I Survived 100 Days as an ELECTRIC EEL in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned in as a little baby electric eel in the middle of an epic fish Utopia I only had five Hearts but I still felt safe here wow there's so many fish around this is great I looked around and observed all different kinds of fish living together peacefully I'm so lucky to be here suddenly the piece was interrupted by a group of fishermen a fisherman Empire was attacking next the mood completely changed and everyone started swimming around frantically trying to get away from the fisherman's attacks this is our Empire now we're gonna take over this area and fish it until it was nobody left then we'll move on to the next place oh no I gotta get out of here too I started swimming and I found myself in a huge crowd of panicked fish we had to escape or we would be hunted a fisherman swam right through swinging a spear around and it killed some fish but luckily I managed to avoid its Spear and swam away with a group of fish on day two I found a safe spot to settle down in a coral reef along with a group of smaller fish who I was with what are we gonna do we have no home left that's when I got an idea I would make us a new fishtopia where all fish could live safe from the fishermen don't worry friends I'll help us all survive wait here I set out to look for supplies and I discovered an abandoned shipwreck I started exploring and I found a chest with a ton of useful items in it it had an iron pickaxe shovel and an ax it also had tons of wool huh this must have been a trade ship I started collecting wood from the wreck with my new ax when a giant crab crawled out from behind the ship that's my home you're destroying boy oh uh sorry sorry ain't enough you dirty scallywag get over here the crab ran at me I tried to use my electricity for the first time but he was way too strong for me to deal any damage I was just a baby I swam away as fast as I could sorry sorry luckily I could swim much faster than him he won't be getting away with this seal I made it back to my new home on day three with the supplies I had found I started to gather materials that I could build my base out of lucky for me I managed to find an underwater Ravine that's what I'm talking about I needed some good luck I swam inside and gathered a bunch of stone and coal with the new materials I started building awesome new homes for myself and the other fish I wanted to make the this a new Utopia for the fish so I made it as Grand as I could with my limited resources I used Stone and Sandstone to lay out the design then got to work building out the rest with a bit more time and effort we had a new little Safe Haven that looks amazing it's so much Cozier than our original home oh you're just saying that but you're very welcome I then went inside and added lots of beds using all the wool and wood I had got from the ship one of the other fishes were super excited I've never even seen a bed before this is awesome here take this as a thank you she gave me a bunch of bread to eat I went ahead and took a few bites and turned back around to her oh sweet thanks lady I'm glad you like it so much oh the previously hyper fish was already fast asleep on its new bed I left her to sleep in peace and swam outside well glad I got this bread I was really hungry I chopped down more of the bread and suddenly I grew into a full adult eel and gained five Hearts this is great can I get even stronger I can't wait to find out I had no idea at the time but watching me from afar was a baby crab found the baby crab walked away without me even noticing meanwhile I decided I wanted to head back to my hometown if there's any survivors left then I could bring them here where it's safe upon arrival I saw that everything that was once fishtopia was being taken over by the fishermen I hid and watched carefully from a distance this doesn't look good while I was watching a fisherman's guard snuck up behind me what are you doing uh I don't mean any trouble me neither dude I never wanted to be a part of the fishing Empire I mean I did but this attacking and taking over stuff it's just wrong my name's Dave by the way my name's bronzo hey maybe you can join me and fight against the fisherman Empire come back to my base and we can set up a place for you I would but I'd be dead if I was caught maybe it's best if I can help you from the inside actually that's a great idea that would be super helpful thanks Dave no problem but you better get going now before someone sees us good call see ya Dave on day four I was on my way out of fishtopia when a little salmon swam help help my mom was lost in the attack where did you last see her I'm not really sure I lost her in all the commotion but I think it was near a ravine I'm on it I set out to find her and started swimming all around the area looking for a ravine I swam past one and I started hearing someone shouting for help from inside that must be it I swam down into the Ravine and spotted the fish's mom trapped in a cage at the bottom I swam down to help her out dude it's coming uh what's coming just then a big alien like fish swam towards us I swam as fast as I could and it chased after me I was swimming around frantically trying to stay away from it when I spotted a big pile of gravel suspended in the air that was about to fall I lured the creature underneath it and knocked the gravel loose it fell down onto the creature burying it in gravel but I didn't know if it was dead or not I quickly swam over to the mom and let her out let's get out of here quick on days five and six we were leaving the great fishtopia area when I spotted another fisherman patrolling around uh oh that's not Dave gotta hide Mama salmon the fish's mom and I hid in some grass while the fishermen searched right around us but it looked like we would get away home free until she sneezed the fisherman heard her little fish sneeze and looked toward us we both swam away as fast as we could but the fisherman was gaining on us we were dodging and weaving around obstacles moving as fast as we could until suddenly she was sucked into a magma bubble column oh no I ran back over and helped her out but the fisherman was getting closer we kept swimming for our lives until she spotted a small cave we made a beeline for the cave and swam inside they almost got to us but I managed to block them off with the magma cubes I had just broken we waited it out and they eventually gave up and left once they were gone we left the cave and traveled back to home base where her son was waiting for us on days seven and eight we returned to the salmon thank you so much for saving my mom you're a hero well I'm not that much of a hero I don't know how to beat the fisherman if only you could get the Megalodon on your side the mega what wait you don't know about the Megalodon no it's just the most fearsome beast in all the land he could cut through fishermen like nothing word in the Currys he's just randomly smashing up boats left and right might be a useful Ally uh yeah any fish second Smash Up boats is a powerful Ally against fishermen where can I find him well I don't know you could ask around though if you need anything else just ask for Sammy that's my name I left Sammy and started asking around if anybody else knew where to find the Megalodon but everyone else just swam away in fear at the sound of his name Mega oh no you don't want to find him bad juju yes yeah I've seen the Megalodon deep deep in the kelp forest he patrols at night for unsuspecting victims he's got pitch black eyes like a doll help Forest cool thanks bye on days nine and ten it was time to get better equipped I went out mining for iron and collected enough to make a full set of iron armor as I was leaving the base I saw some pieces of trash floating around me ew who the heck is littering suddenly the trash formed together and transformed into a trash monster the monster charged at me with great speed and used gross sludge to attack me I reacted with my electric powers and started sapping away it was difficult to aim with the creature zipping around and slinging nasty slime at me thankfully my larger burst of electricity were able to catch it and it finally died with a disgusting squish that was gross must have been the fisherman Empire polluting the ocean I gotta find the Megalodon soon so I can stand chance against them I traveled through the ocean until I came to the edge of the kelp forest I was looking into its depths when I spotted a little Beacon of light sticking out of it whoa that looks beautiful I swam after it until out from behind the light damn a huge angler fish I swam away as fast as I could there was no way I could fight that thing I dodged and weaved around rocks but the anglerfish was still right on my tail eventually I spotted some ruins that I could mostly fit inside and swam in after breaking a couple blocks the anglerfish couldn't fit through ah crevices for the win the big guy swam back to the kelp forest to look for another victim and I was left to think about my plan she maybe I'm not prepared after all on days 11 through 13 it was time for some more building but I didn't have the right materials if I'm going to attract more allies to my base I need to really make it pop I know what'll make the base pop prismarine oh that's a great idea where can I get it there's an ocean Monument just a few miles that way you could probably get some there I guess it doesn't hurt to see I'll be back in a bit I set off in the direction Sammy told me and eventually came across the monument before I could ask some Guardians saw me and started attacking don't you dare read our monuments wait this is a misunderstanding the Guardians didn't seem to believe me and kept attacking I had no choice but to fight back in defense as we were fighting I realized they were fish too it might be interested in joining our cause hang on hang on we can work this out okay this time they actually paused and I explained the situation about the fisherman Empire to them eventually I was able to convince them well all right we'll join your cause here take some more prismarine as a side of birthday great thank you on days 14 through 17 I arrived back at the base with my prismarine hall and set to work creating something inspiring to fish everywhere I started building spiers onto all of the buildings and adding more spired buildings expanded the city this way fish from miles around would see our city and know we are a grand force to be reckoned with just wait till the fishermen see this place just then I heard some fishermen nearby I hid so they wouldn't see me they were checking out the spiers and they almost spotted me but then they Shrugged and continued on the fishermen are already out scouting for more territory just when I thought I might be in the clear the giant crab from earlier showed up I told you I'd be back he punched me with his big meaty claws and I immediately blacked out when I woke up I was stuck in a cage but I had no idea where I was teammate I wasn't playing with you what do you want from me I want me home back my ship the SS Maria you destroyed her I swear I didn't mean to I thought it was abandoned there's much bigger threats to your home than me the fisherman Empire is gonna destroy all our homes if we don't stop them hmm if you join me in taking down the fisherman Empire I will rebuild the SS Maria for you and all its Glory that could work matey that could work I just need the help of you and all of your crab Army ew on days 18 through 21 I set to work rebuilding the SS Maria from scratch by adding some different types of wood and patching up some of the holes I ended up building it back even better than it was before there what do you think I love it thank you so much matey Ender sorry for punching you out cold the names Captain claw by the way nice to meet you nice to meet you too Captain claw I hope you and your army settle in nicely say Do you happen to know any other creatures that might want to join the cause well there's the Megalodon but he's a beady-eyed shark tooth literally I get it I get it I was starting to think maybe I didn't want to work with this Megalodon after all maybe I could find someone just as big and powerful I set out to the coldest regions of the ocean and started searching around when I spotted a humpback whale being attacked by an orca I rushed in to help the humpback started zapping the Orca it got freaked out and swam away [Music] anytime hey you're a big guy I think I could use your help sure I'm trying to defeat the fisherman Empire okay I'm not really much of a fighter I consider myself more of a Defender hmm okay well we could definitely use some extra defense around the city you're welcome to live in new fishtopia if you'd like awesome thanks on days 22 through 25 I return to new fishtopia with the humpback whale I offered to build him a base but he refused I can build my own pace here okay if you say so with the humpback building his base in fish Utopia I had a newfound sense of security within the boundaries of the city anyone who tried to attack the base wouldn't be wise to mess with our city Defender he built himself a huge enclosure that he could fit in nicely and then I set out again confident that the city was in good hands I was setting out again to search for the Megalodon it seemed he was the only hope when it came to destroying the fisherman Empire ships I traveled around to a few cool ocean places even though I knew eventually I would have to return to the spooky kelp forest one of the places I traveled to was a ravine full of cool kelp-like creatures I had to be careful because who knows if another angler fish could be in there turn back turn back danger lies ahead I know I've already been to the forest but thanks I ignored the creature's warning and continued toward the kelp forest on days 26-29 I arrived at the giant kelp forest I started wandering through but I had no idea where I was going it was so big it felt endless wait haven't I seen that rock before before I knew it I was totally lost suddenly Out of the Shadows came the same angler fish hey there friend you look lost I didn't trust him so I lied uh nope totally not lost I know exactly where I'm going suddenly he lunged at me his sharp teeth slashed at me well I did my best to fight them off with my electric abilities I was Stronger than before and more confident in my electric powers so I started to get the upper hand suddenly I felt a surge of energy and leveled up I gained a new form and five more Hearts what the exact I'm out of here awesome now I'm definitely ready to take on the Megalodon I noticed the angler had dropped a compass when he ran away but it was no regular Compass when I picked it up I noticed it was called the Megalodon tracker this must have pointed to wherever the Megalodon was so he could avoid it well he doesn't need it anymore with that I set out to follow the compass and find the Megalodon on days 30 through 33 I traveled deeper into the kelp forest it started getting darker and spookier and I was starting to really get nervous nothing better pop out at me or I'll be really mad suddenly something massive swam right by me yeah I looked around frantically but nothing was there it swam by again it was circling around me it was bigger than anything I had ever seen hey uh excuse me are you the Megalodon it emerged from the Shadows behind me oh uh a bronzo that's me I just wanted to come talk to you about maybe helping us take down the fisherman Empire they're threatening everyone in the ocean and destroying all of our homes so I thought maybe you would fish you're just a little weakling what makes you think you're a good leader I'm not weak I'm getting stronger by the day suddenly the Megalodon charged at me even with my new form there was no way I would be strong enough to fight him he was huge please I just want to talk I was about to die I swam up to the kelp forest as fast as I could and luckily he didn't follow me there if he did I would have been a goner for sure he disappeared back into the shadows and I left the area as fast as I could on days 34 through 36 I made it back to the base I needed to become much stronger if I was going to stand up to the Megalodon suddenly I saw a fisherman approaching the base and I immediately swam out to threaten him before he could attack I set out a Shockwave to stun him wait it's me Dave oh hey Dave sorry about that how's it going not good the fisherman Empire is planning to deconstruct the entire ocean what isn't fishtopia enough nope they just want more and more and they'll be coming for New fishtopia eventually hmm I need to prepare you've got strong armor what is it made of oh this is titanium you can only get it above the sea but you could probably find some diamonds around here somewhere of course diamonds actually I think I know of a cave nearby with a ton of diamonds follow me awesome let's go on days 37 through 39 we were searching for the cave of diamonds and Dave stopped next to a sunken ship hmm what's wrong Dave uh I think we might be lost I can't remember which way to go all right let's split up you try West and I'll try East and we'll meet back together in one day sounds like a plan I started traveling west and I came across a cute little slug help me please there's a giant squid trying to eat me well are you tasty calm down buddy I was joking take me to the squid the slug took me to the giant squid and it immediately attacked me I fought it off and it was super tough it had some kind of powerful laser squids aren't supposed to have lasers I don't know if I can do this come on you got this go Pronto I gave it my all and I was able to muster up enough strength to kill the squid ah I did it thank you thank you thank you I hesitated there thinking the slug might have something to repay me with oh uh I don't have anything for you don't be selfish not everyone can just give things out when people help them you're right you're right I I'm sorry I shouldn't have expected anything I'm a hero I should act like one I was about to leave when I remembered why I was here oh hey you don't happen to know the cave of diamonds do you yeah you should have gone South awesome thanks wait how did you know that the slug ignored me so I just headed finishing up eating a pie hey where'd you get that pie oh Siegel gave it to me for helping defend him from an orca now you got pie I ain't get anything with that Dave and I set out to the South to find the cave of diamonds on days 40 and 41 Dave and I finally made it to the cave of diamonds I couldn't believe it it was absolutely full of them wow this place is amazing Gabe yeah tell me about it using Sonar technology we were able to discover this place from miles above the ocean I started collecting all the diamonds I could and quickly got enough to make diamond tools and armor before I could collect any more something big swam past the opening of The Cave uh what was that I looked around but there was nothing but empty quiet Ocean Suddenly a giant shark came straight out of the darkness luckily we were both able to dodge it and then we were ready to take it down together we fought as hard as we could against the giant creature Dave used his Trident while I fought with all of my electric powers the thing was super strong and had ice powers that were able to block attacks but the two of us together were a good match for it over time we started to get the upper hand in eventually we were able to take it out humans totally don't belong in the ocean yeah tell me about it I gotta get going before the Empire notices I'm gone later bronzo alright later Dave oh wait one more thing if you're trying to get stronger look for the mantis shrimp Apparently one punch from one of those guys and you'll be out cold for days hmm maybe the mantis shrimp can teach me to get a stronger punch do you think you could help me find them Dave agreed to show me the way and with that we headed off to find the mantis shrimp from Days 42 to 43 I returned to the Shipwreck from earlier with Dave by my side I think it's East isn't that the way to the seagulls and the mantis shrimp okay I think I can take it from here Dave thanks a ton yeah I should get going before Captain evil gets suspicious that I've been gone for so long speaking of the sea devil she's so mysterious what's she like and why is she even doing all this okay I'll tell you but I have to make this quick I was hired to collect all the fish and kill them there's a rumor that Captain Ava had her parents eaten by Kraken what how one day her parents took her to the beach when she was just a child stay here Ava Mommy and Daddy are going to research the waters okay her parents were a marine biologists they love the ocean and all of its life it had to offer but always knew it could be dangerous as her parents studied the waters a kraken swam up and devoured them whole Ava saw it all foreign [Applause] wow that's so sad Legend has it Ava's also missing an arm from the same Kraken that killed her parents however only she remains I better keep an eye out for her before I end up like the Kraken see ya Dave on days 44 through 46 I was searching around for the mantis shrimp but I wasn't finding anything how the heck am I like am I supposed to find a little shrimp dude hey who are you calling a shrimp dude oh hey you must be the mantis shrimp yeah and it was Marina but to tell you well I'm looking for a way to beat the Megalodon in battle and thought maybe you could teach me what's so funny yeah oh you're gonna need a stronger weapon if you want to win that fight like what there's a horde of drowned in the sunken ruins nearby I think they might have what you're looking for okay thank you on days 47 through 49 I found the ruins that Marina was talking about okay here we go I tried my best to sneak past all of the drown but I was spotted and they all attacked I left into action to fight them and started blasting my electric powers all over the place since I was Stronger now I could electrocute the ones with tridents and they went down easier because they were holding a metal rod eventually I was able to take them all out and began searching through the ruins for Treasure I found a chest and opened it and there was a Riptide Trident inside whoa awesome this will definitely come in handy against the Megalodon hey that's my best trident but you already have one in your tummy didn't like that comment very much and he charged at me to get his Trident back luckily I still had it in my possession and I could use it to deliver powerful electrical attacks and the Trident in his tummy let me do some extra damage too he was a tough guy but without his best trident he was no match for me I defeated him and admired my prize I gotta learn how to really work this weapon on days 50 through 53 I started testing out my new Trident when I went up near the surface it set me shooting out of the water oh I knew this thing would be super powerful but it was even cooler than I thought I swam around feeling confident looking for a place to try my new weapon I swam past the Ravine near fishtopia where I saved Sammy's mom and I spotted the gravel spot where I crushed that freaky alien dude ah a loser I'm much tougher now just then the creature burst out of the gravel I fought back but he but he started hitting me really hard and I was worried I wasn't going to make it there was no gravel to dump on him this time luckily I mustered up my strength and used all of the tools in my Arsenal including the Trident I was able to overpower him and defeat him haha I did it this thing is awesome that was when I noticed the creature had dropped some kind of amulet too he must have eaten it at some point I picked it up and looked at it huh the spider Fang amulet I put it on and it gave me a 25 chance to poison my enemies when I hit them awesome now I'm a poisonous eel too I felt confident with my fighting skills and ready to take on the Megalodon I swam to the kelp forest and called out the Ferocious Beast hey weak and tiny fish come out the Meg swam out of the Darkness at full speed I dodged him with my Trident just in the nick of time yeah and I will be winning this time oh like this will be your last battle ever I went in with my electric abilities shocking the Meg with the highest voltage I could produce stop running away it's not running away it's dodging in style he wasn't very happy to say the least the Meg and I duked it out intensely but I knew I had the upper hand this time I focused my power and let out the ultimate shock Mercy Mercy I won yes you bested me I give my respect to you well good cause I really need your help the entire ocean life needs your help the fisherman Empire has run rampant we're destroying all of our natural habitats and taking out resources killing our own I need you to destroy their ships you're the only one who can I'll do it my name's Rex wait isn't that the faster they wreck things oh okay we'll come back to my base you can rest there on days 58 through 61 I return to my base with Rex and everyone was very frightened of him as we swam through all of the fish ran and hid guys relax he's with us now they still didn't trust him oh got to work making him a place to stay I made sure it was big enough for him to swim around with his massive body with Rex on our side I wanted to make sure that he was comfortable enough to want to stay here I didn't want him changing his mind after I finished making him a spacious home I made sure to fill his chests with plenty of fish so he wouldn't decide to eat anybody at the base just then a guardian swam up to me in a panic what is it bro our Monument was destroyed by the fishermen they ravaged the place and killed our Elder Guardian take me there on days 62 through 65 I arrived to find the Monument horribly damaged there was no way the Guardians could live here anymore and they had no clue what to do now without our Elder Guardian to guide us we are lost you guys can come live with me in new fishtopia yes please I brought them back to my base and found them a nice area where they could rebuild in the style of their Monument this is perfect thank you the Guardians began building a new one that was even grander than the original one they had this would be a hope for all of the Guardians in the ocean and a message to the fisherman Empire that we would not be beaten down thanks for giving us New Hope bronzo but what are we going to do about the fisherman Empire they won't stop and they're only getting stronger hmm maybe Rex isn't enough we need more big guns I'll be back soon guys with that I went out to try to recruit the anglerfish to our team on day 66 through 70 I headed back to the anglerfish's kelp home even though I hated it there after swimming around for a bit I spotted a little light sticking out wait don't eat me I'm here to talk the angler fish popped up from where he was hiding I guess I'm not very hungry right now what do you want I need you to help me destroy the fisherman Empire why should I help you the fisherman can't even swim this thing I'll be just fine do you know about the food chain the circle of life if all of the small Critters die eventually you'll die too I suppose that makes sense what am I good for though I don't belong in shallow water darkness is where I thrive well maybe you can show your face no offense but your face alone might haunt them for years to come I like you you tell me how it is I'll scare the fish out of them and maybe even take a bite there you go with that I led the anglerfish back to my base for days 71 and 72 I continued traveling with the anglerfish and eventually we came across a battle next to an ocean Monument those hippocampuses are under attack it's we leapt into action to help the mythological sea creatures they seemed strong enough to hold their own but the fishermen outnumbered them and had new explosive weapons we had to help so I used all my electric powers I could on those fishermen but their cannons were so strong I didn't realize they were so powerful we have to keep fighting and kept fighting we did with our help the hippocampus Army was able to defeat the fisherman army or at least a small portion of it that came here to attack thank you so much kind adventurers of course an enemy of my enemy is my friend plus we put a dent in Captain Ava's forces but there are many more where that came from us unfortunately we can't we must protect our own but we are in your service anything you need we will provide anything you say just then I saw the slug from earlier watching us uh actually helping you guys was nothing at all no need for gifts or rewards I'm just here to help I looked back to see the slug leaving oh really it's great to meet someone so selfless I did have all these diamonds I could have given to you but no you are better than that I wish more fish were like you Adventurer I respect that bronzo good for you diamonds 13 okay bronzo yeah yeah just tired from the fight let's head out with that we continued on our path back to the base on days 73 and 74 I got back to the base to see that while I was away the Guardians were busy building they had made individual little Huts so they could each have their own space they made them out of prismarine with sea lanterns near the top and mossy stone brick walls as pillars this looks amazing guys by the way this is my new friend the anglerfish oh you look ugly thanks I set to work making home for the anglerfish I made sure to make it very dark and murky looking this was nothing like his normal environment so I wanted to ensure he was comfortable I also added some dimly glowing sea cucumbers to represent the friends I'm sure he had back home wow thanks for putting in all this effort for me I believe you thanks but I need some more help first I decided to try and get stronger on my own I sought out a big monster and tried to fight it hey I'm doing it this is going super good just then the monster took a huge bite almost enough to kill me I swam away super fast it's probably best if I ask Marina for help on day 75-78 I went to seek more aid from Marina uh I can see how much you've improved since we last met I'd love to help you just then we heard some screeches happening nearby we went to investigate and saw that a fisherman was attacking a dolphin time to put your training to the test but you haven't even trained me yet the two of us swam in to help defend the dolphin and with all of us together the fishermen never stood a chance Marina used her mantis shrimp powers to smack him so hard it broke the sound barrier whoa you gotta teach me that thank you so much for saving me how can I possibly repay you well you Us in the fight against Sherman I'd be happy to help I'll get my family and bring them back to your base awesome the dolphin swam away turned back to Marina to find find out how she could train me you gotta teach me that punch ability yes it's a powerful punch that causes a huge knockback but it's a secret held by my ancestors you need to teach me the fate of the ocean depends on it I can teach it to you but you're not quite ready to learn it yet you will need to complete the pilgrimage of my ancestors first okay okay she spotted the Megalodon and ran away to hide I chased after her Marina what's the matter are you kidding gonna be here it's okay he's on our side now I promise he won't do anything to hurt you oh hello oh I like your colors she didn't calm down until Rex threw her a shell as a peace offering oh that's nice well I'm sorry for being so scared of you it's okay I understand I think your colors are really pretty okay thank you dang Rex why aren't you that nice to me Rex quickly swam off huh what's up with him I didn't have time to wonder because it was time to begin my final preparations during days 83 to 86 I made final changes to the base by making a home for Marina out of all different colors of coral and with a glass roof so she can see outside she loved it so much thanks bronzo it really brings out the colors I then swam over to the main part of my base so I could talk to everyone hey everyone gather around I have some important news to share with all of you soon we will be heading into war we will be swimming into Old fishtopia to destroy the fisherman Empire in 10 days everyone must be prepared one more thing even more important I need everyone to like the video if you have been enjoying it comment on your favorite part about it and subscribe so you don't miss the next video [Applause] hey bronzo here take this small token of gratitude for everything you've done wow thanks Sammy hey I gotta go I'll see you soon okay hey Marina how can I do this pilgrimage you need to Journey up onto land to a special desert pyramid and come back with a power Crystal that grows there how the heck am I gonna get on land I can jump out of the water but I've never spent much time up there hmm you might need to evolve evolve again while I was talking to Marina a Siege had started outside of the base on days 87 through 90 I was fighting off the fishermen and their cannons were super strong they were blasting fish left and right and I didn't know what to do there were just too many of them one of them cornered me when my health was low and they were getting ready to blast me off the face of this Earth just when I thought it was over I transformed into an awesome electric Hydra eel with three heads I also gained five more hearts and started to regenerate Health my transformation threw off the fishermen and I charged at him using my recharged electric powers to take him out I continued on the rest of the fishermen and started blasting through them all like it was nothing I was such a powerful electric eel none of them stood a chance Captain Ava ran away before we could get to her but the rest of the onslaught Was Defeated as a celebration I shot up out of the water and took a big gulp of air wait I can breathe air in my new form wow that was super lucky I went back to Marina and asked her directions to find the special desert pyramid full of crystals here take this map it will lead you there but don't lose it belong to my ancestors thank you I wasted no time and set out to find the desert pyramid I made it to the shore and came up on land on days 91 through 93. it was so odd being out of the water like this and I had already noticed many things I've never seen before whoa there's a whole crazy world up here to explore I continued my journey feeling oddly weighed down without the water surrounding me I traveled through a jungle where I slithered past Vines even longer than me then I passed through a swamp and saw that even the water here looked different than back home this is incredible there are so many cool places to make a base up here finally I made it to the desert it was extremely dry luckily my new form could handle it even if it was a bit uncomfortable eventually I spotted something nearby and realized I made it to the desert pyramid wow there's crystals ever everywhere with all the treasure surrounded me I couldn't help myself but to open one of the chests nearby internet mimics stay back or I'll kill ya the mimics kept coming forward trying to bite me with their gnashing Jaws luckily for me I was much bigger and stronger than all of them combined yes I did it I defeated all of them man I really missed the water I collected the crystals and headed back to my home on days 94 through 96 I journeyed back and brought the crystals to Marina okay give him here hold still whoa you mantis shrimp got some crazy rituals I felt a surge of power and my sword turned into an electric sword wow I feel so powerful I gotta try out this new weapon on some drowned I traveled some and found the drowned hey underwater dead freaks get a taste of this electric sword with a sheer amount of strength packed in every hit I defeated them pretty easily I made my way back to Marina wow that was amazing thanks for everything no problem bronzo now I'm ready to take on the fisherman Empire use your power wisely I Will on Days 97 and 98 I gathered together a group of my toughest team members to all storm old fishtopia together I started by getting them all suited up and armored with proper Weaponry who's ready to roll correct stuff that's the spirit I've already made a speech for everyone but this one is just for you guys ladies and gentlemen you are about to stand up to fishermen in a way that no fish has done before except maybe you Rex we are standing up for the fish of the ocean not because we want to but because we need to do what is right for the creatures of our world protecting the ocean is a noble thing and if more people cared about it there might still be more coral reefs and also like I said before please make sure you like subscribe and comment on the video already done bro I don't actually know what any of that means don't worry about it I'll show you later let's go with that we all set out to storm old fishtopia on day 99 we were storming the city there were fishermen all over the place and they were blasting us with their cannons the anglerfish got to fight right away while Rex charged at some fishermen nearby he started using his explosions and Powerful bite against their cannons I helped him fight for a bit but then swam through the chaos with one Target in mind their leader Captain Ava I arrived at the center of the city where a dome had been placed over it preventing anyone from getting inside I tried to use my pickaxe on the gate but it was no use I couldn't get through it was like the whole gate was made out of Bedrock two powerful robots in diving suits with cannons came out to defend the Dome I charged in to fight them but they were seemingly Invincible I couldn't do any damage to them and I had no idea how I was going to get through I thought all hope was lost when suddenly they both turned off and floated to the ocean floor what the I looked up to see Dave standing inside the gate Dave he waved at me and then opened the gate I swam inside the Dome as fast as I could finally it was day 100 I entered Captain Ava's inner sanctum at the center of old fishtopia she was floating there in a submarine waiting for me well well well it's so nice to finally meet you face to face I've heard so much about you little ill I'm not so little anymore I don't know much about you you're just another evil fisherman to me well you should know about me because I've got a reputation my nickname is eel Ripper she shot at me first but I mustered up my courage and charged in to fight her back her powers were strong and her submarine really packed a punch she fired deadly bullets at me that sent me flying back then she fired wither skeletons at me I tried to dodge and noticed her shooting some strange orbs around herself I decided to use my Trident to zip past them but they exploded that was definitely a mistake they were like small ocean mines for a moment I thought she might overpower me with her machine until I started really doing some damage to it with my electric powers eventually her submarine disappeared and she was injured in the ex explosion you fool you'll never stop the fisherman Empire as long as our hungry humans to eat we will keep destroying the air for the unsustainable business practices no you won't not if brave people like me are around to stand up to you with that I dealt the final blow and finished her off [Music]
Channel: Bronzo
Views: 3,150,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4bw29AvCXWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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