I Survived 10 Hours of Order 66

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did you CA resistance librarian I need to speak to you how dare you tell me to shush these are dark times we're living in the Jedi archives have been breached someone is hacking into our system and deleting important Jedi information if an item does not appear in our records it does not exist I'm afraid that's not the case you've put the entire Jedi Order at risk the dark side of the force clads everything and it's all because of your ignorance I'm on my way to arrest the chancellor he has too much control I need you to stay here with younglings please protect them if anything bad happens these were Dark Times indeed jast knew the Jedi librarian had put the entire Jedi Order at risk and now she was responsible for protecting the Younglings during Order 66 the temple was under attack Anakin and the 501st were storming the hallways were the Younglings going to survive was jakan going to be a to protect them Anakin and his Clone Trooper said he who are you why are you here you're ruining my shot first Jedi to be killed look there he is headless come clones attack anyone at will kids I've made a grave mistake it is possible all of this could have been avoided are you listening children are you listening it's possible all of this could have been avoided if jaanu was using nordvpn the sponsor of today's video the Temple's data had been breached online making it easy for the Clones to break in and override the security systems but luckily you can become safer online with just a single click of my code stay bombastic and prevent people from stealing your data when using nordvpn your traffic is always protected with robust encryption let's say you're downloading something in the Jedi archives nordvpn's threat detection will scan your files as they're being downloaded and warn you about dangerous websites in malware and there's even 24/7 support so if someone tries to hack you in the middle of the night you can get the emergency help you need right now you can get an 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come in and delete things like the Chino system and whatever else but yeah it's not going to be good kid you're still studying still not quite got the hang of my Force Powers yet that's not going to be good Master Yoda told me patience is the key to all locks okay there's no more time for patience but I spent hours staring at my locker yesterday and nothing perhaps it's okay if Anakin kills you we're going to have to go outside now everything's going to be fine I promise you everything will be fine everything is definitely not going to be [Music] fine and so the Clones proceeded to make their way through the hallways executing order 66 Anakin had already begun his youngling slaying oh my God jaku was already failing oh my God Anakin bro oh my goodness yep you hit your own clone it's fine and so jasu attempted to lead the Younglings through Order 66 slowly she walked out of the temple hallways she could hear the danger ahead gunfire the Clones had already begun killing other Jedi they made their way through the temple trying to find their way to the safety of the council chambers but alas a lone figure stood in their way you will not pass I will do what must be done mannequin please they're just children please take me I will defend them with my life are you serious librarian yeah look you're already scared like it's not going to it's literally there's no way that's going to work out well for you pretty sure you've never wielded a lightsaber in your life as well she does draw her lightsaber against Anakin in the Revenge of the Sith video game and then gets brutally stabbed just like this sorry kids librarian's dead what are you going to do the force is always there when I need it you need it now I'm so sorry kids it had to be done I had to do what must to be done and now I will continue to slaughter more young LS run everyone run a he's chasing us oh my gosh come on guys please run please run please they've stopped running all the kids look he's gone to play with his friends who are about to die guys seriously can you run with me please Anakin is standing literally right behind you he's about he's swing he's literally attacking all of you how brutal do you think he actually was in attacking the young links oh my gosh we need to go into the council chambers guys please come with me into the council chambers please the Younglings eventually ran and made their way into the council chambers guys I'm going to take charge here okay I know we're all the same we're all the same age we're all the same size but I feel like I have to stand up here look I'm all right I'm going to sit in the chair I feel like the sitting up here you will listen to me all right sorry does anyone have any ideas of how we could potentially survive what's about to happen we know Anakin's in the other room we know the Clones are in the other room and every can you guys pay attention please for once Timmy stop stop mucking around with that wrench please um what if we try to jump out the window look we could try you see all those cars out there there's a lot of cars going by we could try and hit hi stick our thumbs out and try and get someone to come and pick us up before Anakin comes into the council chambers personally I think that is a terrible idea like we can't just jump out I mean I mean to be fair though we are going to die anyway you know Anakin's going to come through that door at any minute we are about to die or we could use our combined Force to put all of the chairs in front of the door so that when Anakin tries to come in he won't be able to cuz he won't be able to walk through the door cuz it'll be chairs in the way what do you guys say can we do that oh my gosh it's too late okay Anakin's attacking the all right all right guys we got to leave some of us running circles I'm running we we're going to leave and so as Anakin slaughtered some of the Younglings in the council chambers the remaining younglings ran to freedom and tried to escape the tall ways of the Jedi Temple without being shot by the clone troopers these were the only surviving younglings who' made their way out of the Jedi Temple somehow they had avoided the clone troopers finally made it out of out of the room with Anakin and made their way onto the streets of croissant to blend into the crowds they made their way through the streets as they were still on croissant clones were everywhere they knew they needed to get as far away from the Jedi Temple as possible all right guys seriously what do you want to do I don't feel really good about what just happened we're kind of screwed if I'm being honest with you you know I'm I'm 7 years old but I'm going to take charge here and say we really need to do something I am scared I miss my parents I wish the Jedi had never abducted me from my parents when I was a kid and taken me perhaps we can go and find master Wu at the Senate Master Wu said he was going to meet with Palpatine I believe I overheard Jaster knew before she was brutally killed by Anakin we could go to the Senate building which is just up there do you guys agree all right let's go in the meantime Wu had made his way to the Senate building to confront Palpatine and try and arrest the chancellor for his crimes against the Senate and the Republic Master Wu in the name of the galactic Senate of the Republic you are under arrest Chancellor are you threatening me master Wu the Senate will decide your fate I am the Senate not yet it's treason then could could you maybe come back later and and do that please bro we're we're in the middle of the dramatic all right well that was easy it's hard to keep the pece when that Ma Windu was no match for the chancellor Chancellor Palpatine quickly and swiftly defeated Mace Windu and soon he would need to check on the progress of Order 66 and what his new Apprentice Darth Vader was up to oh there's some clone Trippers up ahead sh sneaky sh this clone troopers get stop get behind the the Rocks I don't know how we're going to get out of this man look look at the clog Trippers dude dude you're in literally get get in please get in cover okay guys you see that you see that Walker over there perhaps we could steal that and try and take out some of the Clones and make our way across to the Senate and maybe make our way to master window all right I'm going to go jump in that and see if that works okay all right wish me luck guys okay and so this Brave youngling jumped into the Walker and decided to take a full frontal attack against the Clones these were desperate times the Younglings had been taught a way of peace and that killing wasn't the Jedi way however these were desperate times and to be fair they were Jedi in training so it makes sense that they kill anything that opposes them this youngling had a Darkness within him though he had no hesitation in pulling the trigger obliterating clone after clone he watched as their heads flew off their bodies and almost seemed thrilled by the action his fellow younglings walked behind cheering him on yes Revenge wasn't the Jedi way but they needed a way off this planet and we're using the only means necessary unfortunately the young Ling had gone a oh my God a little oh that went flag a little too far he was using his walker to not only kill clones that stood in his way but also mere civilians he was potentially turning to the dark side suddenly Palpatine appeared before the Younglings you ever hear of the tragedy of Darth plis the wise Palpatine could sense that the youngling driving the Walker had a Darkness within him and saw this as an opportunity to potentially turn him to the dark side you there in the Walker Let the hate flow through you Anakin is my new Apprentice but he will also need an apprentice do what must be done and eliminate I dropped up one second I I dropped I dropped oh my bad do what must be done and eliminate the remaining young Lings this young Ling was out of control the rage filled within him he was being fueled by his hatred of everything that had happened and in a brief moment he turned on his young llings and opened fire but then stopped wait a second I'm in a walker helpy I'm back uh surprise to be sure but a welcome one the youngling wouldn't let the hate flow through him unfortunately though Palpatine was strong in the force a great duel broke out between Palpatine and the youngling and the Walker Palpatine drew his blade and knew what must be done where his Apprentice had failed he knew he had to deal with the remaining younglings and eliminate them oh there we go oh my God that was so brutal this was a dark day indeed Palpatine had successfully killed all of the remaining younglings but he was not impressed with his Apprentice for having let them Escape so he knew there was something to be done with his Apprentice a retrobution lord Vader report I have dealt with all the Jedi Master they have all been killed however I will admit some of the Younglings escaped my grasp did you guys deal with the Younglings that escaped uh no sir they slipped past Vader I must punish you for your insolence you are no better than that librarian you once spoke of as a punishment we are going on a trip you cannot let them escape again thankfully I dealt with younglings however you must learn the hard way to never let that happen again come with me everyone in the taxi yep everyone in the taxi bring the Clones that's fine maer come swiftly your punishment Waits aboard that ship that ship there the ship will take you to a location from that location you will spend the next 100 days there regardless of where it takes you do you understand I'm very pleased to say that you are not going to enjoy it however it will make up for you letting the Younglings Escape please go and board the ship and so Darth Vader walked towards his fate not knowing where the ship would take him and what it would do he'd let the Younglings escape and this was to be his punishment where was the shuttle taking him what Mysteries lay ahead and where would Anakin end up spending the next 100 days Anakin stepped out of the shuttle to learn that he would indeed be spending the next 100 days on his home world the sand Planet tne which he absolutely hates look at the rage in his eyes they have turned yellow just because they've been burned by the Sun and he's also going to be spending the next 100 days in a sandy desert what do you think Anakin's going to get up to for the next 100 days on TN let me know in the comments also if you're not already come follow me on Instagram posting stuff there and thanks for watching this my name is Andrew I'll catch you soon
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 126,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, Lego, Gaming, Gameplay, Star Wars Game, Star Wars Roleplay, Roleplay, Star Wars Memes, Star Wars Funny, Funny Star Wars, Bombastic, Order 66, Clone Wars, Darth Vader, Vader, Anakin
Id: EkzRvAQ1_Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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