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so with the classic event officially being over a lot of people left their head scratching on what went wrong with the event however as the classic event was going on there was a new game that was slowly climbing the ranks of Roblox this game is no other than block tales and I'm going to be honest with you this game's only in demo but the demo itself solos the entire event this game should have been the event and I'm going to show you why but before we do that let's get a little background on what exactly blacktails is and who was made by for St block Tales is a multiplayer turn-based RPG inspired by Paper Mario 64 in EarthBound and the game itself was named by a guy named unknown named guy and after digging into his profile to figure out if this guy has made other games before he has zero Creations on his account and on top of that has zero Place visits and after looking through his groups I don't see him having a developer role in any of the groups that he's actually in the closest thing I found was a game called enforcement FPS and he had a special role in there called spanglers whatever the hell that means but yeah it's pretty safe to say that this guy is an anomaly but what isn't an anomaly is how good blog Tales actually is because I've been seeing this game in my comment section I've been seeing it in my Discord I've been seeing it all over YouTube so I have to see what the hype is all about so let's get started all right so here we are inside the game and just like any classic RPG you're going to have some player slots or I'm sorry save files and one of my favorite things is that this is all designed like retro Roblox like literally like if Roblox put this as the event it would be the craziest event of all time but let's go ahead and start an empty slot tutorial Terry hey wake up oh God get up goober oh I don't like that he called me goober do you have a good nap yeah no how about I kill you I'm going to go with how about I kill you all right uhoh he has 999 Health oh I'm cooked all right well uh I have two options defend run away or attack let's just go with uh baller baller one Dam it oh I'm cooked oh I'm cooked oh I'm cooked I am so sorry please don't kill me wait can I hit him again oh I can hit him again run that back yeah two damage uh-oh he did a th000 damage to me my my bad whoopsie have a good nap yeah yeah my my appp was great it was it was amazing please never hurt me ever again now get out of my bed oh jeez okay the audacity of people these days you think you can just sleep anywhere you want huh yeah what Builder man kidnapping time travel I don't know what you're talking about dude it's 2010 yo we're in 2010 one of the hotel workers came looking for you earlier front desk Hotel down the hall go talk to him okay Walk East to Roblox oh yo now I don't know about you guys but when I play RPGs I explore every single small minute detail if something can be interacted I will use it because chances are in inside most RPGs there are a lot of Secrets they love to put and secrets could really be anything special items you know little bit of gold here and there so you got to really make sure you interact with everything all right but let's go Ahad and get out of here walk East the Roblox HQ all right never eat soggy W okay it's this way knock knock is that room service man you guys are so slow don't you know you can press shift to dash maybe next time you'll get here faster no way I'm learning this is a part of the tutorial what's taking my soup so long are you guys jumping after you dash don't you know that cancels all your end lag hold on jump oh that is crazy I'm learning wait what I can even throw balls too bro I even I catch my own ball hello everybody my wait is that another person Hi they weren't kidding when it was a multiplayer RPG you ever play this before no shall we party up yo can we get our first member to our party I know you uh-oh he knows me maybe we shouldn't party up hold on let's go talk to this guy welcome to Hotel bville oh are you corny see somebody at least Knows My Name here we have a letter for you one moment ah here you are it's from John shelety himself no way he'd like to meet you at ROBLOX HQ he must be a big shot from out of town how interesting well good luck on your trk to to the office corny all right now real question how's we how do we how do we party up party it appears to me that we have a new friend yeah he's in our party let's go oh that's a quirky boy th guy Bellboy Bob I really want to go home well that's unfortunate Bellboy Bob prologue hello world hey let's go talk to this guy yo dinkster you look like you had quite the nap you should probably head off to the Roblox HQ off to the right okay we got to go off to the right but who is this guy right here he looks not so friendly getting more than bucks yo we can buy moves and stuff here oh my God okay well why don't Roblox open this weekend Oh I think we need a sword hold on it's not opening all right I think we have to go inside yeah buddy I our party members a little confused here y this guy is the craziest dreads of all time you know could like totally get rid of those PLS a good batch from like a sword yeah I think we need I I think we need to get her sword hello hello hello oh my God a child let me beat the hell out of them where's my party member whatever this sh body get the beating of a lifetime get him out of here yeah he's done we just murdered a child oh another one another child this one got Wings oh there's three of them okay where my homie at hello everybody my name is Mark boom get him out of here all right party member kill him yeah look at him go all right that's enough of you get him out of [Music] here yo free bucks yo a burger M chzburger found an item M chzburger restores 5 HP who's this guy whoa should have never smoked that bro now look at him he got the craziest cut of all time too they did that man dirty I'm obligated to tell you to evacuate but I don't get paid enough to do that join battle let me help out my teammate get him out of here no don't hit me all right this looks a little suspicious let's go in here checkpoint sick shelety no jeez red you really knocked him on his knocked him flat on his back you think he's going to be out for good this time H I have no idea but nobody can St nobody can stop us we're Inseparable a thanks red waha I'm going to beat the living hell out of these children yo Chum who do you think you are you're just in time cuz we're red and blue and we will crush you you know at least they kind of rhyme to be honest with you I got to give him that they did they did have a pretty good all right going to the Focus blue you idiot boom bam Focus blue buddy there we go that's a little bit better watch this hit him with the ball he's going to be down this time easy Bro Look at that a a is someone there I don't feel so good okay okay Mr Stark I don't feel so good bro thank he Spider-Man they took Builder man he's been kidnapped they want to find the sword fight on the height swords no take this wooden sword use it to break the planks go after them please his F his fate rests in your hands please find him yeah we got a wooden sword all right now that we got a sword allow [Music] me oh God I should have attacked first great oh there's two of them all right don't worry teammate I got this bye bye what he popped the ball oh god well you know what's going on then it's time it's time to sword them to die got him nice dude we're so goated dude me and this guy we are actually so goated our next big step that we should probably have is Yo hold on secret secret secret yeah bomb does three damage to All Enemies oh let's go that's what I'm telling you it pays to be thorough in RPG games I'm telling you I'm the RPG goat tutorial Terry dude uh-oh did you really leave all this crap in my room take this stupid thing back already I get the power stab card a sword attack that uses more strength oh no I have no idea how cards work bro now press the card that you want they they cost build points oh is that like SP yeah it costs three SP plus two damage keep your crap out of my room dude dude tutorial Terry's tutorial Terry hates me man I didn't even do anything to him actually that's a lie I did I did do a lot of things to that man looks like our uh teammate is in battle ahead of us I'm coming buddy don't worry you know what Screwed I'll beat the living hell out of this child yeah there you go right me and my party M we're gaming dude this is great this is actually so much fun oh bucks yes sir there we go some easy money tell me it pays to be thorough oh another trampoline you know what this means another secret we got to go this way yeah I think we got to go this way what is that that looks like something cool oh that's a ninja oh there's a cow though move bow in the grass lovely thank you cow gravity coil yo that's sick and a chzburger uhoh here we go hold it right there nador so this is dummy who gave you trouble huh this is our first boss fight you thought you could defeat us yeah you're in for it now red and blue staying true sigh anyways look I'm taking you to pound town oh he's going to take me to pound town oh I'm going to bring him to pound down let's do this group fight baby first of all let's go ahead and let's just let's just beat the hell out of this out of this child I'll do the second guy get him out of here please tell me you land your shot oh he's going to sort him we only did one damage oh got it oh I I dodged on time all right watch this he ain't ready for me yeah I think it's time we use one of our special abilities boom uh-oh hit him teammate hit him twice no when my when my party member is in a try not to sell challenge wait no when I'm going to try not to sell challenge but my party member is level up hey red did I just kill him oh nope this isn't over we'll be back you'll see but I'm going to be honest with you I think this is a perfect showcase if you guys want to see a part two this video perhaps when I go ahead and beat the first boss let me know or not the first boss perhaps whenever I beat maybe the second boss or how the entire chapter let me know down in the comments but thank you guys so much uh do you have anything to say the viewers at home yeah goat goat absolute go thank you guys for watching I hope to see you guys in the next one enjoy the rest of you guys' day bye-bye
Channel: corny
Views: 336,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corny, corny roblox, cornycob, cornycob roblox, cornycob youtube, roblox, gaming, roblox funny moments, roblox corny
Id: jEBDihS1GrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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