I don't imagine it taking very long here but I should check if big mom's there it'll go even quicker long sword complete you know what I have a good feeling bro this is costing me a pretty penny almost done with rang Goku now I'm going to lie I generally feel like we making progress but I still feel there's things that are a lot harder slingshot that we Haven it done I already know I got to put this on the list are these just the guns oh the check the slingshot oh it's common oh only 40 Master we needed can I do this now I think I can okay hold on blacksmith done yep oh there goes the last of my leather for a slingshot I'll never use in my life and woo bro I'm so scared to get that trident I'm going have to to do it eventually but for whitebeards bento I know I already became Whitebeard in the past can I even get this I can let's go Bento upgraded and next buddy sword now buddy sword is actually a good weapon Goku but I have a feeling I'm running out of material boys please yep there it is leather gun you know what I got an idea all right V4 this should be pretty easy now slingshot yeah that should give you 40 right there we go slingshot mastered boom may as well do like the musket real quick refined musket 200 bro shooting girls in the head with a gun is crazy got it to one up two I can finish it up all right so I got V4 I should be able to finish off the musket uh-huh perfect shoot him again six more 199 bro look at this finesse muset complete wait items Kucha Kucha I need this too 250 oh that's a lot that is a lot but I can use it I almost got the ren Goku finished and I already got my kabuchi to 123 Mastery Ren Goku complete and 183 on my Kucha delete delete now this was supposed to be about the Buddy sword can I upgrade now I did get some leather 2 F never mind I will say my Kucha almost complete though 39 more W and with another 2 hours of my life down the drain if you take a look we got 99 leather again and 99 scraps buddy sword I can finally upgrade you craft I feel like our list is somewhat getting smaller J now I believe I do have the J I definitely haven't used it before 300 Mastery for this thing oh my go bro I'm going to use the jite sword upgrade I'll take my scrap sure got it done put on the Li g e next is the Dual Katana finally what I've been waiting for wait this is cursed dual Katana where in the oh my dual Katana is the actual sword obtainment sword dealer of the West and pirate Village wait that's where I am sword dealer of the West on oh this guy bro give me it give me it purchase and I got it 30 Mastery upgrade and done what is this world win what tornado oh hell no shark saww now I believe you get this weapon from arlong and I do have it but I definitely haven't used it again wait this should not take long got it all right blacksmith what's it going to take please be nice and easy sword 12 leather bro just let me keep my leather man I think this game's making me want to cry Dragon tried it please tell me I've used that before I have it here 350 I'm at 340 let's put it on the list we grab the upgrade take some leather and I think it's time for a Mastery grind and kabuta fully mastered intense wind oh yeah I'm going to need that I'm a need that and dragon tried it complete and Gite complete smoke operation what the heck was even that spin now if we pull up our list everything things done let's go and we are to Yama now I believe I got this one in the B Yama where you look look at all the weapons we upgraded boom back to the third sea blacksmith I hope this one going to be easy sword oh more leather that's okay these tusks the leather was nowhere near as hard to get these tusks I was farming those electric clpcs forever but Yama is upgraded and our numbers are dwindling look you can see the full list now whole first for and only 20 weapons out of 44 remain pull is a first SE weapon so this should be a breeze yep and oh there's no way the weapon I've been dreading the most and it's called the Trident now apparently you get this weapon in first SE by the fisherman Lord but bro this 10% drop chance it is a lie I've already farmed this boss about 33 times no tried it I tried i' I've been trying again and again and well let's try some more now I'm setting my spawn cuz I'm probably going to have to join a lot of servers we're here underwater fish my Lord is right there I should just be able to walk up and kill him though yep and no tried it bro 10% drop and I bought 2 x drops 20% liar ninja you lied oh let's go oh yeah oh yeah I'm tried so hard for this weapon I'm so grateful oh only 125 Mastery and fruit detected now the fruit should be right about oh rubber I'll take that and as for an upgrade I'll take that too still need the Mastery and go figure spiky tried it next now this is one of my classic weapons I'll definitely take the upgrade and I can't do the upgrade oh I need Cocos oh that's bad oh that's like the rarest material in the game oh no but the stress wasn't for nothing before I go to third SE it says I can upgrade my cdk bro this is what I wanted this is the weapon I I swear to I'm sick of this another 99 scraps 99 leather blacksmith upgrade my cdk thank you 7% damage boost it's already brain dead we go a third SE now for the spiky Trident I need two more Kadri coca and for the normal Trident I need Mastery you get the Coco from fighting these NPCs here this shouldn't be too too bad and my Mastery should to get the max pretty quick all right Trident already done retire that trash I'm going use this tab to master up all my guns two kocas may take a while but mastering the guns here won't one coner coca Let's Go sing sing sing sing sing sing sing and cdk Mastery 600 bro I've been grinding I think I'll do um maybe dark dagger next and there's the last coca spiky tried it give me a upgrade okay 9% damage is good bro yo these weapons about to go crazy spin now we cross all of these off our list yo let's go bro and next is saber now I'm not going to lie I heard that this was the strongest weapon in all the block sprots could you'all imagine I kind of want to test it normal slash 2,000 that was weak Deli Rush 4,000 and triple slash 4,000 okay let's give it an upgrade do we have enough and we do woo just barely oh I hope I don't have to get those again 50% damage boost craft oh my gosh so 2,000 slash turns to 2400 deadly Rush 4,500 triple slash okay that is like what almost somebody's entire Health with three moves I'm might to use that later we come to our last 15 obsidium rifle oh my gosh why does that sound bad now I've used this gun before so I know I have all the moves there they are but do I have the material I definitely don't think I do there's no way there's no please wait saber hey no no I'm I'm good on the saber gun oh I do let's go rifle complete by the way we are on day four of me doing this bizar rifle bizar bizar rifle wait and all my days I never heard of no bizar rifle is that in the game bizar it sounds like one of those ones you buy but please don't tell me bizar the diosi lint musk nope I don't see no bizarre second seed maybe oh my gosh it's a thing in second SE see has to buy 25 ectoplasms buy it from El rofo oh my gosh I think you have to buy the mask first before you could even get it I need 75 Ecto plasmas El pero you need 50 Ecto plasmas oh wait that's the wrong guy oh rodo what where is he the good news is I'm already here the bad news is this might take a while psych I think ectoplasma has been my best drops today it's almost like they're guaranteed three keep going now one more all right and the Slick shot bastard I just got to find the guy I've never seen him chances are he's what down stairs maybe oh that's him right here oh let's go oh rofo hey bro give me the thing give me the thing bizarre rifle nobody going to use this 300 Mastery on a gun oh my God is that rifle easy upgrade put on the Mastery list and hopefully we get something good I was just working on this gun bazooka and I only got 155 what the heck is even that can I upgrade it oh I can a dark fragment for a bazooka you got to be kidding me bazooka and then the base form Katana shme the be all bro this upgrade should be pretty easy with a base form Katana yep five leather five Wings we'll take it 30% damage increase is crazy two bad is trash refine my bro we're coming down to the fourth quarter I was able to master this weapon too getting the cocas gun I already got it and the one I wanted the most dark dagger wait I'm kidding Soul guitar is still here we still need a soul guitar upgrade oh no well dark dagger shouldn't be too bad right what do we need for dark dagger sword 10 I need 10 scraps I don't even have it a dark fragment eight scales oh looks like we're going back to First se but let me just check one more Cavender and and it's 300 Mastery and I got zero what about the upgrade sword I got the upgrade but that's enough to keep me busy CER now a few more scraps to do the trick fruit detected oh there's so many people here hold on got didn't see this light is not bad bro and everybody got a life through here all all three of them sing sink sing sing sing sing d i see a noob look at him look at him go take one of these buddy brevy eat up beautiful look how happy he is back to the grind and just like that Mr blacksmith this should be enough for you right sword and craft all right I'm officially out of scraps I hope I don't need any more look at all these weapons and I think I got them all oh let's go okay maybe not darn I go Li the trash talk is crazy in here what your mouth little kid it's wash now what stupid get grammarly I don't think you should be talking if you can't talk that's why you could spell stupid right and I was all like damn and he was all like one V one me since you're talking all that back it up oh a boy where they was that the guys at the prison dummy oh look I found them down there look at them look at them bro I'm literally 23 Mater I'm not wanting wanting you cuz you're a little 5 S mate sword only yeah look at them look at that should I kill them should I kill them bro shot Felix why not brude look they're really having a sword only fight no there's no way there's no way this is real is he is he lagging out oh I didn't even have the PVP on this is crazy AFK oh no oh no you can't yo no this is the circus if I've ever seen one we doing challenges like for this one only swords I mean all right but I don't got a good sword all right I got things to do y i i I think bro got his got his safety on well that's good enough bazooka complete alha wave and cinari Amo Dam Cavender complete big mom should give me some good Mastery for my gun oh that's if she don't blast me through the wall now to me 253 if we check the list we got two guns left both upgraded I'll spin but now the Mastery is coming and is that another gun serpent bow please tell me this is when Fiji reached his hardest challenge yet two guns with 300 Mastery and one with 250 can I at least upgrade it gun and I need scraps and what is that is that vampire teeth hold on no there's no way not the vampire anything but that wait I finished the Bazooka let's go and I got to do sil's boat looking at my list I have confirmed we've completed every sword that means all that's left is guns guess a stat reset is in need I'm hoping this will move this on quicker so let's find out bro y'all a ever see a Buddha gun man I should use this one day shoot shoot let's go boom and bizar rifle finally complete Hellfire shower what does that mean bro there ain't nobody going to use that now I'm going to start with the Serpent's bow but I still need some material so I'm going to go get that home stretch serpent bow is Max now I'm going be honest with y'all there's only a few more thing your boy needs before I truly be blast fruits talk to the blacksmith just know I'm going to need quite a bit of scraps again I heard I'm also going to need vampire fangs more scraps I think I'm still going to need some meteorites and I think that should be all B rifle complete let's upgrade the serpent bow started strong 15 magma ores 20 more scrap metal Serpent's bow upgrade we have almost done it I think I'm close to all the material I need lint lock do I have it yep please be something easy gun five and five Take It upgraded six remain cutless do I have that a cutless I haven't heard of that oh no where do you get a Col this from boys we are now approaching the final five weapons out of 44 stop a lot has transpired but will it get even harder now something tells me the cutless isn't first se you see col it's the it's the easiest sword to get where is it purchase from sword dealer at the pirate starter Island sword dealer bro I must have skipped right over this cut this purchase let's go back so it says I need 20 mastery give me TW oh my gosh I don't got no sword Mastery give me something seven oh I hate my we going to upgrade it five Wings five leather definitely have that I came to the found to make this quick but I don't know how quick I can make this hold on come on come on come on 20 got it let's go the home stretch boys final five refine Flint I think I'm asked to that when I was in third sea yes I did gun oh this is my last material no way okay we're taking it done bro bro how much more material do I need refined slingshot I have this upgraded too gun and you need some scraps let's quickly do the math four weapons remain triple Katana gravity cane slingshot soar for triple Katana we need 15 scraps 50 leather gravity cane 10 scraps three meteors the slingshot need 10 scraps Soul guitar we need 10 or or after doing the math 35 scraps 10 ORS is all I need to finish 35 scrap metal refined slingshot upgrade I need me some ores gravity cane the last three countdown begins stared with the gravity Cade can I do it I can upgraded boys we really about to do it triple Katana I'm going to be honest I already know I didn't buy that and of course he had to save the best for last it could be obtained by sord dealer of the east in the Frozen Village oh oh that was not the place o I do need ores though hold on I'm at Snow sword dealer of the East talk to me Triple Katana purchase and I'm still going to have to master it right here 60 let's make this quick 47 53 58 a/ barrage oh that's not bad and I got it VI the Rush one more to go B us upgrade sword boom those are my last scraps okay I hope that's it now what do we need for the soul guitar oh says it right there one dark fragment 15 scales 10 ores well I have my soul guitar is this the day I beat Blox FRS truly gun I have the dark fragment I have the scales just five ores [Music] B magore bro take a look at my inventory look at all the stars that's almost everything I'm about to beat the game mag more one more if I look at my magma Wars I got two I need there's only two left I need last magma ore there yes yes the time the time is now blacksmith finish me wait what gun upgrade wait wait what it do plus 6% damage that's it there's one weapon left the admin sword true triple Katana wait what do you mean I can't get it inra Uso I know you watching give me the sword bro come on
Channel: imFiji
Views: 354,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imFiji, roblox, im fiji, one piece, one piece roblox, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, one piece game, anime roblox, update 18, blox fruits codes, 24 hours, noob, i mastered, I Mastered EVERY Gun in Blox Fruits, I Mastered EVERY Sword in Blox Fruits, I Mastered EVERY Weapon in One Video, 50 weapons, mastered, every weapon in blox fruits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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