Becoming KAIDO In 24 Hours (Blox Fruits)

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ladies and gentlemen want to see something crazy and I ain't talk about this this is how our comment section has looked what the hell was even this is how our comment section has looked for the last few days be caught up for 24 hours Fiji said you're a kaido please do kaido kaido kaido kaido kaido day seven or eight of asking for kind of that man said he lost track I've received about seven death threats if I don't make this video what the hell is wrong with you leave me alone wow there's always someone trying to kill me I just want to be Carlo I just want him oh my God I even became another character in the meantime but not y'all don't want to see that today today's title day huh what's wrong with the Blaster dealer give me dragon as a matter of fact heart of the cards dragon dragon these nuts I deserve death I hate my stop laughing at me stop Who's laughing now huh you stupid wait he started ah Dragon I quit today I become kind in 24 hours oh God and not only will I become him I must obtain his mate Master the dragon fruit gained 100 levels and get his King today will be a day buffer a block respond that's what's first where'd it go where is it this way this way we have a dragon I can fly right no yes yes give me what is that no bro here take this angry man calm yourself down all right Felipe no don't even say it Google kaido oh this man is so damn tall does not say he's 23 foot four damn I'm sure so if I type in title I'll get me one of these or one of these and then I know someone has to be dressed as him no no there's got to be better please be better yes oh my God that's perfect ladies and gentlemen watch this strongest pirate on the sea PG title in the building why your people oh my God y'all have to go last time so 25 000 likes hey y'all tell me who to be next did you but for now I'm the strongest pirate I'm the strongest pirate on the sea now I know what that means I'm the strongest pirate on the seat strongest powered on the sea kind of that is me I'm a fish I'm a dragon I'm a goat I'm a G I'm gonna run this money to the sky as far as you can see who the pit both Flamingo the flamingo worse for me this whole cannot even make his Grand info down I'll be making money I make Smiles you make frowns I'm my only my skin Brown Captain buggy here clown you can knock me in the water I swear to God that I will drown matter of fact little boy listen up I can't die I went up a waterfall that took me to the sky boy drunk from Skype here just to see if I could fly hit the ground got back up and guess what I survived matter of fact I landed on kids and he was tripping I took all the school and then I brought them to my Village I kidnapping you but being around me store privilege heard that rubber boys win then I heard you wanna scribbage boy I dropped the dragon that is fast but [Music] a lot of people do this what is the first thing we must do what my fruit caught a week teleport while in combat [Music] okay where bro where's the hell we must make our way to first see are we our first C okay glass fruit mate yo I'm surprised they even spelled that oh yeah yeah that's what I want Iron mace is an uncommon weapon sold for 25 000 I pirate build that's where buggies from right a buggy I'ma go kill him oh I thought I fish I'll tell you a fish that's gotta be it right over here where are you at Bucky I'm good oh you're not here yeah you thought I would have fired you oh [ __ ] I looked everywhere the hell you talking what up buggy boom man I'm dead he was trash oh is this where you get the mace from blacksmith it has sword gun I don't want no sword or no weapon sword a pirate Village by who gave that makes gotta be a dual iron mix let's go let's go purchase with the building but I ain't cuddle yet till I become a drink and I need this damn cake I think I know where to look but first you like my base don't ever ever touch them on me I feel like some people have anger issues find help ladies and gentlemen I made my way to Second see because somebody gave me a tip that you can find the black spiky cold heat and by somebody I mean me because I Googled it it says the black spiky coat can be obtained by defeating Jeremy a boss located in your SWAT pie which only has a five percent dropper beautiful coat and who is Jared my son that's who hey yo Jeremy you wanna have a talk wait who's that oh I'm kind of are you sure oh this guy gotta go one moment no did I not wait he could hit me and I can't hit him who's dropping me I guess got my mace too just in case just in case Bash did it works did you do a five percent chance of me getting five percent chance no uh as I thought this is gonna be a challenge so I'm gonna keep bouncing back and forth to kill Jerry but for now I think I should go Dragon Ball it's weird I don't think I've seen me here I wonder what he's up to maybe Today is finally the end for me it feels good to breathe did I just go back to first see the music is turned off why is it playing that even makes sense is that a person innocently leveling and I'm kaido don't mind if I do what are you doing Mama get this guy instead them everyone just sucks a lot of weird things going on today but I feel like there's only one way I could get worse and at least we good at least we don't gotta deal with that right man it shouldn't be the Menace anyways let's make our way to third seat and go get our master what's up oh no I spoke so soon I need help with what not dying oh damn you owe me oh I hit him oh my God I'm the strongest fire around the scene me Captain go go go yes yes survival oh I'm a killer one of these days oh and if y'all are wondering why are my Ace is both he's dead oh gosh relax bro give me a sec Menace of the sea in the building wait wait Turtle I'm 100 transformation I'm just head away from my next move I know just where to stop no new server they look rather aggressive no stupid but why are y'all fighting at every server down no damn where's the Deadpool all right boys we're in New York now I think they're nicer over here there's no way people are me yeah it's like every server you go to this is like the fourth one all right that's it if people aren't trying to hear someone's done oh finally yeah is that so hard peace of Love Peace stop popping servers I'm trying to find a boss my Wi-Fi is dying and you ain't helping cope I swear I'm gonna end you hey you oh my God real kind of you see the fire you stand again what fire the one on your legs oh why die in a fight boys this is not going well so far oh my God please let me do something I guess we gotta start Subway kilo boss go Garden damage I don't wow if I die what is this I don't remember that Anatomy oh Mommy come out yeah let's try again I can't keep dying I need to become a military so thank God oh God honors what's up you shall be king for today hey I'll be king oh damn that guy died yes ah we didn't just the beginning I could even give you my next move I'm about to at least get the 300 Mastery real quick look at the game begin this boss will give me my last move copy you I guess I should match this maze too and just like that I heard this is the strongest move in the game fire shower you are miles now before I test this out one second what's up y'all see this oh she's here that is our first you know it's kind of crazy like how are you taller than me and I'm like the largest man on the sea so what the hell does that make you wait fire shower must use fire shut okay wait wait I don't even know what happened she dead she dead she dead later Dave's big mom who's 17. making progress they're killing the bosses yes sir there's one right there give me that that one is mine that one is mine oh nah bro dragon fruit is nice hit it with the claw boom jump off boom and if he ain't dead finish your ball next boss oh yeah yeah you don't like that I'll be you don't like do I need to share bracelet why don't you surprise [ __ ] knock knock did he just kill me with adult scar boy [Music] you're gonna spend a little time here big mom I'm gonna get my Mastery to about 300 and I'm gonna try to get the cable hey yo what the [ __ ] boy if you don't get your hat yo lol where'd he go we he just dodged me I killed okay I could use him honor rolls what the [ __ ] yeah I could use him I'm using the hacker oh my God hi boys with the Beast Pirates at the help of the hacker I managed to almost hit the 300 Mastery as you can see we've making progress kill these guys come over here after about to kill him [Music] what was this guy's name I just wait till he's about to die get up again yes sir hacker method since we're Mastery to go three more I just gotta time it perfectly want more let's go 300. now boy it's time to try to get this funky Cape again farewell hacker man wherever you went let us go oh this man is not very smart and he can't English to where who you talking about Taco Burrito lamentatorian data project Slayer you dumb why does B exist off the second seat hi boys we're currently on on attempt number two of getting the coat and I think I'm gonna try three in a row all right let's do it and he's not even here oh surprise [ __ ] did he just spot back in front of me oh perfect what up yo Bellamy you trash bro who the hell is this guy oh it's Cat in the Hat oh I'm your cheerleader I can't count in the house I'm so sick oh I'm so slow your HP a bit low boys don't worry about my HP I maxed out my mace and my fruit just for this please okay okay no is this the right boss is this the right box black spiky coat obtained by defeating Jeremy Jeremy cat oh not the other cat I believe say hi to Kata Curry oh no I'm so oh no oh my God he said girl oh cat title no no I can't stand for this foreign but I'm not giving up a man once said I have a dream me too die die die we did it [Music] [Music] I need to do that [Music] [Music] oh where is this guy how can anybody keep track that's what we're doing we'll spare wait I may get something I did it I didn't know what I get earned three levels fragments killed the boss let's go okay I gotta get out of here get my bastard before these guys jump me ah I'm kind of poof I have to go me no my grandpa K it's late here all right me tell Grandpa me I say hi see ya nerd wall oh look he's in here I thought you hated me he poop since you're so useless on third C I will poo do boss speed run now I'll show you good day and farewell see ya poofy why am I saying oh no I'm sad dab scar boy about to go where you can oh find one now we are back to third seat and all that's left to do to finish today is complete my Mastery oh bars but I'm not a rapper I may need assistance but before that I am kind of and that means I have a menu it's got to be someone I can kill randomly around here that's going about my day I kill it this bad how's it still alive die avocado he's watch out I got him I got him let's go man this title at the building oh this feels good I like this actually I can't get my Mastery right here what the hell is that Rock Lee I'm kind of inspired I'm kind of inspired for real get Emily get up Lee Daddy's better now I will be able to move freely it's actually Rock Lee yo broccoli wrong anime what's wrong with you I'll go back to Naruto I'm so close to that step Lee come with me we can Farm together he said okay this had a big crossover coming 37 Mastery to go and the first place I'm going to is right over here why Rock Lee get up here this is what you trade for do they give good Master the best I'm convincing Rock B to come bro he's very skeptical but I don't blame him I'm kind of bro Rock Lee got lost they don't wait let me there he is there he is okay broccoli I'm right here Lee Lee come on bro oh my gosh because all you do trade you don't think yeah like father like son yeah he call me guy kaido call me guy kaido oh walkable [Music] oh my gosh Lee said I got to forget where the boat is Lee hit home button let's go peanut okay kind of Hat's here all right this is all working out okay there's Lee okay let's go cats where to big mom let's go it's like they just sabotaged please please he said no come on we could go oh okay let's go it's time to level up featuring Cat in the Hat and Lee we have big mouth and here okay oh you're right here yeah perfect well at least it's a diversity is big ball boom that's cool just 22 more master real we are kaido all right so Bandits help me level up hella fast I'm gonna get some of them in and finish this off with big mouth at least that you guys left me oh my gosh Lee Lee where you at I'm here where is here you're like Zoro gotta hack up we don't got all day Lee is a whole circus peanuts is mad cause slow oh the cats are helping oh my God the cats are being useful let's go but he went away let's go let's go 19. poof which island I had detour just 50 remain b-dot b-dot help week it if you can oh Vida gabuda oh yeah oh yeah foreign [Music] [Music] two one and with the help of the Beast Pirates say hello to kaido let's go hold on check me out ready boom oh my gosh that's toxic Dragon closet dragon how does that work if it all happened buy your shower now this is gonna get toxic this is about to get what is happening a dragonfly does that make me go faster no oh my gosh that's just AOE Beauty I'm a shark these Pirates and Kyle at the building click this video on my right to see me become doflamingo until next time later days these Pirates
Channel: imFiji
Views: 1,243,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imFiji, roblox, im fiji, one piece, one piece roblox, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, one piece game, anime roblox, update 17 part 3, dragon, blox fruits trailer, blox fruits codes, 24 hours, i became shanks, blox fruits shanks, red hair shanks, one piece red, becoming whitebeard, doflamingo, doflamingo rap, blox fruits string, blox fruits rap, luffy rap, becoming luffy, becoming zoro in blox fruits, gear 5 luffy, gear 5, Becoming Kaido In 24 Hours, zoro rap, kaido rap
Id: nvxlQbc8lao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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