I Survived 100 DAYS as an UCHIHA in Naruto Minecraft!

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i'm gonna be giving myself 100 days to complete my goals in minecraft naruto as an uchiha going from using a shouting gun to him and gekko sharing gun to run again let's begin with day one so i spotted a pretty decent area i went live with this shinobi kit and when i right clicked it i got like a clan paper thing and with that i got the achi house thought i was too bad i did find shikamaru who gave me these shogi pieces to say just make a board and bring it back to him but i didn't do this for quite a while but the second chicamara came up and i thought this is some clone jutsu bologna and i can't do kanjutsu yeah they're just flexing at this point but there was this desert temple right here and i um i i got in first time no problems needed i'd anyway i got in and realized that i don't have a pickaxe so i had to leave straight away then they came across 10th and he traded gold rio for sasuke's sword but i only had five at the time so i was way too poor i got some wood made some tools and with this i could like get to there's a temple and i thought at this moment here that everything down there was a lost cause but i was lucky and nothing exploded so i'm happy dance the only good things down here was like this diamond and a golden apple but there was this like scroll of regeneration which would just heal citizens around me and i'm gonna cheat we we don't do that around here so i put that away once i got the temple i saw they had like this chakra paper and i ended up getting a wind tracker so i was like naruto and started getting one which is kind of cool actually i checked my stats to realize that i'd never kick a ganker so i was a bit worried that i didn't have the sharing gun i was not gonna cheat without sharing gun but i didn't have to worry too much also in this menu you can apply different stats to different genjutsu speed etc and eventually i realized that gp is also a stat at the very bottom of this menu and at this moment in time i only had one and by killing any mob you get like one stat point i guess and after a while that'll give you an sp or a gp which is for stats and different levels to unlock different abilities but let me explain what some of these do so ninjutsu increases chakra targets increases the strength again jutsu is like achieve your abilities medicine is like health related and speed just increases the speed and that's the main fear that i use in this 100 days so a lot of this 100 days is just me just killing literally anything that moves or breathes even this eight trigram sheep i eventually came across the village and this is when i noticed my my very first problem playing as an uchiha even though i'm technically in real life not nichija i have just this urge to um to to eradicate i i don't know why i just i just i couldn't connect myself i just started killing um ev everything once that was done actually like white zetsu come after me it was it was so weird i didn't think i'd see him this early in the game but it turns out that white zetsu was lit everywhere i was like we're in the war i had the impression it was gonna be really strong so the next day i went to go fight him and um turns out i'm a side character though with a couple like crit hits you can eventually take one down but if they come in like a like a pack it becomes kind of a problem i decided to make a backpack since there was a lot of items in this mod pack and i wanted to be able to hold them all honestly like i looked pretty wholesome with a backpack you know but it turned out i had six sp that i haven't used yet i tried to put them in equally ninjutsu taijitsu and speed in this night film i started just fighting as many as white zetsu as i possibly could and doing so gave me enough sp points to get my first fire elites which was this running fire i believe it's called and it was pretty difficult to use since i had to like aim it it was like a circle almost but maybe it wasn't too great for combat but for something else which we're about to see it was almost perfect so i indirectly abandoned the entire village it was crazy i had no idea what happened it was like wow who would have thought oh no look i'm misplacing everything this is crazy oopsy doopsy oh well i went to bed so that was cool the next day i woke up and said i'm going to do the story mode which basically just had a ruka sensei to teach you the shadow kind of duty technique which is pretty cool even though that the shadow clones don't really look like you i think that's just not a thing yet and it was kind of weird since you had to tame them by right clicking them i didn't get used to that for quite a bit but it's still quite cool so if you punched i'd know for example a sheep they'd destroy it for you which was quite cool and what was even cooler is that you make them make them fight each other it was like like a shadow clone battle royale it was pretty pretty interesting i suppose kind of kind of inhumane but interesting i then spot a gang of whites that soon decided i'm going to start my own little war so i made tons of shadow clones and then i forgot to tame them so i just got bowed i thought this enderman since for the second story mode mission i just had to like get some items and once they had set items i became a genie so that was pretty cool but my scene at the time didn't like show the headband so i had to go and like go into the old skin editor and now i looked pretty sick i went live with a really well made model the next mission was to go and find ladies united who i think was just in the narrative by him i found this ruined pool and got some nice cool shoes so cannot complain i was looking kind of cool and i also found this like dna thing and it said it was like wind dna but i already had the track of nature so it didn't implant ended up finding shi kamara again who again just spoke about shogi board which i decided that i'll do right now it was actually pretty deep to make so it was just like three slabs in the shogi pieces on the either side and once you gave it to him um he gave you one silver rio it's a singular silver rio i thought it would be like maybe gold might be fives over here but no i said i got scammed i then found the innocent looking wonderful village which i am my hand slipped and i started burning down one of the houses and then my my hands slipped again i bent on another one it happened again and it happened by a villager instead and then it just kept happening which is crazy and i saw like the villagers were still alive which was insane um and then they died all of a sudden which was again just like insane it was crazy i know what happened all of a sudden i had enough points to get any jutsu which was just insane i ended up going with the wind jutsu which was boruto stream i believe it was gordon basically all i did was just kind of like throw you into like a certain direction which was pretty good for travel i suppose i think him because this is really cool looking leaf shinobi oh what else you know what other cool things we'll see like there's some baby with a sword on a chicken anyway i finally found the narrator by him so i just spent a ridiculously stupid amount of time just trying to find ladies tonight so much time in fact i got so bored i just made all my shadow clones have a fight and um whoever survived was like my main shadow clone but eventually i came across ladies tonight who gave me a quest which the quest was to catch a cat which i thought would be really easy but it wasn't i ran across the entire narrator but i'm gonna get this goddamn cat it was so quick eventually i got it and i got the achievement this is how to be again in with the leaf so it took way too long but i got it in the end i ran back to lady tsunade and got my reward which was basically nothing but i did get the next story mode which was basically just to learn the substitutions you see which i was actually really excited for since it looks so cool it was like this like level 50 things which i think sounded gave me but i didn't really i spent my night like every other night that was just killing every mob i saw to try and get enough points to get more jutsu's which i actually did do it was a really really successful night i took a break at nearby village and unlock the sharing gun which was for 25 gp so i did a lot that night then when i activate the sharing there wasn't like a modded looking sharing gun so i ended up just changing my skin to make my eyes red which still looked really cool and now i had two new kika genka is the mangekyo and the normal sharing gun which was weird since i haven't got them in get good just yet but i thought this was weird so i went to go find these white zetsu's because i thought i'm so strong now because i got the sharing gun i was wrong um i still nearly got destroyed but then my game crashed i came back and i was back in the house and i hadn't fought the whites dead too yet and the skills you saw me put on just then i haven't put on yet it was like i was put into an immediate again duty by myself so nothing happened then i thought this was funny as well [Music] so by the morning i had another dna sample thing and once i right clicked it i got earth dna and then right clicking that i got the tranquil nature of earth which meant i allowed fire wind and earth nature i had three which was i think i think i'm pretty sure it's that's pretty crazy in the narrative world i decided to take on the white tattoos that i died to in the first kenjutsu back then and this time i had like 20 shadow clones with me but unfortunately they kind of only go for one white zetsu at a time so i had to fight the rest while they all fought one and then i called it n9 i woke up and like the new reward for the story mode which was substitution jutsu it was actually really cool though at the time i didn't have enough ninjutsu to use it i needed 15 at the point at this point in time i only had seven but luckily i had enough points to get 15 and right clicking it spawned like this um piece of wood with like shuriken in it which is just like how like kikashi uses it for example and it's used to actually i mean yeah it existed it was quite useful i just want like this fire technique was called fireball technique or the great fireball sorry and it was very very expensive to use so i didn't use it very often that much and it was i only hit one target so i barely used it though i did find attaches mangekyo but it was i didn't get it record though so um here's me just struggling to try and like narrate off what i just saw later and it just wasn't working i didn't realize you could spam certain juices so this is me just using borato's strength to try and like up my my travel speed i suppose and it was really really satisfying to use but it did burn through my chakra but i mean tribal travel i found yet another village in this time i thought you know what maybe maybe i'll just live here since you know i keep burning down villagers maybe i should switch it up and just be a good citizen um did it last long um absolutely but i did realize that borrowed a stream actually spawns two boritos that throw you which i had no idea before and yeah i lied by the way that didn't yeah and then i brought those streamed out of there so that was cool i went mining found this like really cool looking door which opened really satisfyingly but in this white sets it was only got like a blue rays that was funny my original plan for this place was just to like farm the hell out of this place just to get tons of tons of points but the spawners that you break eventually so i couldn't do that but i really wanted these doors i spent so much time just like gazing at doors it was kind of weird so i ended up just fighting tons of mobs in the caves as i usually would then i put tons of points into venison since i found myself nearly dying then i killed more mobs for more points but since i could move so fast now i was getting so impatient with like things like ladders i kept trying to like speed the process somehow by juicing while i was online i tried to unlock ultra instinct as well as you know sharing a gun and um i i'd say i got quite close but then i got put into a side character wrong oh anyway moving on i put one more point into medicine and ended up getting double health bars and i had 20 hearts instead of 10 which was actually quite cool but then i clicked that i wasn't using any like naruto related items like the shurikens or the naruto food so i decided i'm going to try them out see how good they are and they're not too bad but the damage wasn't nearly as great as some of the other things i was using at this like point in time i ended up finding yet another village and just really some stress and then i left um one child for a character development i ended up going back into the mines to try and like build these spawn egg things which we'll see later but i nearly died because um you never mind straight down but luckily substitution jutsu is my savior so i realize but using running fire you can like have temporary fire resistance so i could just swim in love for a bit the first egg i ended up making was like minotaur's egg which needed two diamond blocks it was very expensive and minotaur's like lightning bolt i am then woke up and spawned miniature right in i thought i'd have to fight him but i didn't have to i right clicked him and got his kunai instead but um i didn't know how to use that they said they're like prince on to it but i had no idea how to do this i found out later on but i had no idea how to do this i tried like to write print i took the controls i threw on the grounds and i wrote print again it's i felt kind of dumb i mean i looked kind of dumb so i kind of i gave up eventually then i made zapita's spawn egg and um safe to say i was not anywhere strong enough to fight his episode and then when afk got killed by white zetsu so that was annoying turns out if you die you lose all your hearts so i'm very annoying i tried reconnecting just in case that would fix it but even that didn't give me my hearts back so i ended up just having to kill tons and tons of mobs to try and get more points back so i could get my health back i took a break to try and figure out if i could try and get minotaurs kunai to work which it didn't so i um got mad and continued slaughtering every innocent animal i saw i ended up getting way more points to try and get enough medicine to get even more health and i got now at three bars so that was good i found this like spider layer which um i thought i could take but it got kind of stupidly close and i was kind of worried since i died again i'd lose my hearts again and i don't think i could get any stronger than this so i was very worried at this point in time i found another undefined dna which was lighting dna this time so i implanted that got the lightning chakra and thought this time maybe i can use you know the namakaze kunai again which um isn't the case i don't even think um minotaur even has lightning so i don't know what i was thinking but it turned out it always had enough points to get the mangekyo sharing gun so i was over the moon about this since if you activate it you're able to activate a susannah which i was visibly very excited to do it actually looked really really really cool with a very well made model and you could upgrade it to get even larger suitabilities so i was really happy with this and it turned out that i had attached to tonight which um i'm pretty sure is really european so i was happy with this it also looked really cool from first person to the arms come over you one night it was it was it was just a very cool model overall though the problem with this is that the the hitbox is kind of broken i couldn't punch anything with the suits no weapon and i don't know if you can actually use the suicide but if you use them and get cue again you can have like a c snow on top of suits tonight it was kind of weird to look at but it was still really cool then i saw the rinnegan which costed 70 gp and required the gekkaighenkaya wood which i definitely didn't have so i thought i couldn't get it since i didn't have it or like was born with it you know and then after that i saw the final release of mataras so i was pretty pretty buzzing to try and get there but with them on medicine and the pseudonym active i realized that i was barely taking any damage at all which was a really nice change since i almost died all the time so it was actually that was just cool and you can also use bronto's stream with the two center active so you're like a flying sea snow which must have been terrifying to see and then as usual i spent the entire night just killing myself i found tenten again who still was willing to sell me sasuke's sword for 16 gold rio um and yeah i did it it looked cool and it did 16 attack damage which was actually very insane so i was very happy with this like purchase why does tantan even have i eventually found out to make munito's kunai you have to use an ink sack so um i made it in the end and this kunai changed my entire like play through because it's the most ridiculously opie weapon i think i i'd say in the mind of that i can't say for sure but it one shots almost everything and i can it's instant transmission basically i teleport all over the place i mean minotaur is the fastest let's be real and it's just so upbeat it was so sick to use i was teleporting to every single mob one shot on it moving on to the next one it sped up my like ability getting i guess tenfold it was so good so good here's me one shot of white zebs it was which was the most satisfying thing in the world so after it nearly killed me so many times i was just wiping off the earth it was so good i stood zero chance after a while i got enough points on like the mataras and um it costed a lot of chocolate to use for 160 to be exact and i didn't even have 100 yet or 800 sorry yeah but i thought this was really cool like the susano shadow like projects onto the mountains using shaders and it looks so cool it looks so sick but again as night fell i took on everything that moved or lived and again just tenfolded my sp game because i could just teleport everywhere but i came acro came against my my mortal enemy across every a single 100 days video of mine the enderman it can dodge everything it dodged my dio barrages it dodges minotaurs kunai it dodges everything i eventually stick it down with sasuke's sword and then i used the mataras for the first time and um it didn't disappoint it completely burnt a white zetsu but then i realized that it doesn't actually follow the target it just sets like a three by three onto the floor so you can just run off the amateurs which doesn't really make sense i put points to the medicine and jutsu needed more chakra and i just didn't want to die like i really didn't want to die but i came across the only narrative structure in the mud right now which was this like stone i think it's stone village maybe it's like a i don't know a stone i'm pretty sure it's stone hidden stone once i got in the building it was just filled with like wet zatsu's and whatnot but like they were knees to take down with you know minotaurs kunai it actually had some narrative clothing which i really liked so i put them on and then i saw they had tons of naruto food on the table so i rummaged the area took all their food then i found this like piece of clothing or just like the set of clothing in a glass container which looked the exact same but it looked important so i stole it i then unlocked phoenix flower jutsu which honestly wasn't that impressive i didn't really do much at all but then i put a ton of points into taijitsu and induces i just thought i was going to need both thai jiu-jitsu animal chakras so and then i watched the sun form where i had my susanna active held minitos kunai some ichiraku ramen with the sharing and activated wearing stone clothes quite the 100 days i just chilled in the house for the first time with this um leaf shinobi and then i hit the sheets so um it's probably my my nicest day so far when i woke up i again took on zappos and this time it wasn't as much as a one-sided fight he did damage that's for sure but i also did damage so we kind of just traded with enough breaks in between these attacks i eventually was able to take him down with the sharingan activated so my strength increased and then putting him into mataras things went well and i took him down with i wouldn't say ease but it was definitely not as difficult as the last fight then i had this like food called dango which if you don't know is um food that is from japan well didn't realize but i actually have savage's sword now which does 20 damage and less attack speed which was far more like opie than saturday's sword so i ended up making this my main sword i tested it on some white zetsu and it definitely didn't disappoint but it said like this like blood here would heal the sword but it didn't really do anything maybe i'm using it wrong but i then made the spawning for daedra and um this fight was incredibly difficult because data for some reason does so much damage like a ridiculous amount of damage like three hits and i'm over like over half house it's incredible so i had to take so many breaks and go in for fights but i eventually took him down and got like his weird eyepiece but it didn't really fit since the skins just don't really match for the modern mine i chose to put points in the medicine since i nearly died multiple times then i hit the sheets the next day i got some more diamonds since i was gonna need quite a lot for who was about to spawn in and that was the one and only itachi uchiha i thought this fight was going to be like ridiculously hard i thought he'd put him like an immediate genjutsu but for some reason all he did was spam the materials which in itself is impressive since i could use it once every blue moon which was fair enough i suppose but the fight itself wasn't all that difficult it was just avoiding zamataras and then going into attacks here and there and i eventually got it done so it wasn't too bad after the fight i put some points in the medicine and then some more points into genjutsu i was had enough points to get the rinnegan but i didn't have to kick again kind of wood and i had no idea how i was going to get this so i was a bit stumped i thought i just couldn't do it but after a while it's just like fighting white's etsy because i got another dna and this time i got wood dna and so i used it and instead i implanted the kick i think i would so i was kind of freaking out i was like okay maybe maybe i get the winner gun and to my surprise i can and i look the winner gun so now i had the kaka gang guys the sharing gundam and gekko sharing and the renegade and wood which was just crazy i again changed my skin to not try and match the sasuke's like renegade sharing gun type things i thought it looks cool and also since only stone armor spawns in this modpack it's not the spawning mother is armor since you know he's in the chihuahua and now i it was i was just a mismatch of just so many different characters the final person i had to fight was hit on and his craft was again quite expensive i had to spare diamonds and the fight wasn't too difficult i was kind of worried that if he hit me he'd like freeze me and make me like bleed to death i don't want to like have any problems with that you know but again the fight was ridiculously easy so easy in fact i just had to see if i could get my shadow clones to kill him for me but they were too weak at the end of the fight i ended up like getting hit by nothing but i got more hearts i was i don't actually know why this happened but i did get his weapon and it looked by far one of the coolest in the mod like his soul just looks so cool very scythe sorry i even turned on some villagers as you know because um i love i love villages and i put this uh i ain't got them into a wood again juicy because um you know i ain't getting touched there's iron spurred on top of the tree i thought it was quite funny i locked the renegade ability which was like opening a port to a space-time like their own space-time world which is probably my favorite like move so far in this mod i didn't know what it was it reminded me of like kamui but i don't think it was the same and the floor was made out of like suzuki dimension stone substitutes like some godly dimension but when you go back to the overworld it actually takes you to the spawn like your spawn point so that's probably the only downside i didn't spawn in naruto but it turns out it doesn't actually fight you so um i was kind of disappointed i think he's like to try and unlock um there are sand gun obviously i'm not interested in unlocking that so i just took him out and that was my 100 days as anuchiha
Channel: Sir Marcus
Views: 2,472,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days, attack on titan minecraft, minecraft, minecraft 100 days modded, 100 days hardcore, anime 100 days, modded 100 days, aot 100 days, minecraft hardcore, jojo mod minecraft, attack on titan mod, minecraft 100 days anime, sir marcus, shingeki no kyojin 100 days, aot minecraft, minecraft uchiha 100 days, minecraft naruto mod, minecraft naruto 100 days, naruto 100 days, sasuke 100 days, minecraft 100 days sasuke, minecraft sharingan mod, naruto mod
Id: AIBdId1dZX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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