A Rainy Day in my Cabin ︱ Is it SUPPOSED to rain on Svalbard?

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[Music] welcome back to sard an island close to the North Pole it's me Cecilia while our summers are definitely full of days with the sunshiny bride all throughout the night we also have our fair share of gray Moody days we have seen on the weather forecast that there is a rainstorm rolling in and it's clearly noticeable in the morning air that the weather is about to shift it kind of feels like the Calm before the storm I'm making sure to hang out my sheets to air before the bad weather arrives because I will not miss an opportunity to freshen them up in the crisp Arctic air days like these are the perfect opportunity to get an open fire going and spend the day inside cozying up in the cabin but we're running low on firewood inside so I need to fill that up first now that it's July and all of the snow has melted the tundra has started blooming here and there you can see the smallest most vibrant flowers popping up through the thick moss-like top layer off the ground you hear me talking about the Tundra a lot so let me give you a quick explanation of it swabber is covered in Perma Frost which is permanently frozen ground in summer the top layer of the ground thaws and the most resilient of plant life blooms a general trait of the vegetation is that the plants are low in height and often grow by creeping most of the plants are important food sources for some of swart animals the swo reindeer spard Rock Barman and different Goose species enjoy a varied supply of the new shots and flowers in Spring grasp and Herb stems in summer and some such as reindeer and geese also eat moss some easily recognizable flowers are the vibrant sexy a and the Whimsical cotton grass my personal favorite because it takes over valleys making it look like something out of a fairy tale [Music] [Music] [Music] hey good green hey come on F go come why is life so hard sometimes [Music] I can really appreciate a Moody and rainy day especially here on sard during the Midnight Sun Season my heart usually lies in the Cozy days and during summer we don't have a lot of those so when when a moody day comes along I treasure it bringing in some firewood preparing a cozy fire and slowing down with the weather living on spard means having four months of constant daylight which is amazing but often makes me miss the dark and cozy days I long for the comfort of a dimly lit room on a cool fall evening with the soft glow of candles and the feeling of closeness that shorter days bring so a somewhat dark Moody summer day is a special treat offering a break from the endless brightness these rare gloomy days remind me of the changing seasons and the beauty and contrasts making them even more special and appreciated [Music] [Music] [Music] okayy Okay [Music] g spee spe foreign spee fore spee long that oysters oh linkies so [Music] [Music] [Music] and for me was good you know how I've been saying that I want to take up some new hobbies especially creative ones today's sponsor is helping me do exactly that so a huge thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video my mom is an artist who is very gifted with a paintbrush and ever since I was young I have been loving to draw and paint so I've decided I'm going to take up that hobby again this is for skillshare becomes the perfect tool because skillshare is the largest online learning community for creatives with thousands of classes I'm currently taking the class learn how to draw a comprehensive intro to drawing foundations and Style by Mimi Chow I love how this class teaches beginner fundamental drawing skills using fun and beautiful exercises and it has also made me really understand the importance of knowing the basics in order to improve I've already added a bunch of more drawing classes to my playlist so when I'm done with this one with Mimi I'm just going to continue learning the first 500 people to use my link in the description will receive a one Monon free trial of skillshare so get started today thank you so much to skillshare and let's head back to the video a rainy day is the perfect day for a light cabin reset I generally do one of these resets once sometimes twice a week I really like having a tidy cabin as it helps me keep a tidy mind if that makes sense I find clutter to be stressful so most of our things have a home someplace in the cabin where it lives so on my resets I just basically put stuff back where it belongs when it comes to doing laundry we do about one load a week since we're not connected to the water line we have a cabin system with a water tank so we always have to be mindful of how much water we use showers are short and our dishwasher is our best friend I always thought a dishwasher used a lot of water but ours actually only uses 6 lit it's funny how quickly you can get used to something in our first year and a half in this cabin we lived without any running water we would go to the Village to shower at the gym and we would do washing at a friend's house let me know in the comments if you were around on my Channel at that time it was the beginning of so much for me the start of this cabin life and the start of my YouTube channel so much has happened since then then and I am so grateful for where we are today [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh the rain has arrived which I think is kind of cozy I'm just happy that I hung out my sheets before the bad weather because or that I took them in before it started raining that would have been bad otherwise today's cup look at this a little mushroomy oh such a beauty I was just in Sweden to see my parents and also my sister who just had a baby it was so nice we also timed the weather incredibly it was Sunshine we had a little bit of rain but for most of the week we had just sunshine and like 25° and it was absolutely lovely my mom and I we had written a list of things we wanted to do so we didn't miss out and at the top of that list was Road biking we like we both love Road biking and in Sweden it's so perfect for it and we Road biked almost every day anytime we went to see my sister which was like every day we biked there almost every time which is like 40 or 50 minute ride along the coast and just like cruise and I also my bike I love it uh there's no reason to have it up here I would have loved to have my road bike here but we have one road which is asphalt for like how many kilom 6 km I can't just go back and forth there I don't even think it's 6 km to be honest anyway it was so good I haven't been back to the place where I grew up in maybe I'm going to say like 7 years or something I grew up there so I spent so much time there that I kind of enjoy going to different places that's how I feel you know Sweden is beautiful in many places I just don't find it that exciting again because it's my home country I think that's kind of the thing about it the rain is coming and going you can hear it just go against the windows for with a like a bunch of gusts of wind and then it stops and it just like trickles We R like we very rarely get proper proper rain up here because it well it shouldn't rain here at all it should be an Arctic desert well actually that is not entirely correct so let me explain there are so many fascinating things about life here on this Arctic Island not only do we have glaciers permafrost polar bears and Northern Lights the climate is also an interesting topic as spard is actually considered an Arctic desert because of the cold temperatures and low humidity sard falls into the northern part of our planet known as Arctic desert our area receives minimal precipitation and the air is almost as dry as it would be in a hot desert but that doesn't mean it never rains or that it shouldn't rain here at all the simple definition of an Arctic desert is an area that receives less than 250 mm of precipitation each year looking at this graph we can see that spalart Lu toown which is fabart airport recorded 232 mm of precipitation in 2020 so while it doesn't rain a lot here we still have some rain days throughout the year looking at the last 12 months you can clearly see that most of our rain falls late in the summer in August and September but there is still the odd rainy day here and there throughout the year do you want to see the books I bought that's what I kind of sat down here also to show you every time I travel I buy books because we don't have a bookstore up here I went to the library actually to see uh if I should start like borrowing books from there but they don't have any other new releases they have like a lot of good swabbo books and they have like a very big library but I think they also take most of the books in Norwegian and whatever I I was looking for a bunch of different ones and didn't really find anything that I was actually you know wanting to read so and I also get a very kind of like I get a little bit of a personal connection with the books that I read and I like to reread them or I like to you know look at them anyway so this one has been on my list for a long long time the Covenant of water it's set in India and I absolutely love books set in India one of my favorite books that I read uh about India is from um is I'm going to say her name uh the secrets no it's I keep thinking about the the she made a new one with a similar name I think the second one is called the secrets between us and the first one is called the I'll have to write it down I keep forgetting anyway so I got that one and I'm very very excited about this then I got this one which is the sequel to Prior of of an orange tree I started that book and I put it down after like 50 pages cuz it was so complicated but now that I've read so much fantasy I'm so much more in my head about World building I kind of grasped it a lot better so and I know I really liked the first 50 pages it was just too complicated now I'm ready I am ready for these two so I got that one put it here then I realized I've not read these I fell in love with the historic materials uh after living here and I I read them what like 3 years ago and I'd never even heard about them so I love those anyway so I'm going to I realized that there's more to this but I got the first one I think there's two and a third one's coming out and I've heard really good things about these it seems to be like either you love it or hate it I've I think I'm going to love it so I'm excited about that and then also I'm adding on to the Brandon Sanderson books that I have I heard afterwards that this is young adult but I don't mind young adult as a good easy read I can think like I think it could be a really nice in between series you know in between all the complicated ones I'm currently finishing Throne of Glass 6 I think it is Tower of Dawn and it's it's a lot that one is quite heavy noty in information just it's a little bit slow so I kind of want to just get that one done that's how I feel but I'm going to power through it it's still very good but it's definitely not so far not my favorite in the series but I have just that one and another one I might read a book in between the last one that's kind of how I'm doing it cuz otherwise I just end up being stuck on one series for such a long time but so this is what we have now I think before starting this I'm going to read mistborn cuz I have the first three books in that series uh and I'm going to start reading again I have been usually when summer comes around I kind of take a little break because it's so bright in the evenings but now I feel ready to kind of focus on books again um and kind of get lost in the world which I'm excited about so these are the ones I got so that's nice I thought today we would just do this really cozy sit down you know on an open fire and everything that we do when the weather is like this we just cozy up inside okay I'm going to show you the rain because it's escalating [Music]
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 218,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skillshare, spitsbergen, remote, island, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, dark, everyday, life, lifestyle, cabin build, renovation, house tour, house build, house, cabin life, polar bears, apartment tour, tour, apartment, flat, night, polarnight, dark season, cats, banned, rabies, education, food, culture, polar night
Id: wZRp5m3-CEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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