What's Up Wednesday 12/7/22

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[Music] it's hard to see the messages there on my phone so I've got to do them down here on my computer so it might look like I'm looking away from you so I give it a minute here to catch up I suppose um you guys let me know if uh if you can hear me we'll see what the what the stream looks like and all that stuff all right it looks like okay I think we're in good shape for the shape we're in I better turn off my radio turn that down perfect audio is okay I just want you to know that um just want you to know that I don't want you to know anything I just want to know if it sounds good looks good it's not all like Mr Roboto over here I think I probably ought to move it so it doesn't look like I'm looking away from you but anyhow what's up it's a what's up Wednesday uh you guys are doing where you're at in the world people are from all over the place here comes the chat it's gonna get kind of stupid crazy here um see if I can find a different spot for you I can't probably should have thought of all this before you started you ding dong we're just gonna leave you guys up here and I'm gonna glance my eyes away from you from time to time to see the chat going on down here everybody says that it sounds good um so that's good I'll try to look you in the eyes I don't like it when I run a stream and looking away open up my uh sparkling water it is the black cherry variety from the Wegmans fantastic tastes like if you've ever had the Dr Pepper creamed soda if you've ever had that it kind of tastes very similar to that obviously you know no sugar anything in the Sparkling Waters but it tastes really good I really like this kind this is all gets it and I drink quite a bit of it pretty good stuff with Trooper bubbly and I'm having a hard time today I'll be honest with you uh many of you have noticed maybe you've noticed and haven't said anything but you notice that I got braces so I got braces probably six months ago or so five or six months ago I guess it would be and um thinks junker Clunkers um glad to hear you started the channel man that's cool I'll have to go check it out but anyway get back to what I was saying is some of you have noticed that I've got a grill now I've got some porcelain braces on my top and some regular metal braces on the bottom and I had to have a bunch of tooth work done because when I was a kid I didn't listen to my parents and if you're a kid and you're listening listen to your parents especially if they're paying your dental bill take advantage of it I didn't because I knew better than my mother and I knew better than my father so I didn't listen to them therefore they didn't waste their money on my dental needs I guess they did to a certain degree until I was just old enough to just not take care of myself which I didn't do and then I'm paying for it as an older person so I'm a 43 year old man with braces and uh so I'm fixing my grill my teeth are freaking jacked up didn't take care of them I've had a lot of extractions I've had a lot of cavities and my mouth frankly was hurting and that's my own fault so I've taken care of that now I say all that to say this and I had a dental appointment today and the problem with my mouth structure is that it's too narrow supposedly this is what the orthodontist tells me and I need to spread my jaw this way so I've got this spreader uh I don't know what I could call it this metal thing that's underneath my tongue and it attaches to my two molars in the back and then it expander I guess they called it expands the width of your lower jaw that I got to have one in my upper jaw well the orthodontist told me it's going to suck she's a um a foreign lady I don't know where she's where she's from or what her nationality is but she tells me that it's going to suck and she's right it kind of sucks and I guess I'm going to have it for a few years so get used to it it's in the way of my tongue so it becomes hard to speak and say certain syllables like S's and Z's and certain words and it's not the type that has to be adjusted with the keys it's I don't know they took a 3D image in my mouth and they come back with this fancy bent wiring the problem is that I have some what some of my canines that have moved in behind my other teeth and they need to push them out and they need like she tells me like seven or eight millimeters of room between other teeth which are essentially touching now I don't know how that's possible but that's where I'm at that's where I'm at with my teeth and it hurts and it sucks and it's it's hard to eat and it's making my tongue freaking raw so I should have just done it when I was a kid because a I wouldn't be ten thousand dollars in the hole for stupid braces and everything else that's going on in here the braces weren't 10 grand the braces were six thousand dollars plus you know four thousand dollars worth of other work not to want to cry at you but it's just uh it's just a fact of life I should have done it would be a lot easier to swallow my parents are paying for it so this guy wants to know how those power stop brake kits are working I tell you what the power stop brakes that I put on most of those men have been absolutely fantastic so much so that I've been thinking about getting some for the tundra so anyhow yeah no great absolutely great I'm not a big uh weenie as far as saying oh it's little dust and this and that I'm saying like you go down the road and they don't go when you hit the hit the brakes you know they're nice and smooth quiet so I can't complain about them but for the dental fun no I don't need a dental fund Stevo uh I do appreciate that I'm not sitting here crying in my soup about that it's just crying in my soup about I should have done it when I wasn't 43 years old that's when I should have done it so that's the problem but it's all uh it's all good now right um a couple steps repeatedly uh let's see you're from hang on here fella I'm from crazy a couple of stops repeat lead by you oh okay oh yeah I know yeah I remember your tizo so for the Golden Grill now I'm not getting a golden Grill I got they're clear you see the top ones are clear there's still brackets that go on and and uh anyhow but uh I guess I'll get used to it so you think she'll be so she says I'll get used to it I guess she can put waxing crap I've never done any of that stuff but I tell you the difference between working with the actual orthodontist and working with one of the the ladies that work for which are all nice ladies but this you know orthodontist lady you could tell the dexterity that she has doing her job You Can Tell She's a Craftsman she does a great job you know so much so that like when one of the other nerds I don't know if they're called nurses dental assistants when they do stuff on you you know they're kind of fiddly and you know sending the ligature bands they send them things flying and when this lady comes in she's like and it's all done and it's perfect and nothing hurts and bang you can just tell the experience even from watching a carpenter or watching a mechanic who's experiencing somebody that works with their hands and then right down to this dentist that you're like oh yeah this this girl's got some skills so she's a nice lady yeah shout out to my Ortho lady don't know her name I know her last name but I'm not going to give her a shout out like that a bunch of people calling her up so um yeah so now my son has braces of course he's a young guy and we're paying for it so hopefully I'm just hoping at the end of it all hopefully at the end of it all then it's that it's that I have a nice smile and um that's all I just wanted to have nice teeth I guess um something for the bourbon fun that's how you fix braces just getting drunk um this guy's hoping that we had a successful deer season we did um we all did quite well um our freezer is full so much so we had to buy a different freezer an extra freezer we had a really good gear I hope you guys well I can't even show you pictures because they're all appearing on my phone uh I got two nice bucks got a nice buck on my bow got a real nice buck on my gun same message though she got Buck last Sunday I guess what Sunday morning she's had a real nice buck and then my son my oldest son he got a real nice buck it's 10 point on the youth hunt so that and then we shoot a bunch of those so yeah anyways how long will this proceed your last your dance a couple years you're thinking because um I'm old and my teeth moved kind of slow I am pretty impressed though that how fast your teeth move you know my mine are freaking jacked up so they put your top braces on first I guess it was of course after I had to have a bunch of work done and I was quite impressed how fast they actually they move you know and it's pretty interesting you start going on YouTube and uh Botox next no but you know what's frigged up Bob is I was at the dentist and I just told Vanessa that's it says you know the dentist does Botox I'm like I don't so once I get all done I can get some pouty lips I guess I'm not real sure I don't know why the dentist does Botox but they do um but anyhow I was gonna tell you that I saw on the YouTube so I was kind of curious how much money you know Dennis makes or an orthodontist makes or can you DIY your own braces all right so yes is the answer to that question I don't think I'd recommend it because there is a certain amount of skill obviously that's involved in knowing what you're doing I mean yeah you can pull the engine out of your car too but should you probably not you know um but anyway on YouTube there are videos about braces and how they work and you can go on Amazon and buy brackets and buy the Vans and buy the different size wires and boom you can DIY your braces of course you can probably really Jack your teeth up too but I guess that's it so you want a DIY it probably wouldn't suggest it but if you do uh go on to YouTube there's a lot of videos about it and uh and I was telling you that because I was also curious about the profit or the markup on Race stuff um yeah what could go wrong right he had DIY braces oh you need some of these I mean this looks like the stuff she's using don't get me wrong my guy hey what's up Keith I want a Diagnostics um but at any rate you can buy the brackets to go on your teeth and the bands and everything for about 30 bucks on Amazon I kid you not go look yourself uh take your time go look it's about 30 bucks it costs six thousand dollars to have the dentist do it so I'm thinking like well she told me no I asked her about this and says hey look you know I said I see these things on the Amazon of course I'm saying it you know kind of loosely because I don't want her to you know get up in there and like start busting my teeth and you know being mean but you know just letting her know and she laughed she told me that they're cheap products that they're probably made in China and I'm thinking lady you're buying these things in bulk and I'm thinking you know maybe she uh you know she's probably paying 25 bucks a packet and I told her I said don't worry because listen I'm gonna DIY this lady I'm not gonna go on Amazon and just start sticking these things all over my teeth all right so I was just letting her know are just kind of curious so the way I look at it is she pocketed probably you know 5975 but she knows what she's doing and I'll pay for that and two I get to go see her once a month for like the next two years so really is she really making out that good I don't know I have no idea I don't care as long as she knows what she's doing and it works we'll see yep thirty dollars for braces five thousand nine hundred and seventy because she knows how to put them on you know it ain't no different than that old story they tell you about the guy with the hammer that goes over and hits the machine and gets it running it costs a thousand bucks well it's not all he did is hit it with a hammer but the thousand bucks says he knew where to hit it with the hammer right so Invisalign no you want to know I'll tell you what I'll tell you what started this whole Expedition a little bit here um let me just check this one here frustrated mechanic here you're dang that bill has taught me so much and helped me to avoid the parts kidney but the boss has the belief that if I save custom money I'm cutting into the shop profits well hot rod listen to your boss do what he says if you think he's a prick well your toolbox has wheels on it I suggest you load her up move on to greener pastures but I'll tell you what if you guys want to know being that we're getting deep and dark into our secrets here now that you guys are sharing me any deep dark secrets but uh so what what kind of kicked the ball rolling on this is a I know my teeth were crap like I know I had crappy teeth I knew that that's why I never smile and I don't show my teeth and probably a lot of you guys are in the same boat if you're being perfectly honest with yourself somebody takes a picture you you give them one at least same thing we always give them and uh you don't show your teeth because you got cavities or they're stained or they're crooked and you know maybe you're ashamed of it and you know I was and I have been for lots and lots of years and one point this was like a year or two ago a viewer was a dentist sent me a toothbrush and at that point I didn't I didn't think much of it I was like well you know I just yeah I know like I know that my teeth are crap like I know that and I don't know if he sent me the toothbrush it was an Oral B toothbrush I just don't have it and I still use it as an electric one and this guy sent me this toothbrush and it just kind of I'd already been kind of thinking about this because you always think about it and um you know he sent me this toothbrush in the mail and I I don't remember having a note or anything with it but it kind of you know hit me right in the fields it was at that point where I said you know what you just gotta get it done and even if you think the dentist sucks you know it's going to hurt and it's going to take a long time you got to get it done let me interrupt your story I always refer to people to your videos when I tell them I want your proper diagnosis and they look at me because they'd rather load the part skin and don't load the parts Cannon fella put it down point it in a safe Direction yeah appreciate you super chat buddy but at any rate he sends me this toothbrush and it like I say it just kind of hit me in the fields and it kind of solidified what I was already thinking kicked the proverbial ball down the hill and got it rolling why didn't I want to go well a it's expensive B it hurts um from Houston Texas uh let's see where we can change our ball joints into Walmart parking lot oh man I'm envious would be Rex uh we can change them into Walmart parking lot but you better have a torch within air compressor and stuff like that but uh anyhow yeah I mean the dentist and and in my mind they hurt you know you gotta go your teeth are frigged up you're embarrassed to go there you don't want anybody to see them and here's this guy he's this close to your face the whole time looking at every flaw on you you're You're vulnerable wait are my List's there ten thousand pound lifts um do you have a hard time setting the rack on cars I don't I use the Challenger they're the uh versametric I believe is what they call them so they're kind of symmetrical and kind of asymmetrical triple extending arms and I can fit anything on them I want um I really like them all going into great detail I would definitely check them out Made in the USA so challenge not a sponsor but at any rate uh you know so you just go you do it and when you start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel it's uh it's a pretty good feeling so I was I was pretty happy to get through it and you know I got a good relationship with my my dentist Dr Isaiah shout out to him a good dude hooked me up that's a nice job or do it with or without novocaine so anyhow that's probably enough about this Jim fix it says that's an amazing just DIY a dot dot more than once thanks Dr no problem Jim help me to save your butt um anyhow what the dream man ray show up in here I think somebody was talking about oh there's some rain man what's up raid Man Ray coming up in it he had a uh live stream the other day accidental live stream he tells me he had like a half a million people in there so Alan writes he says have uh there he is wants to know if if my hearing's been affected by my shop yeah it has because just like I take poor care of my teeth I also take poor care of my hearing and my lungs and my eyes so yeah it's kind of screwed up hey Ray I seen something I seen somebody type something on your channel talking about your screaming goat and I'm kind of curious so I've got the Easy Button that was easy okay and I also have a scream and go I didn't realize that you had to scream and go oh my gosh you just broke his ear poor little guy there's his little ear oh he's a one-eared screaming goat I didn't know you had a screaming goat too I was gonna text you the other day and ask you if you had a scream and go I'd seen somebody in your comment section as I was creeping on your videos as I usually do hey thanks for the ice cream fun my guy uh Abe is a screaming goat what's he say it started with him okay I didn't know that that's uh that's good to know I didn't know the history of the screaming goat but yeah it's a screaming goat and uh I got the book up here you know all about screaming goats it's a little Dusty we can wipe it off we can go through and read all about scream and goats if you wanted to so that's funny but at any rate that's all I had to uh oh that core has one too does he really we might have a little special project going on with him my guy Scott over there possibly that's all I'm gonna say some point you guys might know um but uh yeah that's it that's all I had to tell you guys about that was it we got deep we got personal figured if I was vulnerable at the dentist I've been vulnerable with you guys uh do Challengers lift pick up a diesel crew cab without the fear without fear of it falling off looking to get another lift in my shop I guess if I was working on diesel Crew Cabs or bigger three-quarter ton one-ton trucks I probably I mean obviously it's a ten thousand pound lift but I would be looking into something a little bit bigger perhaps like a 14 or 15 000 pound extra high lift 14 footer you know something like that I guess it's all dependent on your ceilings but these are all analy certified so I think to get that certification which is done right here in the prny right up here in uh I think up near Ithaca somewhere is where they do that certification I think to get that or to obtain that certification I think the lifts have to do uh one and a half time the rated capacity something like that I could be wrong I've got a 15 000 pound lift over there our drive on lift and that's you know if we have big truck sets where we put them so anyhow um my guy James I think I answered that question right yeah my guy James and and of course these these lifts here these versametrics ten thousand pounders you know I'm sure Challenger makes a bunch of other lifts so they might have something to suit your needs a little better than these lidocaine not no McCain I know but we all call it novocaine even when you go for a local anesthetic at the doctors they're like we're gonna give you a little shot on novocaine well that's because we know what novocaine is it's like the crescent wrench the channel locks well they're not crescent wrenches and channel locks but that's what we call them so settle down dude I'm just kidding uh my guy James he writes that he's been watching your channel I've gone from being afraid to working on cars it's actually quite good at Diagnostics rule number one don't load the parts can and do it right or don't bother that's right James fistboat boom get after it boy I mean that's what I say um let's see where are we at here is Josh the only guy or do I have other mechanics Josh is my guy he's my main man um and uh yeah no I had another guy well we had uh sma's most eligible bachelor Jay but he up and quit uh so he doesn't work here anymore um so yeah I used to have a couple guys but now we're just down just me and Josh the OG crew uh I try to take care of him and pay them well and keep him fat and happy so he doesn't leave so that's it I guess I don't have anything else to say to you uh let's see Keith says that he's got two channel locked brand crescent wrenches and Crescent brand channel locks wow you're gonna that's like gonna interrupt the space-time continual what about vice grips you know I mean vice grips is another thing that's very similar to novocaine just the generic titles that we give stuff right um what brand oil do I use in my personal truck well I use the same oil that everybody uses that watches project Farm depends on Ultra Platinum baby oh thanks Louis Mr Peak appreciate that there um yeah it's like a brush hog I've got a brush hog for my tractor it's not brush hog brand but I call it brush hog you know there's hundreds of examples that we could use uh what oil filter do I use on my Tundra I use the OEM Toyota filter I get those why well because they're super cheap they're cheaper than any aftermarket oil filter you can buy at least from my dealer I think I pay about three dollars and some change for an oem Toyota oil filter and it comes with a Crush Washer for the drain plug so um yeah too bad they didn't quit making Rotella now I run Rotella tea and all my equipment at home so Ford F-150 iwe systems suck uh hashtag truth I just made a remark about that the other day I had an early 90s the Toyota up in this joint Toyota early 90s Ford Ranger that had automatic hubs on it and I just kind of laughed as I reminisced the fact that here we are 30 years later and Ford still can't make a locking hub that works um Ted my to the question about your boy Josh just curious does he have a two-post lift to use or is he stuck on a rack or does our boy do a diags or do you take care of most of those a couple questions in there um I'll answer those here briefly I thought I'd seen something else I just didn't want to miss it best way to to get people to know you have a channel oh yeah oh man he's doing some Shameless promotion junkers for Clunkers you guys are gonna have to check them out no shamelessly promoting himself but at any rate uh so my boy Josh works on the alignment rack and he works on it all day long and um and he enjoys it I have two lifts over here which I've offered it you know like dude you're more than welcome to use this so you don't have to work on that rat because you're putting on like 75 miles walking around that thing every day but that's where he works that's what he likes and he has options he can work on any lift he wants but he he likes to do work over there and you know more power to you man not a big fan of it um but he does a lot of the service work he doesn't do any of the Diagnostics were very little but you know he'll do like some ABS stuff and uh some some evap stuff when it's in over there but he does a lot of service work steering suspension uh you know tires he stays busy missile keeps us you know pretty booked all day long every day so yeah he likes to he likes to work over there so anyhow whatever uh let's see yeah it's quieter over there yeah I don't know if he likes because quite I think he dislikes his own space the spicy Italian there's a guy who's been around for a while if you remember spicy Italian ah let's see uh do we advertise no Greg we do not advertise I haven't advertised ever opened in 2005 and have never advertised occasionally we'll do if they're doing like a fundraiser for like the little league or the School yearbook where you can put a little ad in there and the money supports the kids you know would excuse me we'll do that so I guess that's kind of advertisement but I don't go out you know radio or newspapers stuff like that so where did I meet Mrs oh oh it's Ron Burgundy You Stay classy San Diego I wonder if that's the real ride burgundy uh that's a that's a long that's a really long story run um that's a really long story I'll make it short in in school back in high school so it's a little more in-depth and involved than I can Say on YouTube without missing those permission but uh yeah in school we'll say what what oil filter tool do I use on Toyotas uh I think Mag I think it's probably Mac Tools let's see I got a couple of them here yeah here's an older one here's my Mac Tools four-cylinder Toyota wrench and then on the other six and eight cylinders I got well this is in a newer package because my guy Josh has broke a couple of these things I don't know how but he broke his and he kind of broke mine I don't know if he's over there using it I'll give dug a gun or what but yeah both of these are Mac which Mac doesn't make their own tools so I don't I don't know who makes them but anyhow these are the couple of Toyota ones that I use good question it happened to be right here oh well anyhow see where we at kind of flicking by here we already talked about here we got a bunch of deer um I just have to start over in the chat uh let's see I gotta look down here because it's too it's too Wiggly on my phone um let's see Benny yeah I've been yeah Benny's still going so he's down here at the home I don't know the proper name for we'd always just call it down in the old folks on my desk but yeah he's down there and I think he got in trouble on a scooter the people in the town get all pissed off because he just drives right down the middle of the road he's gonna get smoked one of these days and uh yeah so the uh I think the cops come to visit him and told me he can't ride his scooter down the road anymore or something like that I was talking to the one lady that works there he got in trouble for something oh well I think he got in trouble for riding a scooter down the road yeah yeah we got sidewalks but then he crosses the road and the problem is if it dies on them you know I can't walk so I don't know there's something there I didn't get too involved with it you know yep let's see where is it can I visit can you let's see oh there you go Harry thanks buddy glad to help you out oh it has to be registered in Us in Australia no kidding yeah I see you know like you'll see some old people cruising there's a couple of there's like three or four old people that rip them down the road around here you know so I don't know I don't know what the what the real story is but yeah I'd like to say it you know don't get me wrong I mean I I I'm just spreading a rumor that I heard but um but yeah because there's there's one two there's three other people that rip them downtown that I know of and I never seen anybody harass them so I don't I don't know uh and now I'm requesting a YouTube Special A Day in the Life of SMA from Josh's perspective oh man I don't know if he's gonna like me following around with a camera today um Lewis has a OBD OBD scanner app and constantly find that the long-term field trim on Bank two of some GM engine it's higher than Bank One 3.5 I bank one 7.5 on Bank two yeah I mean it would be normal to have have uh you know it's a it's a b configuration engine you've got two different sets of injectors two different oxygen sensors detecting it but yeah if I seen the long-term fuel trim bank to bank was a little bit different I wouldn't get I wouldn't get too excited about it um if you want to take for example back here we got a 2015 Chevrolet out there right now let me just see something here I'm sure I didn't miss anything here before I tell you a story uh what are my thoughts on oils with add to this set on the bottom oh dude I I'm not the guy for that you want to go to Bob Duo guy and just get all mine screwed in that form there and they'll tell you all about oils and additives and when you should change it and how you're an idiot and everything so I don't know Zippy's app about that additive packages and how they suspend in the oil and I would probably get it from the horse's mouth I would call the oil manufacturer and ask them their thoughts on that but I I have no idea if you don't know shake the bottle can't hurt right it gets All Shook Up When You're dump it inside the engine um and my guy map writes you have been a source of information and inspiration for several years I cannot thank you enough you have helped you have helpful helpful and countless mechanical and electrical problems positive vibes from Calgary Alberta Canada shout out to Calgary thanks Matt but to get back to the split bank I was going to give you guys an example of the 2014 or 2015 Chevrolet we got out of there it's a half ton it's got the big 5.3 it's the GDI and it's got a 172 175 code in it I think 172 175 that's rich both Banks right bring it in check it out it's a used car guys special it's got the shine all over it it's been cleaned and ready for sale by the money lights on check it out fuel trims are split bank to bank I'm uh I don't know I'll probably do a video on it I'm gonna give a spoiler now but I checked it out and I see I had a GDs plugged into and bank one or Bank two there's about seven or eight percent difference in discrepancy from bank to bank but they're both running rich and they're running rich because the fuel pump is bad high pressure fuel pumps PPN down in the crankcase it pulls out of the crank case and dumps it in behind the throttle body but for some reason it is richer on One Bank than it is on the other even though you would think where the PCB hooks in on that um you would think that it would distribute it evenly throughout the cylinders but it doesn't and I know there's no other faults other than the high pressure fuel pump because when you unplug the PCD from the intake and you plug it off and let it just you know sit out here in outer space the field trims go to almost zero where there's only one or two degrees two percent difference bank to bank but sitting there sucking fuel out of the crank case it does make it a little different if I was less than 10 I wouldn't even look back enough I wasn't setting fuel trim codes I wouldn't even care so there's going to be a certain amount of Correction all the way around on on bank to Banks so thanks Joe uh let's see uh yeah yeah Keith just reminded me of a story about a Ford that I had in that was blowing smoke and so rich you couldn't even start it hardly and that had low fuel pressure and the way it corrects the fuel trim on it is mind-boggling and it just pours the cold to it even though it essentially had a failing fuel pump it's not it's I should have done a video on that but it was just it was so ridiculous I just couldn't believe it until I fixed it and then it's fixed and everybody's cool so oh there's some hey if somebody texted me oh nope just about being cameras going off but uh David K he loled at my mihof restaurant reference when we were talking about Rush jacking and all mixing me off I got behind there yeah it's because it was Flex Fuel that's right Keith you have a better memory than I do because it was calculating Flex Fuel and it changes the alcohol encounter that's correct you are right Keith man I wish I had your memory you're a smart fella I fix a car and I like Purge erase um oh yeah and man Keith man how do you remember every story I tell you then he reminds him about the one uh engine swapped injectors on a 5-3 and how that freaks up the fuel trims but that was only only at the acceleration or only you know I can't remember what but it was really it was a really freaked up scenario where the difference in bank to bank and and like number five and number seven injectors were swapped around so just really bizarre stuff um but at any rate you're uh you're welcome for the me Hoth reference I'm trying to use it more often and I can't tell you a story about your Uncle Jack and if you had an uncle named Jack and he was stuck on the roof would you help your well I won't even finish that one um Erico when you test drive a vehicle somebody wants to hit you do you have insurance or you're not liable because the customer is insured love the channel no Benjamin it's just a People's Republic of New York I got more Insurance than what 20 people need I've got liability insurance garage keepers Insurance content Insurance building insurance for my customers cars insurance for my customers cars when they're inside I paid more in freaking insurance than most people make in a year so yeah I guess the short answer now that you got me raging on the inside is yes I've got insurance and a lot of it I think he didn't piss me off that's a good question Benjamin that that some people might be curious about so thank you for asking that but yes we pay a tremendous amount of money of insurance um yeah the Piston shot gives us greetings from British Columbia Canada shout out to the Brits in Columbia Canada and uh he watches the channel almost every day wow anyhow thanks for watching and our guy brncc01 can I bring my work van in for just some maintenance I know you said no viewers for customers though I don't have a problem currently with fear of sounding disrespectful I will respectfully say no I'm sorry but I don't do work for out of town YouTubers when they come in this is a difficult thing to explain and I've tried my best to explain it on multiple videos and in many occasions on live streams why I don't although I don't want to insult anybody's intelligence but I would just generalize when I say that typically it doesn't work logistically it doesn't work for lots of reasons and I'll give a couple examples take for example like you come in you drive hours and hours and hours and you bring your car and it has this intermittent problem of you know filling the blank intermittent problem and you get here and you've driven for many many hours and you get here with the car and as hard as we try we cannot duplicate the symptom now what do I do kind of painted in a corner you drove hours I feel guilty like oh this guy drove hours even though it's not my problem because it wasn't my decision for you to drive multiple hours I can't duplicate the problem you take the car you try to duplicate it doesn't duplicate it boom entire day is wasted I wasted my time you wasted your time doesn't work that's one example number two example would be you drive your car here you hear you drop it off you say hey I'm going to hang out at the no tell motel and uh you're down there you're hanging out I bring in the car see let's say for example you just brought it in for simple breaks you know it's brake problem poles I bring it in I check it out say Hey you need pad rotors that's right front caliper you got a bad wheel bearing whatever you say okay get her done I called on the parts store and due to covid-19 unprecedented circumstances supply chain issues blah blah blah fill in the bank with piss poor excuse we can't get into Parts because they're on National backorder and so on and so forth the cars here you've driven hours and hours and hours to get here and now I can't get the parts because we're in Podunk New York and everything's on backorder you're at a motel you stayed overnight the cars tore apart everything's broke what do you do um you know that's just that's just how it is and and I can't change that situation the the problem with it is is that you drove hours and hours and hours and you know here we are here we sit now I look like the a-hole because I can't fix the car hypothetical Situation Number Three this will be the third and final one you come in you're happy you drove hours you're here you're at the no-tell motel you fight off all the lot lizards you get your car fixed I did whatever I had to do to it you know say it's a Subaru I did a head gasket you're super excited like yeah I'm super excited he fixed my head gasket you're driving home three months later oh I'm using coolant or there's you know I smell oil there's something going on Wow with a you know part let's say the timing belt and water pump I put on it let's say the water pump's defective it's weeping out of the pee hole well now we have a warranty issue and uh yeah there's a lot lizards around here Smitty trust anybody trust me when I tell you we got two truck stops dude and they're littered with them but now it's leaking out of the weep hole what do you do it's you know and now it's a warranty issue you don't want to go into another shop and eat a you know a three and a half hour job to do a water pump on a Subaru plus you already paid me to do it plus you already paid for the part yeah I'm a Napa Auto Care Center and we have a you know Nationwide warranty but it's an inconvenience so that is why I generalize all of that into one little box and say I'm sorry I just don't work for YouTubers and I don't mean to take all my YouTubers and group them into a box because they all don't fit in the same box like all mechanics don't fit in the same box but you guys get what I'm saying at least Gary Buffington does because he says I got it and I am sure that he does if somebody is from out of town and they break down certainly I I help them out as best I can and if a YouTuber was driving by and happened to break down yeah I would help him out the best I could and yes not even an oil change and I know that might sound ridiculous but I'm hoping that I'm being wise beyond my ears and and just saying and just saying that so that's a long-winded way to say no respectfully and give my answer uh but yes you're right parts availability is a joke I wouldn't mind hanging out for a while but let's say for example if I ended up there for weeks the downtime away from running my business would be bad yes exactly and I'm glad that you see that and that you can accept that and that you don't think I'm an a-hole for saying that because some people get really pissed when I say it but what I tell them I said give Rain Man Ray a call drive down to Florida be warm let him take care of all your problems and go sit at the beach anyhow I'm just busting your balls right if you're listening but if you don't mind I do have your number and whenever people call I'll just give them your number and they can go down and hang out with you what do you think about that I don't know if he's still listening but uh but anyhow that's that I don't know what else to say this guy wants a Snap-On truck tour number three pretty bad well here's the thing with that here's what I'll tell you about the snap on truck tour number three we got a new guy our new Snap-on guy and he's a cool dude this rain man race little paneer did he did he accept my I better not I better not get him going you know why because I've got his number that I can give to people to call and he can work on their cars but likewise he has my number which I'm certainly hoping that he would never give out to to people right Ray buddy Leo pal uh at any rate that's that's that uh but the Snap-on guy long time viewer from the Pittsburgh shout out to the p burgs uh best repair shop thanks Tom um but new Snap-on guy he's a pretty cool dude and I think he would be inclined to having a camera up in his grill he's a handsome man that's what I tell him this the whole time I always ask hey did you get a look at that Snap-on guy no I'm I'm straighter than the pole that some or never mind but at anyhow I can recognize a handsome man when I see one I'm not afraid to admit it even as a man but our Snap-on guys are pretty handsome man he's pretty Burly looking Dude Looks Like a manly man and uh I think he was in the service looks like a marine and uh doesn't look like anybody you'd want to mess with got some tattoos pretty tough guy and but he's pretty friendly and has a chair of like demeanor so I think that he would enjoy having the Snap-on tool truck tour number three so you know that was pretty long-winded to say I can ask him junkers for Clunkers still out doing the Shameless promotion keep the awesome content coming I'm sorry to plug my channel on your live if it's if was wrong off me keep it was wrong off me keep um hope your channel is better than your Granbury junkers for Clunkers not that my grammar is any good but anyhow I think it's gonna yeah I just made yeah I don't know why they hid your comment there but yeah I just oops I didn't mean to hide your comment dude uh and the OT guy my bad I clicked wrong button okay but yeah I was gonna make a joke but I sometimes gotta stop myself from making naughty jokes um what yeah things things they get a little weird there for a second um uh well what happened to Scotty Kilmer he's still on my board over there get my guy Scotty um oh he got me a pair of them needle nose oh you ding dong so I was just gonna say you Ding Dongs haven't called so we'll have to uh or Mitchell Jacobs call will have to uh block him on the phone if you call again take it offline um yeah weirder than a three dollar bill well we have kind of another saying for that case but I know what you're saying I know you know the other saying but uh you guys know yeah Doodly Doo um I don't mean to be taking my eyes away from you yeah Rain Man Ray loves the phone ringer and I see a lot of you guys on the Rain Man Ray channel are kind of complaining about his uh lack of doodly news he's got everything else there he now has the wife unit so I think that should substitute for The Doodly news I'm sure he can probably add a fake phone in the background and give a few doodly news and everybody will be right back at their place I thought about giving some doodly doos but I always forget I still have the hey it's that guy you know when somebody goes by and hunts hey it's that guy we always give you one of those uh the best I can yeah and he's got the brake clean he's got the you know the brake clean you guys know uh oh somebody needs block they said alecai Mohammed needs blocked you really have nothing better to do I'm kind of even paste the same message over and over everybody sorry I I must be missing it sometimes I don't I don't look at stuff like that if I see it we'll block it um he just dubbed the sound from old videos let's see I got to turn Rain Man Ray into a moderator oh he's now got the blue wrench hopefully if it works I don't know what that gives them the ability to do but he's got it oh somebody just got put in timeout naughty naughty how much is a blue wrench one million dollars first person to put a million dollars up in the chat I'll give you a blue wrench a real one in real life I'll mail it to you don't put a million dollars in there yeah now you can kick out people Smitty's got the power and every time you do it you got to say that I got the power just like that um uh yeah it can't be tight if it's liquid that's right and it doesn't count our skulls has to be a real one million dollars uh yeah it could be a Cornwall wrench it could be whatever Ranch you want for one million dollars I'll Forge it myself what else do we got here hey yeah Lewis Peak he's got his own wrench it's not the same my guy what's wrong with the Subaru well that's in an upcoming video uh I'll give you a couple guesses and it's not the head gasket but it has to do with salt so we'll see the first person to first person to get it has to do with salt and uh thinks I ride my guy super nope not brake lines not head gaskets not wheel bearings it has to deal with rust you're getting closer wheel bearing dress exhaust nope nope background nope nope not electrical come on my god oh there it is we got a winner bing bing bing who's got it it is Daniel Morris from wherever he's from he is the winner uh let's see gosh you guys were crazy at the net uh yeah Daniel's the winner uh he wins absolutely nothing uh except bragging right yes the subframe is rotted behind the control arms and the oil pan so wow I have the wrench the icon Gold Wrench oh that's from the Harbor Freight right um what invoicing software do I use seems like everyone's Automotive we are an app Auto Care Center so we use the Napa tracks program which I don't think you have to be an auto care center to use in apple tracks but we use Napa tracks uh what's up when they've been a while however little from Long Island to prny Michael Barkman shout out to him shout out to Clint mess that's great I think but anyhow um yeah no Subaru she's she's rotted it's gonna be in a video called project Subaru at least I think unless it pisses me off then I won't have a video um because I don't know we gotta we got to put a subframe in it and the exhaust is looking nasty and pretty much everything else is on it's looking nasty the car itself body wise looks great the bolts look like they're going to come out how thick are my concrete floors about that thick I imagine um how do I feel about other tools other than Snap-on I find other tool brands are just as good and sometimes better than snap button and you hate iPhones well I'll tell you that you're correct I am not a brand of any sort of it except in certain areas I like Snap-on ratchets I like other Snap-on tools but I'm not I'm not on there like going all willy-nilly getting a tattoo on the guns and doing all that saying if you don't have Snap-on you suck and Gotta Wear the Snap-on coat and everything I have a plethora of tools of various Brands everything from Mac to Snap-on to Napa nap on Napa to nipex and Astro and I mean I can't even name all the brands I have a tremendous amount of brains so yeah don't get too don't get hung up on on the Snap-on train or the Mac train or the Cornwell train they're just convenient because they come to your shop but they cost way more than a lot of other tools um is it true that Northern car engines are generally in better shape compared to the same age Southern car engines I wouldn't know that Jeff I I rarely see southern cars and I wouldn't know really the difference perhaps our Salvage engines maybe our Salvage engines are better simply because our cars rotten half quicker and they're lower mileage but oftentimes if it's a cast iron block and uh you know our even our blocks rot in half so I I wouldn't think I would I would rather have a lower mileage Southern car than a low mileage Northern car engine like if I was going for just the engine from a salvage yard simply because like I say our engine blocks rot I mean you can you bring in a three valve four that needs you know phasers and everything every freaking bolt in the valve covers rotted you got to take a hole saw and go around it and or sometimes just air hammer the valve cover off I mean you can't even do simple repairs on just the engine so I would say probably not but I could be wrong um how do you decide what you're going to video for the channel that's what Greg asked me My Guy Greg Spurt of the moment seat of the pants it's a feeling you get it's in your gut and it's also dictated by time how much time I have because cars to drop off for a few days and uh how busy I am so I only film about one out of every 15 or 20 cards we work on maybe and sometimes I don't film stuff for weeks because I just get too far behind and I just like right now I've got four videos uploaded sitting in my queue and that's like my buffer keeps me happy but when my buffer runs out then things get frustrating Guys Like Rain Man Ray they're just cranking them out every single day they are animals animals there you know um the Dodge Prince 8.99er here it's Eric I have an 04 Ram hemi and I have a check engine light for EGR valve volts too high can you shut a little light on what to check first thank you BS I'm on my 30gr Bell from Napa well Dodge Prince what I would do I see that quite often and if you're going to unload the parts cannon on it I would unload it with an oem EGR valve particularly on a Chrysler if your light comes on after that call me don't call me seriously uh high voltage you could be missing a ground causing the wolf to stay high or likely you have a junk SMP not a sponsor EGR valve okay um that's what I would say if you're using nappy EGR valves it's probably junk particularly if you put it on and it's you know good for a little while I've had pretty terrible luck with standard Motor Products EGR valves and you know Napa ones and I assume they're all from Napa you know SMP makes stuff for Napa not trying to bash their stuff directly it's just sometimes they're EGR valves on GMS and Chryslers they suck and they don't work correctly so go OEM see if it take two pills call me in the morning uh what was my final thought on a half inch Harbor Freight earthquake oh it was a fantastic tool for the money um it's a it was a great tool for the money that's my uh no Keith I don't don't don't don't throw me under the bus my guy I'm just saying you know it I know it we all know it but we don't like this I shouldn't even say that kind of stuff out loud thanks for giving me a check there Keith I shouldn't say that stuff out loud um because when I throw a stone into a pond when other people throw a stone in I was told this by a guy when some people throw a stone into a pond they get a small Ripple well when I throw a stone into a pond it's like throwing a school bus into a pond you get a big Ripple and I'm not trying to make a ripple and throw Stone to them I'm just saying some aftermarket parts suck and it doesn't you know I can say it's a dormant it's a standard it's a Napa it's a CR it's whoever makes it and it's just that's just how it is man I've been doing this long enough to know like when it comes to certain parts there are certain brands you don't buy because you don't want to come back and I don't care how cheap it is some stuff you just go OEM got it um you should get a Harbor Freight coupon that I emailed you should have two for you and the lady get yourself a new Squeaky store your own golden ratchet hey thanks Trey I did get the email but the one I got has Mrs O's name on it and Trey it's playing mind games with me because I've been up on the Harbor Freight website and I don't know what to get but 25 off is a pretty good deal but I don't really need anything and I don't want to just senselessly buy something um so anyhow I appreciate the trade I only got to like the 15th to use it and every night I've been on Harbor Freight yes I could get a foot here camera thank you um I've been on the Harbor Freight website and I just can't figure out what I want for the 25 off so but thank you though yes I do appreciate it and uh everything is junk when it doesn't work that's right um yeah everything is just what it doesn't work that is 100 true even Toyota's not really we still love those um I thought about some of the Jacksons because my guy Josh is uses jack stands sometimes on the um alignment rack and sometimes it's necessary you know we have a car jacked up he has it jacked up on the frame and you know he needs to load the suspension the wheels off and so put some jack stands out on the the turntables that I've seen they make jack stands with round bases and they they would be nice sitting on the turntables I thought so I thought about getting some of them um but I don't know but I don't know I used to live next to an old guy his name was Barry I think he's still alive I lived by him when me and Mrs o first got married and we lived in a trailer up in the town of Howard and the sky lived next to me and that's what he was this miserable old man and that's what he always said I don't know he just you know he's just pissing and moaning about something and that's how he ended every sentence with but I don't know so every once in a while I'll say that to Mrs Owen thanks man yeah one million dollars you tricked me my guy I'm like mother lover like that ain't for real because you're getting that back and that's pretty funny good joke dude um but uh yeah old Barry I won't give you his last name but he used to walk around he always said so I do that to miss though one time to ask me something I was like I don't know because he knows what I'm talking about ah well um ah let's see yeah that's right Smitty don't they always you're like whoa It's BW wrenchy from way up north in the Frozen North uh it's ASE certification worth getting started in the field I guess it depends on where you work Josh uh for myself it it isn't for some other people and um different uh shops it is because it can dictate how much they get paid you could use it for some self-validation if you if you need that you know let yourself know that you're doing good or maybe it inspires you to um you know to be a better mechanic I would rather see somebody go get some training from uh you know some independent aftermarket training or training at their dealership rather than concentrate on just passing a silly test to get a patch personally because I think training will pay off better than just you know reading a book studying and you know passing a test all right see you later Ray keep your stick on the ice I think that's what he says some employers require ASE so I can't I can't really speak on the matter um see like for example like here like Keith just throw L1 Automotive Diagnostics it's requirement to work for me also in our name that is the only certification that where to go that's defendable on court so see for example I couldn't even go work for Keith he wouldn't even hire me maybe I could sweep those floors but you wouldn't hire me because I don't have I'm not ASE certified I'm not real good at tests or reading or arithmetic sorry Keith I was going to come put in the application but being that you just literally shot me down in front of all my friends I guess I won't you can keep the blue wrench my starter is located in a very difficult location in my car any suggestion how to get starter fluid in it I would probably go to an Express Lube Michael I would probably take my can of starting fluid with me and just ask if um ask if they can install it for you other than that I mean it's it's a difficult thing to say how if your starter is hard to get to and you're trying to fill it with starter fluid I would take it to a professional and like I say take in at least one can unless it's a V8 which they usually take a can and a half so yeah I guess it depends on what you have uh let's see what it keep tell me he says everyone gets a year to achieve it oh wow so I still could work for them all right I guess we're still friends we can still be friends uh if you have break I use brake clean for certain fluid too but he wants to fill up the start of a starting fluid so it's good for a hundred thousand miles I don't know I don't think I'd push my starter fluid to 100 000 miles um well you know I don't believe that ASC is a total joke somebody put that there I I just I think it may not be for everyone uh you know like I said I think it depends on where you work what your goals are some people need it to stay motivated to stay you know like all right I want to stay up I'm going to do some I want to do some training and um you know I want to be able to pass my asses it may be a Personal Achievement a personal goal and they have to do some you know some studying and it may Inspire some other thoughts for them like gosh you know here's this question it's ASE test I never really thought about it um you know so perhaps they can you know it kind of motivates them it could be self-motivating for some people perhaps that's just that's just my thoughts on it um this is tizzle wants to know if you have checked out our Channel I have seen it yes um no I've been on there I've checked it out I remember both of you folks and uh because you gave me a husky magnet and I still have it on my refrigerator correct correct me if I'm wrong but um oh Frank de Lucy he's got a 2012 Jeep Patriot I'm sorry uh sport uh can't a bad ground wire affect both DVT solenoids for a slow response number replace both and still have the codes for both comes back both have ground using the multimeter uh well I don't know Frank I don't know which code you're getting or what code you're getting uh the fastest way to tell on those uh I guess I'd have to look at a diagram are they full-time grounded and power side switch or do they have power there in their ground sight switched that's what I would think I would think that they have uh PSN gamer guide your car has a plug heater core then if you're only getting heat when you rev it up more than likely uh but I would think on those VVT solenoids that um that they would be full-time powered groundside switch so I'm not sure how you would be measuring the ground with a multimeter if that was the case what you can do if you want to know if it's receiving it's if the circuit is intact to that the easiest way to do it would be a current clamp you can simply take your VVT solenoid you can measure the resistance of it you know how much voltage is being applied to them and then therefore you can throw a current clamp on it and see if all the math adds up that's that's what I would do if I went another circuit was intact I hope that answers your question um is it true that red goes to positive and black goes to negative sometimes uh in the winter though I heard if you switch them stunt man the car will start faster I don't it may be a rumor I don't know um but I guess it heats up the battery quicker so maybe perhaps try that in your next video stunt man what's up buddy don't hook your battery cables up like that uh Desiree Hayden I believe that's how you pronounce it Desiree here's a payment for all the information tips tricks humor rants that you have provided me over the years I appreciate that that's insanely generous and I'm glad that we could provide you with information tips tricks humor rants all at the same time sometimes all the same time oh you already switched your Vans to Winter air gosh it got cold here way quicker we put winter air in our tires three months ago uh oh yeah I I you guys are making fun of my my creaky it is not near as creaky as it is on the videos uh oh man I can't believe stuntman's in the house is it true that a no mercy reversity is good for a transmission yes I mean for crying out loud watch neutral drop videos there's some people that will come in be like oh I was pulling into my driveway and I was going one mile an hour my wife accidentally put it in reverse I just laughed I'm like stunt man holds that thing pedals in the plastic and he's forward reverse forward reverse and I'm just I'm more impressed with that little Transmission in that car than anything else that stuntman does why this thing just doesn't scatter a bunch of part numbers in the bottom of the pan is beyond me but it is absolutely impressive to me watching the neutral drop Channel just seeing what these cars will take these are City driven cars these things have had the boss beat off them their whole life and then they give the No Mercy or Mercy they get the rocking horses they've got the chubby rubber on them and it just blows my mind with with how much a car can actually take on the neutral drop can or on yeah neutral drop Channel um I had a Bay Area 650 shouting out from the 650 in the Bay Area uh he's got a 2002 Chevrolet uh Tahoe or the courtesy fuse keeps blowing the moment you put one in it's for the dome lights door lights and stuff any ideas on how to fix this what I would do you the Bay Area guy I would get a wiring diagram and I would see what all it runs and then it's it's difficult to tell you how to trace down a short on YouTube or on on a live stream but that's what what I would do first I would get a wire diagram you can get them from GM you get GM Service data I believe twenty dollars for 30 day for three days and you have all the OEM service info or you can get the uh like Mitchell DIY and um you know I would get the wire diagram to see everything that it fed and then I would make my plan from there I know that's a really generic answer but that is exactly how I would do it then I would see at that point how I can dissect the circuit what's the easiest way to split it down do I still blow a fuse at that point and if there was multiple wires coming out of the fuse box say you had a courtesy fuse and there's three brown wires coming out I could throw a wire clamp on each of them to see which way the current was going and then I would use my diagram again to dictate which direction I was going with my diagnosis and that's about the best I could tell you so um the Tim train 35 with electric cars becoming more and more of a reality how do you see an independent shop operating on say 10 years down the road you might better just ask me that is probably the most debatable topic out there that I'm not going to get into but I'll answer it the best I can from my perspective how do I see it in 10 years I say in 10 years sayonara sucker because I ain't gonna be here hopefully Lord willing uh I won't be here but how do I I don't know I don't know how it's going to affect it I'm not gonna poke The Hornet's Nest so to speak while I'm here people you want to get people pissed off a weld with a welder on YouTube be solder on YouTube d a b d where did this guy go to school C what else can you do on YouTube reuse a cotter pin or D talk about electric cars e talk about the pandemic f tell them your political status and G if I'm correcting my alphabet use a torque stick when you're putting on wheels so you fell in that criteria of a through F of things not to do on YouTube and that's one of them is talk about electric cars and how you think that the electric grid that we have currently won't support electric cars and that people will freak out so how do I think it's going to affect me I don't think it's going to affect me because I'm really hoping in 10 years that a sayonara sucker for this guy I really be retired or dead um Dex Friday where Hannah and re in life Hannah is a nurse and has moved off and gotten married and has the family what doesn't have a family but has moved off and it's probably working on family I don't know she's married and moved off and same thing with Miss Marie I don't believe she's married at this point but it's moved off and is working on her life and I don't feel Liberty to tell you guys where they are or anything like that because some people are weirdos uh let's see oh brione or Brian as they say 2013 FJ Cruiser 91k lost two miles to the gallon after Phillips long-term field trips minus eight minus 10 max 04.2 air filter not clogged any thoughts I'm sorry Brian but I don't have any thoughts on that um I don't know anybody that monitors their fuel that close I would just probably wait and check the average I mean cold weather is here um I I don't know where you live I mean there's so many stinking variables to fuel mileage loss I mean you can have change you know did you get new tires are the tires properly inflated as a rolling resistance change the alignment if you have a brake hanging up different types of fuel from winter to summer I mean there is a gazillion different things are you calculating fuel mileage based off the mpg button up on the dash are you calculating it based on running the numbers at the pump how many miles you're driven versus how many gallons you got there's a lot of questions I would need answered there to even start to form an opinion in two miles to the gallon I anyways the best I can do sometimes I can't answer questions dude easy even EVS will still need tires alignments brakes ac service that's true um I do believe that's the answer thank you David H before I forget my guy um yeah they're still going to need repairs I mean this is New York they're still going to rot out wires are going to get corroded they're still going to be pieces of crap it's just they're going to be pieces of crap with an electric motor instead of pieces of crap with a gas engine cars are still junk they still drive down the road they still have wheel bearings and they're still going to have problems oh it's my sniffer back Oh Captain bugger nuts I wish it was am I going to replace my squeaky platform maybe Frank but for right now I'm still going to use it to make people upset this little says I'm spiteful I think it's funny um Let's see we work on we work on Model S Teslas that have rusted control arms here in the South yeah what's that tell you this guy my guy Keith he's down in the cell where things are not Rusty and the Tesla's rust out there so let me tell you what you bring one here to the prny I think it's going to disappear and be like that's how you get off your lift dust baby um at any rate uh this is probably here said he's got a 0659 Cummins in Texas no rush 160 000 miles people are getting stupid money down here for them I've been offered 30k for it sell it or keep it I tell you what what I would do with it is I would bring it up North and then get 60k for it because you think people down there are paying stupid money take one of them pre-admissions Cummins bring it up here to the prny and try to sell it you were gonna get anything you asked for you get 60 Grand plus their first born child if you want one yeah those are same thing with pre-emissions tractors if you can bring up some you know 150 horse to 300 horse pre-emissions tractors you can name your price on those uh Farmers go bananas for those so anyhow phone was asking about my sniffer after Ronan got the Rona January 20th in the year 2021 if I remember correctly but I think it's more Fab Industries and uh you know I got to Rona Me and Mrs over sick for a couple of days but afterwards getting healed up I lost my sniffers taste and smell lost it for several months got it back so I thought there's a couple things that uh they haven't come back correctly and I'll tell you what they are in a minute I'll let you guess when you answer some of these questions with all the steps variables they need to figure it out that it's answering their question yeah well I mean that's I try to do the best I can I don't know if you're uh throwing stones at me or just saying like yeah you did the best you could try to answer with all the variables there are tons of variables that's one of the words I can't say when you're answering somebody's question the best to your ability and sometimes when there's a bazillion things coming across the screen they can't uh they can't reply to the point that I can see it we could spend all day you know back and forth asking questions but I try to answer them the best I can with the information that I have in the question that was given about this that sounds like a cop-out um love your channel is your opinion crown or food from better for undercoating ooh oh I like them both I use fluid film because it seems to be less aggressive on the rubber components it has seemingly less Petroleum in it perhaps food film over the years will eventually get to the jiggly bits under the car the plastic and the fender liners and the you know door seals but it takes a long time years typically I see that the crown you get the crown on the on the door seal that Baby's Gone in like two weeks so they both do an excellent job in doing what they're asked to do doing what they're advertised to do they both do an excellent job in protecting against rust back to so yes the answer that is yes if you have a choice of either I'm going to use crown or fluid film or nothing I'm not going to use Crown because I love fluid film no dude pick one use one because it's way better than Russ let me tell you my guy um do I refuse all Euro Cars Volkswagen Audi BMW if so why yes I do um and that usually that equates to me refusing about two cars per year nobody in our small farming community drives Euro Cars simply because we don't have dealer close by and I'm not going to sound rude but I'll just say that most people around here don't have Euro Cars we don't drive BMWs Porsche Mercedes Audi Volkswagen they're just they're just not here so do I refuse to work on them yes I'm not equipped tooled or knowledgeable to work on them so instead of making myself look foolish wasting my customers time and money it's just as simple to say you know negative Ghost Rider I don't work on those but that's it okay to gradually change winter summer air as needed yes you can you can exchange summer and winter Air at any point I don't I use a 78 nitrogen mix when I do it though summer and winter I try to stick with that 78 75 25 blend maybe one percent under gases something like that when you do it I mean that's that's pretty critical but yeah you can swap out winter somewhere anytime you want um MN DIY and your channel Greg Walker in the house there he is give a shout out James uh he writes he's got no two Dodge Ram van 1500 with a big 318 lost in overflow tank full of coolant in the last week Boston overflow tank full equipment last week or so with no visible signs of leaking assuming head gasket how would you confirm I'd go on a self-made Auto Channel and I'd go in a little search box and type in how to test for a blown head gasket and you'll bring up multiple ways everything testing it from a picoscope to an endoscope to a simple gas tester if it is pushing coolant into the overflow tank you are right to assume that you may have a bad uh head gasket or a bad radiator cap or the negative side of the cap is has gone bad which is possible but more likely you got a blown head gasket so you can go down to the Napper they don't sponsor you but you can get some combustion leak test fluid and you can get the turkey baster to go with it and you can see if it goes from Blue to Yellow if it goes blue to Yellow thought she wrote it's all it's all over but the crying so that's probably what I would do um that's the easiest test to do when you do it right in the radiator cap and you're checking for combustion gas in the radiator some Co I guess it would be um uh the VP gives me five yens I don't know what they are uh he's fighting a po134 on his Mazda CX-7 change O2 sensor check the wires light's still on any ideas no sir I I po134 I know it's an O2 sensor code but uh p0134 what's Google say it is uh circuit number activity oh no activity detected Bank One sensor one so what I would do if and it were me and if that's the true definition of that code no activity or low voltage I would want to know on my scan tool is my Bank One sensor one uh mp81 man don't don't be talking like that don't be staying at the car wizard sucks we're not you don't don't do that all right we don't slander other YouTube channels on here except Scotty now I'm just kidding we don't need slander Scotty but I guess what I would do is um I would I would have a scan tool plugged in and I would see if the O2 sensor is functioning the CO2 sensor work or is it stuck low if it's stuck low is it really a circuit problem or is it stuck low because there's a pinhole next to it letting all the oxygen in I don't know is my phone going dead oh I don't think so um that that's what I would do and then I would go from there and if it you know can I force it rich can I force it lean can I get it to respond if not then yeah there certainly is a circuit issue so that that's how I would handle that um the Bandit or Bandit the he says he enjoys the shows glad he found a channel keep watching but he said oh from the band or Burt Reynolds himself uh keelan's up in the house Keeling seven thank you buddy Daniel Ryan how does bar chain oil compared to fluid film on the jiggly bits uh I have a customer that uses the classic bar chain oil toilet bowl wax ring melted slew that he sprays underneath his truck didn't I just put that video on a Dodge Dakota well that's what that guy used to use and I noticed on that it the bar and chain oil seems to work well it's thick it's sticky thick and sticky uh sorry I got sidetracked there it works well as far as preventing the rust but it really seems to raise hell with the rubber components under the car so give it a choice if that's all I had and uh you were environmentally responsible should I say something like that some kind of disclaimer like you check with local area State and laws and everything like that and that's all you had that's what I would do because it's better than rust dude anything is better than rust if I had access to fluid film and access the barn chain a lot I'm probably going to use fluid film so anyways uh you know corrosion free with some Canadian stuff it works New Hampshire oil coating Crown Rust Check there's so many of them anything is better than rust I think your petroleum products like waste oil which we just we did that video on that Dodge truck that was here that stuff stinks and it destroys freaking everything your boots on your steering rack get this big all your control arm bars bushings fall out you know it's some bad stuff quit calling me you think um yeah we'll block this guy uh anyhow that's it uh have I ever heard of rear amp causing popping through all the speakers 13 megahertz unplugged rear amp harness works will work first drive turn car off on speakers that a word I gotta see how to pronounce that oh no it's not a word okay if it is it's German um I don't really mess with amplifiers or cars or yeah I don't even mess with cars I'm an idiot uh yeah I don't I I don't know I don't know if an amplifier can do that oh they pop non-stop I see what you're saying I don't know I mean I would check probably if I had something like that I would check the input to the amplifier is this an input that's being Amplified it Amplified Amplified it is it an input that's being Amplified and then you're just getting the results of that um will work first drive turn the car off and then back on the speakers pop Non-Stop I I don't know that's everybody in the here is saying it's a ground Loop problem I don't I don't deal a lot with I don't know if this is aftermarket or not yeah I can't say I've only ever fixed but maybe one OEM Radio in a car I did a video on that um there's a GMC Acadia I had wrong software in it stuff like that but but yeah I don't that's something I very rarely would see I guess in my shop so um but yeah I mean I wouldn't even know how you would measure 13 megahertz frequency unless you had a speaker set up in there and we're plotting it I I don't know you're you're a little a little Beyond me oh 13 MKZ like a Lincoln look at this ding dong I'm like oh this guy Under The Blacklist baby this guy's calling from goober and we go like this and we open it up and then we close it and then we block them it's really fun I love doing it with people all right so we'll go like that look at that goodbye he thinks he's special we'll leave it we'll leave it like this and then we'll just mute it so because he's calling from Vancouver BC so now it can crank up his phone bill the whole time so we'll just leave it muted like that it's kind of fun uh let's see what else we got here oops I I'm missing some stuff here fellas uh by your four Kindle some treats oh yeah we'll buy a four Pops to cut up some treats we always go Luna she almost got left outside today say bye she goes outside right about quitting time uh hey it's Don what's up Don uh what brand of my quarter T handles nut drivers that I use all the time those are made by top tool my guy and those are great these things are as you say if you will the bomb they're made by top tool t-o-p-twell tangle Oscar papa Tango uniform Lima top tool not a sponsor uh they're a timeline use tool I believe they're made in Taiwan they make excellent tools if they would come to the United States and sell on a top tool truck it would bankrupt our other tool trucks uh they're a fantastic quality I vouch for them they make fantastic wrenches and sockets and everything they make is really great I wish they sold them more in the USA I believe they're a European tool and I'll tell you this if you buy them you're not that doesn't even make sense I was going to say you're a peeing your money away but that doesn't make sense because you wouldn't be I have their sockets and quarter inch dry I have their sockets and 3 8 drive they have a beautiful finish on them they hold up fantastic they make a wonderful screwdriver I would say their screwdrivers are comparable to wear a and if you're not familiar are a German made I believe they're German right where it makes probably one of the best screwdrivers in my opinion and I'm entitled to my opinion because I'm entitled so where it makes fantastic screwdrivers Phillips and flat excellent screwdrivers and top tool makes the only screwdriver I would say that is comparable uh Snap-on and Max don't even hold uh they're not even in the same category as where uh when it comes to screwdrivers so that's you know that's my thoughts on that um oh freezing up down here um so that's my thoughts on it opinion on power stop breaks uh Patrick we've already talked about that I give them my thumbs up at least the ones that I put on Mrs Osman I hate giving a full review or a thumbs up based off of one experience but the experience that I've had with them has been a-okay I'm sure there's others that maybe disagree with that I think you just bought them appreciate it fluid film says won't hurt Plastics or synthetics rubbers is that true it may be but I can tell you on my truck the plastic Fender liners have since swole but I've used crown on it too so that's not a good example um so yeah I don't know uh I I mean you get it on door seals I've done customers cars that would strictly fluid film and yeah I've seen it you know mess with door seals and stuff like that but it takes a lot of years to eventually start to get to it so I don't know I don't know what they say versus what it really does it does have some Petroleum in it so yeah eventually it gets to it Garrett Brad from assured Auto in Hawaii oh man is that what that's the sign he gave me Kenneth White up in the house than here um what were we talking oh this guy uh ride uh ride with Chris at the mobile tech I've considered purchasing an oscilloscope is this something you would recommend for electrical diag absolutely if you're able to afford it and you know how to use it or you or you're gonna start using it go for it dude don't hold back uh oscilloscopes are fantastic tools and there are some cases where it's the only tool it is the most logical tool to use on the job so yeah if you're able to absolutely go for it man thanks Michael uh Chris B not crispy the Archer uh just Chris B single B the letter B has a O3 MR2 manual transmission he's got 807 clutch stroke sensor low voltage it catches it uses hydraulic pump no clutch per se thoughts on where to look dude I wouldn't even know where to look I would look in service data that's what I would do and just as I mentioned to the fella that has the GM with a problem I told him that he can go on GM and get service data for 20 bucks for three days same thing with you with your Toyota I would go and get service data I mean that's the place I would look I am not familiar with that whatsoever I've never seen one of those cars nor have I seen that code but if it was a stroke sensor low voltage code I would look to see what a what a stroke sensor is what this code set criteria is where the circuit goes how it works and then I would just diagnose it and that's how I approach every single thing I've worked on if you've watched any of our diag videos it's the same mundane just beat to death process over and over and over again and that's that's how I would approach that and that's that's the best I can tell you and that's how I would do it because that's how I do it every time and it always always always I said that three times so it's important leads you to the answer service data analytical logical thought process follow the facts don't go into wild goose chase and just follow the facts and boom there's the answer get this baby out hit it was easy just like that sometimes you gotta guess but that's what I would do uh let's see he says he bought the three-day Toyota Tech stream subscription pretty much says sucks to be you wow could be that I am surprised Toyota has some pretty good service data when it's in their format because otherwise the hyperlinks and stuff that they use on other formats don't work but I'm surprised that you think Toyota service data sucks or not saying that you're wrong but um I mean it's a stroke sensor I would think it's only three wires it seems like you should at least be able to get the wiring diagram and figure it out from there would I recommend the handtech 2d72 it's a scope digital Maps meter and waveform Generator in one dude I don't know I've never used a handtech scope I've got all telescope so I got two of those and I've got a couple picots and I've got a u-scope never used a handtech perhaps people in the comment box can fill you in on that out of the Scopes I own the Pico by fire hands down it's the best scope ever Hardware software end user usability tech support I mean you can't you can't beat that they are expensive so yeah the handtech one I I don't know um I've never never really fiddled with one so but perhaps People Are Gonna Fill In in a chat hey there's DIY Dave I give that guy some thumbs UPS or some hearts all the time he's my hard guy I don't even know thanks for the great education you're giving this humble DIY oh thanks for the great education you've given to someone DIY you're welcome Dave Merry Christmas to you my guy oh are we allowed to say that of course you can you count on my channel fella say Merry Christmas all you want I just think in real life you're not supposed to say that because people get offended whatever dude let's see where we are I'm just checking my battery life because I don't want I don't know when my phone's gonna die great now it's tipping over um let's see he said Chris says that the Toyota service data is great it's not on his particular issue that's I don't know Chris I think at that point which I don't I don't disagree with you um just because he's still trying to figure out what a holiday tree is happy holidays how about Merry Christmas guy that's what it is it's Merry Christmas um what I would do in that case Chris because I've seen service data there sometimes sucks and that's just the fact of life some service data sucks that's just how it is you know go work on a Suzuki tell me what you'd find right um what did I have on a Suzuki the other day they went anyways I won't get sidetracked but in that case I would look and see here's the sensor maybe they got code set criteria but at least I would find well here's the sensor here's where it lives looking at the circuit diagram here's how it works you know it's a three wire sensor it's a two wire sensor you know I would just look at that and I would just test the circuit at the end module that it goes to and then I would probably just go from there that's what I recommend he has one so this guy has a handtech scope and he recommends it which my preferred band of belts 2010 Ram with the Delco pulley and belt kit green belt won't stop screaming like a banshee when it's wet my favorite belt Patrick of all time in the aftermarket world would be a bando not a sponsor usually made in the USA and are usually cheaper than Deco and Gates Bando b-a-n-d-o belts not a sponsor if I buy a belt for a customer I usually always buy bando that being said when I just put a belt on my own truck I bought an oem belt because it's a tundra it's a mother lover to change the belt on and I have a hundred and whatever thousand miles on it and uh I wanted to put Noe unbelt on it why because I tried an aftermarket belt on a customer's Tugger once and I ended up eating it that was a continental gold or something I put on it worst freaking Bell ever had probably because it was the worst vehicle to ever put a belt on kind of other than like a Honda CRV or Honda anything so yeah OEM or if I'm going aftermarket I'm going for ban though why because Bando gets the job done I don't know if that's their slogan the spool acts of the press my diagnostic skills where did I learn those skills I learned those skills from the L1 auto training diagnostic website you can go there and sign up for yourself for training at L1 Auto diagnostics.com I don't know if that's the website or not sure Keith can put it on there but that's where you start you start by getting training and uh I started by trial and error and then my training so my guy Keith on here you'll see him in the chat he's got a blue wrench and uh he has his website there www.l1training.com you can go on there and sign up and he is one of the smartest people I know uh Way Beyond me when it comes to Automotive knowledge and I have several friends in the industry that are way smarter than me that have excellent YouTube channels and just are a wealth of knowledge and there's there's so much out there but you got to get involved man um you got to get in there you know uh back when uh Keith was running the Staten Island Express different Keith um brilliant man Ivan same way absolutely brilliant you got Keith over here at L1 absolutely brilliant these guys are Next Level I'm I'm here like I'm hanging freaking breaks and changing tires dude you know uh you got Skinner Danner out there putting out videos I'm gonna forget somebody that's why I hate name dropping because I'm gonna forget but we'll film in you guys fill them in in the blinks down there so yeah but that's what you got to do there's there's so much available you got the CTI training online you've got uh what a g gosh I feel like an idiot a drawn a blank that's what happens got diagnosed Dan guy's awesome Bernie Thompson Next Level right there so yeah uh how do I how do you feel about towing a vehicle there it's three and a half hours away to fix uh 2010 Traverse crank position I don't feel good about it you have to rewind the video to watch that part I appreciate the super chat but I wouldn't um out of town vehicles are are off my chart and that's that is a solid line that I have to draw in the sand I explained it way earlier in the in the chat you're going to need you know phasers and chains and all that but on a 3-6 that's you're probably at 150 000 miles that needs chains and phasers and guides and a whole deal and it's probably all-wheel drive and dropping the subframes of freaking mess in New York I would have to respectfully decline it using my nicest voice so nothing against you it's nothing personal it's just kick that ball down the road a few times and I know I know how it goes uh can't afford your braces but this is my government tax on a toothbrush floss so wait never mind getting ice cream that's what I do I get an ice cream without my guy um yeah no Steve you know he said they're way too humble guys getting ASC dealerships can't diagnose no Steve that's it's not really even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while yeah I fixed something the dealer can't fix ooh whoop-dee-doo you know these guys guys like Keith guys like Bernie guys like everybody else but me on there they're fan Tech they're super smart all the time they're super smart I show you guys a video once in a while I fixed the car what do you do you know you know what I'm saying he's got a 07 Civic 400 KMS on it Tech side engine was loud and recommended 10 30 5 30 and 7 5 20 any thoughts want to keep it running a bit longer I don't know has he suggested just doing a valve lash adjustment because that's probably where I would start if it was getting a little clattery in the top end um you know that's that's what I would do if and it were me I would see where the clattering is coming from but I don't know if I would just go a certain dump into the thick oil in it but uh yeah the gold Tech garage That's Mike over there with the old NGK Channel Ivan at Pine Hollow which we mentioned Ivan this Keith just put here there's so many there are so many great channels on YouTube that you can learn from are you going to go on Scotty and learn something probably not maybe you will um there's Alex he said we've talked a lot throughout the years yeah I'm going to teach some people something but at the end of the day I'm just a knuckle dragger over here man you know these guys are the these guys are the real deal um so oh somebody somebody being naughty he had diagnosed Dan that guy is awesome I was like getting his head for a few minutes maybe I wouldn't Super Mario there we go see I this is why I don't name Trap please guys fill in the blanks down here if you watch um if you watch YouTube channels and you know some guys out there that are absolutely brilliant when it comes to Diagnostics by all means put them in the box in the comment box if you know what I mean ah but um hey you know what else we got here um yeah Super Mario's great he's huge in the Euro stuff he really watching that young man evolve into the diagnostician if you will as he is has been a great watch and he's he's incredibly smart he's very motivated and you know just watch them just just climb just you know have that growth and you know far beyond me he likes working on you know and has where he's at geographically he works on a lot of European stuff and uh you know I've Ivan takes on these challenges that are just like dude why are you even working on that thing but boom gets through it and uh you know no parts required he fixes everything with WD-40 so but uh yeah anyhow um yep uh do you ever visit sometimes yeah you've got the iatn network you've got the DN the diagnostic Network right um there's there's there's so much there's so much out there that's available to us uh nowadays oh we got voltage drop Diagnostics boom another one ah you'll learn from Scotty you learn what not to do watch West's work he's the guy uh Mort ski repair or also some I don't know that one that's one I don't know watch what's worked my guy West he's a good man he's a good man he's he's a lot like me you know we just do you know this kind of stuff so Advanced Auto level yeah there there's there's so many I mean so many guys lots and lots out there and then you guys got to kill her of course who doesn't love Scotty you know he's gonna put out another clickbait title how he's quitting but we all click on it because we're like why is he quitting this time like oh damn it he got me got me again Scotty and when he says this is the worst Toyota don't ever buy this car ever you're like I'm not going to click it then you're like click at me again gets me every time but now I know after like the 700th clickbait totally put on I know he's lying I don't click him anymore so but hey whatever man that guy's bankrolling six figures a year off clickbait can I blame him nope is he brilliant absolutely I just say that out loud can you do a video on lift safety best practices put lift down a frame absolutely not Gary Robert Gary because that would be like self-incriminating of a how-to video of how to stay safe that's why I never show people uh you know making warnings about PPE and how to stay safe and how to safely lift a car just because you there's a disclaimer at the end of every one of my titles and videos it sums it up play stupid games Win stupid prizes I won't ever show anybody safety how to use a lift safety when you buy a lift it comes with a manual of hard lift safety and you can even get a certificate in that at our local trade school you get a certificate of lift safety uh when you use service data there are Parts in the service data thanks Jerry Merry Christmas to you buddy there are Parts in service data that tell you and show you how to safely lift the vehicle so if somebody said to me how do I safely lift my vehicle I would say check service data because that's the cop-out answer and then I would walk away so there are some things you just you just don't say like how do I safely lift a vehicle and then the guy gets under it drops it on his head like well you told me to pick it up like no dude I told you to pick up one this is what I understood well this is why I'm not a teacher and I'm a male entertainer as I like to tell people I'm here for entertainment purposes only so anyhow oh you get Michael don't get Scotty the thumbs down I I'm banned on this channel so I can't even comment uh yeah cya in this industry uh because there's a lot of Cairns out there nowadays so you have the cya which means cover your hiney kind of it's kind of what it means ah but anyhow I don't mean to you know say that negatively at you yeah cover your assets that's what that means yep um Martian oh wow he must be polsky uh I know a guy I have a customer his name is martian he has a very strong accent and he's from Poland uh Ivan is a man he even fixed his house heater with wc40 but I prefer the Thor as you Eric um yeah I'm waiting my guy and uh he's like uh we're I'm poreless too my last name is bullish so probably one of the few people that maybe know how to say your name Martian at least that's what my customer whose name is martian that's what he tells me he's like Martian like the Martian that's right it's like all Martian instead of marching or marking uh listen Terry's all day let's mess up your back any advice to not mess up your body I'd say quit your job um I don't know I mean this is the industry that I chose with consequences that I know are part of it you know it's I guess perhaps the only advice again I mean gosh I mean I feel like an idiot with these cop-out things see advice I would give somebody is check with your chiropractor on proper lifting techniques I'm not going to tell a guy how to lift something up use your noodle uh perhaps and maybe Google on the YouTube a professional of proper lifting techniques I don't know if some days my back freaking hurts some days I go home and I go to bed and I wake up in the morning and I go to put on my socks and now you're walking around like Mr Roboto for the next three or four days because you've been over to put on your socks and you pulled your Jiggy Witcher uh I would say you know exercise Beyond you know this doesn't count for exercise sitting in here standing on your feet walking back and forth attack so you need some purposeful exercise and stretching I would say but and uh if you don't want to get hurt at work have somebody else look tires up I don't know I don't I don't really have good advice I'm a terrible guy to ask for advice Gary um yeah somebody just said to use your lift pay or use your pads when setting your lift arms that's what I always do I got a pad by every lift I throw it on the floor and uh but other than that I guess just aches and pains are normal man um right I guess uh anyway to hard bypass skim on an 07 Ram like touching wires you got to go skin module it shouldn't be touching thanks for everything Alvaro find a guy that has a Drew Tech and he can go in there and disable the skim for you in the PCM on most things it works on and then simply you know unplug the skin module and then you can delete it out of the out of the PCM but then if somebody ever plugs the skim module back in while you're back in the same boat you had I did it on my Jeep worked fine unplugged it wasn't even have any problems I was just filling with my scan tool so that's what I would do I guess I don't know maybe there's a hard bypass for it but that's that's how I bypassed them so anyways uh Drew Tech won't work on 07 only on non-can well never mind dude I had skim on the brain and that one skimmed right over me uh so maybe Keith knows I went out of Diagnostics maybe he knows the way to bypass a skimp maybe you could use HP tuner or something I'm not sure because that's not I usually just fix it so it's not broke I don't know how to bypass that stuff um have I ever used aerocroil penetrating oil yes I got a case of it upstairs I use it off camera not on like YouTube videos because it doesn't really piss people off like WD-40 does so yeah so key says use HP tuner or aemt tool whatever that is I'm not familiar with that one uh but yeah so yes uh I do use Arrow coil it has a cult-like following I don't think it's any better than anything else I've ever used but I'm super impatient too I usually spray stuff I count to about however long it takes me to pick up the impact nice sticking on it so uh Robert Gary again and he writes do you work on EVS uh do you see a time when a lot of work will be on EVS uh Gary I've never seen one never popped the hood on one satin one or even looked at one so I therefore I don't work on them and you're ticking all the boxes today my guy uh do I foresee a time when there would be um when I work on EVS we we hit on this a little bit earlier uh Robert and um you gotta rewind to see my answer on that it was kind of long-winded but uh um yeah I guess I work on partial EVS I've worked on some I've done some head gaskets on some Priuses but uh no being that I've never seen one nobody in this town even owns one drives one or anything like that got another Robert up in the house so yeah no I maybe maybe there will be a time when it happens but I'm not gonna We're Not Gonna poke that Hornet's Nest on here because they're uh oh reconnecting we're live do we lose you are we back it says that I lost you oh dude uh super duper super chat contest bigger super Champion standard that's no don't start a Super Chat contest oh man you guys are gonna get me a embarrassed up in here uh yeah appreciate it that's uh brn double c01 um oh we're good okay we're all good okay well cut out on my end and it said reconnecting um I don't know what that means but that's what it did let's see here we're coming up on a two hour mark and it says that it doesn't tell me how much until 1 30 a.m I don't know what it means um all good the audio skip for a segment I disappeared it's the government man no freaking drop you off again hey I got this thing that's balanced in here on my computer screen I'm gonna go man down here in a second sorry about this folks Amateur hour and SMA hold on okay what the heck who's running this show this man I got it kind of sitting up here on my magnet bar and it's kind of there we go um all right we're all good but hey what time is it getting about 808 oh yeah the other thing I found that's like impossible to find the other day I had to get some Pioneer fittings who would have thought these things were on an infinite back order forever that was frustrating driving 60 miles to pick up a 10 fitting anyhow what uh oh dear season was great this year I'll filling in on details they're going to show the people but it's all on my phone here and that's what we're uh anyways oh hey Merry Christmas to you Chris oh I sounded like the Green Giant is that oh oh Santa clauser oh Green Giant who remembers that commercial this guy does uh nearly lunchtime in Australia Down Under hey you guys remember the Green Giant hey this guy remembers Libby's Libby Libby Libby on the label label label tastes real good on your table table I remember that one too does that make me old I don't remember that one but I remember singing it to my sister because her name is Libby or her name's Elizabeth we always call her Libby so I used to always sing her the Libby Libby Libby song foreign not that old um oh Merry Christmas to you James and thank you for letting me entertain you uh I'm 55 I'm not 55 I'm 43. spaghettio uh oh spaghettio uh oh SpaghettiOs man there's so many great uh uh there's so many great things old great movies you know what you know what I've been watching lately because I think the stuff on TV sucks like as a matter of fact we don't have TV we have baloney Oscar my b-o-l-o-g-n-a black now we just hit some bologna made we got a bunch of bullying coming back from some of our deer meats and baloney some hot dogs some summer sausage and meat sticks and I got a couple hams smoked too took two hindquarters off one dough and got done smoked 18 bucks to get a ham smoked off a deer not too bad a deal there's a big shop up here the Monday nights run and um and they they do some stuff for you so we got some of the stuff processed which we we usually process all our own Kool-Aid uh yeah where's the beef lady I remember that but at any rate I was telling you TV nowadays sucks TV sucks there's nothing on but all these stupid shows that are just I'm not even gonna go down that road we might better talk about EBS and instead of talking about the woke TV and what's on the TV now anyhow now you go down that road I've been reminiscing in old showers and I've recently purchased the peacock not a real peacock um let me see what this guy says newbie I've seen you replace tire pressure sensor I've seen you replace a tire pressure monitor in a single Tire if you're the original owner of the vehicle why not replace all of them that's a great question a some people are cheap and B some people aren't cheap they just can't afford to do it at the time because let's say an average cost is 50 per wheel well they just want to fix the broken one and sometimes and more often than not they don't fix any of them I try to encourage people let's just do well this car's 12 years old 13 years old it's uh you know you need to do you should just do them off one's dead and they'll say well let me do one if another one dies we'll do the other three usually they're back in a month or two especially in the winter time this is when we're going to get really swamped with TPMS lights um they'll come back so why not it's personal preference and it's not mandated in the in the prny that we fix them so that's that's a short answer hey Merry Christmas Mike in Maryland appreciate you watching well wait a minute what happened Merry Christmas you and the fam and thanks for the extremities well thanks mbtjr I appreciate that you guys are super generous and it's embarrassing it's embarrassing to me but I don't know what to say other than thank you I mean we can't like hug it out or anything we could e-hug I guess I could send you a Huggy emoji but thanks dude um what are we talking about oh we were talking about how TV sucks uh we don't do virtual kisses come on Schmitty you're making it weird dude no I offer the uh for a mug it doesn't want an e hug but anyhow uh what I was talking about is how TV sucks and um so I've recently seen that there's really not much good on the Netflix because we have that so don't watch that much in the Amazon Prime video we have Amazon Prime and that has videos and sometimes it has some stuff on there but I like shows man like a TV show so I got the peacock and dude they got the office great I love the office Michael Scott Dwight they're all my heroes and then they have cheers so we got Sam Malone we got Carla and uh we've got Cliff Cleveland I've heard about Yellowstone there's a guy there Keith that tells me I gotta watch Yellowstone we've got Seinfeld and we've got cheers and right now I'm on a Frasier I almost counted that on that finger Frasier Marathon you know Frasier Daphne Mr Crane Niles his Maris uh I love watching Frasier so I've been watching Frazier have already been through all of the office multiple times I love the office and um so I like watching TV shows because they bring me back to my youth and they make you forget about this jump world that we live in where everything sucks I just say that out loud um can I do a Cliff Clavin yeah well uh yeah it's been affecting I mean uh it's a little known fact that these uh snappering tires are for taking off stamp Rings here and you know most people don't know that I do a cliff Paving all the time I do Cliff Clavin so much it uh Mrs o gets upset with it she doesn't get upset with it she's not as impressed as she used to be when I used to do the Cliff Clavin and uh I love Cliff yeah cliff and Nanny and you know how uh you know Carla he's always getting after Cliff there it's because he lives with his Ma you know so I love Cliff Cleveland uh I don't know if I like Cliff Clavin as a character but I do like his voice and it makes me want to move to Boston so Danielle I love my Cliff Nami and uh but yeah anyhow been watching the uh watching The Frasier I like Frazier um uh oh okay your wife gets sick of your impersonations too now I tell you what Keith I have some cuss I have some customers that uh that I can impersonate which none of you guys would understand and uh yeah yeah rest in priests Kirstie Alley from cheers just passed away uh most recently too but I do uh I do some pretty good customer impersonations and businesses don't really love them because some of them are pretty funny I even laugh myself which is kind of weird uh Eric Paul 80 he writes that thanks for your announce Mr oh can't say enough you're a great teacher hope you and your family have a good Thanksgiving and uh Merry Christmas uh you too Eric Paul 80 Bravo uh Merry Christmas to you my guy we did have a good Thanksgiving uh The Percolator 9000 Chevy cabat secondary air pump codes I have replaced the valve in a pump and still have the code what can I look for next have a good night Chevy Cabot I'm not sure what that is but um I would say uh and this is kind of I'm going to start sounding like a broken record after a while checking service data I would see what the code set criteria is and then I would plug in a scan tool and I would look to see what I'm missing is it what's it basing its secondary air function off from is it basing off the function of a pressure sensor in an electric valve it doesn't have its own independent pressure sensor is it looking at uh O2 sensor data to verify that the secondary air injection is working you know I don't I don't ever commit anything to memory to memory that I can look up so I'm just throwing that out there um I just I look stuff up and I know that sounds I know that sounds silly to say like I can't believe you don't know the answer to the you know I'm getting a po411 secondary air injection system fall incorrect flow or something like that but I would never I would never memorize that I would just look it up see what the code set criteria is and I would see what I'm missing out my scan tool so that's the best I can do James Young said he had a computer teacher in college he was from Boston and sounded exactly like Cliff Cleveland dude I could not have taken that class Merry Christmas Jordan um I could have taken that class if I do like a little Cliffy all day especially if he's given facts okay yeah hey there fun fact there I couldn't do it I couldn't do it I would be laughing because of class and asking him to say certain things uh like Cliff um yeah that's great that must have been a great class do you use two different lifts for passenger cars versus trucks or does one do a good job for both yeah you can use one for both uh Ted if you have a 10 000 pound lift you're going to pick up any passenger car or you know half ton three quarter ton one ton as long as it's not modified with you know a giant better box on it something like that you know because I mean a three-quarter ton 2500 HD Chevy is only going to come in you know ticking the scales at 65 to 6800 pounds something like that so ah let's see Herrick enjoy the stream got a question for you what's the worst injury you've gotten from working on cars have a very Merry Christmas well first of all very Merry Christmas to you I miss snow in the very worst injury I have gotten on cars is a direct hit to my pride pride is a dangerous thing but it's the worst thing that I've had injured working on a car nothing will tear a man down worse than defeat will say um and that's probably the worst injury I've sustained working on a car yes I've bled I've never broken anything I've had Cuts gashes smashes and bruises all of those heels heel I didn't have this metal in my mouth I can say that but the worst one that hurts is the sting of the kick to the proverbial sack of pride that's the worst one that one doesn't heal and that's something you have to live with and think about each time when somebody says what's that car you can fix well I remember so that would be my worst injury thanks Dylan Humphreys Humphrey that's awesome you are too handsome to be in the shop this late merry Christmas well thanks Joe's outdoor power equipment and glad you can recognize a handsome guy too not yeah anyhow thanks Roger yay Cliff cheers everybody loves Cliff Cleveland and I tell you who else I like it on Cheers Miss Carla of course Sam everybody likes Sam but I think my two favorite characters on Cheers are cliff glaven and Kyla because she mean her in a snake I like Carla I know a lady who's actually like car that still has the same hairdo probably mean as Scarlett too but uh yeah it's getting weird again uh yeah Carlos and Bob but anyway it's where uh let's see Keith here and I went out of diagnostic trainings that I won training.com uh 100 truth I fix all the cars that no one else can around here but I get implicitly humbled by old Buicks and other crap regularly now the Bentley's Teslas Mercedes I work on it's the old crap it'll do it to you oh okay he'll try that can't type Chevy Cobalt I understand that you don't keep everything on top of your head don't blame you just saw and ask yeah so it's going to be it's I'm always going to give you the same answer percolated is I just look it up man I look up in service data where do I find the answer I'm looking for where do I find the code set criteria where do I find my wire diagrams where do I find everybody's like oh you're so smart I'm like no I'm not dude I can't hardly remember my kids names yes I can most of the time don't ever memorize something you can look up your brain's only so big and it can only fit so much crap in there and I find as I get older I struggle and I'm not even that old I'm 43 years old I struggle man right now my head struggles and it bothers me to know that I'm starting to forget things and um it happens but don't memorize some of you can look up good service data man the answer is right there especially with GM they have great Services look up your po410 for like whatever code it is you're getting for your for your secondary air looking up boom carry out the tests [Music] Robert's your mother's brother does luna stay at the shop yeah she stays at the shop she lives here it's her house she's inside there right now she's in the office probably sleeping I'm moving my mouse trying to get my thing to go up here on my phone see that's what happens down here down in order word click oh we're seeing this guy at halfway he's tore off her fingernail and a left index finger over 20 years goes sliding door on an astral man mother lover I hate losing fingernails I've lost everyone except my two pinkies here's the only two fingernails I've never lost in my career so I'm all too familiar with the finger red fingernail smashing Renegade garage says Robert actually was his brother's mother so actually Bob's your uncle love it um yeah a smart man may not know the answer but he knows where to find the answer that's what I do I'm like oh I don't know the answer better Keith what's the answer that's what I do uh once in a while we have to do that we gotta phone a friend um yep confirm the fault read and understand how the system works view the diagram create a test plan confirm the root cause and repair the vehicle AKA plan the work work the planned that's what I do and that's what Keith does and that's what anybody worth their salt does smashed my finger it's one of the worst pains uh only one other place that hurts worse while that place usually doesn't get whacked too much working on cars at least I hope not um but uh yeah plan to work work the plan man I mean any any good diagnostic guy is going to tell you any of these guys will tell you here too there are some things that we have memorized we have in our noodle you know for example we can look at a three-wire potentiometer and you know we can fumble our way through a test couple quick tests you know where's my voltage my ground my signal same thing with O2 sensors there are certain things that we have committed to memory just because you know we know certain wire colors on certain Auto makes are you know grounds or powers and stuff like that so we can kind of you know figure our way through but otherwise we're going to look it up fixing cars is 80 research and 20 doing sometimes 90 research 10 doing sometimes it's 99 research and one percent saying oh yeah well that's the problem so that's that uh his work century is probably accidentally missing where I was hitting with a hammer straight to the knee thought I was going to throw up oh gosh that's insane um yeah kubis says that 80 to 85 is common and the rest must be looked up yeah I would say there's I probably look up more than that I mean a lot of stuff is common knowledge but um I look a lot I look up everything you kidding me I paid too much a month for service data and not look it up um more techno videos looking for a rave brother how's that thanks for being a great leader amazing example for all text brother thanks Paulie hope you're doing well man catch you around out there on YouTube once in a while Thanks James um what's my favorite tool under a hundred dollars I'd have to really think about that one hard my guy uh a little bit great content and your awesome tasting movies Austin Powers Super Troopers a Lego Movie which I often quote and you have a merry Christmas meow I love that guy Ben Brown Downtown Brown Austin Powers the Super Troopers what's so damn funny now yeah Tommy Boy I do a lot of Tommy Boy quotes that's all right that's fun um yeah three ten millimeter sockets that's right um what's the prny mean it means the People's Republic of New York because we live in this sick communist state of New York people are like why don't you move I'm like why don't you wait till I'm retired then I'm gonna flush this toilet like everybody else around here you can't even get a freaking U-Haul they will pay you to bring the U-Haul back there's so many people leaving this State we're not going to talk about that so anyways that's what it means the prny yeah Chris Farley's funny but he's dead so I was going to tell you guys something I got to scroll back up to see if I can refresh my memory here I don't remember what that great is talking about because my memory is about as long as oh yeah it was The Accidental Hammer there in the knee you guys talked about I remember one of my friends his name's Andy he's probably watched the show he lives down the street dump truck driver good guy and all nonsense no I love the knowledge you share man best channel on here to help keep me motivated and start putting out repair videos years ago keep killing hey no it's nonsense no loud go check out his videos thanks for the super chat buddy but it's talking about don't mean to switch gears on here it's Andy flips down the road good guy dump truck driver that's where we're at I think you guys may have seen him in a couple videos at least heard him but he smoked my dad right across the knees one time full baseball bat swing with a sledgehammer and I remember he was always my dad was a pretty big man and he was over helping Andy they were changing out the dump truck box on the back of his dump truck and they're knocking the pins out of it or work on suspension or something taking the Campbell backs off something anyway it was sledgehammering and Andy's swinging the sledgehammer full baseball bat swinging this thing and he missed and come right across my dad's legs took him right out and uh I remember Sonny told him that's my dad Sonny that he was going to pay him back for that someday of course you know he walked away immediately and he went and hid because he thought he was going to get murdered he tells the stories better than I do maybe if he's home and he's listening he could come down and tell the real story he told her that my dad's funeral because he finally felt that he was now safe because my dad told him he did gonna know when and he isn't going to know how but he was going to pay him back for it so I think he feels safe now that my dad's dead that he's no longer going to get payback for full baseball bat swinging one of the sledgehammer across the knees so that story you saying about hitting yourself in the league with your hammer and your knees it reminded me of that story so anyways that's gotta suck I don't know if I haven't seen Andy in the chat here every once in a while I catch him up in here but anyways yeah you know maybe he does have something rigged up for him and he just hasn't found it yet but uh yep um anyways uh what do we got here oh it's a little side combo going on down here I want something going on here uh let's see I think we're slowing down artists is there is there legitimately 2 900 people watching two hours later what is going on with you folks what's going on with our chat um have I thought about expanding my shop I have and a thought is no uh I'll never expand my shop I met uh Max Capacity here and when it comes down to it and it's all over and the fat lady has sung I just want to be gone and I don't want to have to I don't know I like my small shop I like one guy um by the laundromat trust me dude I want to buy a laundromat and expand so I can have a bigger parking lot all right see you later Michael now that lunch is over in Australia uh what were we talking about frick I'm past my uh that's my point here um oh hey thanks Ron uh thanks for your videos from Stand it's the Laos Towing and Minnesota California terrible with the pronunciations well thank you Ron we appreciate that buddy smell Recovery Center no no we're talking about that what was he just talking about such an idiot certainly lose my mind I don't mean to keep looking down um keep looking up here oh expanding not an option yes that's what we're talking about expanding the shop thank you I got too many things going on in my mind I appreciate that but I like I like being small like this because I do like to take time off um I'm a terrible boss and I'm a terrible manager I'm terrible at delegating jobs to people and delegating responsibility it makes me envious of my guy Keith from L1 auto diagnostics because he is insanely good at that and his business rapidly grew in it in it it explosively took off and he's very talented and smart not just in automotive repair but in business business management and how to take care of his employees and expand his business cities I don't know where he puts his brass buttons but he has to have him somewhere it's because he is brave enough to venture where likely I wouldn't ever Venture because I like to have well to have the proper 2022 terminology thanks for two wheel Adventures to have the proper terminology I need my safe place that's a word that we can use nowadays I like to feel safe and secure the best we can although life is never certain to us any of us anybody that knows anything knows that but I like to feel that I have some bit of control of the outcome of my life which ultimately I don't a little bit of it I do but really I don't and I can walk outside and Get Smoked by a car I can fall off my stool how my heart could quit beating right now we don't know that but at any rate my feeble attempt to be safe I like to have safe places I hate using that word I just think it's funny so uh so I don't ever venture out and expand my shop nor do I want to um and when I like to go somewhere I like to just close down my shop I don't want to be worried about who's here who's running my shop what this what the Shop's doing if there's a problem does the building burn down you know what's who's running my business I like to just leave and say Josh here's your pay for the week I'm going to be gone I pay him for the whole week the kid gets like four weeks paid vacation every year he does pretty good in that regards because every time I take a day off we all take a day off and that's just how it is I closed down for a week of deer season I closed down for Thanksgiving I closed down for Christmas I closed down for a week of vacation gets paid every single time here I'm gonna pay you to stay home and I like to have that ability so that's that's why I like to stay small and I'm glad that I'm the size that I am not physically this way but business-wise so yeah I like it like that walking a lot um certainly issue delegating too hard to find people who have as high standards as you do to work that's correct and that's and that's how I feel about it too um well Keith it's not just kind words I'm not just trying to blow smoke up here and I've told you a dozen times I've probably sent you some sentimental text saying that I envy your process that you do and I'm very proud of you speaking to you like like an old man I'm proud of what you do it's it's inspiring to me to see to see what you're doing to see how you operate your business and to see how you've progressed and to see that it's successful and to see that you're not afraid of taking these tests I know on the inside you might be a little bit scared but you sure don't portray it on the outside but I know on the inside you probably have a we all have a little bit of self-doubt but the fact that you can look past it and move on and do what you do is inspiring and I hope it's inspiring to other people that know you too I feel like we should hug when I see it TST then we'll hug you can you can hug me I guess uh anyways Dan W writes uh thanks for sharing your knowledge I work on helicopters but I've taken countless lessons from improving my electoral Diagnostics well good keep them helicopters up in the air because they don't want to use what do they call it free rotor what is it when a helicopter Falls and you get the one last chance to yank up the collectors and let her not die um yeah anyways uh thanks for working on helicopters for us um hello and thank you for all your awesome wow Morris Morrison virus I don't even know what that is motion virus uh you have a very generous Super Chat auto rotation is what it's called that's when you're about to die but you have auto rotation and I think where they pull up on the collective watch some videos on it because I'm fascinated by helicopters and I think it's fun and I want to ride in one but I'm scared to death um anyhow uh thank you for your awesome videos showing both techniques and solutions love your channel and your content thanks for being cool man another one of your subscribers from California well thank you uh mosten virus hopefully it's not putting a virus on our computer thank you Chris Roland appreciate that buddy um and then we have uh the striker TPMS follow-up as an original owner would you recommend replacing all sensors at a single failure or is it gauged by how old the vehicle is I think we've covered this a little bit short story if the car is more than 10 years old one TPMS has failed I would say yes get after it boy if you can afford it do it I use aftermarket sensors here um so yeah I always encourage my customers to do so but I also tell them I scanned them all this is the one that's broken I can do this one we can do all four it's up to you so um anyways uh what are they uh let's see what uh where we at here uh he said you should try flying a helicopter Eric it's like trying to juggle bowling pins while standing on a beach ball oh wow that sounds like a good time all I would want to know is that if the guys that's piling knows how to use auto rotation that's all I want to know you can you save me on a Crest you know how to use it uh let's see here Austin Powers Waters Walters right he's got no four Wrangler using stuff I've learned from you I've discovered a bad PCM I'm not sure the other shop a little voltage Spike enabled skin when there was no module present now or ever was no chipped key ever the only way that I know that you can enable skim and I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong is my I assume maybe you put in a used PCM if a used PCM had skim in it in a non-skim vehicle then it has skim I've seen people around here swap columns they put in a skim they put in a used ignition column plugged or steering column plugged it in boom about it being your car's done you know yeah I don't know how they could have enabled skim Keith will fill in the answer uh let's see blessings you and the fam for Christmas Erico and thanks for the knowledge and laughs along the way Merry Christmas to you TJ McLaughlin did I say that correctly hopefully um I'm gonna say adios adios Don adios muchacho get to the chopper skim oh yeah your security key immobilizer I think is what it stands for and uh oh what do we got here a Jack Attack he uh he writes into Cliff Cleveland and I'll read this in the cliff I'll try to get my best uh Cliff claven going on Auntie uh ain't no Nami there it's a little Annoying fact that the uh 10 became popular and what's known as the Bronze Age Sentry key immobilizer module thanks Keith he's always making me see he always fills in the blinks and let me get Cliff Clavin uh how do your customers with Ford's DCT live with it I need tips to get the most out of my car well to be honest with you Charles the 90 of them that have the DCT transmission live at the Ford dealership uh the majority of them are sitting at the Ford dealership I mean I had one in here the other day it was there for I think seven months it came in you know breaks completely rusted solid everything forms on backorder so I mean that's how most people live with them they live with them by a take them to the crusher B leaving them at the dealership forever see song somebody on Craigslist and don't try to lowball me I know what I got foreign let's see yeah yeah let's try Clips dual clutch Transmissions there are garbage um what else we got going on here my I'm probably missing everything I always miss everything um Tennessee Craigslist free builds this guy said he's buying an 06 Mustang 405 speed for 5500 US Dollars 35 000 miles any thoughts on ride liability or any common problems to look for I can't really comment on that PNG gaming RNG gaming simply because I don't see a lot of those much things but if it's a 06 and it's a 4-0 and a five speed that's a good start great engine good transmission 5500 bucks seems too cheap to be true with 35 000 miles on it if it's a rust free car hammer down my guy that seems kind of cheap though hopefully it's not a scam hopefully you don't end up on a missing person list when you show up at the Craigslist buyers house to buy the said Mustang or they just need you to send a money order and they'll ship it to you don't do that I think it's a scam but yeah I don't uh oh you're in Canada what the heck am I talking about I think it's probably rotted right clean in half so yeah I don't I don't I only work I only have like two customers that have those cars um oh you said it has some body damage minor stuff yeah if it's if you're up in the northeast or in the North in Canada I'd be checking that baby for us an 06 Mustang here we wouldn't even be able to put it in the shop it would break in half if it is from down south like somebody just wrote my guy James maybe it's a flood car if it seems too good to be true it probably is but oh man Ron's here can you please give a shout out to my wife Stephanie hanik she loves Lots in your videos well here's to you Stephanie haddock I don't know how to do a shout out I do know that Ron loves you very much he sent me an email the other day declaring his love for you and I was touched and moved by it so you got a good man there Stephanie take care of him and he'll take care of you so special I could do off the coast we'll talk later anyhow I don't know how to do a shout out but that's that's all I got for you you really did email me though Tony Stephanie this Stephanie there I'm like I can't keep reading this man oh sneaky 1369 Niner drove to Batavia from Central Florida oh we're on battery saver mode we need to wind it up sneaky 1369 or drove from Batavia to Central Florida last fall passed your shop I wanted so badly to stop by and meet you but out of respect I didn't because I know you're busy and not crazy about fan stopping by um that's okay you could have snapped in sneaky 1369 I might not recognize you but now that I know what your face looks like I'll recognize you but uh yeah you know if you're if you're cruising by a stop and give a what's up I'll give you a t-shirt um let's see what else we got here uh yeah but we are in battery saver mode so just letting you know uh related question on my Ford the battery light has been on for two years how worried should I be I wouldn't be worried at all Charles because in two years if that light's still on by golly that's charging I'll tell you that so I wouldn't be worried about it until your lights start getting dim and I'd be like you know what I should have fixed that freaking light because then I would know a motivator is going bad which it likely could be a bad alternator anyways being a Ford could be a bad PCM it's a PCM control law later could be a bad uh whatever instrument cluster something something like that plug in my phone I don't have a plugger here for it uh as a matter of fact this is the first time I've ever seen my phone this low on charge hey it's hands on Brian Hands-On auto training also does great videos we we were talking about Brian I don't mean to just drop the bomb on you but we were talking earlier about other folks on the YouTube that do great Automotive videos Brian awesome excellent smart guy great great guy I like I like going out and watching this stuff it's a couple quick boom he blows through these case studies and that's what I like watching I like watching case studies and he always he always says a lot of those but uh but uh yeah always learning I mean he's got some good stuff on there so definitely shout out at any rate we probably ought to wind her up a little bit here all right um because the phone beeped and we're a couple hours at two and a half hours and who's got time to watch this crap and uh at any rate we got a we gotta wind it down to start unclicking um what do we got here yeah well you know I can give the heads up for the uh for the what's up Wednesday but they're super random I hate promising and not being able to keep it like hey next week we're gonna do a what's up Wednesday and then next week comes I'm like I don't feel like doing what's up Wednesday because I hate people and I don't want to talk to anybody did I just say that out loud anyhow you get the point all right let's just say I got busy um yeah I don't get notifications either on a lot of Channel Smitty which is weird some channels I get over notified other channels I don't but at any rate we do need to wrap this up I've played with this little bolt here like a fidget tool so long and my fingers black so I need to go wash them and I've wrapped the t-pin around it and poked a hole in this piece of paper about 300 times um can you call Frank and douche who's Frank and is he really a douche and if he is stop being one of those Frank I can only say it twice um yeah um anyways I don't even know what to say we were saying goodbye and I'm pretty bad with goodbye so it was good seeing all you guys we'll wrap it up like this and uh we could wrap up the whole thing into Cliff Clavin here and uh get fun facts but I think we'll just wrap it up in a normal yeah let's go out snipe hunting who hasn't seen that episode great episode we've got a snowy pointing Port Fraser left him out there in the wild but we can't get sidetracked here we need to say goodbye and this is how we're going to do it appreciate all the super chat folks and I appreciate you folks that just like to tune in and watch which is really awesome too and I appreciate you guys going out to all the other channels that we mentioned and clicking that subscribe button on all their channels and checking them out and getting involved in their channels and training and everything else that you can do to better yourself and be a better human and uh just thanks for stopping by and all that I hope you guys enjoyed your time here hanging out losing my train of thought because I'm hungry my blood sugar's low and uh listen to us talk and rant and Rave about certain things and we've enjoyed that and that's it that's all I've got to say you guys got anything else to say before I click off out of here oh yeah Merry Christmas and even uh Merry Christmas to all you people who don't like saying Merry Christmas when you see somebody that you don't even know wish them a merry Christmas shake your hand be nice be kind open the door for people don't be a jerk that's why I always tell my kids just don't be a jerk man that's all we ever asked Don't Be a Jerk we'll be a lot better place a lot less jerks so uh you guys have a good night we love you too for everybody who's given that Merry Christmas Happy New Year we'll see you around before then I'm sure we'll try to do another Super Chat and uh and I guess that's it now it's gonna get weird because I don't know how to turn this thing off we gotta hit the little X here and uh thanks for watching we're gonna hit the Stop and you okay
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 494,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nwqpgcwnS74
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Length: 154min 44sec (9284 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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