I went looking for Darth Jar Jar… and found THIS

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so a comment on my last video he's doing everything but the sequels i don't blame him i've seen so many comments from you guys andrew when are you playing the rise of skywalker andrew when is the rise of skywalker happening when are you going to play through the risers i will tell you when you know what it's not about me not liking the rise of skywalker it's just the fact i'm not sure i can put myself through that again i'll never play it never vader i have brought you here today for a very important matter i've been made aware there is another syst lord among us he is controlling everything even the decisions i make today we have come to my home world of naboo to hunt down the sith lord and deal with him once and for all let you up for this vader what to find him we must travel to lake payonga you like lakes vader we're going looking for darth jar jar people hey everyone it's andrew so where would we find darth jar jar my guess is that the only person that's going to be able to tell us where darth jar jar would be is the man that goes i'm yet to unlock boss nass in the game and that is exactly what we are going to do but first i hear we must take a submarine to the lake is that how we get there vader what have you ever you've never been here it's my home world i'll show you around okay i'm literally lost it's much nicer on coruscant there it is vader the submarine the taxi submarine you see over there they painted it yellow so that we know it's a taxi how how appropriate now i know we're close to water which usually means there's gonna be some sand around and i know you don't like sand don't worry i've made sure i called in advance there is no sand here i think we're gonna be okay you're literally watering the ground um um what the heck you're watering the ground no wonder it's so wet all over what are you doing the citizens of thieves she's still dropping it everywhere the new gardener is a little inexperienced and has made quite a mess oh no not a mess you want me to go fix the garden boxes i have more look at me look at my eyes do you really think i care can you please just put the water in the plant at least please please do this why yes i do thank you how did you know you're offering a submarine service to the lake watch out vader watch out there's some sand here watch out okay hey i called ahead you said you weren't having sand there was no sand how dare you i guess we're going to the gungan city enjoy your trip his boss whoa straight underwater i don't think i've ever taken this taxi before otagonga here we come through the bubble do you know your way around here vader vader you seem to have a sense about these things right where vader vader oh no he he probably got had traumatized from the sandy look he's hiding under the submarine he's standing in the hole that pushes him to outside the boss nast where are you my friend i will call out to you with your signature call in the hope that it works like a bird's cry boss i think maybe we should just kill all of them you look you definitely look suss what's on your arm you're playing dumb like jar jar how dare you man there are so many jar jars around here i'm so overwhelmed too many gungans i know it's the gungan city but i had no idea with this many i literally don't remember where his office is my boss nas bird cry doesn't seem to be working my microphone's a little wet now though after that big boss nas your honor where are you maybe through here okay i'm so so like my my finger slipped i'm not even kidding i'm so sorry boss nast that's not no way to introduce myself oh man i i may attack all of the other gungans but not you my friend you are different i'm not even sure you're a gungan you look more like a giant frog to me like an elder or something like that is that how it works yeah seriously i i'm so sorry are you i think are those guards like trying to yes they are they're very unhappy with me doing that vader vader's just gonna stand in the hallway with his lightsaber on pretend he's that reenacting rogue one um man they train stormtroopers better than you guys jesus that is some bad aim wow i have not moved once you fired like 10 shots guys come on get one hit boss nasa i'm so sorry i promise you that was not i'm not even kidding i i was gobsmacked that i had that that happened do i have to kill these guys like seriously oh well let's talk working to make better understanding okay that was a lot of sentence well i want to be friends you see my red lightsaber i can get you one of these my friend if you tell me where jar jar is where is he you're just saying you so sousa mesa wuzza what did you say to me give destinations of ambassadors to usa okay we're gonna go find some gungans that's what i'm getting from this where are those gungans at i better put the lightsaber away before i heard someone else put it away we're gonna go find find us some gungans perhaps one of them will be darth jarjar we will do what must be done and rid the galaxy of the terror that is dull jar jar hello gunk and jacha i know you're here ah it's just our ship all right we gotta get a new ship because that's clearly not the ship palpatine flies what a ride check out that beast look at those wings tatooine geonosis and coruscant all right let's do it in that order because coruscant's last and i want to save the best for last you know moss espa maybe we can sneak in a pod race while they're there we're bringing vader on the mission and two of the three planets we need to go to are literally sand planets beta you're okay back there what no you can't just stay in the ship no you must come out okay vet i promise you it's gonna be okay all right don't worry i know we're in the sand you're gonna be fine okay just keep walking one foot after the other that's adventure good you're doing great okay you're doing great just just you know i'm sure you can say hi to the locals maybe watto is here you haven't seen water in years have you maybe we can stab him if you if you feel like doing so for all the years of slavery and for selling your mother a gungan they the fellows with the ears and the tongues you have ears and a tongue too so i don't see how that's a way of distinguishing them i'm really questioning the validity of your knowledge of gungans do you actually know what a gungan looks like if you said big ears you could have like your ears look at your ears all right ja ja where are you my friend listen wrong gungan um yes i it seems i you please do have the wrong gun game i'm looking for jar jar and you you clearly don't sound like jar jar here we go what's going on here hi there you a friend of this thief no definitely not barbar jinx oh my god are you serious baba jinx is that a joke because she's behind bars or or is that her actual name or are you just messing with me because you know i'm looking for dalton if someone just pays me what she owes how about i slice your face off should only take a few decades might uh take a few decades to grow your face back if you don't release her now do it now okay surely there's a way i can break in here right this trader say that me should take food without paying uh-huh miso would never do that uh-huh okay can i can i just like slice the cage open it's supposed to be an open world game i'm supposed to have this kind of freedom instead i'm just killing the gungan in the cage and this guy is like invincible way to get in here help not me you a friend of this thing oh my god we just went through this all right here's your five grand okay then i'll slice your face off how's that and then i'll steal my money back thank you prepare for death the gungan's gonna die too misa definitely mention how strictly tatooine upholds desalos i see how are you gonna get home should we follow her quick palpatine come where the hell is she going just disappear around the corner and then despawn wow she disappeared into the crowd all right let's go back and kill that local oh my god she's what oh my god i thought they swindled us i thought it was like a scam to get five grand off us are you working together or do you really not like each other are you pretending are you kissing what is going on may definitely a point both of you alpha team don't look it's going to be gruesome oh my god look how happy he is watching in the background um to geonosis we're leaving the sand planet only one more sand planet to go ah the cruelty it gets vader this gabe hates vader i'm so sorry that was quite an aggressive landing just flew straight down through all those rocks now where would one find gungan on geonosis vader i know i know what you're feeling i'm so sorry it's gonna be okay okay just one foot after the other that's it yep nice walk slowly walk slowly with me everything's gonna be fine okay keep your eyes forward don't look down just don't look down okay there's a lot of sand if you look down don't look down vader okay through here through here what the hell just walked past me oh my god it's a pneumonian what are you doing here oh wow i can hear you sorry you jar jar it doesn't sound like it why are there so many nemoidians around here and they're all the same one look at the eyes look at those creepy ice oh my gosh it wasn't mine we caught a gungan trying to steal one of our precious treasures he's in the prison back there we have strict instructions not to feed him oh my gosh he's in the obi-wan thing wow brutal why are they capturing all the gungans chloe they don't like the gungans uh let me do it all right palpy they used to say i stole a shiny thing and they never letting me go please helps sure thing but can you tell me where jar jar is please you're free me so wondering how'd that shiny thing get there what the hell suddenly the gungans are attacking the geonosians are attacking sorry i heard my native language coming from a mile away look at vader tearing him up just like he did way back in attack of the clothes vader we finished the sand planets we can leave if we can find our way out of here there's so many in the mornings i'm scared all right let's get off this junk pile quickly vader to coruscant you can have your bath after all oh those wings what happened there uh home at last vader now look at you look he's running he's so happy he's running there's no more sand between his toes he's free at last free from the clutches of the desert your little shopping while we're here hey vader going through the shopping mall see if i can get myself a hat like that that is one fancy hat yes please i would like that darth vader it is a horror i mean honor it is an honor to see you in person what about me now i want my share no one compliments vader and then doesn't compliment me isn't that right vader honor seeing vader but when palpi shows up everyone's like ooh back away anybody yeah i'm here but i i don't know how to get up there man my own city i don't know my way around i should probably put the lightsaber away hey where is this gong in um you're not a gungan where's janja what have you done with jar jar i keep hearing a peculiar voice coming from below oh great that direction oh thank you thank you over in that direction thank you yes i would go check yes this is a job for this city exactly palpatine knows his place where is the gungan i i have no idea it's saying here down here oh my god i landed on him what is this place anybody i'm right here misa not looking where i was going and fall in here oh no what a shame house i'm going to get out of here you won't i'm going to kill you maybe if misa had something to climb on hey yo anybody down oh my god mine trick here we go can i mind trick you into into like just slamming your head against the wall all right i guess we're gonna build this guy way out of here oh my god i swear to god i'm gonna kill this guy a screw to god okay so we're going to try to put this one on top somehow there's no building blocks here like i'm just making it up as i'm going i guess oh there's a trampoline sweet all right let palpatine do the heavy lifting you know i'm only like 75 or something ridiculous can't gungans just jump high this proves gunkins can't jump high only darth jar jar can jump that high that makes sense he is the sith lord we are going to report back to boss nas on the double yes that's right vader we must return to the lake pyong vader where is that there he is okay vader we must return to lake payonga and pay boss nas a visit boss nas we are coming hopefully he will finally reveal the location of dolce lovely day here isn't it vader look at this place it's gorgeous beautiful these lovely walk between the trees feels nice it's nice to be back where would boss nass be is he actually in the lake are they is he in otagunga perhaps we'll check through here first standing atop one of these logs probably that one there come on vader we're gonna go for a swim again okay don't worry i made sure i like i said it called ahead look it's just dirt there's no sand we're cool okay we cool all right big boss nas where are you my friend you better have that information for me where is doc where is he big boss oh my god those guys in the background are still shooting wow oh that guy just fell what is going on back there give help when others come to us he did he did the thing i'm no no oh my god guys i'm coming to ask for help for the location of darth jargon you must tell me so we can i can be the ruler of the galaxy you see why will you not reveal it to me why is a cop charge off me what oh no the sith lord has arrived oh my god everyone's turned on palpatine and so darth jar jar was the sith lord they'd all been looking for but didn't know existed he was the true ruler of the galaxy and in the shadows he figured out how to fool everyone for more adventures of doth jar jar stay on the channel maybe i'll play in a full darth jar jar series i feel like there's a lot to do with da jaja his adventures how he manipulated everyone to get his wealth all while being a complete madman look i've dropped to like the bottom of the ocean can can we just go swimming down here oh there we go i ended up jar jar for everyone how wood look at the way he falls don't forget you can also come check out the clips channel for more more stuff and follow me on instagram twitter join my discord and tick tock and thanks watching this guys my name is andrew i'll catch you soon stay bombastic
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 809,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Gameplay, Lego Star Wars Gameplay, Lego Star Wars Walkthrough, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Walkthrough, New Lego Star Wars, New Lego Star Wars Game, Lego Star Wars Trailer, Star Wars, Lego, Lego Star Wars Details, Lego Star Wars Easter Eggs, Skywalker Saga, The Skywalker Saga, Gameplay, Gaming, Funny Star Wars, Lego Star Wars Funny, Lego Star Wars Secrets, Lego Gameplay, bombastic
Id: 5ODfi2ob-v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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