I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Demon Slayer as a DEMON... And THIS is What Happened!

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i'm gonna be trying to survive 100 days in minecraft demon slayer mod as a demon this means that sunlight will burn me and all of the demon slayers will be out to get me let's get started with day one i spawn in a gravel beach biome with nothing nearby so i make my way towards the spruce forest in the distance to start gathering some wood i managed to find some glorious food along the way and start punching wood i get a nice amount of wood and then begin crafting some stone tools after making some tools a massive sawsmith village spawns and this is a gold mine i find not only some amazing cherry blossom trees but an insane amount of food books for an enchanting setup later down the line and the almighty netherite chest this would come in so useful a little bit later on but for now with my inventory completely full of food i make my way out of the village and towards land to begin trying to find some museum blood if you didn't already know this block right here is muzan blood ore and can help you become stronger as a demon on my way to find a cave i found a really cool biome that i could make a base in if you guys want me to do 200 days but for now i move on and continue the search for blood i find some blood on a surface cave and mine it to become a demon however we are still in daytime so i use a futon that i picked up earlier to make it become nighttime so i can finally start unleashing chaos and make my way to upper moon 1. i see a red dot on the minimap so go to investigate oh no that's canal i'm gonna die i tried to run away since canal is nearly hashera level but just get completely destroyed after heading back and grabbing my stuff i move on to a new area and find a cool little village and then find a horn demon and beat it up using some pro strats and got some much better armor and denitrion blade which gave me the missed breathing yes i can fight back now i begin day two looking for some more moose and blood as i need to get stronger first i found a lot of moves on blood and quickly get a lot more health and power as i keep exploring i find some diamonds on the way can you figure out what i'm gonna combine these diamonds with to make me op day three i'm still mining for blood as i'm on a mission to reach my maximum demon potential and not be afraid of anything that's the sun i sleep until night time and then make a smithing table and then combine some diamond armor that i made and some netherite to craft another right helmet some boots and another right pickaxe these items would now last me easily the entire 100 days the next day i go out hunting as i need some blood demon arts to try and complete my collection and for a nice power up as well i've come across an upper moon 6 in a mount sagiri biome right off the bat so i begin my fight i managed to whittle her down and her brother down using misbreathing and finally take them out with a lot of hearts remaining this would be so easy who's attacking me now what is going on i then get ambushed by urakodaki who i managed to keep at bay using my new blood demon art i luckily managed to finish him off with poison and narrowly managed to win i continue exploring and forget completely about my one true weakness wait what's killing me oh the sun a5 i am once again hunting and i come across a tanjuro and begin a very intense fight against him daki and her brother's blood demon are is just not doing enough damage for me at the moment so i need to get an upgrade after a very long fight i managed to beat tandro and became lower rank six that was all thanks to the poison on day six after not seeing any demon slayers the entire day i came across a kanroji who is hiding behind a tree and is weakened from a previous battle yes i beat my first pillar finally while leaving i bump into a hand demon and quickly beat it when it doesn't fight back after all i am lower six now so my damage is definitely increased i keep killing demon slayers and i one shot a ball girl and here's something breathing in on the other side of a tree oh god that's muitro i realized that i am nowhere near ready to fight a hashera so quickly try to run away but realize escaping will be way too hard it's so fast i gotta fight so i jump into battle and realize my best bet will be the poison after all he's already pretty weakened from my poison hits before he escapes into the top of a tree but not without being hit by my poison hey get out of that tree he then comes down to face me so i begin using all my close range attacks and finally managed to take down mauricio i was so lucky that he didn't use his seventh form or it would have been over he then drops a red sword to mist sword so i keep a hold of it just for now day seven i easily take down omakimo and i feel pretty sorry for her but then i tried to get revenge on canal prepare to die canal my plan was very simple i just kept on hitting her with very long range attacks to bring her to low health and after an extremely grueling fight i managed to take her down and she dropped nothing for me at all which is very sad day eight i come across a high row the former lower ranked two i lose track of time through this fight and when i was about to beat him the sun begins to rise and so i have to retreat to the safety of the trees pyro however is not so lucky and i managed to get his blood demon arm he dropped a gun i test out my new demon art and realize the potential this thing has dynamite is way too op it's becoming morning of day nine and i accidentally aggro to tangero again this is bad the sun is about to rise and i'm being attacked relentlessly by tangero i mistimed my retreat to the trees and start taking insane damage from the sun wait i'm nearly dead so i decide my best plan is to keep hitting him with range so he doesn't get close i finally managed to beat tandro just as day 9 begins so i start hunting again for some new demon arts i find rui hiding in some trees in mount natagumo and i make very quick work of him and i'm rewarded with a new blood demon art and some museum blood i decide to test my new demon art on all of his family members and it is strong i hate that model so much that's disgusting while i'm testing the sun begins to rise too quickly so i have to retreat and begin day 10. day 10 i'm feeling a little bit crazy so i decided to fight an upper moon 2 i came across the fight starts off pretty well and i get some clean damage in using my new blood demon art i managed to run circles around doma and easily finish him off i get his blood demon art and just before i can celebrate i get attacked by the water pillar gear oh no that's gear i fight the water pillar using all my new demon artists and with some skillful dodges i managed to take him down quite easily from this fight though i learned that upper moon 2's blood demon art is insanely strong for supporting you in battle day 11 i'm celebrating my constant victories and i got a bit too cocky and challenged upper moon 3 akasa a big issue with this though is that akaza is way stronger in combat compared to upper moon 2 especially at close range in this fight i'm brought to my final row of hearts and realized the sun is not anywhere near coming so i have no easy getaway this time i need to win purely with a good strategy so my plan is to trap him with some string and then do insane damage while he's stuck oh was that straight i noticed however that he's really good at dodging the attacks so i make my retreat and on the way i trap a sabito who tried to hit me while running away though i come across an enmu and the wind hashera having a 1v1 duel so i steal the kill on enmu and begin fighting the wind hasher i instantly hop onto my buddha and do some crazy good damage to him i do so much damage with the buddha that by the time i fall off i've already defeated him day 12 rolls around and i go back to where i fought akasa and begin my rematch thinking things will go maybe differently this time this fight however was extremely close and i only just managed to get mini domers out to aid my fight i managed to use my butter attacks to get some easy damage on akasel while he can't hit me and finally bring him down after nearly being killed from his final moments the next day i come across upper moon 4 in a cave and decide to try and take him down using all my blood demon arts and my new acaza blood demon art he goes down very fast and i get some new armor a new blood demon art and i look great oh i look good okay while checking my inventory disaster i nearly died what the heck now i sleep day 14 i decided to become thor himself and strike down the serpent hasherat and finish him off with akus blood demon art nothing else happened that day so i began day 15 fighting another daki as i realized i'm still far too weak and i need much more blood during the fight i get poisoned and nearly go down to the brother-sister duo and luckily he got saved at the last second by my ice lotuses and that was way too close day 16 i fight another axa for some odd reason and a muitro joins in the fight but quickly gets counted by akaza the small gap that murico bought for me was just enough for me to manage to beat him even though i'm a demon i don't know why he helped me out but hey just before the sun is about to rise i come across a demon kaigaku and fight him to get his completely op sword this sword is really cool it gets black thunder breathing forms when used by a demon and this adds the wither effect to the enemies this would be a huge addition to my collection i test out my new sword on a hyro and discovered the beauty of the black lightning faced thunder wolf boy completely destroyed another wind hashera and then nezuko tried to attack me with some other demon slayers so i had to put her out of her misery she didn't even damage me day 18 i got a yahaba blood demon out while exploring and tested it on the wind hashera who came back for revenge this blood demon art is great for getting close quarter fighters away from you the end of day 18 i found a shinobu and decided to try and take her down she was pretty easy for the most part but did some crazy high damage with her poison in the future i would have to watch out for that but i really didn't think about it at the time while exploring it was day 19 and i came across lower moon 6. i fought him to hopefully get his blood demon art yes i got his blood demon are okay i then tested my new blood demon art on a tandro that tried to attack me i found that it was not as strong as my other demon arts but it was extremely versatile day 20 i fought against another muitro and made use of all my new blood demon arts dishing him off very easily but the next five days i just kept fighting hasheras and both lower and upper moon demons i had already beaten before this allowed me to get a lot more blood and exp along the way i managed to get the blood demon out of the hand demon whoa in one shot on day 27 i picked up a very deadly bongo drum and started the deforestation process on day 29 i came across my very first upper moon 5 goku his blood demon art is amazing so if i could get a hold of that i would be set for the game he was a very slippery opponent and he could easily teleport out of my string cages so this fight took a long time i managed to come out on top and got his blood demon art on top of that i tested out his blood demon art on upper moon 4 and had some really useful moves so this was a great addition he turned into a fish what day 29 comes to an end and i sleep until day 30 where i begin my grind to rank up to an upper moon and nothing can stop me how's the sun while searching for zenitsu and oscar to rank up i come across usually the sound hashera i decide to fight him and honestly don't really struggle at all because of my utility this utility is seriously all thanks to gyoko's blood demon arts and minidoma k31 comes around and i finally find a zenitsu and challenge him to a fight he was actually so easy that i just let my flowers beat him up while fighting zanitsu though an upper moon 2 gets the jump on me and i manage to trap him in a string but it doesn't hold him for long i nearly get taken out but i managed to use gilco's blood demon art to do just enough damage to stop upper moon 2 in his track that was seriously a close call day 34 i finally find an inosuke which will finally let me rank up to lower moon 5. i beat inosuke with very little effort and instantly ranked up to lower moon 1. what the heck now that i'm the strongest lower moon i find the flame hashera and begin a fight that i thought would be super easy after losing two rows of hearts in a single hit and only just surviving i beat the flame hashera and became upper moon 4 in one go i just ranked up three times holy a35 i take down a zunitsu a demon kagaku and a kanroji and i'm feeling super confident this would be a very big mistake day 36 i'm surprised when i get attacked by a tag deemed duo of shinobu and uzui i managed to start getting some nice damage on them due to my overconfidence i believe that taking them down would be an easy fight whoa what's the god hand yeah there's fish everywhere wait i'm gonna die shinobu nuzu managed to completely best me in that fight so i had to regain my former powers and fast i had a small stockpile of blood that i had left over so i drank all of that and began fighting as many lower and upper moons as i could to hopefully find and gain my lost power i realized just how much weaker i had to become when i was fighting in akaza and he nearly bested me multiple times haha getting trapped akaza it's over it's over for you after fighting some more i decided it was time to get upper moon one's demon sword so after fighting him and quickly retreating to under a tree i logged out in what i thought was a safe place to only log in the next day and get obliterated by the sun i had lost all of my progress yet again but i was not giving up this time i rechallenged upper moon one with barely any demon power and managed to finally beat him and get his amazing sword and become the very new upper moon one that was all well and good but the next day i bumped into a muzan so i decided to challenge him i used some pretty cheap strats to make sure that he doesn't aggro me and insta kill me so i managed to take him down using my new sword he dropped no demon odd though so i would still need to beat him before my 100 day challenge is complete to finish the entire set of demon artists 44-55 i spent the entire time in ruiz mountain searching for his sister to try and get her demon art i had no luck at all getting the demon out so decided to try and get a looting 3 sword but first i needed a shulker box day 56 i killed another muzan but to my luck i got no demon art from him oh my god that could have been bad and on day 57 i started an expedition to try and find tangiero's house to finally get a shulker box as i really needed some storage space for these demon artists i would be getting i managed to come across a village and nearly get eliminated by a villager so i decided to eat him as revenge hey you tried to kill me ah delicious delicious three days later i find tanjiro's house and yoink the shulker box then spot another one so grab another shulker boxes back up after that expedition i made it back to my enchanting table and quickly got 30 levels and picked up a looting three sword to finally get rui's sister's blood demon out along the way i turned dye steak senior into a demon and started a mini boss fight he was tough but i managed to win thanks to the black thunder sword while testing some things with the sisters blood demon art i found out that the blood demon art was broken and also my shulker box was broken i just broke my shulker boxes no so i had a plan to get back all those lost demon arts i made a nether portal no this is bad i'm stuck underneath but first a new shulker wait there's another tangera's house here okay we take those so then i went into the nether the hub of the upper and lower moon demons for the next 11 days i purely spent my time in the nether beating all the upper and lower moons filling up my demon art collection oh kakushibo he fell in yes another kakushima finally wait you fell in again yes a muzan man he didn't drop anything the challenge was so nearly complete i was upper moon one and i only needed the demon king blood demon art from a spoiler boss everything is blurred but i began my intense fight against the spoiler boss and day was fast approaching i got it weak after a very long time and managed to win with canal hot on my tail i retreated back to a tree with my new blood demon art demon king i fired off a warning shot and completely shredded my one and only tree so quickly ran for new cover and there we go challenge completed
Channel: Koopekul
Views: 1,707,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but, minecraft, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft but mod, minecraft manhunt, beating minecraft but, minecraft survival, minecraft op, minecraft mod, minecraft challenges, minecraft mods, minecraft craft, mc but, mods, OP MODS, demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, demon slayer mod, how to download, demon slayer mod tutorial, 100 days, brevis, butterjaffa, 100 days demon salyer, demon slayer 100 days, demon 100 days, demon slayer demon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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