I Survived 100 Days as SANTA in Minecraft

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Christmas is one of the happiest times of the year because on Christmas night Santa gives gifts to all the kids all around the world but this year things are different the evil Grinch is trying to stop Santa from being able to deliver his Christmas gifts in time for Christmas will Santa be able to survive the hundred days up until Christmas oh the cringe steal all of the presents and ruined Christmas for Everyone on day one I spawned in as baby santa oh look on baby santa wait why am I a baby and my sleigh it crashed oh God I bet it was there doing up there that's the Grinch in his dog Max oh no the Grinch turned Santa back into a kid I have to turn back into adult Santa and survive until Christmas otherwise it's ruined well I only have five hearts of HP and I really don't want to fight the Grinch so I'm out of here don't let him get away Max oh God he's shooting at me oh God I'm after him get back here I'm Gonna Eat You Santa okay we've definitely got to get away for now because the Grinch is trying to stop me from enjoying Christmas okay first let's grab this tree oh we got it he got me got me we got two logs though we got two lugs corner here you can't get me under here he's trying to get me he can't he can't he literally can't I try oh no I tried to trap him inside it didn't work oh oh it's not working my plane's not working look over okay we need to find a different tree this is not working this is not going well we need to get away from the Grinch or Christmas could be ruined okay oh I see I see how to see it we got two logs let's grab a third oh they're both coming in got the third log let's go hey they're planks go this way oh we got a forest we can lose him here I have an idea could have won High gaps come on I need to find a tree I can craft under here we go here's a good one here's a good one okay quickly crafting table and make a boat oh they're coming wait did you not see me oh my God I think I lost them I don't think they see me we can get out of here okay it doesn't seem like they saw me run away let's just go this way oh wait a minute no yes they did oh wait no they see me they're behind me we can get away from this we could definitely get away from this okay he's still behind me we got a nice River we can get away here we can get away here oh wait what oh I got cut off wait how did he get in front of me what hold on Ice boat go I have no clue how he got in front of me but it doesn't matter because we are out of here and now that we got away it's time to go ahead and build our first Santa base and by build I mean I actually don't have to build it this time because this base is sponsored by genjen impact you see this is the time where normally I would build my first base but the lovely team over at genjin impact has sponsored the first base of this video meaning I get to have my team of Builders come in and build this base for me and after four days of building they were finished and welcome everyone to the gadget impact base this is the first time that a company has ever sponsored a base like they don't want a normal sponsorship they want to sponsor this base so let me first tell you about Gadget impact gunshin impact is a free to play open world game that can be played cross-platform and this isn't your average game because Genji impact is as good as if not even better than the best AAA game in fact this base right behind me was designed to look like everyone's favorite villain Wanderer who is now a playable character in the game if you can unlock him using wishes now this whole main entrance is themed to be the color scheme of Wanderer and as we walk in the main room you're gonna see Wanderer right here on this sign sticking his tongue out at you in this room we also have some other awesome characters and kamisato ayato Raiden Shogun and arataki Ito now if we go downstairs there's tons of cool things in this space like down at the bottom we have this awesome mob grinder where I simply turn on this light and this light and no zombies will spawn but if those lights were off any zombies that did spawn would trap themselves in this water right here from trying to get that villager ah quiet down you and just like this Bob grinder lets me battle zombies all day dungeon impact has a new permanent game mode called TCG which is a brand new Genji card game where players build up their decks and fight against different enemies as an example I can battle characters from genjin like Banette or I can even battle my friends though there are no rewards for PVP now also in this base I have an automated smelting room and similar to this crazy furnace setup dungeon impact is launching a crazy event called wishes from tevot this event is hosted on a website where you can receive postcards from characters in game discover crazy Easter eggs you can even DIY your own postcards and send them to friends but you know I totally want to do anyway the space does also come with an enchanting table which I don't really need yet but just like an enchanting table can get me stronger in Minecraft the characters in genshin Impact are also going to get strong longer as you use them and so what are you waiting for you have got to be asleep if you are not interested in playing gentian impact with me I want to see all of you get to experience this incredible World alongside me and to do that all you have to do is click the link in the description down below to get gentian impact for free you can also scan the QR code on screen right now which I recommend because it's just as easy now I want you guys to play gentian impact with me so bad that I'm even gonna give you a code that you can use in game for some free bonuses so what are you waiting for come and join me in exploring the amazing world of gentian impact and now that I'm done telling you about Kenshin we gotta work on our first upgrade you see right now we only have five hearts of HP and the only way to get more Hearts is to upgrade from Baby Santa all the way back into regular Santa Claus but before we get more Hearts I actually want to get the first utility upgrade milk and cookies because what is Santa without milk and cookies it's the only way I'm gonna be able to get back to full strength then the fact that it gives me regen just for eating it and only has a 15 second cooldown now to unlock it we need 64 cookies nine milk buckets and a golden apple and I know that sounds like a lot but it's really not that bad so first things first let's go in let's make a bunch of milk buckets there we go we've got nine buckets now let's just quickly fill them with some milk okay cow spotted okay there we go we got nine milk buckets now let's quickly get an Apple from a tree and head on home there we go I see some apples perfect now we can take these back home and turn one of them into a golden apple and now we have a golden apple meaning all we need now is 64 cookies okay so we need to go find a jungle if we want to make 64 cookies and we also need a village to easily get a bunch of hay so let's go and run around for a bit till we find either a village or a jungle whichever comes first okay looks like we found a village first so let's see if we can quickly find some hay bales booyah and if we turn all that hay into wheat we have plenty of wheat now let's keep looking for a jungle okay I see a jungle tree behind me please be a jungle with cocoa beans I've been looking for like 10 minutes already okay cool it's not the biggest jungle but it's got a lot of cocoa beads so let's grab them okay we've definitely got enough cocoa beans so let's get going back to the base okay good morning it's day 10. let's combine all our wheat and cocoa beans together and now we have an absolute boatload of cookies probably a little too many but I'm not worried about it because now we can unlock milk and cookies let's grab all our milk buckets and golden apple and Quest unlocked meaning we now have the milk and cookies that we can eat at any time and it gives us regeneration and saturation okay with that in hand we can definitely go for our first Santa combat upgrade which is the North Pole gotta unlock it I need to place down one sign done killed 20 goats and kill one player and that's why I had locked milk and cookies I wasn't sure if I'd be able to kill the Grinch or his dog unless I had something to heal myself because I only have five Hearts anyway now they placed the sign let's go ahead and go look for a bunch of goats cause we got some goats to kill okay we've killed all the goats now let's go at home because all we have left to do is take on the Grinch okay after killing the goats I quickly just went home and made an iron ax because even though it's night and I would normally sleep right now we have to go find the Grinch's base because I just realized I have no idea where it is so let's get looking oh I see a village okay we'll check out the village because they do hide their base around Villages a lot oh I literally see their names they are they're in this Village they're literally in this Village oh my God look at them they're right there right in front of me I only need one kill okay it looks like one of them's going into the base one of them definitely doesn't have armor on right now he's the one I'm gonna go for I'm gonna quickly move up don't see me don't see me don't see me don't see me nice hide behind this Igloo dude he's got a turret up there it's like a candy cane turret wait what is all that do they have a villager trading station one of them's coming one of them's on the way we gotta be careful here okay let's go this way we're going for the kill We're Going For the Kill on this one up here he's alone here we go I think one of our guys down here there's there's Santa in here like he's dead oh we got him oh and he's right behind me I'm on his tail oh my God they have so much HP okay oh I just dropped my sword I just dropped my sword we need the North Pole okay come down here quickly let's unlock it oh we got it shield and the other turret oh that hurts okay we took him out with the North Pole nice okay let's keep moving where's the other one I have no clue what the other one is we need to get out here we got the kill we need we got the North Pole let's go and we're gone okay we have officially unlocked the North Pole which is a weapon that is as strong as a diamond sword and if I get crits on people they freeze which I'd say is fitting for Santa anyway now that that's done let's go ahead and let's become Kris Kringle because we still only have five hearts of HP which very soon could be a one-hit kill so we're gonna go from a Christmas kid all the way into Kris Kringle so we can have 15 hearts of HP strength one speed one and jump two that actually become Kris Kringle we don't need too much stuff we just need 32 Red wool 64 iron ingots and 64 coal now I do currently have over a stack of iron and gets so I'm already done with that however I still need some coal and I definitely need all that red wool for Santa suit so let's get to work by first heading to the mine and grabbing some more coal and now he's gonna go kill some sheep for their wool so we can get the red wool we need and there we go we've got 32 white wolf and now we see 32 red dye which we'll get tomorrow because it's already night okay now we just need red dye so let's go let's grab that okay cool we got all the red flowers we need so now we're just gonna turn them into red dye combine it with our wool and we have 34 red wool which is more than we need so now we could go from a Christmas kid into Kris Kringle oh my God I'm ugly I'm so ugly we definitely gotta hurry up and become Saint Nick because I do not want to look this ugly for this long anyway now that we're upgraded let's go and let's go back to the base so we can start work on our next combat upgrade hold up hold up did he see me the Grinch is in my base the Grinch is literally in my base right now I guess he's a big ginshin fan man I'm going in I'm going and he's setting up something right now one of them stealing stuff I would say uh I see him he's coming he's coming oh hold my shield out always destroying my shield oh god oh I find this I'd find this okay I'm going into the basement oh he you could have walked in done Mom okay get myself get my stuff get my stuff oh they took almost everything to my wood all my stuff is pretty much gone oh God get back and they're both in Diamond gear I think I gotta flee this fight I only have iron armor they have diamond armor and they took all my stuff already there's literally no point keeping this base I gotta get out of here where are they I'm going I'm going going I'm taking the breaking in we're getting out of here we're just going we're leaving oh they definitely see me one shooting he's running away he's running away oh no my turret can't reach him they could have to get your impact base let's go down here okay let's climb this mountain get in this tree get over here and we're hidden okay we definitely lost the Grinch in his butt but then he took my base and all my stuff which is actually kind of annoying because now I gotta restart with pretty much nothing anyway say goodbye to the Cool Base because this next base isn't sponsored okay welcome to the brand new Santa base okay so this kind of stinks I lost the really cool Genji base but I guess this could be a good thing since that base wasn't really hidden that well this base is definitely not as cool as the last one that's what happens when you get a sponsored base but this one is definitely more hidden than the last one since it's underground which means they should last a little longer without being caught anyway let me give you a quick MTV Cribs tour we got the chests we got the crafting tables we got the furnaces smokers and blast furnaces enchanting table and a sleepy sleep okay bay store complete but now it's time to keep working on upgrades and I want to unlock this one here called North Pole mittens because it basically lets me shoot out ice out of my gloves like the Ice Climbers and you know I want to freeze people so to unlock that ability I need to dig 100 snow kill 50 spiders and kill two players with my North Pole so let's start by quickly digging up some stuff okay let's get digging now we actually have some snow in the base can I just dig this oh I can this will work there we go 100 snow dog that was easy okay now we just gotta kill 50 spiders and I literally hear one right now so let's head down to the caves and start fighting and we've got all this all we need to do is kill the Grinch in his minion two times and then we'll be able to finish this combat upgrade and unlock the North Pole mittens so let's go make our way back to their base okay we're at the base but I haven't seen anyone here for a couple minutes since I've been looking so I think they're either not here right now or they move bases I mean they still have some stuff in here but it's pretty junk yeah I mean I'll take all the junk I guess but they definitely don't live here anymore so I guess we gotta go look for their base somewhere else but before we do that I really want to try this candy cane turret oh that is so fun why continue to have a candy cane turret okay whatever no big deal let's just go find the Grinch's new base okay I found out where the Grinch was living he's literally living at the gentian impact base they literally just stole my sponsored base how dumb is that anyway at least it was easy to find okay let's get ready to move in and quickly get two kills unlock the North Pole mittens and get out okay here we go let's go in charge they have turrets I'm gonna destroy the turret real quick okay turret's dead turret's dead just jump down here oh I got him wait are you not ow what yeah dude he's on me we got him ready and let's create him so he's Frozen we gotta gets killed quick before the second one shows up he's done the freeze got him okay quickly eats over this okay we're good okay let's get over here let's get her on the back the ladder broke the ladder broke we got him we got him there's both kills we need we gotta get out of here now oh they have a turret oh God okay they're on my tail they're on my tail oh that hurts it's a milk and cookies okay quickly Shield go unlock the mittens okay we gotta freeze him we gotta freeze him ready oh no oh we froze them okay we can freeze people now if they get too close come on and we can do it from behind our shield look he can't move after us he's stuck yes okay let's go let's go we can definitely lose them here we can lose them here make a crafting table put it down make a boat oh he was right behind me yes we need to get out of here and we are out of here let's go okay we made it back alive and I'm assuming it's because we have 15 hearts instead of only having five so since our health really isn't an issue right now let's unlock the gift that keeps on giving which allows me to summon a personal minion that will double any item I give it I think at least that's what it says anyway so does that mean I could like duplicate my North Pole or my milk and cookie I really gotta try this because this could get broken really quick that actually unlock it I need 64 paper 64 logs and 20 barrels so since there's a desert not too far from here let's go there and quickly grab a bunch of sugar cane and we might as well loot this while we're here and now let's get out of here okay there we go we got all the sugar can we need now let's just go home and turn it into paper and paper complete now we need to get logs and barrels I will do that tomorrow okay getting the logs is gonna be super easy I just gotta cut down a bunch of trees but the barrels is a different story you see can you even craft a barrel in Minecraft I bet you can't here's the recipe it turns out you just need six planks and two slabs so we just basically need a whole boatload of wood to complete this Quest so let's just get cutting okay we've got all the logs we need and the 20 barrels we're gonna need to craft which we'll craft at home okay let's just put the stack of logs there and let's use these logs to craft the barrels then by simply combining all the wood like this we get ourselves 21 barrels which is the last thing we need to unlock the gift that keeps on giving but we'll unlock it tomorrow because it's already super late okay so I have all the items on me that I need to unlock the gift that keeps on giving so let's do it I've now unlocked it when I hit my two ability you're gonna see I summoned a little present that flies around like in L.A except this thing is even better than a normal LA because let's say I give it something like I don't know my North Pole he's gonna hold that North Pole and he's gonna duplicate that thing every single minute watch and there we go you'll see he just dropped one there we go we have another North Pole and now there is two North Poles and he's gonna keep giving me new ones all the time meaning I can now enchant these things with tons of different enchantments so next we're gonna start working on Santa's sack oh God I see the grinches in this and hold on we'll work on Santa sack in a second man if I'm Santa where am I hide I got so lucky there they almost saw me they are so close to my base right now keep going don't go up the mountain don't go up the mountain yeah go that way that's fine that's fine that that way it's fine absolutely he is okay we dodged a bullet there let's quickly get back inside okay I changed my mind I actually don't want to unlock the Santa sack upgrade I actually want to go ahead and get more Hearts because after that close call who wouldn't want more Hearts so let's aim to become Saint Nick and to do that we need 16 emeralds nine disc fragments and 16 blocks of gold so let's start by going on a nice adventure to a Bastion so we can easily get some gold blocks to the nether okay first thing first let's go find ourselves a Bastion okay well that was really easy I went let's go find a Bastion and there it was and oh my God okay how many gold blocks is that one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and how many do we need sixteen well there's 12 of them right there there is definitely gonna be enough gold blocks over there so let's quickly grab some Netherrack and now let's get building over to that Bastion okay we made it now let's just grab some gold blocks okay we've got the 12 gold from the outside now let's go inside and go grab some more gold blocks foreign I thought that was the end of the video oh that would have been such an embarrassing way to go okay there's no gold blocks in this chest but there is a lot of good stuff oh two more gold blocks right there let's get down to those two on the bridge nice this just has a gold Block in it but this one doesn't but it does have an ancient debris okay let's grab this gold on the bridge and now we literally just need one more block which I'm sure I could find all the way down here oh God you know what falling lava was probably the play there gold scrap great and another right engine oh would you leave me alone I'm being excited oh God oh okay we almost died okay I'm hiding in a hole cause I almost died there again okay let's try to get that gold in the center again foreign okay cool let's put this in the middle block above the lava and quickly grab this gold and let's not forget our netherriting it and now let's go ahead and get the heck out of here okay we're home now we just need 16 emeralds and nine disc fragments and I know where a lot of mountains are so let's just go to one and start mining some emeralds and get that done with real quick because I hate mining emeralds I actually don't know anyone that likes mining emeralds so let me know in the comments below if you're one of those weirdos who does okay we've got all the emeralds so it'll become Saint Nick we just need nine disc fragments now and getting those should be a piece of cake we just need to go find an ancient city be a little sneaky boy and grab all the disc fragments without summoning the ward because if he summoned well it gets really hard really quick I spent days 31-33 simply looking for an ancient city oh in ancient city I literally see one it's below this mine shaft this is crazy this is huge we have a mine shaft and an ancient city let's jump in this water oh this is great look how wide open this ancient city is anyway let's start looting the chest and looking for disc fragments are you at an ancient city why are they asking that specifically the one in front of us oh God they're at in ancient city dude this goes on forever are they near me they might they might be near me hold on no they just got sneak 100 they're not lying wait no way there's a second ancient city here there is two ancient cities right next to each other anyway let's go to the wide open one first because it's definitely gonna be easier to navigate let's go search this chest up here they think I'm there but I told him I'm at a double ancient city they're not here wait they said they're at a double too he's got to be around here do you see it they might be at the other one unless they could be at this one God are they here I think they might be trolling me I'm gonna ignore them for now wait I did whoa he is here the Grinch is here I see him he's right here why are they here oh God I need to get my shield out no I'm cold I'm cold go this way go this way okay they're running oh they summoned a warden they just have an award they just have an award I'm gonna deal with them and a warden right now we need to get our disc fragments and go I see one of them over there there's a chest this way let's get this chest oh I set up a screamer no let's break that screamer okay we broke it nice we got three disc fragments oh one of them's coming up oh they're both here okay pull my shield out they're spawning another dude another they just spawned another Warden oh my goodness we need to get out of here oh get away Warden please okay let's loot this chest okay it has another just fragment nice let's get to the other ancient city that's farther away because they're dying to the warden right now I don't like this at all Luke yeah use the turret so let's go this way check this chest nothing there's definitely a warden close though okay the bolt just died to the warden I'm leaving all that's left is wardens here I'm just gonna keep running I don't care oh it's coming another one just go oh another one no just run just keep on running okay I see a warden over there okay let's go this way there was literally another ancient city this way and it shouldn't have any wardens in it okay let's check out this ancient city and see if we can find some discs and not fight a billion wardens okay no disc fragments but we did get protection for pants oh we got two more discragments in this chest oh we got three in this chest let's go okay we've got the Knight disk fragments let's get out of here before we die to a warden okay so with all the emeralds gold blocks and disc fragments we can unlock Saint Nick which thank God I'm not as ugly though I am kind of fat but that's good Santa should be fat and on top of being fat I have 25 Hearts strength two speed two and jump three our Santa is literally getting stronger with every single passing day but I'm not gonna lie even with 25 hearts and stuff I still feel way too weak because the Grinch's minions are strong and I almost got destroyed by warden so let's go and unlock another combat upgrade so we're gonna unlock Santa's reindeer and to unlock it I need to do the caves and cliffs advancement team three horses use a name tag and kill four players now if you don't know what the caves and cliffs advancement is it's literally the advancement that says I have to go all the way up to the top of the world and then fall all the way down to the bottom of the world that wide negative whatever the bottom is but I'm not gonna lie that's kind of hard so let's start by using a name tag because we literally already have one and then just go tame three horses because we just gotta set up so let's grab this name tag from this chest and let's name it Larry and then I can go ahead and name this guy Larry and we've officially used the name tag and now we have Larry the doubling away speaking of Larry I'm gonna give you a job they're doubling diamonds get to work and now that Larry's doubling let's go tame three horses okay I found a gray horse be my friend be my friend be my be my friend come on man do it oh my goodness there we go we're friends one horse team and two horses tamed now would you get to find one more oh I see a polka dotted one and there we go three out of three horses tame now now the Sun is setting let's quickly head home and hello next we're gonna go ahead and get the caves and cliffs advancement completely done okay so here's the here's the advancement right here free fall from the top of the world build limit to the bottom of the world and survive thanks for the diamonds La now to do that is pretty tricky and I even read online that this advancement can be really glitchy so even if you do do it correctly it may not work but let's just hope it works for us it starts setting up our jump but first let's go and grab a bunch of cobblestone and wood and let's make a boatload of ladders and now let's go build to build height okay let's start by towering up to build height okay we've officially hit the build limit now I'm gonna go ahead and grab a water bucket and to the side I'm gonna drop this water bucket and let it start flowing down now we're gonna grab it and swim down with this water okay now that the water's hit the bottom now we're gonna go build all the way back up but this time with ladders and the reason I'm using ladders is in case this fails I have a way to get back up and try again okay oh thank God there's water there I would have just died if I did that oh my goodness well that's exactly why we have the ladders all the way up there okay now what we're gonna do is start here and dig all the way to bedrock thank you Bedrock so let's go ahead and let's put water right down here let's grab our second water bucket and now let's start going back up okay it's time for the Moment of Truth is this going to work I just gotta fall and hold Becky is this Cobblestone here we go we're going please don't flip anything go go go go oh he didn't doesn't work we got it okay with caves and clips officially done and out of the way we literally just need four player kills so let's go make our way back to the Grinch base okay I think this base is abandoned too I don't see the grinches here the chests are all destroyed the nether Portal's broken both enchanting tables are gone and even the zombie spawners are gone hey Diamond the only thing they didn't destroy was Wanderers beautiful picture okay well clearly they're not here anymore so let's go find their new base and then get our four kills I couldn't find the Grinch's new base anywhere and it turns out that was because they decided to hide their new base in a desert temple that I looted earlier okay let's go in we're going to battle them we just need four kills and we're out of here okay let's go oh he sees us coming in he sees me coming in he's trying to shoot me but I'm killing the other one who's AFK bro there's a fat guy with a beard he's attacking me oh we swapped hands oh we got skill we got the kill nice we got him with the sharp North Pole can I get him with their own turret no way oh he's on our thing it hurts oh I'm using their turret again okay we're taking a lot of damage let's eat some of these okay we killed one of them oh that was spicy he's Frozen he's Frozen okay let's freezing even worse I'm dead nice we got him there's two okay one of them Fells use this chance to kill him okay we gotta freeze oh ah I froze him thanks we got him oh we got it that's four four okay we're out of here okay quick let's unlock the reindeer and we should be able to use this reindeer to get away okay let's go this way oh we're taking heavy fire ready and spawn the reindeer hop on and let's he can't fly yet okay never mind let's run this way and we are out of here okay we unlocked Santa's reindeer look at him he's so cute and you already saw he can run super fast while I'm riding on his back but on top of that he'll actually fight for me so as an example if I punch this pig you're gonna see the reindeer starts murdering it oh he's dead already yep that's what he does and with the reindeer now unlocked We Are One Step Closer to becoming the true Santa Claus but next is time to unlock something that is precious to Santa no it's not milky cookies nor Mrs Claus it's his present Zach you see I can unlock Santa's sack for only 64 leather 20 chests in one Ender Chest which really isn't that bad because to make 20 chests I need like 160 or 180 it's math logs so let's quickly start cutting down some trees okay we've got Vlogs we need now just go home and make some chests so if we turn all these logs into planks we have 32 chests which is all we need to unlock Santa's sack so now we just need a bunch of leather and an Ender Chest speaking of how do you make it under chest oh that's not too bad but bad enough where I'm gonna do that second let's go kill some cows for some leather oh God the Grinch is here no I'm killing cows leave me alone wait dude he's over there he's killing cows okay let's do this I only see one of them on a ones in the distance while they're separated I'm gonna take care of them no please his Shield's broken I'm dead oh he's done that it was ton of fall he's done he died to fall fall damage nice he killed my alley my diamond blocks okay he's Frozen he's Frozen he threw an anvil what ow oh it did nothing just Falls like an anvil oh God okay we got rid of it freezing I'm dead oh he froze to that yay well that works okay they're both dead let's go back to killing cows after dealing with these three okay we've got the leather we need for Santa sack now we literally just need an ender chest and the first thing we're gonna need is some obsidian so let's go down to the vine and grab some okay we've got the eight obsidian now we just need an eye vendor to put right in the center now let's go to another quickly grab some blaze rods and trade for some ender pearls for some easy eye vendor first let's go to this Bastion okay we got a little bit of gold we're gonna let these piglens trade and hopefully we get one under Pearl it's literally all we need but they don't have much gold so I have no guarantee if I'm actually gonna get it nope nope okay they're done trading and we got two ender pearls so thank you guys for all the help goodbye and I'll just go grab some blaze powder and another Fortress okay we've made it to another Fortress now it's gonna find a blaze spawner okay there's one way out there okay we've got a blaze rod meaning we can easily make two eyes a vendor and I'm gonna move before we get first which means now we can go ahead and make the Ender Chest grab our obsidian put the Eye of Ender in the middle and we get ourselves an Ender Chest which means we have everything we need to unlock Santa sack so let's simply grab all this leather and these chests and now we've unlocked Santa's sack and to show you what this ability does I'm gonna go ahead and quickly empty my inventory because this ability is broken so I currently have nothing in my inventory I'm gonna spam Santa's sack ability and show you what it does so there we go I used all my energy and you're gonna see I got a golden apple a totem of undying pork chops gold lapis and an arrow basically every time I use it I get a random item and as we can see it's already paid off because we just got ourselves a free totem of undying oh my God we just got a second one okay so this is a little broken and now that we've unlocked Santa's sack We Really Gonna start pushing to unlock Santa Claus so next we're going to work on unlocking old man Christmas which is the last thing we need to get before we can actually get Santa Claus to unlock it I need 64 ice blocks 64 snow blocks 32 diamonds and 32 Eyes of Ender what Rudolph no no I definitely do not have 32 diamonds so we're gonna go ahead and just go mine for a bunch of diamonds real quick all while continually using our sack ability to get as many diamonds as we possibly can okay we've got all the diamonds we need and now we're gonna go ahead and grab 64 ice but to do that we actually need something you see you can't just go willy-nilly pick up ice you need to get silk touch on your pickaxe so let's grab some lapis from the chest okay so let's put the lapis in and the pickaxe in and no silk touch okay not the end of the world we just need a grindstone so we'll just put one right here for a sec put the diamond pickaxe back in give it efficiency two and then throw it through the grindstone to remove the enchantment and now we're gonna repeat this process until I see silk touch pop up there we go we got silk cut we're gonna need 30 levels which is definitely not gonna work because I currently am only level 26 so so let's really go down to the cave mine a bunch of different ores that give us XP and kill a bunch of mobs till we get to level 30. and there we go level 30. now would you go with that the lapis and our pickaxe and we got ourselves silk touch oh and efficiency for an Unbreaking three you know no big deal anyway now that we get silk touch it's gonna be super easy to get on the ice we need but since it's nighttime outside we'll worry about that tomorrow okay so the first thing I need to become old man Christmas is a bunch of ice so I figured what better place than this River to just start mining some see look at all that broken ice let's go grab it and just like that we have the 64 ice that we need but while we're out in these snow biomes let's also grab a ton of snow because we're gonna need 64 snow blocks just to get our next Santa upgrade so let's start by grabbing all the snow okay and there we go we officially have 64 snow blocks which means the only thing we need left is 32i Avengers which doesn't sound that fun so let's go and let's go home and let's make a game plan okay so getting 32 Eyes of Ender is actually gonna be pretty hard and I figured since the fastest way to get ender pearls is simply just to trade with piglens my goal is gonna be to not just raid one not two not even three but four Bastion remnants steal all the gold they have and then trap piglens in a hole and have them trade Meander pearls now I'm actually pretty lucky because I duped a bunch of gold earlier so I have 11 gold ingots and 13 Gold Blocks still so let's bring that with us and now let's head to Sebastian's okay so we know there's the Bastion that's right next to our nether portal but this one doesn't count because it's already looted and there's literally no more gold in it so we gotta go find a different one okay see another Bastion in the distance let's quickly get over there and load our first of four bastions okay we made it now just go grab a bunch of gold and now let's really grab as much gold as we can from this Bastion okay we've got all the piglets trapped in this hole we currently have five I wanted eight but I could only get five we're gonna go and turn all our blocks of gold into gold ingots and just toss it into this home don't believe we're getting Defender pearls we don't have to get any more gold okay well uh let's see if there's any ender pearls in there that we can still pick up oh we got two full Stacks that's 32. wait there could be more in there hold on let's see no I don't see any more ender pearls so I guess we got 3200 Pros which is exactly what we need by the way so I'll just grab some blaze rods on the way out and head on home and back home we go okay so what we're gonna do is Bounty sounding sound okay the creatures are currently at my base oh that almost worked they got half my health gone oh they're placing TNT hold on I heard TNT I'm taking all the stuff I can give it to me in love again oh I have the fire resistance nice oh my stuff no keep them away from it keeps away from it he's Frozen he's Frozen we got him nice we got him he's done oh my God a ravager we want oh God I gotta go I am not fighting I think my base is toast okay I have an idiot I have an idea oh he's shooting at me hold on I should be good oh that was close okay he can't shoot me I can get away oh we got him we killed him let's go we got him I think his zombie killed him oh there's a lot of mobs down here okay let's quickly get back to the base and see what we can recover oh no dude this base is toast let's see what we can grab from our pile like okay there's some more ender pearls here let's see if we can grab those okay my inventory is full but I was able to recover one of the totems of undying which is good but yeah pretty much everything else is toast at this base so I'm just gonna go ahead and grab the enchanting table grab all these books okay so I got everything that we need from this base but we definitely need to go build a new one because this one is uh toast it's literally toast my base was destroyed yet again and with only 40 days remaining I had to make sure that this next base was gonna be super secure okay welcome to the brand new Santa base now I waited for the base to be complete to show you guys just so you guys could see me upgrade into Old Man Christmas that's right we now have 40 hearts of HP oh and you know we just have strength three speed three and jump four no big deal anyway let me give you a quick tour of the brand new Santa base right here is our chest room where just keep our stuff the next room over here has our nether portal our enchanting table then there's some grindstones and anvils this is our bedroom it's the most boring room but it does have a secret Escape tunnel and an infinite water source and finally we have this melting room which just has smokers furnaces and blast furnaces and I just pointed these backwards yes I did and the entrance to the base is actually kind of cool I actually built it into the top of an iceberg and we've got our new base anyway with old man Christmas unlocked we only have two more combat upgrades two more utility upgrades and one more Santa upgrade and we're done we'll have Santa fully upgraded and at that point we'll pretty much be unstoppable so the next upgrade I want to go for is the naughty list but you're gonna notice something it not only says kill an Ender Dragon it says kill two Ender Dragons I have to kill one spawn another and then kill that one too do you know how hard that is especially because I know the grinches are gonna attack me during all that chaos anyway if we want to respawn the Ender Dragon we need to make some end crystals currently we happen to have 23 ender pearls remaining which is actually the perfect amount to make four end crystals the only thing we need is some extra blaze powder so let's go ahead and let's go to the nether well that was easy we actually got the two blaze rods we needed on the first two blazes now we have to combine four of these blaze powder with four of these ender pearls and we're gonna get Four Eyes of Ender another way of that all we need is four gas tears and some glass so now let's go take out some gas okay we've got all the gas tears we need so now let's go home and get ourselves some end crystals okay I'm grabbing all our sand now just go ahead and throw it in the smelter okay we should have enough glass now so if we combine all this glass with our gas tears and the Four Eyes of Ender we get our four end crystals and we're ready to summon the dragon once we defeat the first one anyway with the end crystals in hand we gotta get going to the end so we'll just go quickly grab some more blaze rods combine it with our remaining ender pearls and let's get going to the end okay we've got a blaze rods now it's quickly go home and start making our way to the end Dragon let's combine these together and boom 69 is a vendor okay I've gone ahead and grabbed some Essentials like a water bucket and decided to enchant a bow and got an Infinity power for bow so we're definitely ready to go take on the dragon so let's simply climb up here and let's find out what direction we're going in that way and now we'll just throw an ender pearl every 1500 blocks and we'll find this thing in no time okay let's throw the next one up on top of this hill boom oh it turned around already that was fast okay our second ender pearl just turned around so actually it's somewhere in between our first and second ender pearl it's literally right here it's right below us right now right here we're going down oh we're in okay I did find it we just gotta find the Portal oh I found it let's go let's put all the eyes in it's time to fight the dragon okay we're in okay let's get out of this box now let's really take down all of the healing pillars and there we go they're all gone now let's take them out now he's purging okay we can do a ton of damage here he's done he's done Booyah first dragon down and now let's go and put down the four end crystals right here right here right here and right here and now we're gonna re-summon the Ender Dragon let's also quickly get this egg actually because we're gonna need this dragon egg to actually become Santa later so we'll just put this in our pocket okay sure enough the dragon should be back any second now and now let's kill him again verse six first let's take out all these Powers okay let's climb one of the obsidian Towers oh God the Grinch just showed what we just throw team TV how did he just throw TNT at me what is happening okay now we have to deal with them and the dragon and we can't let them kill the dragon cause they'll steal the achievement from them okay there they are oh they got some netherrite on already we killed him nice he's gonna kill me I should have thrown out the ward and I should have turned oh it's the TNT literally made it so it was so easy to kill oh yeah throw it on yourself throw it on yourself where'd he go where'd the other one go he's building up get out of my way Enderman please we killed him we destroyed them wait a minute they left me a turd here I can just shoot the dragon with this turret oh no it broke okay well it did a lot of damage he's done two dragon kills we killed the grinches and we've summoned the Ender Dragon it was both dragons dead there's literally only a couple more things we need from the end you see to turn into Santa Claus we're gonna need a lytra so we need to go get those in the outer end okay now we just gotta find an End city that has some elytra I spent days 65 to 67 just looking around the end for an elytra ship oh I see an end shift that means we found elytra finally let's go let's just toss an ender pearl up there now let's toss one up there and now let's toss it at the ladder way out there and boom we made it and give me these Electra and the chest said nothing but junk anyway now that we got the elite straight it's all we need from the end so let's just get out of here that we should need to get some player kills and trade with a Max Level cartographer none of which is hard because you see trading with a Max Level cartographer you just need to have some glass panes and some sand and some emeralds and some other stuff but I'm gonna quickly gather it all right now first of the list is sugarcane the second thing we need is a lot of sand but I'm not actually gonna dig anymore cause we already smelted a bunch of glass at home so we don't need any more and the last thing we think we need is a bunch of emeralds which luckily we got some Emerald blocks from Trading with our La so we definitely have enough emeralds so let's put it all together we get a bunch of paper from the sugar cane then let's combine the glass together to get a bunch of glass panes and then we just need one compass and we'll be all set and boom Compass so next we just gotta simply go to a village and trade with a cartographer okay so I'm currently in a village and this guy has no job so I'm giving him one become a cartographer let's first trade this guy a bunch of our paper and he'll give us some emeralds in return now we're gonna level them up once into an apprentice where we'll trade him a bunch of glass panes for even more emeralds and then a level up again this time into a journeyman who will trade us a woodland Explorer map now that he's an expert we're gonna go and buy a bunch of light gray banners and trade him for a woodland Explorer man and this is gonna level him up again into a master which we do one trade with we'll finish up the quest because a master is the top level Trader a villager can get to and now all we gotta do is get four kills and we can finish up the naughty list okay I see the grinches up ahead their Temple is right up here I'm gonna try and come around the back I just saw one of them go up front we're gonna go in quick we're gonna get these kills I don't see anyone in here I just saw them where'd they go oh they're both in here dude oh he's here oh oh my god oh dude I'm Warden take that what that is an awarded oh my God oh my God oh my God oh that is not cool they just put a warden in their own base it should attack them too right oh no they re-picked it up oh God I have to fight them like with a warden that thing took down half my hearts right now I'm not doing that oh we got him he's done we gotta kill him oh we broke our Tower no please I'm dead okay that one's gonna attack then they put it too far away again we're destroying come on get him I just needed this one kill please oh I'm lagging so much his Shields bro he's done he's done he's done okay running I destroyed their beds definitely let's use our reindeer and get out of here what did I just fall in oh I got him I got him he's done oh wait a totem keep him froze keep him froze he can't do anything look Santa's snow powers are invincible okay with that we have finished the naughty list Quest well we'll go and lock it back at home once we clear up our inventory a little bit okay let's unlock naughty list which is a scroll that controls who has been nice and who has been naughty if I right click it it's gonna shoot out a dark beam that gives nausea and whoever I hit only takes critical hits from then on out so let me show you if I punch this horse right here nothing really happens but if I use the naughty list on him first and then I punch him you'll notice both of those punches were critical so anything they touch with this naughty list can easily be critically hit and I'm not gonna lie that's a really broken ability so I am keeping that one on me anyway from here let's unlock Santa's sleigh because if we unlock that there's only three more upgrades to go now to get it I need nine chess boats nine Minecart furnaces and 64 blocks of redstone the nine chess boats and nine Minecart furnaces I already can make I have all the stuff for them it's not gonna be that hard we're gonna go mine for a bunch of redstone until we can make 64 blocks which is like 576 Redstone I totally didn't use Google okay we have got all the Redstone so let's simply turn this into a bunch of blocks and there we go now let's quickly make nine boats and nine chests and now let's combine them all together and make a bunch of Chess boats and now we just need some furnace Minecarts so let's make nine furnaces real quick and make nine Minecarts and now let's combine those together as well and just like that we can unlock Santa's sleigh but you know we gotta go test out but it's night time so we'll do it tomorrow okay so I decided to put ourselves out on the ice where I can spawn in Santa's sleigh and now using this sleigh I have the ability to fly look at this ho ho ho oh my God it breaks through mountains and then if I drink my milk and cook I get all my energy back it can basically fly forever okay yeah Santa sleigh pretty broken and with that unlocked there's literally only three more upgrades to go and since I'm already really close to unlocking Santa Claus let's just go get the four end crystals we need left so first things first we're gonna need some more sand okay glass complete now we just need to go get some gas tears because at home we already have the five Eyes of Ender we need so we literally just need some gas here to the nether okay I just realized the footage corrupted for day 76 but I just crafted the end crystals and we're ready to do the upgrade it's finally time to turn into Santa once we grab the dragon egg from the chest dragon egg Goodbye old man Christmas and let's say hello to the final Santa upgrade Santa oh my God Santa Santa looking very fat oh my goodness I mean I guess it's definitely a Santa that could take on the Grinch the Grinch doesn't stand a chance anyway with that unlocked there's literally two more upgrades to go we have the gift grenade launcher and winter is coming and you know I gotta go for the grenade launcher because who doesn't want to use a grenade launcher now to actually unlock it I need to light 24 TNT kill eight grinches use 32 fireworks and survive three supercharged creeper explosions and I'm not gonna lie that last one is very interesting and because it's kind of random because I have to wait for a storm I'm gonna actually set up for it right now first let's grab some raw Copper from the chest and now let's get it smelting in the blast furnace now we're gonna grab these copper it and make ourselves some lightning rods now at the beach next to our base we're gonna go ahead and dig a giant hole just big enough that creepers can't climb out and now we're gonna put these lightning rods inside of this hole and now when it starts thundering we simply just gotta trap some creepers in this hole and then we should have no trouble surviving the explosions now for the rest of this upgrade we're gonna need a lot of gunpowder between the fireworks and the TNT I'm gonna need well over a hundred so let's go take out some creepers okay may have got a bit overboard but we definitely have gunpowder now so now let's go back to the Bay a ton of TNT and fireworks and let's set them off and there we go we made 24 TNT and here's 32 fireworks oh that's a lot more than 32. 32 fireworks used now we just gotta set up some TNT which is super easy to do and there we go 2014 Helix now let's go back to the base and let's finish up this upgrade oh I see the Grinch they're trying to take my reindeer they froze me they used my own North Pole Against Me Maybe duplicating that was not a good idea okay one's dead I'm dead I'm also dead okay we saved the base the base is okay and I don't even think they found it so we should be good now all that's left to do is take some damage from some supercharged creepers and get the kills on the grinches that we need since it's not storming yet let's go get the kills and the players literally while I was looking for the Grinch's base it starts raining and storming I gotta quickly head back to the base because I want to get these supercharged creeper kills out of the way now okay there's literally two Creepers on the beach right now okay we just gotta wait around until those lightning rods go off come on lightning rods get him oh we got him okay blow up please yes okay we survived one let's quickly grab our lightning rods again and re-trap this area okay come here creeper okay we got a second one blow me up yes two down and there's a creeper right there let's go get him yes we took damage from three lightning creepers it's finally done with God I hate dealing with lightning It's So Random anyway now that that's done let's start making our way to the Grinch's base so we can get some Grinch kills from Days 83 to 84 I simply searched around for the Grinch in his minion with only a few kills remaining victory was in sight oh there's torches everywhere wait is this their base oh I see their names they're literally right here I found their base okay hold on gotta land the sleigh I'm killing his sleigh don't kill my sleigh dude you're on the naughty list every crit on you is now critical okay we gotta get the other one now every crit on this one's now gonna be critical Boom the naughty list is so broken I can just get critical hits for free like that oh I missed with the TNT no we got him let's go oh my God the naughty list is broken oh my God this is tearing through them okay we got him with it we win we easily have kills We need oh oh my goodness let's see if I can slow them down even more let's get inside their bases if we can take it out no that's a dude our face look at it I just took out their home he's done he's out we gotta just get the last one and he's done this base is toast and I got all the kills I need which means we can unlock the gift grenade launcher oh my God it's huge if I right click it it's gonna shoot it's trying to press oh it blew up oh God the gift grenade launcher it puts powdered snow on the ground I'm now freezing myself to death oh God I gotta be careful here but this grenade launcher is so cool okay we have one more upgrade to go which is cold winter is coming and once we have that we're gonna be near Invincible we'll be the fully upgraded Santa now to unlock it I need 64 Blue Ice Nine powdered snow buckets and a beacon so first things first let's craft nine buckets and boom nine buckets now we just gotta fill them with some powdered snow which normally would be difficult but we have the gift grenade launcher so if I shoot it in here you're gonna see we get some free powdered snow that we can simply just grab and there we go nine buckets of powdered snow now we just need 64 blue ice and a beacon and since I have a silk touch pick and we're in a nice bike biome let's go get some blue ice there we go we've got a stack of blue eyes and all we need left is to make a beacon we're obviously gonna need another star which means we gotta kill a Wither which means we need Wither Skeleton skulls so it's time to go to the Nether and get a bunch of those okay we've got all the Wither Skeleton skulls that we need it's not just grab some solson and go fight the Wither okay it's time to battle the Wither so we'll simply put our souls in right here and our three Wither Skeleton skulls right there let the battle begin and the Wither is dead and we've got the nether star right here so now it's just simply eat some milk and cookies and head on home okay so all we gotta do now is craft a beacon and to do that we're gonna need three obsidian five glass and another star do we just need some obsidian real quick so let's quickly jump down to the mine and grab some now we can find the obsidian that we just find with our glass and our nether star and we get ourselves a beacon and so if we grab all our powdered snow buckets and our stack of blue ice we can become the fully upgraded Santa an unlock winter is coming which is a massive attack that covers everything around me in snow and anyone nearby me will instantly freeze there's nothing they can do they're frozen which sounds cool and all but I want to see this in action before I have to use it on the Grinch okay I'm gonna use the Ability okay it sent him flying back and you can see that he has the freezing ability and it's slowly gonna kill him over time and then freezing ability will never go away not even if they drink a milk bucket and so now that we're fully upgraded all we have to do is survive until day 100 and not let the grinches stop us not that I think they have a chance or anything in fact let's quickly troll them I told them we're fully upgraded so now we have to go back to the base and keep reinforcing it until the grinches make their move from Days 92 to 95 I waited for the Grinch's final move and I'm assuming when I told him in chat I was fully upgraded they got scared and prepared something huge and it turns out my assumption was right we have completed the arc the netherright bed arcway we have so many netherright blocks from this dude doubling them oh thank you there's another this is so broken this is the easiest way to get broken armor oh I see the names okay before they get to my basement attack my only goal is to protect this room I don't have to do any more upgrades but I do want to save my blocks of netherite because at this point I want to get blocked another right to all the good boys and girls no I'm just kidding I just want to have a lot another race is that a dragon is that an Ender Dragon oh it is a dragon he's just spinning in circles though he's not actually doing anything I'm gonna do it I warned him a warden are you kidding me I killed the warden okay he's dead he's done we killed one oh he just destroyed my base well there goes this Dragon he's just flying away no Ender Dragon well their dragon's gone let's take him out he's done let's go where are their beds I gotta find their beds because they're respawning oh I found them they're on sleds okay their beds are somewhere even farther over this way [Music] okay they're both dead again where are they spawning they're over there I see it I saw him come over the hill I know where they're coming from hey guess what you're now Frozen and taking infinite freeze damage and now that your beds are destroyed you're dead you literally can't survive the freeze will kill you oh that freeze isn't good is it friend okay let me put you in your misery one of them's down he's on me he's on me no dude he's low you can kill him now where'd the other one go oh there he is wait a minute he took my sleigh oh I gotta battle him in my own sleigh hold on I need my bow back that's right buddy you're facing the Grinch now I gotta take it out so he can't fly away nice I took it out he's not getting away let's turn everything into snow now you're gonna freeze to death too there's nothing he can do yeah you can't do anything he's Frozen and getting murdered by reindeer this is what you get for messing with Santa Grinch he's done the reindeer just killed him there's still four days left but oh my God we destroyed them you can have Christmas back wait are you giving up to sit to win humbug yes I'll take that as a yes that means it's official Christmas is saved and Santa can easily survive until day 100 thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,806,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, I Survived 100 Days as SANTA in Minecraft, 100 Day Santa, Minecraft 100 Day Santa, 100 Days as Santa
Id: nlMyIdXuUPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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