I Surprised Preston with his DREAM GAMING ROOM!

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this is my husband Preston's dream room well not yet but it will be when I'm done with it first things first we got to get Preston out of here how am I going to do that we have his assistant booking his entire day with meetings appointments everything and if that doesn't work don't worry we have a Tracker and a camera on them cuz I'm a normal wife we don't have much time so I have a crew helping me get things cleared out and dressed up Preston has surprised me with so many amazing gifts over the years so I thought why don't I do the same by making him the room of his dream before I could get started on any of this I had to find out what Preston's dream game room would look like so the other day I tricked him into telling me exactly what he wanted so I'm thinking I'm not like as into the game room as I used to be what's your favorite animes again Attack on Titan like Hunter Hunter uh Kos kind of like cyber Punk Vibes would be really cool the cable Management's terrible and then the desk doesn't go up or down I also can only have monitors feel very fluttered mhm so yeah I've got my work cut out for me this is the dream room plan so I don't love the way our current game room/ Jim is looking and who better to help me than Josh cuz you know I know everything about him yes you do all the weird things too oh here is our current room it's not super cute and let stand up desk take all that sound panel off I don't like it some Neon Lights is the plan last but not least we have an amazing rise that I cannot wait to show you guys we are making a custom neon sign for Preston this is hey Bri I can't find Eloise anywhere um oh sorry oh this is the thing okay yes yeah yeah yeah I need you to take care of something oh the secret secret surprise what's the what's the budget don't even tell me I'll just make it up I have your card let's do this woo with the plan underway Josh and I sought out some other friends for advice on what else we could fill this dream room with you doing like computer stuff like really computer stuff for the gamer room show that's so crazy I think like a snack machine would be fun o I like that idea okay we're getting this start off speakers okay person had to play music off his SP a couple times see what that changes the lights in a cool way he's going to love this okay thank you so much guys Bri has to me on a special mission to find anime related things for Preston these are the things we set it on Piplup isuku and the best one of them all me me I have really bad news what's up Preston just texted me that he needs to go to the condo I don't know he got like a package or something how do I get him to not go just tell him that you'll take care of it okay I've got it don't worry cuz we can't sound sus you know what I mean I only have a little time left I'm here at the sign place I'm getting Preston the ultimate neon sign for his ultimate new setup hi I'm here to pick up a Ultimate Gamer sign Ultimate Gamer yes it should be like a fire logo big flame do do we see that oh my goodness just in case I break it on the way is there backup we got you wait you really have a backup no okay Preston I think you're going to love it Demitri how's it going um I I know with the sound panels this happened yep and yeah to fix the wall in time I had to stay behind and help the team work on the room meaning I needed to call in some help oh okay all right so we are too busy right now to buy Des ourselves look at this this is true this desk is wobbly it's so wobbly so we have sent Chase to actually get us new desks Josh and I can get this out of here yeah watch out watch out watch out all right we still have another desk and a lot of trash I'm tired of moving we don't have much time we're in Ikea I got to find a desk that fits Preston's Vibe so that's going to be tough because it can be all over the place wait guys guys guys guys Works spaces this is exactly what I'm looking for no not this desk not this desk I don't like it my Preston likes to stand up when he's gaming so okay we got to find a desk that goes up down up down up down oh my gosh it's getting heavier the longer you hold you okay yeah it's fine ouch Josh hurt himself I'm over this we have a time crunch because Preston's coming pretty soon but it'll all be worth it it will be worth it so there this one might work I'll take it at the condo this is our workout machine like we talked about they're having to work around it completely to make sure things fit around it cuz we can't move this guy you have some of my favorite anime characters here I have a crush on him don't I thought it was uh Levi no Preston has a crush on Levi speaking of we are replacing all of Preston's recording lights and everything in here with amaran thank you so much for sending us stuff you're beautiful and amazing and I love you well still waiting on Chase I started to get worried about time so I asked him to pay Preston a visit before heading to the condo all right guys you heard Bri whatever it takes Preston's at the office all we got to do is keep him there all day let's go hello it's free okay Chase I can recognize that voice anywhere what are you doing stop just getting grabbing stuff on why are you taking my phone on my key yeah you don't need to Preston uh just waiting here for like uh three four maybe 8 hours okay what is blood doing okay wait lock it um okay why you notes oh oh gosh oh God okay be C be C I'm just going to go out through my side door side door wait my car's out there okay come on go the only bad thing is this side door takes takes a long time for the blinds to go up all I got to do is I can't open the door until the blinds go up got it okay all right we're going oh gosh come on no stop stop stop it's all right Preston I'm uh bro I will hit your car hey just give me a second all right I'm just going dude hey talk talk to me what what what do you got going for the rest of today you don't need to leave your office or anything right I would like to get lunch listen I'll go out I'll get you something new I'll buy you a new fridge there's going to be food in there what are you stalling for what's I'm not you are a when have I ever stalled you in the past this is I'm going to get you lunch okay you just hold on real quick it'll be worth it okay wait I can't get out nope um okay I got to crawl through the other side I'll get you food whenever he's whenever he's doing something naughty he sounds like Morty this is so obnoxious you know that right it's all right Preston uh I'll give you a burger okay cuz if I damage your card company property I have to pay for it asyer it's a win-win it's a lose lose that should hold them for now now I just got to get back to the condo and deliver the sign so we are here obviously at the condo Alex Jess and Dimitri are working very very hard right now I just realized I'm saying that while doing nothing that feels kind of bad so we have a really cool Christian is it like a m what would you call it different pictures and tangling so what I just learned something new Zing zinging zentangling zentangling he will love that oh I'm excited I didn't even know that was happening Scott Zack can you help me move this please what are you doing Chase moved this cabinet oh my God gosh I'm not talk okay don't scuff the Flor you know all right thank you Chase is being so sus what is he doing I don't know and he left my phone and keys out here I'm leaving for the day fire break this so we're here in the room it's looking pretty dang good right it is it looks really good I'm going to put together this mini fridge okay yeah so we tried to use our favorite animes here so like I have mine over here and then we have Preston's favorite anime Josh we also have the gym floor to finish okay all right so after we finish this let's just like we have to clean up I need to vacuum and make sure it looks nice for when he comes in oh um huh wait why is only your monitor on why is it beeping wait I think there's a battery backup did you trip the breaker he's going to be here soon I don't know I was trying to vacuum I'm scared of the dark y all trying to okay you yeah Josh so which one is it you should read right here I think it says bedroom bedroom I don't no we don't use it as a bedroom which one is it that good okay did I fix it I think so I heard the be stop Bri I'm going to go grab us some water okay okay all right VB okay Hey so uh Josh actually left yeah he's getting us water what he was supposed to help like he like left left he's getting us water he'll be back okay he won't do that to us our wall looks good we got two things to add to that W oh okay oh out Rags these are fancy okay so did Josh really leave cuz I'm going to need help and I hope Chase is close because we still haven't put anything on this wall I got it I got it oh my wait this is amazing wait hold on I feel like you're going to be like wow and drop it oh my Chase oh my gosh oh my gosh oh okay yeah you want to take this I'm pretty sure we need a specific Mount to hang this from the wall did you bring it um I need to I'll be right back that's fine I'll be right back you okay so many people have been injured today what is if you break something guys I brought my tools oh and you even have like where the thingies go going to save us a lot of time that we don't have yeah Preston yeah when is press getting here I don't know in like two 2 hours 2 minutes 1 hour 40 I I was given 2 hours 1 hour 40 minutes in like a day if reston's 40 minutes away how long will this take uh how long there hesitation do it now Alex how long will this take 20 minutes maybe with only 40 minutes until Preston arrives I might have gotten a little distracted do you want to hear about the last time I hung a poster in high school yeah I said we've got Spirit s p r i t e Sprite and it stayed up for 2 years maybe homeschooling is better no I did win my what why he's been let loose oh my gosh wait look look look 3 mes an hour it was so bad there's so much stuff that made it to the shredder we're just leaving the office oh they finished early Zach like how many can you lap like two hey don't this is a shortcut press yeah there's traffic the other way there's construction a this is a really freshly paved Road over here no but it goes this way when we go back home we never have taken this route to go through the big intersection and cross twoes maybe we should switch to ways next time maybe you should let me you guys are being sus we can switch back the other way if you want no we've already committed this way we're not going back show them Chloe see you got to cross two lanes of traffic this is dumb dude you could have gone we're drilling the holes in your wall these walls aren't expensive right we literally had to repair all of them because of this video like holes were all over the wall and then a professional had to come in and we like had to figure out what to do no I told you guys not to go there this way there's a train if you go the other way you don't have to deal with the train or crossing both of the lanes not our fault the train comes like every 10 minutes that's ridiculous I told you so I told you so I'm not happy with you so now we got to take this tile off okay there we go sick and now we got to get the mounts on it let's mount it quick so this one tidy tidy for the r yeah play ball this is a Vibe just like Preston unique and different there's so many people here I know I'm a little overwhelmed only child brie is feeling like woo Chase we're good we're just um watching some anime okay look at this this tire light really is on no it's not on dude that's just it's low pressure it's cold though it might have been something back on the train track that just happens things shrink when they get cold you know what I mean tires basketballs other things like my patience can you sit in the garage and make sure you know distract Preston what's my excuse you're pregnant okay I got it let's go always the excuse why would you wait in the garage because of that this is how I feel hey I know those people what do they got a ladder yo okay probably maintenance that's not maintenance those are literally people we work with every day pleas record your message when you record I think that was the Tesla why is there somebody standing next to my garage oh dude don't tell me this is dude n this is dumb oh man oh I hurt my stop the car Preston is that you Preston Jase what are you doing in my garage I think it hurt my knee don't claim liability insurance on this why are you in my garage you are in perfect I have something to tell you what I think Eloise is pregnant are you excited no it's Eloise though you have more kid and you're in on this too aren you no it's no those are just my friends no Preston you up let go of me dude no I'm going back upstairs no not yet no Preston you're they're ripping I don't care if my pants come off don't do this to me what the look what you did no no okay wait wait put those back are you happy with what you did think about YouTube think about YouTube great now there's a car coming no no it's it's all right hey PR okayy I'm serious listen you ripped my pants I got a girlfriend I don't care you're not excited dude are you the elev No No celebrate with me I'm not celebrating I'm not joking come on oh shoot that is what wa what pron no Preston wait wait pron no no PR no no please please no oh no back right okay how like the hallway you think okay nice God hold on hold on I have to close this there's always an obstacle isn't there hi all right this is too sus is this is this something to do with that room that's been under construction for fumigation or whatever it's a dream room for you what do I go where do I go okay here I'll lead you I'll lead you just come here do I open my eyes now not yet one I'm nervous two turn around three oh what this is crazy sick what what we have like your favorite anime characters over here dude this is insane right have you ever seen computer stacked on top of each other like this this is sick dude the setup is incredible amaran gave us all of these lights for free because they're amazing and they thank you so much for the lights yes so this is Handmade by Anna at the studio it's the armor of God she literally this is dop she handed all of this she's such a good artist too I know isn't that cool it looked it looks like you took the liberty of adjusting your setup during my dream setup I mean it would look bad if mine didn't oh yeah sure yeah yeah one side was drab and other one though what does this say it says cute I love all the favorite anime characters up here wait just look at the ceiling yeah it's soundproof that is so surprise did my light we're still showing the this is crazy look at the tonal wall we have the weights here hanging this is crazy and then the regular tonal thing we had right here this like an extreme home makeover but way better because I benefit from it oh this is sick that means this will be this will be the background of like all the videos that we film here at the home setup yes this is incredible freaking squirrel too isn't he cute Josh picked that out he's so fat you made a wrong wrong decision I'm going to live here I like it should have put a bed down in here cuz then I would never leave 1 to 10 10 and not even a question it's a 10 this is insane guys I'm freaking p this is so much better for getting work and videos done you guys have no idea now you have don't talk to me Bri I'm about the game now you have the option to film from home can I come in now yeah come in yes he helped hang this I spent way too much money on this you paid for it I wish I got everything y'all can politely leave and I will now be dialing in that's a good thing he loves it but he doesn't want me to stay in here I know but that's the best that's the best GI ever he okay he likes it so much I must leave wonderful remind we have one day to finish this entire room so first we got to clear stuff out
Channel: Brianna
Views: 1,711,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brianna, briannaplayz, brianna playz, briannaplays, briannagamez, briannagames, brianna gamez, briannashorts, brianna shorts, keeley, preston, prestonplayz, prestonreacts, tbnrfragz, funny, briannaplayz minecraft, brianna and preston, preston and brianna
Id: ua_Enun9fuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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