I Surprised ZHC With A Custom Tesla!

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bhc has always given back to the community like customizing schools and houses so today we're customizing this tesla for zhc for this surprise to work we'll have to get this done before zach buys his own car michelle said she was tired of me driving her car all the time but first we have to buy a tesla so this is brandon he helps us with all of these amazing projects and i have a new one for you oh gosh we are buying zhc a tesla and we have a few days a few days a few days we also need it to get custom wrapped within those few days we've already solidified everything and we're just waiting on the product i did find one it's a model three it isn't our stuff okay we can actually get this tesla as soon as tomorrow okay so that means we have to have a wrap designed by tomorrow thank you brandon we have an amazing graphics team now this video can't happen without them this is cool are you vibing with any of these this is the biggest video i've ever done and i am trusting you of course so we have the graphics for the wrap but we don't have like the actual team to like put the wrap on hi there i have a tesla that needs to be wrapped we need this project done in about a day our tesla wraps are usually within two to three weeks uh four to six weeks probably is going to take a lot more than a day good night hey brandon i wanted to check in on the progress of the the wrap i actually did come across a company that's able to get the wrap done for us for real they're going to move around some of their older projects for us they just need that wrap design today i got a phone call brandon found a company they need their app now we have part of the zhc logo okay okay i still trust you guys oh my gosh it is finally here what is the fire for celebration we actually got the tesla in time which was a huge feat in itself we have to get it wrapped today hopefully all before zach finds the first clue you guys are doing a great job i know zhd's going to love this plan is picking up wednesday also thursday we're heading out thursday morning like 8 a.m um we'll make it happen we finished the wrap the team is packing up and we are getting ready to head to chc to go this is camera equipment you gotta breathe what's keeping zach occupied all day he's going on a scavenger hunt i'm having michelle lead him through and i told her to be very ghosted back he was like bree i know you're coming to film with me like can you give me any hints never answered oh my gosh i was really sad i sent you guys a clue and a letter to your house did you get it hide that in your house somewhere it's going to start a little scavenger hunt that's going to lead you guys to an awesome surprise thank you so much michelle no do you notice anything different open it why do you give away so much so it's time for me to surprise you head to whole foods downtown for your next clue wait are you coming okay let's go what is going on right now michelle i'm confused i was about to take a nap get your wallet at the toilet i know i know you do it's okay take a deep breath um i'm physically shaking right now okay hi the reason you're stopped here this car is not it's not the typical car what's going on this car we're driving to austin driving makes me a little nervous we're surprising zhc with the custom tesla yes awesome yeah yes sir oh i'm not used to this car [Applause] oh no oh the thingy went down the speedometer that's a sign that we're losing charge fast for real yeah the tesla slows down your speed to conserve energy oh my god oh my god oh my god the battery just made it red i've never driven on just like four percent battery yeah it's cutting it real close yeah so we have been rerouted by the map the opposite direction of austin and i want to cry because i don't like driving and i'm following the gps this is the exit no no where are you going no over here no we were supposed to take that loop according to the tesla airflow here is way down here i really need to text michelle tell her to stall because basically we rounded everything where it's close you can like walk to it i said stall michelle stall she's a foodie and so maybe they'll stop and get like ice cream or something my hands are freezing pet to whole foods downtown maybe diaper donations is a clue i don't think so do you think they hit it somewhere the only artsy thing here is that sign over there exactly i don't think it's here i think i think it's here wait i think i just saw something look at the reflection right there very clever it's a t in the t good job you found the next one find the butterflies in the premiere garage to get the scavenger hunt done okay off to the garage guys we have made it to the tesla charger so it's saying super charging can't be done until you add a payment method we can't charge until we get a payment method in and uh through wi-fi through wi-fi which is through this let's just yeah recap police our tires are we're getting a warning we can't pay to charge the car in fact this is for you i hope you watch this video and see how much trouble we went to to surprise you we're at our next location avery told us to find some butterflies are those butterflies oh these are butterflies i think she got confused michelle what if we go down there into the trap hey by any chance you have the title or registration the paperwork i have is the same paperwork that i gave you guys in that blue envelope as we are stopped here for 45 minutes supercharging michelle just said something about the weather being bad she asked if we are already in austin are they done i've been a ghost or two from stress you gotta check your surroundings first you can never be too safe wait there's an s give me salt the big surprise is almost here how crazy is that oh yeah wait what is the big surprise search for the giant accordion where your next clue is at the tire's looking though so our tires are supposed to be 42. we are now not at 42. we are about to have to pull over for the tire we are in the middle of nowhere and maddie and emily have to pee and it's snowing it literally is mcflurrying so we are what 12 psi under what's recommended does this come off no free i can't fit it in here i don't think you're supposed to do that yeah it clips back on he's breaking the tesla before we even give it to that this is not supposed to happen you're scaring me i got it is it working oh yeah it went from 37 to 39. well we still have three more tires to go i figured it out there's a heart with three bumps three hey guys michelle you silly goose that's not an accordion look foxy i can't tell if you're joking or not maddie just realized this sign is here caution high crash roadway why is it a high crash roadway and we're about to drive on it emily hold on oh yeah oh michelle it says etos michelle i saw it the oh i guess you misinterpreted the first clue wrong the triple heart accordion an italian it's a real painting wait what an e least feel maybe she stole our car and she's gonna surprise us with our car good job this scavenger hunt is almost through the reflecting wall at the odom pavillon is where your next clue is waiting for you with zach halfway through the scavenger hunt we knew that time was not on our side and we're lost but we're in austin at least yes but so is he so the thing is is what if his scavenger hunt and us collide like like we gotta be stealthy this car sticks out quite a bit i just got butterflies i'm not kidding we have gone to so much effort and time and everything for this video and it could fail literally minutes before the reveal oh that's just that blue thing right that piece of art right because it's reflecting the street big brain not gonna lie i'm quite proud of myself for solving that so fast okay vince what's up i just saw them right right to the left of this bridge hurry up because uh i think i see them no no no no no no no no no no oh my god that's really them oh my god where up at the next light turn left next they're crossing right now they're crossing okay we're gonna we're gonna take a left and then i don't think they'll see us oh there's one coming we're breaking the law thank you thanks man uh we might need to go up the staircase oh wait it is steel it is steel wait it could also be stale last clue the surprise is so close what do you think it will be go find the last clue at the vlogger pedestrian bridge and you will soon see is that how you pronounce it proflugger luger every pedestrian that walks by i'm like is that them i got them no no no is it no trying to see if there's any sort of art thank you for your tips huh the scavenger hunt so tricky i think she put us in a sticky situation i think we're on the complete wrong bridge oh no so our pa just called and he can't find where to hide the next clue yeah i think brie sent a pa to another bridge called our pa he's right oh he's right there hello the scavenger hunt is done time to head to your warehouse and see the surprise you've won all right so i take it we just go to our warehouse and there'll be a little surprise maybe breeze the surprise so i am speeding kind of because zach has finished the scavenger hunt it is a race to see who can get to the warehouse first wait a second tesla wait zach i don't think guys we are currently pulling up to the warehouse so far we don't see michelle and dhc so we are going to get this card covered and ready to surprise back in the show i don't think we have that much time they're going to be here soon what is that up there where are they getting stale of red or a tesla so wait that's the thing we're coming to the world oh my gosh oh they're out there what i see a car wait was i right hello hi surprise whoa [Applause] this is so cool it's like your logo all over kind of like camo vibes zach if you don't want this i'll take it because you always do sweet things for other people you're always surprising like hospitals schools so i wanted to give back to wait you yeah oh yeah look at the back oh my goodness i'm not gonna lie nobody's gotten me a gift this big uh well well this is really the the biggest gift i've ever gotten i i did not see this coming hey before we take it out for a drive like subscribe to brie turn on notifications fly her merch subscribe to her instagram follow her on twitter
Channel: Brianna
Views: 4,970,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: CC4v6aJ48v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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