I Survived 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL CREEPER in Hardcore Minecraft!

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for the next 100 days i'm gonna be an elemental creeper in minecraft can i fight incredibly powerful monsters survive exploding before my timer runs out and stop the big bad nuclear creeper from turning the whole world into creepers you'll have to watch until the end to find out on day one i spawned in as a baby elemental creeper ah back to four legs i quickly discovered my tribe was being attacked by other creepers i was too small to fight them so i went to search for my parents when i arrived they were arguing about something mom dad we can't continue on like this i have to stop the nuclear creeper once and for all mom left the battle leaving me and dad alone why does she have to leave your mom has ice powers son she can freeze the nuclear creeper whereas i would only detonate them the battle raged on all night i tried to support the cause of my ice powers but i wasn't strong enough yet when i'm older i'll make you guys pay on day two i woke up to find our home in shambles we have to rebuild son go make some tools and gather supplies i'm on it dad i went exploring and came upon a forest biome there i punched some trees for wood with my new materials i crafted wooden tools and headed off to go mining i gathered lots of cobblestone and upgraded to stone tools afterwards i continued mining finding coal and iron on day two sweet after my successful mining i punched down even more trees i really wanted to impress my dad with my skills with my inventory full of materials i headed back to the village with my finds well done son use these to start your new life what what do you mean i want you to leave this place the nuclear creeper knows its location it isn't safe anymore and where are you going to find your mom i think she needs my help son when you become fully grown your time will be limited do whatever you can to gather more of it before i could protest my dad left leaving me all alone i won't let you down on day three i search for a new spot to call home this place looks perfect using the materials i had i built a basic wooden cobblestone structure just to have a roof over my head this will do for now after all that building i was hungry so i ventured out to find some food i spotted a herd of sheep in a field biome and killed them for their meat and wool afterwards i returned back to the base and crafted myself a furnace to cook up my meal down the hatch i quickly gobbled up the food turning me into a fully grown elemental creeper as an adult i now had 10 hearts but i also had a timer on my screen wait what does that mean am i going to explode when that hits zero on days four through seven i decided to go exploring some more to take my mind off the strange timer while i wandered around i remembered what my dad had told me he did say my time would be limited as an adult i just need to figure out how to add more i continued to explore now searching for any clues on how to extend my time i don't want to explode i don't want to explode suddenly i was stopped by a gang of creepers none of us want to explode kid thank goodness other creepers yeah it'll help a creeper out and fork over all the food you've got what no it's mine then i guess we're just gonna have to take it from ya i had no choice but to fight i battled it out the best i could but i was still an inexperienced fighter i was quickly getting overwhelmed and nearing the end stay away from me suddenly a fire sword appeared in my inventory wait i have my dad's powers too with my new advantage i continue to attack them with both my ice and fire powers being careful to keep them from exploding what a lovely day after a lot of fighting i managed to take down all the creepers suddenly my timer increased a bit so killing other types of creepers is one way to gain time good to know on days 8-11 i decided to do some more mining i gathered tons of cobblestone as well as some more iron sweet upgrade time i headed back home chopping down some more trees on the way once i arrived i smelted my iron ore into ingots and used it to craft an iron pickaxe using the wood i had just gathered i expanded my base further adding two additional rooms huh it's missing something i had an idea but i was gonna need lots of sand i searched for a biome and came upon a beach but before i could get to digging i discovered a baby creeper looking out onto the ocean hey little guy are you okay oh no well you're welcome to come live at my base perfect i'll call you danny on days 12-15 i went exploring and discovered a village in ruin what happened here suddenly i heard laughter in the distance so i decided to investigate i discovered the nuclear creeper looming over the village where is your family little villager you you killed them sir yes yes i did and what am i going to do to you spare me right again really let's make this game if you can survive this blast i'll let you live suddenly he created a giant explosion cratering everything around him how is he so powerful i decided to flee before he could spot me vowing that i would surpass the power of the nuclear creeper and kill him for his crimes on days 16 through 18 i began to head home when i realized i was running really low on time how am i gonna get more suddenly i was ambushed by a pack of wolves ah stop it i managed to fight them off pretty easily and even gain some time for it it's not much but it'll do for now i continued to travel and spotted part of a plane's biome cratered man this guy is the worst i spotted some cows in the rubble so i decided to check if anyone was hurt hey are you guys okay whoa calm down i'm friendly what happened here some of the nuclear creepers thugs came to our home threatened us and blew our fields of smithereens well if you guys need a place to stay follow me sounds great i returned home with the cows and quickly built them a room to call their own once i was done i got them settled in this is amazing thank you on days 19-21 i decided to further expand my base the nuclear creeper was destroying homes so animals were gonna need a place to stay i started by creating my own room and finally crafted a bed i also added a kitchen complete with multiple furnaces and chests things are finally starting to get homey as i completed my build i noticed my timer was getting dangerously low i have to find an enemy and fast out of nowhere a thunderstorm began to roll through the area something felt off about it so i decided to investigate further after a bit of traveling i discovered a thunderscreamer setting a forest on fire hey stop it innocent animals live here lie to as the nuclear freighter commands then i'm gonna have to take you down i began to battle it out with the thunderstreamer they were crazy fast and had powers to match i tried to slow them down first by using my frost abilities then went in for the kill with my fire sword you have forgotten i'm most powerful the thunder screamer began to shoot lightning at me from the sky i don't have time for this [Music] the clock was ticking down fast i only had a few seconds left luckily i had the terrain on my side i used the trees to keep them grounded and hit them with my frost breath until finally taking them down and not a second despair upon their death i gained a lot more time oh that was too close they also dropped the lightning staff which i pocketed this thing looks cool on days 22-24 i had a terrifying nightmare my mom was frozen in ice and the nuclear creeper towered before her you thought you could stop me with your pathetic frost powers [Applause] mom no i have a variety of elemental creatures and monsters i woke up in a cold sweat i can't let that happen during the ruckus danny approached me from the doorway hey bud how can i help you [Music] i couldn't sleep anymore and our food supply was running low so we ventured off to find some more during our travels we discovered a village and helped ourselves to some of the food in their garden after gathering some seeds we returned home and i crafted a hoe along with a bucket i used my new tools to build a small garden so we could have a more consistent food source even creepers gotta eat on days 25-27 i realized my timer was ticking lower but i needed more materials i decided to go mining some more first i gathered tons of cobblestone coal and even some more iron while i was mining i had lost track of the time and my timer only had five minutes left how do i always end up in these situations suddenly the earth began to shake and i heard a huge explosion i bawled the source of the explosion and discovered a giant coal creeper hey what are you doing down here need a new base of operations for the nuclear creeper wait you're an elemental yeah what of it your mom tried to take on the boss leave my mom out of this i jumped into battle and began to use my new lightning attack on them but they were incredibly tough this wasn't getting me anywhere but i knew what could be cold taste my flame i began to use my flame sword on the coal creeper along with my ice breath which proved to be his weakness it wasn't long before i finally managed to take him down with only a few seconds to spare where's my mom what did i tell you i don't have time for this i had no choice but to land the killing blow right as my clock was about to strike zero i was rewarded with an increase in my time as well as a map and tons of coal test zone i'll have to check this out soon on days 28 through 31 i headed back to my base bummed i didn't get more info on my mom stupid timer i decided to go mining finding some more iron and even diamond well this cheers me up a little bit after that i returned home and began to expand my base i added in a couple of extra rooms for future residents as well as prettying up the place overall it still feels like there's something missing i got it i decided to start building a giant elemental creeper statue i didn't have much wool though so i would have to get more soon coincidentally enough a group of sheep walked up to me sure champ as long as i can borrow some of your wool sometime i got the sheep settled into one of the new rooms that night a ton of zombies swarmed the base i killed them gaining a decent amount of time for it to help prevent more hostile mob attacks i placed torches all around the perimeter of the base after that i packed up some food and tools and left following the map on days 32-35 i followed the map and arrived at a village i don't get it this place seems totally normal i don't know about normal i turned around to see a mutated creeper villager what happened to you i don't know some nuclear creeper guys set off explosions by my house next thing i knew i had four legs in this weird timer wait you have a time or two is that bad the whole town has one townsfolk surrounded me they were scared you can't leave us right there shout for save me like i like it this way wait what did i say don't worry i'll find a way to help you all on days 36-39 i pondered on what i could do to get more time i can barely get enough for myself how can i help an entire village suddenly a strange creeper with a clock for a head emerged who are you i'm the croc wizard the controller of all creepers climbers more timers are a heavy burden we creepers carry but i try my best to aid those in need i quickly explained to him about the villagers i had met and how i wanted to help increase their timers that's no small feat but it is a valiant one i know of creatures with large time boundaries but they are extremely powerful and work under the nuclear creeper if you are able to slay any of these beasts bring me the time you receive i will bottle it for you to give to others in need thank you so much the clock wizard then dropped a map for me this will lead you to the first beast good luck max no and for your troubles he cast a spell upon me giving me some more time thank you so i was wondering before i could say another word he disappeared whoa he's super cool on days 40 through 43 i headed to the location the clock was a road on its map i traveled through multiple biomes until finally arriving at a strange cave covered in gold inside was a giant gold creeper why are you interrupting my nap puny elemental i'm here to slay you no creeper has been able to slay me for millennia i'll take your time like all the others we'll see about that the fight began and the gold creeper began to fire weird explosions at me each one would set a wave of arrows in my direction i used my lightning to strike her but she was much more durable than the coal creeper you're full i'm gold a conductive metal your tiny sounds are nothing to me i knew my flame sort of melted down but it was almost impossible to get close with the ranged attacks i used my ice powers to attempt to slow down her flurry of arrows this actually helped quite a bit her attack stall giving me my moment to strike her with my fire powers take this you lavish monster with a powerful hit i killed the gold creeper upon her death my time changed to 235 minutes whoa that's a lot of time i decided to invest some of my new minutes into upgrading my base further i added even more room so plenty of creatures would have a safe place to stay dang this place is starting to look like a mansion after i completed my expansion i continued my work on the statue completing the first two legs need some texture but looking good on days 44 through 47 i made a diamond pickaxe right after making it the clock wizard appeared before me you slayed one of the monsters good job i can now transfer your time into bottles to share with others suddenly my time was sapped away leaving me with only 90 minutes a little low but i'll be okay the clock wizard and i returned to the village and handed out the bottles to the villagers i had given out all the time rations when a young villager approached me can i please have some extra time for my mommy uh yeah sure i gave them a bit extra leaving me with very little time ah that went away quickly half of a hero is a dangerous one take these the clock wizard handed me some time tokens these will give you a small increase in your timer but use them wisely i have given you the last of what i own thank you i will on days 48-51 i was thinking about my nightmare again so i decided to seek out my mom and dad i hope they're okay i traveled through multiple biomes with no disturbances in sight until i came upon a savannah vanda biome engulfed in flames i ran in to investigate and found my dad at the center he was in critical condition dad son i'm so happy to see you please i don't have much time your mom needs you the nuclear creeper took her but she needs you too dad i can help you i have time to spare no son you need to keep it for yourself go find your mother and destroy the nuclear creeper just like that my dad's time ran out and he died no upon his death he dropped a molten scythe and a strange map i took them so i could carry out his legacy i won't let you down on days 52 through 56 i decided to test out my new molten scythe on some skeletons it was even more powerful than my sword so i took them out with these after my training i realized i was running low on food so i decided to cook up some baked potatoes for the road with plenty of food to spare i set off to follow the map my dad had given me i really hope it leads to mom i traveled for what felt like forever my timer ticking down lower the more i did i better find this place fast during my travels i came upon a huge hole in the ground with multiple creepers inside what happened to you guys we didn't want to join the nuclear creepers army i don't blame you that guy stinks you want to come live with me is it safe absolutely with our agreement made i tossed them a map to the base and continued onward i traveled until finally arriving in a mysterious hideout and my clock only left with five minutes this looks sinister i entered to find a giant redstone creeper waiting for me inside well well well looks like dinner was delivered to me today look boss i don't really have time for this i took out my molten scythe and began to fight off the giant with a combination of my elemental abilities he instantly was set aflame but he was incredibly strong to shock magical flames at me from afar fool flames only make me more powerful i tried my best to evade his fire attacks but they were wide and difficult to avoid i wasn't sure if i was gonna make it but i had to press on for dad i landed the killing blow finishing the monster and bringing up my time thanks for the weapon dad on days 57 through 60 i decided to gather more materials i chopped down some trees mined cobblestone and even found diamond with my new materials i returned home and expanded the base upwards while i was at it i also decorated a bit of the interior more i was still in a building mood so i continued my work on the statue completing the feat and starting the body now it's starting to take form once i was finished i was approached by a sheep creeper let me guess some creeper exploded near you yup the ships are exploding and turning everything into a wall that's horrible even worse the nuclear creepers minions are transforming more of us by the seconds come quick on days 61-65 i followed the sheep creeper who led me to a bizarre field she wasn't kidding there were tons of sheep creepers and regular creepers everywhere even crazier everything was made of wool hey stop it no can't do little wart i went in to attack the creeper they were pushovers and strikes but had me in numbers you're not ready for what the boss has planned what does he have planned sorry kid can't tell me that after a long fight i managed to overcome all the nuclear creepers goons with my abilities hooray he saved every single round of house hooray you saved almost everyone i quickly tossed over some time bottles for the remaining sheepers to avoid any other accidents you guys should all come live with me at my base it's safe and i can always give you more time we would love that before heading back i decided to mine the field for wolf this is perfect for my statue on days 66 through 69 i made the long trek back to my base dang all of this walking is where most of my time goes on the way i overheard someone talking in the distance i decided to do some recon and discovered the nuclear creeper talking to one of his minions what is your progress good master the cows have turned easier than expected excellent keep the pressure on i won't stop until all creatures of this world are creepers of course your excellency now i'm off to check on the ice creeper get back to work the ice creeper does he mean my mom i decided to trail him hoping to learn more about my mom's whereabouts i followed him for what felt like hours after a lot of walking he led me to a giant block of ice with my mom trapped inside just like my dream luckily the nuclear creeper quickly left so i decided to try and break my mom out what the how was my time slowing down i opened the nearby chest and found a ton of a mysterious item time ward torch what are these i had no choice but to make a run for it before it was discovered don't worry mom i'll come and save you on day 70 through 73 i got the new sheep of residence settled into one of the rooms prob afterwards i decided to continue my progress on the statue with all the wool i gathered i managed to complete the body and even start on the head liking it liking it with things in my base situated i shifted to planning a battle strategy for how to take on the nuclear creeper and save my mom and my current skill i don't stand a chance it's training time i set off to trade up against as many mobs as i could find i needed some extra time anyways first i fought off a group of zombies which didn't stand a chance against my molten scythe afterwards i got a boost in minutes next i bought a group of skeletons who crumbled beneath the power and range of my lightning attacks again i got more time lastly i fought off a group of spiders freezing them in their tracks with my frost abilities and then using my scythe for the killing blow not strong enough better keep going i continued looking for more mobs when i accidentally stumbled upon a gang of creepers hey barney get lost i do what i want thank you who are you supposed to be pal i'm max who are you we're the bad boys yeah we're the bad boys and we're about to mess you up we began to battle it out they were tougher than the other mobs i'd encountered but with my training i was up for the challenge i began to take them out one by one with a combination of all my elemental powers until finally defeating them all woo i did it suddenly i got really dizzy i don't feel so good on day 74 through 77 i woke up as a humanoid creeper i now had 20 hearts whoa i feel much stronger that training definitely helped with my new strength i decided to go mining and found diamond which i used to craft a diamond chess piece now i have armor to match my strength suddenly i heard a strange noise in a cave and decided to investigate it there i found a small library full of ancient books as well as skeletons ah get out of here i quickly got to fighting the skeletons but they were easy now with my improved strength once the library was cleared of mobs i decided to read some of the books their books on how to fight as a human interesting i decided to study up and learn the ways of the human i even practiced some of my sweet new techniques the nuclear creeper is going down on days 78 through 79 i arrived home to find a creeper cow waiting for me outside whoa not you guys too please help us a creeper minion has been transforming us if you hurry you can probably save some of my cow brothers from turning i'm on it i followed the cow creeper and was led to a herd of cows being transformed hey shorty leave the cows alone i'm talk from a grape i've never seen a creeper with arms gross i ran into battle and began using my new fighting techniques on the minion despite his size he was tough and set explosives flying at me luckily with my new elemental abilities i was able to easily kill him these arms aren't just for looks upon his death he dropped a few strange torch objects time ward aren't these the things that were by my mom i decided to test them out and realize that once they were placed my timer would slowly increase wait are they using my mom to make these gah what monsters i quickly took the remaining cows and creeper cows back to my base and got them settled in i also placed the time wards around the base while i was at it this should keep my residents safe for now on days 80 through 83 i decided to keep up my work on the statue i finished up the head added texture as well as the final details with that the elemental creeper statue was complete very purple i dig after completing my statue i used the time ward to bring my timer up to 35 minutes this thing is sweet later that day i went exploring and discovered some colored pieces of concrete on the ground weird i followed the trail of concrete until i stumbled upon a rainbow creeper dancing and shooting concrete everywhere uh hey what are you doing having fun of course never heard of it yeah of course that's the last time you got loose well i have this [Music] have timer she tossed me some rainbow dynamite and continued to dance i decided to join in and we threw it around together this is amazing on days 84 through 87 i was hanging out with danny when suddenly the clock wizard appeared max everyone's time is almost up you must face the nuclear paper soon i'm not sure if i'm ready yet what should i do i'm going to give you a series of time trials to test how quickly you can kill your foes this way we can determine any weak points okay let's do it the clock wizard suddenly teleported me to a weird pocket dimension you will only have three minutes to complete each trial now let's begin the first trial was fighting a horde of zombies i might have struggled before but thanks to my training they were easy next my second trial was against a group of infected zombies they went down in a few hits but when i did they let out a toxic ass that obscured my vision i tried my best to take these out from afar and avoid their fumes okay one more my final trial was a a queen bee she spawned tons of her killer beat minions to swarm me while also attacking me with her own stinger i tried my best to focus on the killer beast first but they kept coming we really have your time max i realized that i had already wasted a lot of time trying to take out the killer bees alone i had to start chipping away at the queen now take this i began to focus my attacks on her and finally managed to take her down your final child took you a little long but still not mad you're close to a breakthrough take this the clock wizard then gave me a speed charm this will increase your movement speed and aid you against the ticking clock good luck before i could respond i was teleported away on days 88 through 91 i was teleported back home to find my base cratered and swarming with creepers what the the nuclear creeper then revealed himself you didn't think i would come find you after defeating my most powerful warriors maybe you should get better warriors first you gotta go through me he was insanely strong even with all my training i gave it my best shot but he was too much for me he shot explosions everywhere that did tons of damage i was defeated leaving the nuclear creeper laughing at my face i'll be taking back what you stole from me he grabbed all the time words i had making our timers continue to count down no we need those our time will run out without them oh really well i better make this an even bigger challenge for you he started transforming all the animals in my base into creepers how am i supposed to save my mom like this on days 92 through 94 my battle with a nuclear creeper had wasted a lot of my time but i decided to disperse what was left of it to my residents anyway danny was the last one who needed time but i only had three minutes remaining don't worry i have to protect you i remembered i still had time tokens from the clock wizard i kept one for myself and gave the rest to danny the token brought me up to 20 minutes i wouldn't last long like this better find some mobs to fight i began to travel but everywhere i went was desolate hello any bad guys around i continued to search but my clock was starting to get critically low come on come on finally i found a giant nether quartz creeper standing before me hey do you work for the nuclear creeper perfect i began to fight it out with the monster taking my lessons from the clock wizard to heart i valued speed over all else i didn't have a minute to spare as my timer ticked down to the last seconds i managed to slay the beast and gain lots of time on days 95 through 98 i patch up the base the best i could i filled in the craters in the ground and fixed the walls man this place is a wreck we can't go on living like this i decided to pretty it up even more making it look better than it had before i even added a small flower garden at the entrance finishing my base ah much better suddenly the clock wizard appeared before me do not be disheartened by your defeat there is one more person who can unlock your full potential oh your mother she is an ice elemental so she is able to add to the time of others you also possess this power you just need to unlock it i traveled to the snowy biome where my mom was being kept captive there she was being guarded by a group of creeper minions i jumped into the fray but they were nothing compared to the strength i had gathered from all my training the nuclear creeper really underestimated me his mistake at long last i managed to break my mom free from the ice she was weak but still okay mom max you've grown so much i'm so happy to see you i need your help to defeat the nuclear creeper how do i give myself more time you silly boy the power was in you the whole time on day 99 i watched the sunset from a cliffside okay max focus more time more time i thought hard but no matter how much i tried i couldn't find my time powers from within ah i'll have to try this again later i returned to the base and began my preparations for the battle ahead i couldn't afford to wait any longer i packed up lots of food and crafted a brand new set of armor afterwards i set off to find the nuclear creeper on the way i spotted a herd of sheepers so i toss them a map to my base i'm gonna go kill the nuclear creeper and end this nightmare [Music] i believe so but we'll find out soon i continue to travel through the night until finally arriving at a giant castle surrounded by cratered earth yep this is definitely his base time to kill this fool on day 100 i walked into the nuclear creeper's throne room hey the young elemental creeper after you serve me i see i'm here to stop you from turning this whole world into a wasteland but my boy why would you not want the rest of this world to share a common form this is not to divide us but to unite us enough with your lies you're doing this to villagers and animals against their will and i'm not going to stop then i'm gonna have to make you i ran in to fight the nuclear creeper he almost immediately started hurling explosions at me destroying the base around us you're gonna need some renovations done after this i continue to use all of my weapons against him he was definitely my toughest foe yet and by far the most powerful i had to avoid his explosions surely one or two would kill me we continued to fight for a long time after a while i noticed my timer was low he was draining my time come on remember what mom said the power has been inside me this whole time this time it actually worked i gained a ton more time ready to end this big guy i pulled down my dad's mold site setting the nuclear creeper on fire and killing him i did it
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 4,001,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oc-6XhVXhBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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