I was KICKED OUT of the LUXAIR Lounge by RUDE Staff!

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guys hello and welcome to another flight review and the airline says if I'm going to post this video they're going to sue and ban me so here is the story of how Luxair scams its passengers but why you sell it and why you scamming people what what what is your name I don't give you my name you no no no you deny me access to the lounge which I purchased for exactly she was so rude she would laugh at me she would get a kick out of it not letting me into the lounge [Music] today's trip started in Berlin and I wanted to give you a review of luxembourg's flag carrier airline 199 for me however today I would also expose a massive scam the Ln runs and how they apologized to me for their shortcomings and suddenly came back and threatened to Sue and ban me this is going to be a roller coaster of emotions today but first let's check in for a flight number one so before you check in have you ever heard of Luxair let me know in the comment section [Music] below all right all checked in bit of a confused check-in agent but it all worked out by the end of the day now let's head to the gate [Music] so it just went through security and I think I mentioned that on his channel before You' think the Germans super ficient but I think this airport actually STS Testament where Germans really are not organized it took what like 35 years to build this airport and it's been delayed 15 years and that was exactly today the same you go through security took forever not because it was busy there was nobody but they were so slow um checking everyone it took forever it's really annoying luxir is the flag carrier of a small country called Luxembourg with a decent Network around Europe it has over 21 planes in its Fleet and also offers daily flights to and from Berlin in the first leg I'm booked in business class and the second one in economy so I can give you a comprehensive review of both classes so now let's head to the gate and get board the dash Aid which is operating this fight [Music] today so guys and here we are welcome on board the dash8 uh of Lux air we are just taxiing to the runway and this is also the backbone on their FL they are currently operating 11-8 and I think 9 737s and they fly as far as Dubai if you've been wondering um yeah was handed the menu crew seems all right there's two crew members one for the business CL section which is only three seats uh it's like not a dedicated seat but the seat next to you is blocked however I find it very cozy here um sitting here especially the Le room um you have your own little corner pretty good so yeah looking forward what I have to offer on this yeah 80-minute flight from Berlin to Luxembourg a lot of you guys ask me about the gear I use so I put together a comprehensive list on my website the link is in the description box below [Music] so we are good 20 minutes into the flight uh I have a breakfast right in front of me um there was no real choice you can either have this or nothing but uh looking at it considering the short flight time looks like a decent breakfast so let's dig in and let's see what it tastes like [Music] so that was the breakfast experience here on Lux air um Cru lovely food is very good solid overall um pretty decent for for what it is and it's also an interesting fact that Lex air back in the days was operating 747 SPS uh between Luxembourg and South Africa like a route where you feel like these days there would be absolutely no demand but it's interesting how it worked back in the days that you could fly from Luxembourg to South Africa and fil at 747 incredible yeah nowadays if I would if any Airline would start flights from Luxembourg to Johannesburg for example you probably have no passengers at all we then landed in Luxembourg after a decent flight but now things would take a dramatic turn and the airline was about to show what they really think of paying customers so stay tuned for a lot of incoming drama thank you do when I disembarked a plane the crew said I hope we get a good review but now first flight was actually pretty decent now I I was able when I booked my flight to purchase lounge access because I have like 7 hours now here before I continue to uh Paris do I fly economy class we get Lounge ACC and I think it's a dedicated LAX air Lounge as well so I'm going to go and check that out as well if you find it somewhere but like seriously what language do they speak in Luxembourg so just to show you how stupid that airport is it says Lounge this way now let's go there here and guess what there's no Lounge only passport control so do really wonder when people come up plan a million dooll airport why just can't they put up signs that actually make sense so it points me to the passport control but no else but it says Lounge this way this is really annoying so if somebody watch this from uh laxenburg airport this sign makes no sense however that doesn't get me any closer to the lounge maybe I can try to go down here let's see so obviously we're down here no Lounge either let's go up again I me I don't mind but why why can't it be simple why does it always need to be complicated and then you stand here in front of an airport plan and obviously El doesn't tell you where the lounge is excuse me where's the lounge um you have to go back upstairs upstairs do it was right after the security check when you're upstairs you just go straight ahead oh because I'm transiting that's why I'm like beautiful thank you very much all right she said go upstairs go [Music] upstairs not sure whether there is a lounge here but we find out there we go I finally found it when I purchased this online it set this for the entire Transit I just landed from uh from uh Berlin and I have 8 hours I mean I'm happy to sit here and not consume anything but I paid for lounge access which was based sold on the basis for the for the transit uh yeah that's why we are here to inform the passenger but why you sell it then why you scamming people then why you can come but this evening that's no problem so why are you selling it on why do you sell it online then I'm just asking you so you bought the lounge okay yes online on the B Bas on but online online access for the entire Transit when you purchase it online no not for the arrival Lou is for the transit then I have to check with our uh communication Department maybe they have to De this on the website but like if I'm sold a service you know this is a scam right I'm sold on a Basit that I can stay here for the entire Transit I'm just saying that that is that is what I was purchased for how would you react if buy something and you don't get it maybe online but here that's why we are here that's why I'm explaining you we are but you can't sell something online and say it's for the entire Transit and then you come here and you say hey I'm a joke it's a joke supervisor and have what is your name I don't give you my name I can't give my number I I want your name no of course what's your I give you my number no what's your name no why should I give you my name why not because you like I have to communicated because I have to talk to my number I'm just checking okay well you can like can I have your name well good I just but uh because we have to check your name so why can't you give me your name I have to commun I have to so you are the supervisor of the lounge yeah for you're the supervisor you make the decisions so it's not my decision I'm asking you you no no no no no no you made a decision right here procedure no no no you deny me access to the lounge which I purchas for exactly that's what I wanted so you're the supervisor of luxa correct you make the decision just wanted to know okay probably the rudest and worst customer service I have ever experienced in 7 years of doing Airline reviews she was so rude she would laugh at me she would get a kick out of it not letting me into the lounge and then I said well I purchased it and she said no they're wrong on the websites I'm the supervisor so I overturn their decision she asked me to leave and wouldn't give me her name and she was hiding her batch as well and uh yeah incredibly rude a person apart from the scam right she has just been really really awful but the worst thing was that she was like constantly like smiling at me she had that grin on her face you could see she had such a pleasure in doing this but congratulations so no Lounge but just chilling here in front of the airport the weather is lovely um I also shared that whole incident on Instagram just so I might get a statement from Lux a Something official because everybody I asked of the staff nobody knew exactly and uh luckily I have such great followers on social media as well that um a lot of you actually searched up the um terms and condition of the lounge and guess what it doesn't mention a time limit at all and this is why I do these videos because I hope someone at Luxair will watch it and they will say hey why do we employ such a root um supervisor and why do we sell lounge access and why do we have those terms of conditions if we don't stick to them you know so I hope it's going to improve no it's not going to improve I tell you what they do they will just change their terms of condition and it put in there okay now we will introduce a time limit so there's not going to be any issues yeah against the customer they're not team customer now they're cheap they're trying to save money wherever they can but in these days of social media it's just going to hurt them you know why being stingy and why being rude for nothing instead of wasting all my time in front of the airport one of my patrons came to the rescue and we went for a coffee and a little drive before returning for part two of this review to the Luxembourg airport so guys I'm back at the airport uh as you saw one of my Patron picked me up who lives near by and we had a quick coffee and a good chat and in the meanwhile I got a response from Lux air as well who acknowledged that their terms of use don't indicate that there is a time limit and they said a more than welcome to go back to the lounge and use it um however I replied and I said due to that hostile behavior of their staff or supervisor um I wouldn't feel comfortable there and I won't won't be around such an aggressive person so I asked them to refund me and said I haven't heard back yet I don't know what are they going to do refund me but first of all I'm like super glad that we were able to expose another scam and uh that Ela lack air I mean they have those rules in place however the supervisor singlehandedly overturned their policies as you saw in the statement that she made on camera and causing such problems and such issues uh for the airline and their branding and I mean a lot of people were going to see this was it worth it absolutely not you know and just because she was on an ego trip and she wanted to prove her Point not in the interest of the airline we ended up in that situation um however I want to say that the flight was actually really nice right uh crew was lovely and now I have another flight um to Paris so we're going to see how this is going to go but I wanted to give you a quick update and I'm really glad that also with your guys help you guys sent me all their PDFs and terms of condition and Lounge use and all that stuff um that we were able to expose them and and the that they've been up to little update from my side I'm going to head to the gate now and uh continue Paris however the peaceful message of understanding and acknowledgement of their shortcomings wouldn't last very long and I got another not so peaceful email after my flight so please stay until the end of the video and see how the airline decided to respond and trust me you're going to be just as shocked as I was [Music] [Applause] [Music] so guys right now we on the second flight and uh this time in economy class and you get a little goodie bag with some crackers in a bottle of water considering that this is a 45 minute flight that's actually not too bad however the flight is already an hour delayed and what I've noticed is when I was in luxenburg at the airport literally every flight delayed and the transit experience it's not recommendable as well because the airport is running Absolut Beyond capacity there's no seating it's really packed it's just not fun so overall you know with the lounge experience etc etc if you don't live in Luxembourg and you don't want to fly anywhere from there do not use them if you have to Transit it's the worst decision that you can make um but yeah going to enjoy my little snack and then but then I talk to you guys when I'm at the hotel [Music] [Music] so a couple of days after I landed in Paris I got an email from the airline with a warning letter saying if I post this video and it will cause damage to the brand they will go after me and they will also ban me from uh flying with them in the future retracting everything they set on social media to me that they apologize for the incident and the miscommunication so 180° turn and uh that is pretty much what they say but like I'm really glad we were able to point this out and when I did my research online on Twitter or whether it's on trip advisor so many people have been complaining um about the same issue of the lounge a lot of them fell for the scam as well so you know once again I take huge pride in what I do exposing these kind of things there aren't a lot of independent flight reviewers Auditors out there 99% of them they work together with the airlines they accept free flights uh to create a PR piece for the airline which is beneficial for the airline and for the Creator as such but this is not my motivation that doesn't interest me at all I want to leave an impact with my videos so for me it's very important that we fight these and uh sorry that some Airlines react in such manners un like fortunately it's a very small very very small minority and most of the airlines they take the feedback constructively they try to reach out and most importantly I did respond to them uh twice and uh asking whether I will get a refund for the service that I purchased but wasn't provided um they have ignored me they kept my money which is also unlawful um just by the way and yeah no communication from the airline so here I am posting this video and showing you what it's like and how the airline operates in my eyes and I'm sure a lot of you agree this is fraud this is a scam and even withholding my money for service I purchased is unheard of and I'm glad that I'm able now to inform you guys as well um so that you be cautious I do not recommend Luxair and uh uh that's my verdict on uh flying with them in the experience uh I had and uh in the end of day it's up to you but this is what my experience was like I know a lot of you have been to the same experience but I do feel very sorry for everybody who falls for the same scam and doesn't have the platform or the voice um to really like make a difference and get the airine to react um so this is for all of you guys and uh yeah this is it for now glad we were able to expose another airline um I also going to uh end the video here good news though my next slide is slight number 200 and I have a very special surprise for you guys so make sure you subscribe right now um an airline that has has been requested many many times and it turned out to be a pretty awesome flight so make sure that you all watch my anniversary video next week this is it from my side let me know in the comment section below what you think of today's incident and once again thank you so much for watching and wherever you're off to have a safe trip [Music] [Music]
Channel: Josh Cahill
Views: 302,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Josh Cahill, Aviation, Flight Review, gotravelyourway
Id: iUtARCSNbgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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