I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft

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on day one I spawned in as a baby Elemental dinosaur sitting high up inside of my beautiful dinosaur valley I looked around and noticed five other eggs that were surrounding me each representing an element wo are these my brothers and sisters small meteors then suddenly appeared in the sky and started to shoot down on all of my dinosaurs what's going on my home was quickly being destroyed followed by a large crash now in the center of my once beautiful home was a large meteorite volcano and emerging out of it was a meteor Army Landing successful soon we shall rain down our largest meteor yet from the skies once that is done this entire planet will be nothing but a lifeless Rock no I watched as the meteor men began to swarm my home killing all of the innocent creatures inside of it and turning my old Valley into a battlefield one of the small meteors then crashed right onto my Nest all of my siblings eggs went flying outward into the sky my family I fell down to the ground injured and not sure where to go but thankfully my mother dinosaur found me foso my Elemental boy we must leave now if we want to survive on day two I was running with my mother throughout the neighboring Forest scared out of my life there were meteors crashing down from above us stay right next to me I watched as other dinosaurs got hit and all were killed by the flying rocks followed by more magma men spreading throughout the area just then a very large meteor dropped right in front of the two of us with the main magma leader Standing On Top an elemental one interesting that you are trying to escape did you not hear me there will be no survivors once my men are done here listen to me now you must Unite with the rest of your Elemental siblings only they can help you master your abilities you must stop all of this together my mom then rushed him to fight against their leader she did everything she could to hold him off but I can clearly tell he was an expert with his powers and fighting abilities he slammed down heavy meteor slams into the ground and my mom was looking weaker by the second I knew I had to run so I tried but quickly ran into fire you're water my boy use it I listened to her and concentrated allowing me to shoot out little bursts of water wo I have elemental powers I was able to create an opening for both of us to leave but when I turned back I saw that the leader fully killed my mom no I started to run away as fast as I could knowing I had to find the other Elemental eggs I reached a safe clearing inside of a cave and thought I was okay but a shadowy figure emerged out and standing there was a caveman on day three I panicked and started to run away but quickly realized the caveman was scared too what you doing in home I'm sorry I No More Words leave the small caveman then started a walk further inside of his cave home hey I can't just leave I'll get spotted I chased after him throughout his home but just like mine it was destroyed my family gone killed by Gideon and his magma men Gideon so that's who their leader is look there may be a way I can stop them using my elements and I'll need all the help I can get before the caveman could respond we heard rocks moving around in a nearby room followed by magma men emerging out that's that Elemental dinosaur get him before it's too late oh no we need to go follow me the caveman led me to a room that held a very dangerous caveside parkour uh here goes nothing the two of us began to bake and jump after jump while the magma people shot fire at us from behind come on just a little a little closer with one final jump we were able to make it on the other side yes we did it wo so you're Elemental you really are special all I want is to take down those men and in order to do that we do together my name oo nice to meet you I'm Foo from there the two of us began to walk onto a Sandy Beach and sitting far off on the other end of it was the earth dinosaur St Egg on day four I made my way over towards the Earth egg I'm so glad I found you as I got closer I then realized that there were other eggs surrounding it okay but why I slowly went to pick it up but when I got too close the entire ground beneath me began to shake and one large Sandy explosion out emerged a very large prehistoric turtle stay away from my children the turtle began to attack at me ah stop he had very powerful slams and would even spin very fast to shoot out coconuts at me knock it off I tried my best but there was only so much I could do with my minuted elemental powers with one final hit I was knocked right next to the Earth egg wait a second that egg it's not mine yeah it's my SI sibling my apologies I've been on edge since that meteor crashed down everyone is in danger I know and my mom is gone because of it that Gideon is pure evil and words spread that this is just the beginning go ahead take the egg I listened and picked it up once I did something strange began to happen I grew larger in size gained five more hearts and now had fully mastered the Earth element within me wao I get stronger when I find these eggs if so it important you find the others agreed but first we need a safe place to keep them I know just the place on day five the turtle brought ugai over to a secret passageway which led us straight to a Hidden Valley wo this is where I come for moments of Peace it's the most hidden place in the forest thanks for showing us this UG and I went to work I went out and got enough materials to make myself a set of stone tools I was able to make my very own dinosaur themed home perfect I looked over and noticed ug made himself his own little cave to sleep in as well I can't wait to avenge my family and show everyone that even caveman can be strong like dinosaur I then went and built up a nice little Nest platform for the Earth egg but once I placed it down the egg started to crack and a large burst out poofed a little Earth dinosaur whoo brother my little Earth brother then used a special ability shooting himself high up in the sky wait I have earth powers too I use my new found powers to help bring me up to the top with him this is amazing since we were so high up in the sky I was able to see a monkey he was running away in the nearby forest from a couple of the magma men help oh no I'll be right there on day six I ran through the forest until I reached an opening the same monkey was there but he was now cornered by the magma beasts I can't have you spreading what you know no backa the elemental dinosaur Gideon will be pleased with your capture the magma Beast started to charge and I knew I had to think fast I had an idea and summoned walls of Earth from below me totally trapping the magma men take that and let us out wow thanks T-Rex those guys wanted me dead why you're just a monkey watch it I'm also an archaeologist my name is Arie and I know a lot about what these meteor people are planning wait you do yep follow me I followed Arie until we made our way back to Gideon's main magma volcano and standing there at the entrance was Gideon himself my people phase one is now officially finished it is now time to start Phase 2 which will require lots more power but in the end when that final meteor lands it will be worth it final meteor if you thought those other meteors they fire large the one they plan to rain down onto this planet will wipe out every single species within a single hit that's not good there is one dinosaur that I'm worried about one that yields the elements go out and make sure he is brought back to me alive oh no I need to find the next Elemental egg wait I I think I saw an egg like that recently follow me I followed the monkey until we reached a crash site everything looked destroyed wait no no no no the egg it was right here hold on let me check the monkey used a special type of magnifying glass making a trail suddenly appear before us wao Bingo this Trail right here should lead you right to that egg on day eight Arie and I followed the tracks until we found ourselves inside a large civilization that was hidden away from the rest of the forest wao I looked around and saw lots of different dinosaurs looking sadder than ever all because their homes had been destroyed F far off on the other end of The Hideout lied the fire egg there it is we both went over in excitement and once I was about to collect the egg a fire pterodactyl flapped his wings and flew down in between us you must be runaways too no we're here to get that egg this I'm protecting it just like every other dinosaur that came here searching for a safe Hideout but if you really want it I guess you can do something for me to earn it the fire pterodactyl led me down in his Empire to some sort of core room in the center of it lied a fire orb but it looked like it was burning out this core it used to keep this entire Place running but with the increase in dinosaurs it's harder than ever to keep the flame alive go out and retrieve the NeverEnding flame for me then I shall give you the EG on days 9 to 10 I went out searching for The NeverEnding Flame the pterodactyl said it would be here but where I then realized that I was standing over loose gravel oh no I landed deep inside of a huge fire cave but after a Second Glance I soon noticed that I was surrounded by a bunch of fire spiders we are the fire spiders what are you doing here I am zipping on second thought I shall take you to our leader the spiders brought me deep into their fire throne room and sitting there was a much larger and oddly cute fire spider I'm assuming you're here for our never ending flame aren't you yeah but for a good cause I know of Gideon and the troubles he's causing this world however us spiders Believe In Praise if you want our sacred flame then you're going to have to earn it on days 11 to 12 the spiders brought me over to a large underground Fire arena and crawling up to their Throne was the lead spider welcome to the annual fire spider build off the what in this competition both teams will compete to build the best statue of me whichever statue looks the best will be deemed Victorious the crowd started to cheer and I looked over to see that my opponent was a small group of spiders hey wait there's multiple of them begin the opponents quickly started to swarm around their build they worked so fast together I went as fast as I could trying to build up my statue but I was falling behind wait I have an idea I use my Earth element to quickly make pillars that allowed me to build even faster and done wow that looks just like me you win you win you you got to be kidding me this sucks yes with my victory the lead spider led me into a room and inside hanging on a gigantic web was The NeverEnding flame I went and picked it up perfect on days 13 to 14 I brought the never-ending flame to the fire pterodactyl ah amazing give it here and stand back I did as he said and watched as the pterodactyl focused so much of his energy into it and it started to blast the core in the center of the room the core then began to transform and was now fully ignited awesome thank you you may now take the egg I ran over and happily grabbed my fire siblings egg this caused the fire element within me to well up and grow in power I gained five more hearts and now had Mastery over my fire element sweet hopefully with this you can stop Gideon he is truly hurting all of us I don't know how many more dinosaurs I can keep safe here you know I think I have an idea on days 15 to 16 I decided to help the pterodactyl by bringing some of the dinosaurs back to my hideout with Arie of course I wasted no time Gathering materials and building up a house for all of their liking thank you so much no problem I then went over and built Arie his very own research site for all of his archaeology needs wow thanks Foo you know if you ever see meteors lying around grab me a sample and I'll see if I can make you something with it yeah I'll be on the lookout I then went over to place down my fire siblings egg next to where I put the others when I did it hatched and a baby fire dinosaur came out my brother my sibling spouted out a beam of flames and it was so powerful that I out of pure Instinct did too wo My Fire Element really did upgrade with the increase of animals I went out of the base to gather some food when out of nowhere I was hit by a strong magma power ah the attack hit me so hard that I felt weak I began to pass out on day 17 to 18 I woke up in a cell that was holding me a a pool of lava what's going on I then looked up the sea standing in the center of the room was Gideon I must say I'm actually a little impressed the elemental dinosaur you've tried so hard to unite all the elements and put an end to my plans but that all stops today you you killed my mother you've been hurting all the dinosaurs for no good reason why silence Gideon slammed the ground and I felt the impact all the way from my cage the media men and I have never had a planet to call home so why should you I'll make sure that you don't when I'm done here he then slammed his hammer down again and this time the blow was so strong that it shattered the bottom of my cage wait I'm not taking any damage My Fire Element I'm lava proof no no impossible I use this moment to swim down and away from Gideon through the lava on days 19 to 21 I surfaced in a pool of lava outside of his Empire that was close just then I heard voices approaching go search every it now oh no I got to go I started to run away and as I was I ran in into oo what are you doing here o happy you alive I came to tell you I think I know where water egg is you do lead the way it took a bit of time but oo eventually brought me to a tropical beach which some strange pillars rising out of the sand what in the world could these things do suddenly water began to flood in surrounding us and a terrifying water monster emerged from within wait the monster didn't slow down at all and began attacking ugan I I knew we had to fight back ug went in swinging as hard as he could and I tried to use my newly upgraded Fire Element to shoot directly at its head because of this the monster began to transform down into a much smaller water person wait a second you're not magma man apologies my vision gets a little blurry in my rage stage we are here looking for the water egg do you know where it is why yes I know exactly where it is you'll just have to come to Atlantis with me wait what she then walked to the center of our platform and performed a ritual causing a burst of blue light the ground began to shake and in a huge blast emerged the city of Atlantis on days 22 to 26 we were roaming through the lost city with fish people swimming all around us stupid air breas rude we continued on until we finally reached a grand throne room where a much larger fish King resided visitors for what reason do you disturb the king of Atlantis we are here searching for a water egg do you mean my future pet the fish King looked over to the side of his throne and there it was I I've taken quite a liking to it already so no you may not have it I'm not taking no for an answer I need these eggs to stop Gideon the king then floated forward in aggression how dare you talk to a King like that I know of Gideon and his plans for the land but that is a problem for you air breathers suddenly a whirl pool of water spun around me and I was teleported into an atlantan fishing area you will now pay for your disrespect on days 27 to 29 I began a fight with the fish king of Atlantis he swam up through the air and with throw down attacks from above I use my fire element to try and burn him down but he just kept fighting why are you doing this I only care about what happens to my people nothing else as the king pushed off of me I was brought down to a low number of hearts no this can't be it he was about to deliver his final hit when we both looked out only to see magma men storming his kingdom ruin the city men they ran throughout the area destroying and killing anyone in their path no we have to stop them I ran in the city facing off with the magma people I thought I was done for fighting alone but just then stay back the two two of us began to attack together we all fought as hard as we could and with our combined strength we were able to take them down the king looked out into his City and saw the destruction they all had made these people they hurt my home just like yours you are right even in the oceans we are not safe we all have to work on stopping him together on days 30 to 32 we went back to the throne room and the fish King presented me with my water siblings egg I grabbed it and because of this I felt the element of water flow throughout me I gained five more hearts and now had mastered the water element fish you will accompany the elemental dinosaur on his journey and make sure he is on the right path to stop Gideon that is a direct order from your king yes my king I've got my eyes on you we started to head back to my base but as we were leaving Atlantis we came across a crashed meteor this is perfect for Arie I went over and collected a couple of pieces hopefully with this he can make something good on days 33 to 35 we made our way all the way back to base safely I collected enough material from Atlantis that I was able to build him up a nice aquatic home in our Lake oh yep yep yep this will do just fine I then ran over to my other siblings and placed down the water egg and there she was my baby sister foso I heard you had some samples for me yes I do here you go amazing I will start analyzing these immediately Arie very quickly picked up the samplings and ran off to do his research I turned around to see that the water dinosaur was nowhere to be seen but on the ground leading away from where she was standing was a trail of water what the I followed it along with o all the way to where my sister stood looking out over a large magma Outpost and there towering over an army of magma men was Gideon on days 36 to 38 ugan started to sneak into the Outpost being as quiet as we could we need to know what they're planning we finally found a hiding spot to watch as Gideon addressed his army good work my magma men you have sec secured for me just what I asked the lightning compass and while you've been busy so have I as he shouted out he slammed down his weapon which caused him to grow in size that is not good boo they have lightning Compass which probably leads to the lightning egg now build the beacons my magma men once they are complete we will reduce this planet to Rebel beac what is he planning we got to find that Compass ugan I snuck Around The Outpost until I finally saw it look up there at the top of the tall tower lied the lightning Compass but spiraling up inside of it were tons of platforms okay keep guard here goes nothing I began to parkour up the tower but after a few jumps I heard a click from under my feet what the suddenly rising from the floor at at the bottom of the tower was a large fire creature directly in front of oo oh no on days 39 to 41 oo was face to face with the fire creature while I was trying my best to climb up the tower a magical barrier blocked my path and the creature wasted no time to begin to attack I got a hurry I was jumping as fast as I could while oo was getting overwhelmed the creatures attack attacks were just too much for him oo just kept getting launched back hit after hit oh no o just when I thought the fire creature was going to land a final blow I saw him begin to bro he was now a much stronger adult caveman wa they continued to fight but this time the fire creatures attacks were barely even scratching him I finally made it to the top of the tower and collected the lightning Compass just in time to see oo take down the creature wao you're so much stronger now oh yeah I did it yeah you did on days 42 to 44 we made it out of the Outpost and separated as I began to follow the lightning Compass I knew I had to continue onwards but before long I stumbled across a desert dinosaur Village in it was fulled of armored anosa surus but something fell off please please don't hurt us what no I'm not here to hurt you I looked around at all of the other dinosaurs and they all looked so tired and weak what happened to you all our village has not gotten water in days as I looked around I saw every Watering Hole was dried up oh no what why follow me on days 45 to 47 the anosa surus led me to a rocky Monument just outside of the village a pharaoh who lives in these lands would regularly bless our village with rain but recently he has stopped that's awful I need to help you guys I walked onto the monument and had an idea I concentrated all of my power on my water element and Unleashed a geyser of water that shot up into the sky come on come on clouds darkened above the dry desert and it began to rain I looked over into the village and its watering holes filled up rapidly I did it uh what's going on the storm clouds above started to unleash multiple bolts of lightning down onto a desert temple what is that no who I then looked down at the lightning compass and its dial was pointing directly towards the temple well I guess I know where to go next on days 48 to 50 I made my way towards the temple and as I got closer to the entrance I heard more cries from someone inside where could it be I continued inside reaching a chamber where I saw the lightning egg but sitting on a throne Beyond was a pharaoh I am in grief visitor leave leave me at once the Pharaoh stood and began to walk towards me weapon ready no wait I came here because I said live he rushed in out of anger shooting out powerful lightning attacks I had no choice but to fight back but I could tell he was in pain the Pharaoh would use his weapon to summon pillars that would would attack me and push me back go away my son is lost I have no time for this so that's why you aren't bringing rain to the dinosaur Village you've been looking for your son I have no idea where he went all I want is for him to be safe all right Pharaoh how about a deal I'll find your son if you give me the lightning egg in return I agree to your terms visitor on days 51 to 53 I went out and searched the desert for any sign of the pharaoh's son until I saw a huge magma maze the lava from it was slowly seeping outwards and towards the desert could he be in here I ran into the maze without a second thought jumping through obstacles and searching my best as I continued on I spotted a powerful looking magma minitar where are you you little fah so he is here I got to find him first but I can't be spotted I kept going through every part of the maze when I noticed that a part of the wall was cracked huh using my Earth element I forced the crack to open wider revealing the younger Pharaoh hey don't worry I'm here to get you out oh my I was just exploring when this maze just landed on top of me like a meteor now that scary magma minor is trying to kill that will not happen on my watch on days 54 to 56 we were running as fast as we could out of the magma Maze We need to find the exit come on this way we entered what looked like the maze's center room just then the powerful magma minitar came around the corner and saw us aha there you are far and you the elemental dinosaur you know about me oh yes Gideon has sent a countless number of his magma Army in search of gear well here I am I tried to blast the Minotaur with my fire element but he just ran right through it towards me we began to fight as he would Pummel me with this giant fist to attack he was incredibly strong and when he hit me I lost so many of my hearts ah more my magma kind are being spread around the World As We Spike each medior brings us closer and closer the Minotaur did everything he could to try and take me down but I wasn't going to give up I Unleashed a torrent of my water element dealing a massive blow fatally knocking him back Gideon's plans are already in motion his next phase has already begun the beacons no we need to get out of here now on on days 57 to 59 we quickly left the mace and safely made our way back to the pharaoh's Temple the pharaoh's son ran to his father with so much joy and the dad looked so relieved we did it thank you kind visitor as for the agreement to our deal you may have the lightning egg I ran up and grabbed my sibling's egg and this caused the lightning within me to grow even more powerful I gained five more hearts and now had mastered my lightning element awesome these magma people are getting out of hand if they succeed in their goals my son won't have a world to live in anymore I know I won't let that happen on Days 60 to 62 I brought the reunited Pharaoh family back to my base I had to keep everyone safe until Gideon was gone I gathered enough materials in the desert so that I can build them up their very own desert temple to stay stay in I cannot thank you enough visitor Call Me Foo after that I went over and placed down my lightning siblings egg hatching another baby dinosaur look at you the skies above our base began to rumble and lightning flashed as I felt my instincts kick in again a flow of electricity surged through me and I let out a roar of Thunder ow ow fu moo you're back come here quick Arie motioned for me to follow and I saw that he was working on the meteor sample I gave him so something strange is happening to the meteor fragment it seems to act as if it's alive like it's calling to something that's strange huh yes very here why don't you give it a try I made it into something a bit more pocket sized I picked up the meteor fragment and because of this I I was pulled away into a dark vision on days 63 to 65 I was pulled into a strange Starscape area am I floating in space suddenly appearing out of thin air was a huge person that looked like was made out of stars welcome to my realm your realm what where are we and who are you I am the Stars around you I am the Galaxy wo I have brought you here to Aid in your quest to stop Gideon before he succeeds in his efforts why do you care why help us he has destroyed many planets out of pure jealousy of his own we don't stop him then not only your planet will be destroyed but countless others after and as the dinosaur that wields all the elements you must be the one to stop him and save the world with the wave of his hand the galaxy created an image for me to look into and see a snowy Tundra this area is not far from where you are now go there and you will find your ice element now Save the Planet dinosaur and stop the magma men on days 66 to 68 I left my my base and was searching for the tundra when the air around me started to heat up and the sky started to turn red far off in the distance I saw him Gideon he was standing on top of his Empire surrounded by glowing red beacons he started to grow even larger in size as he called out yes yes the meteor shall be here soon enough I looked up and saw that in the red sky a a giant meteor had appeared no I have to stop him now I rushed in towards Gideon but he had multiple magma man guarding him out of my way I used my newly upgraded lightning element to take out all of the magma in one blow but the flash of electricity alerted Gideon Gideon jumped down leaving his post causing him to shrink down to normal size it seems the elemental dinosaur has finally decided to show himself are you going to run away again or die he charged in and struck the ground with his hammer causing a massive eruption of Earth and magma he was extremely powerful and began to attack me with all of his strength I tried to fight back but he was far too strong for me I can't take him down is this it leave him alone out of nowhere a chunk of ice flew in the air and hit Gideon causing him to freeze in a chunk of ice wo where did that come from I looked back and saw a snowy Golem coming towards me hurry we don't have much time that won't hold him for long on days 69 to 71 I ran following the Golem into the snowy Tundra when we were far enough I took a second to look at my surroundings and noticed almost everything was destroyed those magma men have shown me and the people of this Tundra no mercy this place used to be a frozen Paradise but now we will be lucky to survive another week I saw more golems that looked so weak and hurt their home is almost completely melted we continued walking deeper into the tundra and to the base of an icy Mountain I came looking for you because I heard about the elemental dinosaur being the only hope for saving my home so so why did you bring me here up there high on the mountain is the Ice Egg I know you are looking for but it is guarded by an ice dragon on Day 72 to 75 we Jour further up the mountain until I saw a point where the path reached over and Beyond an ice Chasm as I continued to walk on the path I felt the ground start to crack below me ah I jumped back and watched as more blocks began to shatter This Is Where I Leave You the rest of the path is your own okay here goes nothing I began to Sprint forward as fast as I could over the chasm as ice cracked all around me parts of the path were evenly split apart and I had to jump between them wo almost there with one final jump I leapt towards the final part of the snowy path and just barely made it yes in my excitement I didn't even realize that I ran up right to the entrance of a large den and seemingly awoken by my presence was the ice dragon right next to the Ice Egg on day 76 to 80 I stood face to face with the ice dragon have you come here to slay me no I came here for that egg oh yes I am the protector of these lands I would do anything to keep those Golems safe so we're in agreement then yes you'll need all the power you can get to stop G but who's to say that you'll even win with the Mastery of the ice element I've come too far to not try very well but first the dragon Leap Forward Landing right in front of me you must be deemed Worthy on days 81 to 885 the ice dragon took to the SK and began to charge at me he would shoot his icy breath damaging my health a lot ah knock it off I tried to fight back shooting back every element I could even my fire wasn't hurting him come on not only did he summon gusts of icy cold snow but he would also knock me back with his Roar you think you are worthy I am my inner rage began to build up I knew that all these people were counting on me I can't let them down I shot out my lightning straight at the dragon hurting him a lot then while stun I would shoot him with blast after blasts of fire take that with one final hit the dragon admitted defeat you are worthy with his permission I went over and picked up the final Ice Egg transforming me into a fully Elemental dinosaur I gain 10 more hearts and and felt stronger than ever I did it on days 86 to 90 I was making my way home but as I was I took quick notice of the terrain all around me the skies were very red and the meteor was now about to hit our world no I need to stop Gideon and I need to do it now on days 91 to 94 I rushed my way back home only to see all of the animals freaking out foso the meteor it's about to hit none of us will survive that impact I know which is why I going to go and stop him I hurried back and placed the egg with the rest of my siblings once I placed it inside it hatched only to reveal the final Elemental dinosaur I looked around and saw that all of my siblings had now been United now that all of you guys are safe those magma men are done for I was about to leave but then noticed that all of them began to form around me each bursting out a beam of their element what are you guys doing in a huge Elemental burst I grew even larger and was now a massive Elemental dinosaur awesome foso we must leave no on days 95 to 99 oo and I rushed to a clearing only to see Gideon's main Empire had fully taken over my previous home surroundings all of the water was lava and there were now countless magma men around the area in front of the Empire's main volcano was Gideon addressing his army the meteor it's almost here these creatures are too late no the two of us rushed in catching the magma men's attention they all began to attack us and shoot fire but with UG and eyes increased in health they didn't stand a chance time to see what new ice ability I've got I was now able to summon icy chains to freeze them in their tracks no no stop them no they were trying their best but with all of my elements combined most of them were taken down no matter you want a real fight fine by me Gideon ran inside of his volcano and I chase directly after him on day 100 Gideon and I were face to face in the core of his volcano stop this Gideon stop no this meteor will land and your planet will turn into a wasteland just then the four began to rumble and smaller meteors began to fall from above the meteor it's about to hit look I know you didn't have a planet to live on but that doesn't mean you could just take others away enough you shall die Gideon charged in towards me and started to attack he was the strongest foe I had ever faced yet using his pure magma energy to greatly wound me I tried my best using all of my elements to counter him but I could tell he was very strong no I can't lose give it up you stupid Beast I've killed your mother and now I'll kill you too my mom she believed in me I fought back harder than before now using my elements at a much faster rate I could tell with all of them combined Gideon was starting to get overwhelmed stop this stop it with one final Elemental hit the magma leader was defeated the skies returned back to Blue and their meteor was now gone we did it the world can live in peace
Channel: Fozo
Views: 3,128,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days In Minecraft, Dinosaur, T-Rex, Minecraft Dinosaur, Minecraft T-Rex, 100 Days Dinosaur, 100 Days T-Rex, Elemental Dinosaur, Minecraft Elemental Dinosaur
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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