I Started a Viral Copypasta

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it's not a mistake it's the Masterpiece only in Ohio top five moments before something racist with old man emo can we just take a moment to appreciate how much dream put Dre The Waffle House has found its new host if you've spent any amount of time on YouTube I guarantee that you've seen most of these comments before but where did they come from well most of the copy pastas came about from different YouTubers begging their audiences to spam them in comment sections which is awesome so starting today I want to get in on this copy pasta action and start my own but before we do that I think we should talk to someone who actually knows a thing or two about starting copy pastas Johnny Razer all right how we doing now if you don't know Johnny Razer is the creator of the world famous Waffle House copy PSTA which is one of the most recent and dare I say biggest copy pastas to plague the YouTube comment section okay so first of all just for the people that don't know could you like explain the whole Waffle House thing again okay so mid January you know I'm chilling having a good time I think of the phrase bad scop idea and it just just make a video in the video I'm like all right we're going to come up with a comment that we put in every YouTube video and just try to Gaslight YouTube instantly there were like 30,000 comments All saying the Waffle House has found its new host and I inadvertently created a plague that caused that comment to appear on every YouTube video that like was uploaded like at all in January that's crazy but yeah now I'm the waffle man I I'm wondering did you get like a lot of hate for it did people were people like super annoyed yeah say it was mostly positive there there definitely are a lot of people that threw some hate in my way MH um like I I occasionally get people on Twitter like going you've destroyed YouTube it's all burning to the ground and my last question is do you have any tips for me on how to pull off this copy pasta my my number one tip don't all right guys thanks for watching the video [Music] bye completely ignoring Johnny's advice I got to work on the copy pasta but first we got a couple of rules here all right let me just get the Whiteboard out here oh shoot that's not supposed to hold on yeah that's my bad that's not supposed to be on there rule number one right here 30 days we have 30 days to make this go viral rule number two no main Channel I can't use my main channel to promote the copy pasta or spread it or anything my main channel is off limits for this Channel and finally rule number three no hate I have to try to do this without getting people to hate me which is actually the hardest part of this challenge cuzz for some reason whenever you spam comment something people don't like it very much isn't that weird and this isn't really like actually a rule I just don't really want to be hated by the end of this actually which is actually why I'm not using my main Channel because I don't want this to get traced back to me if it goes bad which it very well might I mean it's a copy pasta so you never know so yeah making a viral copy pasta in 30 days without using my main Channel and getting no Hate by the end of it that's the goal that's the challenge let's do this now that we know our rules it's time to start brainstorming and by brainstorming I mean just asking chat GPT to do it for me I mean it's 2023 what do you think I'm going to do just think on my own after comparing all the viral copy pastas I could remember I noticed that they have three things in common they're short and sweet something that is pretty easy to comment they're versatile something that's not too specific and will work in many different scenarios and they don't really make sense I mean what does it mean to the what write me a short versatile coffee pasta that doesn't really make any sense flippity floppity ploop the Zim Zam zers went curlu in the Flim Flam flum and that's how it ended up with a sock on my head and a spoon in my shoe # silly Saturday um AI is taking over the world it's just getting it's getting too advanced write me a short versatile copy pasta that doesn't really make any sense but isn't too silly hey there just wanted to drop a quick message to say hello and hope you're doing well if you ever need someone to talk to or have any questions feel free to reach out take care that doesn't sound like a copy pasta it just sounds like chaty BT is worried about me and that's actually kind of sweet here we go this is the one the sound of a distant train whistle Echoes through the canyon as the leaves wrestle in the Autumn Breeze time moves like a river slowing steadily towards the end we are but passengers on it of life that is beautiful that is truly gorgeous um but not a copy pasta It's like a really long poem so AI is not being very helpful so let's just I'm just going to I'm just going to post in my community Tab and say comment anything on this post and let's see what people come up with I'm going to check back in in probably like an hour and see what people comment one of them I guess will be our copy pasta for this whole 30 days so comment something good please please please comment something good please I'm I please I'm begging speaking of Joe Biden I actually saw him in public the other day I was so nervous but I went up to talk to him and I even got a picture with him but to be honest he was actually pretty rude instead of just being nice he kept saying things like what are you talking about and I'm not Joe Biden so I guess he's not the kind-hearted old man that you might think he is so I took it upon myself to expose this cruel man and defeat him subscribe so I can pass Joe Biden and become the new president all right it's been a little while let's see what you freaks comments ComEd bring back Brian I want a soda right now subscribe to yikes that's a good copy pasta everyone should comment that are you Italian no are you gay no do you like me no Daniel give me coffee who's Daniel wait what if I actually made that the coffee pasta just Daniel give me coffee with no explanation I don't know what that means I don't know who Daniel is all right screw it we're making that the cofy pasta now that we have our wonderful cofy pasta it's time to take over the Internet or at least try to the first thing I did was commented on every single short that I saw hoping that people would just follow along can do it too um but it did not work so I quickly moved on to plan B which is doing the only thing I know how to do apparently making a new YouTube channel this is like the same feeling as like starting a new Minecraft world I love it I pulled up my handy dandy randomware generator Imperial Lily candle Innovation miscarriage manufacturer oh my retirement tag unanimous lip blackmail doll triangle player just someone that plays the triangle I like that let's use that and in just a few seconds the channel was complete there we are at triangle player perfect I wrote a quick script and use this AI voice generator website to read it so that nobody recognizes my voice and spam Daniel give me coffee in the replies bro it actually works actually sounds like a real person it's actually crazy what AI can do # silly what if every YouTube video that you watched you went to the comment section and saw the exact same random comment let's make it happen go to every single video that you watch scroll down into the comments and comment Daniel give me coffee this will confuse every single person to see the comment and they might even join our club and comment it too if you go to a video's comment section and already see that somebody has commented it like it and spam Daniel give me coffee in the replies let's take over the internet and see what if every YouTube video that you watch despite me watching it liking it commenting on it and subscribing with pretty much every single one of my channels the video is still completely flopped so I tried uploading it again and again and again and again and again and again none of them got any views though and I guess YouTube found out that I used my own accounts because they removed all of my subscribers so play and see I guess [Music] hello it's me everyone's favorite decapitated YouTuber back again with another video I actually saw a comment uh calling me the Torso guy not sure if that's a compliment or or what but I guess I'll take it my plan now is to just copy all of YouTube shorts and by that I mean just stealing everything that works on YouTube shorts and using it to promote the copy pasta I'm talking Minecraft Shorts Minecraft but every time you comment Daniel give me coffee I get faster all right we're starting off at normal speed I'm just going to get some wood oh somebody must have commented it I'm a tiny bit faster now still not super fast though oh someone else commented it look at me go oh it's a village wo okay somebody definitely commented it again this is getting a little bit crazy W wo wo wo somebody definitely commented it again oh no guys stop commenting it it's too much I don't think I can go any faster alpha male shorts honestly if you aren't commenting then you'll give me coffee in every single video you are just pae B man Burger King Whopper Whopper meme shorts coffee please do it or I will dox you I'm not joking comment it on every video doesn't matter what kind of video just make sure that you comment it everywhere you go I'm dead serious more Minecraft Shorts as a kid my parents taught me to not believe everything I see on TV now I have to teach them to not believe everything they see on Facebook if you comment Daniel give me coffee this like weird hide-and seek thing that I saw on shorts I bet you won't be able to find me without cheating double tap this video close your eyes no seriously close them I I stole it basically let's play hide and seek I'm going to hide and you have to find me double tap the screen to play okay now close your eyes I'm hiding don't open your eyes keep them squeezed shut okay I'm hidden now try to find me comment Daniel give me coffee on every short you Roblox shorts I guess I don't know Meme compilation shorts the last time I don't look nothing like no damn tow truck um dance shorts uh yeah I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry uh I'm sorry I spent like a week on these videos and none of them got any views except the Whopper one that one got like sick so I think it's safe to say that we won this challenge no but speaking of the challenge we don't have much time left and the future of this copy pasta is not looking too bright so that's awesome I'm sorry to say it but I'm resorting to bribery that's right I'm going to bribe my friend just the ones with clout to comment the copy pasta on every single video they see we'll see if this works nothing works this is by far the least successful challenge I have ever done and it shouldn't even be this hard I don't know why it's so hard and it's so frustrating because if I could just use my main Channel it would be so easy wait I never said I couldn't use my second Channel new channel is a channel that I made last summer during a different YouTube speedrun where I was trying to get a brand new channel hence the name to 10,000 subscribers in 7 days I actually failed the challenge the series ended with the channel at around 2,000 subscribers but the channel kept on growing and is now sitting at a cool 40,000 subscribers which is crazy the channel is built around this like sarcastic social media commentary thing sorry I mean it's a totally legitimate and credible news source dream actually faked his face reveal here's proof there is no way that dream could be this hot this man must be a paid actor breaking news Mr Beast just uploaded a video that's crazy I know which is exactly what I need to make a video for a new channel so after some quick editing I got a very high quality video out just an hour after the original Mr Beast actually faked his I paid a real assassin to try to kill me video here's proof do you see that in the reflection of his sunglasses it's a camera which proves that this video is actually fake Mr Beast said that you want to watch this video you want to watch this video but actually the only reason that I'm watching it is to make my own video about it and get views so Mr Beast is a liar that is clearly not Mr Beast it is obviously Nolan I can't believe they thought that they could hide that from us hold on a minute what does this say it says comment Daniel give me coffee on every single video that you see well I guess we have to do it I mean it is framed in a bank so must be a l after that video did amazing I made a short what if every single video you watch you saw the exact same random comment I saw this comment on one of my videos and I thought it would be funny if we made it go viral for literally no reason you heard me right it is now your mission to comment Daniel give me coffee on all of the YouTube shorts that you watch next now I would never threaten any of you just saying you better do it never try to explain it if somebody asks you what it means just reply again with Daniel give me coffee and don't ask me what Daniel give me coffee means because I have no idea anyway let's prank the internet please I'm begging and maybe that will go [Music] viral so guys I bet you're wondering why I called you all here no not really okay okay okay okay so basically for the past month I've been trying everything I possibly can to get every YouTube comment section flooded with Daniel give me coffee so far nothing has wored so I thought I would come to you guys my wisest friends to tell me what to do give up oh bet okay okay I got you okay my friend's want to ask you for help I don't know he could barely hear you because of this but hi he doesn't like you guys no I need his help I need your help okay can you help me figure wait I I can't see him can you figure out he figure out how to help me get people to comment Daniel give me coffee on every video he's trying to basically R YouTube and he needs your help destroy it in a way but in a good way I'll probably have more money you should have more money what bro are you saying I'm poor you got his advice there you go thanks you guys should go into people's streams and spam it thank you whatever other race and one person is going to be black and what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to figure oute Daniel give me coffee who's Daniel where's Daniel bro give him some uh some coffee Daniel giving me coffee Daniel gave me coffee how do you how do you have a check Mar J what Daniel Daniel give me coffee bro give me coffee bro what are you talking about my boy I don't have no coffee bro I got your coffee right here my friend I ain't got no coffee who's Daniel give him a coffee already bro give this guy a Coffey already bro this is when I realized that he was pulling people from his Discord server to join the stream I think you know where this is going is that the real yikes Daniel give me coffee are you actually yikes Daniel give me coffee are you yikes Daniel give me coffee are you yikes Daniel give me coffee oh you are Yik I'm I'm a big fan Daniel give me coffee let's get yikes in here big dog yo Daniel give me coffee am I am I Daniel Daniel give I'm searching this up bro comment Daniel give me coffee on every video is this like what does that mean okay okay everyone I hate to say it but the challenge is officially coming to an end it was definitely very difficult but I also actually really enjoyed it while the copy pasta may not have gone viral maybe it didn't have to maybe the real challenge was the journey and the friends that we made along the way the copy pasta didn't go viral and that's okay a is what I would say if I was a loser I'm not giving up this is is not over sorry I don't know why it stood up there in just the last couple of days some of my friends started pitching in promoting the copy pasta in their videos or their Community tab getting thousands of people to comment Daniel give me coffee I posted the copy pasta on Reddit a couple times and it got like 70 up votes of people spamming it in the comments and a couple people made videos and even entire channels dedicated to Daniel give me coffee the challenge might be over but the battle has just begun okay okay [Music] buddy M I was up for self I was up for self but I couldn't tell godain H Daniel give me Cofe
Channel: yikes
Views: 778,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yikes, daniel give me coffee, copypasta, 30 days, the waffle house has found its new host, biden, yikes vs biden, 30 day challenge, brian, savebrian
Id: egktiZc7sGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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