Why We Had To Stop Travelling (Honest Q&A)

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so today I'm having an operation which is not our usual content I'm in a bit of an unlucky club that I've uh had a number of operations in my life I had quite a few when I was a child and uh so I'm kind of used to it if you're wondering why I'm here in the hospital I'm having a hernia operation and reaching the age of 35 and having to have an operation but I feel like it's definitely making me reflect on just health and having a kid and just in life like a bit of a wakeup call so I'm hoping I can use this moment here as a catalyst into a healthy life going forward to have a nice long life with my family yeah Life's too short and too precious not to take care of it and when you're young you feel invincible and this is like one of the first times where I don't really feel Invincible anymore and it's a good reminder that we're only here for a short time time that was filmed a couple of weeks ago now but unfortunately it's a long 6 week recovery period so we can't really travel at the moment no and that's also why we haven't been uploading for the last couple of weeks is we've just been letting Al recover and enjoying the Christmas holidays so in the meantime we thought let's do a Q&A and you guys have sent us a bunch of awesome questions before we get started I just want to say thank you to everyone who wrote in with questions both on Instagram and Facebook we've read through all of them and they were great and it was really hard to whittle it down so we're going to get through as many as we possibly can here let's get stuck in with the first one if we bought our us camper van again what would we do differently not burn it down to the ground I mean they probably referring to our new Cameran but yeah that was a disaster and not spend thousands and thousands on it in the Mechanics for it to then burn down to the ground I think we're like the definition of buy cheap Buy twice by like four times we did do it again and and that's what I would recommend buying it through a reput dealer yeah apparently apparently that's the best way to do it who would have thought next up when are you doing only fans when we are not relevant anymore maybe when we're a bit saggier and re yeah that could be our Niche like I don't think we'd fit in with the attractive bods but there is something for everyone as I've learned as you've learned what does that even mean that you're with me God nice save so the next question is what is your main source of income that's part one and then we've also got how do you travel without a good source of income well so YouTube and everything under the umbrella of YouTube that's where all of our money comes yeah like for example uh for YouTube mainly it's sponsorships and ads so whenever you see those ads that you can skip through that all contributes we're very very fortunate that this has allowed us to create a life where we can travel but we've also done sort of everything on the Spectrum before YouTube took off we used to survive off about $500 between the two of us uh we lived in Southeast Asia so the best way to travel without a good source of income is I mean this is an obvious answer but it's find one find one online we used to teach English online um when we lived in Bangkok and that's a job that we could do anywhere around the world as long as we a good Wi-Fi that was a great job it would only pay $10 an hour but when you live out in these places that $10 goes very very far and also it was like super like you could make your own schedule online so that fitted our schedule really well because we always wanted to be filming so it was really nice just to be able to hop on make a bit of money and then go off and film for the rest of the day when are you coming back to the States and will you be continuing your National Park tour well the good news is that we will be going back to the US in March yes but the the bad news is that we can't do the National Park tour for anyone watching doesn't know we aim to go to Every National Park in the US with our camper van but since we started that challenge they changed the rules that YouTubers can't film there now yeah so we can go to the parks which we still want to do but we won't be able to film it and share it with you guys so we'll probably just say that we did it I just I'd still like to go to the national parks no if it didn't if it's not on camera then what's the it didn't happen Okay next question is do we have any plans to drive our us RV up to western Canada well really want to visit Canada and I really want to visit this year we've never been on the channel no and that's a crime I think the matter time we spend in North America yeah and we' miss that big old country yeah and um we would like to take it down to Mexico as well at some point um but I think Canada would definitely come first oh really important question at the chippy battered or plain sausage I like my sausages how I like my women plain oh burn well no I I actually prefer a batter sausage but I couldn't say that that's how I like my women could I right moving smoothly along like is that offensive it shouldn't be cuz it's about sausages okay what is your favorite food destination in the world now this is a tricky one cuz I feel like just out of the top of my head I'm thinking of like three or four different ones Thailand Italy Mexico yes Japan those are exactly the ones that were in my head oh you and me we're like you know 12 years of spending time together as you just morph into the same person I might as well just date myself oh my God and I do when M's not around no no stop it stop it now that was a funny one though that was good it should go in would you consider living in the US permanently yes and no um yes I would more than happily live in the US but no it's just too far at this point in our lives I don't want to live away from family would be what 7 hours minimum away just on a flight yeah just at this stage in our life it's just not the place for us but I would absolutely love to live there I think that kind of leads on to the next question as well which is are you still thinking about living in Portugal or Scotland now this is part part of the reason we've actually pulled back a little bit on the whole Portugal thing is wanting essentially to be closer to family um with Noah at this young age we are very much just sort of content with not committing to anything right now in our lives and just enjoying this period of having a baby for the first time instead of adding more to our plate yeah and we were also considering buying property up in Scotland as we really liked the idea of just being able to jump the van and drive and be there within a few hours um that was something that was quite appealing and Scotland has just been such a special place for us for the last few years it would probably be my number one choice at the moment because we can easily buy stuff as British citizens um but then we went and pissed off a whole nation and I don't feel very welcome there right now you're exaggerating just a t just a few people that didn't quite understand us more than a few maybe I should ask you some question questions cuz it kind of feels like I'm being interviewed at traveling and vlogging with the baby now do we feel fulfilled or exhausted yes does it have does it have to be one of those it's fulfilled and exhausted yes yes I'd like to say a huge thank you to seed for being the sponsors of today's video for the past couple of months I have been using ds01 daily simbiotic from seed DS1 is a broad spectrum Prebiotic and probiotic for ulated with over 24 clinically and scientifically studied strains for Whole Body Benefits including gut skin and heart health the holidays are notorious for being a tricky time to stick to healthy habits it's definitely something that alexai struggle with a lot and the thing that we notice being affected most is our digestion specifically the holiday bloat our gut microbes play a huge role in this as they help to break down food produce key vitamins strengthen the gut barrier and coordinate how waste passes through our systems disruptions to your diet and routine can manifest in changes to your microbiomes causing bloating as well as many other digestive issues and by supporting our digestive health we're actually supporting whole body Health at the same time as the gut has a huge impact on other things such as nutrient absorption healthy skin and even cardiovascular health I love that ds01 is so easy to slot into our daily lifestyle whether we're on the road or at home because it's just these tiny little capsules here that we need to take which I usually do first thing in the morning on an empty stomach if you're interested in giving DS1 a try we have a special offer for you guys of 25% off so make sure to follow our link down in the description to get that discount well this is a good one who are your favorite travel vloggers we actually just watch us on it's the only reason we get the numbers we do I got like 20 different computers constantly playing and they can just hear me going like beans out beans out like oh shut up driving us crazy actually the truth is we don't really watch travel bloggers no it's because we do it and so it's not something that we're like seeking out to watch cuz most of our day is thinking about doing that I actually have a better question for you rank the travel vloggers that we know from best to worst oh is this even a question or are you making up best to worst I rather there has to be a worst in there I'm not ranking anybody that is just I wouldn't expect you to let us know down in the comments what travel vloggers do you think we would get on with because we don't watch them we don't know who's out there no this could be friends just wandering around free friend missing an Alex in their life is Alex going to do any more solo trips that's me um I looked at you for an answer now I feel like I'm being interviewed so we're going to have to swap again okay uh I would love to do more the trip I did on my own um it was lifechanging for you you loved it was one of the best experiences outside the things I have to say like the birth of my son oh okay Emma those boring ones this now this was the one really was a very eye- openening experience um I didn't have phone signal for 5 days 5 days without technology potentially grizzly bear just amazing yeah sleeping in Grizzly land and it was just everything was just so hard it's amazing what you can put yourself through and then in turn how liberating and Powerful that is and uh I learned a lot of lessons on that trip that will I'll take to my grave I won't Implement them or do anything but but I learned some lessons oh this is a good question this is a very popular question are you going to upgrade your UK T4 camper van if so what are you thinking so if you have seen some of our previous videos that we filmed in the UK most recently you will know that the van we have come to the conclusion is a tad small for us I know shocking who would have thought so we have been discussing upgrading it but we're not rushing into anything the thing is we have two camper bands as well we have one in the US it's like well use that for a bit we do want a bigger one but does that mean you go and buy one that's already made really really expensive do you go and build one no um the good thing is that the sort of camper van bubble has burst a bit since Co time so I think camper Van's a bit cheaper so probably should just start looking and seeing what's out there and what we can afford and if the right thing comes up then I'd have no hesitation buying another one how do you handle language barriers when visiting other non-english speaking countries the joy of speaking English is that you get to point and be loud and someone will just figure it out we usually figure out how to say like hello please and thank you and then just smile a lot everyone figures it out and then there's Google case yeah Google translate best app ever yeah yeah I definitely wouldn't let that put you off going to a non-english speaking place oh definitely not another travel question do you carry much foreign cash when traveling or do use cards we never cash it's qu us out a few times actually there's certain places that you wouldn't expect that really require cash Austria Austria especially in the ski resorts in like the little chalets and like Mountain huts and stuff none of them take cards so 99% of the time you don't need it no um obviously the sensible answer would be to always carry some cash INE we're not sensible but we never ever do no what's your best budget SA saving tips 12 years of travel you must have a few tips up your Steve give them them um they want them give them one [Music] any I'm really bad at sticking to a budget cheers so I used to be a travel agent many moons ago and i' learned a few tips which is kind of things that we've used to be able to travel for long time one is to use Skys scanner to look for your flights maybe change even where you'd be willing to fly from so for example we flew to Thailand for 100 I think it was 27 but we had to go to Amsterdam for it and you can get A10 bus to Amsterdam so we did that versus it would being about three times the price in the UK at the time that we wanted to go to book on your phone for some some reason on your phone is way cheaper say you're going to use booking.com something like that it's way cheaper on the phone and um also when you're in another country and it asks if you want to pay in your currency or in the local currency always choose the local currency as the conversion is considerably better would you ever let Alex have a mustache I ever let you like I'm in charge of your face cuz I really would like some permission um I you could do what you want mate it's your face yeah but would you be attracted to me well that should have been the question the answer is I don't know so yes because I've never seen you with a mustache and only a mustache I mean a mustache is quite a lowrisk thing isn't it because it's just like do you like it no get it that's true gone then you might not like me with nothing as well yeah I that's true I I don't like you clean Javen you look like a baby how many countries have you been to in total and where is next on the wish list I actually have no idea I stopped counting I think in my 20s yeah I think once my ego was big enough I was like yep I don't need to count anymore unfortunately with YouTube as well it's like you have to choose your destinations wisely and the content that you make and maybe some of the destinations that we would want to visit don't necessarily marry to our content some really high places on The Bucket List are the gpus islands like Easter Island the Madagascar wow you're going big with these ones yeah the the are the place I'd love to visit I hope we can find a way that we can marry all together cuz it does seem really silly I understand it sounds stupid so we can't go there when we have a Travel Channel and everything and also like a lot of these places that we're listing off on our wish list are not like the cheapest places to get to or the easiest places to get to or easiest to travel with a baby yeah so we do have to kind of choose them wisely like we can't just do these like massive trips every month MH um but we're hoping to be able to tick a few off this year where would you like to be and what would you like to do differently in 2024 well I mean we've talked about this a lot haven't we over the last couple of weeks especially like since you've been unable to do anything we've just had a lot of these kind of chats and I think it's this time of year it's a very reflective time of year we want to really fall back in love with travel again mhm and that's not to say that we don't love it now but I think we have been putting on hold so many of these places like we've listed off these bucketless places putting them on hold for like a later date for some reason rather than just going and enjoying them and doing all that now mhm I think the main thing for me is to find a balance which I think everyone's looking for a balance in their life nobody has balance and to try and find the balance between because this job is very all consuming and it is wonderful and it's it's everything that you would want it to be I think one of the biggest things that's happened over the last number of years especially since it's gone fulltime is that and especially for me is kind of don't have any other Hobbies outside of this well not just you we're we're both hobbyist beings yeah as much as we love this we need something else just for our sanity I'm embarrassed to admit it but sometimes I think of something that I'd like to do and then so so we're in another country and I see something I'd like to do that and then instantly I can notice my brain goes well that wouldn't be very interesting thing for video I'm like yeah that wouldn't be so just don't do it that's ridiculous it's so silly that's just where we are and that's what I'd like to change this is a good question something I haven't thought about at all is where do you see yourself in 10 years 10 do you still see yourself doing YouTube in 10 years I don't not see myself doing YouTube if that makes sense um I don't I don't see what that is going to be like like what that looks like in terms of are we still doing it exactly in the same way or has it evolved somehow or changed but I I enjoy it enough to to say yes I could imagine doing it in 10 years time what about you don't know 10 years is such a long time we haven't been doing YouTube for 10 years we've done it for nearly nine a long another double of that that means we would have done it for 20 years really long time 20 year career is a long career in an industry I will keep doing it as long as you don't hate it I don't hate it and it doesn't come at a sacrifice of everything else yeah um if we can find the balance I'll do it forever like I love it that much it's just I love it so much that I take it a bit far basically just a sad there's also some other things I'd like to achieve in my life and with like consistent content you don't really get much time to do those other things it's hard because you don't know who you're going to be in 10 years you know I'm such a different person to who I was 10 years ago and I don't know who I'm going to be in 10 years I miss that so much that was the girl I fell in love with Wow Wow got left with This brilliant the mother of your child come here do we have any wedding plans yeah um we've been engaged for you say yeah yeah we've been engaged for eight years I mean the plan is to get married if that's what you mean yes we have that as a plan but that's as far as the plans go I think that's something that will happen in the next what 8 years 16e engagement and then next up is why haven't you uploaded any videos recently it's been two weeks since you last posted give us a break give us a break I've just had an operation mate yeah as we said in this video as had an operation it's made it very difficult to be getting out about filming so we haven't where do you live when you're not traveling we live quite an exotic Place yeah we live in my hometown of Western supermare it's a Seaside town in the UK and it's where my family live and we got a lot of family and friends close by um so we moved here I think one month before Noah was born yeah do not recommend moving into a new place a month before pushing a baby out no it's not so fun do you ever wish that you had taken a different path in life one that was less public perhaps I was about to say no but that final sentence one that's less public I mean there definitely are times yeah where I I would like that yeah for sure um usually when like a whole country hates you um which has happened a few times in our career um for different reasons and uh yeah those times I I don't really like it okay this is another good one has your passion between traveling and being nomadic changed over time yes definitely um well I think cuz everything when you first start out is super exciting you know like relationships travel it's new it's exciting and after time it becomes less exciting old and bitter and smelly oh wow have to sh as much anymore brilliant I think what we're finding now is that having Noah is it's kind of reinvigorated us that we get to see it again through fresh eyes yeah and and see places differently cuz I think when you travel to somewhere in your 20s you're looking for a different experience to when you travel somewhere in your 30s or with a kid or whatever it's different points of your life you're going to extract different things from the same places maybe it's evolved is a good way of saying it because that's not NE it's not negative it's not positive it's just different and I like different oh this is another good good one um since traveling to amazing places is your job what does a holiday look like like this it looks in our pants usually yeah we got dressed for this we actually did I was in my PJs until now and it is 8:00 p.m. all it takes is for your body to kind of break down and then you have to have an operation and then it forces you to stop and now that's a holiday yeah because I can't work otherwise I would be working pretty much basically a holiday is sitting still mhm um whether that's at home or somewhere else if we're in one place for long enough we don't have the desire to film and then the final set of questions are about the baby in some form we thought we'd save the baby questions to last in case people get bored of baby stuff and they can just bug her off there is something we've tried really hard to do on the channel since having a baby is to not shove the baby down your throat so I know a lot of people want to see more of the baby but this is where we are and we're comfortable with it yeah have you thought about having more children yes yeah we've thought about it and I I guess that's probably a normal thing when you have a baby is that everyone asks you when are you having another baby um the answer is we are enjoying having a baby and we're not thinking about having another one any time soon so if we have another one great probably stops there if we don't have another another one great we got one yeah exactly we're very Happ the current situation we just want to enjoy it like how it is now um without thinking too much into the future basically like most certainly not next year next year is going to be travel and enjoying our our current baby yes our current baby how's having a baby changed your adventure SL lifestyle are there any hacks new mom here oh I think the I don't know if there's a hack but I think I think just to like not overthink it too much is probably a big thing because I in your head everyone tells you it's going to be so hard it's going to be so different and you kind of build it up to be this big thing and it almost makes it worse um the best hack I could say that we've learned is road trips as babies like to sleep in cars yes so we find it really useful to time our driving when he has his nap time so when we get to the location then we can feed him change him and then we can go off and do our activities yeah it's PR great like it's it's not as easy like of course but it is very much doable and not just doable and they're like yeah you can do it and suffer the whole time like you can still have a nice time too yeah exactly is Noah as chill as he seems on camera no I would say yes and no like the guy you see on camera is he's such a a legend like Noah is a legend he's so great most of the time yeah but he also is not afraid to tell you if he's not happy and basically he's quiet when we're like moving physically so if he's on your chest if we're pushing him into the Prem yeah he's that's why he seems so chill on camera because we're usually onve he's just a wild child he just wants to crawl around and climb on everything and like interact with you and speak with you and shout and make noises and he's yeah he's extremely spirited and amazing and so much fun what are your plans when Noah hits school age will you keep traveling and homeschool I mean this is um a topic that we keep going back and forth to and it's definitely one that over time we will be adding to our bucket of knowledge on the subject I'm not going to pretend that we have all the answers right now cuz we don't I think it's just one of life's hurdles and it's something that we will figure out um and you know it could be anything from we'll homeschool and we'll keep traveling we'll keep doing this to on the other side of the spectrum that we'll quit YouTube and we'll just stay here and then anywhere in between that um we'll figure it out as life unfolds for us yeah there were so many other great questions that you guys sent in so sorry if we didn't get around to doing them but we do appreciate you thank you so much thank you so much for watching if you like the video give a big fat thumbs up let us know down in the comments where would you like to see us travel in 2024 andp also what of the travel vloggers should we be friends with cuz we're lonely and nothing left to say but thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time and be out out
Channel: Travel Beans
Views: 147,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel bean, travel, youtube, youtube Travel Beans, travel beans, travel couple
Id: YapsUuL0lnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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