I STOLE my Friend's SECRET CHEST! (Minecraft)

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it's biker off-time who would have thought way back in the first episode of Minecraft when we hacked into jellies world that we would be where we are now is insane today we're gonna be having a little bit of an adventure with jelly and quibble cop although for some reason I can hear some chickens in the background I don't know we'll have to see what that is about last episode I told you guys that when we hit a hundred thousand likes I'll upload a new episode and you went in it a hundred and thirty thousand likes so I'm gonna have the challenge when we hit one hundred and twenty five thousand likes a new episode of Minecraft will be uploaded anyway let's head into jelly server and see what's going on oh no I just woke up and all I hear is chickens what have we got going on here oh hello chickens what happened what happened while I was away why you jumping over my bed you guys have been busy there are a lot of eggs in here look at this who sent you who sent you hey don't walk away from me wait a second of them we'll all there are more oh wow what did that chicken just hurt me what is happening someone has filled my entire house with these chickens are they in the basement as well Oh if they put them in the basement hang on a second this isn't okay is this wait I think jelly might have figured out we stole his chicken wait did they find our secret Angie no they didn't okay quickly putting both up okay a chicken got in there no two chickens go in there I guess they're gonna stay did jelly fill my entire house with chickens because they stole one of his chickens that doesn't seem like a smart thing he basically just gave me chickens cuz I stole them I need to figure out what's happened here hello are you guys saying someone filled my house with chickens I am calling my help yes what what do you mean I don't know you're gonna bring them out Jordi I thought you were gonna breathe them and make more Google breeding the chickens in my house get out house is fun wait that's a great idea guy chicken none of this this is my house I need some food anyway so this work see I need wanna confess okay wait wait wait wait wait what is this some jelly yes I just found a sign in my chicken coop well yeah Josh listen so you stole Carl my chicken I decided you know let's let's get some coal brothers and sisters and hey can I have a seat please yeah some seats I need a I need a call junior to go back in there call dude wait you guys killed every one of them okay don't worry I brought eggs I've got eggs I can get called Union there we go I'll name that from a little bit later get rid of that sign see you later okay so let me get this straight Josh stole Julie's chicken allegedly no you did it George give the judge a lot of chicken s baby well yeah I guess you want a chicken so you know why don't fill it out some chicken harmless prank yeah I guess they was actually a nice safe homeless Josh I could have burnt your house down but I did easy let's hope let's wish that that never happens guys because we have a wishing well oh do you guys like it see wait wait no no guys go back you don't tell the wish shorty guys why don't we get eggs chicken eggs those guys go get some more stuff go get some I bet she got some special stuff yeah go get some valuable stuff no white valuable stuff in despawn no jelly he's never gonna wishing well it's a wishing well you throw in gold like look watch this Golden Apple you guys can't do that yeah but jelly jelly you can't say the wish out loud my turn my turn no no no jelly jelly jelly keep the bones because maybe we need them on yeah we were gonna get my hot dogs remember we could get dogs yeah yeah okay wait here's one for you wait wait make a wish how about we just head back to our houses prepare and then we'll head out in the morning yeah because I don't want to go out in the night okay there's go we know he will die not everyone ah what a perfect perfect situation think they're both in bed now they can't hear me all of that donation just went into our well so I think we need to go down here and check it out we got to stay crouched though otherwise they'll be able to see our name tag under the map we should probably get these chickens out here as well otherwise they're gonna hear them guys I'm sorry but you can't know this secret okay bye-bye so let's see what we got in the well oh yeah 23 iron look at all this wheat signs wait wait a second horse armor didn't we give horse armor to Jordi in a gift did he throw it in the well we'll have to ask him about that tomorrow all right we need to head up and go to sleep really quickly otherwise the others will notice that something is a little bit off chickens stay out of here okay this is not for you all right let's head to sleep one thing I realized though we can't even give this armor to Jordi and anymore otherwise they will realize that I've been taking stuff from the well so we're gonna have to keep this stuff a secret we'll figure that out tomorrow let's go to sleep morning everybody's late always late come on I just I just want to get a dog all right I already get a doctor wait wait wait jelly jelly I notice you got yourself a mailbox doesn't even you've got bread in there by the way hey I didn't check my mail wait wait wait Tony Turner did you get my gift what you give me Josh let's check it out hey there's absolutely nothing you make no I said you saw my guys I didn't give you more Schwimmer yeah I give you also a wholesome I found it you get it yeah I swear I put it right in those chests in the mill how did you not give me anything Josh I put it right in this chest honest I did you don't want to answer that question I don't know what you're talking about telly I don't know where yours is gone Geordie Kim something villagers steel or zombies I guess maybe hmm anyways I'm sorry well anyways guys maybe we should just focus on getting a dog we don't have horses anyway that we found the dogs when we were here first do you know which direction yes oh I can get some more come here skeleton skull oh that's just mean Oh wrong to you I got two from one skillet so now you've got an arrow in here back is this the most we've ever explored from our houses oh yeah we should go fishing oh you know jelly no not like that Geordi because you right-click in yeah again again again what are you naming it you got a name it whatever comes to mind trailing birthdays Benny Benny Benny Benny Benny I already feel sorry for this dog yeah Benny the dog alright well let's go get our ones let's go Benny it's orange now wait wait Oh God orange orange dog guys guys guys guys what are you did anybody build here no where is this oh my goodness did anybody start building here treasure chest all the way over there Oh guys let's have a look in the chest together what is it what is it it's closed it's closed oh there we go wait buried treasure matter look guys oh I got it look hey guys take a look take a look at it alright I'm looking at it guys but I have no idea where yeah we could baby hug that's another time Wow leather tunic I gonna let the tunic guys look check out my leather tunic wow what can I say I'm kind of a big deal ya know Jory there's a dog numpty yeah I think the dogs are more important jelly you want this one you can take this one there might not be one here this is Benny's brother I think so I think they're all related no they're not gonna be related I think they are oh gosh yours needs to start with a B as well okay the brothers oh all right all right guys the sun's going down we need to hurry up hey come here come here this is Beatrice Beatrice Beatrice yes Beatrice but that might be the ugliest name for a dog ever whoa whoa fine Beatrice is lovely yeah she has feelings too jelly okay Jordi Jordi Beatrice wait Dre take that long dirty did you'll survive mine was tearing your throat apart but you managed to teleport oh all right okay okay I guess Beatrice and Benny don't get along that well just get in the house you've been bad for now Josh wait I think what guys may be just oh my goodness I just hit Beatrice Beatrice and Bruno just made a baby weight but who owns it can someone see if they can make it sit it's no it's the community dog - I think it's mine I think it's mine Josh it was clearly no because Brunel was here you have a Beatrice gave birth to it okay let's just go to bed and just deal with this tomorrow guys come on get in come with me you're a daddy no money Beatrice morning accident since Bruno is a daddy now I want to give them a nice green color that's probably a good idea they're gonna do I need to find some green dye okay well I don't really want to come with you Teddy by the way you've got a little bit of them stain I literally just actually looks quite nice jelly I like to do it too okay let's just call it even okay cool I'm gonna get my green you guys don't come into my house okay okay I'm gonna fix my house up now nice time jelly thanks guys gosh what what come with me I'm just finishing fixing my house what do you want is JD gone yeah he's gone to get the the dye what do you want why are you being weird Jordi Josh I need to show you something show me something what do you mean okay he's gone are you sure yeah he's gone over to get the cactus Josh come with me woody why are you going into Julie's house right so the other day I I I was doing something and jelly accidentally left something open what Jilly Jilly left open his secret base I accidentally stumbled funny I didn't even know he was secret base until I realized when I went down at Josh jenny has a secret base what think with me here what is this don't touch anything okay so jelly have these chests over here - jellies valuables however I found tea tea under there now hear me out I've removed the team tea so this just is safe now wait wait it's not opening yet because what is this why is jelly hiding stuff what the heck there is the actual valuable chest however I already checked it and there was nothing special in it so I'm wondering what did he put it in the tea and tea one okay so but but yet but why would we steal jelly stuff like that's not I'm running why do the ever secret base it's from my with the whole point of this is that we're not I'm trolling and stealing meat from each other daughter you know but why would he then build a secret base Tony I have been the best behaved person here I'm not gonna ruin all that just for some stuff you might have judged but isn't it very suspicious that jelly out of everyone is the only person who has a secret base that's true why why does jelly need to hide from us no no judge even so much so that he built a secret base inside of his secret base and that's how little he trusts us I mean there's no harm in taking a look and we're not gonna take stuff like we can just look right yeah exactly okay let's do it then I mean do you want to look yeah we were nice try defusing that whoever it was tell me who was it I don't know anything whose OHS built this whole guys one of you has been in my secret basement place all this gold ore down and mess with this jelly jelly it was all Geordi he told me he came down his I didn't let me do this he got me to open the chest right clearly guys are trying to steal something from me here so you know how are we gonna work this Jill you have to confess I I think you left your secret base open Welbeck yeah and I thought I would prank you with a funny prank but then I found your secret base and why are you hiding this stuff from Kelly why are you hiding stuff I mean I don't trust you okay just throw my chicken I don't know what else what else you guys are doing allegedly allegedly don't have any brew from that you just confessed to pranking me here well you just confess having a secret base daily yeah well I did nothing I'm a good boy do you have something to confess why you turning this for me you try you're you you're down here Kelly to be fair you do have us like why do you need a secret base if you trust us you know ya don't trust you I just said all right guys well okay you tried to steal stuff from me it's fair enough because I actually know Julie I stole something from from the gift box yes I knew it wait wait yeah I got you golden wholesome at least it was an offering okay I forgive both of you so now we're all good and friendly we can do we can all chicken let's try to play yeah but I've only been yeah look we're all together we're all friends I think today has been a valuable lesson that we can we can trust each other and we just need to be good and well-behaved okay all right well it's been a good day I'm gonna hit the bed now so I'll see you guys later yeah good night everyone bye-bye before I head to bed though I do need to name my chicken from last episode we're not gonna name this one Billy jr. that would just be kind of admitting that we stole jelly's chicken we're not doing that we're actually gonna be naming this after a commenter on the last episode Troy thank you very much for clicking like on the video and supporting let me just put this down Troy the chicken now if you guys want this chicken here to be named after you in the next episode then drop a comment on this video and you might be picked as the lucky one good luck good night Troy and unnamed chicken we're going to bed for reals this time what is why is it okay weird it's not okay good night other chickens good night
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,845,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, how to build, jelly, kwebbelkop, secret, troll wars
Id: pU7S3AjUhw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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